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We inspire societies to change our world for better futures.
學院簡介 About D-School 為全面推動創新與創造能力的教育,培養學生創新思考、批 判思考、解決問題,以及跨領域的創新設計與創造實作之能 力,本校於2015年3月24日通過成立台大創新設計學院(以下 簡稱D-School),並在秋季正式授課。為更有效地整合全校 創新創業教育資源,2018年起將創意創業學程(以下簡稱創 創學程)與D-School合併共同運作以構跨領域創業知能,並 於2019年重啟領導學程,以形成校園師生多元創新、主動實 現設計的文化氛圍。
To prepare talent for ″glocal challenges″ in the information era, in 2015, National Taiwan University established the Stanley Wang D-School (henceforth, ″NTU D-School″ or ″D-School″ ), designed to provide a comprehensive, creative and innovative education that cultivates critical thinking for problem-solving through interdisciplinary collaboration. After offering campus-wide design thinking based classes in fall 2015, the Entrepreneurship Program (founded in 2005) merged into the D-School in 2018, followed the next year by the Social Responsibility Program (established in 2014) and reinitiated the NTU Leadership Program in 2019.
D-School以推動跨領域教學與行動學習為核心任務,結合創「創新教育」、「大 學社會責任(創生)」、「創創學程」與「領導學程」此四大主軸系列課程,並由實 作中心加強學生動手做能力以強化解決方案之驗證力。透過從寬而廣的邀請全校師 生參與「創新設計學院」,到窄而深「創創學程」及「領導學程」,並強化社群 場域之社會創新,輔以外部資源的「大學社會責任」,期能增進校內師生創意、創 新、創業、創生動能,使創意、創新、創業、創生成為本校在亞洲大學圈具有獨特 的競爭優勢。
Transdisciplinary teaching and learning by doing are at the core of the D-School pedagogy through three distinct areas of focus: (1) innovation training, (2) creativity and entrepreneurship program, and (3) place-based social responsibility ( ″socio-placemaking″ ), and (4) leadership program. To facilitate the D-School′s pedagogical transformations, Makerspace and NTU Garage provide students with a wide range of hands-on opportunities from product prototyping to start-up development.
組織架構 D-School Structure 教師評審委員
APT Committee
Chief Executive Officer
Advisory Board
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
教學研究團隊 Teaching & Research Team
創新教育組 Innovation Education Department 以建構創新設計的校內教學課程與學習環境為旨。 Establishing on-campus teaching courses and a learning environment for innovative design.
社會創新組 Social Innovation Department 負責建立多元的跨領域學習機制、並媒合校園內外資源以突破大學與社會藩籬。 Building a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary mechanism for learning. Consolidating resources on and off campus to integrate university into society.
創業教育組暨創意創業學程 Entrepreneurship Education Department & Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program 為建置並執行創創學程,扶植校內學生邁進創新創業之路。 Establishing and executing the CEP to provide assistance to students seeking to start their own businesses.
領導學程 Leadership Program 為強化學生自身領導力,拓展實際服務經驗與正向社會影響力。 Reinforcing students′ leadership and cooperative skills, and expanding their social service experience as well as positive social impact.
服務推廣組 Outreach Department 旨在增強並推廣本院對外相關教學課程與活動。 Strengthening and promoting D-School courses and activities outside the university.
Innovation Education Department 核心能力 Core Competence 課程旨在培養學生解決問題與創新發想所需的能力, 其中包含: The courses cultivate in D-School students the necessary capacities for problem solving and creative thinking, including:
Mindset : 建立T型人才中橫向的學習、溝通、合作與應變能力。 Making : 培養動手做的精神與能力。 Analysis : 培養資料量化之分析能力。 Creativity : 提升創新發想能力。 Storytelling : 提升團隊或個人的敘事、溝通能力,以產生有效益的訊息傳達。
Mindset: Nurture T-shaped talent for horizontal, cross-disciplinary learning, communication, and collaboration. Making: Cultivate proactive attitudes and capabilities to make things happen. Analysis: Cultivate the ability to quantify and analyze available resources and data. Creativity: Elevate capabilities in innovative thinking. Storytelling: Improve the ability of individuals and groups to describe and communicate in order to convey messages effectively.
