A new pride... At this time every year, probably due to the fact that Phoenix kicks off the Pride season with our annual Phoenix Pride Festival and Parade, I ask myself what is pride and where does it come from? It is an easy answer when you think of having pride in your race, ethnicity, culture, or gender. All you have to do is point to the accomplishments of artists, inventors, scientist, adventurers, athletes and a lot of other people in that group to have or develop that sense of pride. But what about pride in one’s self? That is a lot harder. Many people confuse pride with accomplishment, which can make you feel pride. But what about the person who has lied, cheated, or done something equally as wrong to accomplish whatever it is they feel prideful about? What about the company who pollutes, takes advantage of people, or perhaps does something illegal? Do they feel pride and should they feel pride? The definition of pride I use comes from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary “A reasonable or
justifiable self-respect”. There is no doubt that as a community we have many reasons to be proud. Possibly losing yet another community center is not one of those. There are many people we could point our fingers at with regards to the predicament that One Voice Community Center finds itself in, but that accomplishes little. There will be time to hold those who caused the problems accountable -but right now we as a community must do what is necessary to ensure the survival of this much needed resource. I applaud those individuals who have stepped forward and said here is what I will do to help the center survive, and are following through on it. They deserve our respect. They are the individuals we as a community can point to with pride. Show your pride this season by doing what you can to keep One Voice Community Center alive and thriving.
P.O. Box 17674 • Phoenix, AZ 85011-7674 (602) 373-9490 • Editor
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Gina Read
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Issue At A Glance ‘N Touch News Magazine Issue #82, May 2011
SAAF’s biggest fundraiser involves Jell-O but what flavor?
Latinos Unidos Contra El Sida/ Latinos United Against AIDS
Statewide conference for LGBT boomers
Qtalk & ‘N Touch partner
p 6 - Send in the Jello!
Mayoral candidate Wes Gullett p 7 - Latinos fight AIDS
The big umbrella
Dr. Lindsey Pearson, NMD & LP Internal Medicine p 14 - Meet Wes Gullett
Arizona Derby Dames upcoming schedule
Man, Woman & Group of the year p 27 - Derby Dames Hit!
Ethics and spirituality
Billy Elliot & Irma Vep
p 40 - Dance Billy! Dance!
Stepping out? See what’s happening
Bike center offers woman and transgender hours
p 48 - Women & Bikes
LOCAL NEWS 24th Reno Gannon Memorial Jell-o Wrestling Extravaganza Largest SAAF fundraiser attracts participants from around Arizona By Luis Garcia Wrestling legend Ric Flair once said that to be the man you got to beat the Jello-O wrestler. Well that is not quite what he said, but on May 14 a group of individuals will lace up their boots and pull on their singlet (or put on their tights) to become champions of charity. The 24th Anniversary of the Reno Gannon Memorial Jell-O Wrestling Extravaganza and Benefit Auction presented by IBT’s is Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) longest running fundraising events. After several years at the Tucson Electric Park, the event will be changing sites and days. Jell-O Wrestling is moving to the much larger Kennedy Park in Tucson and is changing the day of the event from the traditional Sunday to Saturday.
According to Ethan Smith Cox, the new development director of SAAF, this move will “allow us to reach out to even more community members. We are also adding a special post-wrestling concert and are excited to reveal that Pandora Boxx
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from RuPaul’s Drag Race & RuPaul’s Drag U will be our headliner! Expect other changes and please go to our website to keep up on exciting new developments.” Money is raised by teams of wrestlers who raise funds to wrestle in a pit of Jell-O, often with extraordinary costumes and out of this world characters. Between wrestling matches the event hostesses run a live auction with a variety of unique items selected to please the crowd. This year’s hostesses include Tempest DuJour, Jasmine White, Diva, Janee Starr, Lucinda Holliday and Barbara Seville. Last year’s event raised over $50,000. In 1987, Reno Gannon, a bartender at Tucson bar Rumor Hazzit, returned from a vacation in Mexico with an exciting new idea for a fundraising event. The con-
cept? Jell-O Wrestling! Gannon was an energetic, funloving, intelligent man in his early 20s when he brought this idea to the community. Committed to doing something to help, he and the owners and management of Rumor Hazzit made the event a reality. At age 23, Reno died from AIDS. The year following his death, the event became a memorial to him. Reno’s legacy of hope and dedication to raising public awareness about HIV/AIDS continues through this wonderful event. In the past 9 years alone, Jell-O Wrestling has raised more than $260,000 for the programs and services of SAAF. Each year SAAF provides services to nearly 1,200 people and delivers targeted prevention outreach and education programs to over 20,000 people who are at risk for infection. This number includes men, women and children of all ethnic and social backgrounds. For more information about the programs and services of the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation or to schedule a tour of SAAF, please visit or call 520- 628-7223. Doors for the event open at 3 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. To purchase tickets, sign up as a wrestler or for more information, call 520-628-7223 or visit
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LOCAL NEWS Chicanos Por La Causa reaches out to community Provides exemplary support services to people with HIV By Gina Read
The L.U.C.E.S. (Latinos Unidos Contra El Sida/ Latinos United Against AIDS) program at Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) has provided HIV supportive services to hundreds of people living with HIV/AIDS. Despite the fact that most of their clients are males who have sex with males (MSM), Chicanos is not usually the name that comes to mind in the LGBT community when you think of HIV/ AIDS. But that will be changing if Gerardo L. Angulo, M.Ed., LSAT, DAPA, BCPC, CRS Clinical Supervisor for Centro De La FamiliaLUCES has his say. Chicanos Por La Causa, whose support services are for anyone with HIV/AIDS regardless of ethnicity, offers exemplary care under one roof. Established in 1999 through the Ryan White Care Act Title I and the Minority AIDS Initiative Act, CPLC’s L.U.C.E.S. program was designed to provide targeted outreach, outpatient mental health and substance abuse services, psychosocial support, and case management services that specifically addressed the cultural and linguistic needs of the Latino communities in Maricopa and Pinal Counties. As a peer driven prevention program, the main goals were to target, identify and provide HIV supportive services to any Latino who was newly diagnosed with HIV or not receiving Primary Medical Care. news / politics / business / opinion
L.U.C.E.S was made up to include key elements that were to ensure continuum of care. Mapping geographical areas within Maricopa and Pinal counties that were historically disenfranchised communities became very critical in the provision of outreach. A collaboration was established between other CBO’s and ASO’s. This collaboration was to eliminate any duplication of outreach, improve peer-to-peer outreach approaches, identify key stakeholders and gate keepers and address the cultural gaps in existing HIV/AIDS services. As outreach began to intensify so did the need for HIV testing. This need emerged as a result of providing street-based, community-based outreach. As people were identified as being high risk the opportunity to test was very limited. At that point in time, the only option for testing was to refer to Public Health Clinics. This especially became problematic in rural areas for reasons of identification. CPLC partnered with several entities such as Maricopa County Department of Public Health, and TERROS. Currently CPLC is collaborating with Ebony House to perform HIV counseling and testing every Wednesday as an effort to assist L.U.C.E.S to provide HIV testing for individuals with high risk and the ability to provide linkage into care rapidly. According to Angulo, who has worked in this area of health since an internship in 1995, case management is the center of services at CPLC. “The case management model we provide is family-based. This approach incorporates the client’s support system whether that is biological family, family of choice, friends, partner or whomever. We empower our clients by ensuring they have stability which is crucial to overall health.” Case management services are also used to make consumers aware of all available HIV/AIDS services. Referrals are provided depending on
the client’s immediate needs. Case management serves as a liaison between consumer and all Community Based Organizations/ AIDS Service Organizations, and assists the client in effectively navigating the system to avoid obstacles leading to falling out of care. Linkages include Primary Medical Care, medications, dental care, mental health services, substance abuse services, psychosocial support, nutritional therapy, home healthcare, medical transportation, food boxes, emergency financial services, legal services, housing, child care, hospice and respite care. Behavioral Health Services are crucial to people living with HIV/ AIDS particularly to those individuals newly diagnosed. Issues such as depression, anxiety, sexual identity, disclosure, and substance abuse need to be addressed in order
to effectively provide linkages and maintain continuum of care. According to Angulo, CPLC uses a peer driven support group to address these types of issues. “The support group adopted the Alcoholics Anonymous model in using ‘mentors’. The group includes Spanish speaking HIV positive individuals, men, women, transgender, gay, lesbian and straight individuals that mentor newly diagnosed individuals in providing guidance and support. Support may include peer-led psychosocial support. Services include individual and group counseling.” Substance abuse issues go handin-hand with anyone facing a life threatening illness. Counseling services at CPLC help consumers understand that their addiction to any substance can be controlled by continued on page 25 > | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 7
Statewide conference for LGBT boomers By Luis Garcia
The LGBT Boomers and Beyond Coalition is excited to present their first Statewide Conference “Learning and Caring Together” on April the Church of the Beatitudes in Phoenix. According to the Elizabeth Banta, executive director at Duet, this is an opportunity to connect individuals and couples of the aging LGBT community with resources and with
each other. “We are in full support of the conference,” said Banta. “We want to make sure we have a setting that is supportive and more sensitive when it comes to older adults in the LGBT community.” Duet, has provided services in the Valley to improve the quality of life to older individuals for over 30 years. They have partnered with the Area Agency on Aging, Region One and Partners in Health and Aging to form a committee of agencies and community leaders to determine needs of older individuals and see how their needs are be met. A legal seminar was held by the coalition in 2008 followed by a day-long conference in May of 2009. In September of 2009 the group began monthly meetings at 1 Voice Community Center. The LGBT Boomers and Beyond Coalition provides information about organizations and services that exist within the community. It
Duet is offering a new monthly LGBT Caregiver Support Group. Community awareness is important in order to reach older members of the LGBT community who might not otherwise feel empowered or connected to the resources and services available to them. Meetings are: Second Tuesday of each month, 4 -5 p.m. One Voice Community Center 725 W. Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85013 Call Donna at 602-274-5022 or visit The support group is free and open to the public.
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First Statewide LGBT Conference The LGBT Boomers and Beyond Coalition will sponsor its first Statewide Conference of LGBT Boomers and Beyond on April 30, 2011 at Church of the Beatitudes, 555 W. Glendale Ave. This conference will bring resources, education, and advocacy to the aging LGBT community here in Phoenix and the surrounding communities of Flagstaff, Prescott, and Tucson. also provides individuals with news, opportunities, and information on business that partner with the LGBT community. The conference will focus on services for individuals between 40-80 years old, many of which will travel from all over the Valley including the neighboring communities of Prescott and Tucson. “This is a chance for our communities to come together and share combined knowledge and resources so that we may provide the aging
LGBT population with a greater understanding of the services and programs that can aid them as they move forward,” said Sandy Leander, communication director for Duet. Conference topics will include; Housing, Advocacy, Legal, Nutrition and Self Care, Care Giving, Intergenerational and Transgender issues. There will be a reception the night before the conference, on April 29, from 6-9 p.m. at Casa de Cristo Evangelical Church in Phoenix.
Betty at Alice Cooperstown Missing Puzzle Piece presents Encore with Betty, May 7 at 8 p.m. at Alice Cooperstown. Missing Puzzle Piece’s mission is to support women who are battling cancer. Their goal is to help cancer patients who need assistance with medical bills and daily living expenses due to their illness. This is a cancer awareness event that will help women who are bat-
tling cancer. Tickets are $20 at the door or can be bought online at Alice Cooperstown is located at 101 E. Jackson in Phoenix.
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Lights, Costumes, Music!
CCH fundraiser gets bigger and better every year By Luis Garcia
Lights, Costumes, Music! Oh my! The summer approaching can only mean one thing for the parishioners at the Community Church of Hope in Phoenix, Rev. Patrick’s annual fundraising concert. “Lights, Costumes, Music!” will have a more special meaning this year as the church will celebrate recent renovations. According to Rev. Patrick Stout, there was an anonymous donation to the church of three thousand dollars that helped pay for a new paved
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parking lot, landscaping, and chairs. In addition, a $15,000 grand piano was donated. “We have struggled with offerings and weekly donations,” said Stout. “Then this appears on our doorstep. It has been an exciting time for all of us at CCH. The donations have made us come together.” Stout told ‘N Touch that individuals who attend services at the church have volunteered their time to help with the new changes which included painting the interior and exterior of the building. The renovations come just in time for the church’s annual concert fundraiser. “Lights, Costumes, Music!” will include comedy, heart touching moments, and outlandish costumes, according to Stout. On its seventh year the annual fundraiser is scheduled to take place on May 7 at the Community Church of Hope, 4121 North 7th Avenue in Phoenix.
