VISION Our vision is to end the epidemic of suicide and to inspire a culture free of the stigma attached to brain illnesses and its sufferers by supporting a community-wide effort that focuses on education, prevention and access to appropriate treatment.
Mission & Action Our mission is to prevent suicide. With a focus on musicians, Nuçi’s Space advocates for and helps to alleviate the suffering for those living with a brain illness and fights to end the stigma of mental illness. To accomplish our mission, Nuçi’s Space maintains a health and resource center for musicians as a safe space to seek support and guidance, provides access to affordable, obstacle-free professional care, actively participates in treatment and educates about awareness, prevention and the risk factors of brain illnesses.
Values Nuçi’s Space, and all those who represent the organization champion a culture of kindness and support to all in our community and maintain the highest standards of caring in all that we do through:
Nurturing Understanding Compassion Insight
OUR ORGANIZATION’S PRIMARY ACTIVITIES Health & Wellness Programs & Services
Collegiate and Youth Programs
• Professional Counseling Assistance Program
• Camp Amped Summer Camp
• Eye Care
• Camp Amped After-School
• Basic Medical Care
• Student Internships
• Semi-annual Dental Visits
• University of Georgia Young Dawgs Program
• Audiology
• UGA’s Music Business Program events
• Host to several support groups
Musician Services • Equipped Practice Rooms for Musicians • Amplify Recording Studio • Venue Space for Private Events • Instruments, Equipment and PA rentals • REWIRED donated equipment resale • Networking Opportunities
Fundraising Events & Campaigns • Athens Business Rocks athensbusinessrocks.com • Nuçi +1 Pass nucipass.org • Rock-n-Raffle www.rocknraffle.com • Restoration of the legendary St. Mary’s Steeple (site of REM’s first concert)
PROGRAMS & SERVICES HEALTH & WELLNESS The cornerstone of our health and wellness initiatives is our Professional Counseling Assistance Program. The aim is to identify and connect people in need with appropriate and effective mental health resources.
Evaluation of our Counseling Assistance Program is ongoing and individualized. Our database is designed to track a client’s activity and progress on a monthly basis beginning with the intake appointment and continuing throughout the treatment program.
To begin the process, an intake appointment is scheduled with the Counseling Advocate to make an accurate assessment and to establish a good rapport with the client. By listening carefully and skillfully, the Advocate determines the needs and expectations of the client. This personal interaction enhances the Advocate’s ability to pair the client with an appropriate mental health professional. Our providers are a composite of licensed counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and other adjunct professionals.
In addition to our Counseling Assistance Program, Nuçi’s Space supports the creative community by partnering with local businesses to offer subsidized access to other services. These include walk-in medical care, eye care, semi-annual dental visits and hearing concerns. We facilitate A Survivors of Suicide Support Group, an Alcoholics Anonymous group and a mental health peer support group.
Our doors and our hearts are open to all who enter but because of monetary constraints, financial assistance is limited to uninsured musicians with special dispensations for other artists. To alleviate the financial burden of quality treatment, many of our providers discount their rates by over 50%. Nuçi’s Space assumes a substantial portion of the remaining cost, leaving the client with a small co-pay. Because we operate on the premise that no one should be turned away, we consult our established professional network to identify affordable treatment options such as sliding-scale and other income-based programs for those who do not qualify for our financial assistance.
Some of our partners: • Family Counseling Services • Psych Health Associates • Athens Nurses Clinic • MusiCares • Five Points Eye Care • Recovery Fest
MUSICIAN SERVICES To find a safe, affordable practice space can be frustrating and challenging for a newly formed band. Nuçi’s Space remedies this problem by offering four state-of-the-art practice rooms equipped with a drum set, PA system, microphones and stands. In addition to its practice rooms, Nuçi’s Space includes a performance area, a recording studio for teaching, a lending library, music equipment rentals and a coffee bar. To further address the occupational needs of musicians, workshops on relevant topics pertaining to the life of a musician are conducted. Nuçi’s Space is a meeting point for many in the community. Our lending library, with its free wireless internet, is a perfect setting to work or hold study group meetings. An assortment of sheet music, instructional guides, music business and mental health books fill our shelves and can be checked out free of charge. Nuçi’s Space provides reasonably priced rental PA’s, speakers, amps and instruments to both touring and local bands who cannot afford to make the significant financial investment in such equipment. The Space also houses an after-hours store where musicians can purchase basic music supplies such as strings, guitar picks and drum sticks.
