The Nugget Newspaper // Vol. XLIV No. 2 // 2021-01-13

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The Nugget Vol. XLIV No. 2


News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Schools set plans for return to in-person learning

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Retiring mayor assesses Sisters

Back in the saddle again...

By Sue Stafford Correspondent

By Charlie Kanzig Correspondent

All students in the Sisters School District are scheduled to return to some level of inperson learning by February 1, according to a communication sent out January 6 by superintendent Curt Scholl. Sisters Elementary School has been operating with inperson instruction under what See SCHOOL on page 8


Sisters High School’s equestrian team has launched into training, though their competition season will be somewhat restricted due to COVID-19.

Broadband internet on tap for Camp Sherman By Sue Stafford Correspondent

After more than a decade of false starts, broadband internet service is coming to Camp Sherman via Sureline Broadband in Madras. Local realtor and Camp Sherman native Shane Lundgren has been heading up a group of Camp Sherman residents since 2009 to secure internet access for the community. According to Lundgren, the original impetus was the government’s “No Child Left Behind” program in 2009-10, to bring internet learning opportunities to students at the Black Butte School in Camp Sherman.

We are excited to be in Camp Sherman. This has been a long time coming and we are standing on the shoulders of others. Now it’s our job to get it done. — Josh Richesin



Through the past decade, potential connection was discussed with BendBroadband, Century Link, and then Central Electric Cooperative to possibly run cable lines on their power poles. The negotiations with BendBroadband ended when they were sold to the national TDS corporation, who had no interest in extending service to Camp Sherman. Due to its isolated location under the shadow of Green Ridge and Black Butte in the thick Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman presents a number of challenges to providing internet and cell service. Lundgren said that over the years they have tried hard to solve the problem. He and Lamont Boileau, senior account executive for Sureline, credit the hard work of Caprielle FooteLewis, Sisters Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) manager, for helping bring Sureline to Camp Sherman by leveraging some of her contacts. Sureline was able to secure a grant to help with the expense of equipment

When Mayor Chuck Ryan took office, the City was just beginning to pull out of a very unsettled time for City government. In a fairly short period of time, the City had had three city managers, and hit a low point in citizen interest and involvement on City commissions and boards. As Ryan retires from his mayoral duties this week, the City is running smoothly See RYAN on page 9

SHE Project raises funds for victims of domestic violence By Helen Schmidling Correspondent

The SHE Project, 52 pieces of art for sale, returns this month to the art wall at Good Day Café in Sisters to raise funds for Saving Grace, a Central Oregon organization that provides services for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. Each of the artworks is designed along a theme of empowering women, with a theme or title that begins with the word “She.” For instance, “She knows her greatest power is her own inner tranquility.” Or, “She flies with her own wings,” which happens to be the Oregon state motto, and “She let the moon restore her softly at night.” Another says, “Take a chance; seize the moment. What are you waiting for?” Many are collages, and nearly every media is represented. Each piece is just $35, all of which is donated to Saving Grace. Kit Stafford, a textile artist and community activist, coordinates the SHE Project


Penelope Youngfeather, Kit Stafford, and Paul Bennett check out the SHE Project art on the wall at Good Day Café. All sales benefit Saving Grace, which provides services for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. with the help of all the artists who’ve donated. “The pieces reflect the many facets of what the artists are thinking about in these times, and it’s especially poignant and heartfelt for people in positions of trauma and danger,” Stafford said. “All of us who made something are sending out a lot of love to those women, because the process of making involves your heart and your hands.”

The SHE Project is a significant fundraiser from Sisters. Last year’s SHE Project included an artists’ kickoff, where creators began making their work, and an opening reception for the show, both of which were missing this year. The 2020 event raised around $2,000 for Saving Grace according to Harmony Thomas, owner of Bedouin See SHE PROJECT on page 23

See INTERNET on page 14

Letters/Weather ............... 2 Sisters Salutes ................. 4 Virtual Events .................. 11 Obituaries .................. 14-15 Classifieds................. 20-21 Meetings .......................... 3 Announcements...............10 Fun & Games ............... 12-13 Crossword .......................19 Real Estate ................ 22-24


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon







A loaded gun By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief

Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is 10 a.m. Monday.

To the Editor: I write in response to Mr. Damerell’s Letter to the Editor of January 6. Instead of referring to the homeless as vagrants and criminals, how about stepping up and lending a helping hand to the less fortunate? I do, and have been greatly rewarded in peace of mind and spirit, not to mention friendship. Doug Williams




To the Editor: I was disturbed, though not surprised, to

learn that after a visit to our St. Charles Clinic here in Sisters, vaccinations for seniors are projected to be available late spring, early summer! This is not okay! Lon Kellstrom




To the Editor: I think our new Congressional representative Cliff Bentz should resign. He’s clearly not qualified to be a U.S. Congressman. He had a simple, perfunctory See LETTERS on page 16

Sisters Weather Forecast

Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon





Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

AM Showers









Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

PM Showers




The Nugget Newspaper, LLC Website: 442 E. Main Ave., P.O. Box 698, Sisters, Oregon 97759 Tel: 541-549-9941 | Email: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Nugget Newspaper, P.O. Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759. Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon.

Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius Production Manager: Leith Easterling Creative Director: Jess Draper Community Marketing Partner: Vicki Curlett Classifieds & Circulation: Lisa May Owner: J. Louis Mullen

The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area. Third-class postage: one year, $55; six months (or less), $30. First-class postage: one year, $95; six months, $65. Published Weekly. ©2021 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which appears in The Nugget is the property of The Nugget and may not be used without explicit permission. The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. assumes no liability or responsibility for information contained in advertisements, articles, stories, lists, calendar etc. within this publication. All submissions to The Nugget Newspaper will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyrighting purposes and subject to The Nugget Newspaper’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially, that all rights are currently available, and that the material in no way infringes upon the rights of any person. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of artwork, photos, or manuscripts.

It is a cardinal rule of firearms safety: Never point a gun at anything you do not wish to destroy. Once you pull the trigger — by accident or with intent — you can never call the bullet back. For far too long, politicians, pundits, and public have been brandishing weaponized rhetoric of insurrection, revolution, and civil war. On January 6 in our nation’s capital, a trigger was tripped. The shot will echo through American politics for a long time to come. The people who stormed into the U.S. Capitol on that dark day chose to be there. They are responsible for their actions. Five people are dead and others will pay consequences for the day’s passions that will dog their lives for years. Wi l l t h e r e b e a n y accountability for those who whipped up the passions of the mob? Suddenly, the effort to use the counting of electoral votes to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election was no longer exhilarating political theater, no longer a salve to the wounded pride of a defeated president, or a means of harnessing the grievances of an outraged base in pursuit of power. Suddenly, things got very real. Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) hit his fellow congressmen — among them Oregon’s Cliff Bentz — with some hard truth in the wake of the January 6 riot. “They’ve been lying to people, lying to millions,” he said. “They’ve been lying that January 6 was going to be this big solution for election integrity, and it was never going to be. It was never going to solve anything and it was always unconstitutional... In the sense that they were led to believe January 6 was anything but a political performance for a few opportunistic politicians to give a five-minute speech. That is all that it ever was. People were lied to.” Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL and combat veteran, knows what it means when things get real, and he called out those who brandished warlike words and left others to reap what they sowed. When the mob breached the Capitol, Crenshaw said, the “same members of Congress who called people to fight, they were nowhere to be found. Because it was all fun and games to them…

They never knew what a real fight was. Real fights are scary. Bullets flying, that’s scary. Glass breaking, that’s really scary. They were nowhere to be found, they scattered. They talked about the courage to stand up, the courage to fight for weeks and weeks but when it came down to it, there was no courage… All of the members who called for everyone to come and fight and make their last stand, all of those members were scattered like cowards while the Capitol Police had to do the fighting.” One of those police officers, Brian D. Sicknick, died after rioters bludgeoned him in the head with a fire extinguisher. Words matter. The stories we tell and the narratives we craft matter. Donald Trump and his supporters can argue that he did not incite the crowd to violence in his speech at the January 6 “Save America Rally” that preceded the riot at the Capitol. After all, he did urge the crowd to “peacefully protest.” But he also told them, “we fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Some of those who heeded the call of the president to “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” and “take back our country” died for their loyalty. In the charged atmosphere of the day, the potential for a violent outcome shouldn’t have been hard to foresee. The unprecedented breach of the Capitol comes on the heels of a summer of rioting and destruction in many American cities — also enabled and promoted by people who should know better. Americans who don’t relish watching their country spiral into a cycle of low-intensity civil war may be forgiven for feeling a sense of foreboding and despair. And yet… This Wednesday, here in our own community, three new city councilors are to be sworn in. These councilors will join a cadre of volunteers of unprecedented numbers and capability in a nonpartisan effort to take on the challenges that Sisters faces, managing growth and promoting economic prosperity, while preserving the quality of life and the community bonds that make Sisters a true home. Citizens engaged in a constructive dialogue doing their civic duty, in good faith, in spite of it all. America.



Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon








Three school board positions up for election


Paul Alan Bennett shows one of the monotype prints featured in his upcoming book.

Sisters artist creates

‘Pandemic Portraits’ By Helen Schmidling Correspondent

When the world went into lockdown in mid-March 2020, people — when they did venture out of their homes — could be seen wearing masks of various kinds. The masks caught the eye of Sisters artist Paul Alan Bennett. “My eye was drawn to the variety of masks, and in as much as they were awkward, there was both a strangeness and a sense of humor about them,” he said.

After muc h carefu l thought, Paul, a painter and a printmaker, decided to create portraits of people wearing their masks. And though he’s traditionally been known for creating colorful gouache paintings using a “knit stitch,” starry night skies, and mythology (as in his 2018 book, “Night Skies”), and repurposing his art as clothing and Pendleton tapestries, this time Paul limited himself to one color, black, and one format: monotype. He created all of the images on the presses at

Studio 6000, here in Sisters. Bennett’s first portrait was of a clerk at Ray’s Food Place. “When I posted it on Facebook, it got a lot of response, and I thought I’d do some more,” he said. “At first, I just did portraits of my fellow artists at Studio 6000 and then I expanded to the nearby coffeehouse, Fika, the employees there, and people who would stop there for coffee.” Paul continued to make See BENNETT on page 22

Three positions on the Sisters School District board of directors will be up for election on the May 18 ballot. Positions 1, 2, and 5 will be elected for four-year terms. Position 1 is currently held by Board Chair Jay Wilkins; Position 2 by David Thorsett; and Position 3 by Edie Jones. The district notes that to be eligible, a candidate must live in the school district, not be an officer or employee of the district, and be a qualified voter in the district. The candidate should participate in

school activities, be active in the community, be a positive problem solver and commit time to review materials and attend board meetings. The candidate filing period begins February 6, and ends March 18. Interested candidates must file with the Deschutes County Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on March 18. Forms are available at the Sisters School District Administration Office, Deschutes County Clerk’s Office and online at https:// page/candidate-measurefiling-forms.

St. Charles boosts C4C Latino outreach Citizens4Community (C4C) has received a $5,000 grant from the St. Charles Health System, helping the nonprofit organization to better connect with their Latino neighbors in Sisters Country. Grant funds are being used to pay for Spanish translation services in both digital platforms and in print, including the written translation of the newly launched community website, Sisters Country Community Connects, an online communication and resource hub. Verbal interpretation will also be provided for community meetings and the very popular monthly “Let’s

Talk” series, featuring live community discussions geared to inspire and inform patrons on local topics of interest. “C4C is thankful for St. Charles’ assistance as we ensure that all voices are heard, and community resources are available and understood by all Sisters Country community members,” said Robyn Holdman, C4C Board President. Since 2015, C4C has been fostering a connected community by encouraging civility, collaboration and civic engagement. To further See GRANT on page 23

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect gatherings, please contact individual organizations for current meeting status

SISTERS AREA MEETING CALENDAR Council on Aging of Central Oregon Senior Lunch Tuesdays, noon, Sisters Al-Anon Mon., noon, by Zoom. / Thurs., Community Church. 541-480-1843. 10 a.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran East of the Cascades Quilt Guild 4th Wednesday (September-June), Stitchin’ Church. 541-610-7383. Post. All are welcome. 541-549-6061. Alcoholics Anonymous Thurs. & Friends of the Sisters Library Board Sun., 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m., Transfiguration / Sat., 8 a.m., Episcopal Sisters Church of the Transfiguration / Mon., Go Fish Fishing Group 3rd Monday, 5 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran 7 p.m. Sisters Community Church. All Church / Big Book study, Tues., noon, ages welcome. 541-771-2211. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church / Heartwarmers (fleece blanketmakers) Gentlemen’s meeting, Wed., 7 a.m., 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Sisters City Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church / Hall. Materials provided. 541-408-8505. Sober Sisters Women’s meeting, Thurs., Hero Quilters of Sisters Thursday, 1 to noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran 4 p.m. 541-549-1028 or 541-719-1230. Church / Step & Tradition meeting, Fri., Citizens4Community, Let’s Talk noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran 3rd Monday, 5:30 to 8 p.m. RSVP at Church. 541-548-0440. Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver Military Parents of Sisters Meetings Support Group 1st Tuesday, noon, are held quarterly; please call for details. SPRD bldg. 800-272-3900. 541-388-9013. Black Butte Ranch Bridge Club Oregon Band of Brothers – Sisters Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., BBR community Chapter Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., room. Partner required. 541-595-6236. Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-549-6469. SAGE (Senior Activities, Gatherings Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild & Enrichment) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. For Saturday meeting dates and to 4 p.m. at Sisters Park & Recreation location, email: District. 541-549-2091. Central OR Spinners and Weavers Sisters Aglow Lighthouse Guild One Saturday per month, Jan. 4th Saturday, 10 a.m., Ponderosa Lodge thru Oct. For schedule: 541-639-3217. Meeting Room. 503-930-6158.