The church can only accommodate 180 people so Stout urges those interested in attending to buy their tickets early because it sells out quickly. “It will be a great evening with fun events,” said Stout. “The stage will be set up to match each performance. There will also be a silent auction and raffles.” The Community Church of Hope “is not your mother’s church, but she sure is welcome. Stout is a graduate of Cincinnati Bible Seminary and holds a Bachelor of Science (Music) Degree. The CCH pastor has been in the ministry for 30 years and came to Phoenix in 1992. In addition to his ministry in Phoenix, Pastor Stout has also ministered in churches in Cincinnati and Albuquerque. Stout was the pastor of Gentle Shepherd MCC in Phoenix for 3 1/2 years and is the founding pastor of CCH in 1996.
In essence, Stout is the spiritual director and vision keeper of the church in keeping it going in the right direction according to its mission. “We have really come a long way in our ability to serve our community,” said CCH Chaplin Rev. Charley Coppinger. “The new environment gives us a sense of professionalism as we reach out to out community. We invite everyone to join us and partake not only in our new renovations but the upcoming concert. Patrick’s concert gets bigger and better each year.” Lights, Costumes, Music! (music and fun with Patrick Stout)
7pm, May 7, 2011, $20 Community Church of Hope
4121 North 7th Avenue, Phx For more visit or call 602-234-2180. | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 9
LOCAL NEWS Move over Beth & Friends
QTalk Arizona debuts new show By Luis Garcia
Move over Beth and Friends, it’s the Joe and Babe show. Well, that is not quite the name given to the new podcast show hosted by longtime 1n10 volunteer D. Babe Caylor and QTalk Arizona host Joe Dugandzic but the new hosts can’t wait to get behind the microphone. According to Dugandzic, the show which is now in partnership with ‘N Touch News Magazine, will focus on the local happenings around the Valley with a slight twist. “We are not only going to talk about what is going on in the community, but we are going to interview those people in the community who make things happen,” said Dugandzic. “I want to know their personal stories and find out how they got where they are.” Dugandzic told ‘N Touch News that there will be two primary components of the show. The first part will focus on weekly “out and about” events in the Phoenix metro area and the second part will spotlight community leaders and LGBT allies. “It won’t be your typical gay radio show,” says Dugandzic. “It will be an extension of ‘N Touch News Magazine while adding our own ‘flavor’ to it. We are going to help enhance the magazine by providing news and interviews that can not be told in a one page article.”
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Dugandzic has been podcasting QTalk Arizona since June of last year. He has been in the tech and digital media industries for many years and has been a producer on various audio and video productions but always had a little dream of ‘being a talk show host’. Dugandzic’s an active member of the local LGBT community and is glad to add his voice to the media ‘chorus’ of Arizona. “I am very excited about this venture with Joe and ‘N Touch,” said Caylor. “We hope to make this fun, entertaining, informative and just enough of an educational component of your community and the diverse folks that you will want to tune in. Caylor is a founding member of 1n10 and actually met Dugandzic when he was a youth attending the program. Caylor grew up in the midst of the civil rights/ women’s rights/reproductive and the GLBTQ movements. Growing up a Black woman and Southern, she has made a personal goal to become a passionate messenger when it comes to addressing human rights and diversity issues. “I seek to inspire myself and others to embrace our own personal power and to make a difference in this mean old world. My life is to love, educate and empower.”
continued on page 25 >
Udall Scholars advance tribal healthcare, environment Three ASU stuof Louisville Schools dents whose goals of Medicine and reflect those of a Dentistry. beloved former AriJackson, a sophozona congressman more in public serhave won 2011 Udall vice and public policy Scholarships. Safrom Glendale, has a mantha Aguirre and long history of workTrudie Jackson are ing as an advocate aiming for careers for Native American in tribal health care, health care on HIV Trudie Jackson while John Kondziand AIDS issues. olka is focused on environmental Also a Navajo, she wants to return engineering. to the reservation to set up a nonThey are among only 80 students profit organization that provides nationally to win the $5,000 awards HIV/AIDS education. named for Morris K. Udall, who Having started as a peer health championed Native American and educator on HIV/AIDS for urban environmental issues. The scholar- Native Americans in 2003, Jackson ships are awarded to sophomores was chair of the Arizona American and juniors who plan careers in Indian HIV/AIDS task force for environmental public policy, tribal four years. She also was selected to policy and health care. In the past do research for the Institute of HIV 15 years, 28 ASU students have Prevention Leadership for nine won Udalls. months, and was only the second Aguirre, a biomedical engineer- Native American to graduate from ing sophomore from Ahwatukee, the institute in its 10-year history. wants to earn a dentistry degree Kondziolka, a junior majoring and work for the Phoenix Indian in environmental engineering from Medical Center. A member of the Mesa, wants to help develop susNavajo Nation, she is a leader in tainable water systems, becoming a ASU’s American Indian Sciences leader in new technologies for waand Engineering Society. ter purification. He is active in the She says there are only 10 full- ASU chapter of Engineers Without time and two part-time dentists Borders, and has worked on refurcurrently working for the Indian bishing a water system in a small Health Services in Phoenix, respon- village in Ecuador. sible for providing care to about For the multi-year project in 75,000 Native Americans. Aguirre Ecuador he was project education will advocate for improvement. She leader, mobilizing the community already has attended an intensive to elect a water board and educating continued on page 25 > summer program at the University | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 11
Multicultural community partners host Phoenix Mayoral Candidate Forum PHOENIX – A highly diverse group of community partners is collaborating to provide Valley residents with an opportunity to have their questions answered by Phoenix Mayoral candidates at A Multicultural Conversation with the Candidates for Mayor. The event will take place in Bulpitt Auditorium at Phoenix College, 1202 W. Thomas Rd., from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2011. “Phoenix is a diverse and colorful city,” said Angela Hughey, president of ONE Community. “A Multicultural Conversation with the Candidates allows each of our unique communities the opportunity to engage in dialogue and understand issues that affect us all.” Candidates who have confirmed their participation in the forum are Thane Eichenauer, Wes Gullet, Claude Mattox, and Greg Stanton. “Throughout Phoenix College’s history we have been strongly committed to fostering civic engagement among our diverse body of students, and this event makes it possible to get the entire community involved,” said Dr. Anna Solley, president of Phoenix College. “The opportunity to engage with the candidates in such an accessible setting will play a key role in allowing voters to make an intelligent, informed decision.” The event’s format will begin with introductory statements from each candidate followed by submitted questions from the audience. Community members may submit their questions for the candidates prior to the event by Dr. Albert Celoza, chair of the college’s Liberal Arts Department, will serve as the forum moderator. A distinguished professor of political science and advisor of the Phoenix College Model United Nations, Celoza encourages his students to take an interest in politics. The students will host the April 19 event, and are preparing by getting word out to the community and researching current issues in order to contribute to the discussion topics brought before the candidates. Maricopa Community Colleges Television (MCTV) will tape the forum and re-broadcast
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it in May. Registration is required for the free community event. To register, visit A Multicultural Conversation with the Candidates for Mayor is presented by Phoenix College, ONE Community, and the Maricopa Community Colleges. Event partners include Arizona Latino Research Enterprise, Arizona Progress, Arizona Small Business Association, Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Arizona Informant, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc., Echo Magazine, Greater Phoenix Black Chamber of Commerce, Greater Phoenix Urban League, Human Rights Campaign, Latino Perspectives Magazine, Local First Arizona, ‘N Touch News Magazine, National Association of Asian American Professionals, National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Native American Connections, National Black MBA Association, Inc. Phoenix Chapter, Univision, and Valle del Sol.
develop the knowledge and skills needed to confront anti-LGBT bullying and harassment. Topics include addressing anti-LGBT bullying, creating a more inclusive environment, LGBT terminology, and action planning to make your school or agency a safe space for all people. If you or someone you know would be interested in learning more, contact Jimmie Munoz, Education Coordinator: Jimmie@glsenphoenix. org GLSEN workshops may include Sources of Strength empowerment training.
Coronation VI A Night in Paris Under a Cobalt Sky
Teachers’ Lounge PHOENIX - Teachers’ Lounge is a professional development opportunity for K-12 teachers seeking strategies that improve safety and inclusion in their teaching practice. Teachers’ Lounge also provides an opportunity for teachers and staff from K-12 schools to come together to network and discuss topics related to the LGBT community. Teachers’ Lounge meets at the One Voice Community Center at 5PM. Dates for this Spring are: April 27 and May 25. 1 Voice is located at 725 West Indian School Road, Ste. #125. For more information about Teachers’ Lounge, email
Safe Space Professional Development Workshops PHOENIX - GLSEN is currently scheduling Safe Space Professional Development Workshops for k-12 educators and service providers that work with youth and their families. Their interactive Safe Space Workshops help
PHOENIX - The Imperial Court of Arizona will hold Coronation VI - A Night in Paris Under a Cobalt Sky, May 5- 8. In Town Honors will take place May 4 from 6:30- 9 p.m. at My Mother’s Restaurant, 4130 N 19th Ave. $20 in advance, $25 at door. All Dinners come with Salad Bar and one drink (Beer, Wine and Soda do get refills. Come out and join the Court for an evening celebrating Line Titles and Court members who made this year possible. The PR Ball will take place at Kobalt, 3110 N Central Ave Ste 125, May 5 from 8-11 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Come out and celebrate with the Prince Royal and have loads of fun - Trivia, Jello Shots, 50/50 Raffle and food. Looking for all out of town PR’s to perform. May 6 it’s the out of town show beginning at 6 p.m. at the host hotel (The Crown Plaza Airport) followed by the green bus tour of local bars/night clubs. Save the environment and still get you groove on as we host the 2nd annual Green Bus Tour at the host hotel. Stay put and drink away without having to worry about the bus leaving you behind. $25 for Out of Town Show / Bus Tour / Green Bus Tour May 7, Coronation VI takes place in the Crown Plaza main ballroom. Doors open at 6p.m. with Coronation starting at 7p.m. Please no bare butts, breasts, open flames, live animals, etc. Protocol: One Title, One Walk. Tickets $40. Then the Arizona Men of Leather host a hos-
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LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS pitality suite starting 30 minutes after Coronation until 2 a.m. Don’t Forget to bring your Mother’s to the Victory Brunch Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and celebrate Mother’s Day. Tickets $20. For more visit
the music of the era reflected that. From “Aquarius” to “Turn, Turn, Turn” the music of the 60s expressed the voices of diversity and many cultures around the world. Come hear Desert Voices bring back to life the Age of Aqarius! Saturday, April 30, 7:30 p.m. or Sunday, May 1, 3 p.m. Both shows at the West Campus of Pima Community College Tickets are $15 each or two for $25. You can order online at events or call 520-791-9662.
red carpet, and have your picture taken as you enter the grand ballroom and take in our fabulous live and silent auction items. Advance tickets for the event are $65 each or two for $120, and can be purchased online. For more information, visit or call 520-299-6647. There is also a raffle, with a grand prize of $1,000 cash Tickets are only $5. Treasures for TIHAN will be held at the Doubletree Hotel Tucson at Reid Park 445 South Alvernon Way from 6-9p.m.
Reveille Mens Chorus Spring Concert Treasures for TIHAN
Aquarius: The 60s, Desert Voices Spring Concert TUCSON - After the enforced conformity of the fifties, something had to give. People refused to live secretive, closeted lives anymore, and
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TUCSON - “Treasures for TIHAN,” the signature fundraising benefit for the programs and services of TIHAN, celebrates its 14th anniversary with a spectacular event April 30 at the Double Tree Hotel. Join event co-chairs Kim and Alicia Talerico for a sparkling evening of cocktails, great music, fantastic food, and wonderful auction items. “Hollywood Nights” is the theme for our 2011 Treasures for TIHAN. Be a star and dress to impress the paparazzi! Arrive in style, walk on the
TUCSON - “From Out of the West We Come”, a BBQ flavored concert with all the fixins, May 21 from 8-10 p.m. at Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave. Reveille takes on western Americana and makes it our own. Load up the wagons and get ready to travel down the ol’ Chisom trail for a Reveille style hoedown! Tickets are $40 at the door, $15 for seniors and advance sales, $10 for students with I.D. Tickets can be purchased online at, by calling the Reveille line at 520-304-1758, at Antigone Books or from any Reveille member. | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 13
One-on-one with candidate Wes Gullett By Luis Garcia vested in Light Rail, ASU Downtown, the Phoenix Convention Center and Sky Harbor Airport. We must reduce the regulatory burden on small business and cut the cost of fees that we charge to start businesses and expand existing businesses. The City of Phoenix must make buying local a priority and not just an afterthought.
