Fall 2013 Newsletter: Northeastern University's Department of Philosophy & Religion/Ethics Institute

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FALL 2013


The Official Newsletter of Northeastern University’s

Department of Philosophy and Religion & Ethics Institute LETTER FROM THE CHAIR

CONTENTS Faculty News


Faculty Spotlight: Elizabeth Bucar


Thank you, Professor DeAngelis


Ethics Institute Update 9 Susan Setta, Chair

Greetings from Philosophy and Religion!

Ethics Institute Workshop Report


As I write this Chairs Letter we are gearing up for our next academic year and greeting our incoming students who join us in small groups all summer long.

Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics


Alumni Updates


Student News


In Memoriam Professor Peg Huff


It has been another eventful year in the department. As you know, we are always adjusting our curriculum to the world in which we find ourselves. This year we have emphasized expanding our international offerings and have put forward proposals for collaborative degree programs related to international affairs and global justice that would feature several of our faculty including Patricia Illingworth and Serena Parekh. In addition, Professors Elizabeth Bucar, Whitney Kelting, and Jung Lee will play a central role in Northeastern’s new initiatives around international affairs and world cultures. In the next year we plan to continue to innovate new programs and develop collaborative research efforts. We have also had several faculty changes. Our longtime co-op coordinator, Bill Wray, will retire in the beginning of Fall Semester. An attorney by training, Professor Wray has been the co-op coordinator for political science as well as philosophy. He was the best of the best, in my view, working hours convenient for students, encouraging each and every one of his charges, knowing each of them well, and sharing their excitement continued- Page 2


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