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MA Design: Products and Furniture MSc Design: Products and Technology Foreward Class photos Major Study Project Design Tools Project Professional Collaboration Project


MA Design: Products and Furniture MA Design: Products and Furniture course is aimed at the designer who wishes to develop innovative products, furniture, systems or services. We support students to develop individual design philosophies and creative methodologies, while engaging with the realities of designing for new and emerging markets. With a strong studio-based culture, this course considers the relationship between traditional craft skills, new technology and modern manufacture, and encourages collaborative working and hands-on experience. Students are given the tools to understand the market, social needs and end users, developing into an advanced and aware designer, specialising in existing or emerging areas of product design. The course, and the associated support provided by the University, enables graduates to develop advanced design, technological and manufacturing skills, enabling them to start their own business, work within the manufacturing industry, design consultancies, research and development organisations, or to progress to further study by engaging in research.


MSc Design: Products and Technology MSc Design: Products and Technology course encourages a broad and diverse range of approaches to design practice, which include: manufacturing, computer science and technology, artificial intelligence for control, robotics, project management, inclusive design, and emerging technologies, such as advanced internet techniques. This course, and the associated support provided by the University, enables graduates to develop advanced design, technological and manufacturing skills, enabling them to start their own business, work within the manufacturing industry, design consultancies, research and development organisations, or to progress to further study by engaging in research. With a strong studio-based culture, this course provides students with the principles and techniques necessary for developing advanced product design and technological solutions to a range of practical problems. Utilising state-of-the- art laboratories and prototyping workshops, computer suites and dedicated design studios, you’ll develop enhanced skills of imagination, creativity, enterprise, leadership, team building and communication.




JIM DALES HEAD OF PRODUCT DESIGN It’s been an extraordinary year. When this talented group of students joined us at NTU in October 2019 to begin their Postgraduate journey, little did we know what the next twelve months would hold in store. But, despite all the challenges that these students have faced, they have made it to the end of the course with a rich and diverse range of inspiring projects. Ultimately, our students have learned some important life lesson through the year. They have learnt to adapt, remaining flexible and resilient throughout, but most of all, they have learnt to face all the challenges that life has thrown at them with open, creative minds. Design is a discipline that demands an openness to challenge and a willingness to face problems that can seemingly come at you from any angle, so in many respects this years cohort is more prepared and ready for the challenges of their industry and the world for which they design, more than ever before. I wish you all the best of luck James


BELLA GĂœLDEN MALYA PRODUCT DESIGN MASTERS COURSE LEADER MAJOR STUDY AND DESIGN TOOLS MODULE LEADER First of all, I would like to thank all our students for their dedicated hard work, motivation, perseverance and enthusiasm despite unexpected circumstances we have faced. This year has been a challenging year for all of us in various ways and these unprecedented times have tested all of us and our abilities to adapt, change and overcome difficulties. In the first few months of our academic year, together with our students and our teaching team, we developed a strong studio environment and NTU Product Design Masters community. Within this community, everyone has been welcoming, supportive, friendly and passionate; together not only great projects were created but also many beautiful friendships and memories were formed. This supportive network has helped us all to keep connected and motivated even after a global pandemic outbreak happened and affected all of us in ways we would not possibly imagine. The difficulties and limitations have been tough in various ways but all of you managed to find creative ways to proceed with your projects and create opportunities out of obstacles. This sometimes meant changing the scope of projects, adjusting research methods and even inventing/testing new methods to do research within restrictions. During their exciting and inspiring journey, our students have had a positive and professional attitude towards their work. I’m extremely proud of each and every student, their progress, learning and their project outcome; as I know, it has not been easy.


Here, I would like to thank all our NTU Product Design Masters teaching team for their hard work, dedicated support and continuous help. During this challenging academic year while working together we had many opportunities to give and receive feedback from each other. As I always believe, teaching is not a one-way transaction but instead a multiway exchange opportunity to grow together and challenge each other. Hence this year has been a great opportunity for all of us and we have learned from our students as much as our students have learned from us. When we could, we all had the chance to get to know each other in person, visit different places, learn about different cultures and celebrate the diversity and enrichment of our community at NTU Product Design Masters and this helped us build strong bonds between us. At the end of year, I’m looking forward to seeing all projects presented at the first NTU Product Design Masters Virtual Degree Show. While showcasing these projects online for the first time, we are also happy to celebrate the completion of this wonderful experience altogether. It has been a great pleasure for me and our teaching team to guide our students through their journey this year and as much as it is sad to see them graduate, we are very excited and happy for them to start a next chapter in their professional lives. As strong, hard-working, creative individuals, despite all difficulties, looking at how brilliantly they have improved and developed their skills this year, I have no doubt they will overcome any challenge that will come their way from here onwards. Finally to all our students, well done and I wish you all the best in your bright future. Please remember anytime you need, both myself and your NTU Product Design Masters community will be here for you.