Throughout his career in public service and in business, Wes Gullett has always challenged himself and those around him to do better, to reach higher and to envision a better future. Gullett feels we do not have to settle for politics as usual and that is why he is running for Mayor of Phoenix. Is running for mayor something you have been thinking about for some time? I have been thinking about running for a little over a year. I began seriously considering a run in November of 2010. I decided to run because I am sick and tired of politics as usual and I know that if we challenge the status quo we can make Phoenix the greatest city in America. What are your qualifications to run the city of Phoenix? I have been involved in public service for nearly 30 years. I served as State Director for a United States Senator and Chief of Staff to an Arizona Governor. I served on the Phoenix Planning and Zoning Commission for 4 years and as Chairman of that organization for a year. I have started successful small businesses and now am a strategic
planner for large organizations and public policy projects. I think that my experience has prepared me to be a great Mayor of Phoenix. What are your plans to better the economy? I have a ten point economic plan that starts with creating a strategic plan for growing the economy and creating jobs. We need a variety of vibrancy in our economy. We must take advantage of the billions of dollars of infrastructure that we have in-
What other priorities if you take office? As Mayor, my top priority will be growing the economy and creating jobs. Second, we must have a safe city. We need to have a strong police department that has the resources it requires to get the job done and have leadership that is respected by the rank and file officers and shares the confidence of the community. Third, we need to strengthen and protect our neighborhoods. We need to work with our neighborhoods and not just rollover them in the name of progress. Fourth, we must reduce the cost of government by employing new efficiencies, using technology effectively, and by lowering labor costs by working in partnership with our employees. By reducing the cost of government we will have the ability to provide the critical services that make Phoenix a great city. What are some of your experiences with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community? I believe that every person in Phoenix should be treated with respect and be afforded equal rights under law. In my time in public service and in my private life I have always worked to be fair and inclusive. I believe in working together, celebrating diversity and partnering with the entire community to accomplish our shared objectives. I will continue the practice of inclusion as Mayor of Phoenix. For more information on Wes Gullett, upcoming events, and volunteer information or to find out more in the issues visit or call 602-363-7341.
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The big umbrella By Michael Weakley, Director of Programs, 1n10, Inc.
he concept of the big umbrella is that you are welcome as you are in our space. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender, sex, color, documentation status, HIV status, relationship status (some are single, some are monogamous and some have a quadruple relationship, I am not here to judge), the LGBTQ community shines in a concept that we accept you as you are. Now where our rainbow starts to fade is when you mix in, addiction status, homeless status, financial status, documentation status, popularity status and depression status. It is easy to love and appreciate all of our tribe when we are glowing at Pride or shining at AIDS Walk. Where the breakdown in the beauty starts is when we face those issues within our community that are not as easy to handle and require a depth of conversation, action and follow through. In other words, more than participation in an isolated event. During the last year I have been flooded with calls, emails and letters from people in the community, hidden in a closet, or a few letters from prisoners asking how they can help but more than often suggesting how they can help. Why? Because our community is feeling anguish and fear as many of our young people are taking their lives. There has become a public outcry regarding bullying and suicide within our community. For those of us that work with youth daily, this is NOT a new phenomenon, simply the media has taken hold of it and is getting the word out. I am not criticizing anyone for having this topic come to light, it needed to and these stories needed to be told. But what do YOU do about it now? How do YOU make a difference and help those that are struggling and are in need? I have heard on more than one occasion that lifw for LGBTQ youth is so much better than it was 10, 15, 30 news / politics / business / opinion
years ago and for this I must offer an argument. The coming out process is the same now as it was years ago, you must first come out to yourself, to your parents, to your church, to your school, to your job etc. and the reactions are quite similar from those heard 30 years ago. “You’re going to hell”,“You will never be happy”, “it’s just a phase”, “You will die of AIDS”, and the same negative behaviors from parents and community still reflect a sentiment if you,“Just sleep with a woman once” or “Stop acting like a boy”, as if this will miraculously cure you. The basics of coming out are still the same and we must acknowledge that the issues our youth face are valid. But you know what, it does get better. There are places like us at 1n10, GLSEN, Trevor Project, the QLine and so many amazing and confirming LGBTQ churches, organizations and social opportunities that are opening their arms wide to our community. There are the hero’s at PFLAG that make such an amazing impact on our community and help spread the message of acceptance throughout the Valley. We have an amazing community, but it is up to YOU to get more involved. Once you get involved and active; you get activated! I challenge each of you to find the time to donate your strengths to a local organization, I can say that we would all love to have you! 1N10: Fun, safe, & free programs for LGBT Youth & Allies ages 1424. A place where LGBTQ & Allied youth can be themselves, be empowered, and build community. So come and meet friends, hang out, get support & resources. Just show up or call/TXT 602-754-1175. For information on 1n10 and their services, go to, or facebook. com/ ‘N Touch is happy to donate this space to 1n10, an organization that helps countless young people, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and straight.
Business is BOOMING! ily a D Cash
602-266-8747 2225 W. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201
Age 23 & older / Clean MVR / Drug Test Required / Fed. Background Check | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 15
Judge: Gay rights group can canvass outside Target SAN DIEGO (A) - A judge ruled April 7 that a San Diego pro-gay marriage group can continue canvassing outside of Target stores in California, but the group’s volunteers must stay 30 feet away from store entrances and canvass at just one entrance at a time. The Minnesota-based retail giant had sought an injunction barring the activists from every outlet in the state, alleging they harass customers by cornering them near store entrances to discuss gay marriage, solicit donations and collect signatures on petitions. Rights advocates have warned that the legal battle between Target and Canvass For A Cause could further damage the retailer’s already strained relations with the gay and lesbian community. Canvass For A Cause director Tres Watson called the ruling a win for not only his organization, but also for free speech. “I think this is a victory for every American that
cherishes our fundamental values,” he said. Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Barton said some Target stores may fall under California’s law that considers shopping centers to be public forums. Also, canvassing over the last year occurred mainly without incident and Target failed to demonstrate that customers were being harassed, he said. “Target has not met its burden to show that its
Ark. court strikes down law barring gay adoptions
LITTLE ROCK (AP) - The Arkansas Supreme Court on April 7 rejected a voter-approved initiative that barred gay couples and other unmarried people living together from serving as adoptive or foster parents. Associate Justice Robert L. Brown wrote for the court that the law would encroach on adults’ right to privacy in the bedroom. “Act 1 directly and substantially burdens the privacy rights of `opposite-sex and same-sex individuals’ who engage in private, consensual sexual conduct in the bedroom by foreclosing their eligibility to foster or adopt children,” Brown wrote. The law, which was never enforced, would have effectively banned gay and lesbian couples from adopting or fostering children because they can’t legally marry in Arkansas. It also would have been extended to unmarried heterosexual couples who 16 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
live together. Voters approved the measure in 2008 after the state Supreme Court overturned a Human Services Department policy preventing gay men and lesbians from serving as foster parents in 2006. The American Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of a group of families, arguing that the law arbitrarily bans qualified families from consideration when the state has too few foster and adoptive families. It said it knew of 29 people from a dozen families who claimed the law would have an impact on them. Some of the law’s opponents were worried that they would not be able to let a gay relative adopt their children if they should die. A state judge had struck down the law last April because he said it forced unmarried couples to choose between their relationships and becoming adoptive parents. The attorney general later asked the Supreme Court to reverse that decision, arguing that fostering or adopting a child is not a constitutionally protected right. When the lawsuit was filed in late 2008, Arkansas and Utah were the only states with bans on unmarried couples fostering or adopting children. Mississippi banned gay couples, but not single gay men, from adopting children. Florida was the only state to completely bar gay adoption until a federal judge ruled the ban unconstitutional in December 2008.
blanket policy to ban all solicitors at all stores in California is proper,” he wrote. The corporation has said at least eight Target stores in the San Diego area have received more than a dozen complaints daily since canvassers started working the locations in October 2010. The activists have refused to leave when asked politely and shown the company’s policy prohibiting “expressive activity” on its property, Target said. During a court hearing last month in San Diego, Barton asked Target’s Los Angeles-based attorney David McDowell why the company didn’t present testimony from customers who the company said had complained. McDowell said the testimony could have been obtained, but he didn’t think it was necessary since the complaints weren’t the central issue. The case was about Target’s right to enforce its rules on its land, he said. “The question is Target’s property right and its right to exclude,” McDowell said. Target Corp. said in a statement Thursday that the legal action was “to provide a distraction-free shopping environment for our guests.” “Target’s long-standing policy is that we do not permit solicitation or petitioning at our stores regardless of the cause or issue being represented,” the company said. Barton warned the San Diego group to be respectful and to not block the flow of traffic. The restriction to canvass at just one entrance at a time was to ensure that customer access wasn’t impeded, he said in the ruling. Watson said the constraints wouldn’t affect the group’s work because volunteers don’t follow people into stores or block store entrances. Target was seen as an ally of the gay and lesbian community before it made a $150,000 donation to a business group backing Minnesota Republican candidate Tom Emmer, an opponent of gay marriage who lost last year’s governor’s race to Democrat Mark Dayton. The company later apologized for the hurt feelings and tried to repair its image by creating a committee to help scrutinize its decisions on donations. Target also negotiated a deal with Lady Gaga to sell a special edition of her upcoming album in a partnership Gaga said was tied to their “reform” – supporting the gay community and making up for past mistakes. The singer canceled the deal a few weeks ago.
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Campaign provides tools to promote tolerance SEATTLE – TAP America, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening America and its citizens, is running a campaign to promote tolerance in America through education. now contains resources to give people the tools necessary to learn about different cultures, races and ways of life through meeting new people, reading books and watching evocative movies. As part of their pledge, TAP America encourages people to practice an act of tolerance each week and this comes at a time when this is much needed within America. According to the 2009 annual Department of Justice report on Hate Crime, 48.4% of hate crimes were motivated by racial bias, followed by religious bias (19.7%) and sexual orientation bias (18.5%). Approximately 71.3% of racial bias was anti-black, while 17% were anti-white and about 71.4% of religious bias was anti-Jewish. Also, 55.7% of all sexual orientation bias were directed against homosexual males. “These figures are indeed startling but we also must remember that these numbers are underrepresentative of hate crimes in America because
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only one-third of victims report hate crimes to the authorities,” said Richard L. Tso, Executive Director of TAP America. “While it takes courage to stand-up and admit you were a victim, our main mission with this tolerance campaign is to prevent these violent acts from occurring in the first place by educating people about our differences and highlighting what unites us as a collective.” The United Nations defines tolerance as the following: Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures,
our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace. As part of this tolerance campaign, TAP America has begun to solicit feedback and support from national organizations like The Trevor Project and Campus Tolerance. The TAP America website features famous quotes about tolerance from celebrities like Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Michael Franti, Dave Matthews, Alex Rodriguez and others. If you would like to participate in this campaign, please send your quotes, videos and ideas to “As a nation, we have become divided and this distracts us from other issues both foreign and domestic,” said Mark Bloome, Founder of TAP America. For more information about TAP America, visit | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 17
India state bans book hinting Gandhi had gay lover
MUMBAI, India (AP) - A state in western India banned Pulitzer-Prize winner Joseph Lelyveld’s new book about Mahatma Gandhi April 7 after reviews saying it hints that the father of India’s independence had a homosexual relationship. The author says his work is being misinterpreted. More bans have been proposed in India, where homosexuality was illegal until 2009 and still carries social stigma. Gujarat’s state assembly voted unanimously Wednesday to immediately ban “Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India.” The furor was sparked by local media reports, based on early reviews out of the U.S. and U.K., some
Gay couple one of first to be legally partnered in Ireland
of which emphasized passages in the book suggesting Gandhi had an intimate relationship with a German man named Hermann Kallenbach. “Great Soul” has not yet been released in India, so few here have actually read Lelyveld’s writings. “The book does not say that Gandhi was bisexual or homosexual,” Lelyveld wrote in an email. “It says that he was celibate and deeply attached to Kallenbach. This is not news.” He noted that his book – which is said is about Gandhi’s struggle for social justice and the evolution of his social values – is available both in the U.S. and as an e-book download. “It should not be hard for anyone to determine what it actually says,” Lelyveld wrote. ” It’s a pious hope, but I’d say someone might take the trouble to look at it before it’s banned.” Several reviews of “Great Soul” detailed its sections on Gandhi’s relationship with Kallenbach. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Andrew Roberts said that the only portrait on the mantelpiece opposite Gandhi’s bed was of Kallenbach. “How completely you have taken possession of my body,” reads one widely quoted letter from Gandhi to Kallenbach. “This is slavery with a vengeance.” Britain’s Daily Mail ran an article
under the blaring headline: “Gandhi ‘left his wife to live with a male lover’ new book claims.” The Mumbai Mirror on Tuesday ran a front page story under the headline “Book claims German man was Gandhi’s secret love,” which quoted the same passages as Roberts. Sudhir Kakar, a psychoanalyst who has written about Gandhi’s sexuality and reviewed some of his correspondence with Kallenbach, said he does not believe the two men were lovers. “It is quite a wrong interpretation,” he said. Gandhi’s great goals were nonviolence, celibacy and truth, he said. “The Hindu idea is that sexuality has this elemental energy which gets dissipated,” Kakar said. “If it can be sublimated and contained it can give you spiritual power. Gandhi felt his political power really came from his celibacy, from his spiritual power.” He said Gandhi often filled his letters, including those to female associates, with strong love language, but that did not lead to physical intimacy. “Nothing happened,” he said. “He is telling his feelings, but they are platonic. They are not put into action. That would have been terrible for him.”