Sisters Area Photography Club 2nd Wednesday, 4 p.m., meeting by Zoom. 541-549-6157.

Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 1 p.m. Suttle Tea. 503-819-1723.

Sisters Area Woodworkers 1st Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. 541-639-6216.

Sisters Trails Alliance Board 1st Monday, 5 p.m. Sisters Library. Public welcome. 808-281-2681.

Sisters Astronomy Club 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m., SPRD. 541-549-8846.

Sisters Veterans Thursdays, noon, Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-903-1123. Sisters Bridge Club In-person gathering suspended until further notice. Three Sisters Irrigation District For free online bridge info, Board of Directors 1st Tuesday, call Barbara 541-914-6322. 4 p.m., TSID Office. 541-549-8815. Sisters Caregiver Support Group 3rd Tues., 10:30 a.m., The Lodge in Sisters. 541-771-3258.

Three Sisters Lions Club 2nd Tuesday, noon, Ray’s Food Place community room. 541-419-1279.

Sisters Cribbage Club Please call for details. 541-923-1632.

VFW Post 8138 and American Legion Post 86 1st Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-903-1123.

Sisters Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors 4th Tuesday, 6 p.m. Location information: 541-549-1193. Sisters Kiwanis Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Brand 33 Restaurant at Aspen Lakes. 541-410-2870.

Weight Watchers Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in, Sisters Community Church. 541-602-2654.


Sisters Parent Teacher Community 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Sisters Saloon. 541-480-5994.

Black Butte School Board of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 3:45 p.m., Black Butte School. 541-595-6203.

Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting by Zoom. 541-668-6599.

Sisters School District Board of Directors One Wed. monthly, SSD Admin Bldg. See schedule online at 541-549-8521 x5002.

Sisters Red Hats 1st Friday. Location information: 541-279-1977. Sisters Rotary 1st and 3rd Thursdays, Noon, Aspen Lakes. 541-760-5645.

Sisters Middle School Parent Collaboration Team 1st Tuesday, 2 p.m., SMS. 541-610-9513.

CITY & PARKS Sisters City Council 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-549-6022. Sisters Park & Recreation District Board of Directors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m., SPRD bldg. 541-549-2091. Sisters Planning Commission 3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall. 541-549-6022.

FIRE & POLICE Black Butte Ranch Police Dept. Board of Directors Meets monthly. 541-595-2191 for time & date. Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board of Directors 4th Thursday, 9 a.m., Black Butte Ranch Fire Station. 541-595-2288. Cloverdale RFPD Board of Directors 3rd Wed., 7 p.m., 67433 Cloverdale Rd. 541-548-4815. Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday, 5 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 541-549-0771. Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Drills Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 301 S. Elm St. 541-549-0771. This listing is for regular Sisters Country meetings; email information to


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


COCC professor earns prestigious award Central Oregon Community College (COCC) English professor Stacey Donohue, Ph.D., was selected to receive the Modern Language Association’s 2020 Francis Andrew March Award, a national postsecondary honor that recognizes distinguished service to the profession of English. Donohue was to receive the award at a January 9 virtual ceremony. Named for the nation’s first postsecondary English professor, who taught at Lafayette College, the Francis Andrew March Award honors the English scholar and teacher “who accepts responsibility for strengthening the life and work of departments, the field and the English studies community considered as a whole.” Past recipients have included scholars from such institutions as Stanford University and Smith College. “It is highly unusual for a community college professor to receive the Francis Andrew March Award,” said Annemarie Hamlin, Ph.D., instructional dean at COCC. “In the 33-year history of the award, Stacey is only the third recipient from a community college.” The MLA’s membership is largely comprised of four-year colleges and universities. “Stacey shares the roster with eminent scholars and leaders from Ivy League institutions and major public universities, and her work has been every bit as essential to the organization as the

City of Sisters bulletin By Cory Misley City Manager


Stacey Donohue of COCC received the Modern Language Association’s 2020 Francis Andrew March Award. work of those luminaries,” Hamlin said. Donohue, a faculty member at COCC since 1995, has served the discipline through leadership, mentorship and participation with organizations such as the MLA — including as a national teaching institute facilitator — for many years. “She’s helped shaped the discipline on the local and national landscapes,” said Hamlin. In 2018, Donohue received the Association for Women in Community Colleges’ College Excellence Award and its Carolyn DesJardins Leadership Award.

As we welcome 2021, it is important to remember the simple things to be thankful for in life. Even one of the essential components of both our physical health and economic livelihood can sometimes be overlooked. The City is responsible for the planning, financing, construction, and maintenance of the water system that provides some of the best municipal drinking water anywhere. Everything from homes, schools, businesses, and firefighting require clean, reliable, and adequate water pressure and volume constantly at the tap. We are very fortunate for the quality and quantity of our water natural resource. At the same time, it has taken, and will continue to take, strategic investment and stewardship by the City year after year to sustain this service and resource. The City Council at the beginning of every calendar year establishes goals and key projects for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The Council continues to prioritize and invest in essential infrastructure, which among other projects currently includes designing, drilling, and constructing the City’s fourth municipal

water well (Well 4). The City has three wells pulling water from aquifers deep below us and serving the system from multiple locations. The City’s Public Works Director, Paul Bertagna, has led the way on keeping the water system as one of our top priorities to keep up with demand. In the City’s 2017 Water Master Plan, Well 4 was originally anticipated for construction later this decade in fiscal year 2027/28. Due to growth and increasing demand, the City moved Well 4 to this fiscal year to ensure excellent redundancy in the system with an additional 33 percent pumping capacity totaling 4,050 Gallons Per Minute (GPM). At the January 13 City Council meeting, the Council will review and consider approval of a $713,317 contract for the construction of Well 4 Phase B. You may have seen a well drilling rig on City property near the Creekside Campground. That work was for Well 4 Phase A that consisted of constructing, developing, and testing a municipal water supply well in the volcaniclastic and basalt formations typical in the Deschutes Basin. The well depth ended at 293-feet with 200-feet of 16-inch casing and 100 feet of 12-inch liner assembly.



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Sisters salutes...

David Poole wrote: I would like to thank Three Sisters Backcountry, and especially their employee, Johan. On December 19, 2020, I was out in the Three Creeks area with my son, who was scouting for his late-season elk tag. We ended up on a backroad and got stuck in the snow. We were unable to get free and broke our tire chains in the process. Johan with Three Sisters Backcountry came to our aid and gave us a ride out to some friends who were waiting for us. It was very kind of Johan to come get us as he took time away from his business to help us.

This work included drilling, casing, screening, grout seal, developing, and testing as required for a complete 1,500 GPM well. Phase A is successfully complete. The Phase A and Phase B estimate for Well 4 was $1,200,000 budgeted through the City’s Water System Development Charge (SDC) Fund. SDCs are paid when new construction connects to the system so that growth pays for growth. The total cost for Well 4 is contracted to be $1,200,037 with Phase B construction anticipated to start in February and substantial completion within 150 calendar days. A heartfelt thank you to Cris Converse, daughter of Dorro Converse Sokol, an icon of the Sisters community, who donated a substantial water right to the City on behalf of her mother. Also, a special thanks to the City’s Public Works Department who keep everything flowing 24/7/365: Paul Bertagna, Troy Rayburn, Gus Johnson, Doug McIntosh, Josh Stotts, Tod Milburn, Travis Quimby, Jackson Dumanch, and Robin Bentz (recently retired). If you would like to learn more about this project you can visit the City’s website and view the staff report in the Council meeting packet.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Doc Ryan serves up new music By Jodi Schneider Correspondent

For Central Oregon guitarist-singer-songwriter and orthopedic surgeon Michael “Doc” Ryan, it’s American Roots music, pure and simple. Ryan has a passion for playing that “alternative country” sound — the wideranging genre that includes bluegrass, folk, and traditional country, sometimes mixed up with blues, rock, and jazz. Ryan, playing acoustic guitar and harmonica, set up a livestream event and recording session with the DiRT Trio Band at The Belfry in Sisters in early June. The Belfry in Sisters has been closed to live performances because of COVID19 and has morphed into a recording studio for a few artists since June 2020. Ryan told The Nugget, “Our Belfry experience became a marathon recording session July 22-26 where most of my third album was completed.” David Jacob-Strain produced Ryan’s album, “Stories, Tales, Truth,” while Keith Banning at Grange Recorders was the engineer for all sessions. Ryan noted, “I was extremely fortuitous to have David ‘off’ tour and Keith’s schedule open. Local artist Dennis McGregor and singer-songwriter Beth Wood added backup vocals to several tracks and came into the studio together. Beth had recorded a session at The Belfry earlier in June, before my livestream. We were able to talk her into coming back in.” Ry a n m e t J a c o b s Strain at the 2012 Sisters Folk Festival Songwriters Academy. Jacobs-Strain was one of the performing artists and song academy instructors. “We met and played one of my original songs at the song academy,” Ryan said. “I was recording my first album at the time and I asked David if he wouldn’t mind playing on a few of my songs on it and

he agreed.” All the performances at the Belfry were fully masked unless performing and all vocal stations were spaced well apart. Ryan noted, “We were not able to do any gang vocals together because we needed to maintain social distancing guidelines. We set up JP Garau and his keyboards in an airplane hangar next to Sisters Airport. We would record when the fire service helicopters weren’t landing or taking off.” Originally from Texas, Ryan moved to Bend in 1995 to work as an orthopedic surgeon. He’s been a key member of the Central Oregon music scene since the mid-2000s. “My uncle inspired me to play guitar when I was young. Back in the 1960s in a suburb of Dallas my uncle came to live with us in our spare room,” Ryan said. “He had ridden his homebuilt motorcycle and had a Harmony acoustic guitar. He would play folk songs of that era. I later got my own acoustic guitar, playing for hours at a time. When I entered high school, I was drawn back to some of the acoustic music of Neil Young and Stephen Stills. Also, John Denver. What has defined my songwriting later in my life was having the exposure to the Texas singer-songwriters who have inspired me the most. They are not always great musicians or accomplished vocalists, but they tell an honest story from the heart. I would try to see Ray Wylie Hubbard, Jimmy and Stevie Vaughn, Jerry Jeff Walker in smaller clubs then later Robert Earl Keen, Joe Ely and others.” Ryan has travelled with an old acoustic Guild guitar and played more campfires than stages. He draws inspiration from years of spending time outdoors on the rivers and in the mountains of Colorado and Utah. In 2004, Ryan and other doctor friends formed the band “One Night Only.”

They began the musical event known as “Church of Neil” which celebrates the life and music of Neil Young. This event was in its 16th year and united a large part of Bend’s music community. “One Night Only” became the “Docs of Rock” and for several years they played fundraisers for nonprofit and charity events in Central Oregon. In 2014, Ryan took a sabbatical with his family to travel the world. He intensified his musical experience by busking with street musicians in Fiji and New Zealand, performing in cafés by invitation, and recording in deep canyons in the Australian Outback. Doc and his family eventually traveled to Thimphu, Bhutan, where he discovered and played a weekly gig at the Mojo Park Bar, Bhutan’s only blues bar and venue for western music. Ryan played with The Wychus Creek Band for eight years, performing and recording together before the DiRT Trio band was established in 2019.


Doc Ryan’s latest album, “Stories, Tales, Truth,” was produced by David Jacob-Strain. Keith Banning at Grange Recorders was the engineer. “I was working on getting back to a simpler setup. It was great because we could still perform, practice and record in a socially distanced setup, so the summer of 2020 was weirdly busy!” Pre-COVID, Ryan had gigs in Sisters, Terrebonne, Bend and events in Madras, Redmond, and Tumalo, He brought his unique and original take on American music to fundraisers, ranch hoedowns, deck parties, house

concerts and weddings. The DiRT Trio band and The Wychus Creek Band have performed regular shows and events at The Volcanic Theatre Pub, The Les Schwab Amphitheater, The Old Stone Church, The Belfry in Sisters and the Faith, Hope, and Charity Events Center in Terrebonne. Ryan is now playing regionally with his band bringing original and selected covers to folks virtually.

Sustaining the arts...


Ivette Tijerino, the Sisters community engagement and philanthropy coordinator for St. Charles Health System, recently presented a check for their 2021 sponsorship to Sisters Folk Festival staff members Crista Munro, Brad Tisdel, Teresa Mills and Dave Ehle.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Scottie Wisdom&Faith Jean Russell Nave

A Scottie New Year Of all the New Years during the past nearly threequarters of a century I’ve lived, I don’t remember a year I’ve greeted with so much hope in my heart. We’ve said goodbye to a very difficult year and our hearts are filled with hope that 2021 will be much better. Our Scotties don’t see any difference. They had all the food they love, their daily walks, and warm beds. Life has been the same for them. Maybe it is because they accept life as it comes without the fear we humans often carry. A few years ago I lived through a year with a stage four cancer diagnosis. Two years later the cancer returned. Those were tough years that I was happy to see end; but nothing has been like 2020. The difficult thing for me has been

watching so much fear and pain in others. It’s one thing to deal with personal problems; it’s very different to see friends and family afraid and in pain. Our local news media have done a good job telling us about the generosity of our neighbors. That is the beautiful side of COVID19. But they also show us way too much suffering. Now is a perfect time to renew or deepen our relationship with our Creator. Each of us can relinquish fear and turn to love this year. This is the year to return to all the basic truths we know that transcend formal religion but represent faith in something greater than ourselves. Let’s begin by remembering that every neighbor, regardless of race, creed, color, politics or sexual orientation is our brother. When we love them as brothers, that love grows and comes back to us. Love is an energy that develops as it is given away. Love cures fear, and helps remove the objects of fear. COVID-19, the disease, isn’t the cause of most of the suffering we see. But the fear of COVID19 has caused undue pain, making many people stop supporting our local businesses, which then causes neighbors to lose their livelihoods. It is one thing to be careful, quite another to become obsessively frightened and paralyzed. L e t ’s do more.

