NTT protects information and technologies commento di Giampaolo Crepaldi
20/05/2010 – In this technology era, preservation of information and know‐how becomes increasingly difficult. Moreover, the enlargement of the world market with other manufacturing nations such as China and India coming into the play, has led to a search, and in many cases, advanced industrial espionage, if not to the attempt to copy the technology of a company like ours. The methods used for this purpose range from the product analysis, to go to the recruitment of employees, focusing on getting manufacturing engineers and management executives. NTT, since the very beginning of its entry into the market of the carbon fiber production, has had to defend against these practices immediately. NTT has therefore created a network of companies, concealing each a piece of the whole technology, and has managed the construction of machinery in a fragmented way, no one knew all of the final characteristics until the implementation of the pilot plant. This dense network has allowed us to develop our technology, our innovative production process. But this allowed us not only to develop it and bring it to an industrial scale, but has also granted NTT to enter the market and consolidate its presence, to obtain the necessary certifications, and to get contracts with major consumers of carbon fiber on the world market. The spire of this organization is our English company, NTT Aerospace Ltd, which we use for all contacts, actions and agreements, to safeguard in the early stages, the goodness of contact and define whether it is a serious relationship, or instead, as sometimes happens, check that there is only the interest INFO (INF) Signed Date Designation
Prepared Approved G Crepaldi G Crepaldi 20/05/2010 20/05/2010 NTT-INF01-ITA Rev.01/10
to know our technology and our production process. NTT Aerospace Ltd acts as a filter and then to manage all those operations, including hiring new staff or for new transactions, and contracts with consultants. English law protects activities like ours, and allows us to protect our initiatives and to preserve our technologies, which are the foundation of our success. It is NTT Group practice, to sign with all those who want to enter into professional contact with us, via NTT Aerospace, an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), which imposes secrecy obligations on information and documents disclosure. The rules are very strict and very clear, to prevent the practice of espionage enter our facilities. In fact, the law regulating the NDA is very strict and its rules apply in all states of the industrialized world. Even with respect to our patents, we used an organized network of companies. This allows the preservation of information and makes it harder for competitors, get to understand the processes and technological innovation, that differentiate and make unique the NTT products. NTT can truly boast a revolutionary and innovative technology for the production of carbon fiber. Precisely for this reason, NTT had to act strategically on the advanced management of information, communications and security, to bring KORE® innovation in the third millennium. (G. Crepaldi – NTT Group) Contact – NTT Aerospace Visit Tags: NTT Group, NTT Aerospace, NTT Engineering, NTT International, KORE, Carbon Fiber Issued W Van Gulijk 20/05/2010
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