The Distraction of Destruction__Visual Noise
thesis/2011/UTH/supervising professors:Kalara N., Tzirtzilakis Y.
//R.Buckminster Fuller alleged that the Law of Conservation of Energy in an isolated system can be applied in order to achieve the survival of the urban environment through the transformation of its components./On "The distraction of destruction" is attempted a retrospective on possible versions of the architectural practice mentioned above, as they are met in the concept of refuge under the circumstances of extreme decay of natural or artificial space./Historically accurate –or not- events are guiding the survival experiences that are selected to consist a narration of collective memories-products of multiple and heterogeneous entries./Records of precarious states of survival are spotted in various fields, with emphasis on samples formed by science fiction and the ceaseless search for heteropias to live in, for a secure perpetuation of the human species.