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Remember to say hello to those we pass on the street. Since so many people are wearing masks, I’ve noticed that they won’t even look at a person they pass. This only adds to the feeling of isolation that causes suffering. Now is the time to be thankful for the amazing gift we have living in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I remember 25 years ago, after we had lived in Central Oregon for a few years, my husband and I packed our four Scotties into our car and traveled through Idaho, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. We looked for any other place that was as nice as this. There were some pretty areas, but nothing offered the outdoor beauty, access to good medical care and reasonable shopping and entertainment that we have here. That trip gave us a new appreciation for our home. When your love for an area grows, your roots get deeper and you give more of yourself to those around you. This is an excellent year to deepen your roots. As the roots grow, you look beneath the superficial and see the greater beauty around you. As your appreciation grows, love grows in your heart, which you can share with others. Two thousand years ago our Creator sent His son, Jesus, to teach us to rise above fear. He showed us that we each have two

powerful forces inside of our mind. The higher mind is divine spirit, the limitless power of our Creator’s love. Love gives us strength, forgiveness, joy and peace. The lower mind is controlled by the ego, which promotes fear. Fear stimulates anger, jealousies, guilt, attack and depression. As we go through the day, one of these two forces guides us. Last year many of us let fear drive most of our actions. Let’s make a commitment to let love guide us this year. We can get stronger, happier and healthier, which will help protect us from COVID-19 and improve the world around us. Love and fear are always there inside of us. We choose which one rules our lives. You may have chosen fear in 2020 but you can choose to change. Fear is a habit and habits are powerful. They live in our subconscious. We spend a lot of time just reacting to life, which means our

subconscious minds dictate most of our actions. Be conscious of love. Don’t let fear limit your life and happiness. The good news is that we can change our lives and improve the lives of those around us. If we work on it every day and check the foundation of each decision, making sure love is inspiring our actions, our lives improve as we lift the shroud of fear. As we change we grow into new, stronger people. Make this little quote given to me by a friend your guiding light for 2021: Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. — Chuang Tzu Become a butterfly this year. Choose love, and fill 2021 with peace and joy. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil. — Hebrews 6:19, NASB

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Marijuana sales soared in 2020 PORTLAND (AP) — Oregon recreational-cannabis sales soared in 2020, peaking during a challenging summer of racial justice protests and coronavirus lockdowns. The result was a record year of business for marijuana purveyors, based on data from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, which oversees marijuana sales, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported. Total marijuana sales in Oregon jumped from $795 million in 2019 to more than $1 billion — $1,110,520,723 — for the year that just ended. Oregonians began buying a lot more recreational cannabis in March when Gov. Kate Brown instituted a stay-athome order and other restrictions in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Sales numbers for marijuana spiked about 20% in March and kept climbing in the following months. In May, Oregon marijuana sales topped $100 million in a single month for the first time. Sales then surpassed $100 million in each of the three months that followed as well, with a high of more than $106 million in July. State tax revenue from marijuana sales in 2020 likely will exceed $150 million.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon



A teachable moment, not to be ignored By Edie Jones Columnist

What do we say to our kids in the wake of the events of January 6, 2021? I ask this question knowing many of us feel what we witnessed was unbelievable, incomprehensible, and inexcusable. No matter our political affiliation, there are lessons to be learned by us adults and our kids. This is a teachable moment of which I implore every parent, with children old enough to understand what happened, to take advantage. What are these lessons? • Preparedness. Without more information, none of us know why the Capitol Police appeared so unready for the onslaught of people. As in all situations, planning ahead is paramount. This is why we teach our kids to pay attention to the weather, why we outline what to do in case of a fire, and what to do if they get lost. One of my daughters was indeed “misplaced” for many hours. Her instinct and training told her to stay where she was, a maneuver that aided authorities and others to eventually find her. • The importance of

thinking about what’s happening so good judgment can help in deciding how to behave. Whatever we think motivated President Trump, I think most of us can agree that poor judgment in his choice of words was part of what eventually happened. • The importance of following rules. There is a reason there were barricades set up around the Capitol, just like there are rules for visitors coming into our public schools. There are reasons families have rules for their households and why we ask our children to follow them. As kids grow, they are entitled to know the reasons behind those rules. Nevertheless, if the reasons make sense and it’s important to have a rule (or a law), it is important for it to be observed. • What constitutes free speech? We all value our right to be able to say what is on our mind, however if what we say causes harm to others or our country it isn’t protected under the First Amendment. This applies to obscenities, slander and to yelling that there is fire in a building when no fire exists. Helping our kids understand what this means is explicit to the maturity we want

them to develop. • The importance of telling the truth and relying on facts in what is espoused as truth. This, I believe, is a lesson all parents want their children to internalize. • Respect. All our children have to do to see many examples of outrageous disrespect displayed is to watch coverage of what took place at the Capitol. I encourage parents to point these out to their kids, talk about what was happening and converse about what that kind of behavior means in our everyday lives. Much can be learned about how not to behave from these examples. Even more important is talking about opposite kinds of behavior and how it’s important to be respectful to everyone, no matter our age. • How easy it is to follow the “mob” even when it goes against our best judgment. As we hear of more and more indictments being issued to people who may or may not have been casual bystanders, we wonder how many are regretting their own actions on that day. • Violence or bullying is not the way to accomplish what you want. Pointing out that the joint session of

Congress continued after order was restored is a beautiful example of how neither of these approaches accomplishes anything positive. • Being accountable, taking responsibility, and accepting consequences. Here is probably the most glaring lesson to be taught and learned from January 6. Wherever the responsibility lies for the events that happened and who should be held accountable, consequences will happen. In asking my son, who lives in Germany, about the reactions of the people there, he responded that “the standing of the U.S., in the eyes of Europeans, has plummeted to a very low level and it will take years for its position as a world leader to be restored.” A very sad commentary. I thoroughly believe the more we parents guide our kids to become upstanding, civic-minded citizens, the sooner that restoration can take place. A motto I often share is that “the future of our children depends on the parenting of today.” Today I’m thinking an even more profound statement would be that “the future of our country depends on the parenting of today.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon needs to hear from families as soon as possible so proper teacher preparation and building-use planning can be accomplished. Both the middle school and high school have the capacity to have students enroll in Sisters Educational Options (SEO) as an alternative to the hybrid model. Sisters High School students will largely continue in the same class schedule that has been implemented since the start of the school year, but now with the longawaited chance to be in the building with their teachers and classmates. Students will continue taking classes over six-week terms that include two core classes during the middle portion of the day, with the potential of other classes early and late in the day, depending on students’ needs and choices. In general, ninth and 10th grades will attend school Mondays and Wednesdays, while 11th and 12th grades will be in-person Tuesdays and Thursdays. Details of how to manage elective courses that have all grade levels within them, such as art, are being worked out, according to Hosang. Haney summed up what most school staff are likely feeling when she said, “To say that the task before us is immense is an understatement, but we are more than up for the challenge as we can’t wait to have our students back in the building to finish the year ‘Sisters Strong.’”

Students and families are urged to read all email messages and mailings from the school for complete information about bus schedules, drop-off times and procedures, and comprehensive information about returning to in-school instruction in Sisters.

SCHOOL CONTACT: Middle School phone: 541-549-2099 High School phone: 541-549-4045 Website:

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Safety concerns arise as students set to return them where they are after being away so long.” Correspondent Speaking as the local teacher union president, Even as they welcome SMS teacher Michele the chance to have stuHammer said, “Of course dents back in the classroom there is concern regarding at Sisters Middle School and Sisters High School, the spread of the virus to staff has concerns about staff and what can happen safety in conditions where if multiple staff are exposed COVID-19 cases continue and forced to quarantine to threaten and a vaccine is or become ill. Right now teachers have control over not yet widely available. At both schools, staff their bubble and exposure has been working diligently risk; once students are back to get safety protocols in that control is taken away.” She continued, “We are place so that everyone can concerned that the same remain as safe as possible. thing that happened in Sisters High School Crook County could hapstaff met for two hours on pen here, when they had Friday, January 8, to conso many staff quarantined tinue preparations and, according to Principal Joe they could not operate Hosang, the staff is work- school and were forced to ing together well to give close.” Sisters School District students a good learning teachers are awaiting news environment and experion when they can be vacence. The staff is excited to cinated and the Oregon have the kids back, accordEducation Association is ing to Hosang, but naturally pushing to have teachers there is some apprehension about health and safety. prioritized further given the Hosang acknowledged return to in-person learnthe health concerns for his ing, according to Hammer. There are some indicastaff who still await the tions that staff may get the chance to be vaccinated. first dose before the end “As the building leader, of the month, according I take staff concerns to to Sisters Schools District heart,” he said. “We are S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Curt cautiously excited to have Scholl. the students back and meet By Charlie Kanzig

IMPORTANT DATES: Monday, January 25: Grades 5 and 6 begin at Sisters Middle School Monday, January 25: Grades 9 and 10 begin at Sisters High School Monday, February 1: Grades 7 and 8 begin at Sisters Middle School Monday, February 2: Grades 11 and 12 begin at Sisters High School



is referred to as the “hybrid model” since early in the school year. Students attend Monday through Thursday full-time and work from home on Fridays. The middle school and high school have been conducting school under Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) since last April, but will soon have the opportunity to attend inperson classes on a part-time basis using the hybrid model. Scholl and building administrators will send out further information in the days ahead, making sure families have a clear understanding now of how the middle and high schools will operate under the new plans. The opening of schools in Sisters comes after Governor Kate Brown announced the move to making school-opening guidelines “advisory” rather than mandatory earlier this month. In his January 6 letter, Scholl explained that under the new advisory model, fifth and sixth grades at the middle school and ninth and 10th grades at the high school will begin in-person hybrid instruction on January 25, while seventh and eighth grades and 11th and 12th will begin the following week on February 1. Details are being distributed by principals Alison Haney and Joe Hosang via emails and physical letters in the days ahead, explaining what the daily schedule will look like, how students will enter and move through the school, and what is expected of students and families. Both principals urge families to contact their school if they have not received updates by January 14. Due to the need to manage social distancing, only half of the student population will be on site at any given time at both schools. At Sisters Middle School

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Continued from page 1

(SMS) students are split up alphabetically with half attending Monday and Wednesday and half attending Tuesday and Thursday for full days and all six periods, according to Haney. The balance of the week students will continue with CDL. Haney explained that she and her staff will be using the first week or two back to identify those students who need additional support or remediation and make necessary adjustments that allow some smaller cohorts to attend school Monday through Thursday. An informational video will be delivered to middle school students and families via email on the afternoon of Thursday, January 14, to help everyone understand schedules, protocols, cohorts and more. “We want all parents to be well-informed,” Haney said. She urges parents who are not receiving updates from SMS to call the school (541549-2099) and verify email addresses and contact information. The school will provide printed copies of information for families that prefer it over email if it is requested. In addition, Haney will conduct a question-andanswer meeting via Zoom on January 19 to cover any remaining questions before the start up. Haney, understanding that some families may not feel ready to have their children start in-person instruction,


SCHOOL: Half of SMS and SHS students will be on site at a time



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RYAN: Retiring mayor most proud of Sisters’ visioning process Continued from page 1

under City Manager Cory Misley, has a highly qualified staff that keeps the City humming, and boards and commissions peopled by qualified citizens selected from the largest pool of candidates to ever step forward to volunteer. The City is in a strong financial position and able to make plans for the future. The successful completion of the Sisters Country Vision, championed by Ryan, laid the groundwork for the Sisters 2040 Comprehensive Plan update currently underway. In response to questions posed by The Nugget, Ryan offered his assessment of the work done by the City Council under his leadership, and the health of the City as he leaves office. What are you most proud of? Without a doubt, I am most proud of our visioning process for Sisters Country. I have always been a forward planner and this process provides exactly that for our community. All the key organizations of the city and county, along with community volunteers and consultants, came together to make the visioning a serious process that has already achieved great accomplishments and has the potential for even more significant progress. And the best part of the visioning is that it is a community plan with 20 key strategies the community voted for as the most pressing needs

for Sisters Country. I look forward to the continuation of this progress and the updated Sisters Comprehensive Plan which will use many of the facets of the visioning in its formation. I am proud of the progress we made in expanding affordable housing in Sisters and partnering with organizations like Housing Works, Hayden Homes, and Habitat for Humanity. I have been told many times as mayor that Sisters led the way for Deschutes County in our ability to expand affordable housing in a town that has to constantly balance its attractiveness to people who can afford to live here vs. people who work here but find it unaffordable to live here. I am proud of the stability and overall healthy morale of our staff, Council, and supporting boards/commissions the last four years. There was definitely some significant turmoil and prognosticators that focused on negative aspects of the City and its management. That corner has clearly been turned, as evidenced recently by the amount of interest from the community to join City Council or other City boards/ commissions. Having a strong city manager and supporting staff, along with an engaged Council, cannot be underestimated as the main reason for this progress. I am proud of our newly signed contract with the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office and our ability to expand and commit to community policing for Sisters. I am proud of the economic progress and diversification that we have made in Sisters. Our partnership


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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon with EDCO was a bit tenuous when I started as mayor, partly due to the amount of turnover in both staff (especially the city manager position) and Council. Stability and trust have allowed both organizations to thrive and focus on improving our overall economy. This is highly evidenced by the growth and maturity of the local EDCO Board of Directors that is driving this progress. Finally, I am proud of our many businesses and not-forprofit organizations and their tenacity to adapt and survive through devasting wildfire seasons and the recent pandemic. What do you wish could have been accomplished but wasn’t? Honestly, I have no regrets. In the four years as mayor, I believe our Council was known for tackling prevailing issues head on. Obviously, the pandemic shifted focus somewhat this last year, but we continued to be proactive. Similar to the EDCO relationship progress above, the City is committed to planning the future relationship with the Chamber of Commerce and determining what structure would be best for Sisters and its businesses going forward. Those discussions are under way, but progress was a bit slower due to the pandemic. Finally, I do feel that we need to be more proactive in overall government in regard to lowering the risk of future catastrophic wildfires. Recent events are foretelling of what will continue to happen unless major change is made at all levels of government. What did you see as the biggest challenges of your tenure and how were they

met or not met? In my private life, the saying was always pairing “challenges with opportunities” and again I am so proud of our Council and staff for tackling so many issues, as evidenced by the accomplishments I listed above. As I said, there was definitely a bit of a cloud hanging over our City for some time, and every surrounding town and the county knew about it. I could never understand why, given how special this place that we live in is, so I wanted to see if I could help turn that around with my previous private experience. I believe honesty, lack of personal bias, hard work and having the City’s best interests at heart are so important as the key attributes for City Council, staff, and the supporting boards/ commissions to have, and that makeup is what drove our turnaround to what is now an admired City for its management and communication style. Your hope for the coming year for the City and Council? Simply continue the positive trend we have established. The updated Comprehensive Plan will be the biggest task, as that provides the roadmap for how we grow and how we manage and balance that growth. The momentum is already there for a successful process, and keeping the community informed and engaged will be paramount. Words of wisdom for the incoming Council and new mayor? This one is easy: First and foremost, hire great city managers and let them hire and maintain great City staff.