This module provides an opportunity to develop innovative artefacts, products or systems. Students work on their own design concept, an industrially led, or research-based project as individually negotiated through your learning agreement. The module aims to develop and integrate your creative abilities, promote experimental and critical approaches to innovating new products, systems and experiences and further the development of design thinking and debate through strategic approaches to new product development. The module is open to a broad range of approaches to the process of design development, be it through the exploration of traditional crafts, utilising user centred design methodologies, employing business-based forecasting techniques or experimental speculative methods you will be able to explore the possibilities of this constantly evolving discipline. The final project outcomes of Major Study Project module show originality, combining the scope of your imagination and the sound evaluation of product design theory and practice.


Major Study Projects

The design shows a way to encourage the interaction between human and cats. People and cats can use the table together. The host can place the cup of coffee on the top floor, cats can sleep on the second or bottom floor according to the preference, also there are some holes which allow cats to drill and play with.

Junyan Ai Email:15624954334@163.com Phone: +44 7421837491 Social media: instagram.com/ai.junyan


Interactive Pet Furniture This project taking cats and cat owners as main research object, aims to explore the application of interactive design theory into cat furniture area. The purpose is to make cat furniture better meet the needs of cats and cat consumers, play the role of enhancing relationship between them, and further reflect the significance of pets as a bridge for interpersonal emotional communication.


Major Study Projects

The design has been highly consided, so that even the teal colour stimulate claming thoughs and reducess the stress encoured in the kitchen. Currently priced at ÂŁ20 the designer would like to investigate further into mass manufacturing methods with a view of suppling Plumb in retail stores.

Nicole Almond Email: n.almond97@gmail.com Social media: instagram.com/nicole_almond_designs


Plumb Plumb is a collection of handmade earthenware bowls and plates, deisgned to stand vertically in the cupboard. Intended to reduce minor stresses in the kitchen, Plumb utilises vertical cupboard space and frees shelf space to create more usable space. The shape of the design allows the product to be more versitle so the product can be used as both a dish and a plate.


Major Study Projects

The aim of this project was to design a multi-functional piece of furniture for the garden that focuses on two key areas; the first being that it must be highly weather resistant and low maintenance and the second being that it must facilitate and support the practical needs of the gardener.

Lucy Brown Email: lulissyb@gmail.com Phone: 07860 629491 Social media: insta @lucybrown_design


Gardener’s Seat The product is intended to encourage spontaneous and longer gardening sessions, as a result of not needing to be taken in and out of storage and being a temporary tool station. These key components of the overarching aim intend to encourage time spent outside among nature while gardening, to better psychological, physiological, and ecosystem health.


Major Study Projects

The brief of the project was to design for employee wellbeing which impacts mental and physical wellbeing and productivity. Various vital aspects for wellbeing such as ergonomics, biophila, agility, privacy and personalisation are taken into consideration. The concept also considers the measures during the pandemic.

Anisha Deshmukh Email: ani_md@rediffmail.com Phone: +91 9922467761 Social media: instagram.com/anisha.designs


Agive - Employee Wellbeing A solution is designed to provide a customized work experience while focusing on wellbeing. The agile system can be moved around and used as required. It gives you the opportunity to work in privacy or in collaboration and interact with others while taking the measures of the pandemic such as social distancing in consideration. Soothing colours and fresh plants provide a peaceful biophilic experience while working.


Major Study Projects

Increasingly, people are choosing to work at home, in co-working spaces or in coffee shops rather than in an office. This project aims to design and build ergonomic furniture in recycleable materials that allows people to work in comfort at a location of their choosing.

Manjit Singh Gahir Email: manjitsingh380@gmail.com Phone:+44 7487250427


Coffee shop workstation The portable workstation is height adjustable to allow people to work comfortably, either seated or standing up. There is a drawer to safely keep pens or a phone, or it can double as a coffee-cup holder. The chair was anatomically designed to mimic the curves of the back to increase comfort and reduce fatugue. All parts are made of recyclable Baltic birch plywood apart from the steel base and a few fixings.


Major Study Projects

As design thinking has been reducing the designers practice to no longer consider the future of the objects and systems it goes on to produce. Design Inheritance, gives designers, businesses, industry partners, anyone and everyone wanting to embark on their own designerly journey the means of consideration

Christoher Hanley Email: chrishanley2008@gmail.com Website: www.hcollection.co.uk Social media: www.instagram.com/chrishanleydesign/


Design Inheritance of what they create is consciously passed on. Based on six values of inheritance; responsibility, transition, legacy, heritage, reflection & importance are the results of investigating the culture of design thinking and what is missing within it. Additionally as a practice-led research project the Inheritance Chair is an artificial representation of the theory behind this project. Using the legacy of broken down furniture waste and transitioning them into new heritage.


