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We Reach Your Customers T

he New Times Media Group was founded in 1986 and today reaches 150,000 readers on California’s Central Coast. Our two weekly newspapers, New Times and the Sun, are sought out each week by avid readers looking for in-depth news, extensive entertainment coverage, and outstanding cultural happenings throughout the region. Twice yearly, our colorful Menus guide helps readers discover and rediscover the Central Coast’s varied cuisine. Plus, our web sites let them check out everything each week online. New Times Media Group is locally owned and operated. We’re an integral part of the Central Coast, and we’re here to help you succeed. Two Great Markets

San Luis Obispo

colleges, and several business

County and

and trade schools.

university, two community

Northern Santa Barbara County are growing fast, and we’re growing with them. The region has a combined retail base of more

attracts tourists from around the world to beaches, wineries, and to worldrenowned Hearst Castle.

the best way to discover everything

Marital Status:

Married = 47% Single = 53% Age: 18-34 yrs = 46% 18-54 yrs = 84% 25-54 yrs = 58%

The Santa Maria Valley’s Weekly Newspaper Published and distributed throughout Northern Santa Barbara County and Southern San Luis Obispo County every Thursday


Attended College or College Graduate = 87%

20,000 Circulation

(Source: Reader survey 2003)

Weekly Advantage We’re free to readers, who pick us up

Audited for Accuracy Verified Audit, a nationally recognized

advertising investment.

Our papers are

buy brings you a weekly

designed for a long shelf

circulation of 60,000—

life. With our complete

the largest of any newspaper

events calendar, readers

on the Central Coast.

rely on them. Complete audit reports

refer to us repeatedly all

are available quarterly to all advertis-

that’s more than 150,000 readers. No other local media can deliver these markets in one cost-efficient ad buy.

Our Readers Are Your Customers Our newspapers are the most

audit bureau with This means our distribution numbers are always accurate and that you can

week long for the area’s most complete

ers. New Times and the Sun are avail-

entertainment and events coverage.

able at more than 1,000 locations.

We’re Good at Making You Look Good! Award-winning graphic design is included in our ad prices, and we

Central Coast because we publish

work extra hard to

newspapers as bright and intelligent as

make your ad look

our readers. They wouldn’t dream of

extra good.

The Restaurant Guide to the Central Coast Published and distributed throughout Northern Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County every April and October

more than 40 years experience.

sought-after publications on the

missing an issue. Both residents and

Your ad will stand out on the page, providing better response for your

A New Times / Sun combination

And they share us.

Our ads offer superb visibility.

Our circulation is audited by

because they want us.

With a pass-along rate of 2.5,

Published and distributed throughout San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County every Thursday

40,000 Circulation

on California’s Central Coast.

Cost Efficient Ad Buy

than $2.35 billion. the mild Mediterranean climate

It’s also home to a major

tourists know our newspapers are

San Luis Obispo County’s News and Entertainment Weekly

100,000 Circulation

Mission Statement Our purpose: to present news and issues of importance to our readers; to reflect honestly the unique spirit of the

San Luis Obispo County 505 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

region; and to be a complete, current,

Phone: 805-546-8208 FAX: 805-546-8641

and accurate guide to arts and enter-

Northern Santa Barbara County

tainment on the Central Coast, leading

3130 Skyway Drive, #603 Santa Maria, CA 93455

the community in a positive direction

Phone: 805-347-1968 FAX: 805-347-9889

consistent with its past.

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