The Nugget Newspaper's Partners in Health & Well-Being 2022 // 2022-09-14

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All of these providers seek to work in partnership with their patients and clients — because health care is most efficient and effective when we are proactive and engaged.Nomatter

Making sure that both the aesthetics and the function of our bite is critical to long-term well-being, and Woods Ortho makes sure that orthodontics is not intimidating.MosaicMedical is celebrating 20 years of removing barriers to access to quality medical care across Central Oregon. Physical therapists like Therapeutic Associates and Green Ridge Physical Therapy & Wellness urge people to get help early on with those nagging injuries so they can help them get back into action as quickly as possible. Seeking counseling from providers like Jennifer Sower can help us find our way when we’re feeling lost and disconnected — before we find ourselves in a dark place.

and maintain our physical, emotional and mental health. SPRD offers all kinds of activities and classes that keep us engaged and active, from youth to our senior years. Level 5 CrossFit and Cascade Fitness — now one entity in two gyms — are available to build fitness for a wide range of folks in the Sisters community.Withexperienced and expert professionals to help us, we can optimize our health and well-being to enjoy the best of the Sisters Country way of life.

what is ailing or troubling us, we do better when we act early, before problems become acute. And each of the providers profiled in Partners in Health and Well-being make it easy and comfortable to act. Gilmore Dental has made it a mission to provide patients with good information so they can make smart decisions about their dental care. Good, regular care heads off trouble down the road.

Taking action to build strength and fitness is a great way to improve

Jim TheEditorCorneliusinChiefNuggetNewspaper A special section presented by The Nugget Newspaper ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/MONKEYBUSINESSIMAGES EarlyINSIDE:actionis key to quick recovery ................ 2 Being proactive about mental well-being .............. 2 Focus on fitness at Sisters Park & Recreation District . 3 Leveling up at Level 5 ........ 4 Dental health is critical to overall wellbeing ........... 6 Keeping patient care at the forefront in PT .......... 8 Celebrating 20 years of serving medical needs ... 8 A smile is more than a smile at Woods Ortho ...... 9

Partners artners in Health & Well-Being


Sisters Country is fortunate to have a wide range of providers who offer a wide range of services to enhance our well-being — from physical therapy to counseling to dental care to full-spectrum medical care.

Don’t wait till your movement is inhibited and you’re losing range of motion.

use the gym to finish off their recovery. They also offer aquatic therapy.Folks in Sisters strive to stay healthy, active, and indepen dent through their senior years — and physical therapy can be a big help in doing so. Therapeutic Associates can help clients build functional strength and balance, which are keys to well-being, espe cially as we age. Through custom ized programming, Therapeutic Associates’ physical therapists can help their clients prevent falls and injuries.“Wetypically look at multiple systems there,” Kirchoff said.

By being proactive with physi cal therapy, we can shorten our time on the bench when injured, and build our resilience so we can continue to enjoy all that the Sisters way of life has to offer.

Nothing could be more impor tant than proactively working to maintain and improve function.

“That’s typically a good time to come in and get it evaluated,” Kirchoff said.

In Oregon, we can go to a phys ical therapist (PT) directly, with out a referral from a doctor. That means we can judge when we need to act on that nagging pain that’s hobblingIntensityus. and duration of pain is the measure of the need to act. Pain that continues for a week means a trip to the PT is in order.

“Real-life human questions are meant to be explored, and you need a guide to help you explore them sometimes,” Sowers said. That guide can help us define our feelings and identify our weproblems.“Sometimesdon’thave the words to verbalize what our emotions are,” Sowers said.

Not all problems can be swept away, but we can change our approach to a problem.Aboveall, Sowers wants people to take action, to “be inspired, find hope.”“Iwant people to know that there are a lot of good providers in the area,” she said. “It’s possible for people to find a good provider. “They don’t have to suffer alone in any category.”

Being proactive about mental well-beingSometimeswedon’thavethewordstoverbalizewhatouremotionsare.—JenniferSowers

In concert with the adjacent Sisters Athletic Club, Therapeutic Association offers a step-down program so that patients can

the wide variety of factors that may be contributing to a sense of isola tion, anxiety, discord, or depres sion — from social factors to physi cal issues to a lack of a sense of meaning and purpose.

