The Nugget Newspaper's At Your Service Spring 2024 // 2024-04-17

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Sisters Rent al

Wi nter may be putting up a fight, but spring is coming. Really And that means it’s time to get your lawn mowers, trimmers and chains aws in to Sisters Rental for service. Don’t wait! You’ll want all your equipment ready to go when spring finally wins out

If you’re looking to upgrade your yard maintenance equipment this year, Sisters Rental has you covered. There’s new inventory of Gravely zero-turn and Cub Cadet riding mowers. Stihl batter y-powered mowers are a hot item — quiet and power ful. You


First Treatment With Code “NEWCLIENT20”

c an run 35–40 minutes on a charge, and recharging ta kes only about 20 minutes. Batteries are inte rchangeable with other Stihl equipment.

Again, don’t wait. When the i nve ntor y sells out, it takes a while to replenish.

Sisters Re nt al c arries the re nt al equipment and tools y ou need for all of y our spring and summer home projects, and they also provide landscaping materials. The knowledgable staff can help you select the right tool for the job and offer tips to ensure success.

John Seitzinger LMT, MSN, LMT#27436

Book your appointment online at or email 204 W. Adams Ave. #103E, Sisters Art Works Bldg. $20

Massage and other forms of body work c an be transformative to our health and well-being. At True Wellness + Bodywork in ers, John Seitzinger, LMT, MSN, offers a range of modalities that c an be mobilized custom plan to optimize well-being. om relaxation for the ner vous system to ocused treatment for pain and mobility limitations, Seit zinger employs different t ypes mass age, gua sha (a Chinese scraping technique to break up connective tissues), cupping, and trigger point therapy in sessions that are collaboratively customized.

True Wellness + Body work

Seit zinger ta ke s time to discuss your goals for treatment — and your histor y which can have a big impact on what you’re experiencing now.

“A fall 30 years ago can still impact your connective tissue,” he says.

Treatments c an be especially beneficial in preparing for surger y to mobilize tissue, increase circulation, and mitigate the impact of a procedure. Po st-surger y, Seit zinger likes to put together a series of three visits to mobilize scar tissue and aid in recovery — treatment that works with physical therapy.

Drainfield Restoration

It’s a moment to dread: Your drainfield is failing. Summer is coming on and you HAVE to get this taken care of

What are you going to do? How much is this going to cost? Replacing it and tearing up your yard is dauntingly expensive, running into the thousands of dollars. But you have an option.

What if you could restore your drainfield without replacing it?

Turn to Drainfield Restoration. As Central Oregon’s only factor y-trained Terralift operator, they c an restore your drainfield for a

fraction of the cost of replacement.

Drainfield Restoration blasts air into the soil, breaking up biomat and compaction, restoring the soil’s original leaching capacity. They can also jet inside lines and remove tree roots that are often the culprit in drainfield problems in Sisters Countr y. It’s a oneday project — and it works for years.

In business since 1 995, Drainfield Restoration has saved clients thous ands of dollars across the state of Oregon. For tips on restoration and care of your septic system, visit

Sisters Fence Company has built a reputation across Sisters Countr y for superior qualit y of work , exceptional customer service and reliabilit y.

They can handle any kind of fence project you c an throw at them, from a simple backyard fence to extensive ranch and agriculture fencing. They work comfortably with all k inds of materials, a nd vi rt ually eve ry aspect of a project is handled in-house If you simply want them to drill holes and set posts so you c an build the fence yourself, they’re happy to accommodate

Therapeutic Associates

Therapeutic Associates has been helping people in Sisters recover from injur y and surger y and get back to their active lifestyle for over 30 years.

In a unique par tnership with Sist ers Athletic Club (SAC), Therapeutic Associates offers a “s te p-d ow n” program that eases patients from physic al therapy into active, assisted recovery at SAC. And access to the SAC pool means Therapeutic Associates c an offer aquatic therapy, which is an outstanding, effective, and low-impact way to

Therapeutic Associates has two physical therapists a nd a phy sical therapist a ssistant/LMT on staf f, which means folks can usually get an appointment within 48 hours.

Clinic Director Matt Kirchoff emphasizes the need for early intervention to prevent a nagging injur y or impingement fr om becoming a major problem: “ The quicker we can see people afte r an injur y, th e quicker we can address it,” he says.

And Therapeutic A ssocia te s makes it quicker and easier than ever to get on top of an injur y so you can get back in the game

“Customer ser vice is a really big deal to us,” says owner Pat Burke.

R eliabilit y and long-t erm sa tisfaction with their work is critical to their success, and they also do every thing they can to use local suppliers to keep the Sisters economy and communit y strong.

If this sounds like the kind of outfit you’d like to work for, they’re hiring for positions from general labor to equipment operator to team lead.

There’s still room on the schedule fo r spring and summer — call now.

T&M Junk Removal

Spring is the season of renewal — which means finally getting rid of all that… stuff T&M Junk Removal makes it easy

They have drop boxes they can deliver to your location so you c an fill it up on your own. They ’ll come back to pick up the boxes when you’re done with the project/job — per fect for a weekend of spring cleaning, and right for commercial as well as residential projects.

