The Nugget Newspaper's At Your Service Fall 2024 // 2023-10-16

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When the autumn chill hits the evening air and the leaves star t to turn colors, folks in Sisters County know it’s time to star t putting things in order Summer was fun, and we did a lot — but now it’s time to buckle down and take care of the things we let go when it was all warm and fun.

Time to get the hatches battened down for winter —  which means taking care of those home projects we’ve deferred. Time to get our winter equipment ser viced and ready ; time to get the firewood in; time to get our personal affairs in order

Sisters is full of ser vice providers who stand “at your ser vice” year round. They’re here to suppor t us, and our suppor t of them helps keep Sisters thriving, even as the days grow short and chilly and the long winter looms on the horizon.

The Nugget Newspaper

Northwest Precision Emergency Medical Training

Knowing what to do in an emergenc y can be a matter of life or death. Yet most of us don’t have the training to act swiftly and correctly in an emergency.

Northwest Precision Emergency Medical Training is changing that, offering courses that range from basic babysitter sa fe ty protocols to cardio -pulmonar y resuscitation (CPR) to intensive wilderness first aid training. The training is valuable for anyone. It c an help you learn to recognize when a medical emergency is unfolding and know what to do to help a l oved one or a colleague in crisis.

Communities where people are more educated in first aid and emergency medic al protocols tend to be sa fer and more healthy overall.

Northwest Precision Emergency Medical Training is deeply experienced in the field.

“Every thing that we do comes straight out of our experience,” says Tracy Trotte r, principal of Northwest Precision Emergency Medical Training.

Tr otter is passiona te about putting knowledge and skills in the hands of citizens — high-value education that can s ave

Evashevski Elliott PC

Estat e planning is an impo rt ant st ep for anyone with assets. That’s not just the w ealthy. Any one with real proper ty or a healthy bank account has something they will leave behind. Planning for that eventualit y offers real benefits.

Estat e planning ensur es that y our wishes will be c arried out. Knowing that your wishes are documented and legally binding offers peace of mind. Planning also removes a burden for your heirs, relieving them from pote ntially complicate d cou rt processes.


It’s not always easy to take on the subject, but Ashley and John of Evashevski Elliot PC make things comfortable, welcoming, and unintimidating. It ’s akin to t alking with a financial advisor. They offer a free 30-minut e phone consultation to get to kno w your circumstances and goals, and to educate the client on wills, trusts, and probate

Once you determine what path is best for you, Ashley or John will guide you through the process that takes just a few weeks to complete — a process that ends with true peace of mind.

Drainfield Restoration

It’s a moment to dread: Your drainfield is failing. Fall and winter are coming on and you have to get this taken care of

What are you going to do? How much is this going to cost? Replacing it and tearing up your yard is dauntingly expensive, running into the thousands of dollars. But you have an option.

What if you could restore your drainfield without replacing it?

Turn to Drainfield Restoration. As Central Oregon’s only factor y-trained Terralift operator, they c an restore your drainfield for a

4 Brothers Tree Ser vice

Trees are the pride and joy of many a property owner in Sisters Countr y. But they can be a problem when they break and fall and crash to the ground — or on your deck, your house, or your car.

Now is the time to act to protect your proper ty and your safety — with a c all to 4 Brothers Tree Ser vice

Caring for your trees — or dealing with a problem — requires a wide range of knowledge and experience, the right equipment for the job, and a commitment to safety and reliabilit y.

That’s what 4 Br o thers Tr ee Ser vice brings to bear, with a full range of ser vices: tree removal; pruning; stump grinding; fire fuel reduction; lot cleaning; commercial thinning.

4 Brothers is well equipped to handle any tree -ser vice job. Deep knowledge and the right equipment helps ensure that work is done in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible

Now is the time to assess the condition of y our trees. 4 Brothers Tree Ser vice is ready to help

fraction of the cost of replacement.

Drainfield Restoration blasts air into the soil, breaking up biomat and compaction, restoring the soil’s original leaching capacity. They can also jet inside lines and remove tree roots that are often the culprit in drainfield problems in Sisters Countr y. It’s a oneday project — and it works for years.

In business since 1 995, Drainfield Restoration has saved clients thous ands of dollars across the state of Oregon. For tips on restoration and care of your septic system, visit www

Ashley Tuttle John H. Myers FORMERLY

Sisters Forest Products

Sisters Fo rest Products is a small, local c ompan y that works year round at fuel reduction forestr y.