Politicians in the state of Maharashtra, home to India’s financial capital Mumbai, have also called for a ban on the book and, along with Gujarat’s chief minister Narendra Modi, have asked the central government to bar publication nationwide. Modi said Lelyveld should apologize publicly for “hurting the sentiments of millions of people.” “It has become a fashion to tarnish the image of great Indian leaders for self publicity and sale of books,” said Sanjay Dutt, spokesman for the ruling Congress Party in Maharashtra. “The government should invoke a law to severely punish anyone who tarnishes the image of the father of the nation.” Ranjit Hoskote, a writer and general secretary of PEN India, which fights for free expression, condemned the ban and said local media had misconstrued both Lelyveld’s intentions and the nature of Gandhi’s relationship with Kallenbach. “You can’t cite a worse example of third hand reportage and comment,” he said. “How can you ban a book you haven’t read?” He said Gandhi’s correspondence with Kallenbach has been available in library archives for decades. “There’s no secret. There is no scandal,” he said.
must ordinarily give to the General Registrar Office. “We feel a certain amount of responsibility . . . that this is a big step which Ireland is taking and that we’re going to be a part of that,” Dignam told the Irish Times. Civil partnerships have some, but not all, of the rights of marriage and are available both to straight and gay unmarried couples. Irish authorities say 267 couples have given notice so far that they will be becoming civil partners.
behavior with up to a year in prison – is constitutional. Homosexuality itself is “not illegal” under the civil legal code, according to the AFP. The court said, in a statement: “The legal code cannot be seen as discrimination against gays because such behaviour, if left unchecked, might result in subordinates being harassed by superiors in military barracks.”
held up to 12 hours. Said the Herald Sun: “Police said “pornographic” shows were taking place when they arrived at the Q Bar in the early hours of April 4, the Shanghai Daily reported. “Police gave no details about the shows that were allegedly being staged at the bar, which is a block away from the police station, the newspaper said. “However, the report cited migrant workers who live in a makeshift shelter on the roof of the building where the bar is situated that they ‘often saw naked men on the roof, drinking beer, chatting loudly, and even having sex.’” Homosexuality was a crime in China until 1997, and it was officially considered a mental illness until 2001.
DUBLIN - Barry Dignam and
Hugh Walsh, a couple for 17 years, are one of the first to become “civil partners” under the new Irish law that went into effect Jan. 1. They were the first couple to marry who had not sought an exemption to the three-month notice a couple news / politics / business / opinion
South Korea court upholds gay military ban SEOUL - A South Korea court ruled 5-4 that the country’s military ban – which punishes homosexual
China raids popular gay bar SHANGHAI - A popular gay bar in Shanghai was raided over the weekend, reports the Shaghai Daily. More than 60 people were taken into custody. Some staff and customers were | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 19
Rainbow Cactus 2nd Anniversary @ Rainbow Cactus, Phoenix
2011 Mr. & Miss Phoenix Gay Pride Pageant @ Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix
th 24 Anniversary
Title Sponsor
Reno Gannon Memorial
Benefit Auction and Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Concert After Jell-O Performance by
Kennedy Fiesta Park
Photo by Kevin
Thomas Garcia
Pandora Box x of RuPaul’s Dra g Race and RuPaul’s Drag U!
Tickets: $20/Advance • $25/Door Pre-Party at 3:00pm • Wrestling at 4:00pm
Tickets/Info: • 520-628-7223 Jell-O Photography by Creatista
A l l
p r o c e e d s
b e n e f i t
t h e
S o u t h e r n
A r i z o n a
F o u n d a t i o n
Eclipse of the Moon Party @ Pulse Bar, Tucson
C.A.R.E. March for Equality @ Peart Park, Casa Grande
Gay Chambers
LP Internal Medicine Providing comprehensive healthcare By J. Ursone
Phoenix Gay Chamber
Lunch Networking
May 6 from 11a.m.-1 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix, 122 North Second Street. You must RSVP by emailing
Dinner Event
May 9 from 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm at TBD. Go to for updates. RSVP to
Board of Directors Meeting The GPGLCC Board of Directors meets every month on the second Wednesday at 8 a.m. Members are welcome to attend the meeting. If you wish to address the board, you must do so in writing by emailing Tony Felice at and by calling in advance 602-237-5572.
Tucson Gay Chamber
Breakfast Meeting
Breakfast Meetings will be held the third Thursday of the month at the The Manning House, Lavender Ballroom, 450 W Paseo Redondo # 212 in Tucson. Go to for more info and to rsvp.
24 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
LP Internal Medicine provides integrative internal medicine for adolescents and adults under the care of Dr. Lindsey Pearson, NMD. Dr. Pearson is a licensed physician practicing integrative internal medicine providing comprehensive healthcare. Integrative medicine allows Dr. Pearson to combine conventional medicine with integrative therapies to provide patients with comprehensive care. “We found in Tucson there is a shortage of quality primary care doctors. Our aim is to provide quality primary care, as well as in-depth specialty care, at an affordable price,” says Pearson. Dr. Pearson provides general care for acute conditions such as ear infections, yearly physicals and blood work, sinus infections, colds, flu, and minor injuries as well as specializing in several other areas. A licensed naturopathic medical doctor, Dr. Pearson is a top physician in the Tucson area and experienced in the areas of gastroenterology and endocrinology. He is a leader in the diagnosis and management of celiac disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, food allergies and sensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease, adrenal hypofunction, and male and female hormone imbalances. Dr. Pearson currently chairs the Medical Advisory Board of the Southern Arizona Celiac Support Group, a local chapter of the Celiac Sprue Association. He was the first Naturopathic Medical Doctor in the U.S. to be appointed to a Medical Advisory Board of a local chapter of the Celiac Sprue Association. Experienced in primary care medicine, as well as using cutting edge diagnostics, Dr. Pearson routinely utilizes laboratory diagnostics, imaging such as CT and MRI, and coordinates care with other leading specialists in the Tucson area to ensure patients get the best care possible. It is Dr. Pearson’s philosophy that “a physician must first properly diagnose before he can properly treat a patient.” Many patients comment that Dr. Pearson provided a work up above and beyond any work up they received at other clinics and hospitals. He strongly believes in screening and educating patients regularly, taking a proactive approach to patients’ healthcare. Patients find they usually have more than one treatment option to choose from and that integrative approaches tend to improve their outcome. Integrative internal medicine is about identifying and treating the cause of disease while treating the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. Dr. Pearson reviews all typed and organized
treatment plans verbally with patients before they leave the office so patients can choose options that best fit them and so they are clear on the treatments, goals, and follow up plan. LP Internal Medicine offers quality medical care in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment to all patients. The front office is managed by Dr. Pearson’s life and business partner, Drew Schofield. “Most patients can schedule same or next day appointments for urgent needs – there is no need to wait at urgent care or pharmacy clinics. Dr. Pearson accepts most insurance plans as an outof-network provider,” says Schofield. “For patients who do not have insurance, Dr. Pearson uses Lab Corp and Radiology Limited for labs and imaging. These companies offer a substantial time of service discount for patients without insurance coverage.” LP Internal Medicine offers discounted 30 minute acute office visits on Thursdays to LGBT individuals for only $50. “We created ‘GLBT Community Thursdays’ because there is an increasing number of GLBT community members that are uninsured or underinsured and cannot afford quality medical care. The acute 30 minute visits are designed to allow people to be seen for annual physicals or acute, urgent needs such as colds, flu, urinary tract infections, sinus infections, or minor injuries,” says Dr. Pearson. Dr. Pearson is one of the few physicians in Tucson experienced in bioidentical hormone replacement in transgender individuals. Located within walking distance to St. Joseph’s hospital, laboratories, and Radiology Limited, LP Internal Medicine patients can easily combine office visits with laboratory and imagining appointments. LP Internal Medicine is the title sponsor of “Drag Bingo with Britney Star” the first Thursday of every month at Coyote Moon Pub, now called Pulse. All of the donations go directly to a local LGBT charities. Schofield created the event and organizes it monthly, including gathering sponsorship from local businesses to provide quality cash and gift prizes. Schofield alter ego Britney Star hosts the event. LP Internal Medicine is located at 899 N. Wilmot Avenue, Suite D-1, Tucson, Arizona 85711. Phone: 520-302-4033. Please see for more information about LP Internal Medicine. news / politics / business / opinion
BUSINESS BRIEFS 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM at 15812 N. 32nd St. in Phoenix. Community Tire will have management and ASE Certified Technicians on hand to do the free car care Inspection with you, go over any issues they may find, see that you have a free tire gauge a Free Car Care Manual all with no obligation, just a desire to make your travels safer. For more information call 602-992-2830 or go to
Community Tire offers free car inspection
Stop by Linda’s on your way to Pride
Phoenix - National Car Care Month serves two purposes: to help educate people about their vehicles and safety and to share findings for evaluation of the vehicles on our roads. Shops, such as ours. participate yearly. Community Tire will be offering a free car care inspection Saturday, April 9, from
Phoenix - Linda’s on Osborn (southwest corner of 24th Street & Osborn) will be open Saturday and Sunday mornings until 1p.m. Stop by on your way to the Phoenix Pride Festival and enjoy some home cooking!
Latinos fight AIDS...
QTalk Radio...
< continued from page 7
< continued from page 10
them. “Essentially, we show what the cost of using drugs is to your health, family, friends, work, etc.,” says Angulo, adding, “They can maintain sobriety by reaching out and knowing that they will have the support they need.” With its focus of prevention and support services, Angulo feels L.U.C.E.S offers the community the best of both worlds. “With CPLC’s emphasis on prevention coupled with our outstanding support services we are there to help stop the spread of the disease, but to offer empowering tools to help our clients live a healthy vibrant life. “I’m proud of the program and very happy to have a culturally competent team that is passionate about what they do - helping people stay healthy.” Chicanos Por La Causa-LUCES Program is located at 4602 W. Indian School Rd. Suite C-3 in Phoenix. Office: 623-247-0464. Angulo can be reached at 602-571-1350 or by email at
The mission of QTalk Arizona is to inspire and inform the LGBT community on diverse topics and conversation in Arizona. The QTalk Arizona podcast is a separate entity and is not owned or operated by ‘N Touch News Magazine. The newly re-booted QTalk Arizona hosted by Dugandzic and Caylor is scheduled to launch on Phoenix Pride Weekend. For more information and to listen, visit or check out the show on iTunes.
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Udall Scholars... < continued from page 11 the board on how the system worked. Kondziolka, also a Flinn Scholar, has done research in the School of Sustainability and the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative. Aguirre and Kondziolka are in the Fulton Schools of Engineering, while Jackson is in the College of Public Programs. The 2011 class of Udall Scholars was selected from 510 candidates nominated by 231 colleges and universities.
