NUHS Residency PC manual 2014

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rogram oordinators’

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Table of Contents 1.0

Residency and ACGME-I


1.1 1.2 1.3

Brief Background of the UK System Residency Residency Programs

1 1 2


GME Office


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

GMEC and Sub-committees DIO Office Team Program Coordinators Residency Organizational Chart

5 6 9 9


Calendar of Events of An Academic Year



Program Coordinator Duties



Professional Development and Welfare for PCs


5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.7 5.8 5.9

Reporting Structure PC Career Path and Job Descriptions Professional Development MA-Edu General HR Guidelines Orientation & Induction for New PCs Parking for Staff New Staff Parking Privileges Parking Areas for Staff Staff Application Update of Particulars Phone Allowances Name Stamp Name Card

12 12 13 14 15 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20


Recruitment and Selection of Residents


6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Recruitment Process Timeline NUHS Residency Career Fair Eligibility of Applicants Portfolio Submission National Interview NUHS Tea Sessions cum Interview Ranking and Matching Commencement of Residency

21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24


Appointment and Orientation of Residents


7.1 7.2

Appointment and Re-appointment Orientation for New Residents

25 26

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.4

Program Specific Orientation NUHS Corporate Orientation Outward Bound Singapore Checklist for New Resident Intake Career Path for Residents

26 26 28 28 28


Residency Management


Accreditation Data System (ADS) Resident Case Logs New Innovations Duty Hours Block Scheduling Evaluations Residency Website Management (CMS) Resident Portfolio NUS E-Resources via NUHS Email (for Residents) Blackboard Account Card Activation for Residents’ Lounge SMC registration for Residents

Residents’ MOHH Training Leave (De)Activation of Clinical IT Access for Residents Update of Residency Outlook Email Group

29 29 31 32 34 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 44


Assessment and Evaluations


9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7

Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) Conditionally-Registered Doctor’s Evaluations (SMC) Residents’ (MO) Bi-Annual TPM (MOHH) Residents’ (HOs) Evaluations (MOHH) ACGME-I Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation (RCTE) Form In-Training Examination (ITE)

47 47 48 49 49 51 51

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.12.1 8.12.2 8.12.3 8.13 8.13.1 8.13.2 8.13.3 8.13.4 8.14 8.15 8.16

4 types of medical registration SMC Full Registration for Residents

Resident’s Ink Stamp Resident’s NUHS name card Update of Residents’ Contact Details in HMS Resident’s Computers Resident’s Licensure Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Procedural Courses Residents’ MOHH Annual Leave Entitlement of Annual Leave Computation of HO-turns-MO Annual Leave Resident’s Leave Application Workflow (NUHS Residency) Leave Allowable Guidelines for Residents Posted to JurongHealth

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

9.8 9.9 9.10 9.10.1 9.10.2

ACGME-I & NUHS Resident/Faculty & Program Survey Promotion to Senior Residency NI Matching and Reports Generation NI Session Manager & Matching Reports Generation on NI

51 52 52 52 53


Faculty Management


10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Appointment of Faculty Faculty Development Faculty Training Hours Tracking Faculty Budget Guidelines

57 57 58 59


Accreditation and ACGME-I Site Visit


11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Site Visit Preparation Briefing Prior Site Visit Site Visit Day Letter of Notification (LON) Internal Review

61 61 62 63 64


Finance and Funding


12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.5.1 12.5.2

NUHS Residency Fund Tracking of Budget Request of Additional Budget Claiming from NUHS Residency Funds NUH Procurement Guide Items excluded from procurement procedures: Items exempted from the procurement procedures, and payment may be processed directly through e-Request for Payment (ERP): Sourcing Guidelines Purchase Orders (PO) Order of Stationery & Mineral Water MOHH Personal Training Fund (PTF) for Residents MOHH PTF Entitlement PGY1 Resident’s MOHH PTF Computation How to Claim from MOHH PTF? MOHH PTF Guidelines MOHH Postgraduate Examinations Sponsorship MOHH Overseas Conference Sponsorship E-Request for Payment (ERP) Creating Payment Request Checking Status of Submitted ERP Re-submitting a Rejected ERP Credit Note (Refund by Vendors/Organizations) Claim for Overseas Conference (for PD/faculty) NUHS Policy Tasks for PCs prior to PD/faculty trip

65 66 66 66 68 68 69

12.5.3 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.8.1 12.8.2 12.8.3 12.8.4 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.11.1 12.11.2 12.11.3 12.12 12.13 12.13.1 12.13.2

69 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 74 74 74 76 77 77 77 78 78

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

12.13.3 12.13.4 12.13.5 12.13.6

Tasks for PCs prior after PD/faculty trip Subsistence Allowance (SA) Transport to Claim on top of SA Travel Insurance

78 79 79 79




13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.3 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.4 13.5 13.6

Tips for PCs, by PCs – How to Work With Different Types of PDs? The Pro-Active PDs The Re-Active PDs The Over-Active PDs The In-Active PDs Useful Contacts NUHS / NUH Contacts Caterers (common engaged) MOHH Personnel Vendors Useful Websites NUHS / NUH Websites Residency-Related Websites External Websites Useful Tools/Software Glossary Abbreviations (non-exhaustive)

80 80 80 81 82 84 84 85 87 88 91 91 94 95 97 98 99

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Annexes 1. PC Career Path Job Descriptions 2. NUHS Video Synopses 3. TDA_HRD Final (FY15) 4. MA Education HR Guidelines (updated 1 April 14) 5. TPM Policy_Revision 2011 6. Workflow for Residency ePAS_name card (20140814) 7. MOH Residency T&C (Annex A)_updated 20140212 8. PC Checklist for New Resident Intake (updated 2014) 9. Career Path for Residents 10. MedScheduler 11. Website Standardised Sections & Subpages (20140225) 12. NUHS_CMS_User Guide_v1.0 13. NUS E-Resources Step-by-Step Instructions 14. Cover letter for SMC Full Registration 15. Rubber stamp replacement form 16. Workflow for Residency Name Card (20140814) 17. BCLS & AED Program outline 18. Summary of Evaluation Forms 19. SMC Supervisory Framework Annex B - Reference Table (updated 01 Jun 2011) 20. SMC Supervisory Framework Annex C - Undertaking (updated 06 Jul 2011) 21. SMC Assessment Form C1 22. SMC Annex C Workflow (MA-Res) 23. MOHH C-1 forms Workflow (NUHS) 24. Workflow for NAC-PGY1 forms (20140820) 25. P1 – P3 Forms 26. MOH Trng Cir Min 13_2013_9Sep2013_Progression to Senior Resident & Annex 1 27. SR Promotion Workflow - 15 Mar 2014 28. Promotion to Senior Resident – Proforma (NUHS)

NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

29. Recommended List of Residents for Promotion to Senior Residents (Amended as @ 3 Oct 13) 30. JCST Secretariat Contact List(as @ 12 Nov 13) 31. Workflow for appt letters & PLA_20140429 32. Table Standee Template 33. ACGME-I Site Visit FAQs 34. NUHS ACGME Letters of Notification Follow Up Plan 35. Internal Review Template (updated 8 Aug) 36. Residency budget allocation_(Annex A) 37. Budget Record Template 38. MMD procurement NUH-PM-MMD-02 (2014) 39. MOHH Personal Training Fund (updated 26 April 2013) 40. Policy_and_Application_Postgrad_Sponsorship_Residents_v14 41. Policy_and_Application_Overseas_Conference_Sponsorship_vMay14 42. Update on Travel Matters_20131129 43. Oversea Business Travel_2013Nov HR roundtable 44. Staff Communication on Travel Insurance 45. SA rates (Apr 2014) 46. NUHS 2014 AXA Smarter Traveller - Generic Travel Certificate 47. NUHS 2014 Group Travel Insurance Benefit Summary

Glossaries ACGME-I Glossary New Innovations Glossary



NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Residency and ACGME-I 1.1 Brief Background of the UK System Singapore inherited the UK based system of training specialists. In the 1970s, when the first of the local Master of Medicine (MMed) degrees were conferred by the University of Singapore [which in 1980 became the National University of Singapore (NUS)], the formalized system of training was implemented. This consisted of two phases, basic specialty training (BST) and the advanced specialty training (AST). Training in most specialties consists of three years in BST and three to four years in AST. Subsequently, certain specialties eliminated biphasic training pathways and established the seamless tracks to do away with the break between BST and AST.

1.2 Residency Started in July 2010, postgraduate medical education in Singapore has since successfully transitioned to the new Residency system. The Residency brings along significant enhancements to the postgraduate training system, with an increased emphasis on structured and formative training. Some of the components include: System:

Institutional structures that accord resources for training and education;


Planned learning experiences with well-defined curricula for trainees to develop core competencies, enabling them to take on progressive graded responsibilities;


Regular formative assessments to ensure trainees achieve core competencies at each stage of learning;


Designated core faculty with protected time to plan curricula, guide and supervise residents and perform formative assessments.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) works closely with the US Accreditation of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in carrying out this transformation of the graduate medical education program. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education International (ACGME-I) is a nongovernmental organization that accredits Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs outside of the United States. Its mission is to improve health care by assessing and advancing the quality of resident physicians' education through accreditation to benefit the public, protect the interests of residents, and improve the quality of teaching, learning, research, and professional practice. MOH also works closely with the Sponsoring Institutions (Restructured Hospitals and Institutions) to ensure a smooth implementation of the new postgraduate training system over 3 phases.


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

1.3 Residency Programs The first phase (Phase I) began in July 2010 with 7 specialties, namely:       

Emergency Medicine General Surgery Internal Medicine Paediatrics Pathology Preventive Medicine Psychiatry (National Program)

Phase II started in July 2011 and includes 8 specialties, namely:        

Anaesthesiology Diagnostic Radiology Family Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Otorhinolaryngology Surgery-In-General*

(*Surgery-in-General, or SIG in short, is the locally, non-ACGME-I accredited residency program, that provides preliminary training for surgical specialties, such as Cardiothoracic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery & Urology. These programs went through the local accreditation in 2014. Results of accreditation are pending at the time of printing.) Phase III commenced in July 2013 for the Internal Medicine-related subspecialties:             

Cardiology Dermatology (National Program) Endocrinology Gastroenterology Geriatric Medicine Haematology Infectious Diseases Medical Oncology Neurology Nuclear Medicine (National Program) Renal Medicine Respiratory Medicine Rheumatology

Phase IV - Radiation Oncology residency will commence in July 2015. It will be a JCST- accredited program. More details will be released later.


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

PGY1 Program For new doctors, post graduate Year 1 (PGY1) is a vital transition year between undergraduate medical education and full medical registration. It prepares the medical graduate for future independent practice in an unsupervised ambulatory setting. During this period, PGY1 doctors (PGY1s) are provisionally registered to gain the necessary clinical experience and skills in one or more approved hospitals and assume increasing responsibility for patient care under supervision. Successful completion of PGY1 makes one eligible for Full Registration with the Singapore Medical Council. To ensure that every Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) receives standardized training and assessment to become safe and competent doctors, MOH established the National Assessment Committee for Postgraduate Year 1 (NAC-PGY1) in 2014. The framework reinforces the primary objective of the PGY1 year as a training year. The framework describes the attributes, attitudes and skills that doctors are expected to demonstrate at the end of their PGY1 year. (Reproduced from MOH site)

Transitional Year (TY)-Categorical Medical students in their final year who are matched to the specialties listed below will be required to undergo the Transitional Year (TY) program.       

Anaesthesiology Diagnostic Radiology Family Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Otorhinolaryngology

Clinician Scientist (CS) Residency Program The CS residency program is designed to provide training opportunities in the clinical disciplines as well as research. In general, the total duration of training for CS residents is one year more than the clinical track, including at least a year of research training. CS training is generally structured into two-stages – the junior residency years and senior residency years. The objective of the CS training in the junior residency years is to build a strong foundation in clinical research whereas in the senior residency years, there will be greater commitment to research projects. CS residents can apply for research grants (e.g. the NHG-NUS Clinician Leadership in Research program, SingHealth Foundation Research Grants, NUHS Junior Pitch-for- funds research etc) and


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

other grants available in the SIs. CS residents who intend to take up scholarships e.g. for the PhD, may apply for the NRF-MOH Research Training Scholarships. For successful exit from CS Residency program, residents would need to have had (a) achieved at least the Master of Clinical Investigations (MCI) or equivalent, and (b) at least a first-author publication in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. For more information on CS track, refer to



NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

GME Office

Currently, there are 3 approved Sponsoring Institutions (SIs), namely: 1. National Healthcare Group (NHG): Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Institute of Mental Health, Alexandra Hospital / Khoo Teck Puat Hospital 2. National University Health System (NUHS): National University Hospital, JurongHealth (Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital) 3. SingHealth Services (SHS): Singapore General Hospital, KK Women's and Children’s Hospital, Changi General Hospital Each SI appoints a Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) which is chaired by the Designated Institutional Official (DIO). At NUHS, the DIO reports to the Vice Chairman, Medical Board (VCMB) for Education. The DIO and VCMB sit on the NUH Medical Board. The membership of GMEC includes the Program Directors (PDs), faculty members, medical school representatives, peer-selected residents as well as hospital administrators.

2.1 GMEC and Sub-committees GMEC is led by the Designated Institutional Official (DIO). It forms an administrative system that oversees ACGME-I accredited programs of the sponsoring institution. The GMEC meets as a whole on a monthly basis to discuss and convene on any issues pertaining to residency training. Resident representatives play a key role in ensuring that the views of the resident community are heard in areas like curriculum design and planning, evaluation, tracking of duty hours, funding and resources, etc. Resident representatives will have voting rights in the committee. There are 10 sub-committees within the GMEC. Each sub-committee has its roles and responsibilities in ensuring the residency programs fulfill their training requirements. All subcommittees report to the GMEC, which will hear their updates, discuss the issues, and is the ultimate decision maker on any issues requiring a vote or approval at the monthly GME meeting.

 Curriculum Sub-Committee: Role: drives the Residency Core Education Program (CEP) which includes structured domain core skills like Medical & Surgical Emergency (MSE) & General Care of the Adult & Trauma (GCAT), patient safety and communication skills for R1. R2 modules consist of evidence-based medicine; Quality Improvement Course (QIP); Basic Statistics, Epidemiology and Clinical Investigation; Residents as Teachers (RATs); Medical Protection Society (MPS) workshops. It also conducts Objectives Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) yearly for the incoming HOMO as part of the Orientation Program.


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

 Education IT Role: promotes the integration of IT into residency training, develops and implements education IT training programs, and recommends strategies to individual residency programs regarding education IT.  Evaluation Sub-Committee: Role: includes formulating and reviewing resident, faculty and program evaluations, and ensuring consistency among programs.  Faculty Development Sub-Committee: Role: develops a faculty training roadmap and ensures that programs work towards an educational environment conducive to educating residents in each of the ACGME-I competency areas.  Internal Review Sub-Committee: Role: responsible in auditing the institution and the programs for compliance with ACGME-I Common, specialty/subspecialty-specific Program, and Institutional Requirements. This entails setting up the internal review framework for each program and implementing the review process at the mid-point of the accreditation cycle.  Medical Education Research Role: improves medical education research quality and production; provides initiatives and directions for faculty in research; and promotes education research culture in NUHS residency.  Remediation Sub-Committee: Role: adopts an analytic approach to resident remediation and counseling with the various tools available and makes recommendations to DIO and GMEC.  Resident Research Sub-Committee: Role: provides our residents opportunities in Research. Residents interested in research will be linked with mentors / projects and be inspired. This subcommittee is mentored by experienced researchers within NUHS. It also manages the Junior Pitch for Funds and Eminent Speaker Series whereby clinician scientists are invited to inspire residents in research matters.  Resident Welfare Sub-Committee: Role: provides a platform for effective communication among residents/fellows and also a forum for all matters pertaining to residents’ activities. Also organizes events like Year-End Party, Graduation Party and other ad-hoc social activities.  Simulation Sub-Committee: Role: develops and implements simulation training programs; promotes the integration of simulation into residency training; leverages on simulation trainings to strengthen the quality of patient care and safety.

