june 2010
the newsletter for Nuçi’s Space, a nonprofit musicians’ support/resource center
Creativity & Suicide T
he most common question I receive when speaking about Nuçi’s Space is “Are creative people more vulnerable to depression and suicide?” However, the question that is inferred is “Why is Nuçi’s Space focused just on musicians?” This a fair question. The mission of Nuçi’s Space is to prevent suicide by providing obstacle-free treatment for musicians suffering from depression and other such disorders, as well as to assist in the emotional, physical and professional well-being of musicians. However, after careful examination, maybe a slight alteration to the first sentence would provide some clarity—“The mission of Nuçi’s Space is to prevent suicide.” It is true that we are limited financially to assisting musicians and the creative community. However, no one who has called, visited or emailed Nuçi’s Space seeking help, has been turned away. We are fortunate to have many allies in the field of mental health to turn to when Nuçi’s Space is unable to pay for a sufferer’s treatment. Using resources that offer a sliding-scale fee structure and discounted rates we are able to work as an advocate for all sufferers. To answer the first question, there have not been any conclusive studies, to our knowledge, that support the premise that creative people are more vulnerable to depression and suicide. As our founder, Linda Phillips, likes to say, “Mental illness is so prevalent in our society that it often spills over into the arts, just as it does into other communities.” Depression and suicide of creative individuals is often romanticized by the media and music fans. The reaction of the media and the public to suicide in other cases is quite different. I suppose we can attribute this to the stigma of mental illness that is still all too present in our culture. When a banker or accountant commits suicide, the public perception is that financial ruin was the motivating factor for the event. If an elderly person commits suicide, it is assumed that they were going to die soon from a terminal illness anyway. If a seemingly healthy man or woman takes his or her own life, the perception is something that was hidden from public view must be responsible or the event was a sign of personal weakness. Unfortunately we have yet to accept as a society that depression and other
nuçi’s space by
Bob Sleppy
forms of mental illness are diseases. And, as with many other untreated diseases, death is sometimes the result. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, “Depression is among the most treatable of psychiatric illnesses. Between 80 percent and 90 percent of people with depression respond positively to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms. But first, depression has to be recognized.” Unfortunately 2 out of 3 sufferers do not seek treatment. The reluctance of some musicians and artists to seek treatment, for fear of losing their “creative drive”, may serve as an example of a unique occupational risk factor in the creative community. Although most creative people are not productive during their illness, many use the emotional lows and highs as inspiration to create when they are feeling more stable. Unfortunately the myth that “one must suffer for their art” is a difficult falsehood to change within the artistic community. The image of the “starving artist” or the “creative, tortured-soul,” who sacrifices themselves for the good of the art, has been mistakenly accepted in our culture. Experiencing a full range of emotions and being present in each moment of life is healthy. However, living with the pain and debilitating effects experienced by sufferers of mental illness is not. Although research does not provide conclusive evidence to support the premise that creative people are more vulnerable to suicide, the creative community may be at greater risk because of increased exposure to risk factors. These risk factors include use of readily available drugs, accepted financial instability and the stress of having one’s artistry repeatedly rejected. The decision for Nuçi’s Space to focus on musicians was not so much a decision, as it was predisposed. Nuçi was a musician—plain and simple. However, our hope is that the work Nuçi’s Space has done in the creative community will “spill over” into the general population to help all sufferers of mental illness. Just as a voice is amplified to a crowded room through the use of a microphone and speakers, we hope our message will be amplified to the world through the health of our creative community.
396 Oconee Street Athens, GA 30601 706.227.1515 space@nuci.org www.nuci.org
Newsletter Contributors
Bob Sleppy Will Kiser Laura Ford Photos
Jim Walsh Desiree Grigsby Design & Layout
Larry Tenner