725 West Indian School Road, Suite 125 Phoenix, AZ 85013 For more information visit or call (602)712-0111 | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 25
The squat By Kirk Matthews I have trouble doing squats, but my trainer insists that I do them. My knees crack and after I’ve done them I have aches in the joints. What do you recommend? Alex Ah, the Squat. Known to many in the athletic world as the “mother of all exercises”. As such, they are one of the most challenging exercises to the central nervous system (CNS), and therefore one of the most difficult to master. Known as a superb mass builder for the entire body since so much of the body is involved. Some claim that the squat, properly done, releases more growth hormone and testosterone than any other single exercise. But many mistake it as a leg exercise only, and that’s where the mistakes start. Here’s the idea: to master the squat, it must be done with expert form. And few can do it without guidance. And it’s not easy to teach. For example, I start many clients with squat form from a seated position on a bench, training balance and breathing, with only a lightly loaded short bar. This can go for months before even stepping into the power rack setup, where they continue with the unloaded Olympic bar (45 lbs.) until they’re ready for slow increases in weight. It’s a slow process. So, if you have trouble doing them, that’s not going to go away – they’re always a challenge. You may even get occasional minor shoulder and neck irritation from the bar. This is common, and unless i t ’s se-
26 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
vere, is relieved via stretching and careful form correction – it usually gets better over time. But what concerns me is the cracking knees and joint pain, and the trainer’s insistence that you do them. This sounds like a communication problem with the trainer, or even worse – a militant attitude that is not helping at all. And as much as I like this exercise, some people are just incapable of doing it – so it’s not part of their training program. Several things: You might have chondromalacia, or “runner’s knee”, where a period of rest and recovery would be indicated. You might have tracking problems within the knee itself, which is rare. You might be overtraining the lower body in other parts of your program, preventing proper overall recovery, resulting in irritation and pain. Some clients do additional training on their own and don’t reveal it to their trainer, and that can add up to over-training or severe injury. It’s more common than you’d think; in a culture that wants fast results on a tight schedule. You just might have a trainer who really doesn’t understand the proper form or current methods. Over the years, I’ve seen some questionable exercise form that makes me cringe – and this is while observing people with their trainers. There are always new studies and techniques to learn, and while we can’t know it all, a smart trainer applies new information into an overall practice to keep
things safe for you. Notably, there are several exercises that are essentially “banned” by elite trainers for all but the most athletic or capable trainees. Among these, the “full” squat, where the knee is nearly totally hinged and your glutes are within inches of the floor, is considered highly dangerous for the knee and the lower back – so I don’t teach it to anyone, and I won’t. The maximum descent for my clients is ninety degrees; many physical therapists agree with this range. But it’s a no-brainer for me: I’ve seen great success with clients using the partialrange technique, and the ninety-degree squat is just one example. So, let’s be clear on one thing: If you like squats, among other classic exercises, and continue to experience pain, and your trainer isn’t listening at all – it’s time to consider a new trainer. Consult with a different trainer to see their approach to form and technique. Express your concerns. Using light weights, review what you’ve learned and see what reactions you get. Watch for an attentive eye to your movement and a verbal analysis with you regarding all of it. In other words, find a better fit. Additionally, if you’re not eating well, not sleeping enough, and not finding sensible ways to relieve stress, then of course you’re part of your own problem. And don’t overlook the necessity to share this information with your health care professional, as well as chiropractor and/or massage therapist. Finally, we’re entering an era in service where trainees expect more from their trainers – and you’re right to expect it – you pay good money for it. Know if your trainer is more like a cheerleader, a coach, a scientist or an athlete – the approach can be widely different among these types. Learn about your trainer’s qualifications and history – it makes a difference. Because ultimately, we’re here to help you – not hurt you -- so never be afraid to make a better choice – it’s your body and your money. Kirk Matthews is a Multiple Certified Personal Trainer and Professional Nutrition Consultant; answers may contain advice from either or both disciplines. He may be reached by calling 602-6169195. Questions: e-mail kirk. matthews@hotmail. com or
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LGBT Sports
Arizona Derby Dames upcoming schedule PHOENIX - Arizona Derby Dames offer up some more interleague banked track roller derby action on Saturday, April 16 at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum on the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix as they host the Tilted Thunder Rail Birds fromSeattle, WA. Always bringing you double-header banked track roller derby action for just $12 to $20 (with kids 12 and under general admission seating always FREE); April’s event will also feature the battle for an undefeated record between the Bombshells and the 2010 Arizona Derby Dames Champions the Coffin Draggers. First up, Arizona Derby Dames all star team, the Hot Shots will face Tilted Thunder Rail Birds in Arizona Derby Dames’ second interleague game of the year. Tilted Thunder Rail Birds participated in the Battle on the Bank III national banked track roller derbytournament in San Diego last June (where they faced and lost to the Arizona Derby Dames) and will be back in Phoenix June 10ththrough 12th for the Battle on the Bank IV, hosted by the Arizona Derby Dames. They are currently engaged in their first banked track roller derby season in Seattle, also skating on a Kitten Traxx designed banked track like the Arizona Derby Dames. The second bout of the night, Arizona Derby Dames’ two undefeated teams of the 2011 season so far, the Bombshells and the Coffin Draggers, battle it out to see who will remain undefeated. Both teams have a record of 2 wins and 0 losses going into this game; both are hungry – the Coffin Draggers want to retain their Championship title this year and the Bombshells want to continue their climb up the ranks as a team to be reckoned with. On May 21, its the coffin Draggers vs, the Brutal Beauties then, the Runaway Brides vs. the Schoolyard Scrappers.
T-Squares Dance Club
Mark your calendars for June 10, 11 and 12 as the Arizona Derby Dames host a national banked track roller derby tournament at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Battle on the Bank IV will feature nine teams from around the country, who will compete in the fourth annual tournament (which is hosted by a different league in a different city each year). Teams include San Diego Derby Dolls,Team Legit (all star flat track skaters), Tilted Thunder Railbirds (Seattle), Los Angeles Derby Dolls, Tucson Roller Derby, TXRD Lonestar Rollergirls (Austin), Orange County Rollergirls, South Side Roller Derby (Houston) and the Arizona Derby Dames. Ticket info at tickets. Visit battleonthebank. com for more information on the tournament. Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum is located at 1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix. Doors will open at 5 p.m. with the bouts starting at 7 p.m. General admission tickets for the stadium seats in the Coliseum will be $12. Two hundred general admission tickets are available for standing room on the floor around the track for $12. General admission for children 12 and under is free. VIP tiered seating right off the floor (with access to a nearby VIP only bar and restrooms) will be $20 for adults and children. Parking will be $7. Tickets will be on sale the day of the event at the Coliseum box office starting at 4 p.m.
club, T-Squares, meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Cornerstone Fellowship Social Hall, 2902 N. Geronimo, near North First Avenue and Laguna. The evening is free and open to all. Email or
Camp Wildcat
Tucson TriGirls
Tucson - Camp Wildcat is a nonprofit organization staffed and organized by University of Arizona student volunteers, which seeks to build positive relationships between University of Arizona students and underprivileged children in the Greater Tucson community. Since 1965, Camp Wildcat has been providing cost-free programs for Tucson’s at-risk youth, including weekend camps,
news / politics / business / opinion
Sports leagues of the Valley provide a safe, friendly, and fun social setting for the LGBT community. Whether a new comer, veteran, or a fan, everyone is welcome.
Hellraisers Hoops
a summer camp in the Grand Canyon, day activities, mock camps in the UMC and TMC Pediatrics Wards, backpacking trips for middle school students, and other special events for children. Meets 7p.m, Sundays, in the Kiva room of the University of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center. Email or go to
Tucson - Local lesbian and gay square dance
Leagues Spotlight
Tucson - Interested in a triathlon? Tucson TriGirls provides female triathletes, of all levels and abilities, with training partners, a team atmosphere, sponsorship benefits, training programs, events and advice. Monthly non-workout club meetings. Email or go to groups.
Open Play Sundays from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Sports Club of City Square www.
Flag Football
PHX Hellraisers Flag Football League
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. January – April Colter Park 602.284.9207
Rugby – Men Phoenix Storm
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Longview Elementary School
Cactus Cities Softball League
Sundays starting at 8:00 a.m. Spring: Feb. – May; Fall: Oct. - Dec Ceasar Chavez Park
The Phoenix Sunfish Year around schedule Mon, Tues, & Thurs - 6:30 - 8:00 pm Saturdays - 4:30-6:00 pm Three Locations throughout the valley
Volleyball – Indoor
Desert Volleyball Alliance February - May Saturdays 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Kingdom Courts
Volleyball – Sand
Arizona Gay Volleyball Association
Three seasons to choose from Feb – May, June – Aug, Sept – Dec Indian Steele Park & Radisson City Center Mondays & Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 27
And the winners are... Presenting ‘N Touch News Magazine’s
2010 Man, Woman, and Group of the Year
Men of the Year (TIE)
By Gina Read
nd the winner is... our community! Every person and group we nominated makes Arizona a better place to live, and at no other time has that been more important than now. We at ‘N Touch greatly appreciate the hard work and effort each of them bring to improving the lives of others. A heartfelt “Thank you”. The purpose of the ‘N Touch Man & Woman of the Year is to acknowledge those individuals who have made contributions to community (not just LGBT) either through volunteering, or by going above and beyond in their position within a non-profit organization. The individuals this year, like last year, were all unsung heros who quietly and without fanfare worked day in and day out to make life better for those around them. Karen Bovard was voted ‘N Touch Woman of the Year, and Rick Meek and Richard Svendsen tied for Man of the Year. This year we added a third category, Community Group of the Year. The community group had to assist other organizations or non-profits, or help in improving the lives of LGBT people and their allies. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have the distinction of being the first group to receive this award.
Woman of the Year Karen Bovard After 34 years in the Air Force, Karen Bovard did something she had always wanted to - she opened a bar, which gave her the ability to do fundraising to help the community. Rainbow Cactus Saloon and its welcoming neighborhood feel has been home to fundraisers for several cancer charities, Joshua Tree Feeding Program, IGRA, AGRA, the Imperial Court of Arizona, to name just a few. Karen has also supported all the contestants for the Phoenix Pride Pageant. Although Karen didn’t feel she was deserving of the nomination for Woman of he Year, ‘N Touch Associate Joseph A. Gaxiola disagrees. “Karen has opened up her bar to any group wanting to hold a fundraiser or benefit. She has been a huge supporter to the dart league and bowling league and takes an interest in what is going on with everyone. Rainbow Cactus isn’t just a place to drink or see a show. It is a safe and supportive environment where you are made to feel welcomed. I think it is just one of the reasons Karen has won the Pride Guide Award for Best Bar two years in a row.”
Rick Meek Rick Meek has volunteered at Joshua Tree Feeding Program for six years. He has been indispensable as the organization’s pickup and delivery driver – if it weren’t for his dedication, we wouldn’t have food to distribute to our clients, says Scott R. Robinson, Vice-Chairman of Joshua Tree. Rick shops and picks up food from St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, United Food Bank, AZ Cold Storage, Sam’s Club, Costco Wholesale, and many other merchants and personal donations. Rick also has taken the initiative to learn the responsibilities required for other services Joshua Tree provides clients, such as weekly congregate meal, office administration, volunteer recruitment, fundraising, and the organizations newest program – Pet Food, Supplies and Assistance Project. He is quick to fill-in in almost any capacity if there is staff out sick, on vacation, or a lack of volunteers. “Rick has also been an excellent motivator and he keeps all of the staff and volunteers at Joshua Tree enthused about community service and how important it is to GLBT community in Greater Phoenix. Rick has brought us many, many new volunteers over the years. Rick has also been a valuable member of our board of directors for over 4 years. “All in all, Rick has managed to turn his life around since he started at Joshua Tree and has been a great example of being able to surmount major personal obstacles to anyone in the GLBT community. He has mentored several other clients and volunteers in overcoming addictions, motivation, and confronting personal issues. He is definitely an asset to Joshua Tree and the GLBT community in Phoenix,” said Robinson. Richard Svendsen Richard Svendsen founded PEAKS Pride because he felt there was a need to help the residents of Flagstaff who were incapacitated due to an illness/surgery, or elderly or had gone through a local catastrophe (fires, floods, etc). But, he also envisioned something more- an outlet for LGBT people to be seen in a positive light helping their neighbots. Formed in late 2008, PEAKS Pride has provided dedicated volunteers for service projects to the Flagstaff and Northern Arizona communities thus Promoting Equality through Acts of Kindness and Service. In 2010, PEAKS Pride raised money for the
Second Chance Center for Animals during the Shultz Fire disaster, collected over 900 pounds of food for Northern Arizona Food Bank Summer Food Drive, cleaned two miles of Adopt an Avenue roads three times, adopted a portion of the Museum of Northern AZ Colton Gardens to maintain for the seniors at the Peaks Senior Retirement Living Community, provided volunteers for Sun Sounds of AZ which provides services to people with hearing and visual impairments, and provided volunteers for sandbagging and flood clean up for the Shultz Fire victims among other things. Richard participated in every event bringing enthusiasm and sometimes food treats! “The PEAKS Pride volunteers should be proud of their efforts to bring the community together – to not be thinking of what you can do for me – rather, what can I do for you! Additionally, it is my hope that PEAKS Pride will inspire the residents and business community to be involved with helping their fellow neighbors! We started with a very strong and committed board and continue to have the same. We are very fortunate,” stated Richard.
Group of the Year
The Grand Canyon Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence All Love, All Joy, No Guilt. The Grand Canyon Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence strive to uphold these ideas in everything they do. A 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Grand Canyon Sisters seek to enhance and assist our community through a unique combination of education, outreach, and fundraising. The sisters lend a hand where needed and have teamed with organizations such as Aunt Rita’s Foundation, The American Lung Association, 1n10, Logan’s Playground, and many others to provide fundraising assistance and outreach to the underserved portions of our community. The sisters are more than just a glamorous fund raising machine. As 21st-century nuns, the sisters represent a voice for the community. A voice for those who are not heard. A voice for those who are heard but ignored. The sisters are a light in a world so often clouded and shrouded, darkened with bigotry, deceit, and ignorance. For more information on the Grand Canyon Sisters, please visit Stay tuned to ‘N Touch News Network website ( and our Facebook page for posts on when and where we will be presenting each of the winners their award while raising money for the non-profit of their choice. continued on next page > >
Saturday Starletts Show @ IBT’s, Tucson
Toga Party @ Woody’s, Tucson
Your attorney doesn’t have to be family. . . but it helps. • Domestic Partnership & Divorce • Business & Corporate Contracts • DUI & Criminal • Wills & Probate • Real Estate • Landlord/Tenant
Jane O. Ross 668 N. 44th St., Suite 300 Phoenix, AZ 85008
Sassy Sisters Show @ Rainbow Cactus, Phoenix
Men of Charlieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Joshua Tree Appreciation Barbecue @ Joshua Tree, Phoenix
Phoenix CIty Councilman Tom Simplot Birthday Party, Phoenix
Find more event photos & community information online!
