the newsletter for Nuçi’s Space, a nonprofit musicians’ support/resource center
nuçi’s space by
Bob Sleppy
don’t think that I’d be alone in my assessment that the past couple of years have been particularly difficult for most people. My own family has been touched by unemployment, financial instability and the death of several close friends and family members. Obviously these obstacles are not unique nor are they things we haven’t all dealt with before. However, most recently, I have felt my own ability to cope and persevere tested in this onslaught of challenges and bad news. Sometimes I’d like to just pack up my family, change our names and find a secluded island to run away to. I know… I know… that doesn’t really fix anything. But you have to admit that the idea sounds somewhat appealing. Within our small community of Athens, GA we’ve witnessed the effects of the economy through the closing of well-established businesses and friends losing jobs they’ve held for years. There’s a general feeling of people bracing for the next blow. In addition, our creative community has suffered the loss of many of our fellow musicians and artists to accidents, homicide, various illnesses and suicide. In such a small, tightknit community the loss of just one person can cause a ripple effect that touches everyone. However, as we lose more of our friends, that ripple begins to feel more like a tsunami. While a senior in high school I was given a poem by one of my favorite teachers. At the time I had just lost my father to Multiple Sclerosis and heart disease and was facing some other setbacks in my young life. I was lost. Fortunately, my teacher reached out to me and offered her support and guidance. The poem she gave me was called “Invictus” written by William Ernest Henley. This may sound familiar to you because a recently-released feature film, starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, shares the same title. Although I haven’t seen the film yet, I understand that the poem plays a significant role in the story. Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
396 Oconee Street Athens, GA 30601 706.227.1515 space@nuci.org www.nuci.org
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Newsletter Contributors
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. It has been almost twenty years since I was introduced to these words. I’ve memorized them, shared them with friends, analyzed them and, on several occasions, relied on them for strength. However, the line that always sticks out to me and is especially comforting in the midst of personal adversity is “my head is bloody, but unbowed.” For me, there is strength in those words, defiance and an unwillingness to yield to the challenges ahead. I reference this poem because I find it hopeful. On the following page you will see that Nuçi’s Space has received a tremendous amount of support from you, our donors, since our last newsletter. We thank you for that. Many of these gifts have been given in memory of a friend or a loved one. Some people may look at this page and see only sadness and despair. But foremost, there is a lot of strength, love and resilience found within each name. In difficult times, we are brought closer together. We learn to lean on one another. We become stronger—together. Our heads may be bloody but our hearts are open to hope and a better tomorrow.
Bob Sleppy Will Kiser Laura Ford
Desiree Grigsby Jamie Jacobs Design & Layout
Larry Tenner