2.2 DIO Office In addition to the responsibilities as outlined for the GMEC, the DIO Office plays the following roles: a) Being a Key Resource Centre, Especially Common Needs Among Programs


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Understand the ACGME-I requirements and guidelines and be able to advise the PDs and PCs of each program on institutional requirements and the foundational program requirements. The PDs focus more of their attention to specialty specific program requirements. b) Sharing of Best Practice As the DIO Office has links to each program, it takes an active role in sharing good practices in one program with others. This helps to level up all programs. c) Managing Conflict At times, there could be differences in opinion between program faculty that impacts the good delivery of the training program. DIO Office will step in to understand each party’s perspective and find a common ground for all. This occurs at times when residents are posted across programs. d) Planning and Allocating Junior Doctor Manpower Traditionally, junior doctor manpower is handled by the Medical HR Department of each hospital, who will in turn work with MOHH for HOPEX and MOPEX. With the introduction of residency, there is a need to balance both training and service needs. The DIO Office works closely with Medical HR and the Program Directors to balance the allocation of residents to the various departments, including departments in other institutions according to training and service needs. In addition, as the graduating residents become the future pipeline of clinicians for the hospital, the DIO Office needs to work closely with Human Resource Department to plan for clinician manpower recruitment. e) Engaging the Senior Management The DIO Office plays a key role in keeping the CEO, Senior Management and CMB apprised of key happenings in the Residency program. This ensures that senior management is engaged in the running of the programs and is hands on to provide the direction and advice. f)

Managing Relationships with External Parties The residency programs in the SI are supported by many external parties e.g.  Regulatory bodies e.g. The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health Holdings, Specialist Accreditation Board, etc.  JurongHealth and other SIs  Major participating site or partner for GME  Other participating sites The DIO Office maintains good working relationships with these parties with the intent of providing the best training program.

g) Coordinating All Matters Related to Accreditation h) Education Budget and Funding The DIO Office works out the education budget required to ensure the smooth running of the residency programs.


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Figure 1: Simplified version of an Organizational Chart of the Residency Team

The MA-Education Director is Ms Clara Sin who oversees residency and undergraduate educational matters. The MA-Education Assistant Director is Mr Ang Hwee Khoon who oversees event management and policy/accreditation/ education operations (space & IT) and surgical program coordinators. The Institutional Coordinator (IC) is Ms Jo-Ann Sim who provides support to the DIO and oversees residency-related matters within the SI. The other staff supporting the DIO Office include: Ms Yang Meng Shan  Manage funding-related matters such funding submissions, disbursement, documentation and audits and track the true cost of education in the institution.


Ms Chen Qiongyu  Manage IT and New Innovations: the use of technology for teaching and learning, as well as program management; supports e-learning and use of New Innovations (NI), Accreditation Data System (ADS).  Accreditation matters: coordinate and oversee the accreditation exercise and the mid-cycle reviews (also known as internal reviews) required for all ACGME-I accredited programs. Ms Karine Woo  Manage Residency Social Media (Facebook and Website) and Outreach programs such as U Time, DIO sessions with CRs and residents. Ms Tan Lixuan  Facilitate corporate orientation and access of clinical applications for residents. Ms Sarah Tan Siew Yong  Manage DIO’s calendar; provides administrative and logistic support to PCs and other matters pertaining to the residency team.


NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

2.3 Program Coordinators Each program is supported by one or more Program Coordinators (PC) and/or Associate Program Coordinator (APC). The PCs/APCs are the Program Director’s administrative partners and play a critical role in the administration and accreditation of the program.

2.4 Residency Organizational Chart The organizational chart illustrates the reporting structure within Medical Affairs-Education (Residency).

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NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Calendar of Events of an Academic Year

Retrieve the editable copy in R Drive:\PCs Matters (Sarah)\Calendar of Events of a PC - updated 27July2014.xls MONTH

MAJOR EVENTS Release of matching results for M5s OBS (1st run)


OSPE Sedation & Chest Tube

Hospital Orientation for new residents MAY


CORE ITEMS Prepraration for new HO residents - arch file, workstation, handbook etc Organise program specific orientation for new residents (M5s) Inform new residents on Institutional level orientation activities - OBS, OSPE etc Inform relevant parties (roster master, hosting dept) of incoming residents

Send NI/ADS login to new residents CCC Meeting Enter RCTE scores into ADS Update program's outlook group/program email

Resident Graduation Party NUH Teaching Excellence Award nominations Release of budget for this financial year

MOHH FTE Funding Submission


Residency Career Fair

Budget planning for this FY Update residency website in preparation for Aug career fair Book faculty rep/ resident rep for Aug career fair Prepare re-contract for residents Prepraration for new MO residents - arch file, workstation, handbook etc Organise program specific orientation for new residents (HOs/MOs) Prepare materials (posters/program leaflet) for Aug career fair if any Book PD/APD/CF for the PEC Meeting in Sep Update program's outlook group/program email

ADS Annual Update Submit budget to GME office for next FY


Teacher's Day

earlyApr early Apr

MOHH interview for M5 & HO/MO applicants OCTOBER

early May

Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting by end Jun

early July

Annual Program Evaluation by residents on NI

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Collate MOH C1 forms for MOs' TPM Ranking Book PD/APD/Core Faculty for CCC meeting in Dec

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Residency Retreat Release of matching results for HOMO JANUARY


Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

PD to submit ranking for HO/MO

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

MOHH FTE Funding Submission ACGME-I Core Faculty Survey CCC Meeting Enter RCTE scores into ADS


PD to submit ranking for M5s Confirm MOPEX rotation for submission to MOHH Confirm PGY1 rotation for submission to MOHH Submit graduating residents list to GME office for Graduation Party in Jun end Jan

Remind residents closing of NUHS PTF by early March Remind residents of the upcoming ACGME-I Resident Survey

early Feb early Feb

ACGME-I Resident Survey


Closing of FY. PC to submit all claims on eRP Book PD/APD/Core Faculty for CCC meeting in May Collate MOH C1 forms for MOs' TPM Ranking

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & by end Aug Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Remind residents closing of MOHH PTF in Dec Remind Core Faculty of the upcoming ACGME-I Core Faculty Survey

Resident Year End Party

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval

Prepare documents for Residency Interview/ Tea sessions


Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval

Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Annual Program Evaluation by faculty on NI PEC Meeting



Assign Supervisor

Enter new residents data into NI & ADS

MA Edu Staff retreat

OBS (2nd Run)


by 15 Mar

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting Duty Hours Tracking Match Resident Eval and Faculty & Rotation Eval Assign Supervisor Didactic Teaching Postgraduate meeting

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NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Program Coordinator Duties

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NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

Professional Development and Welfare for PCs 5.1 Reporting Structure

Reporting to the PD allows the PD to have oversight of the PC as the PC will work very closely with the PD. It also ensures that programs take ownership of issues and resolve them within the PD/PC hub.

PD dual reporting Reporting back to the DIO Office, in this case, Reporting Officer (RO) allows the latter to better manage the career path and progression of each PC. It also allows DIO Office to better plan manpower needs for central events, e.g. career fairs, open house, etc.

RO in DIO Office

5.2 PC Career Path and Job Descriptions On top of the NUHS Career Path for Administrators (Figure 2), MA-Education, in collaboration with HR Department, has also implemented the PC Career Path so to provide a well-defined framework to develop PCs progressively (Figure 3). The detailed Job Descriptions (JDs) at various levels of the PC Career Path have also been mapped out (refer to Annex 1).

NUHS Residency PC Career Path Senior Program Coordinator

Deputy Program Manager

Manager (Program)

Senior Manager (Program)

Exec / Snr Exec M1/2

Asst Mgr / M2

Snr Asst Mgr / M3

Mgr / M4

Snr Mgr / M5

Manage / in-charge of program

Exposure to potential tracks, to learn & choose

Associate Program Coordinator

Program Coordinator

SAA / EA / SEA Support program

Specialist Track

Mutually discuss on focus area (PD, DIO Office, PC)


Figure 2: NUHS Career Path (Admin) – 1 July 2012

Spec (Dept)

Spec (DIO ofc)

1. Existing PCs who are EA & not APC

• UG

• CS

• PG/Fellowship

• Policies

2. De-link Team Lead from title – not all leads may be @ SPC

• Edu Conf

• Events

3. 3 Tracks: Specialist – Dept Specialist – DIO ofc Educator


Team Lead (Mentor)

• NI, ADS, website

• Mentor / guide PCs

• Orientation

• Manage a team • Coverage / leave / MCs • Tenure of appt

Implementation Date: 1 Sep 2012

Figure 3: NUHS Residency PC Career Path

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NUHS Residency – Program Coordinator Manual (2014)

5.3 Professional Development At the bi-annual TPM sessions, PCs are encouraged to discuss their development and training needs with their PDs and Reporting Officer (RO). By identifying the PC’s areas of improvements and skills/interest inclinations, PCs can then prioritize the relevant training courses so to be better equipped for his/her scope of work and personal development. There are a few sources of training that PCs can consider: #

Types of courses


Learning @ NUHS 1. NUHS courses via the Learning Needs Analysis Exercise  Log in to HRIS for the available training courses.



twice yearly


E-Learning @ NUH (http://nuhsportal/departments/administrative/humanresource/learn-and-grow-my-career/learningnuhs/elearning-nuh.html)  BlackBoard e-Learning Portal (  HRD Video Library (see Annex 2 to view the videos synopses)



NUHS has sponsorship schemes to support the different training needs of staff.  Academic Medicine Development Award (AMDA). It serves as a professional development initiative for high-value training opportunities and a platform for staff to further build their competencies in clinical care, research and education for NUHS. Categories of awards under AMDA include Postgraduate Training (PhD & Masters programs) Skills Attachment Training (Individual and team-based) Refer to NUHS portal for more details  Talent Development Award (TDA) is a funded by NUH to equip NUH Talent pool with updated and relevant competencies to assume leadership positions. Refer to Annex 3 for more details.


APMEC and MEU workshops – usually medical education related topics


Organizer NUHS HR Department

Approval Needed Yes except ELearning



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International Medical Education Conferences  ACGME-I Conference (overseas) – Priority is given to those PCs who are involved in conducting workshop with their PD. /MeetingsandConferences/AnnualEducational Conference.aspx  Specialty-related conferences (overseas)


ACGME/ Others



Grand Rounds – a variety of topics ranges from medical education, clinical to special interest





National or institutional/Departmental symposium/workshop/course



Yes if sponsorship is required from MA-Edu

5.4 MA-Education General HR Guidelines (information correct at 1 April 2014) These guidelines complement the NUH HR policy to ensure consistency in practices across all residency programs. This set of guidelines includes: (A) Off-in-lieu/Time-off (B) Medical Leave (C) Transport Reimbursement (D) Dress Code Refer to Annex 4 for the details. For a comprehensive list of NUH policy and guidelines for non-medical staff, refer to Human Resource site http://nuhs-portal/departments/administrative/human-resource/do-itright/nonmedical-staff.html which detailed the followings:  Benefits & Staff Welfare  Career Tracks (refer to 5.2 PC Career Path and Job Descriptions)  Compensation  Employment & Appointment

 Learning & Development (refer to 5.3 Professional Development)  Recognition HR Awards (External) HR Awards (Internal)  Staff Discipline & Conduct Dress Code Employee Discipline External Communication & Publications Policy General Conduct, Confidentiality, Attendance & Punctuality Gifts/Benefits/Entertainment from External Parties Sponsorships from External Parties Honorarium & Appointment of Directorship Whistle Blowing Policy Compliance Leave Conflict of Interest  Staff Records

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 Total Performance Management Employee Grievance Procedure Probation & Confirmation Promotion TPM Appraisal Timeline, TPM Appraisal & Moderation Process (Annex 5) Month

TPM APPRAISAL TIMELINE The TPM cycle for non-medical employees is 12 months, i.e. from 1 April to 31 March of the following year. (For new employees, refer to Annex 5, 5.2.4 TPM Appraisal Cycle for New Employee.)


Reporting Officer (RO) conducts performance planning and set Key Result Areas (KRAs – aka Performance Targets) with Employee for new FY. RO is requested to set SMARTER KRAs (refer to Annex 8.1) with employee for clear communication of expectation. Other tips for ROs during the open appraisal are as stated in Annex 8.2. Sep/Oct Entity HR initiates Interim Performance Review between RO and employee. Dec

Entity HR initiates Year-End Performance Review and sends employee details to *RO via Head of Department (HOD) for recommendations. *Note: The RO from one entity may be the supervisor for staff from another entity.


Employee completes the results achieved against the KRAs set at the beginning of FY. RO reviews the achievements and appraises the performance of employee (optional if RO wants to meet employee).

 Travel Arrangement (work-related)  Work Schedule

5.5 Orientation & Induction for new PCs All new employees have to attend the 3-full day Corporate Orientation and Executive Induction Program (EIP) - Core & Electives, organized by HR Department, which include the following topics:  Introduction to National Centres & Clinical Clusters - Part 1 & 2  NUH International, Business Development & Introduction to NUH Corp Planning & Development  Leading Your Team to Service Excellence  Basic Finance & Budgeting  SAP Data Extraction & Report Generation  Overview of IT System and Processes New employees have to complete the required orientation modules prior to their confirmation.

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In addition, MA-Edu (Residency) has also implemented a structured induction program for new PCs since 2014. The objectives of the Induction are to:  provide a systematic approach to assimilate new employees into the workplace and obtain a greater understanding of the job.  allow objectives & expectations to be set and the probation period to begin.  improve the new employee’s morale and efficiency (helps reduce stress and anxiety associated with a new job). Induction program schedule cum checklist: No. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 7. 8. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C 1. 2. 3.



Tasks Personnel I/C Pre-Entry for new PC NUHS Staff Pass & Kopitiam Card (on first day of reporting) HR Laptop/desktop (e.g. configuration etc) Residency EA Apply for ADID (upon receiving staff details from HR) Residency EA Obtain HMS (will be generated automatically via online ID application NA upon applying for ADID) Confirm Workstation RO Apply for phone set & phone line (if applicable) Residency EA Apply for NI log in username & password Chen Qiongyu Apply for CMS log in username & password Karine Woo Arrange lunch with PCs for first, second & third day of work Buddy/Team Lead Blast on new PC to all PCs, respective PDs & CF, DIO Office staff RO First Day of Reporting (Administrative Matters) Phone allowance Form Residency EA Staff parking (if applicable) Residency EA Issue stationery Set Residency EA Issue PC Directory (hardcopy) Residency EA Name Stamp Residency EA First Day of Reporting (Applies if first day is not the NUH Corporate Orientation.) Note: The sequence of the listed activities below can be adjusted accordingly to the needs of the new PC) Tour of MA-Edu office at Level 6 (include DIO office) RO Introduction to colleagues @ Level 6 & in TB & Team Lead/Buddy RO Tour of PC’s department Program PC /Team Lead  workstation  (fire) exits, bathrooms, meeting rooms, the room to collect and dispose the trash bag Overview of MA-Edu & Residency RO / AD  Organisation chart of MA-Edu  How the PC role fits into the whole NUH organisation  TRICE Values  Confirmation Process and TPM criteria  Professional Development (training courses, career progression etc)  Reporting structure for PC & PC role  PD, RO & Team Lead  TPM matrix Overview of Residency Central Team  Major Events in Residency (refer to Calendar of Events in PC Manual)  BST/AST vs Residency Terms Used: Job Designation of doctors such as HO/MO/C; PGY; R1 etc; SR  PC Manual & Residency Manual

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How to locate information via softcopy which has hyperlinks & search function Departmental Protocols  Do It Right (policies for non-medical staff)  Dress code  General Conduct, Confidentiality, Attendance & Punctuality  Conflict of Interest http://nuhs-portal/departments/administrative/humanresource/do-it-right/nonmedical-staff.html 


 

Central Team

Flexi-benefit Policy Overview of NUHS Staff Leave Policy: o No of days allowed to bring forward to next calendar year o Claiming of hours/OIL guidelines o Buddy coverage guidelines

7. 8.