Skin and cholesterol By Dr. Damien Brandeis
Hi Doctor B! Summer is almost here so I am wondering about the best way to moisturize skin. Should it be from the inside out, or are moisturizers the way to go? Susan I suggest that people attack dry skin with multiple methods. First, dry skin is more prevalent in the summer because of dehydration and oxidative damage associated with ionizing radiation from the sun. Pinch the skin on the top of your hand. If the skin stands up by itself, you are dehydrated. The formula for ideal hydration is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number by two. This equals the number of ounces of water you should consume daily. Dehydration is a huge problem in the desert because you loose water with every breath you take.
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You need to hydrate the dry air as it enters your respiratory tract to keep the tissue of the respiratory tree healthy and free of injury from the dry air. As you exhale, you loose moisture. This is a significant means of dehydration. The second is sweating. Humidity is low in the desert and we actually loose water via the skin and we don’t feel it. This process not only contributes to skin dehydration but also to the “drying” of the skin. The other main issue with dry skin is oxidative damage as a result of ionizing radiation from the sun. As the ultraviolet radiation cooks your skin, you dehydrate and absorb energy that promotes oxidative damage. This alters the structure of the skin and contributes to the luggage/leather appearance in sun worshipers. So my suggestions are: 1. Take good doses of antioxidant supplements internally. 2. Consume adequate water. 3. Protect your skin from ionizing radiation with as many means as possible, light clothing being the best method. 4. Use moisturizers and sun blockers. 5. Essential fatty acids and all of the fat soluble vitamins are implicated in a good means of reducing oxidative damage skin. You really cannot do too much, and all are quite helpful means of protecting your skin and maintaining that youthful attractive quality we covet so much.
over “normal”. Roger Total cholesterol is a combined serum measurement that computes cholesterol from diet and liver sources. You can take medicine or supplements but dietary intake will still impact your results. Low density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol is another marker as a risk factor for heart disease. I am not sure which of these tests you are indicating. Depending on the test, the recommendation for therapy varies. I generally do a comprehensive workup and consider both tests. On the other hand, I don’t simply treat lab results and hope the patient improves too. I prescribe Guggyl, Garlic and Niacin. Guggyl is an herb that helps lower total cholesterol and promotes lipid metabolism in the liver. A clove
More News Online!
of raw garlic is one of the cheapest most effective means of regulating bad cholesterol there is. A crushed clove of garlic taken in water at bedtime with a diet regimen low in saturated fat is a great place to start. Another supplement to consider is the vitamin Niacin. Some people do not like the flushing experience, so the metabolite Niacinate will also work. Your problem appears to be moderate, and these nutritional supplements should help. Dr. Damien Brandeis, NMD has a private practice located in Chandler. Dr. Brandeis is a new Cigna provider, so please give him consideration for your medical care. For more information, please visit or call 480-855-6560.
Is there a natural way to lower cholesterol? I’m about 15 points | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 35
Ethics and spirituality By Dr. Dina Evan
s it possible to be a conscious, spiritually evolved person without being a person with good ethics? I don’t think so. In fact, the issues of values, morals, spirituality, character and ethics all seem to me to be on the same continuum of who we are as conscious human beings. Although we might think of ethics more as standards, and morals more as individual judgments, you can’t have one without the other. Values and ethics are central to our lives and our organizations, however, today, we have unfortunately lost these moral guidelines. It can, at times, feel hard to make the right ethical and moral decision. So let’s revisit some basic guidelines that would be useful. First, determine what your personal highest priority is. For example, do no harm. Then determine what the affect of your decision will be, both short term and long term, on the people or situation involved. Examine your use of power in your decision-making process to be sure it is just. Your decision should embody equal treatment and you taking equal responsibility. Even when you are not the wrong doer, you are still responsible for your response to those involved and your response to the situation. Make sure you are keeping your word, telling your truth and standing in your integrity. Think about the ethical dilemma that you are facing and ask, “What
don’t I know?” We often make decisions without having all the facts. I remember in college my classmates and I were furious with our classmate and we sternly confronted him because he had disconnected from us and pulled away. We were indignant. Later we found out he had AIDS and was not ready to tell us about it. We were horrified and ashamed. Don’t jump to conclusions. Consider all your options before making a decision. There are very few decisions that require an instant answer. Give yourself the time for due diligence so that you can know the decision you are making is the best and most ethical one. Toss your decision around with people whose ethics you admire and respect. I have a friend who seldom makes any major decision without discussing it with several people. I use to think that was silly. That is, until I realized that she normally does what her instincts told her in the first place, but she often increased her scope of understanding because these people brought up information that she had not considered. Make sure your decision is consistent with your individual purpose, vision and code of ethics. If you decision is the right one, you will not be stewing about whether or not you did the right thing later. Check in with yourself frequently to make sure that you are behaving in ways that are consistent with what you say you believe your code of ethics to be. Having that code clearly in mind is a gift you can give yourself that shortens the time needed to make ethical decisions. When you are clear about your ethics and purpose, when issues arise, you’ll already know what you need to do. It’s always important to behave in ways that build self-esteem and self-
respect. The bottom line is that who you are as an ethical and conscious person is all that people will remember about you when you are gone. They won’t remember how many cars you had or even how big your house was. However, they will remember your kindness, fairness and ability to be humble and ethical. Be willing to be different and be a pioneer of ethical behavior. We live in world without ethics, hence the situations we are currently experiencing. Had we had ethics, we would not have pillaged or polluted the planet. With ethics, we would not have a legislature frozen in its need for personal power. We would not be dealing with the politics of party as opposed to the good of the people. We would not have had a financial crisis, a housing crisis…well you get the picture. You being an ethical pioneer, even when it isn’t comfortable, and isn’t popular, is the spiritual
mandate for all of us right now. Remember what is truly important to you personally. You may not achieve or have everything you want in this life, but be sure to remember, that how you responded to life and every circumstance in it will become the defining elements of your character. Moreover, that, is a gift you want to give your self when all is said and done. You want to be ale to say, “I did what I can here to do as a conscious human being.” Send questions to or Dr. Dina Evan is a licensed Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist in the State of California. She has offices in Phoenix, AZ and Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Evan has won national acclaim as a human rights advocate. She is a columnist for several newspapers and has written five best selling books. For more information you may go to
2650 S. Beulah Blvd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Springhill Suites by Marriott 2455 Beulah Road Flagstaff,Arizona 86001
(928) 774 - 8042 news / politics / business / opinion | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 37
Pets in search
Your Pet Questions Answered By Dr. Alicia Ruiz
of a Loving Home Located in Phoenix, Arizona Rescue is the last voice for dogs and wcats who, through no fault of their own, find themselves awaiting death at our county pounds.
quicked apply styptic powder and hold it in place for 30 seconds, and this will allow for good clotting. I also recommend that you handle your dog’s paws as a part of normal play and petting attention so they will not be “foot shy”.
Ace is one cool cat. From his crinkly ear, piercing green eyes, and half mustache to the way he casually lounges atop the highest perch of his cat condo with a paw nonchalantly hanging over the side, you know this cat is full of character and intrigue. As he draws you into his aura, you become mesmerized and find yourself trying to do whatever it is he wants that will please him.
Is there a trick to trimming a dog’s nails? Trimming a dog’s toenails can be tricky, especially if the nails are dark colored. There is a blood vessel that runs down the middle of the nail and which will bleed if the nail is cut too short. Light colored nails are easier because you can make out just where the nail changes color and not trim beyond that point. Dark colored nails make it easier to cut into the “quick” and get bleeding. I tell my clients to get good sharp scissor- type clippers and have a clotting substance available just in case. Pet stores sell both clippers and styptic powder. Place the clippers on the footpad and do not trim the nails shorter than the amount that extends beyond the footpad and you should be able to avoid the quick. If the nail is
Bambi Can you give a dog Imodium when it has diarrhea? Immodium AD or generic Loperamide is a potent and very effective anti-diarrhea drug when used as directed by your veterinarian. There are many causes of diarrhea and the drug may not work for some and even be contraindicated in certain diseases. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving any over the counter drug to any pet.
Dr. Ruiz is a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine at Central Phoenix Animal Hospital, 602- 277-5155. Questions for Dr. Ruiz can be emailed to news / politics / business / opinion
Our little Bambi is just as cute as a button! But don’t let her small size fool you! Bambi is a very energetic young gal who can keep up with the best of ‘em! She loves walks, runs, wrestling and romping with other dogs, giving kisses and snuggling for a few minutes before she’s off to explore something else that caught her eye! But alas that’s the life of a puppy! Bambi is looking for a home where her adopters are home more than away or work from home.