四大課群 Four Major Course Groups 核心概念 (Mindset Courses) 課程目標為培養學生解決問題所需的Mindset。課程包含: 設 計思考入門、需求探索、設計如何說故事等課程。 These courses cultivate in students the mindset needed to solve problems. The courses include Introduction to Design Thinking, Needs Inquiry, Designing Stories, etc.
實作能力 (Skill Courses) 課程目標為讓學生可以練習新的Skill,強化創新構想的形成與執行,課程包含木工 藝實作、創新原型實作、音樂設計與創新應用、影像戰鬥營等課程。 The courses help students practice new skills and strengthen the formation and execution of innovative thinking procedure. The course include Woodworking Practice, Prototyping Practice, Music Design and Innovative Application, Filmmaker Bootcamp, etc.
解決問題 (Project Courses) 課程目標為讓學生可以整合多種Skill來針對生活中各類實際議題,如能源、人口、 交通、居住、農業、環保、年長者關懷、醫療體系等等,探討可行且創新的解決方 案,課程包含創新車輛設計、暖科技、智齡設計、使用者空間營造、全球創新的原 理與實踐等。 These courses help students integrate multiple skills to explore every day issues like energy, population, transportation, housing, agriculture, environmental protection, senior care, and medical care, and to create innovative solutions. Courses include Innovative Vehicle Design, Warm Technology, Smart Aging Design, User′S Space Construction, and Principles and Practices of Global Innovation.
國際與企業專題 (International and Corporate Projects) 聚焦國際社會或業界問題加以發想,以學生與校外人士共同發展並實踐創新成果為 主軸,建立學生跨入社會實務的基礎與國際觀。 Focusing on international or corporate issues, NTU students build teams with external partners and institutions to jointly develop innovative outcomes. These activities prepare NTU students to enter the job market and enrich their international perspectives.
Social Innovation Department
D-School重視社會創新設計與大學社會責任。依循著聯合國 永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 的架構,我們以「學科跨領域、教學在場域」為教學宗旨, 發展以社會關懷導向的在地實作課程。
The D-School places a special emphasis on social innovation and university social responsibility (USR). Under the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we experiment locally with the idea of ″science that crosses disciplines and teaching by doing″, moving our courses from campus towards the outside world to implement real social benefits.
D-School社會創新組以地方再生為前提,從跨領域課程、議題策展、創新創業等 方式,引領學生認識社會議題並發展解決方案,以此體現大學社會責任。迄今,有 數十名老師,近百門課程與工作坊,累積超過2000人次同學參與課程。進入的社 區有宜蘭員山、新北坪林、桃園大溪、阿美族溪洲部落、台北市南萬華、台大紹興 社區、台大實驗林,以及大學校園周遭的溫羅汀、蟾蜍山、麟光社區等城鄉小鎮部 落。我們積極與教育部、科技部、地方政府、社區組織、民間團體,民間企業,以 及不同的高中、高職、大學發展可持續的對等合作夥伴聯盟。 歡迎有志一同的您,隨時敲門加入!
From 2015 to present, we collaborate with dozens of educators to experiment with hundreds of courses and workshops. Through the classes, thousands and more students have been engaging in disadvantaged urban neighborhood, rural villages and aboriginal tribes, including but not limited: Xizhou tribe and Pinglin in New Taipei City, southern Wanhua in Taipei, Daxi in Taoyuan, Shengou in Yilan, Shaoxing community of NTU, NTU Experimental Forest, and WenLuo Ting, Toad Mountain settlement, Linguang Community surrounding the NTU campus. We actively establish PPP partnerships with various institutes and organizations, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, local governments, community organizations, civil society, enterprises, and high schools, vocational colleges, and universities. Join us, change earth! Come and act together!