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Chuck Ryan is retiring after serving four years as Sisters’ mayor. Second, let go of any personal bias or ego in your decision making. Third, assuming you’ve done number one right, let staff do their job. Fourth, don’t take on too many tasks that can overload your staff — focus on quality vs. quantity. Lastly, have fun. Don’t take yourself too seriously and remember how lucky we are to be part of this community. What’s next for you? I am so grateful for the four years I spent as mayor, but it does limit my ability to travel and do other things so, as the saying goes, “happy wife, happy life.” It is time for me to free up my time somewhat to allow us to enjoy our family and explore the country and kick back a bit.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

For the Birds: Salmonella and irrupting finches By Elise Wolf Correspondent

A c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y, small, striped brown birds with flashy hints of yellow are swarming bird feeders. These delightful birds are pine siskins. Since October of 2020, the tiny finches have streamed south by the thousands in a record-breaking migration event. In one sighting, birders counted a cloud of over 5,000 in October in Cape May, New Jersey. The pine siskins are not alone; evening grosbeaks, common redpoll, Cassin’s finch, red crossbill, and even red-breasted nuthatch have abandoned the north because the cone crop is lacking. Mass movements like these, called “irruptions,” explain why one year you might find just a few of a species at the feeder, and the next a



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barrage. These finches target the seeds, cones, and buds of the mountain and boreal forests that cross Alaska and Canada. They’re currently amassing in forests throughout the country and on urban cone-bearing trees and bird feeders, even making surprise appearances in the Gulf states and Bermuda. Unfortunately, some are falling ill with bacterial infections from a potent salmonella strain, S. Typhimurium. Originally from agricultural poultry farms, salmonella is now a world traveler, affecting birds as remote as Antarctic penguins. The finch family of birds is all particularly vulnerable to this intestinal squatter. Pine siskins are getting hit hard with it. Salmonella is a survivalist; it can last weeks to months in the environment, enduring freezing and hot

temperatures. The longer a pathogen lives, the more it accumulates. Anywhere fecal matter can contaminate food or water is a danger zone; sadly, that is some of our most popular feeders. A bird sitting in a tray of food can be spreading disease. Michelle Dennehy of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) explains that, “Salmonella, e. coli, and other bacteria along with viruses, parasites, and fungal diseases can be passed at feeders that don’t get cleaned regularly.” Stress is also a launching pad for disease. Pine siskins swarmed south due to a lack of food. That hunger, along with cold weather, creates a lot of stress. In pine siskins, salmonella is often lethal. The bacteria affect the intestinal tract, preventing food digestion,

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and then invade the organs and brain. Ill birds appear tired and lethargic, sitting for long periods at the feeder or perhaps acting tame when approached. You may find them deceased. The good news is that we can fight disease at the feeder by being good stewards. “When you feed birds, be sure to start with clean feeders and to disinfect feeders,” says Dr. Colin Gillin, ODFW State Wildlife Veterinarian. Here are a few key tips: • If birds are dying at your feeder, remove the finch feeders for a couple of weeks. • Remove any feeder that lets a bird get their rear over the food. • Wash feeders once a week if you have large numbers and/or sick birds. • Thoroughly disinfect feeders: take apart, scrub, wash, soak in 10 percent

bleach bath, wash with soap and water, rinse, dry thoroughly. • Wash birdbaths. Use bleach if you can without getting it in the environment. • Feed individual seeds in feeders, so seeds are not tossed to the ground. • Avoid wood, flat, or seed-catching type feeders. • Mesh and hoppers work great (Sisters Feed Store has a nice hopper and is stocked up on seed). • Clean and remove debris from under the feeder. • Spread the feeders out rather than congregating them. For more information go to blog. You can call ODFW at 866-968-2600 or email Text Native Bird Care at 541-728-8208 if you see sick birds.


A N N O U N C E M E N T S Sisters Arts Association Annual Meeting

The Sisters Arts Association (SAA) is holding its annual member meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, January 26 at 10 a.m. To register, go to www., click on “Events/Annual Meeting” and fill out the form. Those who do will receive an invitation by email to join the meeting. Sign-up deadline is Sunday, January 24 at 10 a.m. SAA will review its accomplishments during 2020, despite the pandemic. During this Zoom meeting, participants will be able to meet the board, learn about plans for 2021, and how they can participate. Stick with the meeting and at the end a name will be drawn to receive a complimentary membership for 2021, worth $50.

Let’s Talk! Building Trust

Citizens4Community invites Sisters Country to ring in the new year with a robust, online Let’s Talk! panel discussion from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 18. Panelists and attendees will share their thoughts about building trust, relationships and effective collaboration in Sisters, even during times punctuated by strong disagreement and COVID stress. Diverse perspectives are welcome. Panelists will include Nugget Editor Jim Cornelius and City Manager Cory Misley. Let’s Talk! is free and spotlights a different local topic each third Monday of the month. To RSVP/receive the Zoom link, email: citizens4community@ Read more at

Career Funds Available

Applications are available for the Sisters Kiwanis Career Opportunity Fund to help adult residents of Sisters establish an occupational path. Pick up forms at the Kiwanis House, corner of Oak and Main, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursdays, and during regular hours from the Sisters Habitat for Humanity office. For more information, call 541-719-1254.

Furry Friends Has Moved!

The Furry Friends office is now located at 412. E. Main Ave., Ste. 4 behind The Nugget office. Though the office is closed to the public, the pet food bank is still open for no contact porch pick ups. For more information or to schedule pick up, call or text 541-797-4023.

Weekly Food Pantry

Wellhouse Church has a weekly food pantry on Thursdays. Food will be distributed drive-through style from 12:30 until all food is picked up at the Wellhouse Market building, 222 N. Trinity Way. People in need of food may pick up a bag of food for their household. Other Sistersarea churches are joining with Wellhouse Church to contribute both financially and with volunteers to help sustain the program. Info: 541-549-4184.

Sponsor an Impoverished Child from Uganda

Hope Africa International, based in Sisters, has many children awaiting sponsorship! For info go to or call Katie at 541-719-8727.

Free Weekly Grab-N-Go Lunches For Seniors

The Council on Aging of Central Oregon is serving ng seniors (60+) free Grab-N-NGo lunches on Tuesdays, ys, Wednesdays, and Thursdays sdayss each week. The lunchess are distributed on a first-come, ome, first-served basis drivethrough style from 12 too 12:30 p.m. at the Sisterss Community Church, 1300 W. Mckenzie Hwy. Seniors may drivee through the parking lott and pick up a meal each ch h day of service. Come on by, no need to make a reservation. For more info please call 541-678-5483.

Please call the church before attending to verify current status of services as restrictions are adjusted.

SISTERS-AREA CHURCHES Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA) 386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Community Church (Nondenominational) 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201 10 a.m. Sunday Worship (with signing) | St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 9 a.m. Sunday Mass 8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass Calvary Church (NW Baptist Convention) 484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 541-588-6288 10 a.m. Sunday Worship | The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration 68825 Brooks Camp Rd. • 541-549-7087 8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare)

Chapel in the Pines Camp Sherman • 541-549-9971 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Church of the Nazarene 67130 Harrington Loop Rd. • 541-389-8960 | 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship | Wellhouse Church 442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 | 10 a.m. Sunday Worship (Indoor & Outdoor Venues available) Vast Church (Nondenominational) 541-719-0587 • 5 and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Worship at 442 Trinity Way (Wellhouse building). See for details. Seventh-Day Adventist Church 386 N. Fir St. • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303 11 a.m. Saturday Worship The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670; 10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting Baha’i Faith Meetings Devotional Gatherings, Study Classes and Discussion Groups. Call for location and times • 541-647-9826

PET OF THE WEEK Humane Society of Central Oregon 541-382-3537

Meet PRINCE, a regal 10-month-old rabbit who is eager to meet his forever family! This mellow man loves a good cuddle and has grown accustomed to a rather pampered lifestyle! Prince would prefer to be the only rabbit in the home so that he can be the center of attention and spoiled silly like a prince should be! If you are looking for a clever rabbit who loves to cuddle then Prince is the bunny for you!


Black Butte Veterinary Clinic 541-549-1837


SISTERS Bill Bartlett Columnist

Vaccine guilt Imagine my surprise when I got a text and an email within minutes of each other Wednesday night from St. Charles Health System (SCHS) telling me to schedule the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination for the next day. I was so sure that it was a scam or malware that I reported it to hospital security. I mean it looked real, but why, pray tell, would I be in line for the vaccination at this point in time? I keep reading of the disastrous roll out in every state including ours. Of upwards of 35 percent of nurses and other healthcare workers in some locales refusing it, allowing more and more unused doses to pile up. Of members of the African American community being suspicious of its intent, residual from the 1932 Tuskegee Study of Black men. Of nursinghome patients not being higher on the list. It wasn’t a scam, the hospital informed me, and at 5 p.m. Thursday I got the first of two doses. I’m fairly sure I am the first nonmedical professional or first responder in town to be vaccinated. Thirty-three of our Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Station 701 personnel have been dosed during one of three sessions held at St. Charles, Bend, the only place in the county currently with the vaccine. Likewise, our Sheriff’s deputies were included in that round. It had taken me over an hour to accept the idea that it was OK to get it despite being healthy and fully believing that if I got the


darned virus I would survive it. I agonized (OK, that’s an exaggeration) — but I really, really stressed and fought the idea. How could I arrange for someone needier than I to get my place? It just feels so wrong. Being in comparatively safe Sisters makes the whole thing even more frustrating. Yeah, I’m a St. Charles volunteer, and hence my eligibility, but so is our golden retriever, Robbie. We are a therapy dog team at the Redmond hospital. Hardly what you’d call frontline healthcare workers. But that’s not how SCHS sees it. There are roughly 500 volunteers across the system with an accumulated 50,000 hours of service in 2019. At $15/hr. equivalent value that’s a $750,000 direct benefit to the community. Since February, volunteers have not been admitted to any of the four St. Charles hospitals, putting the burden on their myriad services on the already overtaxed staff dealing with the pandemic. Getting vaccinated gets us back to work to help alleviate the workload. Fire Chief Roger Johnson and I marveled at the military-like precision of the vaccine administration. I was among the 494 vaccinated on Thursday, between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m., an operation that will continue every day until doses are exhausted and again when more arrive. Today I have only the normal, expected arm soreness at the injection site. I am incredibly grateful for the massive effort to get shots in the arms. We think only of the 600-plus million doses needed. That also means 600 million needles and syringes, over a billion documents, and the thousands and thousands of healthcare workers to get the job done. When your time comes, it’s imperative that you get the vaccine. Estimates vary, but somewhere around 90 percent of the population needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity and kick this thing in the butt. Indeed, it takes a village. Do your part.

Stella & Chewy’s! High-quality dog food, raw, frozen and freeze-dried with emphasis on nutrition, safety, and convenience.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Country birds SAA to host virtual meeting By Douglas Beall Correspondent

The Sisters Arts Association (SAA) is holding its annual member meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, January 26 at 10 a.m. To participate, complete a form at the website, www. Those who do will receive an invitation by email to join the meeting. The signup deadline is Sunday, January 24, at 10 a.m. SAA will review its accomplishments during 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. These include an enthusiastic general meeting in January, an increase in members and donors, and two Fourth Friday Artwalks, the safely-conducted Artist Studio Tour in late September, and one member meeting held under conditions of social distancing and masking. The Sisters Gallery Map was also updated to include new galleries and places where hungry visitors to Sisters can find a bite to eat along the way. During this Zoom meeting, participants will be able to meet the board, learn about plans for 2021 and how they can participate. Those who wish to get involved may visit www.sistersartsassociation. org and click on “Events/ Annual Meetingâ€? to register. At the end of the meeting, a name will be drawn to receive a complimentary membership for 2021, worth $50.

