CONTENT This portofolio consist of my selected work based on thought about locality and necessity that bring me to emphaty. Because one day I realize that every single site that we touch is “ours”living things. That was architecture for, solve the problem.
“Architecture is an attitude.” – Nudia Aufia
CURRICULUM VITAE ACADEMIC Manual Drawing + 01 Pribumi [Coffe Shop] “A coffe shop for hometown sickers” Model Making +02 Notariat [Home Office] “Bring the balance self situation between worker and family lover” Digital Drawing +03 Al – Falah Hospital [ Mother and Children Special] “ The real medicine is connection between mother’s compassion and children’s smiles” +04 Colomadu – Hybrid Old New [Regional Library] “Integrating the history of Colomadu with reading space” +05 Laweyan Tourism Development [River Side] “ Connecting tourist and community through the living museum” +06 Traditional Public Space – Literation and Playground at Kelekak Bangka as a Cultural Landscape “ Multifungsional Landscape to embrace the existence of Melayu Bangka’s Cultural” Poster +07 Mojogedang Tanah Bersedjarah
PERSONAL +06 Interior +07 Merchandise Design and Package +08 Poem
INTERESTS Crafting | Recycle | Decorating | Art | Volunteering | Problem Solving | Making Friend | Journalistic | Women Emancipation | Human Rights | Backpacking | Puppets | Cats| Cycling | Reading | Photography | Philosophy | History Enthusiast | Outdoor Essentials .
e. |ins. nudiaufia |t. 0857 2770 6993 | wa. 0857 277 06993
My name is Nudia Aufia, Was born in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka on 09 February 1999. I am a fresh graduate from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Islamic Architecture. I used to think that life needs pattern. Just like architecture. It seems like so complicated, full of colour. Then here I am, as a full-time part of this world I trying to not just follow the color. But find or make the “right� one. Then, make the pattern works.
SKILLS Digital Autocad | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Lightroom | Sketch Up | V Ray | Adobe Premier | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Power Point | Microsoft Excel . Fabrication Model making | Hand Drafting | Sketching. Language Indonesia [native] | English | Japanish [bit]
EDUCATION 2016 – Present University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture. 2013 – 2016 11 Senior High School of Yogyakarta. 2010 – 2013 2 Secondary School of Sungailiat , Bangka.
CIVICS AND LEADERSHIP Present Svargacitra Architecture Student Union of University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta [General Counsel]. Archifun 10 – Annual Event University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture [Steering Comitte]. 016 Student’s Field Work Observation University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture [ committee |exhibition director|videography team]. Kolase – Architectural Magazine of Architecture Student Union [authorial team] *on process. 2018 Svargacitra Architecture Student Union of University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta [Head of the Business Funds Department ] . Archifun 9 – Annual Event University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture [Head Director of Exhibition and Decorate Team] . Islamic Architecture Community - University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture [Member]. 2016 Artephac – Photography community University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture [Member]. 2015 Nespaloka Photography Club – 11 Senior High School of Yogyakarta [secretary ]. Bangun – Photography Exhibition’s 11 Senior High School of Yogyakarta at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta [ art exhibition director | treasurer].
PUBLIC SPEAKING 2019 Speaker’s Presentation for 016 Student’s Field Work Observation University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture at International Islamic University Malaysia [Architecture Major]. 2018 Moderatorr of Academic Discussion about Facilities and Infrastructure University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture. Moderator of Bamboo Empowerment for Volunteer of Community Event at Demangan village, Boyolali. Master of Ceremony of HAKI (intellectual property rights) Events University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture. Master of Ceremony of STUPA (Architecture Design Studio) Award University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture. Master of Ceremony of STUPA (Architecture Design Studio) Award University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture. 2017 Master of Ceremony of Archtroduce (Architecture Introduce for incoming freshman class) University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture.
COMPETITIONS 2019 Participant of Limited Space National Competition on Texture Event held by University of Technology Yogyakarta. 2018 First Winner of Poetry Writing – LPM Kontur Event ( Journalistic Student Union) University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2017 Second Winner of STUPA (Architecture Design Studio) Award University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of Architecture – First Semester Category. Participant of Traditional Market National Competition on Archi Ray III held by University of Hasanuddin
For me. Architect must be more than build a space, but also build an emotional condition. There are three aspect that I always do something about of architecture’s stuff. There are :
Habluminallah A space that could bring people as a khalifah in this world realize about who we are and what we’re meant to be.
Habluminannas A space that could connecting each other as human being with the same rights. Architecture for everyone.
