The Nugget Newspaper // Vol. XLIII No. 20 // 2020-05-13

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The Nugget Vol. XLIII No. 20


News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

SHS classes launch science balloons

Redmond woman drowns at Scout Lake

By Ceili Cornelius Correspondent

On a clear spring day in Sisters last Thursday, the Sisters High School chemistry classes instructed by Rima Givot launched two stratospheric balloons from Sisters Eagle Airport, loaded with students’ experiments. This is the fourth year of launching the weather balloons with students. Students learn about weather patterns, atmospheric pressure, temperature change, and UV level change, while analyzing the effect on certain materials during flight. This project is made possible with the leadership of Steven Peterzen of the stratospheric ballooning company ISTAR, and funded through a grant recently awarded to the program by Battelle Memorial Institute, and mentorship by Rod Moorehead and Ron Thorkildson. The students have been building their own experiments at home and collaborating virtually to build the “payload.” The balloons are inflated with helium in order to float up far into the atmosphere. The purpose of

on site, live-streaming the launch to their classmates virtually. “While the students will not be as active in the launch as in the past, their experiments will still get flown up so they can learn from this experience,” said Givot. “We had to get creative in

A 44-year-old teacher from Redmond drowned at Scout Lake on Sunday. Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office reported that emergency responders were dispatched at 12:35 p.m on May 10 to the report of a possible drowning at Scout Lake, near Suttle Lake and Highway 20 about 12 miles west of Sisters. Dispatch was told a female had fallen from her stand-up paddleboard into the lake. She was reportedly not wearing a life jacket. The woman, later identified as Valerie Mallory, was pulled from the water and CPR was started. Medics from the Sisters/Camp Sherman Fire Department arrived but were unable to resuscitate the woman. She had friends and family on scene.

See BALLOONS on page 11

See DROWNING on page 11


Rancher Jim Wood, who lives part-time in Sisters, found one of the Sisters High School scientific balloons when it landed on his ranch near Post. launching the experiments into the atmosphere is to see what happens to them passing through the various layers of the atmosphere. The payloads include a number of various experiments including fruits, bread, activated yeast, salmon eggs, feathers, and mold growth. Cameras are also attached to the payload to capture what happens


to the experiments during flight and observe the flight of the balloon. The payloads also contain UV sensors to test the effect of sunlight at certain elevation on certain experiments. GPS trackers are enabled to track where the balloon eventually lands. During the preparation for launch, a few students were

Home near Sisters destroyed by fire New Sisters Farmer’s Market to launch June 7 By Katy Yoder Correspondent

There’s a lot of change happening at the Sisters Farmer’s Market. Some is in response to COVID-19 and safety measures for participants. For the first time, Seed to Table will be running the market and has hired the first paid market manager. In keeping with Seed to Table’s mission, there will be expanded outreach and access to locally-sourced, fresh products. Audrey Tehan, Executive Director of Seed to Table, explained some of the changes. “We’ve been involved in brainstorming ways to revitalize the market,” said Tehan. “To realize the potential of the market, we looked


at how many hours it takes to run it. Our goal is to increase health and wellness in the community and promote local farmers and small businesses. It’s been a yearlong conversation with Sisters Park & Recreation District, who was the fiscal sponsor, as well as vendors and the City and market participants. We asked for input to understand what we needed to be successful.” The market had been run mainly by volunteers. They received a stipend, but it didn’t come close to covering the hours invested in the market’s success. Tehan praised past managers and the fantastic job they’ve done. “It was clear it was time See MARKET on page 16

Letters/Weather ........................ 2 Meetings ................................... 3

A home in Cascade Meadow Ranch west of Sisters was destroyed by fire early Thursday morning. First-arriving units found the residence at 15169 Windigo Trail already fully engulfed by the blaze. The 3,600-squarefoot home was unoccupied at the time of the fire. Damage estimates are unknown at this time, but the home is a total loss, the fire department reported. The fire department reported that fire crews performed a defensive fire attack because of how much the fire had already progressed when they arrived on scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal and Oregon State Police. Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District responded with seven emergency vehicles;

Announcements........................10 Sisters Naturalist......................13


Fire consumed a 3,600-square-foot home in Cascade Meadow Ranch last Thursday, May 7. The home was unoccupied at the time of the blaze. three additional units from Black Butte Ranch Fire District and four additional units from Cloverdale Fire District also responded to the fire. A total of 30 firefighters responded to the incident. One firefighter suffered a minor injury, not requiring

Crossword ................................18 Classifieds........................... 19-21

treatment, during the fire. Fire Chief Roger Johnson said “Due to the time of day, and rural nature of the subdivision, the fire was not detected until the home was heavily involved with fire and unsafe for firefighters to enter.”

Sudoku .................................... 20 Real Estate ......................... 22-24


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon







Would Schaier as sheriff be good for Sisters?

Surveying the domain…

By Greg Walker (ret) Guest Columnist


This impressive barred owl (Strix varia) lives in Camp Sherman.

Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is 10 a.m. Monday.

To the Editor: Re: May 6, 2020, “Communications is Key as Sisters ‘reopens’ by Mayor Chuck Ryan and City Manager Cory Mosley.” The last paragraph “ ...that businesses... must follow which again will be dictated at the State level.” Since when are we living under a dictatorship? John Morter




To the Editor: I must have struck a nerve. In successive issues of The Nugget, a letter was published criticizing my recently published letter challenging the April 15 opinion piece of Tom Donohue on the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately neither responded to the substance of what I wrote. Dale Streeter asserted that in my “venting,” I “declared that those opinions (as expressed by Mr. Donohue) represented the general views of 33 to 50 percent of the population.” I neither expressed nor implied that.

I don’t know where he got that wide range of numbers. I did say that the four positions espoused by Mr. Donohue, none of which either letter mentioned, were the current right-wing talking points. I did so because they are. If you don’t believe me, you haven’t been watching Fox News, reading right-wing Internet sites, watching the pronouncements of certain Governors or listening to the current occupant of the White House. There has been and continues to be a coordinated disinformation campaign on this issue almost exclusively from those with a political agenda and no health care training. In response to my statement that I will follow the recommendations of health care professionals, Dale Streeter criticizes me for “virtue signaling.” I’m not sure what that means but I sense it is a pejorative like “showing off.” As an adult, I have tried to avoid unnecessary risks and potentially very harmful results (I wish I could say the same about my youth). Would Dale Streeter wish I act contrary to the best scientific evidence See LETTERS on page 15

Sisters Weather Forecast

Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon







PM Showers

AM Showers

Partly Cloudy

PM Showers









The Nugget Newspaper, LLC Website: 442 E. Main Ave., P.O. Box 698, Sisters, Oregon 97759 Tel: 541-549-9941 | Email: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Nugget Newspaper, P.O. Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759. Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon.

Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius Production Manager: Leith Easterling Creative Director: Jess Draper Community Marketing Partner: Vicki Curlett Classifieds & Circulation: Lisa May Owner: J. Louis Mullen

The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area. Third-class postage: one year, $55; six months (or less), $30. First-class postage: one year, $95; six months, $65. Published Weekly. ©2020 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which appears in The Nugget is the property of The Nugget and may not be used without explicit permission. The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. assumes no liability or responsibility for information contained in advertisements, articles, stories, lists, calendar etc. within this publication. All submissions to The Nugget Newspaper will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyrighting purposes and subject to The Nugget Newspaper’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially, that all rights are currently available, and that the material in no way infringes upon the rights of any person. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of artwork, photos, or manuscripts.

Sheriff’s candidate Scott Schaier would have Sisters’ voters believe his work experience as a hospitality industry worker, a car salesman, a real estate agent and patrol level law enforcement officer should earn him their support this November. How so? Candidate Schaier has not completed even a two-year general education college degree. According to OSU he is listed as a student with them but not an active one. When asked how many credits he has, or when he projects graduating, Schaier will not say. He has never been promoted at either of the two law enforcement agencies he has or is working for. He is essentially a high school graduate and career patrol officer. Schaier offers he “managed personnel and budgets” for an automobile agency. He leaves out the dealership he worked for was a familyowned business, a business that failed in 2010. The dealership, experiencing serious financial losses due to poor business decisions, closed its doors. Per Terry Schaier “We’ve been working with Nissan and our bank desperately, and the bank gave us word that they will not help us.” ( schaiers-nissan-dealershipin-long-beach-no-longer-inbusiness/) Schaier’s tenure with the Las Vegas Metro Police Department is likewise less than impressive. In October 2011, a federal lawsuit named him and other officers in multiple charges to include violation of the Fourth Amendment. Upon the trial’s conclusion the Municipality paid out $105,000 to the damaged parties. (https:// b u s k l v. f i l e s . w o r d p r e s s . com/2019/07/settlement_ lvmpd-fiscal-affairs_april22-2013.pdf) In 2018, the City of Bend paid out $800,000 after Schaier shot and killed Michael Tyler Jacques. The caveat being that Bend did not accept responsibility nor liability for the officer’s actions. (https://www. bend-to-pay-800-000-toshooting-victim-s-family/ article_dd396714-ca11-50e89ab0-e4afebcb665f.html) To date, Officer Schaier’s employers have remitted $905,000 to the victims of his actions while wearing a peace officer’s badge.

Schaier offers in lieu of the excellent contract just signed by Sheriff Shane Nelson with Sisters providing a fully staffed patrol team to the Sisters district, that he (Schaier) would have made Sisters “a special assignment detail” instead. By definition, a special assignment means “a job assignment that is expected to be temporary and is designated as a special assignment by the agency ... A special assignment may be full- or part-time and may consist of more than one parttime position in more than one tenure area.” Sheriff Nelson listened to what Sisters residents and the city council said they needed and delivered a comprehensive patrol package at an excellent financial price point. Candidate Schaier would prefer to keep Sisters a backwater patrol concern, out of sight and out of mind. Candidate Schaier told The Nugget (“Candidates vie for sheriff’s office,” April 21, 2020) “…I [have] a unique background and experience that I think would serve Deschutes County well.” Why then not apply and compete for the chief’s position at Bend PD given Jim Porter’s pending retirement? Perhaps because Schaier’s “unique background and experience” does not match up to the job description and education required for the job. This to include having to pass and possess “…an extensive background check, Master’s degree in related field preferred. Licensing and Certification Requirements: Executive or Management Certification from Oregon DPSST or be able to obtain within two years of appointment CITY OF BEND.” Two settlements totaling $905,000; a questionable fatal shooting; two patrol car crashes while with the Bend Police Department; leaving his patrol car engine running while away from the vehicle; leaving his patrol rifle in the vehicle at the end of his shift; no college degree; no supervisory or management experience as a law enforcement professional… If Schaier is ineligible to even apply to the City of Bend for its chief’s position how is it that he is qualified – at least in his mind – to become the Chief Executive law enforcement officer for Deschutes County? Short answer. He is not. And if Candidate Schaier is not good for Deschutes County he is not good for Sisters, either.

Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the writer and are not necessarily shared by the Editor or The Nugget Newspaper.



Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon








Prepare your home for wildfire defense By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief

Despite beating the drum on a message of preparedness, Cloverdale Fire Chief Thad Olsen is still seeing homes in his district that can’t be defended from wildfire. He said it two years ago, in the wake of fires that took three homes in his district — and the message is the same today: “We aren’t going to commit firefighters to houses that are not defensible. Basically, what we’re asking is, give us a fighting chance.” Olsen told The Nugget

last week that the two major factors are overgrown trees and shrubs that block fire engine access and trees and shrubs growing too close to structures. “A lot of times, it’s stuff that was good 10 years ago, but it’s now overgrown,” he said. “A lot of it’s just maintenance stuff.” A juniper tree growing right up against a structure can go up like a torch and take the house with it. Creating defensible space around your home means creating an area of at least 30 feet around the home See WILDFIRE on page 23

Tara Redfield takes to the stage By Charlie Kanzig Correspondent

Actress, blogger, food nerd, stand-up comic, entrepreneur. That’s what the past 18 years have entailed for 2002 Sisters High graduate Tara Redfield, who is “home” in Sisters for a bit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Redfield is a prime example of how one experience leads to another as well as proof that a person’s passions

can often lead you to a pathway for expression. Chapman University in Orange, California, where she majored in theater and also studied journalism, provided the educational background for Redfield’s first post-graduate work in television. “I was working in Los Angeles behind the scenes as a casting associate on the TLC show “Take Home Chef” which featured See REDFIELD on page 22


Virginia Silvey hitting the finish line in a “Social Distancing Sisters 10K And A Half” on May 3.

Runners create ‘social distance’ race By Jodi Schneider Correspondent

Eight Sisters women ages 51 to 75 and Mabel, a black labrador, didn’t let a global pandemic stop them from a long-prepared-for running event. On May 3, with the support of Sisters Trails Alliance, they participated in a “Social Distancing Sisters 10K And A Half” race through open trails in the forest. The group had originally been training for the Avenue of the Giants Marathon, Half Marathon, & 10 K Run that was to be happening May 3, but the event was canceled due to COVID-19. Vi rg i n i a S i l v e y, a n

experienced marathoner, told The Nugget, “All was as successful as we anticipated. We are all winners! I am very proud to have had an opportunity to train and complete this special half marathon with these ladies!” Silvey noted, “Families and grandchildren came out to cheer; all observing social distancing. It was so heartwarming to see so much support for just eight runners.” The group cleaned up the trails after the run from beginning to end, including all garbage left from others. Participant Heidi FranzTremblay said that it was a really good experience for her. She said, “We felt super

supported by Catherine Hayden from Sisters Trails Alliance and also by our volunteer team of friends and family. It gave me a great baseline for our race in October. We plan on continuing our training together.” Franz-Tremblay’s husband was at the halfway mark with fuel and water for the runners. Mother/daughter team Sarah and Marna Griffin brought Mabel along, a black labrador owned by Sarah. Sarah said, “For this race, my mom and I had signed up to do the 10K (6.21 miles) segment of the race and we were going to walk. See RACE on page 12

As the COVID-19 crisis affects gatherings, please contact individual organizations for their current meeting status or alternate arrangements. See Announcements on page 10 for more information.

SISTERS AREA MEETING CALENDAR East of the Cascades Quilt Guild 4th Wednesday (September-June), Stitchin’ Post. All are welcome. 541-549-6061. Al-Anon Mon., noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. / Thurs., 10 a.m., Friends of the Sisters Library Board Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m., 541-549-8737 or 541-549-1527. Sisters Alcoholics Anonymous Thurs. & Go Fish Fishing Group 3rd Monday, Sun., 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the 7 p.m. Sisters Community Church. All Transfiguration / Sat., 8 a.m., Episcopal ages welcome. 541-771-2211. Church of the Transfiguration / Mon., Heartwarmers (fleece blanketmakers) 5 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Sisters City Church / Big Book study, Tues., noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church / Hall. Materials provided. 541-408-8505. Gentlemen’s meeting, Wed., 7 a.m., Hero Quilters of Sisters Thursday, 1 to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church / 4 p.m. 541-549-1028 or 541-719-1230. Sober Sisters Women’s meeting, Thurs., Citizens4Community, Let’s Talk noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church / Step & Tradition meeting, Fri., 3rd Monday, 5:30 to 8 p.m. RSVP at noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. 541-548-0440. Military Parents of Sisters Meetings are held quarterly; please call for details. Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver 541-388-9013. Support Group 1st Tuesday, noon, SPRD bldg. 800-272-3900. Oregon Band of Brothers – Sisters Chapter Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., Black Butte Ranch Bridge Club Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., BBR community Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-549-6469. room. Partner required. 541-595-6236. SAGE (Senior Activities, Gatherings & Enrichment) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild to 4 p.m. at Sisters Park & Recreation For Saturday meeting dates and District. 541-549-2091. location, email: Sisters Aglow Lighthouse Central OR Spinners and Weavers 4th Saturday, 10 a.m., Ponderosa Lodge Guild One Saturday per month, Jan. Meeting Room. 503-930-6158. thru Oct. For schedule: 541-639-3217. Sisters Area Photography Club Council on Aging of Central Oregon Senior Lunch Tuesdays, noon, Sisters 2nd Wednesday, 4 p.m., Sisters Library Community Church. 541-480-1843. community room. 541-549-6157.