9. D 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

HRIS: o Leave processes (inform Team Lead, application for leave, paid medical leave, FCL etc) o Application for Training courses o Submit transport claim & guidelines o Retrieve pay slip (salary, phone allowance) Introduce PC to PD/APD and/or Core Faculty Eatery places in NUHS & vicinity  NUS Science Canteen  PGP Canteens  Kopitiam (MB & MC)  Medical Centre eateries  Circle Line eateries (refer to Circle Line map) Training on using Residency website (CMS) Second Day: Introduction to Systems Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Email  Online version  setting of out-of-office messages & guidelines  signatory  name search  retrieval of deleted email (from deleted & sent folder)  how to recall sent email  how to save archived emails onto external source NUH Portal HMS RBS ePAS (staff parking, name card, *IT requests & uniform-scrubs issuance ) *Refer to Online Google for IT requests for residents Finance, Program Budget/Funding & eRP Overview of Operational matters (I):  Requests/Purchase for stationery (from Residency EA)  Refreshment Claims (with & w/o claim form)  Central repository for Residency (more important folders; not exhaustive list)  P:\PCs  P:\CEP  P:\PC Manual  P:\Residents HR matters  P:\Residents' Rotations

Program PC/ Team Lead Central Team

Karine Woo Central Team

Central Team Central Team Central Team Central Team Central Team Central Team Central Team Note: Team Lead/Program PC to brief in details if needed (refer to G4)

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E 1.

2. 3. F 1. G 1. 2. 3. 4.

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 P:\SOPs  P:\Workflows  P:\Contracts  P:\Appointment letters Records & Templates  P:\Corporate orientation attendance Third Day: Introduction to External Organisations Role of SMC & others:  Search for doctor’s MCR no (exclude those with Provisional Licensure)  Licensure status:  Provisional  Cond (L1-L3)  Full registration  SMC Conditional Registration  Refer to Workflow  Supervisor  Evaluation forms to submit (C1 & AR) Role of JCST & contacts Role of MOHH; Introduce Residency website & MOHH contacts CEP Induction Job-shadowing on one Friday CEP Program-Specific Induction/On-the-job Training Overview of tasks/calendar events for PC (can use this as a guide to run through all operational & administrative matters) Program-specific info i.e. Block rotations, curriculum, CCC, PEC, dept organization chart etc. NI, ADS & online Google submission for IT requests for residents Operational matters (II):  Requests/Purchase for stationery (from Residency EA)  Central repository for Residency (more important folders; not exhaustive list)  R:\PCs Matters  R:\PC Manual  P:\ACGME-I Accreditation & IR  P:\CEP  P:\Residents - HR matters  P:\Residents - Rotations  P:\SOP & Workflow  P:\Residents - Contracts  P:\Appointment letters Records & Templates  P:\Orientation-attendance etc  Refreshment Claims (with & w/o claim form) Sub-com Briefing Overview & events Responsibilities Confirmation appraisal Meeting with RO for confirmation appraisal (6 months later)

Central Team

Central Team Central Team Program PC/Team Lead Program-specific PC/ Team Lead Program-specific PC/ Team Lead Program-specific PC/ Team Lead Program-specific PC/ Team Lead

Sub-com Coordinator


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5.6 Parking for Staff All NUH staff are eligible to apply for staff parking facilities in NUH at no charge. However, with the growing demand for staff car park lots and limited parking facilities within the campus, the hospital will periodically review the Staff Parking Policy and re-allocate parking areas to manage the situation.

5.6.1 Staff Parking Privileges (Applicable to new staff and applications from 1 July 2014) Affected Group


New staff & applicants under the following job groups: HO/Resident (HO)

No staff parking privileges


Nursing SSN & below


Admin Band 3 & below ( i.e. Senior Assistant Managers & below)


Allied Health/Ancillary Band 3 & below (i.e. AH3/PH3/S13 & below)

Exceptions: Staff holding Clinic Manager or Charge Nurse appointments will have access to full parking privileges at carparks E, F, H & A -

Staff on shift can apply for sub-parking privileges at carparks E, F, H & A from 6pm – 6am daily. This is to assist staff who need to report back during off-peak hours where public transport may not be easily accessible. Staff are strongly encouraged to carpool where feasible.

5.6.2 Parking Areas for Staff New staff / Staff promoted from 1 July 2014 under the following job groups will remain/be given parking privileges at carparks E, F, H & A instead of Tower Block carpark. All other job groups are not affected. Affected Group New staff / Staff promoted under the following job groups: Registrars /Senior Registrars /Senior Residents -

Senior Managers & Managers

Details Staff parking privileges will be given for/remain at carparks E, F, H & A instead of Tower Block carpark Existing Registrars /Senior Registrars /Senior Residents with parking rights at Tower Block will remain unchanged. Existing Senior Managers & Managers parking at Tower Block will be relocated to carparks E, F, H & A later in the year (estimated November 2014), when carpark A has been fully converted to a staff car park. We will contact the individuals nearer the date.

5.6.3 Staff Application PCs may submit the parking application via ePAS http://nhlntevp1app03.nhg.local/db/nuh/staffparking.nsf with a scanned copy of your valid driving licence.

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In the ePAS application, PCs have to select MA-Medical Affairs under Cluster and Medical Affairs (Education-Residency) so that the system will auto-populate the primary approver (see Diagram 4). After the submission, it will be routed to OSS’s approval and processing. Processing of application can take up to 3 working days, and the staff will be informed once application is approved.

Figure 4: Screenshot of part of ePAS

5.6.4 Update of Particulars PCs need to update OSS on changes to your designation, car number, IU number, contact numbers, etc. Such changes may mean a change to your parking eligibility, and to enable OSS to contact you quickly should they notice irregularities to your car (e.g. flat tyre, headlights not switched off, car doors not closed properly, vandalisms, car alarm triggered, etc). Do update Ms Goh Shan Shan (Ext: 24113) on any changes mentioned above.

5.7 Phone Allowance PC’s mobile number will be listed in HMS due to the nature of the job. Approach Ms Sarah Chan, Residency SEA, to apply for the monthly allowance.

5.8 Name Stamp All new PCs will receive their name stamp upon joining MA-Residency as it is required for processing all claims. Ms Sarah Chan, Residency SEA, will assist you with application.

5.9 Name Card All PCs can apply for a set of name card via ePAS after their confirmation. Please refer to Annex 6 for the name card convention and process prior to applying.

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6. Recruitment and Selection of Residents There are 5 phases for the residency exercise each year: 1. Submission of portfolio by applicants 2. Confirmation of interviewers & date/time by the programs in Sponsoring Institutes (SIs) 3. Residency program Interviews (MMI) 4. Submission of ranking by PD & applicants 5. Matching exercise

6.1 Recruitment Process Timeline The timeline illustrates the resident recruitment cycle for residency exercise.

Timeline for Residency Application / Recruitment

Portfolio Submission for Residency Interviews (via MOHH e-portal)

Submission of Ranking by Applicants (HOMOs, M5s)

Submission of Ranking by SIs/PDs

National Interviews (HOMOs, M5s)


Career Fair



Commence Residency


Release of Match Results

Matching (by PDs & Applicants)









Tea Sessions

6.2 NUHS Residency Career Fair NUHS Residency conducts a career fair on the first Saturday in August annually. This is organized in conjunction with the Medical Society of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM), NUS. The date for each sponsoring institution’s career fair is scheduled on different dates so that potential

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residents have an opportunity to attend all of them. for the other SIs’ career fair dates.



Objectives of career fair:  Showcase our residency programs;  Allow for follow-up on potential residents who are interested in the program. MOHH may conduct a session on that day to brief potential residents on the application process and timelines. PCs will be required to work closely with the career fair organizing committee.

To-Dos List for PCs:  Block calendar of faculty and residents  Provide accurate and updated program information collateral/Residency App  Print posters (if applicable)  Update program website  Set up program booth and/or equipment the day before  Assist PD with slides for program talk(s)



6.3 Eligibility of Applicants Applicants are firstly selected based on qualifications that meet or exceed the standards as stipulated by Ministry of Health Holdings (MOHH) Pte Ltd. Applicants must also qualify for licensure or exemption for licensure under the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) requirements. Graduates from overseas medical colleges will need to refer to a list of accredited schools, which is acceptable by Singapore: MOHH administers the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) which serves as an independent party to match applicants’ and each SI’s preferences. NUHS participates in the NRMP as a SI. All participating programs and specialties can be found on the NRMP website at

6.4 Portfolio Submission Applicants are to submit their interview portfolio together with the application to MOHH. Composition of the Interview Portfolio comprises: 1. Personal Particulars (Photograph, contact info, etc) 2. Academic History 3. Elective Postings Completed (if applicable)

23 | P a g e 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Clinical Rotations Completed List of Successfully Completed Post Graduate Examination(s) List of Extra Curricular Activities/Awards/Accomplishments Referee List Specialty Choices (Personal Statement) All applicants’ CV will be deposited into P Drive:\Residents - Portfolios fr MOHH (20112014) after the MOHH MMI interview.

6.5 National Interview After submission of the portfolio, candidates go through a national interview (Multiple-Mini Interviews MMI format) conducted by MOHH. Our Program Directors and/or Core Faculty are part of the panel of interviewers. The national panel determines the number of eligible applicants for each program based on the national criteria and needs. The eligible list of candidates will be released to all SIs subsequently.

To Do List For PCs:  Submit details of interviewer(s) to DIO Office  Block calendar of interviewer(s)  Remind interviewer(s) about the interview sessions

6.6 Tea Session cum interview In NUHS, each program conducts its tea session cum interview from Oct to Jan. Applicants who have registered with your program will be confirmed for a session with your Program Director and faculty staff where they will be assessed either individually or as a group. Programs will then select from among the pool of eligible applicants, evaluate each applicant according to each program’s criteria, which can include their ability, aptitude, academic credentials, communication skills, and qualities that meet the NUHS TRICE values, i.e. Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence.

To-Dos List for PCs:  Create online registration form to be linked to notice on program’s residency website  Update DIO Office/Karine the date(s) & timing(s) of your program’s session(s) and the online registration form URL for publicity  Block calendar of PD, APDs and/or faculty/HOD for the session(s)  Confirm time slot with applicants  Prepare interview forms and relevant materials of applicants for panel of interviewers

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 Book venue  Prepare refreshment (if needed)

6.7 Ranking and Matching After the National Interview and tea sessions, PDs and eligible applicants will rank their preferences. The matching process will match candidates' and SIs' preferences for each other. Applicants are first matched to their first choice program, then to his second choice program if he/she fails the first match, and so on, until a match is made or all the applicant’s choices have been exhausted.

To-Dos for PCs:  Remind PDs about ranking submission deadline  Assist PDs with the ranking submission on MOHH website (an email will be sent to your PD with the submission details by MOHH)

6.8 Commencement of Residency Residency cycle starts in May (for Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine HOs) and July (for MOs and International Medical Graduates) of every year. Senior Residency commences in July every year.

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7. Appointment and Orientation of Residents 7.1 Appointment and Re-appointment Residents in Singapore are under the employment of MOHH and other ministries for those who are scholars (e.g. SAF, MOH). NUHS will ensure that its residents are provided with a written agreement of appointment/contract outlining the terms and conditions of their appointment upon entry into the program. This agreement is jointly issued by NUHS and MOHH. T h e generic template of these e m p l o y m e n t terms and conditions can be found in Annex 7 and P Drive:\Appointment letters Records & Templates. Re-appointment for resident position for subsequent years is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Re-appointment is based upon meeting the NUHS and RAC (regulates ACGME-I and locally accredited programs) graduate medical education standards and clinical competencies required to advance to the next level of training. Re-appointment will be recommended by the Program Director and approved by the DIO. Overview Chart --Types of Residency Contracts for Residents Version 2: revised 20140717 Please refer to the corresponding folder/document labelled with the same no. in P Drive. Types of Residents

Types of Residency Contract Being Issued


Suggested submission deadline (for DIO Ofc's Tracking)

MOH Residency Offer Letter NUHS 20xx Annex A_Standard MOH Residency T&C (Annex A) NUHS Resident Agreement-20xx intake (Annex B) MOH Training Award Application MOH Residency Offer Letter NUHS 20xx Annex A_Standard MOH Residency T&C (Annex A) 2. New intake of MO (July) NUHS Resident Agreement-20xx intake (Annex B) MOH Training Award Application 3. TY-categorical turns R1 NUHS Resident Contract (NUHS TY-categorical) 4. Re-appointment of Residents NUHS Resident Re-Contract MOH Residency Offer Letter NUHS 20xx 5. Residents turn Snr Residents - requires Annex A_Standard MOH Residency T&C (Annex A) MOHH matching (e.g. IM to Neuro/Endo/ etc) NUHS Snr Resident Agreement 20xx intake (Annex B) MOH Training Award Application 6. Residents turn Snr Residents- seamless (e.g. Paeds, Anaes, SIG to Hand; NUHS Snr Resident Re-Contract Ortho/O&G/Neuro-S) & Snr Residents' progression within program (e.g. R4 to R5)

NUHS PCs to send to residents NUHS PCs to send to residents

30 June 30 June

NUHS PCs to send to residents

30 June

NUHS PCs to send to residents

30 June

7. SAF Residents (new intake)

Resident Contract (SAF)

NUHS PCs to send to residents

8. SAF Residents (Re-appointment)

Resident Re-Contract (SAF)

NUHS PCs to send to residents

1. New intake of HO (May)

MOHH will send to HOs

NUHS PCs to send to MOs since MOs are already employees of MOHH

May intake (30 April)

July intake (30 May)

May intake (30 April) July intake (30 May) 30 June

Figure 5: Detailing the types of appointment and re-appointment contracts for the residents .

To-Dos List of PCs:  Ensure residents return the original copy of the appointment letters (MOH and/or NUHS) to Residency EA by the stipulated deadline.  You can retrieve the contract templates & scanned contracts in P Drive:\Residents - Contracts.

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7.2 Orientation of New Residents To help new residents familiarize with NUHS, the Orientation is structured into three parts which are compulsory for all residents.

7.2.1 Program Specific Orientation 

This session introduces the new residents to the PD, APDs, CF/physician faculty, PC(s), and/or HOD in the program. Individual program will decide on the agenda of the orientation.