Major Study Projects

This furniture is designed for the target groups living in small-space in big cities. Due to the trend of globalization, this product tries to redefine furniture once again. Not only to extend within the space of the furniture, but also have more functions.

Chia Chun Huang Email:lifefly1991@gmail.com Phone: +44 7935835638 Social media: instagram.com/yelloworbee


Sustainable Flat Pack Work Desk In a living space, other than a working desk is a bed, which is why is necessary to think about how to design this furniture product that is going to be used in small space. At the same time, dealing with more difficult conditions in the future, sustainable design must be introduced. Create it from a different angle Works, will bring more value and feasibility for the product is the biggest attraction of this product.


Major Study Projects

This project aims to create a sustainable business model and design concepts, based on the idea of utilising material off-cuts generated during manufacturing processes of other companies. This allows materials to be fully utilised, reducing the waste and amount of resources needed to process virgin materials.

Dessislava Ivanova Email:dessislava333@gmail.com Social media: instagram.com/dessi.gn


From Waste The concept is a wall hanging system that is not only decorative but also allows the user to suspend different functional objects at both ends. It enables the consumer to personalise their living space with customising the product through the multiple composition possibilities, versatile choice of attachment objects, materials and rope colours.


Major Study Projects

This work presents a design proposal for the human experience of the future packaging which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of a product while adding meaningful user experience to consumers.

Alessandra Jorquera Cortes Email: alessandra.idesigner@gmail.com Phone: +44 7526190043 Social media: instagram.com/alessandra_jqr


Sustainable Coffee Packaging This project brief is to create a sustainable packaging solution to enhance the reuse and recycling of packaging materials into new products with their own functions and purposes. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of packaging using sustainable design as an evaluation tool to make decisions and at the same time to change gradually consumer behavior towards packaging and its recyclability and reusability.


Major Study Projects

Tent&Coat connected by zipper

Backpack inside


The project focus is specifically looking into an idea which combines sleeping accommodation (sleeping bag and tent) and the backpack itself.

Hsin Tzu Li Email: hsintzu.li@gmail.com Phone: +44 7746817971 Social media: instagram.com/designalittlebit


Shelterpack Particularly focusing on the issues of refugees who have to transport their personal items on often long journeys on both land, sea and uncertain circumstances such as a pandemic. The materials are expected to be sourced from discarded fabrics to make the products affordable. Rather than producing the product for people, it could also be a kit for people to follow and make themselves.


Major Study Projects

This project aims to encourage street musicians to perform in the city, provide convenience, and reduce the burden of travel when playing musical instruments in different environments. Enhance players’ performance, helping to attract more audiences.

Jia Luo Email:jaya08091994@gmail.com Phone: +44 07419997774 Social media: instagram.com/aluoda


Poster Stand and Seat The product is categorised into two modules, using the same design language, which forms a single product when not in use. Including a seat and poster stand, both modules utilise the same mechanism, which spreads out according to the different angular circular structure. The top of the poster is also equipped with LED lights. The seat can also be adjusted according to the performance.This product has four functional features, including seat, guitar stand, poster stand, and LED light .


Major Study Projects

This project is design for children who 3-7 years old, using materials, colors and sounds to give children tactile stimulation, visual stimulation, and sound stimulation, improve children’s cognitive and language skills.

Yingfan Ma Email: 623919754m@gmail.com Phone: +44 7539193476 Instagram: myfannn


Sensory Play Children can choose their own sensory stimulation elements according to different colors/shapes/sensory stimulation functions, and then match them together. This is a product that children can customize. The image below shows only one elements. The product is sell online and delivered to customers, so tips cards, product packaging and promotional cards are also designed and will be in the deliver box as well.


Major Study Projects

The project was about repurposing an old K8 model public payphone so that it may be used for playing back poems when a combination of numbers are dialled on it. Novelty additions were included on the repurposing which were a light and a seat.

Modise Nduse email:mnduse@gmail.com Phone: +267 72174750 Social media: instagram.com/dyce.nd


Dial - A - Poem This would be done by stripping off the phone box , harvesting components that may be used and using them alongside relevant microchips that may be compatible with the stripped components from the phone. For the light and seat this will be new designs and materials. The phone will be powered by a solar panel since it won’t be connected to any power source.


Major Study Projects

Design Enabled After an in-depth research project into inclusive design it has been established that the fundamental aspects of inclusive design are empathy, diversity and community. This has led to the creation of Design Enabled. An online video toolkit to be used by novice designers.




Daisy Pope Email: daisypope@outlook.com Phone: 07778591778 Website: daisypope.wixsite.com/daisypopedesign daisypope.wixsite.com/designenabled


Design Enabled The online toolkit has been created as a series called What is Inclusive Design? To teach novice designers about the theory and practise of inclusive design. Part of the projct also involved a live case study to provide a first hand experience of inclusive design. The case study explored the interface between an amputee’s residual limb and the prosthetic socket. This research led to the development and prototyping of a smart silicone membrane prosthetic liner.