Entrepreneurship Education Department & Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program 創創學程以創業為主體,目標為培養學生跨領域多元學習並 整合實踐、展現多元創意以及不怕失敗之創業精神。本學 程招收為來自不同背景卻皆有志朝創業發展的學生齊聚一 堂,以團隊合作方式進行腦力激盪並鼓勵勇敢跨出行動的第 一步。除了成為創業點子匯聚大平台,也為學生創業的前哨 站,為未來可能的創業版圖擘畫及奠基。 We aim to develop student entrepreneurship through cross-disciplinary learning and integrated execution. This program provides a platform and an ecosystem for entrepreneurial innovations through teamwork and collaboration of students from different fields to create a new start-up business.
創業知識核心課程 (10學分) 核心課程致力於培育學生成為未來創業家,在一學年的課程之中規劃一系列創業行 銷、領導、管理、財務、經營、社會企業等課程,紮實奠基創業之基礎架構。基礎 架構外我們也根據每一屆的創業專題不同,而特別規劃適合的延伸課程及活動。啟 發學生解決各類問題之決斷力,以及寬廣視野及思維高度,也鏈結該創業專題相關 產業界資源。 Core courses (10 credits) The core courses are dedicated to cultivating future start-up entrepreneurs. A series courses, such as marketing, leadership, management, finance, operations, and social business, are taught. We also arrange adequate several extension activities and bridge industrial resources for students to inspire and strengthen their problem solving capability.
創意選修跨界學習 選修課程以創意為出發點,課程內容包羅創新服務商業模式設計、藝術與創作、國 際青年創業專案等,透過不同領域的授課教師們引導嶄新思考流程,課堂多元知識 與情境實際演練及相互觀摩學習,彰顯並實踐創意的價值及設計的主要目的。使學 生在課程中大膽釋放無窮無盡、跨領域且不設限的想法。 Electives courses Elective courses include Innovation Service Business Model Design, Creative Thinking and Young Entrepreneurs of the Future Program. These classes can help students to stimulate innovation activities and to develop cross-disciplinary learnings by handson practice.
Leadership Program 領導學程創立於2008年,鑒於大學教育長期以來以專業知識 之傳授為主,欠缺有系統地培養學生團隊合作與領導服務的 能力,學程致力於培養學生領導思維、溝通協調與團隊互助 能力。期盼學生在了解自我潛能、探索未來的學習過程中, 也著眼於生活中需要改變的現象、關注多元議題,並秉持著 謙遜、利他的理念,以團隊合作的方式實踐社會服務。
Founded in 2008, the NTU Leadership Program aims to cultivate leadership thinking, communication skills, and the ability to work in a team. We except that all students develop their own missions and explore their potentials through service in diverse communities on various critical topics.
Mentor Team 業師與顧問團隊
系統化課程 Extensive Curriculum
Exceptional Alumni 外部策略聯盟
國際交流 International Connection
學程專屬社群網 Program Exclusive Community
為培養學生設立議題、尋找與建立解決方案、社會服務實踐、檢討修正的能力,我 們打造「系統化課程」、「業師與顧問團隊」、「國際交流」、「校友連結」、「 學程專屬社群網」五大機制,協助學生學習歷程的推進。讓學生可以透過系統化的 學習,強化自身領導力、同儕合作能力,拓展實際服務經驗與正向社會影響力。
Our program has five mechanisms, including mission-based curriculum, external mentor teams, international connections, exceptional alumni, and program community to develop skills in setting the agenda, finding and building a solution, practicing social services, and revision/reflection. Students can reinforce their leadership and expand their social service toward positive social impact.
Outreach Department 我們是一個爆發力十足的團隊,把創新解釋為「重新架構問 題的能力」+「能持續學習,迭代成長的行動力」,幫助合 作夥伴重組並善用當前資源,打造新的價值創造途徑。 We are a vibrant team focused on innovation as ″the ability to reframe an issue″ combined with ″the ability to always learn and act ″. We help our partners regroup, take best advantage of available resources, create new values, and open up new paths forward.