“For most musculoskeletal things, the sooner we see people, the quicker they recover,” said Matt Kirchoff of Therapeutic Associates in Sisters.

2 Partners in Health & Well-Being • The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 503-480-5275 —Licensed Professional Counselor Serving Sisters CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION. Loneliness And Depression Can Be Felt In Any Season Of Life Ta ke the ne xt step in your wellness jour ne y by lear ning skills to manage st re ss , navigate change and cr eate oppor t unity for self disc over y. Individual counseling (Ages I4 th ro ugh 65+) P eer, relationship and school issues Life tr ansition and grief counselin g Tr auma , PTSD, chronic illness ther apy Physical Therapy • Aquatic Therapy Post-Surgical • Sports-Specific Training Strengthening & Conditioning 541-549-3574 2022 Desperado Trail, Ste 201 at Sisters Athletic Club HELPING PATIENTS GET MOVING!

Whether we’re out on the trail, working in the garden, or raking up the pine needles or shoveling the snow off the walkway, life in Sisters Country can sometimes dish out injuries. And it’s best to address them early.

“Improving your strength and balance can be the difference in continuing to live independently or not,” Kirchoff said.

Early action is key to quick recovery

We live in a beautiful place and enjoy the benefits of living in a small community with lots of interpersonal connections — but none of us are immune from the stresses and wounds that life deals out. We are all subject to bouts of anxiety and depression — for some, deep-seated — and that has only been exacerbated by the strains and uncertainties we have endured over the past several years.

There’s a benefit to being proactive about address ing those stresses. When we are ques tioning why we are facing tough times and difficult feelings, when we feel adrift, and lacking in a sense of meaning and purpose, when we don’t know how to be who we were meant to be — that’s the right time to connect with a Jennifercounselor.Sowers, LPC, helps her clients move from being reactive to being responsive in managing the struggles they may face. She takes a holistic approach, accounting for

That means patrons will find sessions offering yoga, ballet barre, cardio workouts like Zumba Power Hour, tai chi, jiu jitsu, and more.The District is working to make such activities accessible so that they fit into a variety of schedules.

“We have people of all ages who access the fitness programs we do have,” Holland said.

Fun Fitness

Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) is on a mission to help folks in the Sisters community access health and fitness programming that fits into their schedule and budget — and their lifestyle.Programming that was pared back or went away because of the pandemic is coming back — with new“We’readditions.really focusing on adding back and increasing our fitness activities,” said Jennifer Holland, SPRD executive director.

Food being critical to health and wellness, SPRD is focusing on the “kitchen,” too — wherever that might“Webe.have a backcountry gourmet cooking class this fall,” HollandSPRDsaid.also partners with NeighborImpact to bring a mobile food pantry to Sisters on the last Tuesday of each month.

Holland noted that SPRD is broadening its free Lunch & Learn program topics this fall to be more health-and-wellness related.

Pickleball is a popular activity in Sisters. Adults interested more about the sport can

The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 in Health & Well-Being 3 and SPRD o ers something for EVERYONE! • Group ClassesFitness • Youth Athletics • Fall/ Winter FoProgramsrafulllisting of activities and programs visit 541-549 2091 | 1750 W. McKinney Butte Rd., Sisters

But SPRD is not oriented solely toward senior fitness.

“It’ll at least be through the fall, and we hope to continue that through the new year,” Holland said.With all of their offerings, SPRD is striving to be a true partner in building the health, fitness, and well-being of the whole Sisters community.

“We’re looking at offering these at a variety of times because we know that some people want to work out early in the morning and some would prefer the evening,” HollandHealth,, and wellness for Sisters’ seniors has been a longtime commitment for SPRD, and the organization is building senior fitness programs back into their offerings.Thereis no better overall exercise to promote well-being than simple, purposeful walking. This fall, SPRD offers a free walking club for people 55 and older. The club will engage in regular, scheduled hour-long walks starting at the Coffield Center at the west end of the Sisters High School parking lot. The walks will be scaled to the ability level of those who participate.“It’sreally going to be driven by the people who show up,” Holland said.SPRD is still seeking a parttime instructor for senior fitness programs.“We’re actually trying to hire a