Sisters Area Woodworkers 1st Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. 541-639-6216. Sisters Astronomy Club 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m., SPRD. 541-549-8846. Sisters Bridge Club Thursdays, 12:30 p.m., The Pines Clubhouse. Novices welcomed. 541-549-9419. Sisters Caregiver Support Group 3rd Tues., 10:30 a.m., The Lodge in Sisters. 541-771-3258. Sisters Cribbage Club Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ray’s Food Place community room. 541-923-1632. Sisters Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors 4th Tuesday, 6 p.m. Location information: 541-549-1193. Sisters Kiwanis Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Brand 33 Restaurant at Aspen Lakes. 541-410-2870.

Sisters Trails Alliance Board 1st Monday, 5 p.m. Sisters Library. Public welcome. 808-281-2681. Sisters Veterans Thursdays, noon, Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-903-1123. Three Sisters Irrigation District Board of Directors 1st Tuesday, 4 p.m., TSID Office. 541-549-8815. Three Sisters Lions Club 2nd Tuesday, noon, Ray’s Food Place community room. 541-419-1279. VFW Post 8138 and American Legion Post 86 1st Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-903-1123. Weight Watchers Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in, Sisters Community Church. 541-602-2654.


Sisters Parent Teacher Community 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Sisters Saloon. 541-480-5994.

Black Butte School Board of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., Black Butte School. 541-595-6203.

Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m., The Lodge. 541-668-6599.

Sisters Christian Academy Board of Directors Monthly on a Friday. Call 541-549-4133 for date & time.

Sisters Red Hats 1st Friday. Location information: 541-279-1977. Sisters Rotary 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:30 p.m., Takoda’s. 541-760-5645.

Sisters School District Board of Directors One Wed. monthly, SSD Admin Bldg. See schedule online at 541-549-8521 x5002.

Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 1 p.m. Suttle Tea. 503-819-1723.

Sisters Middle School Parent Collaboration Team 1st Tuesday, 2 p.m., SMS. 541-610-9513.

CITY & PARKS Sisters City Council 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-549-6022. Sisters Park & Recreation District Board of Directors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m., SPRD bldg. 541-549-2091. Sisters Planning Commission 3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-549-6022.

FIRE & POLICE Black Butte Ranch Police Dept. Board of Directors Meets monthly. 541-595-2191 for time & date. Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board of Directors 4th Thursday, 9 a.m., Black Butte Ranch Fire Station. 541-595-2288. Cloverdale RFPD Board of Directors 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., 67433 Cloverdale Rd. 541-548-4815. Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday, 5 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 541-549-0771. Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Drills Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 301 S. Elm St. 541-549-0771. This listing is for regular Sisters Country meetings; email information to


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

City to address reopening steps Sisters may be able to begin “reopening” by degrees soon, as Deschutes County enters Phase I, according to the State of Oregon’s template. On May 6, the Deschutes County Board of Commissioners approved and submitted the County’s reopening plan to the Governor. On May 7, the State finalized guidance for specific sectors to reopen if their County has been approved to move into Phase I reopening. If approved, the County would be able to move into Phase I no earlier than May 15. After 21 days in Phase I, counties continuing to meet the prerequisites may be able to enter Phase II. The goal is to further expand gathering size, allow some office work, and begin to allow visitation to congregate care. Governor Brown stated that Phase III concerts, conventions, festivals, and live audience sports will not resume until a reliable treatment or prevention for COVID-19 is available. It is unknown at this time when this will be. Therefore, their recommendation is that all large gatherings should be canceled or significantly modified through at least September (see related story, page 7). Further guidance on large gatherings scheduled for later in the fall will be provided this summer. In materials provided on the City of Sisters website in preparation for the City Council’s Wednesday, May 13 workshop, the City reports that: “There is a coordinated understanding between local governments and chambers

of commerce/visitor’s centers that now is not the time to be encouraging tourism activity. The focus for now should be on shoplocal initiatives and those within Central Oregon. Nonetheless, visitors will come to Central Oregon and Sisters — that is largely outside of our control.” Going into the workshop, City staff provided a series of staff recommendations for Council consideration: Staff recommends that City Hall remain closed to the public with a reopening date yet to be determined. When City Hall reopens staff recommends additional safety measures for distancing and sanitation. Creekside Campground is recommended for opening after Memorial Day, subject to State and County restrictions. Staff has prepared a campground reopening plan for the Council with safety measures included. The City’s recycling center could reopen on May 18 with additional safety measures in place. The City of Sisters reports that staff is actively working with a variety of interest groups in its response to COVID-19. This includes proactive outreach and follow-up with: • Medium, large, and City-wide event applicants to learn what their plans are regarding moving forward or not with their event, and to inquire about how the City can assist if needed. • Other municipalities and event organizers throughout Deschutes County to learn how they are approaching their safety plans. • Researching what services Deschutes County Environmental Health can provide small municipalities

who do not have the professional expertise to review and confirm compliance with COVID-19 protocols. In addition, the City is consistently working to secure products such as portable hand-washing stations, protective face masks, and hand sanitizer. The procurement of those are for the downtown area and public spaces, regardless of public events while providing for and encouraging safety measures. “These products are in very high demand and require consistent follow up with distributors to eventually secure a quantity for measured use over an extended period of time,” the City reports. “The goal being by the time the City is permitted to open and return to some level of activity we will have enough product on-hand to assist the community and staff.” The City is also considering allowing businesses to use public right-of-way for seating to comply with distancing guidelines, and offering business license fee relief. All of these topics will be discussed at the Wednesday, May 13, workshop at 5 p.m. (see agenda, page 5). To access meeting information, visit

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Sisters City Situation Report

By Cory Misley City Manager

The State of Oregon has received a Deschutes County plan for reopening of the regional economy and entering Phase One. As we head towards that date, perhaps as soon as Friday, May 15, pending State approval, the City of Sisters is brainstorming ways to continue to support our business community through these tough times. City Council members made phone calls to dozens of retail, restaurant, and personal service businesses to hear how they were holding up and gather information on how the City could help. The resolve and resiliency of our local businesses is inspiring. We know reopening is critical to keeping businesses alive, people employed, and the vibrancy of Sisters. The City cares about all of our local businesses. It will truly be a test of our balance to maintain public health and prosperity for the foreseeable future. The key ways of preventing COVID-19 are simple – yet

easier said than done. Some of the guidelines from the State will be challenging for businesses to implement and cut into revenues. The City is identifying and exploring ways that we can support local businesses achieve this balance. We must do that for residents and visitors alike. Summer is right around the corner and we hope to have several options rolled out come June. Many of these options will be an experiment as we are in uncharted waters. If you have ideas, please contact us and share so we can explore if they are feasible and can be implemented. Many updates and topics related to COVID-19 are scheduled for Council discussion on the May 13 meeting. The agenda and packet information can be found at under “Upcoming Events.” As always, we encourage you to review the materials, participate in the meetings, and share your comments. Thank you for your continued patience and perseverance through these trying times.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


City responding to illegal tree removal

Sisters City Council Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The City Council meeting will be open to the public via Zoom. Using Zoom is free of charge. The public is invited to join the meeting with your computer or telephone by going to the following link: 5 p.m. workshop: 1. Review of Wildfire Mitigation Strategies. 2. Discussion of Reopening Framework: a. Overview of State and County Status. b. Review Communication Strategy. c. Review Emergency Declaration. d. Review Administrative Order 2020-03. e. Review City Operations: • City Hall • Campground • Recycle Center • Public Events • Board & Commission Meetings f. Business Outreach & Support 6:30 Regular Meeting: • Resolution 2020-08: Extending the State of Emergency declaration contained in Resolution No. 2020-06 •  Resolution 2020-07: A resolution of the City of Redmond, Deschutes County and City of Sisters to sponsor the re-designation of the Greater Redmond Enterprise Zone.

By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief

A tree service company out of Redmond felled a large ponderosa pine tree on Larch Street just south of Hood Avenue last week. According to the City of Sisters, the tree was in the right-of-way of the City of Sisters, and the tree service had no authorization to bring the tree down. Cascade Tree Works owner Aidan Grady told The Nugget that the adjacent property owner believed the tree was on his property. Grady said the tree had blue stain, evidence of beetle infestation. Regardless of its condition taking down the tree without authorization puts both the tree service and the property owner in legal jeopardy. “The property owner and arborist are going to be responsible for compensating the City and the community for the felling of that tree,” said City Manager Cory Misley. Misley said removal of trees in the City right-of-way is conducted with approval from the City after the City’s forester has determined that a tree is dead, diseased, or dangerous. This is not the first time a private property owner has gotten into hot water for removing trees in the City right-of-way. In 2018, homeowners on South Pine Street and the tree service they employed to remove nine



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The City of Sisters plans “swift response” to the felling of a tree on Larch Street last week. The tree was in City right-of-way and felled without notification or approval by the City of Sisters. mature ponderosa pine trees from City right-of-way in front of their houses were hit with a fine. Fines and compensation in such cases can climb to many thousands of dollars. In the 2018 case, the fines were considerably less than the tens of thousands of dollars that could have been assessed. The City has reached out to arborists across Central Oregon to drive home the point that they should check


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with the City before going to work. “If you are not 100 percent sure that it is on your property, assume that it is NOT on your property,” Misley said. A phone call from the arborist and/or the property owner can save a whole lot of legal hassle and tremendous expense. “If someone isn’t sure whether a tree is on their property or in the City

right-of-way, our public works crew will come out and tell them,” Misley said. In this case, the tree was felled blocking a street without informing the City, and, according to Public Works Director Paul Bertagna, it was also brought down on top of a 12-inch water main. Misley said that the City plans “swift response within our legal authority – and probably pursuing all the legal authority that we have.”

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Getting creative with homeschool projects By Edie Jones Correspondent

Heading into another week of the stay-at-home order, how are you adapting? It’s certainly not easy! Not the least of these adaptions is the homeschooling that has been thrust upon parents. For families with younger children the need to be creative is a challenge. Some fun examples: tape on a sidewalk in a stained-glass pattern to be colored in with chalk; an extra-large cardboard box becoming a playhouse; and surprising friends by hiding plastic eggs in the friends’ yard, leaving a note, ringing the doorbell and running away. Puppets work well for teaching ideas and lessons. Small paper bags or socks can be easily transformed with gluing, stitching and creating. Use them to share stories or help a new reader sound out words. Your child can create stories from pictures to read to their stuffed animals. Old National Geographic magazines have great pictures for collages. Coupled with a world map they become wonderful geography lessons. For help with older kids I found valuable information at On April 13 they featured seven veteran homeschool teachers. Highlights follow: • Break the work into short time periods, taking many active breaks. • Change the location of where work is done. • Use the outdoors as a teaching tool. •  R e a d t o o r t e a c h younger children while they do artwork. • Allow listening to music while studying. • Keep expectations realistic. Write goals for each day, letting students pick the order in which they are accomplished. • Explore vocabulary, math, and history while engaging in hands-on science experiments. • Pick a three-hour block

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of time. Define what is and isn’t allowed during that time (educational apps and websites okay, no screens for entertainment, texting or social media) Include reading, audiobooks, traditional lessons, workbooks, and artistic pursuits. Be sure expectations are understood. Have a different objective for each hour (first hour covers language arts, math, etc., second anything involving books, third for games, documentaries, podcasts, online learning, etc.) Stay flexible. • Help your kids become independent thinkers. Create a template that your child fills out every day with questions similar to the following: - What did I learn today that helped me today and/or in the future? - What was my biggest challenge and in what way did this challenge benefit me? - Where did I show a great attitude today? - What am I most grateful for today? These can be answered written, verbally or both. Sharing their answers allows you to encourage them in becoming independent thinkers. • Look for your child’s best learning style. How do they like to learn? Is it through listening, watching, or touching an item? Is it while singing or moving? Do they want to talk about what they are learning or sit quietly and think about it? Know the learning outcome you are after. Let your child guide you to the best way to get there. • Focus on relationships. Read together and play outside together. • Focus on all the needs of your kids: physical, including large muscle and small muscles of hands through art projects and crafts. Spiritual and emotional, as well as intellectual. • For teens, limit social See HOMESCHOOL on page 14

Aspen Lakes provides for food bank Golfers are still hitting the links at Aspen Lakes Golf Course through the COVID19 pandemic shutdown. While dining facilities are closed, the greens remain open — and golfers have been helping the Sisters community as they play. Sisters Kiwanis reported last week that Aspen Lakes Golf course ran a special food raiser for the Kiwanis Food Bank during the off season. When a golfer brought in three cans of food or three non-perishable items, they could play 18 holes of golf for $25 (a 50 percent discount on regular green fees). “Because of this, they donated 5,089 pounds of food,” said Doug Wills, one of the Food Bank’s directors.”You can see just a couple days worth in the pictures. The Food Bank has continued to serve the community through the pandemic, with a modified everyother-Thursday schedule to


Aspen Lakes Golf Course conducted a food drive among its golfers, and donated 5,089 pounds of food to the Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank. mitigate exposure risk for volunteers. Wills noted that the donated food goes a long way toward stretching the budget for the pantry. “We pay an average of $2 to $3 per pound for our food,” Wills said. “The 5,089 pounds they donated saved us between $10,000 and

$15,000. That is huge for us. Plus, all the food we distribute goes to folks in need that reside in the Sisters School District, so it stays local. If you look at what Aspen Lakes did with giving each golfer $25 off their green fees, they also donated several thousand dollars to the food bank.”

Christian academy closes its doors By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief

After serving the Sisters community for over two decades, Sisters Christian Academy is closing its doors permanently. Robby Gilliam, Board Chair and Acting Principal of SCA made the announcement last week. Gilliam said that the decision was based largely on declining enrollment over the past two years. That was exacerbated by the forced closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Gilliam said that parents surveyed in recent weeks had indicated that they had made other plans for schooling for next year, indicating that enrollment would not recover. “It ended up being more of an enrollment issue than a cash-flow issue,” he said. The pre-school program from SCA will be absorbed into the offering of WellHouse (formerly Westside) Church. Teacher Mary Ryan, who

attends the church, will bring her curriculum with her to “make that pretty seamless for the community,” Gilliam said. Gilliam expressed the board and the staff’s appreciation to Sisters. “We are just thankful and grateful to the community for over 20 years of support,” he said. “We’ve just been honored to serve the community for 20 years.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


County has Going virtual: Online auction is working for MOTH suicide prevention resources By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief

During these unprecedented times, it is natural to be concerned about suicide risk in our communities. Suicide is the most preventable form of death and something we can all do to help prevent suicide is to promote resources in our community. “Deschutes County has certainly been impacted by suicide death; and unfortunately, so far this year we have been seeing suicide deaths consistent with our average rate over the last few years,” said Whitney Schumacher, Deschutes County Suicide Prevention Coordinator. “We have not seen a correlation between COVID-19 and suicide in Deschutes County. However, our local suicide rate is one of the highest in the state, which is why it is important that we as a community continue to prioritize suicide prevention work.” Suicide is a complex public health issue and no single thing causes a person to take their life. However, health officials state that there are warning signs we can all keep a lookout for: • Social isolation — physically distancing ourselves does not mean we need to socially disconnect, health officials assert. Reach out to folks in your life, whether they are near or far. • Despair caused by financial hardship, job loss, or other stressful life events. • Excessive levels of anxiety, panic, or depression. • Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. • Access to lethal means — suicides can be avoided if people do not have an easy way to act on suicidal impulses during their most vulnerable moments. Safe storage of lethal means is key to helping prevent suicide. Suicide during this unprecedented time is not inevitable. We’re all in this together, help is a phone call away: • Deschutes County Crisis Line: 541-322-7500 x9. • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. • Central Oregon Suicide P r e v e n t i o n A l l i a n c e ’s Resource page: www.prevent • f you are 55 or older and feeling isolated or just want to have a friendly conversation, call the Senior Loneliness Line at 503-200-1633. • If you are 21 or younger and want support for any problem, big or small, text teen2teen to 839863 or call YouthLine at 1-877-968-8491.