Williamson’s Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus thyroideus) are generally found in the mountains of the western U.S. where they prefer forests of older coniferous trees. Sapsuckers are a specialized group of woodpeckers that do not actually suck sap. After pecking neat rows in trees to cause sugary sap to flow, sappys lick it up with tongues tipped with stiff hairs. This also brings insects, which are gleaned by hummingbirds and warblers. The radically different plumages between the male and female so confounded 19th-century naturalists they thought the birds were of a different species. M a l e Wi l l i a m s o n ’s Sapsuckers begin to establish territories before females arrive on the breeding grounds. Courtship usually involves the male making a bounding flight on fluttering wings toward the female, perching beside her, and swinging the head side to side while giving staccato calls. Males are very territorial

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Williamson’s Sapsucker.

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at this time of year, chasing away other males. Their territory can be as large as 10 acres. They nest in cavities in trees, laying four to six glossy white eggs which incubate for 14-16 days and the hatchlings fledge the nest in three to four weeks. T h e W i l l i a m s o n ’s Sapsucker took its name from Lt. Robert Williams, a surveyor who collected the first male in 1855. He traveled Central Oregon to conduct the Pacific Railroad Survey. A group of sapsuckers are known as a “slurp.â€? For more photos visit www. abirdsingsbecauseithasa



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25 MON

Deschutes Public Library: Botany Meets Biology – The Plight of the Sage Grouse 6 p.m. Dr. Stu Garrett discusses the decreasing grouse population. Registration is required at Deschutes Public Library: Writing About Home with Elizabeth Wetmore 6:30 p.m. Native Texan and author of “Valentine,� the bestselling debut set in the oil fields of Texas in the 1970s, discusses the influence of place in her work. Live Zoom event. Go to Deschutes Public Library: Placed - An Encyclopedia of Central Oregon 2 p.m. Editors Irene Cooper and Ellen Santasiero discuss “Placed,� a composition of writings based on place and phenomena unique to Central Oregon. Registration is required at Deschutes Public Library: Oregon’s African American History 5 p.m. Delve into the history of African Americans in Oregon with Kim Moreland, the vice president of Oregon Black Pioneers. Go to

26 TUE


Deschutes Public Library: Trivia with the Librarians 6 p.m. Test your literary and 2020 knowledge! Go to www.


Deschutes Public Library: Karyn Ann Patridge Performs Indie-Soul/Folk 5 p.m. Portland-based singersongwriter. Go to

27 WED


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


ANIMALS THAT HIBERNATE WORDFIND Find words forwards or backwards, horizontally or diagonally.





















SUDOKU Easy Peasy! Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down, and each small nine-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Executive skills and your child’s success By Mitchell Luftig Columnist

According to Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, “executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. … the brain needs this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses.” Executive Skills enable your child/adolescent to: • Set meaningful goals. • Develop a plan (roadmap) that lays out

the steps to take to complete a goal, materials that will be needed, and how much time each step should take. • Recall directions. • Start work right away. • Organize resources (e.g., papers, assignment sheets, books) that are needed to complete assignments. • Decide how much time and effort to allot to each assignment. • Complete work in a logical sequence. • Monitor their work to ensure that they’ve completed assignments correctly. Referring to the following chart, are there weaknesses you can spot in your child/adolescent’s executive skills?

Goal Setting

Living in the moment, children/adolescents may be “blind” to the future and the need to develop and complete short-term and long-term goals.


Children/adolescents may start a project without having gathered the materials they will need, they may not be able to break goals into a series of manageable steps, or they don’t give themselves sufficient time to complete a project. Children/adolescents may find it difficult to get started, leading parents and teachers to conclude they are just being oppositional.


Children/adolescents may be disorganized, losing important papers, turning in incomplete work, or creating unrealistic schedules.


Children/adolescents may spend too much time on small projects while neglecting big projects. They may not be able to pick out “key ideas” when note-taking. Children/adolescents may “skip steps” in an assignment, may have difficulty telling a story in chronological order, or they may “jump the gun” socially.

Sequence Working Memory

Children/adolescents may find it difficult to recall instructions, juggle multiple tasks, and retrieve relevant information from memory.


Children/adolescents may not check to see if they’ve completed each step of an assignment, they may not pace themselves so they finish a project on time, they may not check an assignment for accuracy before turning it in. Adapted from “overview of executive dysfunction,” Leslie E. Packer, Ph.D.

The following table lays out a powerful strategy that you can use to help your child/ adolescent strengthen their executive skills. It follows the Goal—Obstacle—Plan—Do— Review format. Goal: Ask your child or adolescent to think of a short-term or long-term goal they would like to accomplish. The goal may be academic (improving math skills,

writing a book report), social (asking someone to a school dance, making a new friend), or behavioral (sitting quietly while the teacher is talking, raising a hand before speaking). The next step is to ask your child or adolescent to rewrite their general goal as a smart goal, so that it meets all of the following criteria.


GOAL — OBSTACLE — PLAN — DO — REVIEW SMART GOAL: Ask your child or adolescent to formulate a smart goal. Is the goal they selected... • specific? (I will improve my addition skills) • measurable? (I will complete three math worksheets each day) • attainable? (I can complete worksheets independently) • relevant? (addition facts will help me solve story problems) • time-bound? (I will practice addition skills for three weeks)

Write Smart Goal here:

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________




Brainstorm with your child/adolescent what obstacles might keep them from achieving their goal? (e.g., They procrastinate on starting assignments, they get easily distracted).

Write Obstacles Here:

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

PLAN OF ATTACK Brainstorm with your child/adolescent,

• How will they deal with obstacles? ______________ ___________________________________________

• What materials and resources will they need to achieve their goal? __________________________________ ___________________________________________ • Is there someone they might need help from? ______ ___________________________________________ Break Goal into a Manageable Number of Steps:

Step #1 _______________________________________ Time Frame_____________

Step #2 _______________________________________ Time Frame_____________

Step #3 _______________________________________ Time Frame_____________

Step #4 _______________________________________ Time Frame_____________

DO Your child or adolescent should cross out each step as they complete it


SPECIFIC: Exactly what does your child or adolescent need to do? MEASURABLE: How much needs to be completed before the goal is achieved? ATTAINABLE: The goal should be realistic. RELEVANT: The goal should lead to an improvement in academic, social, or behavioral skills. TIME-BOUND: The goal should be accomplished within a specified amount of time.


Ask your child, Did you achieve your goal? What did you find helpful? What did you learn from your success? Or What didn’t work and why? What would you do differently next time? What did you learn from the experience?

MATH SQUARES Use the numbers 1 through 16 to complete the equations.

Use the numbers 1 through 25 to complete the equations.

Each number is only used once.

Each number is only used once.

Each row is a math equation. Each column is a math equation.

Each row is a math equation. Each column is a math equation.

Remember that multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

Remember that multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

INTERNET: Efforts to get They [the people in Camp service date back to Sherman] have been ’09 for Camp Sherman Continued from page 1

needed to provide fixed wireless service to Camp Sherman and they are currently testing that service at Lundgren’s House on Metolius. He reports that it is both fast and reliable. Owners Josh and Shelly Richesin established Sureline in February 2014 in Madras and have built their customer base throughout Central Oregon. With the addition of Camp Sherman, their service is available from the border of the Warm Springs reservation to La Pine and from Prineville to Camp Sherman covering in excess of 3,664 square miles, with 37 current towers providing dedicated fixed wireless service. Boileau and Richesin have enjoyed working with the people in Camp Sherman. “They have been super

Internet provider will offer range of packages As it brings longawaited broadband internet service to the relatively isolated environs of Camp Sherman, Sureline Broadband offers a series of service packages, each named after a mountain in Central Oregon. At $39 per month, the Mt. Washington is good for surfing the web and checking email, offering up to 5Mbps. There are four more packages available from $49 to $79, each offering a dedicated connection, unlimited data use/ no data caps, no contracts, and no taxes or additional fees. Email is also offered on all packages. The top package available to Camp Sherman will be the Three Fingered Jack (also called the Gamers Package and/or Home Business Package) which is for gaming, hosting, and 4K/HD streaming, or connecting with several network devices. It offers up to 20 Mbps for $89.99 a month. They are currently taking orders for service in Camp Sherman, which can be done by calling the office in Madras at 541-699-0030 or filling out the order form on their website: www.

super nice and easy to work with. As we roll out our service, it will require patience and time. — Boileau and Richesin

nice and easy to work with. As we roll out our service, it will require patience and time. Not everyone will immediately have service. They are a really pleasant community to work with,” they agreed. Both men also acknowledged they are cognizant of the fact that some people will not welcome the internet. “We understand people’s desire to unplug and that’s one of the things they have liked about Camp Sherman — no internet or cell service,” they pointed out. Accordingly, they don’t expect to have everyone subscribe. Richesin commented, “We are excited to be in Camp Sherman. This has been a long time coming and we are standing on the shoulders of others. Now it’s our job to get it done.” Future plans include offering service in Sisters, first as dedicated wireless and eventually offering fiber optic. Richesin indicated the service in Sisters will be commercial-grade.

Obituary Jeanne Ellen Easterling January 5, 1932 — November 27, 2020

Jeanne Ellen (Tiedje) Easterling was born on January 5, 1932, in Tucson, Arizona, to William David Tiedje and Lucile Margaret (Ewer) Tiedje. Her family moved to Creswell, Oregon, in 1943, where she attended Creswell schools. She was an excellent student — serving in many leadership roles — and graduated in 1949. In 1955 she married Paul Topf and had two children. In 1967, she married Jerry Easterling and they had a daughter. Together she and Jerry moved to Grand Ronde, where they raised their family and lived on a farm for over 30 years. After Jerry retired, they eventually settled in Sisters. Jeanne had the rare gift of perfect pitch, and enjoyed both vocal and instrumental music. She was an accomplished pianist and accompanied many school and church choirs, played for numerous weddings and funerals, and many family gatherings. She was also an excellent secretary and bookkeeper. She worked for State Farm for many years, the Holt Adoption Agency (which originated in Creswell), and for watercolor artist Judy Buswell. Judy used Jeanne’s beautiful handwriting for the messages inside her

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lovely illustrated greeting cards. Jeanne was a great cook and excellent baker — and was famous for her chocolate chip cookies. When people walked into her kitchen that was sometimes the first thing they looked for! She was also an avid reader, often reading several books at a time, and loved playing pinochle, doing crossword puzzles, and she cherished time spent with family.

Jeanne is preceded in death by her husband, Jerry Easterling, and her sister, Betty Gilman. She is survived by her three children, Susan Mason of Camas, Washington; Steve Topf of Newberg; and Leith Easterling of Sisters; six grandchildren; and her sister, Barbara Few, of Creswell. Jeanne was a loving sister, wife, mother, grandmother and faithful friend. She will be deeply, deeply missed. A private family service will be held at a later date.

Obituaries Policy: The Nugget Newspaper does not charge a fee to publish obituaries. Obituaries may be up to 400 words and include one photo. Obituaries outside these guidelines are handled by The Nugget Newspaper advertising department. Obituary submissions must be received by noon on Monday. Obituaries may be submitted to The Nugget by email or hand delivery to our office located at 442 E. Main Ave., Sisters.





Honor Roll THANK Students or parents can write personalized thank-you messages* and send them to or drop them off at The Nugget office, 442 E. Main Ave., Sisters. They may appear in our monthly full-page salute in The Nugget!

* Please Limit to 55 words. Messages will run on a space-available basis.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Obituary Winnie St. John

Our friend Winifred Amanda St. John passed peacefully in her sleep in her home in Sisters, on the morning of December 5. Her husband of 40 years, Jeff Omodt, and her two beloved greyhounds were at her side. It was a quiet conclusion to a five-year struggle with a degenerative brain disease. In addition to Jeff, Winnie is survived by two sisters, Valerie Durbin of Davis, California, and Pamela Zurer, of Silver Spring, Maryland. Winnie grew up in Berkeley, California, and received a degree in elementary teaching from UC Berkeley. While she loved her five years of teaching second and fifth grades, she began to crave adult conversation too. So she returned to school at Cal and completed an MBA in finance. Off she went to her new career of accounting and finance in nearby Silicon Valley. From her start as a financial analyst, she moved quickly into supervision and management. Perhaps it was the natural teacher in her that made it so easy for her to manage and supervise others. “Everybody should have a boss like Winnie,” they all said. After separating from a 12-year marriage, Winnie was all set to enjoy the single high life in Silicon Valley. But it was not to be: along came Jeff, also recently divorced. They met, dated for six weeks, and moved in together for what turned out to be 40 years. Asked how she knew Jeff was the one for her, Winnie always had a ready answer: “blue eyes, cute butt, all good.” And it was. Setting up house together soon included the pitter patter of little feet — well, big feet. Winnie was taken by the rescue and adoption needs of former racing greyhounds. Adopting, advocating, and lobbying for their welfare became a passion for the rest of her life, and greyhounds became a part of the family from then on. Spurred initially by Jeff’s business travel, it became their tradition to see how far they could go and visit in just two weeks of vacation every year. After seeing most of wonders of the world, their destinations began to shift to animal and wildlife journeys. Conservation, ecotourism, and awareness of wildlife’s plight became a new advocacy for Winnie. Among her favorites causes were elephants and giraffes. As the allure of Silicon Valley faded, it was time for a career change. In 1993, Winnie and Jeff moved to Napa, California. Jeff became a college professor

teaching business and computer science and Winnie a controller for a worldrenowned winery. Discovering that there actually could be too much of a good thing — fine food and the best wines — they decided it was time to retire. After visiting friends in Eugene, Oregon, that looked like the place to go. They moved to Springfield with five fenced acres for the dogs to run. It seemed perfect at first, but wait, where did the sunshine go? With Springfield too gray and wet for Winnie, she needed one more move. Her sister Pam, a quilter, suggested they all visit the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. So, the sisters went to Sisters in July, 2007, and found 80 degrees, abundant sunshine, and streets filled with color: perfect! It was love at first sight: A beautiful community with a welcoming and inclusive spirit. Let’s move! Winnie and Jeff decided. It didn’t take long before Winnie was involved and over-committed to some of the happiest work she’s ever enjoyed. One of Winnie’s favorites was PEO, a women’s philanthropic educational organization. PEO women are dedicated to raising funds to support scholarships for deserving young women to pursue higher education. (Winnie’s mother was a PEO member who was delighted when Winnie joined the group, as did her sister Valerie.) Winnie jumped in to help form a new local chapter. In the process she made deep and lasting friendships with so many amazing new “sisters.” Many of the comments from those sisters talk about Winnie’s “natural ability to make everyone feel welcome, included, and listened to;” she was loved. Another favorite connection was her beautiful friends at the Shepherd of the Hills church. She was constantly volunteering for everything, including several years as treasurer for the church Always a teacher, she loved tutoring elementary kids who were struggling with reading skills. She was a favorite teacher because “she was also my friend,” her tutees said. Throughout her life, Winnie was beloved for her compassion, intelligence, sense of humor, quick wit, and generosity. She brought passion to all she undertook. In 2015, hiking with her greyhounds one day along the Metolius River, Winnie fell and sustained a serious


