Foreword The spiritual meaning or of social behavior to explain the Reality Current singular and social, with base in the interpretation of the first two kings from Persia and of the angel prince from Greece, extracted of Daniel in the chapter 11, verses 13 at the 20 about the final time............................... Pรกgs:....... (I study of the characteristics of the political, economic and social system in the journey of the individual integral development and in the historical development of the nations).
The spiritual meaning and social analysis (Sociological) of the three Reyes from Persia described in Daniel, chapter 11, vers.2 (Apocalyptic Time). .................. Pรกgs.......... (Incidence in the political and social development and in the personal area).
Nature and characteristic of the first ones six (6) Persian kings that dominate to the human being. Analogy and parallel with the meaning of the first six stamps of Apocalypse, with bases in Daniel, chapter 10 and cap. 11, vers. 1 and 2........................ Pags.... (I study of the characteristics of the nature and of the political and
economic system historical journey).
Analysis of the characteristics of the Nature and of the System of the seventh King from Persia or of Greece, described in Daniel, chapter 11,y their analogy with the Seventh Stamp of Apocalypse.................... Pags......... (Characteristic of the nature and of the Political, Economic and Social system for the last Millennium, after the analysis of the first six millennia. Proposal of a new national and international constitution, with bases radically different to the traditional ones: New official principles with an enclosed Program for the consumption and use of the Goods and services - material aspect, and for the Coexistence in Group emotional aspect).
Spiritual and sociological analysis of the four Kingdom or kings in that the king from Greece is subdivided, with base in Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 3 and 4..... pags... (Description of the characteristics of the process of change of the nature and of the system during the seventh and last Millennium for the gradual setting-up of a New definitive Political, Economic and Social System. - Complete regeneration of the Legal Constitutions).
I study of the eighth spiritual king and material in the social and individual historical development, their characteristics, what nations it represents and description of the beginning of the fight among the Reyes of the North and of the South
through the history. Daniel, cap. 11, vers.5 from now on...... Pags..... (Analysis of the traditional Political, Economic and Social System in their last stage - Globalization - or Eighth King, Next to the decadence and total disappearance.)
I study itemized of the nature and characteristic functional that govern the King of the South, and what represents this in the political, social and economic development., with base in Daniel, cap.11, vers.5........... pags......................
(Description of the characteristics of the nature and of the system that governs the countries and cultures of the South or underdeveloped Countries, so much of the western hemisphere or South American as of
the oriental hemisphere - countries surasiรกticos and surafricanos).
Spiritual and sociological analysis of the Pact between the King of the North and the King of the South according to the Historical Development, and meaning of the Marriage among the daughter of the King of the South and of the King of the North. Daniel, cap.11, vers. 6.... Pags... (The different international agreements between the governments of the North or developed countries and the governments of the South or underdeveloped countries. Sharing a similar national constitution to share the product of national wealth).
The meaning of the" occupation of the real strength of the King of the North for the King of the South",
with base in Daniel, cap. 11, vers.7.................... Pags....... (The wealth of the underdeveloped countries seduce," they fall in love" to the developed countries, to the point of investing to take out usufruct of them, and the desire increases Political permanent of conquest and economic expansion, as well as of cultural control).
The spiritual and sociological meaning of the" temporary Success of the King of the South on the King of the North" of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 8.......... Pags.....
(The underdeveloped Countries of the South acquire to be able to by means of certain world organizations and positions of high representation, dependability and international participation due to the numerous
human and useful potential in the hand work, to the raw material and the wealth of geographical order of world convenience, and this force allows to prosper in the political area and to be heard temporarily in dialogue terms and of support to their systems).
Meaning of the" Intent of invasion of the King of the North to the King of the South", narrated in Daniel, cap.11, vers. 9. (The countries of the north or developed when seeing their control loss and of manipulation of the foreign markets, of the increase of equitable conditions, they react with political of massive economic investment, of buying the main companies of the small countries and of assuming these costs like autopago of the accumulated foreign
debt and directed by them; they also absorb more and more by means of political of address to implement advantageous conditions, in favor of their cultures).
