Tournament Program 2017

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m a r g o r P t n e m a n r u To

F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7 VENUEDI RECT ORY




F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7 Nunawadi ngS pect r esJ uni orBas ket bal l T our nament Abr i dgedT our namentRul es2017 ( Af ul l s etofr ul esi savai l abl eateachvenue) 1.Underageasat31s tDecemberi nt heyeart heT our namenti shel d–Cl ubRepr es ent at i vet over i f yages ofCl ubEnt r i es . 2.Pl ayer sar er es t r i ct edt opl ayi ngi none( 1)agegr ouponl y.T heT our namentCommi t t ees hal l i nex cept i onal ci r cums t anceswai vet hi scondi t i oni fpr i orappr oval i sappl i edf or . 3.Anynumberofpl ayer smaybenomi nat edt or epr es entaCl ubi napar t i cul art eam butonl yt en( 10)pl ayer s ar eabl et opl ayi nanyonegame.. AsperVJ BLr ul esUnder18compet i t i onmayhavet wel ve( 12)pl ayer swho ar eabl et opl ayi nanyonegame.I fmor et han10names( 12f orUnder18onl y)ar el i s t edont hes cor es heett hen t hos enotpl ayi ngneedt obecr os s edout . Asperr ul e13:I nal l mi norgames ,apl ayerwhot akest hecour tmus tbes i gnedi nont hes cor es heetby mar ki ng ‘ Xi nt he‘pl ayeri n‘col umn. 4.Pl ayer smus tpl ayi natl eas tt hr eemi norr oundgamest oqual i f yf orS emi andGr andF i nal s .T heT our nament Commi t t ees hal l i nex cept i onal ci r cums t anceswai vet hi scondi t i oni fpr i orappr oval i sappl i edf or . 5.T EAM QUAL I F I CAT I ON-T heT our namentCommi t t eemayl i mi tpar t i ci pant si nt eamsi napar t i cul arcompet i t i on t onon-champi ons hi ppl ayer s ,orpl ayer swhohavegai nedex empt i on.Anypl ayerwhoi ss el ect edf ort he Mel bour neCl as s i ci snotper mi t t edt opl ayi nt hes ecompet i t i ons ,pl ayi ngofanundecl ar edchampi ons hi ppl ayer ordi s appr ovedpl ayers hal l l eadt of or f ei tofgamesconcer ned. . 6.Gr andf i nal scanbepl ayedont heMondayupt oa3. 00PM f i ni s handnot eam wi l l qual i f yf oras emi f i nal i ft hey ar eunabl et opl ayi nt heGr andF i nal .Pl eas enot eyouneedt oal l ow atl eas tone& hal fhour spr i ort odepar t ur e checki nf oranyi nt er s t at ef l i ght saf t ercompl et i onoft hegameandpr es ent at i ons .