SHOP Sisters. Give LOCAL. Bring Smiles head injury. It was the beginning of a five-year degenerative disease that ultimately took her life. Before the impairment was too advanced, Winnie and Jeff were able to take their dream trip of a lifetime: a photo safari to go tent camping for two weeks off the grid on the Serengeti in Tanzania. It was a life-affirming experience. Although that was to be the third and “final” Africa trip, it wasn’t long before talk of another “final” Africa trip arose — maybe just one more. Sadly, Winnie did not regain enough stamina to make another trip, but she did enjoy reliving the previous trip through the over 5,000 photos that Jeff took in just two weeks. Wi n n i e ’s j o u r n e y included a series of rescued ex-racing greyhounds. Each came with bad experiences and special needs, but each had an unlimited capacity to love and forgive. While these beautiful souls were here, she shared love, adventure, and travel with them until they could no longer manage. When they left us, so much richer, we were comforted by the legend of the “Rainbow Bridge.” It’s a place where animals go when they pass, to be restored to full health and to bound around happily waiting for their humans to join them. Winnie has a lifetime of 15 special greyhounds at the bridge now. She has gone to join them, to be restored from her infirmities and walk and run again with them all. How perfect is that? Life is very good! The outpouring of love has been overwhelming. We need to get together to celebrate Winnie’s life well lived. But in the depths of winter, locked down, with COVID19 abounding, now is not the time. But wait: Winnie’s sisters regularly make a family reunion visit in July and include the amazing Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. So that’s the plan, a celebration for Winnie in early July 2021. For quilters there will be a “Celebrating Winnie” quilt exhibit. (Start sewing your entry now.) In lieu of flowers, a donation to an animal welfare organization would please her greatly. A local favorite of hers is the Furry Friends Foundation 541-797-4023, PO Box 1175, Sisters, OR 97759.

The Nugget Newspaper is on a mission to deliver the news and opinions of the greater Sisters area to its residents. We also take pleasure in sharing the heartwarming stories that put a smile on your face as you read; tales of overcoming hardships, neighbors stepping up to help, a community that never quits putting its best foot forward. Readers of The Nugget Newspaper can support our mission by supporting our advertisers, as we will continue to do in any way possible through and beyond the pandemic. We encourage you to do business locally.

Those who would like to make a financial contribution to support SISTERS-AREA SMALL BUSINESSES and NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS can contribute advertising dollars that will allow them to get the word out about their goods and services to the entire Sisters community through the printed and digital Nugget. 100% of donated funds go to the chosen business or organization’s advertising account. Visit and click on “Subscriptions & Support,” choose “Sponsor Small Business Advertising in The Nugget” then indicate which business you’d like to provide funds for on the form, or drop a check in the mail with a business noted on the memo line to: The Nugget, PO Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759. Contributions are not tax-deductible.

The Nugget Newspaper • 541-549-9941 • 442 E. Main Ave., Sisters


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


Continued from page 2

job to perform on Wednesday, January 6. The Constitution of the United States required him to verify the count of certified electors from each state. Yet, when the legally certified electors of Pennsylvania were presented to the Congress assembled, he chose to join a political stunt with no merit and no chance of affecting the election. And this occurred after an attempted coup personally directed by the President that led to the death of six people, so far, including two Capitol police officers. So much for law and order, representative Bentz. You are a disgrace to Oregon. Dean Billing




To the Editor: An open letter to Jim Adkins, Jefferson County Sheriff; Shane Nelson, Deschutes County Sheriff; and Mike Krantz, Chief of the Bend Police Department: I am horrified and outraged by the violence and anarchy perpetrated upon the people of this great country during the insurrection on January 6 in Washington D.C. Each and every rioter who invaded the Capitol on that infamous day should be identified, arrested and appropriately charged. There are many eyewitness reports claiming that law enforcement officers participated in this seditious activity. I am asking that each of our local law enforcement agencies investigate and hold accountable any officers who were involved. It would be wonderful news to learn that none participated; public confidence in these agencies would be greatly enhanced. I fully support and defend all lawful expressions of our First Amendment rights related to freedom of speech, but the violent mob and the deadly events that unfolded were unlawful and should be confronted swiftly and decisively. Law and order applies to all Americans; no one is above the law. Janet Keen




To the Editor: It was encouraging to hear about Lezlie Neusteter’s work to help drug addicts, once released from jail, to have access to addiction treatment. The power of drug addiction cannot be cured by incarceration alone. The YouTube documentary “Seattle is Dying” gives an in-depth view of

the success of Rhode Island’s MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) program. Amazing documentary that all should watch! Treatment actually starts during the inmate’s incarceration to assist them with withdrawals during their prison term and to get their addiction under control. The treatment continues after their prison term is completed to help them stay sober, get jobs and live a drugfree life, thus helping to break the incarceration and homelessness cycle. These programs, done right, have proven to cost less than the repeated incarceration of drug-addicted inmates. I was dismayed to see Neusteter having to ask for donations to support this type of important work. I believe the state of Oregon should focus more on funding these types of programs immediately to help address drug-related homelessness and crimes. Thank you, Lezlie, for your commitment and social service! Cheryl Pellerin




To the Editor: The U.S. Supreme Court on October 28 voted unanimously to not block the Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court decision to allow Pennsylvania to accept absentee ballots for several days after Election Day. The Pennsylvania case was an example of the complications that COVID-19 and a USPS system, slowed by the Trump administration, presented. Cliff Bentz objected to these court decisions and used the certification of the Electoral College votes to voice his objection. Bentz has no say in how Pennsylvania runs its elections. As Senator Graham later said, this was not the time or venue for that objection. Trump attorneys and supporters never presented verifiable evidence of voter fraud to the courts. Attorney General Barr stated there was no widespread fraud. Yet, Trump continues with false claims of fraud, and Bentz feeds that narrative. Five died. Trump told the crowd to fight or you will not have a country. He said he would walk to the Capitol with them. He did not walk with them. He watched TV, in a safe place with his Secret Service protecting him, while his crowd called for Vice President Pence to be hung. While five died. I called (1-202-225-6730) Representative Bentz’s office many times objecting to his contesting the Pennsylvania certified vote. If you objected and did not call, call now. He claims the bulk of his constituents agree with him. Nancy Kelm



To the Editor: The world has never been out to get me. The world doesn’t owe me anything because I’m here. The world certainly doesn’t revolve around me. It astounds me to encounter so many people who view things the opposite of these tenets. They do know that the world is out to get them. Or it owes them things because they exist and have “rights,” which seem more about claims of entitlement than it does about actual rights. Or they offer what they know can be the only correct perspective(s) and the sooner that we all get in line with that thinking the better. The past four years and particularly what occurred on the afternoon of January 6 at the U.S. Capitol Building have brought to bear the vastly differing ranges of perspectives and ways of behaving that people have for dealing with this existence. It also brings to mind something written by T.S. Eliot a century ago: “Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or, they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” Chris Morin




To the Editor: For weeks now, debates have been raging throughout the country about whether Trump and his supporters were attempting to overthrow our democratic and secure election. Phrases like “soft coup” were thrown around as it became obvious that Trump would never accept his defeat. January 6 their attempt to overthrow the will of the people stopped being “soft.” Rioters forced their way into the Capitol Building and violently confronted police officers, damaged and looted staff offices, and most damningly, forced the presidential certification process to be delayed. We know that someone died from a gunshot wound, and officers have been sent to the hospital. In conjunction with this obscene violation of democratic tradition, at least one explosive device was found outside the Republican National Committee headquarters. This is not a normal expression of free speech. This was a concerted and organized effort to obstruct the presidential transition and cast our democracy into chaos. Without doubt, it is a case of domestic terrorism, and likely a treasonous action, for it is an explicitly


See LETTERS on page 19

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Is our housing market crazy? Yes it is…

Dear Property Guy By Mike Zoormajian

Dear Property Guy: What is happening in Central Oregon? I have lived here all my life and have been renting a long time. It’s basically impossible to find a rental. Did I miss something? — Bend Local Dear Local: It’s not your imagination. You are right now experiencing the reality of some pretty big social shifts. People are leaving big cities for places like Bend. Other cool cities like Boise, Laramie, and South Jordan are experiencing the same thing. The result is locals getting pushed out by new arrivals, rising prices, and new construction not keeping up with demand. My crystal ball doesn’t show what the future will hold. But I do know that over the past several months we’ve definitely had a sharp run-up in both rental rates and housing prices. I’ve also seen reduced supply for both, with houses receiving multiple offers and going pending in days. Rentals aren’t lasting long on the market either. The only thing I can offer you is the assurance that it’s a crazy housing market out there, and it’s not just

you… It’s a Bend thing. And a Redmond thing. And a Sisters thing. — Mike Dear Property Guy: We’re taking off for Hawaii this winter. We were thinking of renting our house out while we are gone. What do you think? — Sisters Snowbird

Dear Snowbird: If you can make it work for you, furnished monthlyrentals are pretty hot items. Not only for people who want to come here to vacation or to check it out, but also for people who are moving to Central Oregon and need transitional housing. Renting your personal residence is kind of a big deal, so think hard on it. I personally wouldn’t want strangers sleeping in our bed, but everyone has their own level of comfort for that sort of thing. You will also need to decide if you want to rent it on a monthly basis or as a short-term unit. Either way there is good demand for situations like this. You’ll also need to think if you want to do it yourself or hire a pro. Remember, if you are in the city of Sisters and want to rent it as a short-term (less than 30 days) rental, you’ll need the golden-ticket permit from the city and to pay the appropriate fees. — Mike Mike Zoormajian is principal at WetDog Properties in Sisters, providing property management and investor services. Questions, comments to: letters@wetdog Free legal advice is worth what you pay for it. Consult an attorney before doing anything crazy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

ODFW wildlife art contest opens Artists in Oregon and throughout the world are invited to compete in one or all three of ODFW’s 2022 stamp art competitions. The winning artist in each contest receives a $2,000 award and winning artwork is used to produce collector stamps and other promotional items with sale proceeds benefiting Oregon’s fish, wildlife and their habitats. Habitat Conservation Stamp: Art entries must feature an eligible species from the Oregon Conservation Strategy in its natural habitat. Species include birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, plants and algae. See contest rules and entry form with a list of eligible species. Waterfowl Stamp Contest: Art entries must feature the Northern Shoveler in its natural habitat setting. Upland Game Bird Stamp


2021 Upland Game Bird Stamp, spruce grouse by Buck Spencer.


2021 Waterfowl Stamp, cinnamon teal by Guy Crittenden. Contest: All entries must feature the Chukar partridge in its natural habitat setting. Entries will be accepted between August 27 and September 24, 2021, by 5 p.m., at ODFW headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr., SE, Salem, OR 97302. Artwork can be mailed or hand delivered. Packaging tips can be found on the final page of the contest rules. ODFW welcomes all ages and skill levels to participate. A panel will judge artwork based on artistic composition, anatomical accuracy of the species and general appeal. All artwork submitted will be showcased at

a free art show open to the public. Collector’s stamps, art prints and other promotional materials are produced from first-place artwork. Proceeds from product sales are used for wildlife habitat improvement, research projects and conservation efforts. Interested artists are encouraged to visit ODFW’s stamp art competition webpage for more information on the contests and to view entries from previous years. For more information on contest rules and to order art prints, visit: contest/index.asp.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Fit For

Sisters Andrew Loscutoff Columnist

Ramp up resolutions this time around

Resolutions are coming. Many of you reading this are rolling your eyes, ready to turn the page. Stick with it! There’s an important lesson everyone ought to consider: A resolution by nature sets you up to fail — and there are many ways around this. Social expectations: Most of the time a resolution is based on what a person thinks they’re expected to do, not what they want to do. Anyone ever vowed to give up carbs then realized they actually really love bananas? This makes for a resentment of the resolution, and the bottom quickly falls out. Making things too hard: A person who has never hiked before wouldn’t look at the tallest peaks and set off for glory (and make it back to tell about it) — but people are always doing this with New Year’s resolutions. Making a plan to lose 50 pounds with little to no experience in proper nutrition, habits, and practices is equivalent to taking

Wyden plans to seek 2022 reelection PORTLAND (AP) — U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden says he’s seeking re-election in 2022, ending speculation that Oregon’s senior senator might retire and pave the way for a crowded lineup of potential replacements. Wyden, 71, told Oregon Public Broadcasting that he believes he has more work to do in Washington D.C. “Of course I’m running,” the Democrat said. “There’s so much to do for Oregonians, and I’d very much like to have the honor of representing ... again.” One of his priorities in the coming Congress, Wyden said, is wildfire preparation and prevention.

on a trek that’s way beyond your capabilities — yet this is the most common way to approach a resolution. Not doing the homework: What does it take to lose weight? Do you actually know the components of nutritional eating? Or did you find something on the web that said sugar is bad? Do you know portion sizes, nutrients, and amounts you need? Are there ways to help (like eating more protein at breakfast) that are guaranteed to give better results? Study the basics, master the practices, and make a plan. Otherwise, your resolution won’t be effective and giving up is imminent. Last point to consider: January 1 rolls around, now all of the sudden a person who indulged all winter is somehow changed? The calendar changed, but the persona has not. Changes actually take work. Start to ask why. Why do you stand in front of the fridge with a piece of cheese and deli meat? Why do you enjoy cupcakes with the grandkids? Why should you try to force yourself into giving it up? Do you want to give it up? Are you ready to? Deeper thinking will often show that there are some very revealing truths that need to be addressed before going on a kale and lemon juice cleanse. The time to start is now. Ask the questions, do the homework, make a sensible educated goal, plan accordingly. Start with the habits and practices now, fail and succeed; it’s part of the process. Move forward with each step.