Easy-Cleanser is aiming to improve the cleaning efficiency of cleaning work for users in the kitchen by combine with Ultrasonic wave while achieving the goals of water saving, and being environmental-friendly. Not only that, but the designer hopes to spread awareness about water saving through this product.

Yue Qiu Email: 445943861@qq.com Phone: +44 07957925462 Social media: yue.364


Easy-Cleaser This product is designed in white and black versions, adapting to different environments through simple color matching. The water purifier is placed in front and inside of the equipment, with a water tank on the back to collect filtered water, and the touch screen is used to complete the interactive mode. The control panel displays the life of each device by color, for example: when the “filter� displays red, it means that the user needs to replace the water purifier.


Major Study Projects

This project aims to create a series of collapsible furniture, featuring a table and stool, used for hosting guests. It is designed for smaller living spaces, whilst remaining financially viable for low income households.

Zack Rankin Zacharyjames23@hotmail.com Phone: 07840175844


Flexible Design It is designed for smaller spaces through the use of snap-fit components that can be easily assembled by hand, allowing for greater choice and flexibility in how a space is used. To remain financially accessible, the aesthetic attempts to celebrate the linear pattern of plywood end grain which is often overlooked. By adding coloured Corian inlays into the surface, the designs are highly customisable, allowing it to be tailored to the customer’s needs


Major Study Projects

To make a collaboration between art and design merged neatly to create the furniture which has an appropriate functional, also delivered the art meaning that can inspire intended aesthetic meaning such as pleasure, rage, grief, and joy into space, based on user group’s imagination from hosting social media activities.

Anchistha Rattanageen Email: anchistha.r@gmail.com Phone: +44 7828021216 Social media: https://www.instagram.com/anchistha.art/


Cay Creating the furniture which has an appropriate functional and also delivered the art meaning that can inspire intended aesthetic meaning the important elements are designer’s strong passion for art and design skills and designer have to communicate with users to make sure that the design meet their needs. Moreover, designer have to do not forget their identity and artistic side to make the design outstanding, unique and memorable.


Major Study Projects

This project aims to create an upcycled sustainable furniture, the main concept being to use the old crates which were used by farmers and also to utilise the leftover unused materials from other industries and building construction sites. It prevents the virgin materials from going to the landfill and protect environment.

Anisha Surabhi Email:anisha.surabhi@gmail.com Phone: +91 7892714505


Upcycled Coffee Table The aim is to develop an upcycled coffee table to create an emotional attachment with the users, the crates which are used to develop the product were previously used by users ancestors who were farmers and the crates were once used in their farms which were their source of life. Two of the crates in the table can also be used as a seater by the users and the other crates for storage. The coffee table is fixed using camlock nuts which can be easily assembled and disassembled by users.


Major Study Projects

Home Wars is a unique, real-time board game designed for students, by students. Are you ready to make the most out of your shared accommodation? Grab your flatmates, get into teams and complete secret dares, challenges and missions that will spice up your routine and make your time at university that much better.

LucĂ­a VĂĄzquez Vaquero Email: luciavazquezvaquero@gmail.com Phone: +44 07397 927783 Portfolio: luciavazquezvaquer.wixsite.com/portfolio


Home Wars Despite its lighthearted dynamics, Home Wars is the result of in-depth sociological research undertaken in response to the mental health struggles of today’s youth. The game’s active and collaborative mechanics tap into the shared values of this generation — fullfilling their emotional and social needs by evoking feelings of accomplishment, belonging, happiness and involvement, as well as promoting open and regular communication amongst players.


Major Study Projects

The project takes Morris&Co as the client, it explores William Morris’s cultural values and applies Morris’s valuable philosophy to new culture product design, aiming to create new commercial values for Morris&Co, and expending their market and attract more consumers.

Yanxi Wei Email: 738711375@qq.com Phone: +44 7873841413 Social media: instagram.com/yanxi_wei


DIY Light Inspired By Morris The project design the DIY light inspired by William Morris’s philosophy. The kit offers users materials, letting they can create own personalized light through experiencing interesting handcraft skill ‘marbling paper’. The components in the kit can be used to create 2 different shapes of light according to Morris’s nature pattern designs, users can choose the shape that they like to make the light. The energy support of the light is solar energy, the light can be charged in sunshine.


Major Study Projects

This project aims to design a furniture that provokes social-interaction within the shared space in Co-living residences. The Coffee Table Set combines design elements like movable structure and playful elements, so the users can rearrange it according to different usage scenarios.

Liyao Wu Email : lydiawly96@icloud.com Phone: +44 07743798561 Social media: instagram.com/lywu.design


Co-plus Coffee Table Set The big coffee table serves as the main piece, the round shape allows multiple users to gather and join the group equally. A slot was designed as a feature for showing playfulness and layering. The small coffee table adopts movable structure, which can also act as a side table, aiming to encourage an ambience of ”Sociable”,“Playful”. The soft seating serves as supplement to the sofa, it can be stowed or pulled out to act as a footstool.