7.T I MI NG RUL ES / L ADDERS : •T hr eepoi nt swi l l begi venf orawi n,t wof oradr aw,onef oral os s ,andnonef oraf or f ei t .F or f ei ts cor ewi l l be200. •F ormi norgamesandl eadupF i nal s ,t hecl ocks hal l onl ys t opdur i ngt hel as tt womi nut esoft hes econdhal fand t hi swi l l bef oral l whi s t l es . •NO t i meout sar eal l owedi nt hel as tt hr eemi nut esoft hef i r s thal f . •T i meout sar eal l oweddur i ngt hel as tt womi nut esoft hes econdhal fatwhi cht i met hecl ockwi l l s t op. •Al l mi norgamesANDs emi f i nal ss hal l havet woei ght eenmi nut ehal ves .Hal ft i mei nt er val wi l l be2mi nut esand t i meout ss hal l beof1mi nut edur at i onmax i mum. •Eacht eam i sal l owed1t i meoutperhal ff ormi norgamesand2t i meout sperhal ff orf i nal s . 8.GRANDF I NAL S Gr andF i nal s ,s hal l havet wot went ymi nut ehal vesandt hecl ockwi l l s t opf oral l t i meout s .Aswel l ,dur i ngt hel as t t womi nut esoft hes econdhal f ,t hecl ockwi l l s t opf oral l whi s t l es . 9.F I NAL SandL ADDERS : T hr eepoi nt swi l l begi venf orawi n,t wof oradr aw,onef oral os s ,andz er of oraf or f ei t . Dr awswi l l ber ecogni z edi nal l mi norr ounds . F i nal s-I fs cor esar el evel att heendoft hegame,anex t r a3mi nut eswi l l bepl ayedaf t eraonemi nut ebr eak, t oachi evear es ul t .Al l f oul ss t and.1t i meoutf oreacht eam i sal l owed.Cl ockwi l l s t opf oral l whi s t l esi nt hel as t mi nut e.Anys ubs equentex t r aper i odswi l l f ol l ow t hes amer ul et oachi evear es ul t . I ft wot eamsf i ni s honequal poi nt st hent her es ul t soft hegamespl ayedagai ns teachot heri e.t hewi n/l os s r ecor dwi l l deci det hei rpos i t i ons .( Headt oHead)aspernor mal VJ BLr ul es Wher et hr eeormor et eamsf i ni s honequal poi nt st hei ror ders hal l bedet er mi nedbyt he" F orandAgai ns t " per cent ageoft hegamespl ayedbet weent het eamsconcer ned I ft wooft het hr eet eamsf i ni s honequal per cent age,t hent her es ul toft he gamespl ayedagai ns teachot heri e.t hewi n/l os sr ecor d wi l l deci det hei rpos i t i ons .

I nacompet i t i onof8ormor et eams ,wher et eamsdonotal l pl ayeachot her ,t heor derwi l l bedet er mi ned bypoi nt sf i r s tt henover al l per cent age.I ft eamsaf f ect edhavepl ayedeachot hert hei ror ders hal l be det er mi nedbyt he" F orandAgai ns t "per cent ageoft hegamespl ayedbet weent het eamsconcer ned. Wher et hr eeormor et eamsf i ni s honequal poi nt sandanyhavenotpl ayedeachot hert henper cent age over al l wi l l beus ed. I nt hecas eofdi s put es ,t hemat t erwi l l ber ef er r edt ot heDi s put esChai r per s on. 10.GRANDF I NAL S •Dur i ngGr andF i nal s ,t hecl ockwi l l s t opf oral l t i meout s .Aswel l ,dur i ngt hel as tt womi nut esoft hes econdhal f , t hecl ockwi l l s t opf oral l whi s t l es . •Eacht eam i sal l owed2t i meout sperhal f . 11.Ex ceptwher es peci f i ed,al l mat cheswi l l nor mal l ybepl ayedundercur r entF . I . B. A.Rul es .T hes i z e6bal l wi l l be us edf oral l Gi r l s / Womensgamesandunder10,12,14boyst eams 12. T her ei sNO 24s econds hotcl ockf oranygames . 13.I nal l mi norgames ,apl ayerwhot akest hecour tmus tbes i gnedi nont hes cor es heetbymar ki ng‘ Xi nt he ‘ pl ayeri n‘col umn. 14.T hef i r s thal fs hal l begi nwi t haj umpbal l .I nal l ot herj umpbal l s i t uat i ons ,pos s es s i ons hal l begi vent ot het eam asi ndi cat edbyt hepos s es s i onar r ow. 15.Al l t eamss hal l haveapr i nci pal col ours i ngl etandanal t er nat e,bot hs et sofcol our smus tbedes cr i bedont he appl i cat i onf or m andbeavai l abl ef orus eatt het our nament .T hepr i or i t yofus es hal l bet hatt hef i r s tnamed ( homet eam)i nagamei nt hef i x t ur es hal l beent i t l edt oweart hei rpr i nci pal s i ngl et s .

16.T heT our namentDi s put esCommi t t eewi l l adj udi cat eal l di s put es .T hes emayber epor t edbyr ef er ees ,coaches orcl ubof f i ci al s .A" Pr ot es tF or m"i savai l abl ef r om t he" T our namentOper at i onsCent r e"Nunawadi ngS t adi um, andmus tbel odgedwi t ht he" Cent r e"i mmedi at el yandaccompani edby$50. 00bondf ul l yr ef undabl epr ovi ded t hemat t eri snotdeemedt r i vi al .