The Sisters Folk Festival’s annual My Own Two Hands art auction and party was an early victim of the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. This major spring cultural event is a vital fundraiser for the year-round arts organization — and it became clear as soon as Governor Kate Brown issued her “Stay At Home, Save Lives” executive order banning gatherings that it could not proceed as planned. But the SFF staff wasn’t about to abandon the event. T h e o rg a n i z a t i o n h a d already collected some 70 pieces of art donated by generous local and regional artists. That contribution needed to be honored — and the organization can’t afford to lose the infusion of cash the auction brings to support its music and arts events and education programs. So, they did what arts organizations do: They got creative. Initially, they thought they might postpone the event and wrap it into the September folk festival, but that posed logistical challenges, including months of storage of donated art. So they started thinking about a virtual event. “We saw a few (arts organizations) in the Portland area that were moving to a complete online auction and having pretty good success with that,” SFF Executive Director Crista Munro told The Nugget. Facing “a year of very little revenue,” the organization decided to push forward in that format. They looked at doing an online “live”

auction, but production costs were prohibitive. “We just decided it wasn’t a good use, a responsible use, of the dollars we’re trying to raise,” Munro said. The staff decided on an online silent auction set to open on May 8, and run through May 16. “That’s when the real work began,” Munro said. Teresa Mills took point on finding the right platform. SFF decided to use the auction program Greater Giving, featuring each art item with a photo and a description. “Number one, they do their own credit card processing, which was appealing for security purposes,” Mills said. The platform is “professional and intuitive,” Mills said. Artists have been pleased with the way their work is presented. While Mills worked on the technical end, Kate Donovan and Steven Remington worked with artists and patrons to ensure good representation and easy interface with the event. Dave Ehle and Brad Tisdel organized promotional videos and the Sisters Folk Festival Bandwagon took music to the streets of Sisters in a safe and enjoyable way. They set up a Facebook live event on Saturday, featuring music from Tisdel, Beth Wood, and David Jacobs-Strain (which can still be viewed on Youtube). “This has really been a 100 percent team effort,” Munro said. The goal was to make things as festive as possible under the current conditions


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of quarantine and social distancing. The response has been positive. “I think everyone understands that it’s a different reality right now,” Munro said. “I think they have enough trust in the organization that we did our due diligence and chose the right path forward that was best for the organization.” While it’s certainly not the same as a lively gathering with music and the buzz of a live auction, the virtual platform has its benefits. Patrons can readily click through to learn more about each artist, and the online reach has brought bids in from all over North America. “Sales have been robust,” Mills said. “I really think we’re engaging a lot of people this way.” The auction continues through May 16, so there is still time to participate at bidding/package-browse. The September festival has not been officially

canceled, though organizers clearly heard Governor Brown’s statement last week that, “Large gatherings, including live sporting events with audiences, concerts, festivals and conventions, will not be able to return until we have a reliable treatment or prevention like a vaccine. The Oregon Health Authority is advising that any large gatherings at least through September should either be canceled or significantly modified.” Festival staff is looking at what “significantly modified” might look like, recognizing that the quarter-century old tradition can’t go forward as usual this year. They’re not ready to throw in the towel entirely just yet — after all, they’ve demonstrated with My Own Two Hands that they can come up with alternative events that are both creative and safe. For information visit


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Container gardens are easy to grow By Jodi Schneider Correspondent

The weather’s warming up, and now may be the perfect time to start a garden. Gardening is a relaxing recreational activity that can provide great personal rewards. During this time, when many people are working at home and students are learning at home, gardening can be a positive family activity to adopt. For beginners looking to start gardening with small patio spaces or a deck to grow on, container gardening is the way to go. All you need is the right size container, potting soil, plants, and slow-release fertilizer. Almost anything can function as a container, from an old wheelbarrow to a galvanized tin bucket. The beauty of container gardening is that it allows you to be creative, and if you have a big enough container you can grow just about anything. Besides having pots, tubs, and half barrels overflowing with flowers, container gardening can serve a practical purpose, too. Gardeners limited to a balcony or other small areas can produce a wide variety of vegetable crops in containers. Since going to the grocery store during these trying times can feel like an act of desperation, why not cut down on hours spent braving masked lines and spend more time planting your own “Pandemic Victory Garden” in your own safe area? A “Victory Garden” was a home vegetable garden, planted to increase food production during wartime. It’s important to decide what edible plant you want to grow in each container. Several factors help determine how large and deep the container must be. Consider the size and shape of a plant’s root system; whether it is a perennial, annual, or shrub; and how rapidly it grows. If you want your plants to grow healthy and provide an abundance of fruit, then you have to make sure the container you plant them in is large enough. Large containers hold more soil, which stays moist longer and resists rapid temperature fluctuations. Whatever container you choose, drainage holes are essential. Without drainage, soil will become waterlogged and plants may die. There must be enough drainage where excess water can drain out. Here are a few suggestions on what kind of containers you can choose from: clay or terracotta containers are attractive but breakable and easily damaged by freezing and thawing.

Wooden containers, especially raised bed containers, are beautiful in gardens. Wood is natural-looking and protects roots from rapid temperature swings. You can build wooden planters yourself. Choose a naturally rotresistant wood such as cedar or locust, or use pine treated with a preservative. Plastic and fiberglass pots and planters are lightweight, relatively inexpensive, and available in many sizes and shapes. If your container seems too deep, you can put a layer of gravel or styrofoam in the bottom to reduce the amount of potting soil required. Since containers are heavy once they are filled with soil, decide where they will be located and move them into position before filling and planting. To give your containergrown crops the best home possible, start out by selecting the right soil to fill your pots. Plain garden soil is too dense for container gardening. For containers up to 1 gallon in size, use a houseplant soil mixture. For larger containers, use a relatively coarse soilless planting mixture to maintain the needed water and air balance. Think of the potting soil for your container garden as the foundational

nourishment those plants will have. Try to invest in a highquality organic potting soil from a local greenhouse or nursery. Soil-containing or soilless potting mixes offer all of these features. Potting mixes are filled with organic matter such as peat moss, compost and bark chips to provide nutrients and a good pH balance for your plants. Look for mixes with vermiculite or perlite, which help aerate the soil and retain moisture. Any mixes without vermiculite should be saved for herbs, which won’t wither if they go dry occasionally. For large pots that may need to be moved, choose soilless mixes since they are light. Because potting mixes have been heated during processing, they are free of weed seeds, pests and disease. One tip is to pre-moisten soil either by watering it before you fill containers or by flooding the containers with water several times and stirring. Be sure the soil is uniformly moist before planting. You will also need to fertilize your plants. Once plants are established, usually fertilize your plants every two weeks to help keep them fed and growing strong all season long.


Mix herbs together as barbecue blend of thyme, rosemary, and oregano. Almost any vegetable, flower, herb, shrub, or small tree can grow successfully in a container. You can grow vegetables in individual containers — from large pots to five-gallon buckets or half barrels, the largest of which will accommodate a single tomato plant or several smaller vegetables such as broccoli or cabbage. Dwarf or bush forms of larger vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, and winter squash are most suited to container gardening. Theme gardens also are fun to try. Plant a salad garden with colorful lettuces, dwarf tomatoes, chives, and parsley. Maybe try a pizza garden, with different types of basil, plus tomatoes and peppers. There are endless

possibilities when it comes to container gardening that can range from a few simple and affordable containers to complex and more expensive systems. Before you get started, it’s a good idea to brainstorm what your ideal container garden would look like. Some herbs that grow great in containers are: basil, oregano, cilantro, tarragon, thyme, lavender, rosemary, dill and parsley. Vegetables include eggplant, peppers, pole beans, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, cherry tomatoes, vine tomatoes (hanging), strawberries, radishes, scallions, beets and zucchini. You will love being able to just walk out onto your deck and snip fresh lettuce, herbs, and garden grown tomatoes to use for dinner.

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Sisters Andrew Loscutoff Columnist

The problem with stress To say we’re all carrying a little more stress around would be an understatement. Whether it’s the anxiety at the grocery store when seeing a conga line of other carts coming toward us, fear of germs on the takeout box, or watching the nightly news with its infatuation with death and disease, it’s not an easy situation to handle. As many sit under the COVID-19 cloud low levels of stress are actually controlling thoughts, actions, and reactions. The body, mind, and soul all take stress in and process it in different ways. Stress to the body is a signal — a signal is associated with a few chemicals and hormones. Glucocorticosteroids are the class of chemicals that are released under stress. Whether this is the stress of seeing the market crash, or the stress of actually taking a crash, the body knows no difference. The chemicals are the same. These chemicals produce acute adaptations within the body. Cortisol and epinephrine are released. They tighten down blood vessels, slow digestion, and shut down other unnecessary tasks in order to be ready to dart away from danger. This is an evolutionary response. No one is running away from their TV when a scary politician makes a political

statement; this is largely an overreaction because legitimate danger isn’t present. Part of the problem is also how stress affects the mind. The chemicals hijack our rational mind, predominately by deregulating the prefrontal cortex (the rationality center of the brain) and amygdala (which processes fear and reactions). With these two areas under stress, a person begins to make snap judgments. They are more moody, less empathetic, and trend towards irrational thoughts. It is said that under stress, people take bigger risks: they gamble more, and they judge circumstances as far more threatening than they may actually be. These chemicals also take their toll on the body. First, stress dumps insulin into the bloodstream. This gives a high blood sugar response followed by a crash. Upon the crash, the body craves sweets, and snacks to try and rebound. It’s easy to see how the snacking-and-binging process can be initiated. The blood vessels being constricted causes high blood pressure; this makes it a lot easier for heart disease to take its victims. Tense muscles lead to aches and pains. There are reasons to be stressed; everyone has the same list right now. There are, however, a lot of irrational, and sensational fears being propagated. Separate the things you can control, and the things that you can’t. Taking time to enjoy the beautiful world around us, without news flashes and conversations with the neighbor that turns into a who’s-more-worried battle can help. Try breathing exercises, an enjoyable book, cooking, and crafting. All are ways to reduce stress. Exercise and diet play a role; keep the body healthy and the mind and spirit will follow. Above all else, know how little worrying is going to help, and that enjoying the ride will be the only way to get through.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


A hiker injured by an accident with a machete had to be airlifted out of the forest west of Camp Sherman.

Machete injury forces rescue A man injured himself when he struck himself in the leg with a machete while hiking in the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Area north west of Camp Sherman on Saturday evening. The 28-year-old hiker called 911 at about 7:08 p.m. The man was traveling with a companion and his fellow hiker immediately wrapped the wound and they began hiking out, but were a couple miles from the trailhead. Jefferson County Deputies and search and rescue (SAR) personnel from the Camp Sherman Hasty Team responded to the scene along with medics from the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire Department, an OSP Trooper, and a Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer. The man walked as far as he could and met the first arriving units on the trail who provided advanced

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medical care. A wheeled litter was hiked in and the man was transported to a waiting ambulance at the trailhead. He transported about a half mile by ground ambulance to a waiting Air Life Helicopter who transported him to St. Charles Bend at about 10:15 p.m. The Jefferson County

Sheriff’s Office thanked all those involved with the rescue and reminded the public that SAR assets are stressed during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. “We ask people to please be extra cautious during this time and to choose where they go wisely,” the department stated in a release.

Thank you for shopping at Sisters Meat and Smokehouse! Our family-based team has been working hard for our customers. Interruptions in our supply chain have been challenging but we won’t compromise on the quality you’ve come to expect. We have tripled our supply of Sitka Alaska Seafood which is flown to us weekly. Once you try our fish, you won’t buy fish anywhere else...we guarantee it! As you can imagine, recent beef supply and the prices we pay for beef has become a bit unpredictable. Please be understanding that we may be temporarily out on an item or experience an increase in what we pay for product. Until things return to normal, please know that we are doing our best to keep the shelves full and prices down.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

A N N O U N C E M E N T S AA Meetings

As a result of COVID-19 mandates on meeting size and locations, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Sisters are currently continuing in creative ways. Some meeting times have moved to an online Zoom platform. Others are not meeting at this time. To talk to an alcoholic, find out about Zoom meetings in Sisters, or any other questions about Alcoholics Anonymous you can call one of the numbers below or go online at Call Anne Z: 503-516-7650 or Jan: 541-647-8859 or Agnes: 541588-6778.

Furry Friends Pet Food

The Furry Friends (FF) office is closed but is still offering free dog or cat food to those in need. Pet food can be left outside the Sisters Art Works building where the FF office is located. It will be marked with your first name only. Pick-ups are available at an agreed upon time. (It can’t be left outside for very long as other critters may get into it.) Please call or text Furry Friends at 541797-4023.

Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board Meeting

In response to the current health emergency resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black Butte Ranch RFPD facilities are currently closed to the public and meetings are being held electronically. For information on the May 28 board meeting please contact Jamie at 541-595-2288 or

Community Assistance During COVID-19 Pandemic

VAST church is eager to help, picking up prescriptions, delivering groceries or food, helping however they can. People in need can call 541-719-0587 and press 1 to be connected to Mikee Stutzman, Ministry Coordinator or email her at VAST Church is willing to help as long as resources and volunteers allow.

Habitat Thrift Store & ReStore

Sisters Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store and ReStore will remain closed until the state closure of non-essential businesses is lifted. If you have an urgent need that we can help with, please contact the Habitat Office at 541-549-1193 or email info@ .

Sisters Community Garden

The Sisters Community Garden has a few raised bed garden plots available for the 2020 gardening season. Application materials and information are available on the Garden’s website, For more information, please call 503-313-3076.

Sisters Christian Academy Liquidation of Assets

Sisters Christian Academy, located at 1307 W. McKinney Butte is liquidating assets on Friday, May 15, from 1 to 2 p.m. Donationbased. Appropriate distancing respected. Available: curriculum, books, PE, science, office/kitchen & more! Call 541-549-4133 for more information.

Weekly Food Pantry

Westside Sisters Church has a weekly food pantry on Thursdays. For the next several weeks, food will be distributed drive-through style from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the New Hope building, 222 N. Trinity Way. People in need of food may drive through the parking lot and pick up a bag of food for their household. Other Sistersarea churches are joining with Westside Sisters to contribute financially to help sustain the program. Call 541-549-4184 for more information.

Sisters Community Church

Do you need help with running errands or deliveries or more? Sisters Community Church has volunteers available and is cultivating a caring community. Call Wendy at 541-389-6859. Visit the church website at www.

Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends, a mentoring program in Sisters, is continuing to find innovative ways to reach out and assist their mentors, children and families. Current needs include childcare to allow parents to continue to work, internet/computer access for online learning, supplies for athome learning and activity kits, and even basic needs, such as food and medical access. Circle of Friends has also established an emergency fund to provide immediate response for the most pressing needs. Contact Kellie at 503-396-2572 to help.

Kindergarten Roundup

Sisters Elementary School (SES) will hold their annual Kindergarten Roundup preregistration beginning on Monday, May 18. Children who will be age 5 on or before September 1, 2020 are eligible for the 2020-21 school year. Please call the SES office at 541-549-8981 if you have any questions. Due to distance learning, the office will only be open on Mondays and Fridays 10:30-12:30 to pick up and drop off enrollment forms. Enrollment forms may also be printed off the school web page. These need to be completed and returned to the school by Friday, June 5 with your child’s birth certificate and immunization records. Once the packets are returned, your child will be given a special summer learning packet and you will be given a link to access Kindergarten Roundup virtually.

Sisters Science Club

The Sisters Science Club is offering a number of streaming lectures and documentaries in lieu of its monthly Frontiers in Science lecture series. Sign up by emailing Call 541-912-0750 for more info.

PET OF THE WEEK Humane Society of Central Oregon 541-382-3537

Meet RALPHIE, an adorable and friendly little 2-month-old mouse who is looking for his forever family! Ralphie loves running on his wheel almost as much as he enjoys exploring toilet paper tubes and munching on tasty treats! This sweet little man’s adoption includes a small mouse habitat and a few other supplies! If you are looking for a cute little pet to add to the family then Ralphie is the mouse for you! Come meet Ralphie today! Sponsored

Now is the time to clean up your yards, create defensible spaces around homes and recycle that debris at FireFree collection sites FOR FREE!