Design Tools Module provides students with necessary practical skills and knowledge to devise creative design solutions at an advanced level in your chosen program of study. The module develops students as a designer, broadening their fundamental knowledge of a wide range of materials, tools and processes, while challenging them to develop and demonstrate advanced ability and knowledge in existing specialisms. The module comprises a number of design activities introducing students to emerging materials, technologies and processes. Based on individual needs as identified by the skills audit, students learn to develop both specific new knowledge and the critical and analytical skills to assess appropriate materials and technologies as part of the design process. Alongside workshop sessions, students were also given a design brief to apply their new learned skills to design practice. This year, students were asked to design and develop a sustainable and innovative lamp which utilises a specific interaction to operate, for a chosen target market. In this project, consideration of consumer behaviours, current trends as well as materials, technology and product specification are all very important to achieve a suitable and innovative product solution. Details of the target consumer and trend analysis were researched initially and referred to during this project. Students created a narrative and used this narrative to design their user scenario. As a result, the projects were created as an independent controlled light source. On the other hand, students were not allowed to use a traditional switch and / or a mobile application to control the intensity of the light. The design solutions were aimed to create tangible interaction with the user within the relevant user scenario. In this project, in order to develop a product for a particular target market, deep understanding of this market, profiling users, analyzing current trends and evaluating existing products were all essential elements.


Sunny Doll Lamp

Design Tools Projects

The project aims to design a bedside lamp for 8 to 10 years’ old children which is suitable to them-helps them to sleep well and guide them to toilet at night.


Design Tools Projects

The lamp is intellisense and can change colors according to the numbers of beats, which can attract the children’s attention. Also it can be used to keep plants. As green is one of the health colour for children

Junyan Ai Email:15624954334@163.com Phone: +44 7421837491 Social media: instagram.com/ai. junyan


Design Tools Projects


Springgy is a children’s night light and morning alarm, designed to naturally stimualte childen with light. In the evening a warm sunset of pinks and purples fill the room to calm the child for bed and in the morning a golden summer sunrise steadily wakes them.


Design Tools Projects

Powered by a 9 volt battery, Springgy runs from a fully programmed Arduino board. However, the user can adjust the alarms by simply altering the time on the bottom of the base.

Nicole Almond Email: n.almond97@gmail.com Social media: instagram.com/nicole_almond_designs


Design Tools Projects

The Crescent

People have started living in modern and stylish micro homes. The lamp designed is a multifunctional lamp that can be used as a task light. when at work and also as a soft ambient light. The phases of the moon has inspired the design. The lamp is named the crescent which relates to its inspiration.


Design Tools Projects

The aesthetics of the lamp are minimal so it can be used in any space at home. The lamp is easy to operate and can be carried around wherever required. The intensity of light and the direction of light can be adjusted.

Anisha Deshmukh Email: ani_md@rediffmail.com Phone: +91 9922467761 Social media: instagram.com/anisha.designs


Design Tools Projects


Children need to be encouraged to read and many enjoy a bed-time story or reading by themselves in bed. The Litepillow combines the comfort of a pillow and the convenience of a neck light to allow hours of reading without causing a painful, stiff neck. It can be used in cars or aeroplanes too.


Design Tools Projects

The Litepillow has three brightness settings and is easily recharged using the supplied USB charger. It will comfortably sit around any size of neck and also comes in a handy carry bag that keeps everything safe and secure.

Manjit Singh Gahir Email:manjitsingh380@gmail.com Phone: +44 7487250427


Design Tools Projects


The brief was to design a light that engages people through alternative interactions, without a traditional on/off switch. One, is the materialisation of two bodies through luminescence and essential shapes that, when connected, represent the joining of those using it. In three states: apart and


Design Tools Projects

disconnected; as satellites being socially connected in harmony; and together bound — their fusion through movement, luminescence and colour, harmonises increasing physical interactions, only ever functioning as One.

Christoher Hanley Email: chrishanley2008@gmail.com Website: www.hcollection.co.uk Social media: www.instagram.com/chrishanleydesign/


Design Tools Projects

Bonsai Lamp

Boasia lamp is a work that thinks about the connection between traditional culture and current lighting. It tries to introduce oriental aesthetics into products and enhance everyone’s life aesthetics. It gives products a price in addition to technology and cultural aesthetics.


Design Tools Projects

Bonsai, a cultural product that combines potted plants with nature. In regards to the emotional connection of culture, the author wanted to extend and put this kind of concept extends into lighting design.