Habluminal’alam A space that used to be friendly with nature. Get involved natural potential to pressing human ego to do something greed .
M a n u a l D r a w i n g
coffe shop for hometown sickers” Inspired from Indonesian nowaday’s lifestyle movement that tend to following the global development but sometimes forget about where their come from. The hometown (kampung halaman) literally. Or maybe, on the other side some people with the crowded environment just missing the atmosphere of traditional space that only been in hometown. Traditional Urban Based on that cases, I decided to take a chance for combine traditional aspect and urban lifestyle.
Left Side
Front Side
Right Side
Interior of this cofee shop is integrating the tropical climate potential. Which is used window glass (clerestory) lengthwise on the roof to let the sun light get in. So when the day light appear doesn’t need lamp for accompany the users activity. While marketing target of the coffee shop is students. Because based identification function, location (near from university) as well as concept has been is oriented to the work of the student. Such us divided coffee shop area into individual and group. It might give some space to users decide which area they would involved.
Wood material and brown-ish natural stone build the warm characters. So that Pribumi coffe shop not only served warm coffee but also the atmosphere. This tone considered bring comfortability and calmness. Just like traditional village-hometown. Structure of the building supported by wood and bamboo implemented traditional essentials. Evoke the user’s experience of spaces more deeply. More than that, feels like home.
M o d e l M a k i n g
+02 NOTARIAT [HOME OFFICE] “Bring the balance self situation between worker and family lover� Sometime, family and jobs are two different priority to make it works in line. A space which representative the answer of that cases must be struggle on how to connecting evertyhing in between without beat each other.
Light of Life Space zoning and atmosphere are the key of this home office. To make it conformable, I used natural lighting approachment. The more sun light get in, the more interaction between users get intensive. Indirectly, they would follow the light to full filled the activity. Just like our life searching for a light.
Second Floor
First Floor The sun light get in through glass window then touch down to the intensive family area. Void (where the most bright area) on the central of home make sure every users could easily communicate as often as possible. So the user’s would be “sakinah, mawadah, warohmah” family.
From the draft above, we can see the green area. It was the office area (notariat) on the second floor. Based on consideration a notary must make sure the privacy communication with client. Beside, the family’s accesibility would get the focus.
Details Matter “I used to digging my sense of feel through exploring the detail of model’s material. It’s satisfied to find some strange things and accidentally that pretty match for being a details. Fees like I already just invite a hide potential character to bring the new authentication.”
D i g i t a l
D r a w i n g
AL – FALAH HOSPITAL [ MOTHER AND CHILDREN SPECIAL] “ The real medicine is connection between mother’s compassion and children’s smiles” The sincerity of a mother was like a miracle for children’s life. How could someone gives her half of breath to a new born if not because the will of Allah SWT. So, it’s an important thing to make a space that conducive to calming self spiritually. Particulary hospital. Where everyone was at anxious situation about the continuation of life. This hospital be present to deliver the victory (Al-Falah) of life or “afterlife” Al umm syifa’ul aulad That’s mean mother is the medicine for the children. Then the reverse. Based on that concept, this hospital expected to be a space that would make “the connection” works.
Draft - Analysis
9’th Floor
Falah Zone Mosque | Qur’an Class 8’th Floor
On this phase, reflected calm and peaceful phase. Where people feel so close with Allah SWT’s gloryness. Everyone must be surrender (tawakal). Then await for the answer for every pray that they was hope. This zone are the brightest place on hospital’s building. Means Allah SWT’s light always getting close when we’re trying to achieve it.
7’th Floor
6’th Floor
Muhasabah 4’th-5’th Floor
Zone Patient’s Care
2’nd-3’rd Floor Represent the
“Al Umm Syifa’ul Aulad” concept. Through Al-Falah – The Highest Level Of Ikhtiar.
1’st Floor
Accepted Zone Receptionist
After that, human’s life going to next level. Which we have to realize and intropection about our life. This respond sometime automatically appear when we’re on sickness. It’s called muhasabah that bring people who do until repentance phase to Falah (glory).
This is where the jouney begin. First floor consist of emergency space and receptionist that full of worried feeling and unstable emotion condition. Reflected on our first phase we’re all born above mother’s pain and struggle. Just like when on first step to do something our life (ikhtiar) . But remember that we have to accept it.