In Sisters | Northwest Transfer Station | 68200 Fryrear Rd. Wednesdays - Saturdays, May 4-24, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit the FireFree website at for more information about how you can prepare your property for wildfire season.


… is for FREE pets seeking homes and LOST & FOUND animals. The information is published free by The Nugget Newspaper.

LOST CAT: “CHARLIE” Male; orange & white with striped orange tail. Reward for his return. Last seen April 30 in Timber Creek HOA. Please call Kay, 541-719-0031, no questions asked. Lost pets? Call HSCO, 541-382-3537; BrightSide, 541-923-0882; Des. Co. Animal Control, 541-388-6596; Sisters Vet Clinic, 541-549-6961; Black Butte Vet Clinic, 541549-1837; Broken Top Vet Clinic, 541-389-0391.





Kiwanis Food Bank Change

Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank has made an operational change based on the evolving response to COVID-19. Visitors are now encouraged to shop for two weeks instead of one week. The Food Bank will then be closed every other week temporarily. The next open date is May 14. The Food Bank opens at 9 a.m. on Thursdays. Questions? Email

STARS...Sisters Transportation and Ride Share During the current pandemic STARS is expanding services to include pick up and delivery of pre-ordered groceries, health care products and prescription refills. Orders must be prepaid. The driver service is doorstep to doorstep. STARS drivers can pick up bagged or boxed food and health care products from Oliver Lemons, Smokehouse, Bi-Mart and Ray’s Market. Drivers can also pick up prescription refills with patient authorization from Sisters Drug. Volunteer availability remains the same for this expanded service as for medical appointment rides: Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. STARS dispatch schedule however has been extended to accommodate added services. To schedule rides or deliveries call STARS dispatch at 541-904-5545 on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. A volunteer will gather information and schedule your ride or delivery assisted by online software. Drivers will contact their clients by phone to clarify requests and verify the service date and time. STARS dispatch strongly suggests 48 hour advance notice to allow time to reach and schedule available drivers. STARS drivers are community members who generously donate both time and gas so that Sisters Country residents can get much needed help. All volunteers are screened and trained. All drivers continue to follow our CDC guided health protocol.

SISTERS-AREA CHURCHES Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA) 386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Community Church (Nondenominational) 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201 Temporarily meeting virtually. See for details. | St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 9 a.m. Sunday Mass 8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass Calvary Church (NW Baptist Convention) 484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 541-588-6288 10 a.m. Sunday Worship | The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration 68825 Brooks Camp Road • 541-549-7087 8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare)

Chapel in the Pines Camp Sherman • 541-549-9971 • 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Church of the Nazarene 67130 Harrington Loop Road • 541-389-8960 | Temporarily meeting virtually. See for details. Wellhouse Church (formerly Westside Sisters) 442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 • Drive-in church at Sisters Rodeo grounds every Sunday at 10 a.m. Tune your radio to KNLR/KNLX 97.5 or 104.9 FM. Vast Church (Nondenominational) 541-719-0587 • 9:37 a.m. Sunday Worship Temporarily meeting virtually. See for details. Seventh-Day Adventist Church 386 N. Fir Street • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303 11 a.m. Saturday Worship The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670; 10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting Baha’i Faith Meetings Devotional Gatherings, Study Classes and Discussion Groups. Call for location and times • 541-549-6586

POLICY: Business items do not run on this page. Nonprofits, schools, churches, birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary notices may run at no charge. All submissions are subject to editing and run only as space allows. Email or drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your text must include a “for more information” phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. on Fridays.

BALLOONS: Science project is a Sisters High School tradition Continued from page 1

collaborating during this time, but it felt like an important thing to do for the students.” Givot delivered supplies to students’ homes and communicated online in order to pull off the experiments and launch this year. “We did a lot of group chats and zoom meetings in order to collaborate with our classmates and team members,” said student Tatum Sitz. Piper Adelt, sophomore at Sisters High School was in charge of running the cameras. “I am not really a tech person, but I learned a lot and enjoyed this experience,” she said. Peterzen, who has lived in Sisters for more than a decade, is the founder a n d o w n e r o f I S TA R Stratospheric Ballooning and has been working with the high school for the past six years in creating a student launch program. “I contacted Rima about doing a student launch program here,” he said. “We got funding for it as a small program and it’s a great way for students to get experience and connections in this field and spark passion and drop seeds for potential future careers.” This year, ISTAR obtained $16,000 in funding from the Battelle Memorial Institute for the program. It took about nine months of working with Battelle to obtain the funds, but it was worth the effort to secure the money to keep the program alive for future operations. Battelle Memorial Institute is a private nonprofit applied science and technology development company

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

and Peterzen has been working with them for a while to obtain the grant for the program. “The grant will be used for furthering earth science and space programs, but it was primarily obtained for the weather balloon launch program at SHS,” he said. Peterzen will be continuing his work with his company, ISTAR, and for Battelle eventually to test antennas for NASA systems and do further research in the Arctic Circle. ISTAR has also teamed with Battelle to bid on the NASA stratospheric balloon program which involves managPHOTO BY CEILI CORNELIUS ing the program Up, up and away! Students launched two balloons and developing loaded with experiments last Thursday. new research opportunities. landing,” said Rima Givot. On Thursday afternoon, After retrieving the balthe first balloon was retrieved loons, students gathered their in Post by rancher Jim Wood own experiments to collect — who happens to be a data on what happened to Sisters resident and father of them during flight. Sisters High School student The camera teams will Lachlan Wood, who previ- also begin piecing together ously had participated in the the footage retrieved from balloon launch program. The flight. initial data said that one of The weather balloon the balloons reached at least launch program will continue 88,000 feet in the atmosphere. at Sisters High School, and The second balloon was according to Peterzen, with spotted by a fisherman and more grants and funding, can his wife at the Prineville be made an available program Reservoir, landing in the in every school. water. “This was the first time the balloons were both spotted and we were contacted right away instead of just tracking them, they were actually seen


411 E. Carpenter Ln., Sisters

“The warm weather and loosening of stay home orders have brought people from their homes out into the woods and lakes in high numbers to recreate this weekend,” stated Jefferson County Undersheriff Marc Heckathorn. “This is a very sad reminder of the need for all boaters to wear or have immediately available a person flotation device when on the water.” Oregon State Police, Forest Service Law Enforcement, and the Sisters/Camp Sherman Fire Department assisted at the scene. Law enforcement and the Oregon Marine Board report that paddling fatalities are on the rise in Oregon. Sunday’s incident is the sixth on Oregon’s waterways this spring. According to law enforcement authorities, all have two things in common: not wearing life jackets, and cold water. The Oregon State Marine Board is urging boaters headed to the water as spring weather gets nice — especially people in canoes, kayaks, and on stand-up paddleboards — to dress for the water temperature, not the



— —



Helping Hands To Feed Your Family

On Your To-Do List Before Summer?

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Continued from page 1

air temperature. The water is cold. “We are concerned,” said Marine Board Boating Safety Program Manager Randy Henry. “People are anxious to get out and have fun, but water is serious business. If you go boating, wear your life jacket, buckle it up, and make sure it’s a snug fit. Always dress appropriately, and if you’re paddling, dress for the water. A dunking this time of year can be deadly.” This season, many people new to paddling or people who haven’t paddled in a while are strongly encouraged to take a free, online paddling course to learn about self-rescue, how to re-board your paddlecraft, important equipment/ requirements and other safety skills to develop. Start out on calm, flat water, and slowly progress to other waterbodies as skills develop. There are also paddling clubs in many communities as well as online forums with local safety information.


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DROWNING: Paddling accidents on the rise in Oregon


541-549-9631 506 N. Pine St. Mon-Fri: 7 am-5:30 pm Sat: 8 am-5 pm

The Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank is open and we welcome your visit! If you qualify by meeting the federal standard of poverty income level, we provide a wide variety of food choices tailored to your family’s tastes and geared for healthy meals. The Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank is open every other week and you are encouraged to anticipate your food needs for two weeks at a time between visits to the food bank.

The next pick up date is Thursday, May 14, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. We are located at 328 W. Main Ave. in Sisters


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Manage suffering with self-compassion By Mitchell Luftig Columnist

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our lives, bringing in its wake uncertainty about the future, financial hardship, social isolation, and it has frustrated our efforts to support vulnerable loved-ones. The pandemic has created the ultimate doublewhammy: It poses both a physical threat to our survival and a psychological threat to our sense of well-being. The brain’s amygdala responds identically to physical and psychological threats, preparing our body to fight like a lion, flee like a gazelle, or freeze in place like a rabbit, responses more effective against a physical threat than one which is psychological in nature. When we treat ourselves with kindness, understanding, and acceptance—that is with self-compassion—we have the greatest chance of managing the painful emotions that are triggered by the pandemic and responding rationally to the challenges that face us. For a variety of reasons, individuals may have difficulty treating themselves compassionately — they think of self-compassion as one big pity-party; they believe that self-criticism is the best way to motivate themselves; they downplay the extent to which they are suffering (other people’s suffering is so much greater than mine!); or they may not feel worthy of being treated kindly. Research shows that individuals who treat themselves compassionately: • Possess stable selfesteem that isn’t dependent on external validation. • Recognize when their efforts go badly, take responsibility for their mistakes and learn from their experience. • Respond to a poor evaluation with sympathy for themselves and self-comforting behaviors rather than rumination and self-criticism. • Are less afraid of failure and rejection, better able to accept and benefit from feedback. • Are better able to regulate their emotions. High scores on a measure of self-compassion is your online source for

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correlate with wisdom, personal initiative, happiness, optimism, positive affect, and coping. Self-compassion is a skill that can be learned. For interested readers, Kristin Ne ff and C h ri s t o p h er Germer offer a series of excellent guided exercises in “The Mindful SelfCompassion Workbook.” Drs. Neff and Germer have identified three research-based practices to help us grow our self-compassion: Learn to treat ourselves with kindness: • We accept that our suffering is real and just as valid as the suffering of others. • When we are suffering, we benefit from and deserve compassionate treatment. • We contemplate how we have supported friends when they were struggling—what words did we use, what tone of voice, what body language? • We imagine how we might treat ourselves with the same kindness and compassion that we demonstrated to our friends when they were struggling. • How do we care for ourselves physically, keep our minds calm, manage our stress and regulate our emotions, connect with others, and meet our spiritual needs? Are there new strategies we can practice that will enable us to take better care of ourselves? How can we adopt our strategies to meet the special demands of the pandemic? Recognize our common humanity: • The universe has not singled us out to suffer; all human beings suffer at one time or another. • Our suffering connects us with other people who suffer, helping us to realize that we are not alone. • Although we make mistakes, that, too, is part of the human condition. We are all a work in progress. • As we learn to accept that everyone has faults, we become tolerant of the less pleasing parts of our personality. Approach our suffering mindfully: We learn to focus on our

breathing… • The breath provides an anchor to the present moment. • We follow the breath all the way through its cycle (I’m breathing in; I’m breathing out). • We ask ourselves, where do we feel the breath most vividly? • We notice when we become distracted and return our attention to the breath. We expand our focus to include the body as a whole— • Working at a pace that is comfortable for us, we discover where in the body we harbor painful emotions. • If we become too anxious during this process, we return our focus to the breath or take a break, returning only when we are ready. • We learn to label painful emotions… • This is the location of my fear, my anger, my depression, my anxiety; this is how I experience it. • We learn to turn towards our emotional pain, approaching it with curiosity, openness, and reflection. • As we learn to accept, rather than resist, the emotional pain that surfaces during self-compassion practice, we shrink the amount of our suffering. When the immediate physical threat of COVID19 passes, the psychological threat to our well-being will linger, keeping the body’s emergency response system cranked up, depressing our immune system. Self-compassion resets the amygdala, shutting off the alarm bells so that we can move towards calm. Additional Resources: A test to measure your level of self-compassion, along with self-compassion exercises and guided meditation are available at Mitchell L. Luftig, Ph.D. is a semi-retired clinical psychologist living in Sisters, Oregon. He is the author of the Kindle book, Six Keys to Mastering C h ro n i c L o w - G r a d e Depression. You can visit his website at:

Excellence With Compassion When You Need It Most NEW LOCATION IN SISTERS FOR YOUR ESTATE PLANNING NEEDS! TWO SPRUCE LAW, P.C. Patricia Nelson & John Myers — Attorneys At Law —

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RACE: Sisters-area runners trained for months Continued from page 3

The other ladies had signed up to do the half marathon (13.11 miles) and they were going to either run it or walk/ run. My mom ultimately decided to run/walk the half marathon.” Neither mom nor daughter have ever done a half marathon. Sarah went on to say that when she was in her 20s, she participated in several sprint triathlons, a 0.5-mile swim, 12.4-mile bike ride, and a 3.1-mile run. She added, “We’ve had family in the Sisters area for a long time. My grandparents lived here, and my parents have lived in Sisters off and on for years. I retired from my job in law enforcement in Reno in 2018 and knew I wanted to live here, so I relocated to Sisters last year.” Silvey was the motivating force behind the training. “Virginia was very supportive and as a group we did several training sessions,” Sarah said. “Everyone runs

or walks at different speeds so maintaining social distances was not difficult. We tried to get together for training at least once a week for the last 4 months. My mom and I did several walks near our homes, and I take Mabel out almost every day on walks near our home.” The participants for the race were: Pam Christ, 61; Sarah Griffin, 51, with Mabel her dog; Marna Griffin, 75; Joan Blancett, 63; Heidi Franz-Tremblay, 54; Sara Euser, 65; Anna Blumenkron, 62; and Virginia Silvey, 71. The non-runners who helped out with their own creative talents were Susan Wilson who crafted the winning medals for everyone. Patti Piper was their finish line official, along with Miki McFadden, and Debbie Barns took the finish-line photos. Susan Wilson and Peg Luken rode their bikes checking on the runners and providing moral support throughout the race. Silvey added, “The Avenue of the Giants Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K will be happening in October and we are continuing the training.”



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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Tales from a

Sisters Naturalist by Jim Anderson

The cost of greed






Life and times of the monarch butterfly: 1, monarch egg; 2, larva; 3, pupating; 4, chrysalis; 5, emerging. pollinators — this pesticide has been linked to cancer. “And now Roundup® is causing big problems for Bayer-Monsanto. Thousands of people with cancer are suing the pesticide giant alleging exposure to Roundup® caused their cancer. In every case that has been decided so far, judges have ruled in favor of the cancer patients. “With more lawsuits in the pipeline, the company is facing increasing scrutiny from its shareholders and the public. In response, itʼs trying to settle these cases out of court for billions of dollars. Itʼs trying to keep Roundup® out of the public spotlight and on store shelves — and keep pretending that its safe.” My wife, Sue, and I have been conducting butterfly surveys at Lava Beds National Monument ever

Because of the flagrant use of the chemical Roundup, monarch butterflies no longer have the milkweed to lay their eggs on. The scientific evidence against the use of the chemical glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) is accurate enough to take the stuff off the market, and yet it remains on our hardware shelves. Glyphosate has been linked to cancer in humans, and it is now causing serious issues with the survival of our monarch butterflies, one of the chief factors in their precipitous decline in the West. Friends of the Earth just posted this news piece on their website: “Monarch butterflies have declined by 99 percent in the West — largely thanks to Bayer-Monsantoʼs Roundup®. But Roundup®ʼs impacts go far beyond

since our three kids were toddlers, anda during that time she tagged hundreds of the butterflies to study their migration patterns. Capturing and tagging monarchs was part of our kidʼs summer for over 20 years. Last year we did not see one monarch while conducting our summer inventory in the monument. Migrating monarchs, coming north from their winter sanctuary on the California coast could not find any milkweed to lay their eggs on when they arrived in Central California. Why? Because what milkweed hadnʼt been destroyed by Roundupwielding farmers, was dead by lack of irrigation. The Friends of the Earth news goes on: “At the same time, World

Health Organization and the state of California have determined that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Roundup®, is linked to cancer. Now, with more than 40,000 people suing Bayer-Monsanto over its link to their Non-Hodgkinʼs Lymphoma, the company canʼt keep hiding from the truth.” Enough is enough. With pressure mounting from consumers, scientists, and investors, now is the time for Bayer-Monsanto to cut this

toxic chemical out of its portfolio. You and I, as nature enthusiasts, need to send a loud, clear, resounding message to Bayer-Monsanto and our local hardware stores: Go to Bayer AG on Google and tell ʼem what trouble theyʼre in… Please, stop poisoning people and pollinators now!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

In the

PINES By T. Lee Brown

Shooting fish in a barrel is not an Olympic sport Some friends of mine are pissed off at the government, especially our state. One friend — let’s call her Lucy — complains that the State of Oregon is “incompetent.” It’s a reasonable accusation. I spent a couple hours on the State of Oregon’s webpage for pandemic unemployment assistance. Haven’t seen a dime yet. But I also spent hours on a simple matter with a local, private company. I wasn’t asking them to make millions of dollars appear, figure out which of the over 362,000 citizens who applied deserves a share of it, then deliver each their portion using various feats of computer-aided logistics. Nope: that’s the enormous request I’ve made of the State of Oregon. From the private entity, I simply needed to log onto my accounts. One of their third-party providers of digital something-or-other got hacked, and then they upgraded a thingamajig, and then none of my accounts worked, on phone or computer. All this happened to coincide with COVID hitting the fan; walking into their office to sort things out wasn’t an option. Digital upgrades are a big deal; I get that. In fact, I worked so hard on an upgrade for an online company back in the Internet Stone Age (a.k.a. the early 1990s) that I managed to permanently injure my hands and arms. So, I was willing to cut a local business some slack as they waded through the mire of their technology.