Chia Chun Huang Email:lifefly1991@gmail.com Phone: +44 7935835638 Social media: instagram.com/yelloworbee


Design Tools Projects

LIT Light

A task light featuring a traditional cone shape adapted in a modern manner. The switch of the lamp operates by a simple twist, using the wooden handle that not only protects the skin from the heated metal but also provides a large enough surface for easy grip and effortless interaction.


Design Tools Projects

Each light has its own switch, meaning that they are independent, and don’t all have to be used at the same time. It features adjustable pivot points allowing the heads to be positioned in different angles, to achieve optimal performance.

Dessislava Ivanova Email: dessislava333@gmail.com Phone: Social media: instagram.com /dessi.gn


Design Tools Projects

Line Lamp

Create an accessible lamp, suitable for small spaces, that is able to define vertical space and organize it through light. it coud be use to set diferent situations like ambient lamp and task lamp.


Design Tools Projects

The main idea of this project is to have a minimalist aesthetic and at the same time to create and define the space around the lamp, it is for this reason and because of the versatility of the space is that it can change, to turn the space into a working one.

Alessandra Jorquera Email: alessandra.idesigner@gmail.com Phone: +44 7526190043 Social media: instagram.com/alessandra_jqr


Design Tools Projects


This project is following the preference of target group office workers to design a lighting product that they can use in work spaces. This lighting will highly reduce their stress during their work and it also could be a toy let workers can play in work spaces without everyone noticing.


Design Tools Projects

This product is made by silicone with LED stick and the flexible metal inside. This lighting are able to bend it and shape it easily, flexible and light at the same time.

Hsin Tzu Li Email:hsintzu.li@gmail.com Phone: +44 7746817971 Social media: instagram.com/designalittlebit


Design Tools Projects

Meditation and Yoga Lamp

This project aims to design a lamp that young people use for meditation and yoga at home, accompanied by comfortable lights. Reduce their work stress during the day and remind them to relax and relieve anxiety. To create a warm and quiet space to relax.


Design Tools Projects

The main colors of this lamp are grey and white. Add rice white can make product more classic, contracted. The selection of materials is based on the instability of the base during the model test.

Jia Luo Email:jaya08091994@gmail.com Phone: +44 07419997774 Social media: instagram.com/aluoda


Design Tools Projects

Portable Lamp

This is a portable light designed for people who often travel or travel on business aim to brings a better and stable sleep to these people when they are not sleeping at home.


Design Tools Projects

This product is retractable, which can save space when putting it in a suitcase or bag, and lavender essential oil can also be put on the top of the product to get better sleep quality during sleep.

Yingfan Ma Email: 623919754m@gmail.com Phone: +44 7539193476 Instagram: myfannn


Design Tools Projects

A Bedside Lamp

This is a bedside lamp that doubles up as a cordless charger when a phone is placed on top of the recessed part. It would sit perfectly on a bedside table with less worry of tipping over as compared to standard bedside lamps with shades.


Design Tools Projects

The lamps works through a touch sensor switch which can be used to dim it or change the color of the light. Modise Nduse email:mnduse@gmail.com Phone: +267 72174750 Social media: instagram.com/dyce.nd


Design Tools Projects

Pip - The Reading Lamp

Reading is a critical skill for children to learn. It helps them to develop many attributes including conentration and imagination. the Pip reading lamp has been developed to aid and encourage children to read. The portable lamp can easily be used for reading alone and with others.


Design Tools Projects

The lamp has three modes. A warm body light, a strong blue nose light for day time reading, and a softer warm nose light for bedtime reading. The brightness of the lights is easily controlled via the touch sensor on Pip’s tummy.

Daisy Pope Email: daisypope@outlook.com Phone: 07778591778 Website: daisypope.wixsite.com/ daisypopedesign


Emergency light

Emergency light

This light is designed for users to use for self-rescue after the disaster. It combines the technology of Magnetoelectricity. It can be charged by shaking without any power supply after an earthquake and other disasters. The size of this product allows users to carry it in any unexpected situation.


Emergency light

This design is based on the needs of people in the earthquake. At the same time, in order to be more suitable for being carried at any time, the designer tested various shapes to make the user more comfortable to use.

Yue Qiu Email: 445943861@qq.com Phone: +44 07957925462 Social media: yue.364


Design Tools Projects

Iris Lamp

A bedside lamp designed for greater flexibility for the user. Whilst dimmable bulbs help control the intensity of light, the added iris mechanism also provides control over the size of the beam. It can be used to light up a whole room, or provide a narrow beam to show just a few words of a book.


Design Tools Projects

With a rotating base, the user can direct the light to point in any direction. The remote control bulb can vary in colour and intensity, whilst the iris mechanism can open and close depending on the user’s needs.

Zack Rankin Zacharyjames23@hotmail.com Phone: 07840175844


Design Tools Projects


Storytelling through shadow is one of the good way to develop learning skill in children. This project begin with researching children’s behavior, which activities that can encourage their skill and create the activity to do with their family and friends to strengthen their relationship.