In February 2017 Nuçi’s Space opened Amplify, a recording/video production studio. Our goal is to use Amplify as a teaching tool to expand our Camp Amped Programs and to provide an opportunity for young bands to experience their first recording sessions at a discounted price. Amplify also includes video production tools. Amplify will expand our voice and our vision. Story telling is a time-honored tool to educate and share. It’s our shared experiences that let us know we are not alone. We are not weird. We have more in common than we have differences. We can learn from each other. Through sharing and comparing, we are comforted. We learn to empathize and show compassion. Suicide, the ultimate state of loneliness, depression and anxiety permeates our society today. We need to know that it’s healthy and courageous to seek help when we feel bad. Caring for ourselves and others, showing compassion. These are characteristics of strong, loving people. The beauty of Nuçi’s Space is its simplicity and practicality. What we do works. We never underestimate the power of compassion, kindness and respect for each individual. In fact, we thrive on it. We exist in a little blue building on a little hill. But our size is deceptive because in actuality we know no physical limitation. Each person who passes through Nuçi’s Space becomes a part of us and takes us wherever they go. And ... wherever is a mighty big place.
PROGRAMS & SERVICES COLLEGIATE AND YOUTH PROGRAMS Started in 2007, the Camp Amped program supports the mission of Nuçi’s Space by serving as an outreach program to young musicians in a safe learning environment. It is a unique program that incorporates the importance of positive mental health with the opportunity to become a better musician. The program is open to middle and high school musicians. • Summer Camp Amped takes place two weeks in June and July • Camp Amped After School is held for 1 week in the Spring and Fall of each school year
Camp participants are instructed by local prominent, practicing and professional musicians in ensemble lessons in which the campers form their own bands and learn to play a variety of songs, including original works composed and written by the young musicians. In addition to their depth of music knowledge, instructors are chosen for their ability to be positive role models and mentors to these young men and women. The goals of Camp Amped: • Build confidence and self-esteem • Encourage participants to develop positive habits for good mental health • Provide guidance about the music industry
• Improve practice techniques and performance skills • Nurture students’ interest in and passion for music and performing • Create a fun and unique experience for students throughout the year
Nuçi’s Space strongly believes in our role and responsibility to serve as an advocate for mental health and to educate others in our shared vision to end the epidemic of suicide and the stigma of brain illness. We work closely with the Music Business Program, Institute of Nonprofit Management and Leadership and Young Dawgs, as well as other programs at the University of Georgia to provide educational opportunities and student internships.
The Anniversary Party is an annual event that is free and open to the public. Invitations are sent out to Nuçi’s Space patrons via mail, email and adverts. We honor those who contribute resources to Nuci’s Space to ensure our continued success and ask the community to join in this celebration.
It’s been said “You can’t swing a guitar around your neck in Athens without hitting a musician.” Not only was this statement referring to the performing musicians that most people associate with the world-famous downtown music scene, but to the plethora of musicians that masquerade as “upstanding, straight-laced” business people during the day as well.
The Anniversary Party consists of messages from the Founder, Linda Phillips, Bob Sleppy, the Executive Director, recognition of the new donor wall recipients, information on new and upcoming events and projects, refreshments and just a good ol’ time.
You may find them behind the counter at the bank, developing websites, managing an office, owning a local retail shop or selling a house to a first-time home buyer. Because of the confines of their day-time jobs, many of these hidden rock stars don’t get the opportunity to let their hair down (if they have any to let down) and perform on stage for a throng of adoring fans. Athens Business Rocks hopes to create an opportunity for these hidden rock stars to reveal themselves – even if it’s for just a night. This isn’t a talent or song-writing competition- it’s simply a great opportunity to build employee morale and camaraderie among coworkers while raising money for Nuçi’s Space. The goal of Athens Business Rocks is two-fold; • To help raise contributions for a great local nonprofit that focuses on providing support and resources for the music and creative community • To engage the business community to have a night of music and fun with us.
