The Nugget Newspaper's At Your Service Spring 2024 // 2024-04-10

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Alpine Land Management

The landscapes we f orm around our proper ty are a critical par t of our qualit y of life. Vernon Stubbs of Alpine Land Management has a passion for the land that transla te s in to his w ork That w ork demonstrates that planting with native dr yland grasses and managing timber for optimal health and fire resistance (silviculture) is good for the land, and beautiful for people Stubbs’ focus on native grasses means your landscape will have low demand for water and keeps soil erosion down. The use of organic fer tilizers livens the soil and helps

build a nutrient-rich landscape.

Hospice work is a c alling for the staff of Hear t ’n Home Hospice. It is a small, closeknit organization —a real team —that prides itself on the qualit y of communication amongst team members as they provide vital emotional, physical, and spiritual support to patients, loved ones, and caregivers.

“Our team members h ave a hear t fo r hospice,” says Executive Direc to r Mandy Put zier. “It’s more than a job.”

Hospice focuses on qualit y of life and comfo rt , providing ca re from registered nurses, nurse practitioners, ph ysicians,

Alpine Land Management also specializes in creating raised garden beds.

Strategic and selective removal of fuels makes your landscape more resilient and biodiverse — and it looks wonderful.

“It’s attractive aesthetically — absolutely!” Stubbs said. He will work with a landowner on a comprehensive plan to manage the landscape — from a small lot to many acres. Now’s the time to get the work underway that will make your surroundings the best they can be

licensed social w orkers, cer tified nursing assistants, spiritual care providers, and volunteers.

The staff consider it a gift and an honor to be with families on their hospice journey, and they go to great lengths to ensure that family members know what to expect so that they are empowered to care for their loved ones. They work to fulfill final wishes, and they provide 13 months of grief support to the loved ones of those who pass.

Heart ’n Home Hospice is a Level 5 — We Honor Veterans agency.

A Better Life Appliance Repair

In a “ throwaway societ y,” it’s refreshing to know that you c an get your appliances repaired with prompt ser vice at a fair price

Greg Casey ser ved as a mechanic in the Air Force and his training makes him able to fix just about anything — including your washer, dr ye r, or refrigerato r, your stove, or garbage dispos al. He l ove s the w ork , although he jokes that he just enjoys meeting ever ybody ’s dog. In truth, “When you fix something, it makes people happy — you’re a hero,” he says.

Cust omers appr ecia te C ase y’ s

responsiveness — he answers the phone, and prides himself on a quick turnaround for appointments. He knows that when people c all, “ they want their appliance s fixed yesterday.”

He works on all brands, and it’s always wor th having him come out and give an honest assessment. If an appliance needs replacing, he’ll tell you so — but problems often come with a relatively simple fix

So, if y our appliances aren’t w orking right, make your first c all to A Better Life Appliance Repair

M old exists naturally ever y where, but when there are modera te to high l evels affec ting your indoor air qualit y, there is a potential for a variety of health problems

Proper ty owners need to be vigilant and proactive when there is a leak, flooding, or water intrusion to avoid structural damage

With spring and summer coming, mold will grow rapidly once it is giv en warm temperatures and moisture or high humidit y, and a food source like wet wood, dr ywall, or other organic material.

As a MICRO Ce r tified Mold Inspec to r,

Accurate Mold Testing

Ever y thing Outdoors

When D ave Kelly named his business Ever y thing Outdoors, he meant it literally Licensed for both landscaping a nd construction, he c an bring any vision for your proper ty to life. Dave brings 33 y ears of experience and he does the work himself

“Wh en y ou hire my company, y ou get me,” he says. “You don’t get an employee.”

From pave r patios to decks, Ever y thing Out doors complet es pr ojects tha t enhance qualit y of life. Landscaping projects small to large, including wa te r f eature s, are a specialt y, and they c an build

outdoor structures and outdoor kitchens. Ever y thing Outdoors w orks closely with local companies to sour ce high- qualit y products and materials for their projects

Dave will take you through every phase, from design to construction. He advises clients to plan ahead for projects, and notes that estimates are free. He also notes that not eve ry thing has to happen between March and Oc tober — there are projects you can tackle year-round.

Contact Ever y thing Outdoors and make your dreams for your proper ty come alive.

Brad is educat ed and trained to find microscopic mold species, rem ove highly toxic molds in a safe manner, and treat the affe cted area to keep mold from returning. If it has been longer than 72 hours since y ou e xperienced wa te r damage, don’t wait for mold to grow! Have your building tested before and afte r restoration work Accurate Mold Testing takes air qualit y and sur face s amples, pro viding cer tified lab repor ts to give you “peace of mind” knowing that your building is a safe and healthy environment.