To-Dos for PCs:  Block schedule of relevant parties  Confirm the attendance of the new residents  Collect thumb drives and deposit Resident Manual and other relevant program-specific materials in them for the residents  Prepare the relevant materials/presenting slides (if necessary)  Cater for refreshment (optional) 7.2.2 NUHS Corporate Orientation (typically on the first Monday of each month) The GME Office, in coordination with various services at NUHS, provides several sessions on safe and appropriate patient care during Orientation. These sessions include Clinical Responsibilities of a Resident, An Efficient Ward Round, Reducing Laboratory Errors, Infection Control for Clinicians and Discharge Processes. Refer to Resident Manual, Section V: RESIDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT, Section B: Hospital Orientation for New Residents for the topics covered at Orientation. Residents are also required to complete an online quiz on the portal within a month of joining NUH. The passing mark is 80%. In addition, residents will be mask fitted and taught proper hand hygiene techniques. It is mandatory for all new residents to complete the orientation program. This Orientation is supported by all the programs, the GME office, and the GMEC. A typical Orientation Program: Time

Orientation Program




Welcome Address (10mins) CMB


Clinical Responsibilities of a House Officer / Medical Officer (60mins) A/Prof Quek Swee Chye, Deputy Chairman, Medical Board

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Orientation Program


Physician Impairment (30mins) A/Prof Munidasa Winslow, The Winslow Clinic


Discharge Planning: It Starts from Admission! (10mins) Ms Eva Chow, Assistant Director, Medical Social Work Department


An Efficient Ward Round: It Can Happen! (15mins) Ms Noreza Binte Sailani, Acting Senior Nurse Manager, Department of Nursing


Good Documentation & Discharge Processes (10mins) Dr Goh Wei-Ping, Senior Resident Physician, Division of General Medicine and Therapeutics, University Medicine Cluster


Sensitivity Test & Tea Break


Infection Control for Clinicians (10mins) A/Prof Dale Fisher, Senior Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases, University Medicine Cluster


Pre-anaesthesia Preparation for the Surgical Patient (10mins) Dr Ong Kok Leong, Registrar, Department of Anaesthesia


Medical IT in NUH, Clinical Systems Demonstration (90mins) Dr. Lim Er Luen, Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department


iSmart Training (20mins) Dr Ling Zheng Jye, Medical Officer, NUHS Academic Informatics Office


Mask-Fitting / Hand Washing Audit (60mins)


Lunch Group 1: IT Training (90mins) Session 1 by A/Prof James Yip Venue: NUH Main Building Level 6, eHubs 1 & 2


Group 1: Diabetes Management in Wards (60mins) by Dr Soh Lip Min 4.00pm

New Innovation (15mins) by Dr Manjari Lahiri & Ms Chen Qiongyu Venue: NUH Main Building Level 4, Seminar Rm 4B

Group 2: Diabetes Management in Wards (60mins) by Dr Soh Lip Min New Innovation (15mins) by Dr Manjari Lahiri & Ms Chen Qiongyu Venue: NUH Main Building Level 4, Seminar Rm 4B Group 2: IT Training (90mins) Session 2 by Dr Ling Zheng Jye Venue: NUH Main Building Level 6, eHubs 1 &2

*Note: IT training is compulsory for clinicians not previously from NUH or TTSH. Trainees need to attend only 1 of the above sessions. Please check attached name list to find out which session you have been scheduled to attend.

To-Dos List of PCs: ď ś Submit photographs and personal details of new residents to DIO Office for making of NUHS staff passes, applying ADID pin mailer and activating all relevant clinical applications.

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 Confirm the attendance of the new residents and inform your department roster planner to excuse them from official duties.  PCs can obtain the record of resident’s attendance in P Drive for the resident’s P-File. This piece of information is necessary for the resident’s P-file record in view of ACGME-I and JCI accreditation.

7.2.3 Outward Bound Singapore (typically in April and July)  New residents will experience a 3-day-2-night teambuilding camp with the CEO/COO/CMB, DIO, DIO office staff, PDs and/or PCs at Pulau Ubin.  The TRICE values are inculcated to the residents through the activities during the course.

To-Dos List of PCs:  Confirm the attendance of the new residents and PD/APD  Inform residents’ host department roster planner to excuse them from clinical duties  Inform Residency EA the T-shirt sizes required  Collate OBS medical declaration forms  Collate resident’s profile for senior management’s reference  Confirm with residents on transport on reporting day  Remind residents to attend briefing/email briefing slides to them  PCs to volunteer attending the May/July run

7.3 Checklist for New Residents Intake The Checklist for New Resident Intake is attached as Annex 8. While the checklist serves as a general guide, the requirements of individual program/department may vary and each PC will be responsible for his/her program’s needs.

7.4 Career Path for Residents To allow ourselves a better understanding of residents’ progression within and beyond residency, the Career Path for Residents has been consolidated for all programs as Annex 9.

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8. Residency Management 8.1

Accreditation Data System (ADS)

ADS is an Internet-based data collection system that contains the current data on file with ACGME-I for all sponsoring institutions and programs. Sponsors and accredited programs are required to verify and update general information annually in a secured environment. In addition, programs will be required to verify the accredited training of all residents and to communicate organizational changes as they occur.

ADS Login

ADS is the platform for submitting the Foundational & Advanced Specialty PIF (Program Information Form). Or access via Programs are notified annually by ACGME-I to perform scheduled updates of information. Program Coordinator's Role 1. Acquire the program’s login ID and password for ADS from your PD or DIO Office. 2. Prepare the required ADS update when notified by the ACGME-I. 3. Submit PIFs & attachments via ADS. 4. Update faculty and residents’ information for each new academic year. 5. Check and ensure the completion of Annual Faculty & Resident Surveys. 6. Submit semi-annual Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation Forms.

Persons you can contact from DIO Office: Ms Chen Qiongyu

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Resident Case Logs

The Resident Case Log System is an Internet-based case log system to track resident experiences.

Resident Case Log Login

The resident should enter encounters/procedures and choose codes that accurately reflect the encounter/procedure performed or the code that most closely matches. Some entries may fall into the unassigned category. PCs need to ensure/remind residents to log cases regularly. A full detailed report can be generated, or a summary report to have an overview of the cases logged. 1. Synchronizing Case Log system with ADS for residents  Ensure all residents’ details are entered into ADS.  Log into Resident Case Logs with the same ID & Password as ADS.  All existing residents in ADS should automatically be synchronized in Case Log system. 2. Creating username and password for residents  When adding a resident in ADS, the email address of the resident is required.  This email address entered will be used to send the resident a username and password for the Case Log system. 3. Resetting of password for residents  On the login interface, click on ‘Forgot your password?’  Enter the resident’s Last Name and Username, OR Email Address.  An email will be sent to the resident with instructions on how to initiate the password reset process. 4. Case Log Attending Physicians  The list of Case Log Attending Physicians with their status can be found on ADS.  New Case Log Attending can be added from here. 5. Reports to be churned out Report List Menu > Resident Experience Summary (this option is more commonly used)

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New Innovations 8.3.1

Duty Hours

What consists duty hours? Why the need for duty hours? All clinical & academic activities. Public consumer advocates and some in the medical profession have expressed concern that excessive duty hours for residents jeopardize quality of care. The duty hour standards promote quality education and patient care.

Examples: patient care & admin duties relative to patient care such as discharge summary, medical reports, attending teaching sessions / conferences / workshops.

Other rotational hours – OT/Wards/Office/night float Clinic - SOC/Polyclinics/FMC Conference – Didactic teachings, tutorial / M&M / CEP / Workshop Shift– for EMD shift work only

Extracted from ACGME Duty Hours fact sheet. When to log duty hours? You can also download the full PDF from Website/newsRoom/newsR m_dutyHours.asp

What are the standardized terminologies used across all programs in NUHS?

Residents are required to log duty hours upon official commencement of Residency training.

Call– when on 24 hours call in the hospital; Medicine half call is from 5pm to 10pm. Post call – up to 6 hours after call. Vacation/Leave – all types of leave including annual, medical, training, conference, marriage, reservist, etc.

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Duty Hour Rules ACGME 80 Hour All duty hour entries except vacation/leave will be totaled and must not 80 hours per week averaged exceed 80 hours per week or 320 hours per 4 weeks. over 4 weeks. If violated, NI will flag it out as ACGME 80 Hour Rule or 320 Hour Rule. ACGME Day Off Residents should have 1 Day Off in 7 days averaged over a 4-week period. 1 day off (24 hours) in 7 days For those who change their OFF day to another day, be cautious that it averaged over a 4-week period. does not cross over a 4 week period, as the system will flag this as a violation of the ACGME Day Off. It is the responsibility of the resident to ensure that this is not violated before the request for change in OFF day is submitted for approval. On the system, the Off Day must be left blank for the system to be captured as such. It is therefore important when the resident is on leave over weekend; he/she leaves the Sat & Sun as “blank” and not reflects it as vacation/leave. ACGME Short Break Example 1: There must be a 10-hr time period between each block of From “Other Rotation Hours” Day 1, duty hour logged. 6am to 9pm

To “Other Rotation Hours” Day 2, 6.30am to 6pm

The ACGME Short Break Rule has been violated as there is only a 9.5-hour break/rest between shifts. If the resident comes to work at 7am, he/she would need to leave work by 8pm the day before. Example 2: From “Other Rotation Hours” Day 1, 8am to 12pm

To “Clinic” Day 1, 2pm to 6pm.

The ACGME Short Break Rule has been violated as the system thinks that the resident only breaks for 2 hours between shifts. Please advise the resident to log 12pm – 2pm as “Other Rotation Hrs” if he/she is doing administrative work / reading / lunch.

Example 3: “ACGME Short Break” violation as seen in the screenshot below.

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ACGME 24+6 Maximum: 30 hours 24 hours Can be logged as any duty hour type

Example 1: “Call” from 7am Day1 to 8am Day2 (25 hrs) “Post Call” from 8am Day2 to 12pm Day 2 (4 hrs) The resident has violated ACGME 24 + 6 Rule as he/she worked 25 hours when “on call”.

6 hours Must be logged as ‘post call’ or ‘conference’

Please advise your resident to log instead as “Call” from 7am Day1 to 7am Day2 (24 hours) “Post Call” from 7am Day2 to 12pm Day2 (5 hours) In both the above situations, the total number of hours worked are the same, but the computer will flag the first as a violation, and the second one as ok.

A resident is allowed to work for up to 30 hours. In the first Example 2: 24 hours, any duty hour type is “Other Rotation Hrs” from 7am Day1 to 6pm Day1 (11 hrs) allowed. Anything beyond 24 “Call” from 6pm Day1 to 3pm Day2 (21 hrs) hours must be either ‘post call’ or ‘conference’. The resident has violated ACGME 24 + 6 Rule as he/she has worked 32 hours consecutively.

When this happens, the resident needs to *indicate in NI why he/she had to work such long hours on the day he/she was supposed to be post-call. *indicate the cause of violation from the dropdown box in NI:


Calls must not occur more than 1 in 3 days, averaging over 4 weeks.

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Block Scheduling

Block Scheduling

What is it all about?

The Block Schedule allows administrators to build and maintain the rotation schedule for any number of intervals. These block schedules can be used to help generate evaluations. For step-by-step guide, go to How to Add Rotation Schedule 1. Select Main > Scheduling – Block > Create/Edit > Block Schedule Rotations > Populate List 2. Choose the resident from the drop-down list from Populate List. 3. At the Rotation bar, click NEW. 4. Under Create/Edit Rotation Interval bar, populate the  Start & End date of the rotation  Person status (R1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)  Rotation Department (by default it should be Rotation Favourites where all the rotations the residents are posted to are compiled)  Rotation  Primary (should be ticked)  Home Department & Program (should be in default mode)  Post Graduate Year 5. Click Save after populating the fields. Alternatively, the MedScheduler can be downloaded and installed from R Drive:\MedScheduler to allow offline updating of resident block scheduling. Once rotations are added/edited, the block schedule can be synchronised with NI. Refer to Annex 10 for the step-by-step guide.

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What is Evaluations? The Evaluations module provides a program or institution the tools necessary to gather and compile data on the performance of their personnel and their rotation experience.

What can Evaluations do?         

Automatically generate evaluations for all people assigned to a rotation Allow evaluators to submit evaluations anonymously Print individual evaluations Require electronic signature of both evaluators and/or subjects Generate compiled reports for any time period displaying Peer or departmental average, individual average, minimum and maximum scores, standard deviation or listing of all scores Ability to include comments Automatic email notifications Ability to generate reports showing evaluations that were not completed Allow people to choose to evaluate individuals not assigned to them

For step-by-step guide, please go to after logging in to NI. Otherwise, click on the tab on the top right corner HELP-> SUPPORT CENTER-> EVALUATIONS Refer to Section 9 – Assessment & Evaluations in this manual for more details.

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Residency Website Management (CMS)

Each PC is responsible to update his/her program’s website regularly and prior to Career Fair in August. The login page is http://nuhs.cms/cos/o.x?c=/wbn/user&func=login. New PC’s login password & username will be requested by DIO Office staff – Ms Karine Woo who will liaise with Ms Binny Tan from NUHS Corp Comm. The vendor in-charge of CMS is Commontown. For any website-related matters, please contact Ms Karine Woo, MA-Residency at (ext: 22120) or email In order to ensure standardization across programs’ website, a list of sections and sub-pages is provided for all to follow. Refer to Annex 11 on the terminology and categorization. Refer to Annex 12 for the Web Builder User Guide on how to update the website. The manual can also be downloaded from: http://nuhs-portal/wbn/slot/u3126/NUHS_CMS_User%20Guide_v1.0.pdf Some free wares that PCs can use for image editing: URL (Download GIMP 2.8.10)


Functions Compress images Organize, edit and share images Photo retouching, image composition and image authoring Fix and enhance images; create collage; Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo

Resident Portfolio

Each program has its preference of organizing the resident’s evaluation/ portfolio/ assignment file. Included here are three sets of samples for your reference. They are by no means better but to illustrate how similar/different each program categorizes the portfolios. PCs will be required to upkeep the residents’ portfolios to enable the PD and/or program to make reference to anytime. The portfolios should also be confidential and under lock-and-key.

Sample from Anesthesia – Resident Portfolio

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Sample from Family Medicine – Resident Evaluation File

Sample from Family Medicine – Resident Assignment File

Sample from Paediatrics – Resident Portfolio

Sample from Paediatrics – Resident Logbook Miscellaneous



Sample Forms

Completed Assignments


NUS E-Resources via NUHS Email

1. Log in via NUS E-Resources Portal 2. Username: NUHS e-mail address (E.g. & Password: e-mail password 3. Advice residents to contact NUS IT Care at or (O) 6516 2080 if they have login issues. 4. Refer to Annex 13 for the step-by-step instructions.


Blackboard Account

1. 2.

Username: ADID & Default password: MOHH employee number Residents are enrolled in eBCLS, MED Modules for Clinicians, HO/MO/ Resident Orientation module on Blackboard by default. If residents could not log, please contact Ms Goh Jie Ling, MA-Edu, to reset the password.


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Card Activation for Residents’ Lounge


New resident’s staff pass will be activated for access to the lounge when MA-HR activates their cards for IT and other access. For any assistance on activation matter, contact Ms Rohani Amad Osni, Operational Support Services,



SMC registration for Residents 8.7.1 There are 4 types of medical registration for doctors who wish to practise in Singapore. 1. Provisional Registration Allows a local/overseas-trained fresh medical graduate to be employed as a house officer in approved hospitals. 2. Conditional Registration Allows an overseas-trained doctor (who has completed housemanship) to work in a healthcare establishment, under the supervision by a fully registered doctor. 3. Temporary Registration Allows an overseas-trained doctor to have short attachments at public hospitals for teaching, research or postgraduate study; conduct lectures etc as a visiting expert. 4. Full Registration Allows a local/overseas-trained doctor (who has completed his housemanship) to practise on his own. (*SMC requires an overseas-trained doctor to complete a specified period of conditional registration before he can be fully registered.) 8.7.2

SMC Full Registration for Residents

1. Should your resident approach you regarding full registration application with SMC, please advise them to prepare a supporting testimonial from current Head of Department and Chairman Medical Board/Medical Director (resident can draft the testimonial and get vetted by PC/PD/relevant personnel before submitting to HOD and CMB for endorsement). 2. Refer to Annex 14 for the cover letter for CMB’s endorsement on resident’s testimonial document. 3. Resident can then submit the testimonial, payment for application and other required documents as specified in istereddoctor/registration/register_of_medical_practitioners/full_registration.html to SMC via post or online. 4.

Please contact SMC for any enquiries or clarification.