17.F I RS TAI D/AMBUL ANCEPOL I CY. F i r s tAi dand/ ormedi cal t r eat mentwi l l bet her es pons i bi l i t yoft hei ndi vi dual concer nedand/ ort hei ndi vi dual s par ent / guar di anort eam s uper vi s or . T henear es thos pi t al t oeachs t adi um wi l l bedi s pl ayedateachs t adi um. Wher et her eques tt hatanAmbul ancei sneededt ot akeapl ayert ohos pi t al ,t hecl ubt hepl ayeri spl ayi ngf orwi l l ber es pons i bl ef oranyambul anceandhos pi t al cos t sas s oci at edwi t ht r eat mentet c. 18.Al l S t adi umsus eddur i ngt hi sT our namenthavear ul eof" Nos wi ngi ngonr i ngsornet s "andi mpos esan i mmedi at ebanf r om t hes t adi um andi mmedi at edi s qual i f i cat i onf r om al l s t adi umsf ort her emai nderoft he T our nament . 19.Pl ayi ngnumber s00–99ar eaccept ed. 20.S CORI NG Homet eam (1s tnamed)wi l l us ual l ydot hecl ockandAwayt eam wi l l dot hes heet .S cor er scan wor kt hi soutbet weent hems el vesbuti fadi s put ear i s es ,t hi sr ul ewi l l enf or ced. 21.Z ONEDEF ENCE-UNDER11,12,14GAMES–Z onedef encei sdi s cour agedi nUnder11,12and14games . T eamss houl dus e‘mant oman‘def encet hr oughoutt hegamesex ceptwher es howni nt heUnder11Mer cy Rul e. 22.MERCYRUL E AL LUNDER11GAMES–I FHEL D-T heMer cyRul ewi l l appl ywhenat eam hasa15poi nt sl ead.I ti scompel l ed t ous ez onedef ens ewi t hi nt het hr eepoi nt l i nes .

Bur ge r s > Ha o fFa me

a tNuna wa di ngBa s ke t b a Ce ne

S MI T HHEADL I NES WORL DUNIGAMEST EAM T heaccol adescont i nuef orNunawadi ngBas ket bal l r epr es ent at i ve Al annaS mi t h( Ver montVul t ur es ) ,announcedt ot heEmer gi ngOpal s s i det ocont es tt he29t hS ummerUni ver s i ade( Wor l duni ver s i t y Games )t obepl ayedi nChi nes eT ai pei t hi sAugus t . S mi t h,whohasj us tcompl et edhers ophomor eyearatt he pr es t i gi ousS t anf or dUni ver s i t yheadl i nesanEmer gi ngOpal s s quadt hatf eat ur ess i xpl ayer sbas edi nt heUScol l ege s ys t em ands i xpl ayer scur r ent l ys t udyi ngwi t hAus t r al i an i ns t i t ut i onswhi l s tpl ayi ngi nt heWomen’ sNat i onal Bas ket bal l L eague( WNBL ) . S t anf or dmadeadeeppus hi nt ot heNCAAT our namentt hi syear , pr ogr es s i ngal l t hewayt hr ought ot heF i nal F ourwher et heyf el l j us ts hor tt oevent ual Nat i onal Champi ons ,S out hCar ol i na.S mi t h wasani nt egr al pl ayerf ort heCar di nal s ,wi t hherpr oduct i on i ncr eas i ngast heyearpr ogr es s ed. I n2015,S mi t hl edAus t r al i at oabr onz emedal att heF I BAU19 Wor l dChampi ons hi psi nRus s i a,at our namentwher es hewas al s onamedt ot heWor l dAl l S t arF i ve,Al l T our namentT eam. AtWor l dUni ver s i t yGamesl evel ,Aus t r al i awont hegol dmedal i n 2007andbr onz emedal si n2005,2009,2011and2013.T het eam wi l l bel ooki ngt oi mpr oveoni t sf i f t hpl aci ngi n2015butwi l l f i r s t needt opr ogr es spas tRus s i a,L i t huani aandAr gent i nai nt he i ncr edi bl yt al entGr oupDoft hepool s t ages .