Even though the service they provide is essential to me and my family, and we — like most of you, dear readers — were having a pretty weird, rough time already. The nice people at the company sent apologetic emails. A customer service representative eventually took my call and alleged to solve my problem. Three days later I once again couldn’t log in. It was 8:30 on a weekday morning. Tried to call customer support. They weren’t open yet. Huh. Even the State of Oregon’s unemployment office answers calls that time of day. Speaking of governments everyone loves to bitch and moan about: check out what the federal gubmint has been up to. They’ve managed to put operators on the horn over the weekends, so the Small Business Administration can administer emergency pandemic loans seven days a week. A loved one got through fast on a Sunday call to SBA. Now his loan is sittin’ pretty in his company’s bank account and his employees are getting paid. But here I was at 8:30 on a business day, unable to get through to my essential services provider…which also happens to be my friend Lucy’s employer. I’m not mad at Lucy’s employer. (Nor am I mad at Lucy, a very smart and awesome person who sews beautiful COVID masks for the community whilst I tap uselessly away at my computer, spewing words into the ether.) I’m also not mad at the State of Oregon. Whenever you get a bunch of people, procedures, and computers together, there will be failures. There will be stupidity. There will be aggravation, grumpiness, and lots of waiting. That’s just reality. Would I like to see a better, shinier reality? Sure, I’m always up for Utopia. In the meantime, I’m going to give both my sweet local company and my beloved State a break. I’m gonna say: People are doing their best. Hell, I’ll even go out on a limb and thank the federal government for not imploding — at least not completely,

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not yet. Government’s an easy target. It’s big! It takes money from us! Its largest budget item is devoted to killing other people, including civilians, often in gruesome and torturous ways! It’s got a plethora of easy-to-loathe public faces! In DC: snarky Tweet-bots, grumpy old people, clichéd Millennial Instagram Influencers, narcissistic buffoons. Over the pass in Salem: career paper-pushers who can’t see past the confines of the Willamette Valley, PERS mismanagers, lunatics who believe their fellow Americans are actively trying to wrangle a Communist Chinese takeover. Manning the bridge, a rather nerdy and unspectacular bureaucrat. Fish in a barrel, my friends. Fish…in…a…barrel. There’s a reason shooting such fish is not an Olympic sport. It ain’t sporting. In a more sportsmanlike spirit, I propose a different narrative. What if the State of Oregon has done a pretty good job in the pandemic? Washington exploded with COVID-19 cases. California was next. Here we are, sandwiched between them, with respectably low death rates and plenty of hospital beds. Should someone in Oregon have a heart attack from getting worked up about government overreach, the ER can zap ‘em back to life. Kate Brown and her cushy-government-job underlings can’t magically find all the money and distribute it to 362,000 people with a snap of their greasy, sausage-like, Democratelecting fingers? So it frickin’ goes! Waiting is frustrating, but no more so than dealing with the average non-governmental entity. Is there a solution to the ills we face as a nation, a state, and a society? I dunno. I do know we’re not gonna find it in a barrel full of spent lead and rotting fish. Here’s hoping we move on to something tougher, more productive, and less stinky.

HOMESCHOOL: Relax and go lightly; have fun for best learning Continued from page 6

media, and turn off the TV. Limit news to the evening news or newspaper to keep stress down. Focus on “adult” skills, doing chores together. • Focus on feelings, family and fun first. Then, encourage reading quietly or aloud and daily writing. Model reading. Teach math, vocabulary and science through baking, measuring, board games and writing stories. • Lighten up and take care of yourselves and your family. • Teach through play and fun, encouraging academics in light un-academic ways. • Relax. Be sure your kids feel safe, seen, heard, and loved. Do a little schoolwork, then leave it. Play a game, go outside, bake a treat, snuggle

up together and read a book. Talk to your kids to get a sense of how they’re managing and feeling. Who and what do they miss? Remind them this won’t last forever, we’re all in it together, and we’ll all get through it. • Facilitate learning about your child’s interests. Look things up together. Find YouTube videos that demonstrate. Encourage freedom for learning what your child wants to learn. Explore their interests. • Don’t limit knowledge to a prescribed curriculum. • Spark an interest, like cooking. You’ll be using math, English, science, and possibly culture, religion and geography. • The best learning happens when you are having fun. ( • The same website carried information about How to Plant Your Own Food in a Kid-Friendly Garden. Check it out. Think about all your kids will learn by getting their hands dirty.

Food establishments encouraged to use masks Central Oregon Public Health Department are strongly encouraging all local food establishments to use cloth face coverings. Local health authorities note that, while masks are not required, there is strong evidence that face coverings can prevent the spread of COVD19 from workers who do not show illness symptoms, yet still can spread the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, such as restaurant kitchens, drive-through windows and food trucks. According to the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Department of

Agriculture, there is no evidence that food or food packaging is associated with the transmission of COVID-19. Food products do not need to be withdrawn or recalled from the market if someone on the farm or in the processing plant tests positive. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person, such as between people who are in close contact with one another, or through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. To further reduce the risk of contracting the virus, Oregon Health Authority recommends people wash their hands often, including before and after preparing meals, before eating and after coming home after being out.


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Spanish golf courses help in COVID-19 fight By Tia Duerrmeyer Correspondent


Editor’s note: Former S i s t e r s re s i d e n t a n d N u g g e t c o r re s p o n d e n t Tia Duerrmeyer shares a COVID-19 update from her home in the Costa del Sol area of Spain. In her community private and public sectors are working together to fight the spread of the coronavirus by cleaning and disinfecting local streets, parking lots, and community areas. Tia submits the very simple, grassroots idea with the hope that it might spread beyond Spain’s borders. Atalaya Golf & Country Club is the first golf facility in Spain to offer its machinery and a staff member to clean and disinfect the streets and parking areas nearby its two golf courses. The campaign is spearheaded by Atalaya’s Director General Andrés Sánchez, who is encouraging other courses throughout Spain to join the project. Working in partnership with the municipality of Benahavis, Atalaya’s “clean and disinfect” initiative went into effect on Monday morning March 23. The streets of La Alquería Villas, Atalaya Hills and parts of the El Paraiso subdivision were sanitized. Agronimer Golf of Marbella, under the direction of David Fernández, himself an Atalaya member, is providing a second fumigator and operator to work in conjunction with Atalaya to carry out the necessary work. Sterilizing products and diesel for the equipment are being provided by the Benahavis city council, allowing the service to be provided to all free of cost. This cooperative effort

exemplifies how public and private partnerships are able to collaborate to offer vital community services in times of need. Sánchez has asked the Andalusian Golf Federation to encourage clubs throughout Andalucía to participate. He said, “I spoke with the Andalusian Golf Federation to organize all golf clubs of Andalucía to help with their fumigation machinery, and the federation has already posted an email to all the courses of Andalucía to take the example of Atalaya Golf.” The concept is very simple. Golf facilities are being asked to provide their machinery and personnel free of charge to clean and disinfect the streets of areas located near their individual clubs. “At the initiative of Atalaya, Benahavís will be the first municipality in which this campaign is launched, but surely there are many more municipalities that will be delighted to have this help,” said Maria Rosa Giménez de la Riva, spokeswoman for the golf federation. “That is why, from the Royal Andalusian Golf Federation, we encourage all of you to contact your municipalities to transfer this proposal to them. The golf sector will be doing its bit to fight the virus.” With all golf courses closed during the current lockdown, which now has been extended until May 9, other golf clubs are quickly falling in line behind Atalaya. They are welcoming the opportunity to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 virus. “We will try to make the whole initiative a great success,” said Sánchez.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Continued from page 2

regarding this pandemic and thereby risk infecting others, including him and his family? Without any hint he recognizes the irony, he calls my criticism “left-wing talking points” and states that his version of “Conservative values…are values that all citizens should support regardless of political affiliation.” He ends with “We are all in this together.” That was exactly my point: Suggesting that we can ignore science and do whatever we want in this time of pandemic is dangerous talk. Gretchen Honen chastises me for using the phrase “right-wing talking points.” See above. She apparently missed most of my letter that specifically rebutted Mr. Donohue’s points as contrary to current medical science and therefore dangerous to us and to others. I also highlighted his view that up to “a few million” preventable deaths may be a price we have to pay “for the needs of the many.” I am not willing to pay that price. Are you? Michael Wells




To the Editor: Some of your readers may have read “ The Eyes Of Darkness” by Dean Koontz (1981). It was a very pricey required reading in a creative writing class I had at California Lutheran University. (My professor said it was an example of how a bad author could


eventually write something good). Toward the end of the book, Koontz refers to a virus that originates in Wuhan, China, that had similar characteristics to COVID19. His story explains how the virus infected millions of people around the world, causing many deaths, and went away as suddenly as it appeared in the world, only to mutate and resurface 10 years later with a vengeance. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Koontz was the “Nostradamus” of the 1980s, but historically, it is an amazing prediction. On social media recently, I noticed an increase in people referring to this virus as not that serious, often referencing the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2002 that also originated in bats spread to 26 countries, and had a kill ratio of 10 percent. MERS, (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) 2012, may have originated in Saudi Arabia from bats, to camels, then humans. There were two cases in the US, with both surviving. MERS was said to have had a kill ratio of 34 percent. While it is true patients have been surviving COVID-19 infection, I am concerned with people being too complacent, too early. I personally think our numbers are down because we have been cautious and practicing social distancing. The newest, similar to, but, mutated virus that infected several children recently is alarming. I am very optimistic that science will be able to create a safe vaccine. It is not an easy “Dr. Kildare” or “Ben Casey” fix, and it’s all better (yes, that dates me!) Be safe. Bill Anttila Serving Sisters Since 1976

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Delivery Lumber • Hardware • Paint Fencing & Decking • Doors & Windows ows Hours: M-F 8 to 5, Sat. 8 to 4:30, Closed Sundays 440 N. Pine St. • 541-549-8141 •


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

MARKET: Passion, creativity drive effort for local food access Continued from page 1

to elevate the manager’s role and professionalize it. It’s hard running something like that on a volunteer basis,” Tehan said. Last year’s managers, T. Lee Brown and Rachel Kelleher, played a major role keeping the market going and leaving it in a healthy position. With their hard work and efforts, Seed to Table is taking over a market with a strong foundation that’s ready to grow. Hiring part-time manager Caroline Hager was an exciting step. She and Tehan share a passion and vision for how sustainable, local farming can promote healthier nutritious food for Sisters Country. They also see big potential with Seed to Table oversight that will integrate education, support for local businesses and access to fresh food for those experiencing food insecurity. Hager has been volunteering with Tehan on the Seed to Table farm and felt an instant connection to the mission the nonprofit is implementing for the community and Sisters’ schools. With education and professional experience in business marketing, education and community engagement, Hager saw the market manager position as a perfect fit. She started in late April and has been working to make the market a safe and welcoming experience, especially during challenges associated with COVID-19. Her new role includes making sure there’s a diverse array of high-quality vendors and getting the word out about the market. Since she first stepped foot on the Seed to Table farm and met Audrey Tehan, Hager wanted to be involved. “I got butterflies in my stomach and knew I wanted to be a part of it,” she said. “I’ve volunteered in India and Africa, but there’s something

very special about the energy at Seed to Table. There’s a humbleness and it felt so approachable and comfortable to jump in. I got to witness the harmonious connection with Mahonia Gardens who farms next door. Since then I knew I wanted to be involved further and be a part of the Farmer’s Market. When this position opened, I felt like I was ready and had the passion and experience to take on the job.” Hager is using her background in marketing, project management and event coordination as she steps into her new role. “I love a challenge and the chance to apply my creative side,” she said. “The timing with COVID-19 has made it a really important time to apply that passion and creativity to help make a safe and successful farmer’s market.” Tehan appreciates Hager’s efforts and her understanding of Seed to Table’s mission of enhancing the health and wellness of the Sisters community while supporting the economic prosperity of local producers. “We want to connect our producers directly with consumers, which is good for everyone involved. Health and wellness ties into our carbon footprint, environmental health and works well within the scope of COVID19 regulations. Connecting producers with buyers in an open-air environment means less hands touching produce before it ends up in our

kitchens. There’s no middle person,” said Tehan Another big change to help support vulnerable populations and to increase sales, will be the option for online preordering and curbside pickup. People can preorder by Thursday evening and come pick up with minimal contact with others. “Seed to Table has COVID-19 emergency food relief fund applications available online so families can receive discounts on our produce… it’ll be a sliding scale of discounts. Farmers Market is working on accepting SNAP,” said Hager.

The timing with COVID-19 has made it a really important time to apply that passion and creativity to help make a safe and successful farmer’s market. — Caroline Hager Continuing an emphasis on childhood education, the Market will offer a weekly focus on health and wellness education. “Each week we’ll provide take-home education kits for students. They’ll bring home kits for that week’s theme, like cooking and math, or a worm composting kit. We’re

Now Open on a limited basis. CALL WITH QUESTIONS!

Trevor Frideres, D.M.D. Greg Everson, D.M.D. 541-549-2011

491 E. Main Ave. • Sisters Hours: Mon., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri., 7 a.m.-3 p.m.

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Caroline Hager looks forward to a safe and successful farmer’s market. hoping the market will be a pick-up place for materials that supplement the online learning that children are doing,” said Tehan. The Market will be configured to reflect the current State criteria for what’s essential and allowed at Farmer’s markets. Booths will be spaced 10 feet apart. There will be a designated entrance and exit to the market. COVID-19 vendor policy requires that there’s no sampling at the markets.

Tehan says taking on the Market feels like a natural progression for Seed to Table. “Even though it’s a challenging year to take it on for the first time, it’s also the most important time to provide this service,” she said. To learn more about the Seed to Table preorder options, visit www.seedto Sisters Farmers Market will launch its season on Sunday, June 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Drew Collins-Burke Sisters High School April 2020 Student of the Month Drew Collins-Burke is making the best of his interrupted senior year — because thatʼs the way he operates. He applies himself in school and always gives his best — because he wants to give back to his community and because he knows that the habits of hard work and dedication will serve him well later in life. A student in Sisters since fourth grade, Drew serves as ASG Vice President. He cites the unique programs on offer in Sisters as particular strong points of Sisters schools — programs like IEE, the woods program, the aviation program conducted in partnership with Sisters Eagle Airport. He notes that building a guitar was a highlight of his high school career. Drew is awaiting developments regarding the pandemic to determine his immediate future course. “Iʼm planning to go to the University of Oregon in the fall if itʼs open,” he said. “If itʼs not, I may take a gap year or figure something else out.” He deeply appreciates the work of Sisters school staff. “I just wanted to say thank you to for all my teachers,” he said. “I know theyʼve been going through a tough time as well, and I just want to thank them for all they do for our school.”