Focus on fitness at Sisters Park & Recreation District

senior site coordinator,” Holland said.They want to add in stretching programs, chair exercises and balance and fall-prevention activities.

find October classes at

Open-gym volleyball and softball programs are popular, and SPRD is riding the pickleball wave that is sweeping Central Oregon. This wildly popular activity is an indoor or outdoor racket/paddle sport where two-to-four use a paddle to hit a perforated hollow plastic ball over a three-foot-high net. It’s usually played on a shortened tennis“Ourcourt.pickleball community has been able to develop — repurpose — the tennis courts off Locust (street) to be pickleball courts,” Holland said. “I’ve played it before, and it does get your heart pumping.”Youthbasketball and lacrosse will be on tap this spring.

in learning

Each gym is maintaining its own identity, in order to serve people with different needs and desires for their workout space. Level 5 continues to offer crossfit and is Olympic lifting-friendly, and operates at “a little higher intensity,” according to Hudson.

“That’ll be the place you can go in and do those videobased fitness classes,” Hudson said.

The passion for communicating the joys and benefits of strength training underpin Hudson’s efforts, and that’s what has kept him in action in Sisters for the past 10 years. He wants everybody to have access to equipment and coaching to reap the benefits of getting the body moving and lifting heavy things.

4 Partners in Health & Well-Being • The Nugget Newspaper

Hudson’s thinking is that many members will emphasize one or the other gym more or less exclusively — but some will alternate depending on what kind of workout they want, and how they’re feeling on a given day. The two gyms are set up to accommodate that approach, essentially offering members a second gym for free.

unintimidating and user-friendly” atmosphere.Bothgyms have sauna and shower facilities, and Cascade Fitness will feature a tanning bed.

“The goal is to eliminate all the barriers to entry,” he said. “The whole idea is a one-stop shop, everything under one roof, best of both worlds… It’s more community-based now, where it’s something for everybody… (facilities and programing) for every schedule, every budget, every goal.”

Leveling up at Level 5 If they work out here or they work out there, I don’t care. As long as workingthey’reout.

Membership--No Contract, No Initiation Fee, Zero Down $59 A Month Individual Membership • Includes Both Facilities $108 A Month Family Membership • Includes Both Facilities • Over 70 pieces of cardio equipment • Over 30 different weight machines OUTLAW STATION SHOPPING CENTER, 10,000 SQUARE FEET! TWO FULLY-EQUIPPED, WITH 24-HOUR ACCESS FOR — Key-card access, security JOIN NOW! MEMBERSHIP = NO CONTRACT, $59-a-month individual membership, includes both facilities •

Cascade Fitness, at 4,000 square feet, will house spin bikes and a heavy bag and speed bag for boxing workouts. There is a yoga/ recovery room, and streaming on demand will be available.

The 6,000-square-foot Level 5 continues to devote ample space for crossfit workouts and Olympic lifting.However, Hudson notes, most of the members at Level 5 are selfsufficient and independent, working their own program.

“I’ve got over 500 people who just do their own thing,” he said.

When he heard that Sisters’ first gym, Cascade Fitness, had lost its lease and was going to have to close, he made a decision: He would acquire the gym and all of its equipment, and move it in to a space just 200 feet away from his Level 5 gym. Now gym members have 24/7 card-lock access to either gym, or both, for $59 per month, with no contract and no initiation fee.

“What you’ll find at Cascade Fitness is that it’s more of a traditional gym environment,” Hudson said.That means more machinebased workouts, and a “totally

— Ryan Hudson

photo by jim cornelius

Ryan Hudson is passionate about providing access to the benefits of weight training to the Sisters community. The owner of Level 5 CrossFit Sisters is a champion weightlifter, a coach and, as of September, the owner of not one, but two gyms in Sisters.

Level 5, with 700 members is growing organically, and Hudson sees the facilities working synergistically, to everyone’s benefit.

Both Level 5 and Cascade Fitness are located in Outlaw Station shopping center on Arrowleaf Trail next to Ray’s Food Place. For information visit

In recent decades, the medical field and the health and fitness world have recognized that consistent strength training has significant benefits for everybody, and especially as we age. The Mayo Clinic cites the importance of strength training in an overall fitness program:Strength training may help you:

• Develop strong bones. By stressing your bones, strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.•Manage your weight.