The valid sociological and spiritual meaning for the present time of the verse 10 of Daniel's cap.11": Preparation for the war of the children of the King of the North and attack to conquer the strength of the King of the South".................. Pags.................. (The descendant of the countries of the north commonly calls powers or" children" because they have been raised, formed in traditional political laws of their nations to dominate indirectly on the social classes and dependent cultures get ready in solid and resolved form to take possession of the wealth, consistent these in geographical goods, intellectuals, in
manpower potential, in raw material, in cultural convictions in the diverse areas, in affective potential, in beauty, in sources of exploitation, in potential resources for the scientific development belonging of the nations of the South or underdeveloped; and the plan for the final time is by means of the force, of the military imposition, of a rigid politics of the Globalization managed in terms of particular convenience and of unjust advantages). Meaning and analysis of the verse 11, cap.11 of Daniel": The anger and victory of the King of the South on the King of the North"........................... Pags...... (The traditional political system, next to the force of their Economic system and of their Social structure of the countries of the third World they act with preventive laws of defense of their interests, like it is the case the
nationalization of the resources, the demand of certain taxes to the foreign companies, the application of help for the social investment, and the taking of autoprotecci贸n measures in general). Spiritual and sociological explanation of the vers, 12 of Daniel, cap. 11": success and temporary enorgullecimiento of the King of the South".................. Pags....... (The leaders of the underdeveloped nations of the South you repotencializan when obtaining achievements of convenience of foreign currencies, of business of social investment, of acceptance of the national manpower abroad, of support in the training, of leveling of the inflation, of invigoration of the local currency, of acceptance and he/she buys abroad of the national products, of international
participation in high positions, of investment abroad, etc.)
Sociological meaning of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 13": the King OF THE North prepares a numerous and perfectly armed army"............. Pags. (The Political and Economic system of the nations of the North or powers strengthen and it gathers the whole human potential picked up by many years, still the millions of immigrant people that you/they work in favor of the development of their system; he/she believes all kinds of political strategies, economic to grow and to dominate; it establishes a logistical plan and an action program planned to conquer the strengths and wealth in all order of the countries of the South or underdeveloped, it coordinates everything very well from a political and long term head).
Analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers 14": Rebellion against the King of the South." Pags... (It arrives the moment of the advance and use of the force through international laws to subject the politicians of the dependent countries, as immigrants' restriction, as the strategic handling of the bag, as the handling of foreign currencies and securities, the unjust exploitation of the resources of the countries in via of development, the opposition to the social investment, the imbalance in the trade balance, the union of the strong one with the strong ones, the marginalization of representatives of the poor countries, the isolation and restriction of economies, etc.).
Spiritual and sociological interpretation of Daniel, cap11, vers.15": Construction of the Ramp
and victorious advance of the King of the North"............ Pags....................... (The Political and Constitutional System, based on the commercialization and in the satisfaction of the physical necessities only or of consumption exclusively, without considering the interior state of justice, of pure love and of disinterested service towards God and towards the other of the Nations of the North it builds and he/she settles down" the RAMP" to conquer, to advance through a false outline, strategy that convinces subtle and seemingly to the crowds and that he/she originates starting from the Natural knowledge, which contains the fundamental essence of the materialism and he/she doesn't open the door to the growing intervention of the Spirit of God; it conquers societies and consciences for a lot of time).
Sociological and spiritual explanation of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 15": destruction and domain of the King of the North of the Earth of the Beauty"..................... Pags........
(The traditional World Political and Economic System of commercialization and of net inclination toward the material taking the hearts and minds to make only want the material thing, as much in the affective thing as in the consumption, degenerating and destroying the source of the life and of the inspiration of the good thing that it is the pure love and spreading the opposite, as hates, competitions, envies, and all impure thing.)
I study of seeing. 17 of Daniel, cap.17": Pact of the King of the
South with the King of the North and intent of seizure of the whole territory of the first one on the part of this last one"................... Pags.....................
(The Politics and traditional Economy solidifies, he/she gets wider and he/she settles down, specifying advantages seemingly for all, offering knowledge, training, affections and products only originated in the necessities physical, coming from the Lex naturale or carnal, neglecting the moral and spiritual area).
Spiritual analysis of Daniel, cap. 11, vers18": it Attacks to the cities of the costs for the King of the North and a general's victory that it will put in shame to the King of the North".... pags....
(The countries of the Costa are those that have high development as those of the Scandinavian Peninsula that with differences marked in their politics's development, of their economic laws and of their Social organization they have not united completely neither they share many things of the political advance and of the political unification of the Continental powers of the North King of the North; the powers of the North with their aggressive politics and conqueror will want to conquer or to convince to the countries of the costs so that they are integrated, however there will be opposition and the leaders of these last ones will meditate and they will place barriers by means of renovated politicians of autoprotecci贸n, of world justice towards the other countries and of conservation of principles and human rights that specify their Constitutions).