“Drew has a great gift for making the people around him better. His curiosity makes others more curious; his humor makes others more humorous; his compassion makes others more compassionate. In other words, he leads by consciously and consistently doing the right thing. His tranquil nature and quiet resolve are truly inspiring, especially in an age characterized by cacophony and uncertainty. Heʼs already made the world a better place, and I know that heʼll keep doing that on a greater and grander scale once he graduates. I feel fortunate that heʼs been my student, and Iʼm so happy that heʼs an Outlaw.” — Matt Bradley “Drew is such a thoughtful student in the way he pushes for deeper understanding and connection, and he is such a thoughtful student in the way he leads and serves his school and community. He doesnʼt look for the spotlight or the credit, but to get what needs to be done, done well — and with that big smile of his that matches his big heart.” — Jami Lyn Weber “I have totally enjoyed the last four years working with Drew, he is one of the most genuine, kind hearted, and interesting students I have taught.” — Tony Cosby “Drew is truly a special kid. He is so smart, creative, and caring. I absolutely love Drewʼs sense of humor. He contributed to every single class with

both his intellect and curiosity. Drew is also a very generous person. He has always been someone who other students would turn to when they needed help. I will miss Drew tremendously. I hope that he gets a Camaro one day.” — Daniel OʼNeill “Drew has an awesome, generously curious mind. I love the questions he asks, and how he is always able to ask those questions in an inclusive way, inviting others students to share their own ideas and curiosities.” — Andrew Scheele

These businesses have joined The Nugget Newspaper in supporting our youth and their accomplishments by co-sponsoring the Student of the Month program.

Wishing you a healthy dose of success!

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Wilderness permit plan delayed A new system for permits limiting entry into parts of the Sisters backcountry has been pushed back till next year. The Forest Service announced on Thursday, May 7, that the Deschutes and Willamette National Forests will delay the implementation of the Central Cascades Wilderness limited entry permit system until May 2021. “Given many logistical constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are delaying our implementation until next year,” said Deschutes National Forest Supervisor Holly Jewkes. The Central Cascades Wildernesses limited entry system was set to begin on May 22, and would bring dayuse limits to 19 out of 79 trails and overnight limits to all trails in the Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington and Three Sisters Wilderness. “Our focus has been on responding to COVID-19, and preparations for the permit

The Nugget Newspaper Crossword

By Jacqueline E. Mathews, Tribune News Service

system were delayed,” said Willamette National Forest Supervisor Dave Warnack. “We felt there was too much uncertainty for the public on when we might open the reservation system. Therefore, we made this difficult decision.” One aspect of the Central C a s c a d e s Wi l d e r n e s s Strategies decision, which will be implemented this year is the “elevational campfire ban.” The ban includes: • All campfires are banned above 5,700 feet elevation in Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, and Three Sisters Wildernesses, as well as some areas lower than 5,700. • All campfires are banned above 6,000 feet elevation in Diamond Peak Wilderness. Other than the elevational fire ban, the wilderness areas will be managed this year as they were previously. Both forests will maintain the free self-issue permit systems for entering the wildernesses.

— Last Week’s Puzzle Solved —

Emergency grants available for businesses Sisters businesses affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for grants of up to $2,000 from funds provided by the Oregon Community Foundation. The Sisters OCF COVID-19 Emergency Business Grant Task Force will release information about eligibility and application procedures on Wednesday, May 13. On that date, the task force will publish eligibility standards and application materials on many websites and directly to Sisters businesses. The Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) earmarked $25,000 for Sisters from money received from the Oregon Community Foundation to support severely impacted businesses. COIC then formed a local task force to finalize procedures for distributing the funds to eligible Sisters businesses. “The task force understands the devastating effect

of COVID-19 on local businesses who have invested in our community and contribute to the local economy,” said Judy Trego, a member of the task force and Executive Director of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce. “We have been working hard to create a fair system for distributing these emergency grants to help as many businesses as possible with some financial relief.” The task force urges businesses to examine the materials and submit applications as soon as they become available on May 13. The task force will not consider applications received after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20. The materials will be made available on at least the following websites: • • • • www.centraloregonsos. com

This Week’s Crossword Sponsors

Greg Wieland L.Ac. Practicing since 1989 352 E. Hood Ave., Ste. E

Sisters Acupuncture Center


When the going gets tough, even the tough call us.

Banr Enterprises, llc Consult | Construct | Complete

Earthwork • Utilities • Grading • Rock Walls • Snow Removal Residential and Commercial Contractor CCB: 165122 | 541-549-6977

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon



Two single-family restricted 205 Garage & Estate Sales income homes for lease. Charming A-Frame Cedar Happy Trails Estate Sales! One-year lease. Two new energy Cabin on Big Lake Road. Selling or Downsizing? efficient homes available in the Willamette National Forest Locally owned & operated by... ClearPine subdivision in Sisters. Service Land Lease, quarter mile Daiya 541-480-2806 Units ready for occupancy by from Hoodoo Ski Area. 600 sq. Sharie 541-771-1150 June 15, 2020. Unit A: ft. main floor, 270 sq. ft. sleeping Two-bedroom, two-bathroom 206 Lost & Found loft. Full kitchen, wood-burning house, 1,372 sq. ft. with luxury Keys found, approx. May 4-5 stove, electric lights. Fully fixtures and appliances, gas on Cline Falls Hwy., 1-2 miles furnished. Cabin updates fireplace and 2-car garage. Large north of Tumalo. Call completed in summer of 2018 unfenced yard. Monthly rent 541-915-9170 to claim. M with new double-pane windows, $1,380 + electricity/cable skylight, new outdoor stairs and utilities. Unit B: One bedroom, 301 Vehicles metal fire skirt. Price: $160,000. one-bathroom ADU, 528 sq. ft. We Buy, Sell, Consign Quality 503-358-4421 or with luxury fixtures and Cars, Trucks, SUVs & RVs ~ appliances, outdoor parking Call Jeff at 541-815-7397 THE NUGGET space. Monthly rent $1,150 + Sisters Car Connection da#3919 NEWSPAPER electricity/cable utilities. Families C L A S S I F I E D S!! applying for these units must They're on the Web at meet 80% of the Area Medium 401 Horses Income per HUD Guidelines. Certified Weed-Free HAY. Uploaded every Tuesday Applications will be taken by Orchard Grass or Alfalfa Hay, afternoon at no extra charge! email at 1193ponderosa Sisters. $275 per ton. Call 541-549-9941 on May Call 541-548-4163 Deadline for classified is 13, 2020 after 8 a.m. Closing Monday by noon deadline May 20, 2020 at 5 p.m. 403 Pets In your email please include your UPLOADED 102 Commercial Rentals name, telephone number, size of EVERY TUESDAY! STORAGE WITH BENEFITS unit you are applying and email The Nugget Newspaper • 8 x 20 dry box address. Emails will be placed on C L A S S I F I E D S are at • Fenced yard, RV & trailers a waiting list and will be • In-town, gated, 24-7 contacted on a first-come FURRY FRIENDS first-served basis. Applicants helping Sisters families w/pets. Studio/Office/Workspace must meet the ClearPine FREE Dog & Cat Food 470 sf, $425/mo. Affordable Rental Criteria for No contact pick-up by appt. Well-lit bsmt., In-town Residency to be eligible. Copies 204 W. Adams Ave. will be provided to each applicant 541-797-4023 when applying. Prime Downtown Retail Space Bend Spay & Neuter Project Call Lori at 541-549-7132 Providing Low-Cost Options for 104 Vacation Rentals Cold Springs Commercial Spay, Neuter and more! In the Heart of Sisters CASCADE STORAGE Go to (541) 549-1086 • (877) 540-1086 3 Vac. Rentals – Quiet 1-2 Bdrm or call 541-617-1010 Sleep 2-6, start at $145 per nt. 581 N. Larch – 7-Day Access Three Rivers Humane Society or /180950 5x5 to 12x30 Units Available Where love finds a home! See the or /337593 • 503-730-0150 5x5 - 8x15 Climate Control Units doggies at 1694 SE McTaggart ~ Sisters Vacation Rentals ~ On-site Management in Madras • A No-kill Shelter Private Central OR vac. rentals, Ground-floor suite, 290 sq. ft. Go to Property Management Services 581 N Larch St. Available now, or call 541-475-6889 541-977-9898 $375/month. Call 541-549-1086. 500 Services SNO CAP MINI STORAGE CASCADE HOME & Black Butte VACATION RENTALS LONG-TERM DISCOUNTS! WINDOW CLEANING Monthly and Vacation Rentals Secure, Automated Facility Commercial & Residential. throughout Sisters Country. • • • 18 years experience, references (541) 549-0792 541-549-3575 available. Safe, reliable, friendly. Property management Free estimates. 541-241-0426 Office Suite on Main Ave. for second homes. 1,170 sq. ft., street frontage with ~ WEDDINGS BY KARLY ~ private entrance, reception area, Happy to perform virtual or two private offices, file room, in-person weddings. 201 For Sale kitchenette, ADA bathroom. Custom Wedding Ceremonies 2 metal filing cabinets, one $1,400/month. 541-549-0829 20+ years • 541-410-4412 4-drawer, one 3-drawer. Free, but MINI STORAGE you haul. Call 541-549-6973. Sisters Storage & Rental • DERI’s HAIR SALON • TOO MUCH STUFF? 506 North Pine Street Call 541-419-1279 Advertise your excess 541-549-9631 SMALL Engine REPAIR with an ad in The Nugget! Sizes 5x5 to 15x30. 7-day access. Lawn Mowers, Computerized security gate. 202 Firewood Chainsaws & Trimmers On-site management. Sisters Rental FIREWOOD, dry or green U-Haul trucks, trailers, moving 506 North Pine Street Lodgepole, juniper, pine. boxes & supplies. 541-549-9631 Cut & split. Delivery included. STORAGE STEEL Authorized service center for CONTAINERS Stihl, Briggs & Stratton, SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS FOR RENT OR SALE Honda, Tecumseh DAVE ELPI – FIREWOOD Delivered to your business or GEORGE’S SEPTIC • SINCE 1976 • property site TANK SERVICE Doug Fir – Lodgepole – Juniper Call 541-678-3332 “A Well Maintained DRIVE-IN WOOD SALES Ground-floor suite (1,300 sf), Septic System Protects – 18155 Hwy. 126 East – available at 392 E. Main Ave. the Environment” $1,300 - Call 541-549-1086. 541-549-2871 Order Online! 541-410-4509 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE 103 Residential Rentals 204 Arts & Antiques ~ Olivia Spencer ~ PONDEROSA PROPERTIES Expert Local Bookkeeping! –Monthly Rentals Available– Shop On-line! Phone: (541) 241-4907 Call Debbie at 541-549-2002 Materials for craftsman, Full details, 24 hrs./day, go to: fossil walrus ivory FIFI'S HAULING SERVICE and bone... Trade beads Dump Trailers available! Printed list at 221 S. Ash, Sisters Call 541-419-2204 Ponderosa Properties LLC

101 Real Estate

501 Computers & Communications

SISTERS SATELLITE TV • PHONE • INTERNET Your authorized local dealer for DirecTV, ViaSat HS Internet and more! CCB # 191099 541-318-7000 • 541-306-0729 Technology Problems? I can fix them for you. Solving for business, home & A/V needs. All tech supported. Jason Williams Sisters local • 25 yrs. experience 541-719-8329

502 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

M & J CARPET CLEANING Area rugs, upholstery & tile cleaning. Steam cleaning sanitizes & kills germs. 541-549-9090 BULLSEYE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING New owner of Circuit Rider Carpet Cleaning Over 30 years experience, specialize in rugs & pet stains. Licensed & Insured – Sisters owned & operated – • 541-238-7700 • GORDON’S LAST TOUCH Cleaning Specialists for CARPETS, WINDOWS & UPHOLSTERY Member Better Business Bureau • Bonded & Insured • Serving Central Oregon Since 1980 Call 541-549-3008

504 Handyman

LAREDO CONSTRUCTION 541-549-1575 Maintenance / Repairs Insurance Work CCB #194489 Home Customizations, LLC Res. & Commercial Remodeling, Bldg. Maintenance & Painting Chris Patrick, Owner CCB #191760 • 541-588-0083 JONES UPGRADES LLC Home Repairs & Remodeling Drywall, Decks, Pole Barns, Fences, Sheds & more. Mike Jones, 503-428-1281 Local resident • CCB #201650

600 Tree Service & Forestry

4 Brothers Tree Service Sisters' Premier Tree Experts! – TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP – Native / Non-Native Tree Assessments, Pruning, High-Risk Removals, 24 Hr. Emergency Storm Damage Cleanup, Craning & Stump Grinding, Debris Removal. – FOREST MANAGEMENT – Fire Fuels Reduction - Brush Mowing, Mastication, Tree Thinning, Large & Small Scale Projects! Serving Black Butte Ranch, Camp Sherman & Sisters Area since 2003 ** Free Estimates ** Owner James Hatley & Sons 541-815-2342 Licensed, Bonded and Insured CCB-215057


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Sisters Tree Care, LLC SPURGE COCHRAN Preservation, Pruning, BUILDER, INC. Removals & Storm Damage General Contractor Serving All of Central Oregon Building Distinctive, Brad Bartholomew Handcrafted Custom Homes, ISA Cert. Arborist UT-4454A Additions, Remodels Since ’74 503-914-8436 • CCB #218444 A “Hands-On” Builder Keeping Your Project on Time SISTERS' OLDEST & BEST & On Budget • CCB #96016 TREE SERVICE! To speak to Spurge personally, (Formerly Bear Mountain call 541-815-0523 since 1997) Providing high risk removals, trims/prunes on native/non-native trees, stump grinding, forestry thinning/mowing, light Custom Homes excavation. Firewood. Residential Building Projects Free estimates gladly! 10% lower Concrete Foundations than your lowest bid! Your Becke William Pierce satisfaction is our guarantee! CCB# 190689 • 541-647-0384 CCB #227275 - 541-420-3254 McCARTHY & SONS Top Knot Tree Care CONSTRUCTION can handle all of your tree needs, New Construction, Remodels, from trims to removals. Fine Finish Carpentry Specializing in tree assessment, 541-420-0487 • CCB #130561 hazard tree removal, crown reduction, ladder fuel reduction, lot clearing, ornamental and fruit tree trimming and care. • Locally owned and operated • • Senior and military discounts • • Free assessments • • Great cleanups • SIMON CONSTRUCTION • Licensed, Insured and Bonded • SERVICES Contact Bello @ 541-419-9655, Residential Remodel Find us on Facebook and Google Building Projects CCB#227009 Bruce Simon, Quality craftsman TIMBER STAND for 35 years IMPROVEMENT 541-948-2620 • CCB #184335 Tree care and vegetation management Pruning, hazard tree removal, stump grinding, brush mowing, certified arborist consultation, tree risk assessment qualified, wildfire fuels assessment and Pat Burke treatment, grant acquisition, lot LOCALLY OWNED clearing, crane services. CRAFTSMAN BUILT Nate Goodwin CCB: 288388 • 541-588-2062 ISA-Cert. Arborist PN-7987A CCB #190496 * 541.771.4825 Online at:

602 Plumbing & Electric

SWEENEY PLUMBING, INC. “Quality and Reliability” Repairs • Remodeling • New Construction • Water Heaters 541-549-4349 Residential and Commercial Licensed • Bonded • Insured CCB #87587 MONTE'S ELECTRIC • service • residential • commercial • industrial Serving all of Central Oregon 541-719-1316 lic. bond. insured, CCB #200030 R&R Plumbing, LLC > Repair & Service > Hot Water Heaters > Remodels & New Const. Servicing Central Oregon Lic. Bond. Ins. • CCB #184660 541-771-7000 CURTS ELECTRIC LLC – SISTERS, OREGON – Quality Electrical Installations Agricultural • Commercial Industrial • Well & Irrigation Pumps, Motor Control, Barns & Shops, Plan Reviews CCB #178543 541-480-1404 YOUR SOURCE for up-to-date Sisters news!