為創造及推展社會多元創新、有行動實踐力的文化,D-School育成團隊如「Alpha Team」及「設計思考教練團隊」,在五年內逐步藉由課程支援、專案輔導、企業 諮詢、企業教練、計畫承辦等階段性任務,累積將設計思考應用到工作和生活中的 實戰經驗,發展出可因應企業、非營利組織、政府部門特性而調整的教學模組,以 短而有效的體驗式工作坊,為合作單位導入設計思考基本觀念,並針對學員及不同 單位的特性,設計後續可持續發揮影響力的專案。 To create and promote diverse innovation and the energy to execute in society, the D-School has developed specialized teams such as the ″Alpha Team″and ″Design Thinking Coaching Team″. In five years, we have gradually stepped through the stages of course support, special project counseling, business counseling, business coaching, and planning. In the process, we have accumulated practical experience in applying design to work and living, and have developed teaching modules that can be adjusted to fit the special needs of businesses, not-for-profits, or governments. Through short and effective immersive workshops, we lead participants through the basic concepts of design thinking, and design special projects that can maximize participant effectiveness on their own terms.
如果你百試不得其解,該如何將老闆口中的「創新」轉化為具體的行動或訓練課 程;如果你是部門主管,希望運用有系統的創新方法來協助團隊建立學習型組織的 文化;如果你是老闆,希望將從國外或其他創新機構體會到的感動與熱情導入公司 體系;或者,你只是一個對創新設計有十足興趣,希望能運用設計思考,為手邊的 專案注入活水者,歡迎與服務推廣組聯繫,D-School將以具體的行動來支持你心 目中的可能性發生。 Are you struggling to implement ″innovative″ concepts into concrete action or training? Are you a department head trying to systematically establish a learning organization culture? Are you an employer or manager seeking to drive innovative practices in your organization, or simply interested in potential applications of innovative design to inject new energy into your projects? If this is you, D-School has the resources, expertise and support to turn ideas into reality.
Makerspace 提供台大師生一個可以親自動手實作、驗證設計的空間。實 作中心鼓勵製造知識的分享交流及勇於將想法化為現實的 maker精神。 A space for students and teachers at NTU to realize their designs, the Makerspace encourages idea exchange and promotes the ″never stop trying″ maker spirit.
實作中心內提供各式傳統與數位製造設備,透過多元的製 造設備讓使用者能迅速打造設計的原型、反覆測試並修改 設計,使創新概念最終能成為現實可行的方案確實實現。 The Makerspace is equipped with various kinds of traditional and digital manufacturing equipment for quick prototyping, allowing D-School to build and iteratively test new concepts.
除了提供空間與設備之外,中心也不定期舉辦各類主題之 實作工作坊,如木工、皮革、模型表面處理、多軸飛行 器、控制板等,藉此增進校內實作風氣與技巧。 In addition to providing space and equipment, the Makerspace also holds hands-on workshops featuring different themes (e.g., woodworking, leather craft, surface finishing, multirotor design, and control board mplementation) to promote the maker atmosphere on campus.
學院活動 D-Act
創新設計學院不僅開設多元的跨領域的課程,也不定期舉辦 各式活動、講座、工作坊等。透過活潑且生活化的主題,豐 富學生們正規課程外的學習;同時也帶動學院的人潮,讓 不同背景的專家學者們共同投入,讓跨科系的同學們交流互 動。每個活動所留下的寶貴經驗,亦成為日後課程的前期準 備。
In addition to diverse interdisciplinary courses, we also host various workshops and events. These lively activities enrich students’experience and expand their knowledge beyond the formal curriculum. We also uses D-Act to try alternative approaches in conveying and exploring knowledge. External experts and scholars are welcome to use D-Act as a pilot study for their future formal course planning.