Spiritual and sociological explanation of Daniel, cap.11, vers 19": The King of the North trips with a difficulty that he finds difficult life"........... Pgs.......
(The rebellion of the terrorist politicians, fundamentalists of the countries of the East (Middle East) for causes of religious doctrines and of opposition to the domain hegemony and World control of the Politics of the Continental countries of the North or main powers will make jag in the final time, generating death and attenuation of the power of the Political System of the powers; there will be certain devaluation of their currencies, bigger arms investment, they will increase the wars and other consequences).
Daniel's Meaning, cap. 11, vers. 20 that he/she narrates of the" King substitute that a collector of taxes sends"................... Pags...........
(After the impotence of establishing their Political hegemony, the big powers of the countries of the North, and of finding opposition of other powers on the part of the countries of the Costa, among them those of the Scandinavian peninsula, some federal states of countries like Canada, France and certain coastal regions of China, of countries of Muslim religion of the Half East and of countries like Cuba and some South American countries as Venezuela (coastal) and of certain neutralism of continental European countries as Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, Rumania, etc., the North King's NATIONS are forced (or
Group of the 8 and their allies) to name an indirect Representative that subtly maintains the agreements and that with cunning it strengthens the plan and the interests of these main powers. And this representative is combined direct and member of the King of the North and it corresponds to the whole group of doctrines originated in the Law of the natural knowledge and that they are identified by the mercantilist politics and for the vainglory of the things that you/they stimulate the physical senses (you delight of the body and of the soul in a lawless way), and this representative is accompanied by leaders of universal religious doctrines that stray of the pure thing and that they ally to the interests and ideology of the King of the North).
I study and interpretation of Daniel, cap11, vers 21": The worthless man that reigns, to who doesn't
correspond him to be king"............ Pags.....
(The mercantilist and commercial spirit of the Political System of the King of the North grows, settling down every time bigger social injustices and he/she carries out it by means of the collection of taxes to invest progressively in its same plan, based more in a" well-being" materialistic that in the consideration of the integral and healthy securities of the human being, and the Bible calls it worthless and that it is granted him the power, but that however he/she doesn't deserve to be king for its wickedness and that later on he/she will fall according to he/she declares it the Word of God.)
Study of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 22": the destruction completely of the
forces that are opposed and the boss's of the Pact death"................. Pags.....
(In the final times, that is to say starting from this New Millennium 2000, the spirit that controls to the nature and the political system of the countries of the North or powers acts every time with bigger force and unit to the point of embracing the consciences and the social masses in general and everything to be low the veil of the normality, is not nobody that is opposed, due to the ignorance and lack of power; and this is translated in a spiritual death or death of the Boss of the Pact that it is God in this case, representing the noble part and it jousts that still survived, but that in this instant the force of the one Political System of the countries of the North has increased until corrupting totally).
Sociological and spiritual analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 23": the King's deceit of the North to their allies and temporary victory".......... Pgs........
(He/she strengthens the Political System of the countries of the North, originated this in the fullness of the Natural Knowledge and embracing all the wealth of goods and services, always with the purpose of receiving taxes to enlarge their power, to conquer with their system more cultures, to attract them to the purchase coinage and sale of all that needs the human being, and for the best thing he/she takes place in quality, in comfort and apparently (magnificent goods), prevailing the hierarchization of positions, the difference of powers, the inequality in the earnings, the unequal competition and the stimulus to the separated science this of the spiritual
thing. This system triumphs and it seduces the different societies temporarily.)
Explanation of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 24": the entrance of the King of the North in the richest lands in the county and distribution of goods and wealth".......
(The spirit of the constitutional law of the Political, Economic and Social System of the countries called big powers and mainly the Group of the eight (8), based on the commercial activity of purchase and sale of goods and services convinces the richest and owners of power, to the traditionalist families, to the most important scientific unions, to managerial leaders and it still monopolizes the intimate yearnings of all human being to make shine with fantasy a world of false justice
and false happiness, and for strategies of accequibilidad of the things that waste away, settles down but always aided by hidden and demanding requirements of materialistic manipulation and of love for the temporary thing, of slavery to the earthly thing without deepening in the interior thing neither in the spiritual wealth).
Sociological and spiritual analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 25": it attacks the king of the South for the King of the North and counterattack of the King of the South. It defeats of the King of the south"............... Pags......................