603 Excavation & Trucking

ROBINSON & OWEN Heavy Construction, Inc. All your excavation needs *General excavation *Site Preparation *Sub-Divisions *Road Building *Sewer and Water Systems *Underground Utilities *Grading *Snow Removal *Sand-Gravel-Rock Licensed • Bonded • Insured CCB #124327 (541) 549-1848 601 Construction TEWALT & SONS INC. Excavation Contractors Sisters’ Oldest Excavation Co. Construction & Renovation Our experience will make your Custom Residential Projects $ go further – Take advantage All Phases • CCB #148365 Residential Building Projects of our FREE on-site visit! 541-420-8448 Serving Sisters area since 1976 Hard Rock Removal • Rock Strictly Quality Hammering • Hauling CCB #16891 • CCB #159020 Trucking • Top Soil • Fill Dirt 541-549-9764 Ground-to-finish Site Prep John Pierce Building Demolition • Ponds & Liners • Creative & Decorative Rock Placement • Clearing, Earthwood Timberframes Leveling & Grading Driveways • Design & construction Utilities: Sewer Mains, Laterals • Recycled fir and pine beams Lara’s Construction LLC. Water, Power, TV & Phone • Mantles and accent timbers CCB#223701 Septic System EXPERTS: Offering masonry work, Complete Design & Permit CCB #174977 fireplaces, interior & exterior Approval, Feasibility, Test Holes. LAREDO CONSTRUCTION stone/brick-work, build Sand, Pressurized & Standard 541-549-1575 barbecues & all types of Systems. Repairs, Tank For ALL Your Residential masonry. Give us a call for a free Replacement. CCB #76888 Construction Needs estimate. Cellular: 419-2672 or 419-5172 CCB #194489 541-350-3218 • 541-549-1472 • JERRY WILLIS DRYWALL Carl Perry Construction LLC & VENETIAN PLASTER Residential & Commercial All Residential, Commercial Jobs Restoration • Repair 541-480-7179 • CCB #69557 – DECKS & FENCES – JOHN NITCHER CCB #201709 • 541-419-3991 CONSTRUCTION CASCADE GARAGE DOORS General Contractor Factory Trained Technicians Home repair, remodeling and Cascade Bobcat Service is now Since 1983 • CCB #44054 additions. CCB #101744 SCHERRER EXCAVATION 541-548-2215 • 541-382-4553 541-549-2206 Lic. & Bonded – CCB #225286 CENIGA'S MASONRY, INC. THE NUGGET Brick • Block • Stone • Pavers SISTERS OREGON Mike • 541-420-4072 CCB #181448 – 541-350-6068 online at Logan • 541-420-0330

BANR Enterprises, LLC Earthwork, Utilities, Grading, Hardscape, Rock Walls Residential & Commercial CCB #165122 • 541-549-6977

604 Heating & Cooling

ACTION AIR Heating & Cooling, LLC Retrofit • New Const • Remodel Consulting, Service & Installs CCB #195556 541-549-6464 THE NUGGET NEWSPAPER 541 - 549 - 9941

605 Painting

Riverfront Painting LLC Interior/Exterior • Deck Staining SHORT LEAD TIMES Travis Starr, 541-647-0146 License #216081 ~ FRONTIER PAINTING ~ Quality Painting, Ext. & Int. Refurbishing Decks CCB #131560 • 541-771-5620

– All You Need Maintenance – Pine needle removal, hauling, mowing, moss removal, edging, raking, weeding, pruning, roofs, gutters, pressure washing... Lic/Bonded/Ins. CCB# 218169 Austin • 541-419-5122

701 Domestic Services

– CUSTOM HOUSE CARE – TLC for your Home. Let us sparkle your house for a fresh start! Call to schedule an immaculate home cleaning. Emilee Stoery, 541-588-0345 BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 THE NUGGET SISTERS OREGON

802 Help Wanted

HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED! Looking for an energetic, independent and experienced housekeeper for vacation homes in and around Sisters. Good pay for good work. Part/full time, seasonal. Call Darcey @ Sisters Vacation Rentals, 541-420-5296. 606 Landscaping & Yard – All You Need Maintenance – Maintenance Hiring for the season. Positions J&E Landscaping Maintenance start as temp, possible to go LLC Clean-ups, raking, mowing, permanent. Looking for reliable hauling debris, gutters. hard workers. Starting at Edgar Cortez 541-610-8982 $14.50/hr. Austin, 541-419-5122 The City of Sisters’ Public Works All Landscaping Services Department is now hiring a Mowing, Thatching, Hauling... temporary Seasonal Utility Call Abel Ortega, 541-815-6740. Assistant for 40 hrs. /week, up to six months, must be available to work weekends. Salary: $13.28 $20.09/hr. based on experience and qualifications. Please go to: Complete landscape construction, for a complete job description fencing, irrigation installation & and application form. Please send trouble-shooting, general your completed job application cleanups, turf care maintenance and agronomic recommendations, form with resume to Joe O’Neill at, mail it fertility & water conservation to City of Sisters, PO Box 39, management, light excavation. Sisters, 97759 by May 27, 2020. CCB 188594 • LCB 9264 Application process in place until 541-515-8462 this position is filled. Start date as soon as possible. Companion/Caregiver for younger adult with short-term From design to installation we memory loss. No personal can do it all! Pavers, water features, irrigation systems, sod, hygiene care needed. Care to take place at caregivers residence. plants, trees etc. Call Fifi at 541-419-2204. 541-771-9441 LCB #8906

SUDOKU Level: Easy

Answer: Page 22

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon



registration, document NOTICE OF PUBLIC registration, document 999 Public Noticewith downloading, and working HEARING downloading, and working with Budget Hearing: the2020/2021 digital Project information Notice is hereby given that the the digital Project information Panoramic Special Road City of Sisters may beAccess obtained at City Council may be obtained at will District: 7 p.m., Wed.,atMay 13 - conduct, a public hearingatat, videconference meeting. 952-233-1632, or via e-mail To at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade 952-233-1632, or via e-mail at request an agenda, The log-in Bidding Avenue, Sisters (mailing address The Bidding information forbethe meeting,foror a PODocuments Documents will available Box 39, Sisters, 97759)for will beOR available copy of theMay proposed budget, download after 13, 2020. No on May 27,after 2020 at 6:30 PM No download May 13, 2020. send request to paper please sets will be aprovided for regarding the will applications listed paper sets be provided for bidding purposes. below. The hearing will be held bidding purposes. The Owner is an equal according SDC isChapter 4.1 Advertisement for Bids The to Owner an equal opportunity and the rulesemployer. of procedure CITY OF employer. SISTERS,Minority OREGON opportunity Minority and women-owned businesses adopted by the Council and are WELL NO. 4 - 2020 are and women-owned businesses encouragedCity to bid. Minority and available at CitytoHall. Prior to the of Sisters encouraged bid. Minority and women-owned businesses should public hearing, written comments 520 E. Cascade Avenue women-owned businesses should indicate they areBox a minority on may be provided to aSisters Cityon P.O. 39 indicate they are minority the Planholders Hall at 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, OregonList. 97759 the Planholders List. Due to theCity COVID-19 pandemic, (mailing address PO Box The of Sisters, Oregon, Sisters Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a pre-bid conference 39, Sisters, ORconference 97759) or invites Bids for the construction a pre-bid willNo. not4be held. The work emailed to held. of Well - 2020. will not be Owner: City of Sisters generally consists of Owner: City of Sisters By: Paul Bertagna Comments be directed constructing, developing, and By: Paulshould Bertagna Title: Public Workswater Director thePublic criteriaWorks that apply to testing a municipal supply toward Title: Director Date: 13, 2020 and basalt this request and13, must reference well inMay volcaniclastic Date: May 2020 number.OF ForBUDGET additional formations. TheBUDGET estimated depth the file NOTICE OF NOTICE information, please contact of the well is 300 feet, with an COMMITTEE MEETING COMMITTEE MEETING Mardell, Principal estimated 200 of feetthe ofBudget 16-inch Nicole A public meeting A public meeting of thePlanner Budget at (541) 323-5208 or upper production casing and Committee of the Sisters-Camp Committee of the Sisters-Camp The grout seal, andFire an estimated Sherman Rural Protection110 Sherman Rural Fire Protection report and recommendation feet of 12-inch liner assembly staff District, Deschutes and Jefferson District, Deschutes and Jefferson toCounties, the hearings body will be to consistingState of casing and stainless Counties, of Oregon, to State of Oregon, for review at least steelthe wire-wrap screen. Upon available discuss budget for the Fiscal discuss the budget for theseven Fiscal days hearing. All30, completion the to upper year July 1, of 2020 Juneborehole 30, yearbefore July 1,the2020 to June evidence materials for2021, production will be casing, held viaa small submitted 2021, will beand held via related to the application areto the diameter (8-inch) pilot borehole GoToMeeting. In response to the GoToMeeting. In response for inspection at City will be drilled the anticipated available current healthtoemergency current health emergency Copies of all the suchCOVID-19 materials final depth of the COVID-19 well. The pilot Hall.resulting resulting from from be available on request at aare boreholeDistrict will be facilities overdrilled pandemic, arefor will pandemic, District facilities cost. TTY services installation liner reasonable currently closedoftothe the12-inch public and currently closed to the publicare and available at the Sisters Cityheld Hall. assembly. Work willheld include meetings are being meetings are being Kerry Prosser, drilling,electronically. casing, screening, grout Please contact electronically. City Recorder, at (541) 323-5213 seal, developing, testing, The meeting will take placeetc., on all The meeting will take place on for arrangements. The as19, required for3ap.m. complete well, May 19, 2020 at 3 p.m.Sisters May 2020 at A second A second City Hallifbuilding fully together with allisother work meeting, if needed, scheduled meeting, needed,isisascheduled handicapped-accessible complete the project forrequired May 20,to2020 at 3 p.m. The for May 20, 2020 at 3facility. p.m. The Due to COVID-19 required as shownofon Exhibits purpose thethe meeting is and to as purpose of the and meeting is to distancing measures, specified. receive the budget message and social receive the budget messagethe and City will make from the for thefrom described to Sealed receiveBids comment the to receive comment for remote Project received by the accommodations public onwill the be budget. Public public on the budget. Public participation and strongly City ofwill Sisters, Oregon, Kerry comment be taken in written comment will be taken in written allformat. interested Prosser, City Recorder at the City encourages and phone-in format. Written and phone-in Written parties to participate remotely. of Sisters City Hall, by 520 E. comments received comments received by information will Cascade Avenue/P.O. Boxbe 39, Meeting 9 a.m. on May 18, 2020 will 9 a.m.access on May 18, 2020 will be be posted on the City Council Sisters, Oregon 97759, until 2:00 read during the public comment read during the public comment 22, 2020onand p.m., local time, June 16, 2020, at agenda section of the meeting on May sectiononofMay the meeting May can be found onby phone which time the Bids received 19, 2020. Comments by phonewill 19, 2020. Comments be opened and read. The willpublicly be taken on a scheduled will be taken on a scheduled Written comments will be time for Substantial basis during the public Completion comment basis during the public comment accepted via drop off to the shall beof120 Work section the calendar meeting days. on May section of the meeting on May utility box at City the project site shall 19,at2020. Comments, bothnot 19, payment 2020. Comments, both Hall, 502 E Cascade Avenue, commence October written and until phone-in, will1,be2020. written and phone-in, will be prior May 27 at limit 4 pm.per ThetoContract is subject to per the Sisters subject a three-minute limit subject to a to three-minute PUBLIC HEARING: applicable provisions of ORS community member. To schedule community member. To schedule May 27, 2020 at 5:30 PM provide ORS public 279C.800 comment,through please provide public comment, please FILE #: MOD 20-01 279C.870, the Oregon Prevailing your name, phone number, and your name, phone number, and OWNER: Peter Wage Law.toBid address the security district atshall be APPLICANT/ address to the district at Hall on behalf of 3 Sisters furnished in accordance 541- 549-0771, or emailwith to the 541- 549-0771, or email to Partners, LLC Instructions to Bidders. Public Public LOCATION: Mapbeand Taxlot no The Issuing for the comment must beOffice scheduled no comment must scheduled #: 151004BC00100, known Bidding is: Anderson later thanDocuments 9 a.m. on May 18, later than 9 a.m.also on May 18, as Tract A of the ClearPine Inc., 2020.Perry This & is Associates, a public meeting 2020. This is a public meeting (W Heising Drive Redmond Office,of2659 S.W. 4th subdivision where deliberation the Budget where deliberation of the Budget and N Bluebird Street). Street, Suite Committee will200, takeRedmond, place. Committee will take place. III Review of Oregon Troy Baker, Call-in97756, instructions are as P.E., REQUEST: Call-inType instructions are as a Modification to an approved, follows: follows: plan,May tentative subdivision 541-362-8682. Due to the masterTue, Tue, May 19, 2020 3 p.m. 19, 2020 3 p.m. plat, and development agreement pandemic, +1 (872)COVID-19 240-3212 Access Code: +1 (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 15-01). This prospective Bidders may not (MP 15-01/SUB 618-721-445 618-721-445 will alter conditions Bidding (Ifexamine needed)the Wed, May Documents 20, 2020 proposal (If needed) Wed, May 20, of 2020 approval relating to affordable at +1 the(646) Issuing Office. 3 p.m. 749-3122 3 p.m. +1 (646) 749-3122 requirements for the Bidding Documents are availablehousing Access Code: 599-936-205 Access Code: 599-936-205 Clearpine subdivision. Aatcopy of the budget document A copy of the budget document under Bid Docs link. The APPLICABLE CRITERIA: may be the inspected online at may be inspected online at digital Bidding Documents may City of Sisters Development or obtained or obtained be downloaded a Code 4.1. (Types by mail on or after May for 8, 2020, by (SDC): mail onChapter or after May 8, 2020, non-refundable payment andrequest Reviewto via email request to of $15 of Applications via email by inputting QuestCDN eBidDocProcedures); Chapter 2.2 or phone or phone Number 7056893 on the (Residential request to (541) 549-0771. requestDistrict); to (541) Chapter 549-0771. Residential –website. Assistance T H E N U G G Ewith T –free 2.3 (Multi-Family –THE NUGGET– QuestCDN membership District).

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Sisters City Council will conduct a public hearing at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) on May 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM regarding the applications listed below. The hearing will be held according to SDC Chapter 4.1 and the rules of procedure adopted by the Council and available at City Hall. Prior to the public hearing, written comments may be provided to Sisters City Hall at 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) or emailed to Comments should be directed toward the criteria that apply to this request and must reference the file number. For additional information, please contact Nicole Mardell, Principal Planner at (541) 323-5208 or The staff report and recommendation to the hearings body will be available for review at least seven days before the hearing. All submitted evidence and materials related to the application are available for inspection at City Hall. Copies of all such materials will be available on request at a reasonable cost. TTY services are available at the Sisters City Hall. Please contact Kerry Prosser, City Recorder, at (541) 323-5213 for arrangements. The Sisters City Hall building is a fully handicapped-accessible facility. Due to COVID-19 and required social distancing measures, the City will make accommodations for remote participation and strongly encourages all interested parties to participate remotely. Meeting access information will be posted on the City Council agenda on May 22, 2020 and can be found on Written comments will be accepted via drop off to the utility payment box at City Hall, 502 E Cascade Avenue, Sisters prior to May 27 at 4 pm. PUBLIC HEARING: May 27, 2020 at 5:30 PM FILE #: MOD 20-01 APPLICANT/ OWNER: Peter Hall on behalf of 3 Sisters Partners, LLC LOCATION: Map and Taxlot #: 151004BC00100, also known as Tract A of the ClearPine subdivision (W Heising Drive and N Bluebird Street). REQUEST: Type III Review of a Modification to an approved master plan, tentative subdivision plat, and development agreement (MP 15-01/SUB 15-01). This proposal will alter conditions of approval relating to affordable housing requirements for the Clearpine subdivision. APPLICABLE CRITERIA: City of Sisters Development Code (SDC): Chapter 4.1. (Types of Applications and Review Procedures); Chapter 2.2 (Residential District); Chapter 2.3 (Multi-Family Residential District).