Do -i t- y ourself t oo d aun ting ? Just te ll Th ys and M cKibben what needs to go and they ’ll make it dis appear The y’re a

full-ser vice hauling outfit that can handle anything from commercial debris to household goods, from yard debris to items that have sat untouched for years in that spare room, storage unit, or garage

T&M Junk Removal also has a moving truck, and they are fully qualified as movers, especially for short-distance relocations.

Thys and McKibben operate on an ethic of ser vice. They treat everyone with dignit y and respect and are here to ser ve. Don’t let that pile of stuff intimidate you. Call T&M Junk Removal and get it out of your life.


325 N. Locust St., Sisters

Solid Pest

Sisters Countr y has its share of pests, from infiltrations of ants to tunneling voles in the grass to rodents getting in to the garage or the house. Birds and bats ca n pose a problem.

Pe sts c an be a nuis ance — and sometimes they can cause significant damage Solid Pest Solutions lives up to its name — they are in te re sted in providing s olutions, not just treating the symptoms of pest infestation. O wner Mike Larson notes that their approach is inspection-based, not just a spray-and-leave hit

Green Ridge Physical Therapy

It ’s time to get back in the s addle fo r spring. If only the body will cooperate Megan Rheeder works with a lot of horseback riders at Green Ridge Physical Therapy, helping them get back into riding condition or helping them recover from injuries. “ The most common (issues) are low back pain and hip pain,” she says.

A lifelong ride r who h as par t icipa te d in equestrian competition, Rheeder is uniquely qualified to h elp riders w ork through limitations. She assesses range of motion and identifies where a rider might


“We do a lot of expulsion work ,” Larson says. “Even when we do stuff like ants, we tr y to do a ve ry targeted approach.”

Ants c an be a real problem — and you have know how big your problem is if you want to solve it

be compens a ting for an old injur y. She helps riders build strength and functional movement that not only alleviates pain and discomfort, but also improves performance Independently, Rheeder offers riding assessments, and can troubleshoot position and technique that may be causing pain or a lack of mobilit y.

Rheeder discovered her interest in physical therapy as a competitive rider, when she worked with a physical therapist

“I c an see it from both sides, which is really helpful,” she says.

Ev er y one at Solid Pe st Solutions exceeds education requirements, which reflects the company’s outlook

“This is a science, so you’ve got to take a scientific approach,” Larson says.

C all now to get on the schedule: 541-678-2166.



Crux Wealth Advisors – Renee Sopko

If you have an investment por tfolio, you owe y ourself a co nvers ation with Renee Sopko with Crux Wealth Advisors.

Sopko brings her deep experience (she was a wealth advisor and vice president with Merrill Lynch from 1997 to 2021) and daily monitoring of markets to potentially maximize the performance of your portfolio and minimize risk We believe everyone can benefit from her market knowledge.

“I c an help people unc ove r the assets that they have and get them organized and working for them,” she says.

She hand-picks i nve stments, mostly

st ocks, and communicat es with her clients consistently “ They’re talking to me on almost every transaction,” she says.

Call for a complementary consultation and get your assets working for you.

Ever y investor ’s situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk t olerance, and time horizon before making any investment. Investing involves risk and y ou ma y incur a p rofit or l os s regardless of strategy selected. Be sure to contact a qualified professional regarding your particular situation before making any investment or withdrawal decision.

Sisters Heating & Air

It’s a bad feeling when your heating and cooling system a cts up. T hen you get an estimate for repairs or replacement and… ouch. Mike Whitlatch of Sisters Heating & Air is offering a free second opinion, which can often save you from an unexpected expense

“We make sure every thing is in working order,” he s aid. “We’re not going to charge you to shake hands and let you know what’s going on — or not going on.”

Sist ers Heating & A ir ser ve s Sist ers Countr y with residential and commercial heating, ve ntilation, and air conditioning

While BANR Enterprises takes on major commercial projects across Oregon, owner Scott Davis really l oves doing residential work in Sisters Countr y.

“We do a lot of residential work,” he said. “ The best part of it for me personally is seeing the faces of the people when it’s done.”

BANR brings three decades of experience to bear on all kinds of jobs — and customer satisfaction means that most of their work comes through referrals.

“For m e, personally, that means a l ot,” Davis said.

(HVAC ) — including air purification and humidification, system diagnostics, maintenance, replacements, and new installations.

Whitlatc h’s values are straightfor ward, and he applies them to every job:

“We provide an exceptional product and ser vice at a reasonable price,” he said. “ The strength in this business is in ser vice and being honest and ethical.”

Whitlatch learned his business from the ground up and has a broad range of experience that helps diagnose problems and provide the right fix

BANR does a wide range of work : building rock walls, removing trees, grading, paving, and concrete w ork Davis no te s that they recently completed a project with the Metolius Meadows HOA, building an underground reser voir holding more than 100,000 gallons of water.

The quality of BANR’s work earns plaudits — but equally important is responsiveness.

“We don’t know any other w ay,”  Davis s aid. “Your project is significant —  simple as repairing a sidewalk to building a horse arena or (building) a mile of road.”

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