SOCIAL IMPACT The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that more than 80% of people with depression could be helped substantially by available medication and/or psychotherapy. Yet, two-thirds of depressed people do not seek treatment and therefore, suffer depressive symptoms unnecessarily to the detriment of themselves, their families, and society.
123 Suicides per day in the United States
7 hrs since the last suicide in the state of Georgia
25 attempts per each completed suicide in the United States
Camp Amped scholarships awarded
over 34 sessions of camp amped summer and after school programs
over 2,000 musicians and artists given access to subsidized healthcare
Over 2,500 COUNSELING AND PSYCHIATRIC APPOINTMENTS subsidized by Nuçi’s Space and its providers annually
= 95,000 $
distributed to students and families in need.
million in direct service fees for mental healthcare distributed
will support one musician through their
entire treatment program of 12 sessions.
ANNUAL CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP Executive Producer Level $10,000
Artist Management Level $5,000
(per year with 2 Year Commitment)
(per year with 2 Year Commitment)
• Business Logo on a laminated poster in each practice room
• Business Logo on a laminated poster in each practice room
• Business Logo on a framed poster in the library
• Business Logo on a framed poster in the library
• Business Logo decal on our garage door window – whole size
• Business Logo decal on our garage door window – half size
• Business Logo streamed on our on-site digital displays throughout the year
• Business Logo streamed on our on-site digital displays throughout the year
• Business name announced during annual events and fundraisers
• Business name announced during annual events and fundraisers
• Business recognized as Rockstar Level Sponsor for Camp Amped & Athens Business Rocks
• Business recognized as Rockstar Level Sponsor for Camp Amped & Athens Business Rocks
• Business Logo in our Anniversary Party program
• Business Logo in our Anniversary Party program
• Business Logo on a laminated sign at Amplify Recording Studio
• Business Logo on a laminated sign at Amplify Recording Studio
• Business Logo posted on our social media sites
• Business Logo posted on our social media sites
• Business Logo with a direct link to your business on our website
• Business Logo with a direct link to your business on our website
• Business Logo on Nuçi’s Space Facebook Cover Photo
• Business Logo and/or personal message on the Nuçi’s Space Donor Record Wall
• Business Logo on a designated Nuçi’s Space t-shirt • Business Logo and/or personal message Gold Record on the Nuçi’s Space Donor Record Wall
In-Kind Donations are welcome in the form of musical instruments, food donations and other non-monetary donations. For tax purposes, in-kind donations are credited at 50% of the dollar value.
“The lack of financial stability from which so many musicians suffer makes even the smallest physical health requirements a huge obstacle, let alone the possibility of addressing mental health. The services being offered at Nuçi’s Space affect a great many lives individually, as well as the community as a whole.” Mike Mills, R.E.M.
“I’ve never seen anything quite like it anywhere. What impressed me was how they’ve created a space that brings together the community of musicians and listeners – and sets up this great support system where all kinds of music can grow and people can learn and be inspired by one another. This is SO important and SO rare these days. I wish there was a place like this in every town.” Bill Frisell, Grammy Award-winning artist
ATHENS BUSINESS ROCKS SPONSORSHIP Nuçi’s Space will recognize your generosity
Rockstar Level
Tour Manager Level
• Advertise your business on our ABR website
• Advertise your business on our ABR website
• A direct link to your business website on the ABR website
• A direct link to your business website on the ABR website
you are helping Nuçi’s Space provide support
• Publicity through our Social Media outlets as well as from the stage during the event
• Publicity through our Social Media outlets as well as from the stage during the event
and healthcare services for members of the
• Four VIP passes to the event
• Four VIP passes to the event
creative community in Athens, Your financial
• Business name included in adverts for the event
• Business name included in adverts for the event
• Business Logo on the big screen at the event venue
• Business Logo on the big screen at the event venue
• Business Logo on the official ABR Tee
• Business Logo on the official ABR Tee
in front of hundreds of event attendees during the competition as well as post about your contribution on our social media sites so that the thousands of Nuçi’s Space fans and followers know that you are sponsoring Athens Business Rocks. By sponsoring ABR
sponsorship of ABR will show others that you recognize the importance of supporting the music and arts community and celebrating the unique and creative workforce in Athens, GA.