Design Tools Projects

To encourage them to create their own stories and carried them to play with their own friends Ended up with bedside lamp name “Narrare� which has suitable function, material and usage that appropriate for children.

Anchistha Rattanageen Email: anchistha.r@gmail.com Phone: +44 7828021216 Social media: https://www.instagram.com/anchistha.art/


Design Tools Projects


Guardian is a luminescent soft toy designed to help kids aged 3-12 independently overcome their fear of darkness — the third most common amongst this age group. It tackles the root of the fear by empowering, soothing and comforting kids, actions recommened by psychologists worldwide.


Design Tools Projects

Guardian is also a sustainable toy, made from repurposed fabrics and materials. It comes in the shape of different heroic characters, all in calming blue hues that incite sleep. Its light mechanism is simple and can be used by kids on their own.

LucĂ­a VĂĄzquez Vaquero Email: luciavazquezvaquero@gmail.com Phone: +44 07397927783 Portfolio: luciavazquezvaquer.wixsite.com/portfolio


Design Tools Projects

NEST Sleep Lamp

The lamp is designed for people who find it hard to fall asleep, it can create a peaceful and comfortable environment for users to help them fall asleep. The whole lamp can be divided into three parts: the sleep lamp, the scent diffuser and the lamp holder for charging.


Design Tools Projects

The lamp can be turned on and off through tapping the top of it, users can also pick it up to guide the way if they get up at night. Beseides, the odour can be diffused through the pottery container, which can help people fall asleep.

Yanxi Wei Email: 738711375@qq.com Phone: +44 7873841413 Social media: instagram.com/yanxi_wei


Design Tools Projects

Working Lamp for the Retired

This project aims to create an easy-to-use lamp, helping the target user to do focused work. Having determined the problems faced by the retired people, this project also explored their demands, value and lifestyle in order to better understand the user.


Design Tools Projects

The final concept is designed with wide range of adjustments, high light intensity, a slide dimmer, touch on/off sensor, reduce glare material. It enable the user to to self-control the position and the brightness easily.

Liyao Wu Email : lydiawly96@icloud.com Phone: +44 07743798561 Social media: instagram.com/lywu.design






Professional Collaboration module enables students to engage in the design and management of real-world design projects working with industrial partners. As a result of these collaboration projects the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary in working within a team, and on strategy, leadership, and problem solving for the creative industries. This core module is typified on the value that design thinking plays in business and innovation organization, within the ways professional designer’s problem-solve and how this process is adopted by management. Through extensive research, good communication skills and decision making the module aims to develop critically reflective designers and design leaders. Working as a member of a small team, the student will be provided with a challenging and stimulated work environment’s, which are supported by a series of tutorials, lectures and workshops. This year our industry partners Brunel, Atomic, WK Space and Indigo have given our students exciting briefs to work on. The student teams choose from these broad range of real-world problem-based scenarios and benefit from working with a spectrum of disciplinary views, while being given the opportunity to develop their own capabilities both as an individual and within the team gaining experience in relation to professional and academic practice. Professional Collaboration offers the student the chance to apply the knowledge and skills gained from the Design Research Methods module and develop the skills gained from the Design Tools modules, providing them with the means and confidence to work as a professional designer or design leader.


Professional Collaboration

Furniture collection for luxury student accommodation

Atomic Interiors wished to draw inspiration from Scandinavian Design and the Hotel Boutique aesthetic movement to inform the decor of a set of luxury student apartments in Nottingham. The team was to design unique, modern and value-adding furniture pieces to complement the look and feel of the property.


Professional Collaboration Liyao Wu / Junyan Ai Anchistha Rattanageen / Anisha Surabhi Yanxi Wei / Lucía Vázquez Vaquero

Research was thorough and multidisciplinary using Co-creation methodology. Firstly, the team visited Stockholm’s Furniture Design Fair to gather inspiration and analyse trends. Secondary research, market research and primary research were conducted accordingly


Professional Collaboration

Furniture collection for luxury student accommodation


Professional Collaboration Liyao Wu / Junyan Ai Anchistha Rattanageen / Anisha Surabhi Yanxi Wei / Lucía Vázquez Vaquero

Ideation occurred in three stages as the team’s ideas were progressively narrowed down. Several versatile configurations of tables and seating were developed, following inspiration from playful yet functional spaces.


Professional Collaboration

Furniture collection for luxury student accommodation

Melila, a modular and dynamic furniture set, synthesises the concept of youthful luxury by demonstrating how playfulness can be seamlessly incorporated into high-end environments — whilst pushing heterogeneity in shape, colour and texture to the very limits of aesthetic and functional value.


Professional Collaboration Liyao Wu / Junyan Ai Anchistha Rattanageen / Anisha Surabhi Yanxi Wei / LucĂ­a VĂĄzquez Vaquero

Having chosen a final idea, a detailing stage followed, including: 3D modelling, material selection, cost calculation and the creation of technical drawings and renders. Also, the packaging and branding of the product was created to explore its commercial potential.