We star ted with tree thinning projects in the 1990s awarded by both the Oregon Department of Forestr y and the Deschutes Project Wildfire.

Sisters Fo rest Products has a two-par t mission: First and foremost we cr ea te parks out of ove rg ro wn or ov erst ocked forest land both public and priva te We have quietly spent the last 25 years at this w ork and h ave impr ov ed thous ands of

acres in that time

The second half of this mission involves the utilization of as much woody materials as they c an har vest from the projects. Most of this wood is recycled through the Sisters Fo rest Products log yard and sold to the public as firewood, chips, posts and poles, etc. This makes the mission into a super-g reen ende avo r, truly a full- circle way to help prevent the spread of wildfire s, enhance the health of local forests, and provide environmentally sound heat energy to the public.


Snow Blowers & Snow Equipment Sell Out Early! (Limited inventory)

Sisters Rent al

Mon-Fri: 7 am-5:30 pm | Sat: 8 am-5 pm - - | W Barclay Dr Sisters www.sistersrent

The season is upon us — fall means getting the hatches battened down for winter. And Sisters Rental is the place to turn to get your property repaired.

L ooking for war d to mo ving drifts of snow this winter? Better get in now if you are looking for a snow blower — they are going fast and there won’t be more available when snow flies.

Now is the time to get your snow removal equipment repaired or rejuvenated for the season. Sisters Rental’s small engine repair ser vice is top-notch, and you want to get in

Hear t & Home Help Ser vices

Many people in Siste rs Countr y h ave aging loved ones — and we want to make their later years as happy and comfortable as possible

Heather Tinseth’s mission with Hear t & Home Help Ser vices is to do just that.

“My emphasis is helping them st ay in their home,” she said.

There are essentially no limitations of the help ser vices she offers: companionship, meal prep, assistance with physical therapy, bathing, getting out into the community for errands and outings — all the things that

are important to daily living for our elders.

H ear t & H ome H elp Ser vices offers respite for caregivers, hospice ca re, dayto-day care — all with a c aring and loving heart. Heart & Home can pick up aspects of in-home care that are challenging for family members to provide

“ That’s when I c an step in and be that helper,” Heather says.

Heather stands r eady to meet with Sisters families and caregivers to present a range of ser vice options. Contact her by phone or email to set up an appointment.

now before the big rush.

And for those among us who really plan ahead, this is a great time to get a deal on a qualit y lawn m owe r and o ther spring equipment.

Also, it’s not a bad idea to get your spring equipment in for repair or maintenance over the winter.

Whatever your needs, including tools for winte r time indoor home projects, Sisters Re nt al has the equipment you need and the expertise to help you find the right tool for the job

T&M Junk Removal

Wi nter is coming. Now is the per fe ct time to clear out the clutter before the cold sets in.

T&M Junk Removal makes it easy with a locally operated, ve teran- o wned team ready to handle ever y thing for you. Their fleet of 15-, 20-, and 25-yard dumpsters can handle all your junk removal needs, from yard debris and pine needles to household items or larger commercial projects. They ’ll drop off a dumpster at your location for you to fill, then pick it up when you’re done

Back In Action Fitness Equipment

To get and stay in shape, Back In Action Fitness Equipment Sales & Ser vice ca n provide you with any thing you may want or need. From a foam roller to a treadmill; from dumbbells to a rowing machine Whether you’re setting up a small gym at home or have a commercial facility, Back In Action offers full deliver y and installation to set up your equipment for you.  Since 2008, Back In Ac tion Fitness Equipment Sales & Ser vice has been supplying equipment for home users and commercial facilities alike. O wner Ke vin

Got furniture you no longer need? T&M Junk Removal will haul it away and donate us able pieces to families in need and local nonprofits.

It’s a great feeling to get what’s old and in the way out of the way. Don’t let the mess pile up this winter. Thys and McKibben provide reliable, respectful ser vice, taking care of eve ry thing from junk removal to hauling needs. Get it done before the snow hits with s ame- and next-day ser vice and a free estimate

You call, we haul!

Roll says that the most popular pieces of equipment are treadmills, with bikes and ellipticals coming in second,  followed by free weights and functional items.  Qualit y cardio equipment has become increasingly affordable — and it is adapting to the needs of the population. Recumbent elliptical machines are popular among an aging population. Staying fit is more important now than ever. Back In Action Fitness Equipment Sales & Ser vice is y our local dealer and ser vice provider and is always there for you!

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