To learn more or about Ace or Bambi, go to | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 39
Billy Elliot Comes to Gammage By John Thomas Lotardo Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films and Old Vic Productions bring the 2009 Tony Award-winning Best Musical Billy Elliot the Musical to ASU Gammage from April 26- May 8. Based on the international smash-hit film and featuring music by Elton John, book and lyrics by Lee Hall, choreography by Peter Darling and direction by Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot the Musical has earned critical acclaim on Broadway including 10 Tony Awards. I spoke with Kurt Froman who is the resident Choreographer and understudy for the “older” Billy while catching him in Houston. “It’s going fantastically well, explains Froman. Continuing, “It (the Show) is at a really good place right now.” In December of 2002, Kurt Froman made one of the biggest decisions in his life. After seven incredible years as a dancer in the corps of the New York City Ballet, he left the company to dance a leading role in a Broadway musical. In just a few weeks he went from dancing the toy soldier in “The Nutcracker” to dancing an ill-fated Vietnam soldier in the Twyla Tharp/Billy Joel musical, “Movin’ Out”. And the move has worked out smashingly for him. Froman’s main responsibility is for the Billy’s
ballet classes. There are four boys in rotation from 10 am to 11 at night. I asked if he uses a whip or honey tactic with the boys and Froman explains, as in any training circumstances. “You have to use it all. When I need to be I need to be tough. But always from a very loving place.” Froman agrees that the show will really resonate with gays. “Absolutely! It’s about fulfilling your dreams and finding your place in the world.” The idea of acceptance permeates the show as a central theme. There’s a point in the show where’s
there’s a presumption of the character being Gay but is diverted from overtaking the show’s overall massage. This rings true for Froman as he explains, “Personally when I wanted to be a ballet dancer. I was not out of the closet at the time.” In fact, at the City Ballet where he danced, Froman explains that ¾ of the male dancers were straight! Billy Elliot is a great early summer show. It has some fun and some success story intermixed within the music and song. As Froman describes the show, it’s just a wonderful mix of “fantastic dancing and amazing music- that moves you to tears – sentimental tears of joy.” Tickets are on sale now at or by calling 1-800-982-ARTS (2787). ASU Gammage is located on the main campus of Arizona State University in Tempe at Mill Avenue and Apache Boulevard. The PROGRESSIVE® Broadway Across America – Arizona series is presented by ASU Gammage, Broadway Across America and US Airways. U.S. Bank is the official bank sponsor of the PROGRESSIVE® Broadway Across America – Arizona series. Additional information about Billy Elliot the Musical is available at
Arizona Theatre Company delivers outrageous fun in The Mystery of Irma Vep By John Thomas Lotardo Buckle-up Ladies and Gentleman. Back by popular demand, Arizona Theatre Company promises an evening of fabulous fun and merriment with the hilarious quick-change horror spoof THE MYSTERY OF IRMA VEP as the grand finale of its 2010-2011 Season. Charles Ludlam’s great comic spoof is once again directed by ATC Artistic Director David Ira Goldstein and stars ATC favorites Bob Sorenson and Oliver Wadsworth. IRMA VEP runs in Phoenix at the Herberger Theater Center from May 5-22, 2011. These two lightning-fast actors portray all the residents of Mandacrest --as well as a host of vampires, werewolves, mummies and things that go bump in the night--who travel from the moors of England to the tombs of Egypt and back again. Bob Sorenson, an ATC regular and a familiar face to Valley theatre reprises his role, or shall I say roles in the upcoming production. For a splash of fabulousness, we have Oliver Wadsworth rounding out the duet. I had a chance to speak with Wadsworth, also a theatre favorite of mine about the show and how he will bring that special something to the show. We saw him last in the National Tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in which he played the Child Catcher – stealing the show with his spooky writh40 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
ing antics and trinckle-tart offerings. Off-Broadway, he was seen in Endpapers at Variety Arts and Well at The Public Theater. He has appeared with Actors Theatre of Phoenix in This, Shipwrecked!, Angels in America, Parts I and II, Pillowman and Nickel and Dimed. Other regional credits include Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Misalliance, An Enemy of the People, Santaland Diaries, Dracula, Peter Pan, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Fully Committed, The Taming of the Shrew, Take Me Out, Murder on the Nile, Stones in His Pocket, and Art. As Wadsworth recalls from his Child-Cather role, it was one that he “had to walk away from the TV” when watching as a child. But being so good at being so bad really made the show and we anticipate his ability to really pure it on with shine in the
upcoming IRMA VEP show. When asked what he will bring to the show to make it fresh, without hesitation he explains it is the whole outrageous gay sensibility that the show is over-flowing with. It is the same set and same costume director but I’m their “new element. I’m bringing to the table a real interest in all the gay camp in the script. There’s so much in there that makes me HOWL!” (Thank you Oliver) Tickets start at $30 depending on date and section choice and are available at or by calling the box office at 602-256-6995. Discounts are available for students, seniors and active military on specific performance days. Half-price rush tickets are available for balcony seating for all performances one hour prior to curtain at the ATC box office (subject to availability). Pay What You Can for The Mystery of Irma Vep is May 8 at 7p.m.. Balcony seats for this performance are available for a suggested $10 donation. (Tickets must be purchased at the Herberger Theater Center box office starting at 6p.m. on May 8. Seating is first-come first served and is not guaranteed. Cash only, please. Two tickets per person maximum.) For discounts on groups of eight or more, call 602-256-6995. news / politics / business / opinion
news / politics / business / opinion | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 41
Greenway Thunderbird
Cactus Peoria
44th St
32th St
24th St
16th St
7th Ave 18
Lincoln 7th St
Bethany Home
Central Ave
19th Ave
27th Ave
35th Ave
43rd Ave
Hayden Rd
Scottsdale Rd
Union Hills
Tatum Blvd
Cave Cre ek
8 27 6
Indian School
22 12
9 3 19
26 15 7
11 20
Van Buren
1 17
Amsterdam/Miami 718 N. Central Ave., PHX
10. The Chute 1440 E. Indian School, PHX | 602-234-1654
19. Plazma 1560 E. Osborn Rd., PHX
5749 N. 7th Street, PHX
20. Pumphouse II 4132 E. McDowell Rd., PHX
BAR 1 3702 N. 16th Street, PHX
12. Cruisin 7th 3702 N. 7th Street, PHX
21. Rainbow Cactus 15615 N. Cave Creek Rd., PHX | 602-971-1086
13. Forbidden
7023 N. 58th Ave, GLEN | 623-931-0562
22. Roscoe’s 4531 N. 7th Street, PHX
BS West
14. Icepics Video Bar
7125 E. 5th Ave, SCOTTS
Bunkhouse Saloon
15. Karamba
4428 N. 7th Ave., PHX
Cash Inn 2140 E. McDowell Rd., PHX
16. Kobalt Bar 3110 N. Central Ave., PHX | 602-264-5307
Charlie’s 727 W. Camelback Rd., PHX
17. Linda’s on Osborn 2333 E. Osborn Rd., PHX | 602-956-4420
26. Velocity
1028 E. Indian School Rd., PHX
18. Oz 1804 W. Bethany Home Rd., PHX
27. Z Girl Club 4301 N. 7th Ave., PHX
news / politics / business / opinion
2424 E. Thomas Rd., PHX
6820 E. 5th Ave., SCOTTS
3108 E. McDowell Rd., PHX
1724 E. McDowell Rd., PHX
23. SLICE OF SICILY PIZZA 3724 E. Indian School, PHX | 602-667-3331 24. The Rock 4129 N. 7th Ave., PHX | 602-248-8559
7043 E. McDowell Rd, SCOTTS
2303 E. Indian School Rd, PHX | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 45
Rainbow Cactus Join Rainbow Cactus Saloon Pride Weekend, April 15-17 for specials and to see old friends, or new. The Sassy Sister Show will take place April 23, 9 p.m. Join these hilarious ladies - who you calling lady? They rock the house. Missing Puzzle Piece, which helps women with cancer will be holding a fundraiser on April 30 8p.m. so stop by and help those dealing with this illness. White Trailer Trash Potluck will be held May 1 at 2 p.m. You don’t have to be trailer trash to join in the fun. On May 7, Rainbow Cactus will be hosting nationally know comedienne Jenny McNulty at 8 p.m., $10 cover. Rainbow Cactus is located just a hop, skip and a jump away at 15615 N Cave Creek Rd in Phoenix. Phone 602-971-1086.
Upcoming events at The Rock The Rock is celebrating their 2 year Anniversary this month! So, to mark the occasion they are bringing Two Legendary Drag Icons to the Valley. The Incomparable Joey Arias and YouTube Sensation Sherry Vine! The party starts Friday, May 20 when Joey and Sherry join the cast of Genderfuct at 10p.m, featuring an All Live Singing Show. A Limited Amount of VIP Seats will be available for this show! Ticket Holders will receive Prime Seating, a Special Souvenir Lanyard and a Meet & Greet with Both Artists starting at 9p.m. VIP Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at The Rock or by calling 602-248-8559. In fact, they are so excited to come and party with The AZ Gender Outlaws that they have agreed to stick around all weekend long to celebrate the anniversary with us. They have been talking about crashing The Barbra Seville Show on Saturday…so expect the unexpected! Then on Sunday May 22 the cast of Showgirlz will close out the Anniversary Extravaganza! and Pandora Productions joined forces to bring Phoenix some of the best drag in 46 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
town featuring Sasha Bratz, Kira Daniels, Coco St. James and their Newest Cast Member, Savannah Stevens. Hosted by Mia Inez Adams. Show starts at 7p.m. To thank loyal patrons for the continued support, the Rock will be offering $2 Cocktails from 2p.m.-2a.m. all weekend long and they will be hosting a barbeque/tea party on Sunday May 22 from 1-5p.m. with the Infamous Stiletto Shank spinning tunes for you all afternoon! On Wednesdays they continue the tradition of giving back to the community with Comedy on the Rocks every Wednesday at 9p.m. Money raised goes to a community non-profit. On Sunday, May 8 the Rock welcomes the Award Winning Musical Talents of Eric Himan and Namoli Brennet at 7pm. May 15 The Rock welcomes Back The Arizona Entertainer of the Year Pageant. Special guest Vanessa DeMornay (Current Reigning National Entertainer of the Year) will be hosting the event. So, head on over and support the entertainers who will be battling it out to win the crown and the opportunity to compete in the National Entertainer of the Year Pageant in Louisville, KY. Show at 8p.m. On Thursday, May 19 the Rock will be premiering a new show from Pandora Productions - Glamazon! This show will be hosted by the illustrious TC Taylor with special guests Saellah V, Faleasha Savage and more. Show starts at 9p.m. and promises to be an evening of Unparalleled Glitz and Glamour! Every Friday in May you can experience the many talents of the AZ Gender Outlaws. Friday, May 6 Scandaleyez with Savannah Stevens & Friends at 10p.m. May 13 Genderfuct featuring Pandora DeStrange, Olivia Gardens, Rhianna Matthews, Tatum Michelle, Savannah Stevens and Anya Hart. Show starts at 10p.m. And of course, Every Saturday Night, Experience the Many Talents of Local Drag Legend, Barbra Seville in The Barbra Seville Show. This Vegas Style Show is a real crowd pleaser and continues to pack the house every week. So, make your reservations. Show starts at 10 p.m. To reserve a table to any of the Rock’s upcoming shows or to book a party go to therockdmphoenix. com. The Rock is located at 4129 N. 7th Ave. in Phoenix. For more information go to the website or call 602-248-8559.
Kobalt - something a little different With it’s blend of neighborhood bar and trendy without the attitude, Kobalt has gilled a niche ling needed in the Valley. Kobalt has busy Sundays with poker at noon and a dart tournament 2 p.m. But not to worry, if you can’t make Sunday’s poker game they have one at 8 p.m. Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday nights are always happening with the GLAD Dart league teams competing against each
other. Darts aren’t your thing? Karaoke at 9 p.m. Thursdays offer Trivia Night with Gina and HRC’s Shaken and Stirred for Equality (Every third Thursday). Friday Kobalt is the Happy Hour Hot Spot and from midnight till close The Groove Lounge! Saturdays are always busy with special events, videos and spin. On the first Saturday of the month it’s Taylor Made hosted by TC Taylor. Kobalt is located at 3110 North Central Avenue #125. Web:
TUCSON Tucson representative Danny Catt says to watch for two new entertainers in the Tucson area that are fantastic, Jamie J, a singer who recently performed at La Concina Cantina and Positive Beautiful Overdose, an imitation act starring Rianna, Britney and Raul Martinez as “Adam Lambert”.
IBT’s IBT’s has stepped up he plate. When a new title sponsor was needed for the Reno Gannon Jell-O fundraiser for SAAF owner Mike Kramkowski agreed to take on the task! Thanks Mike! IBT’s is located at 616 N 4th Ave., Tucson. Phone: 520-882-3053. Website:
Woody’s Now that the weather is perfect, it’s a great time to spend outside on Woody’s fabulous patio. Daily specials and events. Special brunch on Easter, April 24. Brunch from 11-2p.m. and an egg hunt and bonnet contest. Sunday’s offer Happy Hour from 11a.m. 8p.m., Brunch and Bloody Mary Bar 11a.m. 1:30p.m., Drag Bingo(every other sunday)8p.m. - 9p.m. and Karaoke 9p.m. - 2 a.m. Woody’s has reintroduced Amateur Dancer Night. The Hotbodz perform Monday nights. Come by and see the news guys! For more information go to Woody’s is located at 3710 North Oracle Road, Tucson.
Ain’t Nobody’s Bizness (aka The Biz) Is a hot gay & lesbian nightclub. Nightly specials including erotic dancers, Karaoke, Hip Hop, go-go dancing, and open mic night. Relax and light up a cigarette out in the back patio area, or enjoy the wii lounge. There’s a lot going on at The Biz. The Biz is located at 2900 E. Broadway Blvd. #118, Tucson.
