NTT Improves Engineering Project Productivity Carl‐Heinz Bosch NTT Group / NTT Aerospace 25‐Feb‐11
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NTT Improves Engineering Project Productivity | 2/6
By Carl-Heinz Bosch
What Is Productivity And Why It Is So Important Productivity equals value divided by time. By this definition there are two primary ways of increasing productivity: 1) Increase the value created 2) Decrease the time required to create that value You can complicate this definition by including other factors like energy and resources, but I prefer the simplicity of time because in most cases factors like energy and resources are reducible to time anyway. Time also makes it very easy to compare different levels of productivity, such as output per hour or per day. Apparently you can make some significant gains on the time side. There are many personal productivity optimizations which, especially if you introduce them in your youth, will produce a massive net savings of time over the course of your life. Consider your typing speed, for instance. If you invest the time to get your speed up to 90 words per minute or faster, it will be well worth the initial time investment if you happen to do a lot of typing over your lifetime, compared to allowing your speed to linger at 50 wpm or slower year after year. The extra hours of practice will be nothing compared to the time you save typing emails, letters, or blog entries over the next few decades. Other timebased optimizations include improving your sleeping habits, minimizing commute time, or dropping time-wasting habits like smoking. The main limit of time-based optimizations is that the optimization process requires an input of time itself. It takes time to save time. So the more time you invest in optimizing time usage, the greater your initial time investment,
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and the greater your need for a long-term payoff to justify that investment. GROUP Satisfy Your Progress®
This limit creates an upper bound for any time-based optimizations you attempt, in accordance with the law of diminishing returns. The more time you invest in any optimization attempt, the lower your net return, all else being equal. This law of diminishing returns points us back to the value side. While we | 3/6 might be stuck with diminshing returns by trying to optimize the time side alone, we may notice that working to optimize the value side is less limiting and more open-ended.
What is the “value” in our productivity equation? Value is a quality you must define for yourself. Hence, any definition of productity is relative to the definition of value. However, in terms of your own personal productivity, you aren’t forced to define value the same way anyone else would. You are free to adopt your own definition, such that your pursuit of greater productivity becomes a personal quest that produces the value that matters most to you. Too often we adopt a socially conditioned definition of value, which tends to be very limiting. Conceivably we define value in terms of work output within our career, number of tasks completed, number and quality of important projects finished, etc. More than possible, you have a working definition of value that feels comfortable to you and to your Company which does not correspond to a widely recognised standard. You can tell when you’ve had a productive day and when you haven’t based on how much value you created, in accordance with your own sense of what value means.
Engineering Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired objective or invention. Engineering in general is the design, repair, and testing of products using mathematics, science, physics, and technology. It is a technical field, meaning that it is high-paced and most engineers must be aware of new developments in order to do their best.
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0-1 Courtesy of NEi Software FEA Finite Element Analysis
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NTT Successful Engineering Project Productivity GROUP Satisfy Your Progress速
The effort of a good engineering teamwork is mostly into corresponding to single companies parameters. For this reason NTT has worked out to construct a reliable engineering project productivity system. Driving successful project delivery and providing greater value and return for all | 4/6 stakeholders are key goals for firms strictly bound to engineering project productivity. However, increasingly complex projects, compressed schedules, ineffective collaboration among project stakeholders, and limited interoperability, can get in the way of these goals and lead to reduced efficiency. 1
What customer firms need are solutions that develop global teamwork, optimize practices and better communicate project data. The required solutions must: - improve global project collaboration and communication; - improve data interoperability; - develop change management and preserve accountability.
Improve Global Project Collaboration and Communication Throughout project design, execution and maintenance operations, our stakeholders such as designers, field engineers, contractors, technicians and operators, must come together and effectively access, share, review and communicate with electronic data and information. These teams are oftentimes spread across multiple geographies or locations making effective collaboration challenging. For dispersed teams to collaborate effectively they must utilize technologies that connect project data to the right resources within any process. Visualization solutions deliver this capability and allow for visualization and group effort around projects and design data and information. By allowing multiple stakeholders to digitally view, review, provide feedback and communicate changes in real time, engineering teams can greatly enhance project communication, improve output and expedite project delivery.
Preserve Accountability and Develop Change Management During design, prototype, construction, tests and operation phases, project and design data go through numerous changes and revisions, all of which need to be captured for streamlined change management and analysis processes.
Source http://blogs.oracle.com/enterprisevisualization/2010/06/improve_engineering_constructi.html
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By correctly capturing design changes, decisions and approvals, NTT organization can maintain an accurate and reliable audit trail of project activity, which is important for accountability and liability protection. Commonly, these changes are captured on paper, by hand, making it difficult to quickly share updated project data with dispersed teams and challenging to maintain proper records for accountability. | 5/6 By powering solutions that enable them to capture changes and update digitally, NTT engineering teams can communicate electronically and minimize their reliance on inefficient paper-based information exchanges. Fur further project traceability, these digitally captured comments, updates and revisions are integrated into a project’s content and into NTT document management system of record.
Improve Data Interoperability Mostly during every single phase of projects each stakeholder must be able to effectively communicate information and specification to other stakeholders. Generally, this is hindered by the fact that design and engineering documents have been created with different file types. NTT provides its technicians and engineering teams with an advanced visualization and collaboration solution, so that stakeholders can access, view and collaborate on any 2D and 3D file type during any stage of virtual design and project phase. With such a solution in place, teams need not worry about how to collaborate but rather when to collaborate. The overall management system becomes more familiar and easy to plan under a normal PM system.
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Dr. Carl-Heinz Bosch, is the Head of the NTT Group’s Research & Development activities. In this role, he structures the Company development programs, to be on the edge leading the carbon fiber market. Dr. Bosch has over 15 years of experience in developing and managing carbon-related industrial technologies, with a specialty on carbon-carbon technologies and aerospace applications.
Contact: NTT Aerospace LONDON United Kingdom website: http://www.gontt.com e-mail: info@gontt.com