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

REDFIELD: 2002 SHS grad is grateful for her youth in Sisters Continued from page 3

then-unknown Curtis Stone who is now a huge culinary star and restaurateur,” said Redfield. During this time she also continued work on her acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse. “Take Home Chef” did not get renewed for a second season and Redfield picked up restaurant jobs, sort of stereotypically, while continuing to pursue her acting ambitions — which ultimately worked out. “I ended up doing some background work on movies and TV shows, starred in some plays, got parts in some short films, booked a national commercial for Yoplait yogurt and was even the body double for Elizabeth Moss (Mad Men and The Handmaidʼs Tale) in the film ʻThe One I Love,ʼ” she said. Credits for these works made her eligible to join the Screen Actorʼs Guild in 2014. During these years other interests — food, writing, and content-creation — led her to launch her own blog she dubbed “Food Pervert” in 2010. “I eventually focused on this as my sole creative endeavor and left acting behind. I started shooting my own ʻFood and Travelʼ-style videos where I took viewers on local and international dining experiences, as well as making recipe videos and interviewing chefs,” she said. One thing led to another, according to Redfield. “I ended up having some amazing opportunities, including being a contestant on the TNT cooking competition series, ʻOn The Menu,ʼ hosted by Ty Pennington and the original Celebrity Chef, Emeril Lagasse,” she explained. “I also won NBCʼs Today Show cooking competition with my original recipe for cocoa tangerine pancakes, which included being flown to New York to make the recipe live on-air. That was an extremely memorable experience!” Redfield found another outlet for her concern for environmentally responsible living.

“I have a new platform launched in January called ʻAnother Day Greener,ʼ which documents my journey to live more sustainably and, hopefully, inspiring others to also take steps to living a more Earth-friendly existence,” she explained. Ever the performer, Redfield eventually did return to the stage, but in a new way, when she decided to give stand-up comedy a whirl. “Comedy was something I had always wanted to try, so I did my first three minute performance at Flappers Comedy Club and ended up having a blast and loving it,” she said. “Itʼs very thrilling to make people laugh in real time and it makes me happy to know I can make that happen.” Asked about the sources of her material, Redfield explained, “Whenever I think of an idea for a joke or a bit I just make a note in my phone. Ideas are always coming to me. Most of my content is observational comedy, and, of course, I incorporate dating, politics and other current events into my material.” She has been performing at Flappers for just about two years and said that when things turn back to normal following the pandemic, she would like to produce her own special along with some

of her comedian friends. With all of her background as a blogger and the extensive use of social media for over a decade Redfield say she has learned “all the tips and tricks” of platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin). She formed her own business, Redfield Media Management, offering clients social media content creation and account management. This new venture allows her to work remotely, so she decided to temporarily locate in Sisters as the impact of the coronavirus spread. “In mid-March, just before Los Angeles and other areas addressed their official stayat-home orders, my gut instinct was to come home to Central Oregon to be with my family,” she said. “These are unprecedented times and, in all honesty, as much as I love my life in Los Angeles, remaining in a city made me feel uneasy for multiple reasons. I knew it was a ʻnow or neverʼ decision, that if I didnʼt leave when I did, even a day later might have been too late and who knows how long it would have been before seeing my parents again.” She says she remains plenty busy maintaining her clientʼs accounts while

roles, plays, choir, cheer and dance team — all of which fostered my love for performance and entertainment.” Redfield says that she still has plenty of ideas and aspirations, but is gratified with what she has been able to do thus far and thankful for her roots. “There are still plenty of goals I want to accomplish in this life, but Iʼm proud of the decisions Iʼve made so far and Iʼm grateful for the journey Iʼve been on and the support Iʼve had. I will always call Sisters home and appreciate the safe environment it provided me — allowing me to believe in myself and pursue my dreams.” Access Redfieldʼs blog at

I have a new platform launched in January called ‘Another Day Greener,’ which documents my journey to live more sustainably and, hopefully, inspiring others to also take steps to living a more Earth-friendly existence. — Tara Redfield


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hunkered down on the family farm with her parents Sarah and Tygh. Being home has given Redfield time to reflect on growing up in Sisters. “I feel incredible gratitude for being able to have grown up here in Sisters,” she said. “ As a student here I had so many wonderful teachers who supported my ambitions past high school and who taught me to trust in my talents. Growing up in a small community was such a blessing in that way. I felt like I was noticed on a personal level — not just as another student in a sea of hundreds,” she continued. “As a student I was able to participate in multiple activities, including leadership

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Being prepared for fire evacuation Part of living in wildfire country involves being ready — having a plan and preparations in place to evacuate. Emergency officials strongly advise locals to sign up for Deschutes Emergency Alerts. The Deschutes Alert System (DAS) can be used to notify the public with important information during an emergency. Alerts can be sent to cell phones — but only if your number is registered. Sign up at sign-deschutes-emergency-alerts. Make arrangements with friends who have trailers and space for animals. Extra advance planning may also be necessary if you are dealing with people who have mobility issues or special medical needs. Planning for evacuation doesn’t have to be on the scale of a military operation — it just requires some thought and effort when things are calm. ”It doesn’t take all day to at least think it through and come up with a plan,” Sgt. Garibay said. The website offers extensive tips for evacuation:

Emergency Supply Kit Checklist •  Three-day supply of non-perishable food and three gallons of water per person. •  Map marked with at least two evacuation routes. • Prescriptions or special medications. • Change of clothing. • Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses. •  Extra set of car keys, credit cards, cash or traveler’s checks. • First aid kit. • Flashlight. • Battery-powered radio and extra batteries. • Sanitation supplies. •  Copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, etc.). •  Don’t forget pet food and water! (The website also offers extensive tips on preparing for pet evacuation). Items to take if time allows: • Easily carried valuables. • Family photos and other irreplaceable items. •  Personal computer information on hard drives and disks. • Chargers for cell phones, laptops, etc. •  Always keep a sturdy pair of shoes and a flashlight near your bed and handy in case of a sudden evacuation at night. Sometimes residents feel compelled to stay to try to defend their home. Firefighters and other emergency personnel strongly advise against this impulse. Not only does it put the homeowner in danger, it endangers firefighters and law enforcement personnel, because they are duty-bound to try to help you if you’re in danger.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

WILDFIRE: Access is key to safety in a wildfire Continued from page 3

where combustibles are kept cleared away, trees limbed back and landscaping crafted with plants that don’t readily ignite and carry fire. Steps to create defensible space and tips on fireresistant landscaping may be found at Additionally, products are available to spray on your home that can enhance its resistance to fire. Those have to be applied well before any crisis develops and should be part of a program of defensibility and not a substitute for defensible space. Another critical element in giving firefighters a fighting chance is making sure they can get into and out of your property safely. Firefighters have to be able to drive in to a property and have to be able to turn an engine around so they can escape quickly. If a property doesn’t allow for that, a fire chief won’t send firefighters in — because they would be risking their lives. That continues to be a problem in the Cloverdale Fire District. Chief Olsen said that in his neighborhood alone, “I’ve got six driveways where I know we can’t get a fire truck to their house.” Property owners are advised to limb trees back to make sure a fire truck can get in and turn around — and that work should be done before fire season gets underway. Also, it is important to make sure that fire-numbers

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Overgrown driveways restrict access by fire trucks.


Clearing access means your home can be defended. are readily visible so that emergency personnel can identify where homes are. Sgt. Garibay says, “There

are places in this county where you could drive past a house and not know there was a house there.”

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

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221 S. Ash St. | PO Box 1779, Sisters

New Listing

725 NE QUINCE PLACE Wonderful home in Diamond Bar Ranch. Just a short stroll from the community park. Three bedrooms, two baths, 1,532 sq.ft. Beautiful stone facade front with covered front porch. Open concept living with gas fireplace featured in living room. Dining area open to both living and kitchen with breakfast bar and pantry. Coffered ceiling in dining and master bedroom adds character. Spacious master bath with large walk-in closet. Covered rear patio with fenced yard. $300,000. MLS#220100369

PEAKS AT PINE MEADOW Wonderful townhome complex in Pine Meadow Village. Like-new, 2-level unit with upstairs reverse living. Lots of windows and natural light. Greatroom space with modern design features gas fireplace and access to upper-level patio. Master bedroom is on lower level and has functional and practical workspace cubby. $397,000. MLS #202000483.

DESCHUTES RIVERFRONT ACREAGE! Ten acres along the Middle Deschutes offers a spectacular building site with 180-degree river views with the Cascade mountains in the background. Paved access, electricity available, standard septic feasibility and an existing well. The property gently slopes from the street to the northwest forming a flat bench with a premier building site before rolling off to the river. There are two adjacent parcels also available that create the possibility for a multiplehome estate. With great mountain and river views, this is a rare opportunity to build your dream home. $299,500. MLS#201910338 69114 BARCLAY LANE Beautiful 10 acres with Cascade mountain views! Close to town with paved access, natural sub-irrigated meadow, ponderosa pines, septic approval, excavated pond and shallow well depths. The building site offers views of Broken Top, the Three Sisters and Black Crater. There are views from the property of Mt. Jefferson, Black Butte, 3-Fingered Jack and Mt. Washington. An early morning walk through the meadow is spectacular with chest-high meadow grasses, wildflowers, grazing deer, circling raptors and countless native birds. This rare setting has Indian Ford Creek along its east boundary.$399,000. MLS#201906185

Kevin R. Dyer 541-480-7552 CRS, GRI, Principal Broker

Rad Dyer 541-480-8853 ABR, CCIM, CRB, CRS, GRI, Principal Broker

200 N. ROPE PLACE Special combination of house and land. Enjoy this large .42-acre lot with space for all your needs and wants. Ample parking and room to grow. Easy living single-level home in very good condition. Kitchen and vaulted dining and living rooms are filled with natural light. Propane stove for cozy winter warmth. Covered entry, attached double garage and fenced rear yard with garden shed. Large deck overlooks lush greenery with space to roam. Quiet neighborhood. $379,000. MLS#202003075

7515 SE GENTIAN WAY, PRINEVILLE Views of the water from every nook and cranny on this 76-acre hillside property. The graveled driveway leads you up to a cozy campsite with a trailer, outdoor shower, deck and fire pit. There is a cased well (no pump or power at this time). Power is at the road. Standard septic approval in 2004. Terrain varies with some beautiful sandy, level areas to a small canyon with animal trails. Gated driveway. Zoning allows for 5-acre homesites. One-quarter mile to the boat dock for year-round recreation. Borders public lands to the east. Owners will carry a contract. Broker owned. $229,000. MLS#201907560.

RIVER FRONT PROPERTY In the City of Sisters with water, power & sewer to the property (hooked up) & storage shed. Large Ponderosa Pine & Cottonwood trees plus 200+/ft. of River frontage, accessible at multiple points of the River bank. Peterson Ridge Trail system a block away. Miles & miles of walking, jogging & mountain bike trails through the US Forest Service just a short distance down the road with additional access to the River on public land; and yet, merely walking distance to downtown Sisters. Truly a rare find! $499,500. MLS #202002392

PREMIUM LAKEFRONT… …homesite in Aspen Lakes Golf Estates. 1.27 acres with nice pine trees and water views. Protective CCRs in this gated community of fine homes. Utilities to the lot line. Just minutes to the town of Sisters. $379,500. MLS#201506535

Carol Davis 541-410-1556 ABR, GRI, Broker

Catherine Black 541-480-1929

CRS, Broker, Realtor Emeritus 40+ years

GLAZE MEADOW #45 Wonderful cabin at Black Butte Ranch. Recently updated throughout the kitchen, living and bathrooms. It features a natural wood-paneled interior with tall vaulted open-beam ceilings and natural lava-rock fireplace. Two bedrooms down plus loft with bathroom. Enjoy the great location at the end of a long, peaceful cul-de-sac close to the Glaze Meadow Sports and Recreation Center. Adjacent to bike/pedestrian pathway with easy access to beautiful National Forest lands.$375,000. MLS#201904587

SOUTH MEADOW #8 One-third ownership! Enjoy an open floor plan with views of pine trees from the living room, featuring stone fireplace, vaulted ceilings, kitchen and dining room. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, master on ground floor, offering a private retreat for guests or a place for kids to hang out. Huge windows provide abundant natural light. Loft for additional sleeping area. Wood detail throughout gives off the classic BBR feel. Black Butte Ranch amenities include restaurants, golf courses, spa, indoor and outdoor pools and hot tubs, fitness facilities, tennis and pickleball courts, hiking and biking trails, and more! $185,500. MLS#201909261

ROCK RIDGE #37 Vacation Location in Black Butte Ranch! Partial ownership allows soooo much fun for a portion of the costs. Three bedrooms plus a bunk room in this 1528 sq.ft. Rock Ridge home. Many upgrades including granite countertops, new decks, appliances and engineered flooring throughout the living area. Efficient propane stove in the great room. Easy access to pools, tennis, bike paths and the Glaze Meadow Sports Center. 1/4 Interest - $115,000. MLS#202002138 1/2 Interest - $229,500. MLS#202002132 MOUNTAIN-VIEW ACREAGE! 11.5 acres slope gently to the northwest with great mountain views and high desert beauty. Paved access, electricity and approval for a septic system, this acreage is ready for your Central Oregon dream home. The property offers views of Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack, Black Butte, Mt. Washington, Black Crater and the Three Sisters, plus elevated views of the surrounding area. There are adjacent parcels for sale on either side that expand the possibilities. BLM lands are nearby and the fishing is great along this stretch of the Middle Deschutes. $239,500. MLS#201910345

Shane Lundgren 541-588-9226 Broker

Debbie Dyer 541-480-1650 GRI, Broker

GRAND PEAKS AT SISTERS Grand Peaks is synonymous with well-being. From day one, the choices are many for discerning seekers of luxury & adventure! This exclusive 38-homesite community offers cutting edge design using natural, sustainable materials on the exterior, sleek and stylish interiors, and a wealth of recreation including two cushion professional pickleball courts, butterfly gardens along the Grand Peaks trail, private parks and community pavilion. Just a short walk or ride to downtown Sisters. Add the extraordinary views of the Cascades & Central Oregon’s natural beauty and you've found your new home. Lot prices: $135,000-$180,000.

LAKE CREEK LODGE, #18 Turnkey in every sense of the word! Three bedroom/3 bath cabin at historic Lake Creek Lodge in Camp Sherman. Set on a small rise overlooking the creek basin, this vacation ready cabin offers quality throughout. Knotty pine paneling, plank fir floors, stone/gas fireplace, butcher block countertops, stainless appliances, farm kitchen sink, tile bathroom & showers, cedar decks, stone exterior accents & locked owner storage. Enjoy the common area tennis, pool, creek & open spaces. The adjacent lodge serves great meals! Options: 1/4 share $219,000, MLS#201811624 (or) 1/2 share, $429,000, MLS#201811627

EXCITING NEW TOWNHOME Located in The Peaks at Pine Meadow Village. Two bedrooms, 2 baths and 1,455 sq.ft. Contemporary style and design features upper-level living for privacy and view from the greatroom. Practical kitchen opens to a large spacious living/dining with vaulted ceilings and lots of windows to let the natural light in. Propane fireplace provides a cozy and warm living space in the cooler months. Ductless heat pump and lower-level radiant floor heating gives year-round efficiency. Master is on the entry level and enjoys a large closet and luxurious bathroom. Guest suite is located off the greatroom, as well as an enjoyable upper-level patio to enjoy the outdoors. An auto courtyard leads to the attached garage. $432,500. MLS#202000020

Greg Davidge 808-281-2676 Broker

Jackie Herring 541-480-3157 Broker

Guy Lauziere 541-410-9241 Broker

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