F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7

UNI F ORM COL OURS Accel er at eWar r i or s-Or ange Al t onaGat or s-Pur pl e Ar mi dal eL i ons-Whi t e As hwoodWol ves-Dar kGr een Auckl andKi wi s-Bl ackandWhi t e Aus t r al i anBoomer angs-Gr een/ Yel l ow Bat emansBayBr eaker s-T eal Bendi goBr aves-Royal Bl ue& Yel l ow Bl ackbur nVi ki ngs-Or ange Bl ackt ownS t or m -Dar kPur pl e/ Gol d Br i s baneCapi t al s-Bl ue Br oadmeadowsBr oncos-Royal Bl ue Bul l eenBoomer s-Royal Bl ue& Yel l ow Bur ni eNor t hWes t-Yel l ow Camber wel l Dr agons-Bur gundy Maf f r aEagl es-Red Manl yWar r i ngah-Mar oon/ Whi t e Cent r al Di s t r i ctL i ons-Royal Bl ue Chel s eaGul l s-Royal Bl ue Col l i ngwoodAl l S t ar s-Whi t e Cor i oBayS t i ngr ays-Whi t e Cr ai gi ebur nEagl es-Br own/ Whi t e Cr ai gi ebur nKi l l erBees-Bl ack/ Yel l ow DandenongRanger s-Dar kGr een Dar ebi nGi ant s-L i ghtBl ue Devi l s-Bl ack Di amondVal l eyEagl es-Whi t e-Red Doncas t er-Dar kGr een Donval eDunker s-L i ghtBl ue Eas t er nMaver i cks-Gr ey El t ham Wi l dcat s-Red F l emi ngt on-Red F or es t vi l l eEagl es-Royal Bl ue F r anks t onBl ues-L i ghtBl ue Geel ongS uper cat s -Navy Gl ebeS pi r i t-L i meGr een/ Bl ack Gol dCoas tHeat-Red Woodvi l l eWar r i or s-Dar kGr een

Hi l l sHor net s-Dar kGr een Penr i t hPant her s-Bl ack/ T eal Hobar tChar ger s-L i ghtBl ue Por tS t ar sUni t ed-Bl ack Hor ns byS pi der s-Whi t e/ Gr een QL D-Mar oon Hur r i canes-Navy Ri ngwood-Gr een I nnerWes tBul l s-Bl ack Rowvi l l eRocket s-Red I vanhoeDar ebi nKni ght s-Royal Bl ueS andr i ngam -Or ange Kei l orT hunder-Bl ack S EDA-Whi t e Keys bor oughCougar s-L i ghtGr ey S her br ooke-Yel l ow Ki l s yt hCobr as-Bl ack S out hAdel ai de-Whi t e Ki ngs t onCavi l i er s-Dar kGr een S out her nPeni ns ul a-Royal Bl ue KnoxRai der s-Gol d S out her nT i ger s-Bl ack/ Gol d L akesEnt r ancePel i cans-T eal S tF i del i sKangar oos-Bl ack/ Red L at r obeEner gy-Bl ack/ Or ange S tGeor ge-Whi t e L i mes t oneCoas t-T eal S ut her l andS har ks-S kyBl ue Maccabi -L i ghtBl ue CapeHenr y-Red S ydneyComet s-Gol d Cas eyCavi l i er s-Navy/ S i l ver T heComet s-Dar kGr ey/ Bl ack Mar ymede-Royal Bl ue T heHur r i canes-Navy McKi nnonCougar s-Mar oon T heRel l i s-Navy Mel bour neMagi c-Navy T L SL ynx-Red Mel bour neT i ger s-Red T r ar al gonT Bi r ds-Mar oon Mi l l i centMagi c-Char coal Gr ey Unknowns-Bl ack MoeMet eor s-Bl ue/ Yel l ow/ Mar oon Ver montVul t ur es-Bl ack Mor ni ngt onBr eaker s-Pur pl e Vi cMet r oI . D.-NavyBl ue Mor wel l Magi c-Bl ack VCCS-Navy N/ WT AS-NavyBl ue WaggaHeat-Royal Bl ue Nor t hAdel ai deRocket s-Whi t e War r agul War r i or s-Bl ack Nor t hWes tT hunder-Navy War r andyt e-Mar oon Nor t her nS ubur bs-Red Waver l eyF al cons-Bot t l eGr een Nor t her nT as-Red Wer r i beeDevi l s-Yel l ow Nor t hsBear s-Red Wes tAdel ai deBear cat s-Red Nor woodF l ames-NavyBl ue Wes t er nMagi c-Whi t e Nunawadi ngS pect r es-Royal Bl ue Wes t er nPor t-Yel l ow Oakl ei ghWar r i or s-Royal Bl ue Wes t gat eI mper i al s-Red Pakenham War r i or s-Bl ue/ Yel l ow Whi t t l es eaPacer s-Bl ack Par kdal e-Whi t e/ T eal Wont haggi Coas t er s-L i ghtBl ue Peni ns ul aBobcat sAl l S t ar s-Navy/ Or ange Hawt hor nMagi c-Royal Bl ue Peni ns ul aHotS hot s-Navy