• Sharpen your thinking skills. Some research suggests that regular strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve thinking and learning skills for older adults.

Weight training used to be perceived as the province of bodybuilders or highlevel athletes. Many myths discouraged regular folks from lifting out of concern that they’d “bulk up” or get “muscle bound.”

“I think the membership is going to grow and we’ll be at 1,000 members pretty quickly — with the space and equipment to serve all of them,” Hudson said.

The benefits of strength training

• Manage chronic conditions. Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.

photo by jarod gatley

Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories.

“It was almost like a funded expansion,” he said.

Any way you choose to do it — it’s good for you.

Cascade Fitness has 200 members, which helped Hudson make the move to bring the gym in in tandem with his other operation.

The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 • Partners in Health & Well-Being 5

The coach acknowledged that it is remarkable that a town the size of Sisters can support three good gyms — Level 5, Cascade Fitness, and Sisters Athletic Club. Each caters to a different set of aims and desires, and they do it well.

As head trainer, Hudson can help members set up a program at either gym — or both.

respite from the stresses of every day life and find that working out is as good for them psychologically as it is physically. You can “do your own thing” or you can take classes, or a mixture of both. For some, the gym becomes a place where they find their “tribe,” and some find it a place to center themselves by working solo.

• Enhance your quality of life. Strength training may enhance your quality of life and improve your ability to do everyday canriskmaytercontributemuscleinjury.yourcanStrengthactivities.trainingalsoprotectjointsfromBuildingalsocantobet-balanceandreduceyouroffalls.Thishelpyoumaintain

• Spin, Yoga, Boxing, CrossFit 24/7 • 2 Showers, 2 Saunas, Tanning • Free, customized orientation with personalized workout plan CENTER, SUITES 101 & 110 • 541-549-1729 FULLY-EQUIPPED, WORKOUT FACILITIES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! security monitored — CONTRACT, NO INITIATION FEE, ZERO DOWN! • $108-a-month couple membership, includes both facilities

“Between the three gyms we have in Sisters, I think we cover everything — everybody’s needs — really well,” Hudson said.

independence as you age.

Gilmore Dental wants to help people take charge of their own oral health — to stay on top of it and act early if there are concerns so that a concern doesn’t become a costly and dangerous crisis.

And yet most of us don’t make that connection — and we tend to put off going to the dentist. That can be a costly mistake on several“Theylevels.look at their teeth as a piece of hardware,” said Amy Remick, office manager at Gilmore Dental in Redmond. “They don’t connect it to their overall health.”

“We grow up and we’re taught to brush

reluctant or resistant.

But earning trust is not just about skill in dentistry. It really comes down to how patients are Stephanietreated.D.,aSisters patient at Gilmore Dental, said, “Look at the interaction they have with people. You don’t find that. You walk in, it’s like ‘Cheers’ here. I’ve been in customer service for 30 years, so that’s huge for me. You have to make that connection. They’re glad to see you — not just because you’re spending money but they’re genuinely glad to see you.”

Dental health is critical to overall wellbeing

Our teeth are much more than tools we use to chew our food and pearly whites we flash in a smile. They are a critical part of a complex system that must be kept in good condition if we are to lead healthy lives. Gilmore Dental understands that — and the whole staff is committed to helping folks in Central Oregon achieve good dental health as costeffectively — and as pleasantly — as possible.

“Dr. (Richard) Gilmore’s going to tell you what the findings are; he’s going to let you know the consequences of not acting,” RemickFromsaid.there, it’s up to the individual to do what’s“We’rebest.putting the patient in the driver’s seat,” Remick said. “Bottom line, we’re as conservative as we can be.”

Gilmore Dental meets a high standard of care. They’re not just going to do a quick cleaning — they need to know what’s going on in your mouth, which means thorough diagnostics, including x-rays. Remick understands that patients want to minimize time investment and financial costs — but minimizing or avoiding care ends up being more costly in the long run.

“You don’t pressure patients because you want their money — but because you want what’s best for them,” she said.