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Resident’s Name Stamp



All new residents will receive an name stamp bearing their name and MCR no. at the corporate orientation in May and July. Likewise for HO-turns-MO residents who will receive a new name stamp bearing their new MCR no. For replacement due to wear-and-tear, residents will have to pay $6/= for a new one. PCs to pass the populated Rubber Stamp Replacement Form (Annex 15) with the cash to Finance Department at Level 13 to obtain the receipt. Then pass the receipt and the form to Ms Joy Chew, MA-HR for processing.


Resident’s NUHS name card


Each resident is allowed to order 1 box (100pcs) per year only upon valid request – which means PC does not need to order for all residents each year. Please remind residents that NUHS name cards are not to be used at outpatient settings in order not to confuse patients who only recognise NUH as the hospital and not NUHS. PCs are to apply for residents via ePAS. Refer to Annex 16 on the process and the name card conventions. The budget will be drawn from DIO office (cost centre remains as N3010120), not from individual program’s budget. The GL code/account to select is 509008-Cost of Printing.

2. 3. 4.


Update of Residents’ Contact Details in HMS

If the PC’s departmental secretary/personnel is not in charge of updating residents’ contact details, PC will have to input new resident’s details (mobile no., email address, and posting for the current month) and update the existing resident’s postings regularly. Please note that 1) only NUHS email address should be included in HMS for security reason, and 2) PCs will have to apply for administrator rights via ePAS.


Resident’s Computers


Workstations must be physically existing for the desktops to be placed at before submitting purchase request for desktops. Email Ms Sarah Chan, Residency SEA, the following information (see Figure 6) for desktop purchase at least 6 weeks prior to the start date of residency.


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Figure 6: Information to submit


PCs to apply for  Phone/LAN line service via ePAS (if applicable)  IT service for setting up desktops (via hardcopy). The form can be downloaded form from http://nuhweb/AIO/Forms/Forms.htm. The fields highlighted in red boxes are to be populated as well. Please approach Ms Sarah Chan, Residency EA, for any enquiries on filling the form.


PCs to inform Ms Sarah Chan, Residency EA, the asset tag number of each desktop assigned by ITD for asset tracking.


Resident’s Licensure 8.12.1 Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) It is mandatory for practising doctors to have valid Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) certification and be responsible to renew their certificate before it expires.

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NUHS MA-Education coordinates both *BCLS+AED re-certification and full certification courses and the cost fee is waived for NUHS residents and doctors. For NUHS residents who wish to renew their certificate, PCs can direct them to the  BCLS Schedule and YlJVRlhGM0R0ZFV4bVE#gid=12  BCLS Registration page QGb0xWrYo/viewform. *NUH conducts BCLS+AED course as a package rather than just BCLS course alone. Refer to Annex 17 for the programs outline. For any enquiries on the course, please contact Ms Goh Jie Ling, MA-Edu, at (ext 225992).

8.12.2 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Centre for Healthcare Simulation(CHS), NUS, conducts ACLS full- and re-certification course. For any enquiries or to be in the mailing list on course updates, please contact the following from Dean’s Office, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS:  Ms Ang Shu Shing, at, DID: 6601 1520  Ms Mahanom Bte Ahmad,, DID: 6516 1021

8.12.3 Procedural Courses Chest tube insertion and Moderate Sedation are mandatory for incoming new HOresidents during the May Orientation. For those who wish to be certified, please refer to details at the website link below. Others such as Arthrocentesis, Lumbar Puncture and Central Venous Line Placement & Removal (CVC), are program-specific requirements. You can refer to the URL ( for the details and contact persons.


Residents’ MOHH Annual Leave

All leave entitlement will be for the period January to December each year, unless otherwise stated. Leave entitlement will be pro-rated accordingly should the resident’s service with the Company is less than twelve (12) continuous months or a calendar year or if the resident is on no-pay leave during the year. All leave applications are to be submitted via Prosoft for HODs’ (or appointed personnel) approval.

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Residents are to submit the documents online via scanned copies through the Prosoft system without the need to submit the original hard copy documents.

8.13.1 Leave Entitlement for Residents: PGY1: 21 days PGY2 to PGY4: 24 days PGY5 to PGY9: 26 days PGY10 and above: 28 days

8.13.2 Computation of HO-turns-MO’s Annual Leave (AL) The table below gives an example of how a HO who turns MO computes his/her AL: Status Period of residency (example) Remarks HO HO-turns MO MO

3 May 2011 – 2 May 2012 3 May 2012 – 31 Dec 2012 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2013 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2014, etc

21 days of AL 24 days of AL will be pro-rated 24 days of AL per calendar year (can be carried forward to next calendar year)

8.13.3 Resident’s Leave Application Workflow (NUHS Residency) Refer to P:\SOP & Workflow\Workflows\ Workflow for Resident Leave Application _for PCs_20140429.pdf for details on  Types of leave applicable on Prosoft  How to apply for No Pay Leave (NPL)

8.13.4 Leave Allowable Guidelines for Residents Posted to JurongHealth (for PGY2 and beyond) Period of Posting (Months)

Max Prorated AL (24 days /year)

1 2

0-2 4

Other leave (MC, CCL, marriage leave, Reservist, etc)

Max days of Absence Per posting (Exclude TL)

Days of Absence beyond which posting will be repeated

Training Leave (12 days/year)




1 2

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3 4 6

6 8 12

4 5 7

10 13 19

17 23 34

3 4 6

All leave application will be approved by Hosting Site, including pre-approved leave by parent program. Terms for TL:  TL can only be used for examination day, conferences and workshops.  TL does not cover study leave for examination.  Supporting documents are required for TL application.  If the TL application exceeds the allowable, residents can use AL to top up. Note: Information provided by JurongHealth as at 1 July 2014


Residents’ MOHH Training Leave

Training leave is defined as leave taken for activities relevant to the specific Residency program (including but not limited to conferences/symposium, seminars, workshops, lectures, courses, examinations). The total number of days allowed for training leave for PGY2 and above is 12 days per year. If the residents have depleted their 12 days of training leave, provision can be given to them internally for other relevant training courses based on the program director’s discretion. Each program is to record these additional training leave(s) for their own reference. PGY1 residents are not entitled to such specific training leave as the entire PGY1 year is for basic training for licensing.


(De)Activation of Clinical IT Access for Residents

Ms Tan Lixuan, MA-Residency, will raise IT requests for all incoming PGY1 (before May) and HOMO residents (before July). For current residents, parent programs’ PCs have to update the online google document monthly for any IT requests such as (de)activation of OOTS, ICIP, Edweb, etc, so that these requests could be sent to ITD/ePAS in batches by Ms Lixuan.

To-Dos List of PCs:  Parent Program PCs are to request for any changes/updates for your residents who are posted to another department.  Parent Program PCs to enter the necessary request via jktQmc&usp=drive_web#gid=6 before the given deadline (stated in the URL) for activation.  For more details, refer to the tab IT Systems in P Drive:\Residents - HR matters\ Checklist for PCs.xls

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Update of Residency Outlook Email Group

Residency sends out regular notices/blasts such as the monthly Residency Updates on policy matters to all residents. In addition, CMB and other departments will send emails or alerts to residents as and when is needed. Thus it is important to update each residency program’s outlook email group regularly, especially in May and July for the large intake of new residents. Refer to the guideline below on how to add/remove resident from the group list. For change of ownership of the group, PC will need to apply via ePAS – IT Request and obtain a written permission (email is acceptable) from the existing owner/PC. This can be done prior to applying via ePAS. If the owner has left NUHS, please indicate “to replace the owner” in ePAS’ remark section. # 1

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Create a new email in Outlook.


2.1 Click To button. 2.2 And a window SELECT NAME: GLOBAL ADDRESS LIST will pop up.


3. In the search field, type in the residency group, e.g. NUH Anaesthesia Resident.

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4.1 Double click on the group, e.g. NUH Anaesthesia Resident.

4.2 It will be populated in the To field below.


5.1 In this case, the window NUH ANAESTHESIA RESIDENT will pop up which lists  The residents &  The owner of the group 5.2 Double click on the group, e.g. NUH Anaesthesia Resident, so that another window will appear.


6.1 To add or remove residents in the group, click MODIFY MEMBERS.

6.2 A window CONTACT GROUP MEMBERSHIP will pop up for users to ADD or REMOVE residents in the list.

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7.1 If you do not have the admin rights (i.e. not the owner) of the group, this message will pop up. Otherwise, permission will be granted once you click OK after removing/adding resident(s).

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9. Assessment and Evaluations Resident’s performance must be evaluated in a timely manner to provide objective assessments of their competence in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice.

Annex 18 is the summary chart compiled by the Evaluation Sub-Committee which illustrates the various evaluation forms used. While some programs may have additional evaluations forms, these are the generic ones which are applied across all programs.


Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)

CCC should be composed of members of the residency faculty. The CCC meets semi-annually or annually depending on the program. Roles of CCC: 1. Review all resident evaluations by all evaluators; 2. Make recommendations to the program director for resident progress, including promotion, remediation, and dismissal.

To-Dos List of PCs: 1. Organise meeting for CCC. 2. Prepare forms for review (program dependant):  Resident Evaluation Form - End of Rotation  MOHH Resident Evaluation Form C1  ACGME Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation Form (RCTE)  Other program-specific evaluation forms (e.g.: CCC form, MSF, Mini-CEX, LED, milestones)  Upload RCTE ratings on ADS  Download resident’s Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation Form – Trend Information from ADS\Reports\Milestones Evaluation for record


Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)

PEC should consist of members of the residency faculty and include representation from the residents. The PEC meets at least once a year to review the program.

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Roles of PEC: 1. Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate all significant activities of the residency program; 2. Develop competency-based curriculum goals and objectives; 3. Review annually the program; reviewing the GMEC internal review of the residency program with recommended action plans; 4. Assure that areas of non-compliance with ACGME-I standards are corrected.

To-Dos List of PCs: 1. Organise meeting for PEC, at least annually (program dependant) 2. Prepare forms for review (program dependant):      


Rotation Evaluation Form by resident (NI) Faculty Evaluation Form by resident (NI) Program Evaluation Form by resident (NI) Program Evaluation Form by faculty (NI) ACGME-I Annual Survey by resident ACGME-I Annual Survey by faculty

Conditionally Registered Doctors’ Evaluation (SMC)

Conditionally registered (C-reg) doctors are foreign-trained doctors and are under the supervision of an appropriate supervisor approved by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC). The SMC has a duty to ensure that patients’ safety is always safeguarded. Thus, C-reg doctors will be subjected to monitoring under SMC’s Supervisory Framework (Refer to Annex 19) throughout the period of his/her medical registration, which may range from 1 to 4 years or more. For more details, refer to octors/supervisory_framework.html For Full Registration Application, refer to Section 8.7 in this manual.

To-Dos List of PCs: 1. The PCs/departmental secretary are to coordinate the completion of the two SMC forms per posting/change of supervisor for submission to NUHS MA-HR:  Letter of Undertaking – SMC Annex C (Refer to Annex 20) 6 weeks before the start the doctor’s posting/change of supervisor, and  Form C-1 (Refer to Annex 21) after the end of the doctor’s posting. 2. Refer to Annex 22 for the SMC C1 Form Workflow which details the internal process and timeline.

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Residents’ (MOs) Bi-annual Total Performance Management (MOHH)

MOHH Common MO/MOT/Resident Evaluation Form (MOHH Form C1) is a document to be submitted to MOHH for the purpose of remuneration/bonus. The residents are being assessed based on the 6 ACGME-I competencies by their parent programs. They are ranked among their peers within their department and the ranking will be finalised at the NUH Moderation Panel Meeting. TPM for MOs/Residents occurs every 6 months: July – December and January – June. MA-HR will notify the departmental secretaries/PCs via email in March and September or earlier on the commencement of the exercise. Refer to Annex 23 for the internal workflow on MOHH C1 Form collation and submission.

To-Dos List of PCs:  Assist PD/faculty/HOD/Clinical Director with obtaining the relevant evaluation forms for their populating of the residents’ MOHH C1 form (program dependant).  Submit the overall performance grades of your MOs/Residents to MA(HR) by the stipulated deadline (if applicable).  Submit MOs/Residents’ MOHH C1 form to MA-HR to Residency EA by the stipulated deadline (if applicable).  Schedule departmental ranking session (if applicable).  Remind HOD/Clinical Director of the NUH Moderation Panel Meeting (if applicable).


Residents’ (HOs) Evaluations (MOHH)

Post graduate Year 1 (PGY1) forms the education and full medical registration. independent practice in an unsupervised doctors (PGY1s) are provisionally registered one or more approved hospitals in Singapore care under supervision.

transition year between undergraduate medical It prepares the medical graduate for future ambulatory setting. During this period, PGY1 to gain the necessary clinical experience and skills in and assume increasing responsibility for patient

Certificate of Experience A Certificate of Experience (COE) is proof of successful completion of clinical postings during PGY1. Successful completion entails accrual of at least 12 months of clinical postings and satisfactory performance as attested by the supervisors. Under the Medical Registration Regulations, all PGY1s must complete a minimum of three months in general medicine, a minimum three months in either general surgery or orthopaedic surgery and the remaining six months in any other program requirements as approved by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC). The COE is awarded by the National Certifying Authority (NAC) after ensuring that all requirements have been met.

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Successful issuance of the COE (and the passing of the USMLE Step 3 or equivalent exam for DukeNUS GMS graduates) is/are prerequisites for Full Medical Registration eligibility with the Singapore Medical Council. Assessment Tools The NAC-PGY1 has also standardized the evaluation process across institutions via the use of a common suite of assessment tools adapted from existing tools and methodologies. Figure 7 provides an overview of the assessment tools. All inflight PGY1s who started from 1 Feb 2014 onwards will be assessed under the new framework from 1 July 2014 onwards using the new forms. The standardized tools include the Logbook, Monthly Supervisor Report (Form P1) and Rater Form (Form P2), and End-of-posting Supervisor Report (Form P3). Refer to Figure 7 below. Refer to the internal workflow (Annex 24) and the P1 to P3 forms (Annex 25). Figure 7: Evaluation Tools Form

Purpose of Form





The monthly supervisor report is a formative assessment tool which assesses the PGY1s’ workplace-based performance and their ability to achieve the overall competencies.

Ward or Posting Supervisor (Certification by Supervisors only)

Monthly (12 forms/year)

From already on NI


It is used to assess the PGY1’s competencies in communication skills, professionalism and teamwork. It is used both in the multi-rater exercise as well as the end of posting assessment.

Multi-rater exercise: by 3 persons (Peer, Snr Dr, Nurse) -Peer: fellow PGY1/MO/R2 -Snr Dr: at least Reg/R4 -Nurse: at least senior staff nurse

Done within first 6 months of PGY1 training year. If unsatisfactory, to conduct another in second half of the year.

From already on NI Possible to use current MSF as long as it covers all the required components.


It is used only by the posting supervisor to assess the PGY1’s general progress and overall performance at the end of each posting and includes endorsement by the posting supervisor and acknowledgement by the PGY1.

Posting Supervisor (Certification/Endorsement by both PGY1 and Posting Supervisor)

Last month of posting

Incorporate Competency Evaluation on Professionalism, Communication and Team Work, to the General Progress Discussion and Overall Assessment.

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ACGME-I Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation (RCTE) Form

For the ACGME-I RCTE form, residents are evaluated based on an absolute scale, where the standard is at the completion of residency training. The Clinical Competency Committee/Posting Supervisor (program dependant) is required to complete the form based on the assessments done by residents. All programs are required to submit RCTE ratings through the ADS every 6 monthly (around Dec & May).

To-Dos List of PCs:  Schedule CCC session in Nov/Dec and May/Jun for finalising the ratings for the residents.  Prepare the necessary documents for the CCC/supervisors prior to the session (if applicable).  PCs are to key in the ratings into the ADS system for all residents before the stipulated deadline by ACGME-I.