Al lo fy o urf a vo ur i t ei t e ms no wa v ai l ab l eo nl i ne



NUNAWADI NG S PECT RESBOOK CL UBCHAMPI ONS HI PSBERT H BASKET BAL LVI CT ORI A|Ast hes i r enl oomed… t hepl ayer sont hebenchs t ar t ed cr yi ng. Happyt ear s . F orgoodr eas ont ooaswhatt hegi r l shadachi eved–booki ngt hei rpl aceont he nat i onal s t age–wasnot hi ngs hor tofbr i l l i ant . Nunawadi ng’ sunder 14gi r l s1t eam hads ecur edas poti nt he2017Aus t r al i an Hel l owor l dUnder14Cl ubChampi ons hi pswi t ht he5132t r i umphoverHawt hor non F r i dayni ght . I twasani nt ens echal l engemat ch–wi t honl yt hewi nnerear ni ngt hei rpl ace di r ect l yi nt hechampi ons hi past henumberones eed. I twasbus i nes sasus ual f ort heS pect r ess t ar s ;cont i nui ngar edhotr unoff or m.T he Nunawadi nggi r l shavef l ownacr os st hi syear–ear ni ngas poti nt heMedi bank Nat i onal J uni orCl as s i ct hr ought hei rgr eatwor ki nVC andknocki ngoveral l obs t acl es . Butt hi smat ch,andt hepr i z eavi ct or ywoul dear n,l oomedast heonet heywant ed mos tofal l . T heS pect r esyoungl adi ess oar edt os t ar t .Madi s onS i ncl ai r ,I s abel l aKi l s byand Yas mi nS par gohadaf i el ddayf r om t hef l oorast hes cor el i nebal l oonedear l y. Nunawadi ng’ sr eboundi ngi npar t i cul ars t oodoutt ooast hebl ueandr edbr i gade hadt oomuchhei ghtt obehal t edundert her i ng. Des pi t et hebes tef f or t sofHawt hor n,s l as hi ngt hegapf r om i t s176quar t er t i me mar gi nt hr ought hes econdandt hi r dt er ms ,Nunawadi nghadal l t heans wer st or un out19poi ntwi nner s . Nunawadi ngS pect r esU14gi r l scoachPet erRookewast hr i l l edt os eehi schar ges bookt hei rs poti nt henat i onal event .

F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7

“T hi si sabs ol ut el yf ant as t i c–we’ vej us tqual i f i edf ort heAus t r al i anCl ubUnder14 Gi r l sChampi ons hi ps–andwe’ r eabs ol ut el yr apt , ”Rookes ai d.“I tanabs ol ut el y pos i t i vet hi ngf ort hecl ubt omaket heunder 14cl ubchampi ons hi psandi ti san honourt or epr es entVi ct or i aandNunawadi ngS pect r esar egoi ngt or ockandr ol l i tt her e. ” T he2017Aus t r al i anHel l owor l dUnder14Cl ubChampi ons hi pswi l l behos t edby DandenongBas ket bal l f r om 27Oct oberatt heDandenongBas ket bal l S t adi um. “Il ovet hes egi r l sandIl ovehow muchi tmeanst oeachandever yoneoft hem, ” Nunawadi ngas s i s t antcoachBi ancaL ochr i es ai d.“Ast hegamewascomi ngt o anendt heywer eal l ont hebenchcr yi nghappyt ear sandyoucan’ tas kf ormor e t hant hat …( t o)haveagr oupofgi r l st hatwanti ts obadandl oveeachot hers o much. ”