(The System political and economic encomandados for the called countries' big' or King of the North for the Millennium 2000 and centralized in the strategy of the
globalization they dominate, they subdue to the countries of the King of the South, imposing a reach politics every bigger time as for alliances of political treaties that contain bigger dependence of the underdeveloped countries with regard to the first ones as for the installation of a widespread politics of roots highly centralist, of accomplished hierarchies and of a growing scale of differentiation determined by a based World Economy and measure according to the scale of values of quantitative type and with technological advantages (quality) that monopolize all the markets in a pyramidal way, surrendering tribute to the accumulation, concentration of power and bigger conditions of progress in the vertical sense of the social hierarchies. Before this fact the regional politicians, the agreements and treaties of unit delos countries of the South look for to
create a defense net and of strength, however the political and economic guidelines of these nations are absorbed by the power of the Politics of the powerful countries or King of the North).
Sociological analysis of Daniel, cap11, vers.26": it Defeats and betrayal of the King of the South for the same ones that he invited to eat".................. Pags...........
(The same alliances and agreements of political and economic type among the leaders of the south cone, their same strategies of apparent unit (like it is the case of the free trade) they keep a deceiving spirit, twosided to establish hidden and suitable multilateral business according to with the nation that is exchanging, caused a general order attenuation
and background in the systems of these countries).
I study Daniel, cap.11, vers. 27": the two kings of the South and of the North they will sit down in one it spoils table and lies will be said"..................... Pags....
(The political leaders of the underdeveloped nations will want to strengthen their political and economic system of own convenience establishing dialogues with the leaders of the developed countries to carry out treaties that won't complete and they will make false promises to be alienated the wealth, to control economies, for the individual enrichment, to take possession of markets, to increase foreign currencies, to establish laws of subjection and dependence, to only strengthen the high social
classes, to be protected among rich, to increase the advantages of all type in favor of some few ones).
Study of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 28,": the King of the North returns to his country with all the wealth captured in the war and he puts on against the Sacred Pact. It carries out their plans, and later it returns to their earth,"...... Pags...
(The powers or countries of the north take out the biggest advantage in the realized treaties at nation level because their political and social system is more unified as for social investment in their countries and regarding the international projection to strengthen their economies, and like they are more united and better planned they obtain the best earnings in all aspect, he/she has a general
control about the other economies and they impose political of control, of imposition in the monetary value of the goods and of the manpower, the monopolizing of wealth by means of taxes, of concentration of human potential to work and this it is the true war that doesn't necessarily involve weapons neither military intervention; this politics of acting of the King of the North goes against the justice, of the human rights, of the freedom and of the use of the capacities of the individuals and of big societies in general, involving this the growth of the immorality, of the lack of spiritual securities and of respect for the neighbor; the imbalance between the material thing and the spiritual thing grows to such a point that the dependence of societies is generated on a base fundamentally materialistic and selfish and very bad distribuĂda. After these unjust stocks of subjection' legal', the governments of
the powers invest their unjust earnings and of pressure hidden in social investment of their own nations, but they make it with their politics's essential approach that is materialistic and of physical consumption without considering the combined, harmonic well-being and of world social justice what produces self-centeredness, superb and more pride).
Analysis of the you see. 29, Daniel, cap.11": The invasion of the King of the North, but this time it won't triumph as the first time"........................ Pags.....
(The Politics of the North or of the powers, originated in the Knowledge Natural taking a second air, characterized this for the negation of the divine thing, only leaning on in the materialistic knowledge of the
things and giving honor to the strictly human thing, represented in the power of the physical wealth (supply-side ecomomies and it demands); the national Constitutions of the countries of the North look for to generate more and more influence on the other countries to acquire bigger power and solidity of the System that manage (for example by means of the Globalization), however this time they don't triumph with the same world reach as the first time; it is in and of itself that it is appreciated that The European Economic Community next to the North American countries although it continues leading, he/she no longer has the same importance of before in the sense that the underdeveloped countries have united and the human potential of these last ones has also grown a lot to the point of being made feel more than before; also the opposition of groups isolated terrorists or revolutionaries and of
countries with political autonomous and neutrals that don't support completely to the countries or more important powers of the North).
Spiritual and sociological explanation of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 30": the attack of the western troops against the King of the North. THE King of the North discharges his hate on the Sacred Pact"....................................... Pags........