In-Training Examination (ITE)

The ITE is a formative assessment used as a tool to evaluate medical knowledge, to help identify knowledge gaps and improve the quality of training for residents. The program-specific ITE is held once a year to assess the residents. The ITE organizer will liaise with the respective PC for residents’ details, and date & time of the examination.


ACGME-I & NUHS Resident/Faculty & Program Survey

The ACGME-I Resident Survey is to be completed by all active residents in the program annually via ADS. The ACGME-I Program Survey is to be completed via ADS annually by PD, APD and Core Faculty only.

Timeline Feb/Mar Jun/Jul Sep/Oct Dec

Figure 8: Overview of the Types of Surveys & Timeline Types of Survey Administered by Annual ADS survey for residents ACGME-I Annual NI program evaluation Individual program Annual NI program evaluation DIO office Annual ADS survey for programs ACGME-I

Target audience All residents All Faculty All residents PD, APD & Core Faculty

To-Dos List of PCs:  Track response rate of residents/faculty.  Remind residents/core faculty to complete the evaluation by the deadline given by ACGME-I.  Ensure a response rate of at least 75% is achieved for the ACGME-I survey report to be generated for the program.

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Promotion to Senior Residency

The criteria for progression to Senior Resident are as follows: a. Certification by Program Directors (PD) that the resident has completed R3 and acquired the necessary competence specified for a R3 resident. The Program Director’s certification should be based on robust, objective and standardized criteria and should include regular multiple clinical formative assessments by core faculty members. This process could be further strengthened by inter-institution / inter-cluster workplace assessment of residents in R3; and b. Fulfillment of the requirements laid down by the Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) for progression to Senior Resident (see table below) Extension in the duration of training (if any) to fulfil the above requirements will not receive residency funding. Refer to Annex 26 for the details. For the Promotion Workflow, refer to Annex 27. For the document required for submission to Evaluation sub-committee, refer to Annex 28. For the document required for submission to JCST, refer to Annex 29. The contact list of JCST personnel can be found in Annex 30.


NI Matching and Reports Generation


NI Session Manager & Matching

For evaluations available on New Innovations (NI), PCs can use the Session Manager on NI to keep track of all of their evaluation sessions to facilitate evaluation process, monitor progression & completion, send reminder email, and track information about relevant dates and levels of anonymity. Parent PCs to create session on NI: Evaluation > Sessions > Add New Session

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Parent PCs to do matching for every subspecialty rotation: Sessions > Session Manager > ‘Select the session you want to match’ > Match Schedule > Create Interval > Add Match Forms to be created on NI:

1. Rotation Evaluation Form by resident 2. Faculty Evaluation Form by resident 3. Resident Evaluation - End of Rotation by faculty Please check NI support center for step-by-step guides for generating evaluation session. Parent PCs should also track submission for evaluations generated by DIO Office on NI: i. Program Evaluation Form by resident ii. Program Evaluation Form by faculty (may be created at program level too)


Reports Generation on NI

Summary reports can be generated from NI for PEC, CCC & other purposes for the program. The more commonly generated reports are mentioned below (program dependent): 1. On Residents  Person Statistics Report Shows actual scores of each question and comments for a resident in a particular subspecialty rotation. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Person Statistics

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Resident A

(NUHS Rotation Z)

 Report about People who were Evaluated Shows average for resident’s status type. Provides resident’s average, minimum, maximum scores and standard deviation as well as comments for all evaluations done in the date range. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Customs Evaluation Report > Report about People who were Evaluated * Date range has to be set before generating report

 Ranking Report Allows comparison of residents (can be specific to residency year) in the academic year, in report and/or chart format. Chart can be configured as desired to 2/3 dimensional, vertical/horizontal, cylinder/bar, etc. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Ranking Report

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2. On Faculty  Report about People who were Evaluated Shows average for faculty. Provides faculty’s average, minimum, maximum scores and standard deviation as well as comments for all evaluations done in the date range. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Customs Evaluation Report > Report about People who were Evaluated * Date range has to be set before generating report

3. On Rotation  Report about Rotations that were Evaluated Shows average for rotation. Provides rotation’s average, minimum, maximum scores and standard deviation as well as comments for all evaluations done in the date range. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Customs Evaluation Report > Report about Rotations (or things) that were Evaluated

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* Date range has to be set before generating report

4. On Program ď ś Program Evaluation Reports Generated on annual basis. Shows ratings, average score and comments for program by resident / faculty. Main > Evaluation > Reports > Program Evaluation Reports > Evaluation Result

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10. Faculty Management The faculty database can be found and maintained in ADS (for accreditation purpose) & NI (for evaluation purpose).


Appointment of Faculty

Appointment letters are issued to PD, APD & Core Faculty once they are appointed as PD/APD/CF respectively. Any new appointment should be from 1 April 20xx to 31 March 20xx for 3 years. The ending date is aligned with the financial year ending on 31 March. Each individual program is to decide if appointment letters for physician faculty are to be issued. You can retrieve the following from P Drive: i) appointment letter templates for PD, APD & CF, ii) workflow for appointment letters (Annex 31) iii) alignment of appointment tenure to financial year starting 1 April

To-Dos List by PCs:  Prepare appointment letters on NUHS letterheads.  Obtain signatories from respective personnel (refer to workflow in Annex 31).  Keep a softcopy/hardcopy for your program’s filing.

Residency EA keeps a record of all program’s faculty appointment status. Refer to P Drive:\Appointment letters Records & Templates\Appointment letters.


Faculty Development

Each residency program is allocated a budget every financial year (1 April to 31 March of the following year) for faculty training, and covers training for PD, APD and faculty only. The chart on next page provides a progressive training framework for the various types of clinicians.

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Faculty Training Hours Tracking

Each PC is required to keep track of the training (hours) attended by his/her faculty. The data is useful for program as well as institutional accreditation purposes.

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The faculty training tracking template is parked in the P Drive:\FacDevelopment Tracking (Sub-Com) for PCs to update the faculty hours when required. Figure 9: A sample of the Tracking Record Template


Faculty Budget Guidelines

Do check the guidelines tabled below before signing up your faculty member for any local or overseas courses/conferences. Degree *(AMDA) PD APD CF PF

   

Overseas Conference

   X

MEU Courses

   

MEU Certificate

   

*i) Subject to DIO approval ii) Economy class flight iii) Once in 3 years for participant; no cap on frequency for presenter as long as within the program budget

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11. Accreditation and ACGME-I Site Visit As the Singapore medical education context differs from the US, much effort has been taken by MOH and SIs to seek consent from ACGME-I where variations are deemed necessary. These variations are documented in the Singapore country addendum: ntry_addendum.html By 2014, all Phase I & II programs and NUHS Residency as a SI (except SIG programs which are locally accredited) have gone through the continued accreditation and Phase III programs have completed the initial accreditation in 2013. The timeline below serves as a reference for all to take note of for subsequent accreditation. The exact dates for the submission of PIF and site visit may differ from this timeline.

Final submission of PIF & attachments (if any)

Preparation of PIF, files & other documents






Site Visit Internal Mock Audit



Accreditation Result (LON)






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Site Visit Preparation

The following list includes (but not limited to) the various preparatory work which needs to be done before the ACGME-I Site Visit. Documents  PIFs and attachments  PLA(s) signed  ADS information updated  All residents’ portfolios (up to date)  Documentation files (up to date)  Prepare Welcome slide (if applicable) Participants  Confirm residents (If there are 10 or fewer residents, then all should be present for the session. If there are more than 10, then there should be a peer selected (elected by the residents) group of 10 present for the interview.  Inform/remind all parties about time slot and dress code Logistics  Book Venues (1 interview room & 1 holding room - There should always be a holding room ideally beside the interview room where the next group of participants scheduled for interview could report to first, typically 30 minutes before the scheduled time as the previously group could end earlier)  Prepare signage(s) for interview room & holding room Logistics (do make prior arrangement with Residency EA)  Confirm refreshment/lunch  Obtain trolley for holding the files (liaise with Residency EA)  Name tags/tent for participants (Refer to Annex 32 for the template) - encourage to use name tent which provides bigger visual display to SV  Name tent (for Site Visitor)  Transport for visitor (arranged by Residency EA)  Good night rest before SV Day! More information of a Site Visit can be found in Annex 33.


Briefing Prior Site Visit

Before the site visits, it is important to brief all participants involved in the site visits. It should be highlighted that ACGME-I has made it very clear that residents should not be “coached” in anyway but should be apprised of the whole process. Participants to brief for the site visits are as tabulated below. It is useful for the parties to have a copy of the IRD/PIF for reading and review. Key information that each party should know could also be summarized into an easy to read table/word document for their reference.

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All participants involved should be informed that the site visit is not a time to discuss whether a requirement is reasonable or not with the site visitor. Figure 10: Overview of Participants Involved in Accreditation

Institutional Accreditation

Who to Brief?

Institutional requirements and how the SI fulfills Residents the requirements PDs and Core Faculty

Briefed by DIO and IC

GMEC CEO Program Accreditation

Who to Brief?

Foundational and specialty specific requirements Residents and how the program and SI fulfill the Core Faculty requirements Head of Department


Briefed by PD PD PD

Site Visit Day

Other than perhaps a tiny bout of butterflies in the stomach, there are things to be done on the Site Visit day too! Similarly, the list is not limited to the following:

1 2

3 4 5

6 7

To-do Tasks Be early Arrange files in the room

Please note: At least an hour earlier It is not unusual that the site visitors will arrive earlier than scheduled, as such, it is important that the room and documents are prepared the day before the audit OR before the SVs arrive.

Prepare laptop and adapter (if applicable) Remind relevant parties of meeting time Ensure refreshment is ready The site visitors prefer a light lunch (packed) vs an elaborate and available buffet spread. The site visitors typically like to have a quiet working lunch instead of lunch with the DIO/PDs/CCFMs. It is also useful for the contact time with the auditor to be kept to the official interview slots. Meet and greet the visitor (if applicable) Take notes during sessions Whilst ACGME-I has a stipulated slot for the PC to be included except resident interview slot for the audit, it is useful for the PC to be present throughout the audit except during the resident interview section. The PC can help the PD to take down notes and areas of improvement noted. Do check with your SV if you could stay on during CF/DIO/HOD slot and take notes during these slots.


Keep the mobile phones of

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relevant parties OR remind CF/residents to keep their phones on silent mode) Walk the visitor to the taxi It is a nice gesture for the PD (& PC) to walk the SV to the taxi stand/NUHS TB lobby stand. Since 2013, Site Visitors have been paying for the taxis entrance (if applicable) fare themselves.


The typical agenda for SI site visits are as follows: Institutional Site Visit Schedule 08:30—09:00 09:00—10:30 10:30—11:30 11:30—12:30 12:30—13:00 13:00—13:30 13:30—14:30 14:30—15:00

Meet/overview of day with DIO and Administrative Coordinator Interview with DIO and detailed review of institutional application and attachments Interview with all Program Directors including the Program Director who has his/her site visit on this day Interview with residents Lunch Interview with CEO Interview with GMEC members Final meeting with DIO

The typical agenda for program site visits are as follows: Schedule 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12.30 12:30 – 13:00 13:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:00


Meet/overview of day with PD and Coordinator Interview with PD and detailed review of Foundational and Advanced Specialty PIFs and attachments Interview with core faculty members Interview with residents Interview with Department Chair/Division Chief Lunch Interview with DIO Final meeting with PD

Letter of Notification (LON)

The Letter of Notification (whether the Institution/Program is successful in achieving ACGME-I accreditation) may be ready between 6-12 weeks after the site visit. Listed below are the possible outcomes: Institutional  Institutional Accreditation Status: Initial Accreditation or not;

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 Approximate Date of Next Site Visit (typically 2 years for initial accreditation) Programs  Foundational Status: Initial Accreditation or not;  Advanced Specialty Status: Initial Accreditation or not;  Approximate Date of Next Site Visit (typically 2 years for initial accreditation; 1-4 years for continued accreditation) Citations will also be listed in the LON and ACGME-I will specify whether progress reports are required and the due date for the progress report.

To-Dos List of PCs:  After receiving the LON, PC to assist PD to complete the Follow-up Plan (refer to Annex 34) and submit to DIO Office within the stipulated deadline.


Internal Review

Internal reviews for fully accredited programs will be arranged by DIO office and must take place at approximately the midpoint of the accreditation cycle. The accreditation cycle is calculated from the date of the site visit to the time of the next site visit. The internal review committee (consists of another program’s PD, PC and a resident) must conduct interviews with the Program Director, core faculty, and at least one peer-selected resident from each level of training in the program, and other individuals deemed appropriate by the committee. The internal review committee will submit the report to DIO office and it will be passed at GMEC. The internal review report for each program must contain the following:  The name of the program reviewed;  The date of the assigned midpoint and the status of the GMEC’s oversight of the internal review at that midpoint;  The names and titles of the internal review committee members;  A brief description of how the internal review process was conducted, including the list of the groups/individuals interviewed and the documents reviewed;  Sufficient documentation to demonstrate that a comprehensive review followed the GMEC’s internal review protocol;  A list of the citations and areas of non-compliance or any concerns or comments from the previous ACGME-I accreditation letter of notification with a summary of how the program and/or institution subsequently addressed each item. Refer to Annex 35 for the Internal Review template.

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12. Finance and Funding 12.1

NUHS Residency Budget

DIO Office secures funding for residency training for each of the programs every financial year (1 April to 31 March) based on the program size and faculty numbers. This amount is stated in the letter of budget issued to each program. Budget Allocation

Description Residents obtain a $1,000 top up for each academic year (e.g. July 2014 to June 2015) in addition to the MOHH PTF. The NUHS PTF top-up can only be utilized when the MOHH PTF has been exhausted. The guidelines for utilization will be aligned to the MOHH guidelines.

Resident Personal Training Fund (PTF).

However, in the period January to March, residents can tap on the balance amount of the NUHS PTF for the financial year ending March (each financial year is from April to March) without utilizing fresh funds from the MOHH for the period January to December. For NUHS PTF claims, all original receipts should be submitted to Program Coordinator anytime till 2 weeks before 31 March of each financial year to allow sufficient processing time by NUH Finance as FY ends on 31 March. With effect from 1 July 2014, the balance of NUHS PTF of each resident can still be utilized till June within the academic year. Refer to the letter of budget for the list of items claimable. The additional claimable item not stated in the 2014 letter is the purchase of EndNote. Refer to 12.3 Claiming from NUHS Residency Funds. All training and workshops to be claimed from program budget must be educationalrelated. Faculty Development Guidelines (as of 2014)

Faculty Training (applies to PD/APD/Core Faculty & faculty)


   

Overseas Conference

   X

MEU Courses

   

MEU Certificate

   

*1) Subject to DIO approval 2) Economy class flight 3) Once in 3 years for participant; no cap on frequency for presenter as long as within program budget

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The program’s budget letter is usually issued between May and June by MA-Edu for the new FY. In it, the budget for refreshment is stated but refer to the revised budget stated below: Revised MA-Edu Budget as at 25 June 2014: $4 per pax for *breakfast, $5 per pax for lunch and $7 per pax for dinner. Food & Beverage (Funding for food during teachings, meetings & functions)

*All breakfast claims must be routed to MA-Edu Director (Clara Sin) as the last approver in ERP. [1] For Training Sessions - Lunch/Dinner : keep to caps, raise e-payment and route to usual approving authority [2] For meetings - Submit the hard copy approval forms to be cleared by Director MA Edu and VCMB Edu - Raise the e-payment. - Breakfast/ Lunch/Dinner : keep to caps, raise e-payment and route to usual approving authority

Stationery & Supplies

Stationery items required for teaching, functions as well as for residents themselves. These exclude asset items such as electronic tablets, laptops, mobile phones, hard disks, etc for both programs and residents.