The wind is shifting By Katy Yoder Columnist

The holidays are behind us. There’s fresh snow on Mt. Jefferson. A white beret rests on Black Butte’s peak. The American flag snaps towards the west. Another storm on its way. Clear skies, bluest overhead, fade into pale grays. Memories from the last two weeks blow in on the breeze… reminders of hard-won time spent with loved ones. We are a pod. We have been tested. We have been careful. But is it enough? A virus lives among us. It always has. It’s spread around. Hiding and waiting for an opportunity to strike. A round, living blob with red-tipped tentacles lurking on our skin, in the air and on handles we touch. Disarming. Too small to see. There’s also a virus of distrust. Lodged deep in our hearts and brains ideas agitate. Truth is twisted into shapes and stories that defy logic. But we want to believe, so we twist along with the contorted phrases and words designed to confuse and slice us apart. Truth’s shadow side is cut into bite-sized pieces easily swallowed and forgotten until they begin to move through our bodies and find permanent homes in the crevices of our gut. We become enemies. We see nothing but our conflicts. We consider violence. We understand civil war and families fighting each other — firing guns at those who

share meals and holidays and ancestors. The bond is broken, sliced with a serrated knife designed to move easily and with stealthy precision. Love dies. Replaced with disdain, distrust and a loss of hope. We are victims of our predecessor’s actions — and our own. We are paying karmic debts that hurt all beings born and unborn. The gift of this planet is forgotten. Why are we so angry? So willing to believe lies? Still searching for the doctor that tells us what we want to hear: “You’re not sick. What you are doing isn’t bad for you. It’s not your fault. Just take this pill. Cut this out and you’ll live forever.” The truth hurts. Demands something from us. The truth heals. Invites us to join hands. Looking clean, speaking well, rolling in a fancy car isn’t enough. We’ve lost the feel of the earth between our toes. When was the last time you felt rain on a naked face, back and chest? The wind is shifting. It’s tired of waiting. It’s ready to blow and anything not deeply rooted will be taken and flung like tumbleweeds across the open spaces. The wind, the sun,

the rain, the snow, the stones will prevail. They are our family too. Disconnection leaves you vulnerable. Unable to dance together. Love and live together. The wind is blowing. There are opportunities to capture its power and move in a healing direction. Reach each other. Stand on common ground. See each other. Hear each other. Harness love’s power. There’s a pull towards hate. Choose love. Compassion. Deep discernment that casts off assumptions and falsehoods. Every day, every moment there’s new water rushing past. We never stand in the same river twice. There’s hope. There’s renewal and opportunity to chart a new course. Try. Turn away from that clenching feeling activated by disagreements. I will speak up while I lay down preconceived notions about the ones I don’t understand. I will use my stubborn nature and ignorant hope to overcome the odds, and someday embrace even those who wish me nothing but harm. We share blood, we share ground, we share breath — what else can we share?

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


The Nugget Newspaper Crossword


Continued from page 16

By Jacqueline E. Mathews, Tribune News Service

literal attack on the very foundation of our democracy, and by extension, the American people. It is time to loudly announce what this is — a coup. We crossed beyond the time for discussion. We face a determined opponent who is willing to disregard every freedom and belief we hold dear, and we must rise to meet them immediately. The path forward must be peaceful and measured, but it must also be walked with the greatest passion, discipline, and conviction that we can muster. The future of our American experiment in democracy rests on the actions that everyday people take now and in the following days. Talk to family and friends, make a plan to support the peaceful transition of power, and never forget the freedoms we are bound to defend. Riley Paine




To the Editor: Cliff Bentz has just been sworn in as our 2nd district representative to the U.S. Congress. His first official act was to join a group of Republican congressmen in an attempt to disenfranchise the tens of millions of voters who elected Joe Biden as President. Greg Walden at least had the integrity to resist the pressure from President Trump and other Republicans and understood the seditious nature of this attempt to overturn the election results. Cliff Bentz is a lawyer by profession. As a lawyer he knows that an allegation needs evidence before it can be taken to a jury. So why would he willingly join a coup attempt in the absence of any evidence of election fraud? All of the bogus lawsuits about election fraud filed since the election have been thrown out because of a total lack of evidence. Those rejecting these meritless lawsuits include more than 60 judges including Trump appointees, the former attorney general of the United States, and the U.S. Supreme Court. What is one to conclude? All I can conclude is that Mr. Bentz is a man lacking integrity who is not worthy of the votes that were legally cast (including mine) at the last election. We have now seen firsthand the consequences of his willingly following a leader who incited violence and insurrection in our nation’s Capital. From this point forward, I will do what I can to make sure Cliff Bentz is not returned to Congress in two years. Dennis Tower



— Last Week’s Puzzle Solved —


To the Editor: So much to forgive. So much to be forgiven. Judy Bull




To the Editor: As we move into a new year I keep asking myself the question: What will help unite us as Americans again? What more do we need to encounter before we are each willing to really listen to each other, to really hear what people who think differently than we do think, without interrupting them with our own facts and opinions? What will help us narrow the gap rather than widen it with our need to justify our positions? The majority of people agree that being heard is a very important part of any successful relationship. And yet, many people feel they are not heard when they try to share their thoughts and beliefs. They experience others interrupting to defend their beliefs because they have information that will prove they are right and the other person is wrong. I wonder what would change if, instead of justifying our “right” position or defending our “right” reasoning or protecting our position based on our facts and information sources, we really took the time to sit and listen to each other? I have recently shared with my adult children and friends I am going to ask before we start a difficult conversation, “What is our common ground? What do we agree on?” I believe there is often common ground if we are willing to be patient and take the time to listen to one another. We all care about our families. We want those we love to stay healthy, although we may differ on how that occurs. We want our children to have an education although we may differ on how that should continue with COVID. Ask yourself if you are willing to pause five seconds when in conflict to ask the question, “What do we have in common?” See if each of us can hear something new we did not know we had in common. Be willing to pause long enough to truly see if there is a middle way not yet discovered because we were so set on our own way. We can all give by listening to one another in the same way we would want them to listen if we were talking. Maybe in the listening, the pause, the hearing, and in finding common ground, we can slowly move forward together as individuals, as a community and as a country. Linda Wolff

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

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MINI STORAGE FIREWOOD, dry or green Sisters Rental Lodgepole, juniper, pine. 331 W. Barclay Drive Cut & split. Delivery included. 541-549-9631 Sizes 5x5 to 15x30 and outdoor SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS RV parking. 7-day access. DAVE ELPI – FIREWOOD Computerized security gate. • SINCE 1976 • Snow removal, junk removal, Moving boxes & supplies. Doug Fir – Lodgepole – Juniper garage & storage clean-out, DRIVE-IN WOOD SALES STORAGE WITH BENEFITS yard & construction debris. – 18155 Hwy. 126 East – • 8 x 20 dry box You Call – We Haul! • Fenced yard, RV & trailers 541-598-4345. • In-town, gated, 24-7 Order Online! 541-410-4509 SNOW REMOVAL Residential driveways & 205 Garage & Estate Sales Prime Downtown Retail Space sidewalks. Commercial snow Happy Trails Estate Sales! Call Lori at 541-549-7132 blower & front loader. Selling or Downsizing? Cold Springs Commercial Guaranteed lowest prices. Locally owned & operated by... Call 541-678-3332. Office space for lease. The Place Daiya 541-480-2806 on Main. 101 Main Ave. in Black Butte Sharie 541-771-1150 Sisters. Three spaces available. WINDOW CLEANING $575/month and up. Call Ralph Commercial & Residential. 301 Vehicles 541-390-5187 18 years experience, references We Buy, Sell, Consign Quality available. Safe, reliable, friendly. Prime retail space available in the Cars, Trucks, SUVs & RVs ~ Free estimates. 541-241-0426 Gallery Annex building (Sage Call Jeff at 541-815-7397 Antiques location). Approx. MOVING TRUCK FOR HIRE Sisters Car Connection da#3919 2,000 sq. ft. Call Jim at –COMPLETE MOVING, LLC– 541-419-0210 for more info. Sisters' Only Local Moving Co.! CAR TO SELL? Two exp. men with 25+ years FOR LEASE – Approx. Place your ad in The Nugget comm. moving. Refs! ODOT Lic. 420 sq. ft. office suite available at Class 1-B • Call 541-678-3332 220 S. Pine St. building. Suite is 401 Horses light & bright, with views of ~ WEDDINGS BY KARLY ~ TRITICALE Hood Ave. Email: Happy to perform virtual or MEADOW GRASS HAY or in-person weddings. ORCHARD GRASS HAY phone – 541-419-8380. Custom Wedding Ceremonies New crop. No rain. Barn stored. Lorna Nolte, Principal Broker 20+ years • 541-410-4412 3-tie bales. $185-$250/ton. Hwy. Lic. #200105010 126 & Cline Falls. 541-280-1895 CASCADE STORAGE • DERI’s HAIR SALON • Certified Weed-Free HAY. (541) 549-1086 • (877) 540-1086 Call 541-419-1279 Orchard Grass or Alfalfa Hay, 581 N. Larch – 7-Day Access Sisters. $275 per ton. 501 Computers & 5x5 to 12x30 Units Available Call 541-548-4163 5x5 - 8x15 Climate Control Units Communications 403 Pets On-site Management Technology Problems? FURRY FRIENDS I can fix them for you. Ground-floor suite, 290 sq. ft. helping Sisters families w/pets. Solving for business, home & 581 N Larch St. Available now, FREE Dog & Cat Food A/V needs. All tech supported. $325/month. Call 541-549-1086. No contact pick-up by appt. Jason Williams 103 Residential Rentals 412 E. Main Ave., Ste. 4 Sisters local • 25 yrs. experience PONDEROSA PROPERTIES 541-797-4023 541-719-8329 –Monthly Rentals Available– Bend Spay & Neuter Project SISTERS SATELLITE Call Debbie at 541-549-2002 Providing Low-Cost Options for TV • PHONE • INTERNET Full details, 24 hrs./day, go to: Spay, Neuter and more! Your authorized local dealer for Go to DirecTV, ViaSat HS Internet Printed list at 221 S. Ash, Sisters or call 541-617-1010 and more! CCB # 191099 Ponderosa Properties LLC 541-318-7000 • 541-306-0729 Three Rivers Humane Society HOME or CONDO Where love finds a home! See the FREE LASERJET PRINTER TO SELL OR RENT? doggies at 1694 SE McTaggart HP LaserJet 5200 (black and CLASSIFIEDS! in Madras • A No-kill Shelter white laser printer), plus two Deadline is Mondays by noon, Go to 16A cartridges. call 541-549-9941 or call 541-475-6889 Stop by The Nugget to look at or pick up.