(The western troops correspond to big groups of leaders that represent political organizations, of economic nature, religious, educational, cultural and social in general to create a theoretical and practical blockade with laws that don't allow
to harm to their societies for the strong influence of the Politics of the powers of the North; these" troops" they come from nations of the western culture as the South American countries, of the Caribbean, ppalmente. the Latin Americans, what generates hate in the countries of the north, so that it increases this way the economic pressure and politics (of subjection) of the Nations of the King of the North on these last ones; using strategies based on the traditional economy, in the increase of the materialism, rejecting the moral aspect or of true social justice).
I study sociological of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 31": the soldiers of the King of the North profane the temple, and they suspend the daily sacrifice and they put the horrible
sacrilege there".... Pags......................... (All the followers of the politics of the big powers of the North will make fun, they will go against the printed spirit of justice in the law that protects to the Human rights, they will betray all justice, they won't consider the moral securities and they will impose conditions of commercial slavery, not allowing the action free of organizations of social help, of teaching of the moral principles, but rather on the contrary The Materialism will be disclosed in its maximum expression, twisting the roads of many). Study of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 32": the King Of the North tries to buy with flatteries to those that renounce of the Pact, but the Town that he loves to God he stays firm and he makes in front of the situation"...... Pgs...........
(The politics of the King of the North, seeing that it no longer reigns efficiently in the hearts of many people and leaders like the first time, it feels the decrease of their influence of a materialistic lifestyle (of satisfaction of the most external part or of the corporal senses that demand consumption and material production exclusively), then he/she proceeds to offer positions, services, remunerations, privileges, but with a bad intention that they are subjected to their materialistic traditionalist Politics and that they collaborate him in their propagation; however the true ones fair they won't accept these offers or' flatteries' and they will continue respecting the moral laws firstly, important whereas clause the love and the respect to the neighbor and keeping in mind the divine laws; the fair town still against the economic influences and against the
authorized law ordinances it won't obey these traditionalist precepts and he/she will practice the true justice of the love of God starting from the divine virtues).
Study of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 33": the sages of the town will instruct a lot of people, but then they will kill them to them, they will steal them all that you/they have and they will make them slaves in foreign lands." .................. Pags...
(The true leaders of the peace, of the fair social renovation and not based in the growing octopus of the commercialization they are visionary, sages that understand what is happening and that they fight to clarify what passes teaching new procedures with completely new
ideological bases and based on the respect to the neighbor and in the true use of the human capacities that you/they generate a well distributed, fair and calm lifestyle (peace). Then they will kill them, it means that the traditionalism (the international politics) it will cloud the eyes of many so that they trust the traditional practices or customs and forget and don't fight for the background political, economic and social transformation, conforming to a traditional lifestyle and with every time bigger influence of the wickedness, of the injustice, of the preponderance in everything of the materialistic principles; the truth will be stolen, alienated of the hearts and the minds, and this way multitudes, among them the same town exactly will be slave temporarily obeying and participating of the immoral thing, of the unjust thing and with he/she will be leaning on to the evil
king of the North and its politics of social injustice). Explanation of Daniel,11, vers. 34": the help to the town of God in the moments of persecutions"... Pgs...
(In the arduous one on the way to teaching a new one in route to inclination of a regenerated Political and Economic system for a fairrer and harmonicer social reordenamiento, applying new principles of Production and Consumption that satisfy the human nature integrally jointly in their physical and spiritual part, the visionary of the peace for the legislation of laws that you/they offer the New Political and Economic System for the Millennium 2000, besides generating new enclosed programs in the educational thing, they will find support in the critical
moments of solitude).
I study about Daniel, cap, 11, vers. 35": the purification and spiritual improvement of the ense単adores until the time of the end"......... Pags...........
(The visionary of the New Political, Economic and Social System will find inconvenient in their work to the or I release of the whole process, since what you/they teach is new and it should operate a time of receptividad, of connection and of execution, and this will happen with the purpose of increasing the potential of the divine virtues in the lives of them so that he/she stays the humility, the justice and the disinterested help to the neighbor).
Analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 36 ": El King of the North makes all that is fancied and you full with pride. Everything will come out him well until God sends him its punishment"............ pags.......
(The Politics of the North, after having been strengthened and the grade their unit, of having convinced many and of having closed treaties with them, it will feel very important. It will advance, it will achieve blunt goals during the Millennium 2000, the science will arrive to its peak, the knowledge Natural you expanderรก and it will be flag of all activity; the great majority will undergo and they will respect this class of knowledge. In the development of the current Millennium millions of people that are able to see what happens and the purpose of injustice and of
wickedness that the King of the North leads, they will get ready with a New Knowledge for not being allowed to crawl of this influential spirit for not losing his individuality, his potentiality and his right to practice the justice; these last ones are the authentic ones visionary and practitioners of the Truth).