Training Resources

E-journals, subscriptions, periodicals, memberships

For budget utilization guidelines & cost allocation code, refer to Annex 36 on the ‘Annex A-Terms & References of Budget Utilization’.


Tracking of Budget

PCs are to record budget drawdown and track record to make sure the claims do not exceed the allocated budget. Refer to Annex 37 for the budget record template.


Request of Additional Budget

In addition to the above-mentioned, should a program have the need to organize training workshops, conferences or retreats, please raise the request for funding to DIO Office (Objective, Intent, Cost involved). This is subjected to DIO office’s approval.


Claiming from NUHS Residency Funds

  

PC to check budget availability prior to any procurement Original receipt must be endorsed by PD and/or PC PC to record budget drawdown in the Budget Record Template (Annex 37)

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 

PC to submit through E-Request for Payment System (ERP). In ERP, Indicate utilization and balance in following format :  Balance before this claim : $xxx  Amount to be claimed : $yyy  Balance after this claim : $zzz

  

In ERP, use GL code 511024, “Fees – Others” for Resident’s Exam fee. In ERP, use GL code 531004, “Conference” for courses/workshops/conference. In ERP, choose N3010120-Residency Cost Centre for all claims (refer to Figure 11) except Resident PTF and Faculty Training expenses, use I/O Code NPOT10/PC02O – Funding for NUHS Residency Program – OPEX (refer to Figure 12)

Figure 11: Screenshot of ERP on Cost Centre

Figure 12: Screenshot of ERP on OPEX

Select approving officer in DIO Office:  Verifying Officer (if applicable)  Approving Officer  Director, MA-Edu (if applicable)

Select last approving officer – Tan Shi Ling (FSS personnel) -- only applicable if using I/O Code NPOT10/PC02O

   

Please note: Financial Year closes on 31 March of each calendar year so submit all claims (except for PTF) for RO approval by mid-March. This is to provide sufficient turnaround time for FSS. Do not batch too many claims but need to give time for turnaround. Remind residents to submit their claims as and when they receive the receipts. When resubmitting claims, please indicate in the remark field the changes that were made so that approver is aware of the updates. Take special note of the terms of payment e.g. 30 days, 60 days, etc. Late payment may incur extra charges.

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For invoices ≤$1000, the tax invoice will only need the following information on the invoice before NUH can claim the GST from Comptroller:  Company name, address and GST registration number;  Date of issue of invoice;  An identifying number (e. g. invoice number);  Description of the goods or services supplied;  Total amount payable including GST; and  The words "Price payable includes GST".

For invoices above $1,000, these information (refer to sample invoice below) are required on the invoice before NUH can claim the GST from Comptroller.

For receipts, the following details should be included in the receipt:  Date of issue of the receipt;  Company business name and GST registration number;  The total amount payable (including the total amount of GST chargeable); and  The words "Price payable includes GST"


NUH Procurement Guide (correct as at 10 July 2014) 12.5.1

Items excluded from procurement procedures:      

Drugs and consumables purchased by Pharmacy Manpower purchase Entertainment Overseas Business Travel Training Expenses for overseas patient referral facilitation services and overseas events by NUHI

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 


Advertisement Subscription of magazines, journals and periodicals

Items exempted from the procurement procedures, and payment may be processed directly through e-Request for Payment (ERP): (a) Purchase of following types of sundry items which cost ≤ S$300, and where departments are allowed to purchase on their own with necessary approval obtained:  Food & beverage  Office stationery and small storage container  Printer, toner, cartridge  Software  Tapes, Labels  Electrical appliances like oven Note: if the item is available through e-Procure (also known as e-Stationery), purchase should be made through e-Procure instead. (b) Purchase where the issue of Purchase Order prior to the delivery of the required item or service is not feasible or practical, for example, urgent repair for sudden critical equipment breakdown, consignment items. (c) For IT-related purchases, NUHS IT Procurement Manual: NUHS-CIOO-PPM01 should also be referred to.


Sourcing Guidelines

EPV < S$5,000

≥ S$5,000 but < S$100,000

Waiver / limiting of competition Not applicable

Sourcing method

Sourcing party

Single written quotation


Open Request for Quotation (RFQ) through Sesami portal Closed RFQ through Sesami portal Single written quotation

MMD or authorized staff from the Requesting Department MMD

Limiting of competition Waiver of competition

≥ S$100,000

Nil Limiting or waiver of competition For waiver of competition

Open Invitation to Tender (ITT) Closed ITT Single written quotation

MMD or authorized staff from the Requesting Department MMD

MMD or authorized

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where Head, MMD ascertains that there is no advantage to conduct a closed ITT e.g. purchase from OEM

staff from the Requesting Department

Notes: 1 Even if there is an authorized staff in the Requesting Department, MMD’s support for any waiver of competition shall be obtained first before the single written quotation is obtained by the authorized staff. 2 If the EPV is < S$100,000 but the actual procurement value after sourcing is ≥ S$100,000, the Request for Quotation (RFQ) should be voided and an Invitation to Tender (ITT) be called instead.

Refer to Annex 38 for more details on the NUH Procurement Guide (effective from 10 July 2014).


Purchase Orders (PO)

This application is an electronic filing of FAR/PR/WR. It automates the process by routing the form to the supervisor and officers for signature and approval. 1. Go to http://nuhepr/ePR/Default.aspx 2. Enter your ADID & Password to login > Create New FAR/PR/WR

3. How to create a Purchase Request (Please refer to the Purchase Order Guideline on shared drive)

Preferred Co* - State the company/vendor with the required details. This information can be obtained from the quotation that the company provides.

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For item above $5,000, you have to provide three quotations. Please refer to 12.5.3 Sourcing Guideline in this manual for the number of quotations required. Click on the ADD button in the screenshot below to attach all the quotations that you have listed.


Order of Stationery & Mineral Water  Refer to R Drive:\PCs Matters (Sarah)\ E-Stationery Listing (Office Supplies).docx for the items available from MMD.  Refer to R Drive:\PCs Matters (Sarah)\ Mineral Water Order Form 2012-EXCEL (3).xls for ordering bottled mineral water and beverages from Kumpulan.  Email Ms Sarah Chan, Residency EA, your required items.  PC to record budget drawdown in the Budget Record Template (Refer to Annex 37).  PC to collect the items from Residency EA at MA-Edu, Tower Block Level 6 once you have been informed that your goods have arrived.


MOHH Personal Training Fund (PTF) for Residents

All residents are eligible for an annual Personal Training Fund from 1 Jan to 31 Dec of each year from 2014 onwards. Residents are able to seek reimbursement for fees related to courses, conferences, examinations, textbooks as long as it is within their entitlement.


MOHH PTF Entitlement

Groups Entitlement House Officers, PGY1 Residents, Transitional Year and Medical $1,000.00 Officers (Non-Trainees)


H o PGY2 Residents and Medical Officer Trainees (BST) in the following $2,250.00 w Disciplines: i. Emergency Medicine t ii. Internal Medicine iii. Pathology o iv. Psychiatry PGY2 Residents and Medical Officer Trainees (BST) in all other $1,500.00 C disciplines not mentioned above l

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PGY1 Resident’s MOHH PTF Computation

An example of the computation of what a PGY1 resident is entitled to:  


May 2014 to Dec 2014 = 8 /12 months * $1,000 = $667 Jan 2015 to Jun 2015 = 6 / 12 months * $1,000 = $500

How to Claim from MOHH PTF?

Residents are to apply PTF claims with receipts online via MOHH Prosoft


MOHH PTF Guidelines The PTF may be utilised for the following types of training activities (local/overseas): a. courses that lead to a formal certification related to medical/clinical practice; b. courses or conferences that are relevant to a medical/clinical topic; c. courses or conferences that aim to improve soft skills necessary for doctor-patient interaction; and d. core training programmes as detailed by the institution. The PTF may be used to cover the following cost items: a. registration fees for courses/ conferences/ examinations; b. examination fees; c. relevant materials to support examinations & trainings (medical books, CD-ROM, mobile applications); d. language courses that would enhance doctor-patient’s communications; e. NUS or NTU library membership fees; f. membership fees of a professional body that is of direct relevance to employee’s specialty including annual membership fees for SMA (Singapore Medical Association) and SDA (Singapore Dental Association); and g. posters for conference presentation. Miscellaneous charges such as shipping/ handling/ admin fee/ bank charges pertaining to purchases of textbooks or other items can only be claimed under the PTF if they are included within the same invoice or purchase order as the original items. The PTF will not cover the following expenses: a. as ‘top-up’ to another source of funding/sponsorship for a conference/course; b. courses that have no direct relation to employees’ academic/clinical development;

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c. medical equipment such as stethoscopes, ophthalmoscope and lenses; d. electronic equipment such as electronic tablets, laptops and mobile phones. PTF cannot be used for the same purpose more than once, where the repeated cost is being incurred due to the doctor’s failure to complete a course/training event in the first instance. For courses with subsidies from the Government, employees enjoy government subsidy calculated at a certain percentage of the total course fee upon completion and passing of the course. Hence, MOHH will reimburse the un-subsidized portion, with the position that the doctors should pass the examination and thus receive the government subsidy. Payment for all claims will be on a reimbursement basis. For payments made in foreign currency, HRTD will reimburse based on the conversion rate provided in the credit card statement/bank draft. In the absence of the conversion rate, HRTD will use the receipt date to determine the conversion rate from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Financial Database ( to calculate the claim amount. Refer to Annex 39 for the details. For any enquiries, please contact HRTD officer - Ms Wang Xinyi at (DID: 68181 300) who is the point of contact for NUH.


MOHH Postgraduate Examinations Sponsorship

MOHH has set out the application and approval procedure for the sponsorship, claimable items and reimbursement of expense claims.  Residents must be in active service with MOHH during the period of the exam.  Residents are eligible to apply for only one sponsorship, and it must be for the intermediate exams required for promotion for their specialty.  There is no service bond associated with this sponsorship.  Application forms should be submitted by fax or email at least 4 weeks from the date of the exams.  Applications must be approved by the Program Director. Refer to Annex 40 for the full policy on ‘Postgraduate Exam Sponsorship for Residents’. or visit the MOHH site here.

12.10 MOHH Overseas Conference Sponsorship

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 All MOHH-employed House Officers, Medical Officers, Residents and Senior Residents are eligible to apply for this sponsorship.  Only applicants who are presenting a paper / poster at a conference will be eligible for sponsorship, and it is limited to one sponsorship per calendar year. Those applying for more than one sponsorship within a year may be granted approval under exceptional circumstances.  Applications must be submitted to MOHH at least 1 month before the conference. Retrospective applications will not be accepted.  The sponsorship will be capped at S$ 4,500 for International Conferences and S$ 2,000 for Regional Conferences. ‘International’ refers to direct flights of 6 hours or more, and ‘Regional’ refers to direct flights of less than 6 hours. Refer to Annex 41 for the Overseas Conference Sponsorship policy or visit the MOHH site here.

12.11 E-Request for Payment (ERP) 12.11.1 Creating Payment Request a. Go to http://nuhs-portal/ > eForms > e-Request for Payment. Click on “Create Payment Request”

b. Leave the Load Saved Template as Select Template if it is your first time creating a payment. c. Select For Approval and Payment for Request Type. d. Select N1SG National University Hospital (S) Pte Ltd as the Institution/Organization e. Complete Requestor Information, including the Cost Centre as N3010120-MA-NUHS Residency f. Select Staff or Inter-Company and External Party for Payee Group. g. Click “Search” to look for Payee in the listing provided.  You can search by Payee Name or from the Alphabetical listing provided. If the payee cannot be located, click on “Vendor not Found” and complete the details as shown.

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h. Indicate “Yes” for Payment Notification Required and you will be prompted to fill in the email address(es) so that they system will send you notification once FSS has approved/made payment. Otherwise indicate “No”. i. Choose Invoice for Invoice Type. j. Remember to indicate the correct invoice number and date. k. System will prompt if the amount is GST inclusive. If yes, click ok. The GST amount will appear automatically. If not, Click Cancel to amend it. l. Attach all necessary documents to facilitate prompt payment. m. Select the account & Cost Centre or Internal Order number.  For exam fees claimed under resident’s PTF, use account code 511024-FeesOthers (Internal Order is NPOT10/PC02O - Funding for NUHS Residency).  For resident’s name card, use account code 509008-Cost of Printing (Cost Centre is N3010120).  For other standard items, refer to Annex 36 which is the Annex A-Terms & References of Budget Utilization (attached with your program’s budget letter). n. Click Add Invoice if there is more than one invoice. Please note the system only allows up to maximize 5 invoices. If not, click Next to proceed.

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o. Select the required approvers from the listing provided by clicking on Add Approver. p. Choose Tan Shi Ling (FSS accountant) as the second approver for any cost charges to NPOT10/PC02O - Funding for NUHS Residency. q. If you are likely to request payment for the same payee again, click ‘Save as template’ before submission. (You can load the saved template when you create a new request for the same payee in future).


Click Submit and the request will be routed to the relevant parties in sequential order for approval. s. After submission, an ERP number will be generated. t. Record the ERP number on your hardcopy/softcopy receipt for tracking purpose.

12.11.2 Checking Status of Submitted ERP 1. Go to http://nuhs-portal/ > eForms > e-Request for Payment. 2. To check the status of a submitted ERP, click on “Search Payment Request”, enter ERP reference number then select “Search”. 3. You can also do a search by Invoice Number or Payee Name. 4. ERP will appear with the status indications.

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12.11.3 Re-submitting a Rejected ERP For rejected ERP, an email alert with the reason for rejection will be sent to the requestor. 1. Click on the ERP link to access the system. 2. Amend ERP according to reason of rejection highlighted by approver. 3. Once amended, click “Save”.


Credit Note (Refund by Vendors/Organizations)

Step-by-step instruction:  Obtain approval and submit the credit note to the vendor at GMTI for processing via the hardcopy / electronic method.  Approval authority would be the same as if you were requesting approval to make payment to external entities. Electronic method:    

Go to http://nhgerp/PaymentRequest/PaymentRequestForm1.aspx?Action=Create Upon seeing the "invoice type" section, please select the credit note radio button. When entering the amount, please input as a negative amount. Attach the credit note. The payee/payer should be National University of Hospital (S) Pte Ltd.


Claims for Overseas Conference (for PD/faculty)


This table of documents is reproduced from NUHS Portal for your reference. Policy

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Update on Overseas Business Travel (Slides) Overseas Business Travel Update (dated 03 December 2013)

– Annex 42 & 43

Group Travel Insurance Coverage Travel Certificate Summary of Travel Coverage Staff Communication on Travel Insurance – Annex 44 Travel Application Form (For trip more than 180 days) Travel Insurance AXA Claim Form Subsistence Allowance Rates of Subsistence Allowance (Before 1 Apr 2014) Rates of Subsistence Allowance (After 1 Apr 2014) – Annex 45 Authorised Travel Agents 1. Safe2Travel a. Corporate Information b. Contact Details 2. UOB Travel Planners a. Corporate Information b. Contact Details


Tasks that PC may be required to assist their PD/faculty with prior to the trip: 1. Book air ticket – economy class (from NUHS authorized travel agents) 2. Book accommodation 3. Register for conference/workshops (PD/faculty may need to pay first). 4. Renew/apply for ESTA travel authorization via for those travelling to America 5. Send PD/faculty the softcopy of travel insurance certificate (Annex 46) – go to this link to download new certificate for 2015


Tasks that PC may be required to assist their PD/faculty with after the trip: 1. Raise ERP for air ticket (if purchased from NUHS authorised travel agents) (If air ticket is purchased by PD/faculty and the amount is higher than the rate quoted by NUHS authorised travel agent(s), the amount reimbursed will be the lower of the two.) 2. Obtain the invoice from PD/faculty for conference and credit card statement that states the Singapore currency. Otherwise use a reliable currency converter site for the exchange rate 3. Obtain the local & overseas taxis receipts (if applicable) 4. Obtain the transit baggage charges receipts (if applicable) 5. Compute the Subsistence Allowance (no. of days of conference + *2 extra days) 6. Convert overseas currency to Singapore currency (for #3 & 4) 7. Raise ERP for item 3 to 5 – indicate the Singapore rate for each item if applicable in the Remark Section. 8. An example to state in Remark Section in ERP: Exchange rate is obtained from Singforex; 4 Mar 2012: 1.2405; 27 Feb 2012: 1.2398  Taxis fares to/fro airport: S$43.49 (USD35 x 1.2398) + S$49.62 (USD40 x 1.2405)  US Domestic Baggage of S$31.00 (USD25 x 1.2405)

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 


SA of S$1975 (1 – 3 Mar + 2 additional days x S$395/day) Total amount to claim for PD/faculty: ___________.