NUNAWADI NG SPECT RESU14GI RL SSQUAD:Pet erRooke( HeadCoach) ,Bi anca L ochr i e( As s i s t antCoach) ,RachL ucas( As s i s t antCoach) ,Yos hi kaCook( S tBenedi ct s ) , I s abel l eCr awf or d( EBees ) ,Evi eCur t i s( EBees ) ,As t r i dF r aus i ng( Wat t l ePar kS ai nt s ) , Al i ceF r aus i ng( Wat t l ePar kS ai nt s ) ,NeaveHancockWol f e( S tBenedi ct s ) ,I s abel l a Ki l s by( Waver l ey) ,T ai t i anaPi ho( S tBenedi ct s ) ,Madi s onS i ncl ai r( Val es ) ,Yas mi n S par go( S tBenedi ct s ) .

Bur ge r s > Ha o fFa me

a tNuna wa di ngBa s ke t b a Ce ne

F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7

WHI T T L EF I REDUPF ORWNBLS EAS ON T heT owns vi l l eF i r eannouncedt odayt hatMar enaWhi t t l e( Ver montVul t ur es )has s i gnedf ort heupcomi ngWomen’ sNat i onal Bas ket bal l L eague( WNBL )s eas on. Whi t t l ehast akenonagr eat err ol ewi t hherNunawadi ngS pect r est eam i nj us ther s econds eas ons i ncer et ur ni ngf r om col l egewher es hes t ar r edf orNor t hDakot a S t at eUni ver s i t y.Wi t hanabi l i t yt opl ayi ns i deandout ,Whi t t l el eadst heS pect r esi n poi nt s( 15. 8ppg)andr ebounds( 9. 0r pg)acr os st hef i r s thal foft heS EABLs eas on. Ex ci t edaboutmaki ngherWNBLdebut ,Whi t t l es ai d,“T heF i r eof f erani ncr edi bl e oppor t uni t yt os t epupandchal l engemys el fi nabr andnew at mos pher e. ” “T het eam i t s el fex ci t esmet ol ear nunderCl audi a( Br as s ar d)andt hecoachi ng s t af f ,aswel l asgr ow i nt hel i ghtoft hegr eatpl ayer sr et ur ni ngt ot hecl ub. " T owns vi l l eHeadCoachCl audi aBr as s ar dwasasequal l yex ci t edaboutt hes i gni ng, ” We’ vebeent al ki ngt oherf oral ongt i menow andwet hi nkt hats hehasal ott o of f eratbot hendsoft hef l oor . " “S he’ scl ear l yaver ygoodr ebounder–s hehass omer eal l engt hands i z eont he per mi t t erwhi chi sal s ohandy–buts he’ senj oyedagr eatcol l egecar eerandwe’ r e s ur et hats he’ l l hel pusi mpr oveourl i neup. ” I nT owns vi l l e,Whi t t l ewi l l t eam upwi t hanot herf or mer Nunawadi ngBas ket bal l r epr es ent at i vei nKel l yWi l s on. “T owns vi l l ehaveagr eatcommuni t yt hatt r ul ys uppor t si t s pl ayer sandt hebas ket bal l pr ogr ams ,It hi nki t ’ sgoi ngt o bever yeas yt os t epi nandf eel wel come, ”Whi t t l es ai d. I nt hei mmedi at ef ut ur et hough,Whi t t l ewi l l cont i nuet o l eadherbel ovedS pect r esast heypus ht owar dss ol i di f yi ng apl acei nt heS EABLpos ts eas on.