• Business Logo on a banner at the event venue • Business Logo and/or personal message on Nuçi’s Space Donor Record Wall
Roadcrew Level $250
Fanclub Level $100
• Advertise your business on our ABR website • A direct link to your business website on the ABR website • Publicity through our Social Media outlets • Four passes to the event
• Advertise your business on our ABR website • A direct link to your business website on the ABR website • Publicity through our Social Media outlets as well as from the stage during the event • Four passes to the event • Business name included in adverts for the event • Business Logo on the big screen at the event venue
In-Kind Donations are welcome in the form of musical instruments, food donations and other non-monetary donations. For tax purposes, in-kind donations are credited at 50% of the dollar value.
CAMP AMPED PROGRAM SPONSORSHIP Thank you for investing in the next generation of musicians through your sponsorship of Camp Amped, our Youth Outreach Program at Nuçi’s Space. Each year we enroll more than 60 middle and high school students who are passionate about music, developing their musicianship and evolving into great young men and women. Your support is invaluable to our continued success. To fully show our appreciation, we will work hard to recognize your generosity through our social media sites and website, advertisements, Camp Amped materials and other marketing materials. As a Camp Amped Sponsor you are helping Nuçi’s Space continue one of our most successful and popular programs. Thank you for recognizing the importance of supporting the music and arts community and celebrating the
Rockstar Level
Tour Manager Level
• Advertise your business on our Camp Amped website page
• Advertise your business on our Camp Amped website page
• A direct link to your business website on our Camp Amped website page
• A direct link to your business website on our Camp Amped website page
• Publicity through our Social Media outlets
• Publicity through our Social Media outlets
• Business Logo in our Camp Amped finale program
• Business Logo in our Camp Amped finale program
• Business name included in advert for Camp Amped finale
• Business name included in advert for Camp Amped finale
• Business Logo on the Camp Amped summer sessions T-shirt (deadline May 1st to be included on T-Shirt)
• Business Logo on the Camp Amped T-shirt
• Business Logo on a banner during the Camp Amped summer sessions • Business Logo and/or personal message on Nuçi’s Space Donor Record Wall
unique and creative youth in Athens, GA and the surrounding counties.
FanClub Level $100
• Advertise your business on our Camp Amped website page • A direct link to your business website on our Camp Amped website page • Publicity through our Social Media outlets
RoadCrew Level $250
• Advertise your business on our Camp Amped website page • A direct link to your business website on our Camp Amped website page • Publicity through our Social Media outlets • Business Logo in our Camp Amped finale program • Business name included in advert for Camp Amped finale
• Business name in our Camp Amped finale program
In-Kind Donations are welcome in the form of musical instruments, food donations and other non-monetary donations. For tax purposes, in-kind donations are credited at 50% of the dollar value.
“The Camp Amped program at Nuçi’s Space is one of the most wonderful experiences for my daughter, musically, socially, and psychologically. The way this program turned her around socially, and the confidence and acceptance she felt, has carried over into school and her home life. We are very grateful that she has been given a scholarship and the opportunity to participate in your programs for the past two years. Although finances are very difficult right now (our house was recently foreclosed on), I am starting a teaching career this fall, so things will be improving very soon for us. But, in the middle of all of our household stress, my daughter’s involvement with Camp Amped is making an enormous difference in her self-esteem, and in how she handles all of the changes we will face. Thank you.”
A Camp Amped parent
“I appreciate everything you all have done for me, as I was unable to work, had no insurance, and you all assisted me with counseling and medications as well. You will never know how much that and the Survivors of Suicide group helped me and my friends with his death.”
a Nuci’s Space client
“Your team was conscientious and kind, understanding that I feared getting help again as most of the time the medications were as bad as the depression for me, and guided me through it. The team at Nuçi’s Space, Dr. Orr, Family Counseling Services, and my therapist have all been incredible. Here I am a little over a year and though admittedly, many tries at different medications later, and I can finally say that I am no longer depressed, and most certainly not suicidal.”
a Nuci’s Space client
“You know, you guys saved my life, right?”
a Nuci’s Space client
“I just want to thank you again so much for your help today. I’m really glad I contacted you, and I know things are only going to get better from here.”
A musician in need
Nuçi’s Space A Musicians’ Health & Resource Center 396 Oconee Street Athens, GA 30601 Phone: 706.227.1515 Fax: 706.227.1524 www.nuci.org sponsorship@nuci.org