Subsistence Allowance (SA) is paid to defray part of the travel expenses such as  Meals  Accommodation  Transport; and  incidental expenses (e.g. tips, personal effects, etc). Computation of SA is done by the no. of conference days one attends + *2 additional days (if duration of overseas trip is 6 months or less). Refer to table below. This amount should be reimbursed after the trip.

*Time for Early Arrival / Packing


Transport to be claimed on top of SA:  Overseas (Travel from Airport to accommodation and vice versa)  Local  Taxi fares from Home to Airport and vice versa  Transport Module within HRIS


Travel Insurance (applicable to NUH Staff only) With effect from 1st Jan 2012, staff travelling on authorised business trip below 180 days will be covered for Travel Insurance automatically. As long as the trip commences on and after 1st Jan 2012, there is no need to apply for travel insurance or to pay for the travel insurance premium. On the same trip, personal deviation of up to 30 days will be covered. Personal deviation will be covered before, during and after the actual business activity. The insurer is AXA Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd. Refer to Annex 47 for the details.

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13. Miscellaneous 13.1

Tips for PCs, by PCs – How to Work With Different Types of PDs?


The Pro-Active PDs

Pro-Active PDs are organized, aware of deadlines, keep you in the loop and look for ways to develop your role! 

Take initiative to approach PD to carry out new initiatives that might improve work process.

Treating PD like a friend/mentor, someone you can learn a lot from. Always be positive!

Ensure we (PCs) are up to date and deadlines are kept. Background work should be done before deadlines.

Communicate constantly. Pre-empt what the PD’s agenda and the program’s needs and bring them up with PD during the regular meeting.

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The Re-Active PDs

The Re-Active PDs are not aware of deadlines, are last minute and may make rash / explosive decisions.

Pre-empt events or deadlines in advance for PD. Lay down prep work that is necessary before deadlines so that PD can work on it immediately.

Have information ready to ‘feed’ PD; aka like his/her calendar and memory bank.

Don’t panic but to stay calm. Propose solutions and have facts on hand. Don’t double guess. Do a complete job & establish a common understanding.

PC needs to be active & keep reminding PD to get things done. Summarize most of the important emails/matters to PD.

Be on the ball & discuss matters with PD.

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The Over-Active PDs

The Over-Active PDs try to do your things and theirs, leading to duplication of efforts. They may also tackle too much at once.

Understand your program requirements well and have a process flow handy to remind your PD.

Update PD regularly, even when PD does not ask for it.

Suggest solutions to the problems faced. Let your PD know when you can’t cope. Keep checking with PD on his/her expectations on tasks. Don’t take things too personal. Face reality for PC will never be on par with PD.

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The In-Active PDs

The In-Active PDs are usually uninterested, unavailable, and unapproachable and have the “I don’t have time for this” attitude.

If PD is rather unresponsive through email, talk face to face to get an answer. Prepare a to-do-list before meeting up. PD will usually provide solutions or inform PC of any action items. Follow up from there. Seek approval from PD by getting him/her involved instead of doing everything for him/her.

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Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts




NUHS / NUH Contacts

Loan of portable tables/flipchart Ext 25992 - Goh Jie Ling (MA-Edu, level 6) Loan of laser pointer/slide presenter/ARS clickers Ext 26967 – Sarah Chan Siew Yong (MA-Residency) IT help concerning computers or projectors in seminar/meeting rooms Ext 23161 | 97220539 - HRD – Edwin/Jerry/Joseph Housekeeping Ext 5051 / 5054  Providing huge dustbins for events; cleaning up the rooms, etc. Keppel Maintenance Ext 26853  Providing operation, facilities and maintenance services such as installing locks for cupboards, whiteboards, etc Car park complimentary coupon (may be limited to non-peak hours) OSS – Mr Yap Chwee Guan or Mr Sean Ng  Email to request the no. of complimentary coupons you need prior to the event and send him your guests’ vehicle no, name of guest and purpose of visit. Parking at NUHS TB car park for invited guests (non-peak hours only)  Email to request prior to the event & send him your guests’ vehicle no, name of guest and purpose of visit.  Tower Block Car park is a staff car park, with gantry programmed to open based on IU numbers. Security staff will look out for the guests via car plate numbers, and assist by opening the barrier manually when they come in. Exiting the car park is no issue as gantry opening is automatic.

For a list of other contact nos., please go to HMS > Directory Mode. Under Department, select Useful Numbers (the last item).

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Caterers (commonly engaged)

Ayam Penyet (NUS Science Canteen)


Contact no.: 68723542 For bulk ordering, please place order with them. Self-collection.

Price: Quality of Food: Service:

Online ordering: Call to order: 63969696

Price: Quality of Food:

Just Acia


Takeouts & Delivery to NUHS/NUS

Price: Quality of Food:

Delivery information & form Menu Minimum 200 pax for $5/pax. Email Ayema @

Service: Price: Quality of Food:

Lee Wee & Brothers Tel. 63859122, 63859133 Fax. 6385 1676 Email: Online ordering:

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In-house Caterer Contact Alberto BACANI LOMBOY @ sg.amecaa catering.nuh or Mobile : +65 8318 0301

Service: Price: Quality of Food:

Catering Supervisor Sodexo Singapore Pte Ltd Tel : +65 6772 5022 Fax : +65 6779 0858

Contact Customer Service Officers at: Tel: 68523338 (10 lines) Fax: 68523369 Email:

Service: Price: Quality of Food:

For enquires on institute catering, call: 68492336 / 68492338 Email: Lunch box: Packed meals @ $5 pax, minimum 35 packs Buffet:

Orange Clove Catering Online ordering:

KG Catering Menu: Buffet & Bento @ $4 pax, minimum 25 packs Online ordering:

Service: Price: Quality of Food:

Service: Price: Quality of Food:

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MOHH Personnel

HR Function


Email Address

Medical / Dental/ Inpatient / Work-related Claims / Leave

Wang Xinyi Chee Siok Lan Vijaya Rajandran

Personal Training Fund / Training Conference Chee Siok Lan Leave

Payroll / HRIS / Certificate of Employment / Practicing Certificate Renewal

Lim Su Fei

Prosoft access

Virtual HR (MOHH's outsourced vendor)

Figure 13: MOHH Clinical Manpower Organization Chart

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Xorex Press Pte Ltd @ Medical Centre Contact: 6339 5003 Email:     

Printing of posters: A1 poster costs $17. Banner/Display Systems Certificate/letterhead/stickers Book binding On demand printing

You Print It Pte Ltd Contact mobile: 92378291 (Mr Soon) Contact no. : 63335028 / 63360152 Email:  Printing of quality & afforable posters: A1 matt lamination poster costs $15; with foam backing costs $17. Medical Communications Unit Contact no.: 65167979 Address: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS MD11, 10 Medical Drive, #01-05E Clinical Research Centre, Singapore 117597 

Printing/lamination of posters, storage media, etc

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Ultra Supplies Contact no. : 64796074 Fax: 64750845 Email: Website:  Printing of books, manuals Loo Arts Signcrafts Contact Person: Gibson Loo Contact no.: 96661376 Email:  Plaque, signboards, decals, office signages & boards, etc. Providence Company Contact Person: Douglas Cheng Contact no.: 96841638 Email:  Printing of name cards, business magazines/prospectus, etc. Auntie Cynthia (Medical Books) Contact no.: 96681004 Fax: 66865649 Email:  Free delivery of medical books Courier Service (used by MA-EDU) To courier any documents before 9am from Monday to Friday, contact Ms Sree at Ext: 24422 and she will collect from you personally. To courier anytime between 9am to 3pm from Monday to Friday, pass your documents to Ms Sree or Ms

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Rhea at NUHS TB Level 1 Mailroom. For urgent courier service outside the above timings, please contact Mr Rajar at 6475 6466. Orchard Stationery Suppliers Refer to the list of available stationery in P Drive, and place your order with Ms Sarah Chan, Residency SEA. Contact person: Kim / Pauline Contact no.: 6275 6960 Fax no.: 6275 8991 Address: 120 Lower Delta Road, #03-02 Cendex Centre, Singapore 169208 Email:

Three Rings Rubber Stamp & Stationery Please place your order with Ms Sarah Chan, Residency SEA. Contact no.: 62942687 Fax: 62941047 Email: ď ś Self inking rubber stamps, name cards

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Useful Websites 13.3.1

NUHS / NUH Websites NUHS Residency  Residency announcement  Individual program’s website

NUHS Content Management System (CMS) http://nuhs.cms/cos/o.x?c=/wbn/user&func=login  Residency program’s website  Residency announcement  Contact Karine to obtain login ID & password for new PCs.

Resource Booking System (RBS) http://training1/rbs/Login.aspx  Booking of rooms/auditorium in Main Building, Tower Block & Medical Centre  Booking of equipment

Healthcare Messaging System (HMS)  SMS individually/broadcast notices to clinicians &/or non-medical staff

Healthcare Messaging System (HMS)  Update clinicians Annual Leave and/or roster  Update contact details of residents and clinicians

Blackboard (e-learning portal)  Online learning of courses  Default login username is ADID username; password is ADID username. Contact Ms Goh Jie Ling, MA-Edu at for resetting of resident’s password. Contact for login queries, to apply for login

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access for non-medical staff/clinicians/residents.

HRIS Prosoft (for non-medical staff) http://hris.nhg.local/hrmsweb8/login.aspx  Leave application  Transport claim  Payroll

E-Request Payment (ERP) http://nhgerp/PaymentRequest/PaymentRequestForm1.aspx?Action=Create  Payment to vendors  Reimbursement for staff  Reimbursement for residents’ NUHS PTF

Purchase Request http://nuhepr/ePR/Default.aspx  Raise Purchase Order  *Requires user to log in with your ADID username & password before you will see the screenshot

ePAS http://epas-ns.nhg.local/db/nuh/idrequest.nsf  Application for name card (residents, PD & PCs)  Application for carpark (residents & PCs)  Application for IT services & Phone-related matters

NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM)  Undergraduate/postgraduate programs  Courses/seminars  Researcher’s guides  Core facilities

Medical Education Unit (MEU) – under YLLSoM  Continuing professional development professionals




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Division of Graduate Medical Studies (DGMS) – under YLLSoM  Postgraduate training and education in Singapore  Accredited training programs  Offer examinations leading to specialist qualifications

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Residency-Related Websites New Innovations (NI)  Evaluations of residents, faculty & program  Duty hours  Block scheduling  Documents repository

Accreditation Data System (ADS) ADS Website  Submit PIF & attachments  Update faculty and residents’ information  Annual Faculty & Resident Surveys  Semi-annual Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation Forms

ACGME-I  Download of PIF templates

ACGME  Resources for DIOs, PDs, PCs  Information about residency in the USA

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External Websites Prosoft (for MOHH Clinicians)  Leave application  Transport claim  PTF claim  Payroll

MOH Holdings  Residency matters such as application, timelines, etc.  Registry of Recognized Basic Medical Qualifications

Singapore Medical Council (SMC)  Checking of doctor’s MRC no.  Updating of CME attendance

Singapore Medical Association (SMA) 2 College Road, Level 2, Alumni Medical Centre, Singapore 169850 Tel: 62231264 / Fax: 62247827

Specialist Accreditation Board (SAB) ml  Singapore Country Addendum  Recognised Specialities in Singapore  Specialist Training System  Residency Training  Medical Registration Act  Accelerated Progression Guidelines  Clinical Scientist

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Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST) /jcst.html  Appointed by SAB  Oversees accreditation of training departments & institutions  Oversees specialist training

Academy of Medicine Singapore (AMS)  Continuing Professional Development  Publications/Reports  Awards/Lectureships  Community Services

NHG College  Training for clinicians

Institute for Medical Simulation and Education (IMSE) – under SGH  BCLS & ACLS (re-)certification course  CPR + AED certification course  Hazmat Basic Provider course

Medical Directory b6YqPn4HbP8vCqhnwSRVvtXvn21YYqZpf6GbGJZXL1hxg1nGw22d!-1933740389  Search for clinics, laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes  Search for doctors, dentists, oral health therapists, nurses, Optometrists and Opticians, TCM practitioners

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Useful Tools/Software

Doodle  Confirm date/time of meeting for multiple parties

Survey Monkey  Online survey with reports generated  Some programs use it for MSF collation and reports

Sendspace  Send big files. No registration is required.

Polldaddy  Create surveys or single-question polls that can be embedded on a website, emailed, posted on Facebook or answered on the fly with an iPhone or ipad app.  Capture responses on the go at trade shows, conferences, malls or wherever your target can be found. Dropbox  Cloud repository with 2GB upon signing up  Samsung phone users will receive 50GB if you download the app onto the phone

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ACGME-I Glossary

New Innovations Glossary (login is required)

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Abbreviations (non-exhaustive)


American Board of Medical Specialties Associate Consultant Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education - International Accreditation Data System Annual Leave Any Other Business Associate Program Coordinator Associate Program Director Advance Specialist Training


Basic Cardiac Life Support Basic Specialist Training


Competency-Based Education Clinical Competency Committee Core Clinical Faculty Member Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Core Education Program Core Faculty Chairman Medical Board Continuing Medical Education Chief Medical Information Officer Consultant Chief Operating Officer


Designated Institutional Official Director of Nursing Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Doctor Doctors


Evidence Based Medicine Electronic Medical Record End of Rotation Evaluation Electronic Request Payment Eminent Speaker Series


Family Physicians Finance Shared Service For Your Action

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For Your Information


Graduate Medical Education Committee General Practitioner


House Officer (aka houseman) Head of Department House Officer Posting EXercise Health Manpower Development Program Healthcare Messaging System


Institutional Coordinator Interpersonal and Communication Skills Internal Review Committee In-Training Examination


Joint Commission International Joint Committee on Specialist Training


Khoo Teck Puat Hospital


Letter of Commitment Learning Evaluation Document Letter of Notification


Morbidity & Mortality Medical Affairs Medical Leave/Certificate Medical Education Unit Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise Medical Knowledge Mini Multiple Interview Medical Officer Medical Officer Posting EXercise Multi-Source Feedback


National Electronic Health Record National Healthcare Group New Innovations Notes of Meeting

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Outward Bound Singapore Off-in-lieu Out of office Objective Structured Clinical Examination Objective Structured Practical Examination Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills


Practice-Based Learning & Improvement Patient Care Program Coordinator Program Director Program Evaluation Committee Post Graduate Post Graduate Year Program Information Form Program Letter of Agreement Purchase Order Patient Personal Training Fund


Resident Advisory Committee Resource Booking System Resident Competency Tracking Evaluation Registrar Raffles Hospital Raffles Medical Group Reporting Officer


Senior Assistant Manager Senior Consultant Singapore General Hospital Sponsoring Institution Singapore Medical Council Senior Site Visit/Site Visitor


Training Leave Time-off Total Performance Management Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence Transitional Year

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Vice-Chairman Medical Board


Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

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