Weiss Productions

Video is a highly effective way to tell your stor y — whether you’re a business, a public agenc y, or an individual creator. Weiss Productions helps a wide range of clients realize their vision and elevate their brand.

“We live in a digital age,”  To by Weiss says. “One of the easiest ways to communicate who y ou are and what your values are is through motion pictures and audio.”

Video explains the who, how, and why of your organization in a way that sticks, communicating st yle, values and capabilities.

W eiss p uts a lot of w ork in to


Mike Hernandez, 1 year of ser vice

“Bestvue Blinds, Residential Sales, Installation and Service”

understanding his cust omer and their objectives — and into understanding his customer ’s customer He can take an initial vision — even a vague one — discover the “story ” and then fine tune it with the client. The resulting video documentaries ser ve as power ful tools for businesses, ministries, nonprofits, and public agencies alike.

The final product c an range from a longer-format documentary to quick-hit social media content.

Samples of the w ork c an be found at

Lakeview Millworks / Best Vue Blinds

The lowest price ever y day on top-quality window coverings!

A division of Lakeview Millworks | 541-588-6201

Spring is arriving in Sisters Countr y — and that’s when our thoughts turn to home improvement. There is no better investment for improving your home’s appeal and function than upgrading doors, windows, and window coverings. For a quar ter of a centur y, Lakeview Millworks has been enhancing their clients’ qualit y of life with qualit y products, exper t installation, and first-class customer ser vice. Lakeview Millworks offers a range of quality product lines in a range of price points; visit their showroom in Sisters and explore your needs and what will fit

Base Camp Home Inspections

Real estate agents work with Base Camp Home Inspections because Drew La Plante brings an exceptional l evel of dedication and attention to detail at this critical phase of a trans action. But home inspections are important when a home is in the process of a sale For homeowners, a thorough inspection gets to areas you don’t see, catching issues in advance.

La Plante inspects ever y single component of your home — from the foundation to the roof, appliances and electrical system to plumbing. He loves the work

“It’s ve ry i nvolved — a nd it’s ve ry fu n because every house is different,” he says.

La Plante is flexible in his scheduling, and available s even days a week His repor ts are very thorough — and easy for a homeowner to understand and use (see samples at www.basecamphomeinspections. com).

The repor t helps a homeowner know how every thing in the house works.

At the end of each inspection, he allots an hour to do a walkthrough with the client, offering general information, maintenance tips, and identifying issues he found.

them best. The Kolbe Forgent series is an innovative fiberglass composite (with wood interior if desired) — a high-performance product that is a per fe ct choice for ne w construction or replacement.

Advancements in technology have made window c overings exceptionally efficient and easy to operate, with app -based programing that is way ahead of “old” remote control technology

Supply chain issues are abating, so now is the time to tap your local experts to refresh your home and enhance your qualit y of life.



4 Brothers Tree Ser vice

Trees are the pride and joy of many a property owner in Sisters Countr y. But they can be a problem when they break and fall and crash to the ground — or on your deck, your house, or your car.

Now is the time to act to protect your proper ty and your safety — with a c all to 4 Brothers Tree Ser vice

Caring for your trees — or dealing with a problem — requires a wide range of knowledge and experience; the right equipment for the job; and a commitment to safety and reliabilit y.

Prayer ’s Dog Biscuits

We love our dogs and want the best for them — which includes the best dog treats.

Prayer ’s Dog Biscuits is named for the owners’ ser vice dog. Prayer required two y ears of training until he became a fullfledged ser vice dog. They used these biscuits and training treats every day, and now they’re available to everyone

Prayer ’s Dog Biscuits and nuggets are all natural, with no additives, preser vatives, or fillers. All biscuits are hand-cut, and the biscuits are pulled by hand. Biscuit flavors are cheese, vegetable, and molasses. They are

a high-qualit y treat — and dogs love them.

That’s what 4 Br o thers Tr ee Ser vice brings to bear, with a full range of ser vices — tree removal; pruning; stump grinding; fire fuel reduction; lot cleaning; commercial thinning.

4 Brothers is well equipped to handle any tree -ser vice job. Deep knowledge and the right equipment helps ensure that work is done in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible

Now is the time to assess the condition of y our trees. 4 Brothers Tree Ser vice is ready to help

The biscuits and nuggets are available in Sisters and Terrebonne at : Oliver Lemon’s; Sisters Feed Co.; Sisters Groomer y; and in Bend at both Pet Express locations.

You c an place orders online at www Orders that need to be shipped require a $30 minimum, or free local deliver y is available

Prayer ’s Dog Biscuits is growing. They are grateful to the customers and retailers who make it possible to provide these special dog treats to our four-legged family members.

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