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Bike center offers women and transgender hours By Staff Bicycle Inter-Community Art & Salvage (BICAS) offers women and transgender hours every Sunday 12–4 p.m. General public is welcome 4–6 p.m. for open shop hours. Formerly known as WRENCH, their Women and Transgender Hours offers additional shop time and workshops for women and transgender individuals that take place outside of regular shop hours. On Sundays, BICAS is staffed by their women and trans-identified mechanics to create an environment where we can all learn, play, and create together. Bicycle maintenance has traditionally been an overwhelmingly male-dominated area. It is the goal of BICAS to help teach individuals who have been marginalized or intimidated in this setting to be knowledgeable and confident working on their bikes and cycling. The BICAS workshop was developed in response to an expressed community need for such a program, drawing inspiration from similar programs nationally and internationally. On a daily basis BICAS strives to ensure a
safe and comfortable environment for all, while also recognizing the benefits of offering womenspecific and trans-specific hours as a stepping stone to achieving greater comfort and confidence working in our space throughout the week. These hours are open to anyone who identifies as a female, has at anytime in their life been conditioned as such, or feels that their socialization or treatment at any point as a woman has impeded their participation in bicycle mechanics. Organizers hope that the Women and Trans-
gender Hours will be respected and used by individuals who feel that their participation on these days may help to overcome any discomforts they may feel towards participating on other days. In return, we as a Collective, vow to actively respond to all community needs, suggestions, and ideas so that BICAS may continue to grow as a comfortable and welcoming community resource. Located in the heart of downtown Tucson, BICAS (Bicycle Inter-Community Action & Salvage) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit collectivelyrun community education and recycling center for bicycles that welcomes people of all ages and walks of life. Through advocacy and recycling of the bicycle, the BICAS mission is to promote education, art, and a healthy environment while providing service and opportunity for those in need. BICAS is an education center, not a traditional bike shop. For more information and to check the BICAS events calendar for scheduling updates on this program go to
Who is Britney Star? I know people are wondering: Who is Britney Star a who does she think she is? Well my answer is: Britney Star is a sex kitten who likes to be on stage performing. I love drag. It is a great way to find out exactly what is going on in town . Drag plays a positive and crucial role in the LGBT community. It helps to unite individuals as equals - gay or straight. It’s a way to express my creativity and channel my emotions through song. There is this power you get when you get on stage! Everyone is there to have a good time, enjoy a show, and have fun. I wanted to do drag for years when I was growing up and living in Utah. The queens of Salt Lake City didn’t think I had what it took. I was told, “you look to much like a boy”, and “you will never do drag.” Well, I left Utah and left that negative criticism behind. I was living in a new town, new life, and new fabulous drag queen friends. Fueled by a relationship break-up, I decided to create my alter-drag-ego, Britney Star. Baby, a star was born! It wasn’t without much help from the glam gals Vivika D’Angelo, Janee Star, and Lucinda Holliday. I remember my first show like it was yesterday. Damn, I was a hot mess! No one ever said drag is a pretty sport! As a new drag baby in town, I had much to learn about makeup, styling wigs, making jucy hip pads, and all the other talented tricks and 48 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
tips passed down from the veteran queens. I was taken back by the genuine kindness and helpfulness of Tucson’s drag queens. Tucson’s supportive and positive drag community was so refreshing. Some of my local Tucson inspirations are Lucinda Holliday and Janee Starr. When I first met Lucinda and Janee I said to myself, “Wow! I can’t belive how nice they are for being Tucson’s top drag queens!” From my past experience in Salt Lake City, the more popular drag queens were unapproachable – unlike those here in Tucson! I found myself one night performing at IBT’s in Janee Star’s show getting make up tips from her in the dressing room. I was so intimidated and remember thinking that I want to have a strong stage presence like Janee,
and have her glamour, too! Britney Star is much more than a drag queen. She’s a performer. She dances, sings, writes her own beats, mixes her own music, produces makeup tip videos on YouTube, designs glamorous shoes, and produces shows. One of Britney’s missions is to use drag to support individuals in our community. With the help of local businesses, I was able to create Drag Bingo with Britney Star and Co-Host Vivika D’Angelo at Coyote Moon Pub. The proceeds went to Wingspan, Southern Arizona’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center. Our great sponsors made it possible: LP Internal Medicine, Karyn Garvin and Garvin’s Pet Plaza, Metropolis Salon, Radisson Suites Tucson, Starbuck’s at Park Place Mall, and ‘N Touch Magazine & Danny Catt. Drag Bingo with Britney Star is on hiatus as Coyote Moon is going through a transformation to become Pulse Tucson, a Lucinda Holliday project. Exciting things for Lucinda! I am very, VERY excited to see what Lucinda Holliday has in store for the new club “Pulse Tucson” formerly Coyote Moon Pub. In mid-April 2011 I will be launching my website In addition to being the home to my shoe line, the Love Glamor site will include my online drag blog and chat area to discuss drag continued on page 53 >
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Fort Lowell Rd
Alvernon Way
Broadway Blvd
COLORS 5305 E Speedway, TUC | 520-323-1840
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re e
Wilmot Rd
Sahuara Ave
Palo Verde Rd
6th Ave
Golf Links Road
2449 N Stone Ave, TUC
2900 E Broadway, TUC | 520-318-4838
Ajo Way
12th Ave
Ajo Way
22nd Street
36th Street
Country Rd
Country Rd
Euclid Ave 29th Street
Kino Parkway
5th Street
Craycroft Rd
6th Street
Rosemont Blvd
8 Speedway Blvd
Pima Street Swan Ave
Elm Street
Columbus Blvd
Stone Ave
Euclid Ave
Grant Rd
Country Club Rd
Tucson Blvd
Oracle Rd
Glenn Street
Alvernon Way
Mountain Ave
Miracle Mile
Campbell Ave
Wells Rd
Prince Rd
PULSE Tucson
4950 S Palo Verde, TUC | 520-746-1161
1239 N 6th Ave, TUC
616 N 4th Ave, TUC | 520-882-3053
3233 E Speedway, TUC | 520-795-7777
915 W Prince Rd, TUC | 520-293-7339
3710 N Oracle Rd, TUC | 520-292-6702 | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 51
ANNOUNCEMENTS Stop by the ‘N Touch booth at Pride and have your photo taken for future magazine ads and articles. Downtown Phoenix Public Market is now open on Wednesdays from 4-8pm. Not just on Saturdays anymore! Support local farmers and artists while also supporting the local economy... and by the way, a little organic food won’t hurt you!
BUSINESS / SERVICE Having a bad hair day? John Krebs of Panache Salon can help you with all of your hair needs. 5533 N. 7th St, Suite 401, Phoenix. Call (602)678-5517.
Blake Housecleaning. Taking care of all your housecleaning needs. Serving all parts of the Valley. Ron Blake 480-241-5651
COMMUNITY INFO Free Social Group and Nonprofit listings. List your social group or non-profit organization for free at! Click on the community directory page and add your listing today!
Personal Fitness Training. Blake Fitness is the name to know for all your fitness training needs. 15 years of experience and still having fun! Ron Blake 480-2415651
Professional tax preparation for individuals and small businesses. Call Rainbow Tax Service today for your appointment. (602) 265-1631. Writing your biography? Let a professional edit and proof your manuscript for a reasonable price. Call for rates. 602-957-1638.
Remodeled Rental 7th St/ Maryland Small triplex, private end unit $695.00 per month, water included. 1 bed/1 bath, 850 sqft, travertine throughout, french doors, upgraded kitchen, lots of storage, walk in closet, mature landscaping. Move in Ready! Contact Martha Zabala 602-2144083. Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
Room For Rent South Phoenix area, near South Mountain, ASU, Tempe, Downtown. Newer home, two levels, modern decor, over 2800 sqft, gated front courtyard, tile/carpet floors, granite counters, patio. Room is $500 per month, includes utilities & internet. Shared bath, prefer non smoker, no pets. Contact Ron Houston, 480-861-8744.
Now, Voyager Hypnotherapy/ Coaching- Let me help you improve many areas of your life. Visit for some ideas or call 602-3016551. The Mind Is The Greatest Vessel! Licensed Professional Counselor - Call Rene Broussard, LPC for a Caring Counselor who knows our community, from the inside out: 480-751-1020. Sliding Scale Fee and Free Initial Consultation Available.
The GLBT Guide, Inc. The national gay business listings, personals and classifieds. Bringing America’s GLBT Community together. Listings for less than $3/mo.
Mobile bookkeeper for small business. I’ll crunch your numbers so that you can focus on what you do best. Contact Dave Connell at 602-400-5383.
52 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
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South Phoenix Home for Rent 3 bed/ 2.5 bath, 1400 sqft, two levels, 2 car garage, split floor plan, washer/dryer, landscaping included in rent. $995 per month. Pets ok w/ approval. Section 8 welcome, ready for move in! Contact Martha Zabala 602-2144083. Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
Coronado Historic Rental 2 bed/2 bath home, over 950 sqft, gated front courtyard, fireplace, hardwood floors, kitchen island, full appliances. Great private backyard, ideal for gardening w/ lots of fruit trees. Hurry this won’t last long! $995.00 per month. Martha Zabala 602-2144083. Arizona Lifestyle Realty. Roommate wanted to share nice house in quiet neighborhood near 36th St. and Indian School. Available Feb. 1st. 2 bed/2bath, covered parking, washer dryer, wireless internet, cable tv, private backyard, no smoking in house, dog allowed (no cats). $600 plus 1/2 utilities. Call John at 602-5023313.
WOW Bank Owned Bargain! 23rd St/ Indian School. Charming single level home, over 1000 sqft, 3 bed/2 bath, living room, open kitchen, dining area, family room, inside laundry, carport parking, RV gate & more. Listed at $46,900. Contact The Ron Houston Group 602-402-2459 Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
McDowell Mountain Retreat - Bank Owned Guarded Community, amazing mountain views. 4 bedroom/2.5 bath home, 3749 sqft, single level, open floorplan, fireplace, large kitchen, gated front courtyard, pool/spa, built in bbq, firepit, 3 car garage. $569,900. For more infor contact The Ron Houston Group 602-4022459. Arizona Lifestyle Realty. LUXURY PENTHOUSE 207 W. Clarendon #22E 1566 sq.ft. 2 split Master BRs/2 full baths. Eat-in kitchen. LR/ DR. Pool,spa,tennis,light-rail. 24/7 front desk. $395,000.00. Linda Pool - Keller Williams - (480)600-7504
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CLASSIFIEDS Brittney Star... < continued from page 48
Not a Bank Owned or Short Sale! North Phoenix, Tatum/ Bell. Single level home, 3 bed/2 bath, 1400+ sqft, vaulted ceilings, skylights, open kitchen w/ breakfast bar, formal dining, 2 car garage & more! Listed at $172,500. Contact Sue Ligeros for more 602-628-2549. Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
Bank Owned 16th St/ Northern Spanish style home, over 2000 sqft, single level, 3 bed/3 baths, 2 car garage, large laundry room, pool, built in bbq area, mountain views. Remodel never completed, needs work. Offered at $144,000. The Ron Houston Group 602-402-2459 or www. Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
tips, tricks, and secrets! Another project that has me very excited is “Britney Star – Even California Needs A Star” drag tour this upcoming August. This charity fundraising tour will start in Phoenix and bring me though Palm Springs, Riverside, and LA, wrapping up in West Hollwood. Half of the tips raised on this tour will go to Wingspan. I am very excited to kick off the tour in Phoenix at Rainbow Cactus. I am going
to be documenting this project to include my performances, interviews with queens I meet on the road, and the adventures my boyfriend and I experience. Check out YouTube at So now ask yourself, who is Britney Star and who does she think she is? I think you have your answer. Until next time, xoxo Britney Star To find out the dates for Britneys tour for wingspan visit britneystar or
FOR SALE: Uptown Gem of a Home 1024 West Georgia Avenue, Pasadena Neighborhood, Walkability Score 67, Energy efficient 3 bedrms, 1.75 baths. 1900 sq. ft has home office entry. Spacious corner lot, walled privacy, paddle fans, skylights, A/C and evap. Security doors thruout & alarm system. Detached 2+ car port with secure storage, Offered at $235,000. MLS # 4186597, 10 2 4 w g e o r g i a a v e . e p r o p e Owner/agent John E. Hughes, Jr. (520) 907-6792.
Are you experiencing any of the following? Hot flashes, mood swings, low sex drive, weight gain, depression, headaches, anxiety, foggy thinking, vaginal dryness, prolonged fatigue? Call 1-888-314-3413
HELP WANTED Bartenders/Cocktail Servers Wanted Looking for at least 2 years experience or customer service equivalent. Stop into the Rock for an application, 4129 N 7th Ave, Phoenix AZ 85013. 602-248-8559 Experienced Licensed Massage Therpist and Experienced Cosmetologist for upscale central Phoenix salon. Call George or David at 602277-8849 for more information.
Vacant Land for Sale! Central Phoenix. 36th St/ Thomas. Ideal for seasoned investors & developers. Less than $1.78 per sqft of land. Potential for mutli family units or single family home. Listed at $19,900. Seller may carryback up to $10k-. The Ron Houston Group 602-402-2459. Arizona Lifestyle Realty.
VOX | Landscaping & Construction Complete landscaping design including walls, stucco, pavers, fireplaces, barbeques and metal work. Call Beth Rohlfs, Owner at 480538-8081 | ROC# 262709
Rainbow Massage Therapy. Bring this ad in for $10.00 off your massage. Located near 7th Ave & Indian School. Swedish & Hot Stone. Call (602) 265-1631 for appointment or e-mail (MT-09329)
news / politics / business / opinion | May 2011 | Issue #82 | 53
ADVERTISER DIRECTORY Building a great community starts with you! Support these businesses that advertise in ‘N Touch News!
Chute Store
Off Chute Too
Ken Leombruno
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Holiday Inn Tucson Airport N
Law Firms
Courtyard Marriott Flagstaff
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Ronda Kelso
J. Ross Firm
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Rainbow Massage
Community Tire Cottonwood
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Bookkeeping & Taxes
Real Estate Services
Landscaping VOX
Ron Houston/AZ Lifestyle
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Ain’t Nobody’s Biz (TUC)
Bitz-ee Mamas
Caffé Italia
Colors Restaurant (TUC)
Linda’s on Osborn
Dave Connell
Slice of Sicily Pizza
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Loft Cinema, The (TUC)
Retail Shopping
Pulse Tucson (TUC)
Rainbow Cactus
Rock, The
Off Chute Too
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Woody’s (TUC)
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Chiropractic In Touch Chiropractic
Design & Web Services Lionwood Visual Design
Central Phx Animal Pawzapalooza
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AZMAN2MAN 602-277-5155 480-659-9933
Taxi/Transportation: Discount Cab
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Financial Services Glenchrist Tax Preparation
US Bank, Jonathon Humig (TUC) 520-664-1624 Wells Fargo
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Southern AZ AIDS Foundation
Home Services Floor Source
Information / Support One Voice Community Cntr PFLAG of Payson PRISM @ NAU
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54 | Issue #82 | May 2011 |
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