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M & J CARPET CLEANING Area rugs, upholstery, tile & dryer-vent cleaning. Established & family-owned since 1986. 541-549-9090 GORDON’S LAST TOUCH Cleaning Specialists for CARPETS, WINDOWS & UPHOLSTERY Member Better Business Bureau • Bonded & Insured • Serving Central Oregon Since 1980 Call 541-549-3008

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Sisters Tree Care, LLC Preservation, Pruning, Removals & Storm Damage Serving All of Central Oregon Brad Bartholomew ISA Cert. Arborist UT-4454A 503-914-8436 • CCB #218444 TIMBER STAND IMPROVEMENT Tree care and vegetation management Pruning, hazard tree removal, stump grinding, brush mowing, certified arborist consultation, tree risk assessment qualified, wildfire fuels assessment and treatment, grant acquisition, lot clearing, crane services. Nate Goodwin ISA-Cert. Arborist PN-7987A CCB #190496 * 541.771.4825 Online at: 4 Brothers Tree Service Sisters' Premier Tree Experts! – TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP – Native / Non-Native Tree Assessments, Pruning, High-Risk Removals, 24 Hr. Emergency Storm Damage Cleanup, Craning & Stump Grinding, Debris Removal. – FOREST MANAGEMENT – Fire Fuels Reduction - Brush Mowing, Mastication, Tree Thinning, Large & Small Scale Projects! Serving Black Butte Ranch, Camp Sherman & Sisters Area since 2003 ** Free Estimates ** Owner James Hatley & Sons 541-815-2342 Licensed, Bonded and Insured CCB-215057 Top Knot Tree Care can handle all of your tree needs, from trims to removals. Specializing in tree assessment, hazard tree removal, crown reduction, ladder fuel reduction, lot clearing, ornamental and fruit tree trimming and care. • Locally owned and operated • • Senior and military discounts • • Free assessments • • Great cleanups • • Licensed, Insured and Bonded • Contact Bello @ 541-419-9655, Find us on Facebook and Google CCB#227009

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon


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SHORT LEAD TIMES > Repair & Service 541-948-2620 • CCB #184335 These three newspapers are the Travis Starr, 541-647-0146 > Hot Water Heaters primary publications in each of Custom Homes License #216081 > Remodels & New Const. their counties as well as local Residential Building Projects ~ FRONTIER PAINTING ~ Servicing Central Oregon circulation leaders. Our focus and Concrete Foundations Quality Painting, Ext. & Int. Lic. Bond. Ins. • CCB #184660 primary growth area is print Becke William Pierce Refurbishing Decks 541-771-7000 display advertising, which has led CCB# 190689 • 541-647-0384 CCB #131560 • 541-771-5620 us to revenue growth each year CURTS ELECTRIC LLC since 2016, with 2020 even to – SISTERS, OREGON – Construction & Renovation Earthwood Timberframes 2019. We expect to resume HAVE A SERVICE Quality Electrical Installations Custom Residential Projects • Design & construction growth in 2021. We also offer TO PROVIDE? Agricultural • Commercial All Phases • CCB #148365 • Recycled fir and pine beams limited digital advertising and Let the public know Industrial • Well & Irrigation 541-420-8448 • Mantles and accent timbers branded marketing items. what you have to offer in Pumps, Motor Control, LAREDO CONSTRUCTION We have offices in Deer Lodge, The Nugget Newspaper’s Barns & Shops, Plan Reviews 541-549-1575 CCB #174977 Philipsburg, and Stevensville. C L A S S I F I E D S! CCB #178543 For ALL Your Residential JERRY WILLIS DRYWALL This position may be primarily 541-480-1404 Construction Needs & VENETIAN PLASTER 606 Landscaping & Yard located at any of these offices. MONTE'S ELECTRIC CCB #194489 All Residential, Commercial Jobs Maintenance SW Montana is a paradise for • service • residential 541-480-7179 • CCB #69557 outdoors lovers. 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Repairs, Tank Full description is at The application process involves Replacement. CCB #76888 several steps and must be Cellular: 419-2672 or 419-5172 Email cover letter, resume and completed and filed at the same • 541-549-1472 • Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each references to cooperative office by row across, each column down, and each small nine-box 5 p.m., February 5, 2021. square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

BENNETT: Artist has created series of masked portraits Continued from page 3

the portraits and post them to Facebook, where they continued to get positive response and build interest. Bennett always gets a person’s permission to take their photo with his cellphone, and after showing examples of the monotypes, they usually agree. “It’s become fun, and when I saw anyone who had a different kind of mask, or hairstyle, or who was doing something where I could include some elements of their work — whether in an auto shop or a bicycle repair shop — I incorporated that,” he said. Thus, he has portrayed his doctor, May Fan, in her mask alongside a figure of a 17th Century plague doctor with his beaked mask, the beak that was filled with fragrant herbs to filter out the smell of death while protecting the all-important doctor; and his dental hygienist, Melissa, swathed in a halo of PPE. “Every new piece gives me ideas for the next one,” he said. He has introduced elements like wind blowing through the hair, water in the splash pad, flames of wildfire, and hands raised in gratitude by a couple who narrowly escaped from their home in McKenzie Bridge. Animals joined their owners in several portraits: Kimry with her horse, Dhiaa; Hattie with her sister’s chickens; Steve with his penguins; Danae with her sheep. Each portrait led to another, then another, and by the time Paul had made 20, people began to suggest that he should do 40. At that point, the idea of publishing the collection in book form seemed quite possible. There are 88 portraits in the book, but he’s up to a hundred monotypes and still creating. Paul has started a Kickstarter campaign for this new book, “Pandemic Portraits.” You can support Paul’s Kickstarter campaign at (see sidebar). “Most of the people I interviewed started telling me how their lives had changed during the pandemic, and that became as much the subject of the book as the portraits,” he said. The portraits and text, together became the story of Sisters, a microcosm of a small community and how we’ve been affected by the pandemic. “I’ve tried to show visually and in story as many different angles as possible,” he said. Asked if any of his subjects objected to the masks, he nodded. One gentleman complained that he’s being

Our searching can be a very healthy thing. I know that for me, this has been the most creative time of my life. — Paul Alan Bennett “forced” to wear a mask in order to do his job. Not everyone appreciates the principle of masking up during this time. On the other hand, another subject told how she’s made and sold thousands of masks, raising enough money for a down payment on a home. The idea of “Pandemic Portraits” is in no way designed to minimize the severity of the novel coronavirus, or its effects on individuals and society as a whole. “We hear tragic stories every day, so this is a different take, from an artistic point of view. I hope there’s some optimism in these images,” Bennett said. “While this book is quite specific to Sisters, it’s quite universal in its story, because this is happening in every community around the world. I’m not trying to paint a bleak, depressing portrait of what’s going on. I’m trying to show a variety of options as to how people are dealing with these times, and there’s tragedy and comedy combined.” Bennett said that rather than becoming overwhelmed or depressed, many artists have used these times to become more expressive. The news, he said, becomes fodder for the imagination. He genuinely feels that whether it’s poetry, song, or visual arts, there will be great creativity as a result of this time, some of which we won’t know for a while. “Our searching can be a very healthy thing,” he said. “I know that for me, this has been the most creative time of my life.”

‘Pandemic Portraits’ at a glance What are the pandemic portraits? Each of the portraits is a monotype, (mono meaning one). Paul Alan Bennett created all of the Pandemic Portraits as monotypes on the presses at Studio 6000 in Sisters. “Having the print studio, Studio 6000, here in Sisters is a great asset to the arts community of Sisters,” Bennett said. “It’s a members’ workshop space, not a retail space. Once the pandemic is over, Studio 6000 will have special events that will be more open to the public.” The 96-page book, “Pandemic Portraits,” includes 88 of the monotype images, but Bennett continued to create others since the book was sent to the publisher for printing. How can I get a copy of Pandemic Portraits? The best way to get a copy of Paul Alan Bennett’s forthcoming book, Pandemic Portraits, is to support his Kickstarter campaign online at The campaign has a deadline of February 4, with a goal of $12,000. Bennett’s Kickstarter campaign offers several donation options, and most options include at least one copy of the book. One of the options, at $350, will enable the donor to purchase a print, or their original monotype if it’s one that he has included in the book. At higher amounts, you can even commission a monotype of yourself or a loved one. Also on Kickstarter, you can view a video of Bennett explaining his creative process, and a sampling of some of the portraits. Why Kickstarter? Bennett says, “I need your help with funding. The financial risk is always the biggie. That is why I’m running this Kickstarter campaign. It just takes a big chunk of cash to get a

Planning a Home Construction or Renovation Project? Our team believes quality, creativity, and sustainability matter. We want your home to be a work of art worthy of containing your life. — Mike & Jill Dyer, Owners




“Pandemic Portraits” is a 96-page book including 88 monotype portraits of people wearing their COVID-19 masks. project like this done. The funds are needed for the following: printing and shipping costs, internet advertising, layout and design work, video, postcards, paper and envelopes, and framing. I learned a lot from my first book, “Night Skies.” “Mainly, such a project takes a lot of time and energy but, once finished, it can feel quite satisfying. The Pandemic Portraits book is a very different kind of book

for me. It feels like something I’m being called to do. Perhaps it will offer some badly needed healing for these times.” W h e re c a n I s e e Paul Bennett’s original monotypes? Most of the collection of original monotypes will be displayed in February, floor to ceiling, on the west wall of Good Day Café, at Bedouin at 143 E. Hood Ave. and at Sisters Gallery and Frame Shop, 252 W. Hood Ave. The monotypes will be for sale, with the entire purchase price going toward funding the book. When will the book be available? Unlike Bennett’s previous book, Night Skies, this book will be printed in the USA, so he won’t have to wait two months or more to receive them. It will be six-by-nine inches, and soft-cover, but with twice as many illustrations and twice as many pages as Night Skies. The inside front and back covers unfold to reveal the entire collection of images included in the book. Printing, binding, and shipping all take time, but this book will be available soon.

A partnership beyond expectations Stop by and visit with Shelley Marsh & Tiana Van Landuyt. 220 S. Pine St., Ste. 102 | 541-548-9180

SHE PROJECT: Fundraiser features 52 inspiring art pieces Continued from page 1

and Good Day Café. Twentyfive of the 52 items in this year’s show were sold, as of last Friday. “This year’s show is different, with COVID, but supporters have come in to enjoy the show. There are two raffle items, one being a beautiful Susie Zeitner piece,” Thomas said. “It will be up for the month of January and my goal is for it to inspire, and for people to enjoy the work that local artists have participated in.” No doubt, SHE will raise her feminine mystique again in 2022. Saving Grace operates a 24-hour helpline, emergency shelter, and Mary’s Place, a center for supervised visitation and exchange. Additional services include support groups, emergency transportation, court advocacy, respite and child care, professional training, programs for children exposed to domestic violence, community education, therapy, individual crisis counseling, hospital response, information and referral to social services, youth violence prevention and public awareness. The need for services during the pandemic is greater than ever, said Shannon Ries, the development director for Saving Grace. “People being housed together without any place to go has really intensified domestic violence in the home,” she said. “We are seeing a lot more people needing resources. Part of that is a need for housing, which is not surprising in Central Oregon. When you are fleeing a violent situation, it’s hard to know where to go next. You have your bags and maybe a kiddo, and you don’t know where to turn. “Our goal, as we grapple with what we’re seeing, is to continue educational outreach to the community,” Ries said. “There is such a stigma to this kind of violence. People just close their eyes, turn their heads, and don’t want to get involved.” But thanks to additional funding, “you’ll be seeing

SUDOKU SOLUTION for puzzle on page 21

We are the only organization of our kind in all of Central Oregon, and yet we also see people from as far away as Eugene and Klamath Falls. We don’t turn anybody away. — Shannon Ries, Saving Grace more information about what partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking looks like, how you can escape it, and how to take the veil off of it.” Thanks to COVID funding, they’ve donated $180,000 in services to survivors since March, according to Ries. “We are the only organization of our kind in all of Central Oregon, and yet we also see people from as far

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon away as Eugene and Klamath Falls,” she said. “We don’t turn anybody away.” Saving Grace is available to women in Sisters as well as elsewhere. Pine Mountain Sports in Bend, which rents outdoor sports equipment, raised more than $60,000 for Saving Grace, “an incredible blessing,” said Ries. Also last year, entrepreneurs Aaron Switzer of Central Oregon Gives, and Rys Fairbrother of What If We Could, joined forces to create an online giving program that raised hundreds of thousands for local nonprofits. Saving Grace raised $160,000, the most of any of the organizations, for which they received an additional $15,000. “Were just going for whatever we can and we’ve really been blessed this year,” Ries said. If you need the kind of help that Saving Grace provides, call their 24-hour help line at 541-3897021. Visit the website at


“Her Gifted Spirit,” a raffle item donated by Sisters Artist Susie Zeitner.

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Robyn Holdman, C4C board president; Gabriel Cobos, Sisters School District community liason; and Wendy Birnbaum, C4C liaison to the Latino community receive the big check from Ivette Tijerino, community and philanthropy advocate for St. Charles Health System.

GRANT: C4C is using funds for Spanish translation services Continued from page 3

the goals addressed by this grant, C4C hosted a “Giving Tuesday” campaign in December to establish a dedicated fund for local interpretation/translation services as they help Sisters acquire new tools and resources to

eliminate local language barriers. Through the St. Charles Foundation, St. Charles Health System works with the community to develop and steward philanthropic resources to fund programs and capital projects that improve health, prevent disease, enhance quality of life and provide the highest quality care possible for all St. Charles patients now and in the future.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon

Serving the Sisters, Camp Sherman and Black Butte Ranch Areas

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At Ponderosa Properties… …It’s About th e People ON TOP OF MCKINNEY BUTTE Overlooking the Cascade mountains and Sisters, this property has a combination of special features not often found. Main house has a rustic yet modern interior with knotty pine & accented by juniper logs. Exciting 3-level floor plan, high vaulted ceilings & spaces filled with Cascade view windows providing natural light. The 9.9-acre rural lot features detached guest accommodations w/ garage & long-term cell site camouflaged into the charming architecture. End-of-the-road privacy – forested with ample sunlight – dramatic setting with Cascade views – private guest accommodations – income stream – what more could you want! $999,000. MLS#220110633

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16676 JORDAN ROAD Mountain views! Part of the original Lazy Z Ranch. Fenced on two sides with Kentucky black fencing. Power close by. Septic feasibility in place, may need new evaluation. Close to town, yet off the beaten path, overlooking a 167± acre site of the R&B Ranch, which currently is not buildable. Needs well. Owner will consider short terms. $407,500. MLS#201802331

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YOUR FUTURE STARTS HERE! This 2.5 acre property is waiting for your dream home. Level land with a nice mix of pines and junipers. Paved access and a community water hookup available. A separate shop or RV building is allowed. Just minutes to Sisters. Bring your builder and let’s walk the property corners. $299,000. MLS#220112822

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