She can recount many instances where people have put off dealing with relatively straightforward dental issues — cavities, or even basic cleaning — until they become fullblown health crises. An abscess can be a very serious medical issue, even requiring hospitalization if infection spreads. Dental neglect always ends up costing the patient more — in pain, risk and dollars — than proactive measures would ever cost.

and floss — but we aren’t taught why,” RemickGilmoreobserved.Dental’s dentists don’t dictate to patients. They believe in “co-diagnosis,” identifying issues with patients and working together to determine the approach that works for the individual.

Remick and the rest of the staff at Gilmore Dental recognize that going to the dentist is not high on most people’s list of favorite activities. And they realize that there is a perception that dental offices pressure patients to come in regularly just so they can keep cash registers ringing.That’s not what it’s about at all, Remick asserts.

“Most people learn the hard way,” Remick said. “We can’t really save people from learning the hard Nevertheless,way.”the staff at Gilmore Dental is continually evaluating how they can work more effectively with patients, build relationships and improve outcomes.

ough diagnostics, including x-rays. Remick

— Dr. Gilmore

Remick notes that the staff is always working on refining the way it communicates with patients — trying to avoid coming on too strong and demanding and yet still serve the needs of the patient, even when the patient is

Educational videos help patients understand why proactive care is important.

Studies are increasingly showing connections between oral health and serious health concerns like heart disease. And what’s going on in the rest of the body can also be reflected in our oral health.

Gilmore Dental keeps abreast of best practices and the most effective technology to improve the patient experience. They do most of their work on-site, and can create same-day bridges and crowns, which means patients don’t have to wait days or weeks and put up with temporary devices. That’s all part of making the patient experience as pleasant as it can be.

The consequences of doing nothing can cause even more damage and irreparable problems. We see the consequences of doing nothing every single day.

6 Partners in Health & Well-Being • The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022

“Our entire goal is to get patients in and earn their trust,” Remick said.

Being proactive with your dental health can allow cracked and chipped teeth to be restored.

Good oral health means much more than a nice smile. The condition of our teeth is critical to our overall wellbeing.



The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 • Partners in Health & Well-Being 7

Carol Statton has seen Green Ridge Physical Therapy & Wellness grow from just a couple of therapists and herself as a parttime receptionist to a thriving practice that features seven physi cal therapists with different spe cialties, a massage therapist, and herself in role of office manager.

Through that change and growth, one thing has remained a constant: Patient care is always at the forefront. The culture of Green Ridge Physical Therapy & Wellness comes directly from Greg Zadow, owner and physical therapist.“Wehave stayed privately owned, by him,” Statton noted. That means the practice is “prin ciples-and-values-guided by a physical therapist who owns the business.”Zadowhas built a team of high ly-skilled and trained profession als who share his values. And the practice is profoundly respected in the Sisters community.

Keeping patient care at the forefront in PT

Lack of access to good health care can be deadly.

After a Prineville fam ily lost their infant to a prevent able medical issue two decades ago, Mosaic Medical’s Ochoco Community Clinic was found ed to ensure that such access is available to anyone who needs it. Over the past two decades, Mosaic Medical has now grown to more than a dozen clinics pro viding quality care for all in Bend, Redmond, Madras and Prineville. The organization employs near ly 400 staff throughout the region.The nonprofit community health center serves Central Oregonians from all walks of life, offering integrated health ser vices including medical, dental, behavioral health, nutrition and medication.‘It’sreally a holistic approach,” said development officer Emily Boynton. “It puts the patient at the middle of all these services.”

“We feel honored by how beloved we are in the commu nity,” Statton said. “When peo ple entrust their care to us, it’s

“We want every single person who comes through the door to feel dignity,” Boynton said.

Deep attention to patients’ needs is reflected in the standard of one-hour appointments, which the practice has maintained from theAbeginning.culturethat encourages per sonal and professional growth, and close ties with a beloved com munity have made Green Ridge a true work “home” for Statton and the others who find their calling there.“There could be no better place to reach that potential and to have it reflected back so beautifully,” she said.

8 Partners in Health & Well-Being • The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 www325541-549-3534N.LocustSt., CelebratingalmostYEARSofoutstandingcustomerservice,teamworkandfriendshipCONGRATULATIONSCAROL!You’reInTheRightHandsWithGreenRidgePhysicalTherapy

Access for all, regardless of financial situation, is a key part of the“Wemission.also meet people where

they are financially,” Boynton said.Financial or insurance status or language are not barriers.