T hegl obal phenomenont hati s3x 3Bas ket bal l i scomi ngt ot heeas t er ns ubur bs ofMel bour net hi sJ ul y,wi t hNunawadi ngBas ket bal l Cent r es ett ohos tt heEas t s i de 3on3T our nament ,aF I BAendor s edevent . Nunawadi ngBas ket bal l Cent r ewi l l t r ans f or mi nt oa10cour tf aci l i t yt ohos tt he onedayevent ,Wednes day12J ul y,t hes es chool hol i dayswi t ht eamsf r om acr os s Mel bour neex pect edt ocont es tchampi ons hi psi nU14,U16andU18,BoysandGi r l s di vi s i ons .Bei ngaF I BAendor s edevent ,r egi s t er edpl ayer scanear nandi mpr ove onF I BA3x 3Wor l dRanki ngs . “We’ r ever yex ci t edt obebr i ngi ngt heEas t s i de3on3T our namentt oNunawadi ng Bas ket bal l Cent r e, ”Oper at i onsManagerPaul F l ynns ai d.“J us tl as tweekRebecca Col e,aNunawadi ngBas ket bal l r epr es ent at i veatbot hj uni orands eni orl evel was namedt ot heAus t r al i anWomen’ sT eam t hatwi l l headt ot heF I BA3x 3Wor l d Champi ons hi psi nF r ancel at ert hi syear .S of orust ohos taneventt hatal l ows youngpl ayer st os t ar tbui l di ngt hei rownpr of i l eandF I BA3x 3Wor l dRanki ngi s ex ci t i ng.Wehopet os eemanymor eNunawadi ngBas ket bal l r epr es ent at i vesi n Aus t r al i ancol our si nt hef ut ur e. ” 3x 3i scons i der edt henumberoneur bant eam s por t ,pl ayedal mos tanywher eby anybody.T her ul esar ever ys i mpl eanddes i gnedt omakei taf as t ,s pect acul ar andex ci t i ngt eam game. 3x 3i sanoppor t uni t yf orpl ayer st oaccel er at ef r om gr as s r oot st ot hewor l ds t age, wi t hapr of es s i onal t ournow es t abl i s hedgl obal l y.F I BAhasal s omadeanof f i ci al bi df or3x 3t obeaddedt ot heOl ympi cs chedul e,wi t hWor l dChampi ons hi psat j uni orands eni orl evel sal r eadyi npl ay. T or egi s t erf ort heEas t s i de3on3T our nament ,vi s i tF I BA3x 3Pl anet . Eachpl ayerwi l l ber equi r edt os etupaF I BA3x 3Pl ayerPr of i l eands t ar tbui l di ng yourF I BAWor l dRanki ngi mmedi at el y!







F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7

HEADT O HEAD I ft wot eamsf i ni s honequal poi nt st hent her es ul t soft hegamespl ayedagai ns teachot heri e. t hewi n/l os sr ecor dwi l l deci det hei rpos i t i ons .( Headt oHead)aspernor mal VJ BLr ul es . Wher et hr eeormor et eamsf i ni s honequal poi nt st hei ror ders hal l bedet er mi nedbyt he " F orandAgai ns t "per cent ageoft hegamespl ayedbet weent het eamsconcer ned. I ft wooft het hr eet eamsf i ni s honequal per cent age,t hent her es ul toft he gamespl ayedagai ns teachot heri e.t hewi n/l os sr ecor dwi l l deci det hei r pos i t i ons . I nacompet i t i onof8ormor et eams ,wher e t eamsdonotal l pl ayeachot her ,t heor der wi l l bedet er mi nedbypoi nt sf i r s tt henover al l per cent age.I ft eamsaf f ect edhavepl ayed eachot hert hei ror ders hal l bedet er mi ned byt he" F orandAgai ns t "per cent ageoft he gamespl ayedbet weent het eams concer ned.Wher et hr eeormor et eams f i ni s honequal poi nt sandanyhavenot pl ayedeachot hert henper cent age over al l wi l l beus ed.

Al lo fy o urf a vo ur i t ei t e ms no wa v ai l ab l eo nl i ne


Bur ge r s > Ha o fFa me

a tNuna wa di ngBa s ke t b a Ce ne



Re p p i n> ’

F I NDY OURF I X T UREA T ht t p: / / bi t . l y / NUNA1 7

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www. n u n a wa d i n g b a s k e t b a l l . c o m , a u

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