Analysis of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 37 : " El king of the North makes big honors, he/she gives on important and he/she gives lands pomo it rewards"..... pags....
(The biggest representatives, political leaders and of the main companies they will grant honors or celebrations congratulating their politics's followers with positions and high wages, besides giving them authority
and domain on many people through the handling of big sources of represented wealth these in consumption goods and of services; the social hierarchical scale will increase its differences and the leaders will support the politics of the King of the North).
I study sociological of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 40": in the time of the end the King of the South attacks the King of the North. The north King rushes against the South with cars of war, with chivalry and many ships"................. pags...........
(In the time of the end that corresponds when lapsing of the current millennium 2000, the countries of the South or underdeveloped calls will oppose you to the influence of the politics of
the countries of the North, exercising certain economic competition, autoabasteciĂŠndose this way same and generating a politics of local investment and of control of prices of the national products, like in the case of the nonrenewable ones and of primary consumption. The King of the North won't admit these barriers neither impositions and he will want to dominate and to impose his politics in his entirety, and he will make it by means of the force, and for he will unite it to the governments of these countries of the South, supporting them militarily so that they subdue his towns and the governments that make casus omissus they will be forced by the force with the invasion of foreign manpower, of his technologies, of his doctrines, of his education and of his social regulations in general. Many governments of the South will also be overthrown to manipulate the successors).
I study sociological of Daniel, cap. 11, vers. 41": the King of the North enters in the Earth dela Beauty and it kills a lot of people. The inhabitants of Edom and Moab will survive, and most of Am贸n"........ Pags.....
(The influence of the politics of the big powers convinces and subject to the hearts and a lot of people's minds, which believe and they accept the intentions and way of operating of the world Materialistic system with corrupt moral principles, and due to it, to obey such a system they will become unjust and" they will die" to the practice of all justice. However there will be a remainder that will escape to the definitive slavery of the System of the north, and it will achieve the liberation for
not to follow it and to change their lifestyle to a form to live fairrer, and among these many they come from the culture of the East, of the Half East, others of the countries moralists of the North of the western culture, others of the underdeveloped countries of South America and of Africa, of Central America, of the Distant East, which feel fear of God and they intend to improve following a politics different to that of the King of the North).
I study spiritual and sociological of Daniel, cap. 11, vers, 42 that he/she says": The army of the King of the North occupies other countries, and Egypt will not even get rid"...................... Pgas.........
(The politics of the King of the North will look for to expand to the remaining countries that don't present opposition to the point of increasing its power, convincing to the oldest cultures that seemed more solid and fairrer and more independent, it will even be able to intrude until the most remote places).
Analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers, 43": The King of the North is taken the treasures of gold and silver and all the beautiful objects of Egypt. Then he arrives the shift in Libya already Ethiopia"......... Pags.........;.
(The Politics of the big powers of the North usufructĂşa, monopolizes the most saved and selected wealth in all
the human beings, the oldest and saints to the point of corrupting whole societies of cultures that had practiced justice, and it subjects these cultures to its whims; also those rebellious and autonomous cultures are attracted and convinced by the King of the North so that they continue him and share its politics (represented in Libya and Ethiopia).
I study sociological of Daniel, cap. 11, vrs. 44": the King of the North receives news of the east and of the north and they leave it alarmed. It leaves furious to make a great slaughter"............. Pags........
(Advanced The Millennium 2000, and after the politics of the King of the North to have been expanded and
settled down in millions of people belonging to the diverse cultures, of reigning on them, the countries of the East like China, Japan, Indonesia and some of the North as the Scandinavians and Russia will oppose you and they will fight against the politics of the King of the North (against their system), and this will cause that the big powers of the North become furious and rush with their cultural and military might to destroy everybody who it opposes him and to take the control to their whim).
Sociological analysis of Daniel, cap.11, vers. 45": the King of the North establishes his Real camp between the Sea and the Saint it Mounts of the Beauty. It arrives the hour of their death"............................... pags......
(Finally, the Politics of the big powers, originated in the countries leaders of the North and of location geographical north and central and of well-known tradition he/she settles down and their work continues amid multitudes that don't know neither they practice moral laws neither they are allowed to guide for institutions with moral principles -" Sea" neither they neither obey the renovated laws of the Spirit of God in the hearts and in the minds -" Earth of the Beauty" - for this way to weaken and to be completely destruĂdo the nature and the system of the King of the North).