Celebrating 20 years of serving medical needs

something we’re really honored by.”Zadow has empowered every one at the practice to be purpose ful in their work and to grow as professionals. While the thera pists all have specialties and par ticular approaches to the work, they actively share skills with each other. That has made Green Ridge a go-to practice not just in Sisters, but“Weregion-wide.havepeople coming from other states for Counterstrain (treatment), because that’s so spe cialized,” Statton said.

Strong ties to the community are“Wemission-critical.areacommunity based, local nonprofit. We rely on our partners and donors to continue ourAllmission.”areinvited to join in a cel ebration at the Mosaic 20th Anniversary Jamboree on Friday, September 23 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the High Desert Music Hall in sponsors are helping to make the 20th Anniversary Jamboree a free and inclusive event open to all. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a medley of food and live music from ¡Chiringa! and Blackstrap Bluegrass, and to learn more about Mosaic.

RSVP is not required but encouraged at There are prizes for the first 100 people to RSVP.

Creating a fun environment is important to building a successful, ongoing doctor-patient relationship. That’s particularly important with orthodontics, as you’re going to be working with your doctor for a while.Age8 is a great time to get an initial consultation. While 12 is the age when most orthodontic intervention occurs — that’s when we usually have all our adult teeth and issues start to manifest — an earlier consultation may allow for treatment that prevents future issues or sets up the patient for

some folks it’s an anxiety trigger.

The Nugget Newspaper • September 14, 2022 • Partners in Health & Well-Being 9

Dr. Shannon Woods has made putting patients at ease at the very heart of her practice.

easier treatment at 12. Initial consultation is complementary at Woods Ortho.While adolescence is the time of life often associated with orthodontics, more adults are choosing to correct issues they’ve lived with for years. The rise of clear aligners has promoted“Adultsthat.have a higher degree of compliance with that kind of treatment,” Woods said. “It’s much more mainstream than it was 20 years realascanningdigitalter.encehaveTechnologyago.”advancesmadetheexperi-oforthodonticsbet-Strongermaterials,scans,and3Dthatcancreatemodelofyourmouthintimehavemadethe

Dr. Shannon Woods is now seeing patients in Sisters inside Sisters Dental.

“We love being able to meet people where they are,” Woods said.

In fact, correcting problems with bite and tooth alignment is vital to good health. A misaligned bite or crooked teeth can mean a lifetime of damaged teeth, and even problems chewing food and breathing.Andwe shouldn’t underestimate the importance of appearance. It’s not mere vanity. Bad teeth can affect both the way you carry yourself and the way others perceive you. Your smile has a big impact on how you walk in the world.“Definitely a smile is something that can make you feel vulnerable,” Woods said. “There’s a lot of reasons that the aesthetic component can be more than aesthetics. You carry yourself completely differently when you’re confident in the way you look.”

A smile is more than a smile at Woods Ortho

Getting to that great smile can be a daunting prospect, and for

practice less onerous on the patient, and more accurate and efficient for the practitioner.WoodsOrtho works in concert and partnership with dentists to cover all the bases of care. One of those partnerships is a real boon to Sisters residents. Woods Ortho

offers orthodontics appointments at Sisters Dental (call Woods Ortho at 541-385-3104 to schedule). Since orthodontics is an ongoing process, saving yourself trips to Bend is really beneficial.

Everybody wants to have a dazzling smile. At first glance, it seems that orthodontics is simply about looks.“From the outside looking in, orthodontics are often seen as ‘I want that movie star smile,’” said Chris Woods, who manages Woods Ortho in Bend.

“If you lean into that, it becomes a passion and she became really good at that,” said Chris Woods. “She’s pretty spectacular at putting people at ease. She’s a vibrant, upbeat person. That’s not just a skill set. That’s baked in.”

“Spectacular” is not an exaggeration. As their website notes: “If you are lucky enough to catch Dr. Woods when Whitney Houston’s ‘Wanna Dance With Somebody’ comes on, well, let’s just say, make sure you have your phone ready.”

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