Sustainable Packaging
















Professional Collaboration






Design sustainable packaging options for Brunel´s supplement company, to reduce the amount of plastic that goes to landfill. Special considerations include applicability of materials, property testing, and enhance sustainable behaviour in consumers through packaging design.


Professional Collaboration Nicole Almond Alessandra Jorquera Yue Qiu Yia Luo Modise Nduse





Scope and Boundaries Objectives were to investigate the current packaging market for food supplements and types of materials used, including Brunel´s. , Consider Carbon footprint on each type of packaging materials and Investigate user-centered approach to enhance sustainability in customers. The three main proposals are shown below.


Professional Collaboration

Sustainable Packaging


Professional Collaboration Alessandra Jorquera

Sustainable packaging option for a supplement company, to reduce the amount of plastic that goes to landfill. The main idea is to use of recycled plastics materials. It consists of two layers, an outer layer of recycled material and then a thin inner food-safe layer to protect the content.


Sustainable Packaging

Using the page-turning function

After using one, the consumer can see the date, and the vitamin has an outer layer of preservation film

Professional Collaboration

Put the calendar in the recycling bin after use

The vitamin calendar is made from three components: a calendar book made from recycled cardboard, a set of recycled plastic rings which connect the calendar pages to the base and a blister pack that folds into itself similar to a clamshell.


Professional Collaboration Jia Luo

This is a very fashionable and original product, which makes it easy to remember to take a daily vitamin supplement. The product is sufficiently durable to be used for a long time and it is not necessary to buy frequent replacements. The overall material is very environmentally friendly.


Professional Collaboration

Sustainable Packaging


Professional Collaboration Nicole Almond

The material must be verifed with the test briefly outline above, however this design will offer a recyclable alternative to blister packaging Small nicks in the paper denote tear lines and to release a vitamin simply tear the corner away, dispensing the capsual.


Sustainable Packaging


Professional Collaboration Modise Nduse

This packaging idea was based on a need to reduce carbon footprint and maximum usage of storage facilities within the logistics of the company. When unpacked the packaging is pressed down so that they may be tightly packed into a smaller area.


Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable Packaging


Sustainable Packaging Yue Qiu

This design contains two parts -- inside and outside. The outside shell is made of metal material that can be used for a long time. When the caplets is used up, the user can refill it or only keep the shell part for daily use. The inner core is recyclable paper packaging, and users can buy this replaceable part after running out all caplets.


Professional Collaboration



Professional Collaboration Dessislava Ivanova

The main design element of is the curves created by the dowels. This aspect is not only a visually attractive, but also the main point of innovation as it allows simple manufacturing and assembling to achieve forms that would otherwise be time-consuming and expensive.


Professional Collaboration

Multi-functional Sofa


Professional Collaboration Hsin Tzu Li

Multi-functional sofa designed for young professionals who live in small spaces within big cities. it could transform into a double seat sofa and can be folded for storage with only moving a few pieces. the whole structure is made in ash wood and 100% handcrafted.


Professional Collaboration

Coffee table


Professional Collaboration Yingfan Ma

This is a multifunctional coffee table, when people do not need dining table, they only need to combine the table, the height is also suitable for people to sit on the sofa and wok , consult document etc..


Professional Collaboration

Dowel Furniture


Professional Collaboration Zack Rankin

The design was inspired by extensive research into both Indigo’s existing brand, as well as the younger target market they were attempting to reach. The design pushed for curved forms, which could still be produced with Indigo’s existing manufacturing machinery.


Professional Collaboration

Office Strategy Design

The project was design five strategies to accomdate the current and future needs of introverts and extroverts working within the office space. This would allow NHS staff to fourish together, fostering collaboration and connection, also enabling times of required solitude. Performance is designed to reflect business performance and indivudal performance. ‘Biophilic’ is integrating breaking down the exterior and the interior and integrating biohilic design


Professional Collaboration Lucy Brown Anisha Deshmukh Christopher Hanley Chia - Chun Huang Daisy Pope

The Solitude srategy caters to providing space think things through and recharge. The strategy ‘Variety and ‘Choice’ is including different environments for relaxationa and interaction. The strategy ‘Neighbourhood’ is establishing collaborative spaces.

8. Evaluate & Verify

NHS Trust

7. Implement


6. Develop

5. Design

Consultants (Surgeons & Doctors)

Admin Staff

1. Understand & Discover


2. Analyse & Define

3. Requirements Specification

4. Conceptualise




Office Strategy Design

Professional Collaboration

The strategy considers all the research findings.The strategy is a tool for reflection and action with the goal of future proofing to accomodate change and future generations coming to the workplace.


Professional Collaboration


Collaborative Sessions

Prototyping in workshop

Trip to Stockholm

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