9 Asma’ul husna
Brightest Place
Al-Falah hospital was a nine floor building which is consist of two masses that connected directly. This condition reflected Asma’ul Husna, the 99 of Allah SWT’s names. Inspired from a Muslim’s parent often given name to the newborn with choosed one of the Asma’ul Husna. Besides, hoping to Allah SWT’s help for always covering every step in this hospital (in the name of Allah SWT). Front Side
Behind Side
Right Side
Then the separated space by void on second floor until seventh floor is representative of seven sky’s layer (Al-Qur’an). The presence of this void was shaped the eight floor (the mosque |Allah SWT’s home) be parallel with first floor (receptionist | unstable people domain). Reflected people who struggle with their life beneath - always be protected by Allah SWT’s gloryness toward victory (Al-Falah) Left Side
Patient’s Care Based on the concept of “al umm syifa’ul aulad”, so the patient’s care space must be possible to build the connection between mother and chilren. Two separated bed in one room reasonably could make it works. But it does have some provisions, exactly. Comfortability of family who awaiting, also are under consideration. The touch of white colour on the wall might bring calmness and cleaned mind. Also there are hanging plant to reduce pressure of sickness. Window glass which the colour is green deliver the sun light with green reflected . Implementation peaceful of heaven with green rug (Al-Quran).
Open Space It’s important to make sure mother and children’s physics not on a pressure feeling. Because the “real medicine” would be hard to achieved if they’re each other in hard situation. So, if possible to get some fresh air and strolling around was not a bad idea.
+04 D i g i t a l
D r a w i n g
COLOMADU HYBRID OLD NEW [REGIONAL LIBRARY] “Integrating the history of Colomadu with reading space” Colomadu (Javanish - colo : mountain , madoe : sweet|sugar) means pile of sugar. Is one of the silent vestiges of industry revolution development on Central Java especially Surakarta. Had a role as a sugar factory with intervention of Mangkunegaran Palace. One of the most prominent character was Mangkunegaran IV. A pioneer of modern nusantara economics. The people around also feels that changed. Indicate with economic’s life getting better.
After the revitalitation of Colomadu’s sugar factory. The development become more masive. But there’s nothing to share the history about. Unfortunately, so much timeline of moment must be known by every visitors. Not just only came in then take a selfie. And so, library and functional museum is expected to be provided here. The library is actually was still in Colomadu’s site, exactly beside. This building having orientation in two different view. Which is Colomadu’s building direction and the main street. This concept could make the library feels like greeting everyone to be visited in.
The shape of masses is meant to be philosophy of Colomadu which has definition of sugar’s mountain. But the differences between old and Colomadu consentration’s nowadays is, if on the past Colomadu spread the sweetness of sugar, then now would spread the sweetness of knowledge (library) This buillding consist of two masses that coralated each other. Represent the hybrid oldnew. The small one means old period. While the big one means new period. It’s reflected that we must be never forget the history (old period) to face the biggest moment which was await tomorrow (new period). This two aspect directed to be together.
4’th Floor
3’rd Floor
2’nd Floor
1’st Floor
This library included category of wide span building with use the structure of space frame. So, its bring the possibility to make the arc shape especially the roof.
1’st Floor
2’nd Floor
3’rd Floor
4’th Floor
Front Side
Small Things The fasade of this building consist of many smalls triangle. It represent mountain shape too. Showed that every big things are composed by small component. Just like the achievement of Colomadu, without countrymen’s hardwork there will be no glory’s of industrial revolution above Mangkunegaran IV’s hands.
Behind Side
Right Side
A-A Section
B-B Section
+05 D i g i t a l
D r a w i n g
LAWEYAN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT [RIVER SIDE] “ Connecting tourist and community through the living museum” Laweyan is one of the tourist destination in Surakarta. Full of history to tell about the economic’s people life here that based on cultural ascpect. Such as batik and the culinary. This area also famous by some Islamic’s figure which contribute to Laweyan’s developmet too. Connector Improvement Make a space that not just also connecting the people, but history too. With improve the infrastructure at historical potential point.
Bandar Kabanaran
+06 [TUGAS AKHIR] D i g i t a l
D r a w i n g
Traditional Public Space Literation and Playground Kelekak Bangka
– at
P o s t e r
I n t e r i o r
Reading Corner Loc. : STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka
M e r c h a n d i s e
Graduation’s Merchandise Mug design | Packaging | Photograph | Selling
P o e m
Today Is the reflection of our past Yesterday Was the part from the past Tomorrow Will be the past of the another today Then here we are Rotate in everything between Trying to catch the time pieces Force open the thruth of ourselves Are we living things? Or Just living in the things Take your time And Wake up
T h a n k Y o u