MArch Design Report

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CONTENT 5t hYearPr oj ect KENT’ SBANKDEMENTI AHOME p.23 6THYearPr oj ect BI G ROOM OFTASTE p.46 Di sser t at i on DEMENTI A-PLACECALLHOME p.7 Pr of essi onalSt udi es WHYWEBUI LD? p.89


5THYEARPROJECT KENT’ SBANKDEMENTI AHOME Car ehomeset t i ngsar eof t enassoci at edwi t ht hef eel i ngofani nst i t ut i onal .Newf aci l i t i esar ebei ngbui l tever yday ,wi t hver yl i t t l eknowl edgeof howt hebui l tenvi r onmenti mpact sr esi dent s,f ami l i es,vi si t or sandst af ft hust he5t hyearpr oj ectexpl or edonhowt hedesi gnofdement i ahome canchanget heassoci at edi nst i t ut i onalambi ancet omor eathomeenvi r onmentf ort hepat i ent . Thet hesi squest i ont hei deaofwhatmakesa car ehomef eel sl i kehome?Thephr ase,‘ Iwantt ogohome’ i si mper at i vef orpeopl ewi t hdement i aandt her ef or edeser vesourcl oseat t ent i on. St udi eshavef oundt hatol derpeopl e,par t i cul ar l yt hosewi t hdement i a,ar el i kel yt of eelmor eathomei nenvi r onment s,whi char ef ami l i ar ,t hus cr eat i nga‘ homel y’envi r onment ,i sessent i ali ndesi gni ngacar ehomef ordement i a.Under st andi ngt heneedsoft hepat i ent swi t haddi t i ont o gooddesi gnst r at egyt hatencour agebet t erenvi r onment al st i mul i ,i ti spossi bl et ocr eat eapl acewher eonecanf eel “ athome”andpossi bl yeven cal li thome.



6THYEARPROJECT BI G ROOM OFTASTE Fi nalyearpr oj ectemphasi zesont hei deaofpl easur eandi nt i macyoft heCi t y .Focusi ngonpl easur easasoci alt hi ng,under st andi ng spat i alappr opr i at i on,i nt er act i onbet weenhumanandi nt er act i onbet weenhumanandt hebui l tenvi r onmenti savi t alobser vat i ont obe conduct edi ncr eat i ngt hi ssenseofpl easur eandi nt i macy .I nshor tpl easur ecanbeobser vedt hr oughi nt er act i onbet weenhumanobj ect –space.Bef or et hest ar toft hepr oj ect ,t hegr oupdi dasi t eanal ysi sonSpi nni ngf i el dAxi s,anar eai nManchest erCi t ycent r est ar t i ngf r om Al ber tSquar e,t hr oughBr azennoseSt .t oSpi nni ngf i el d.Thr oughoutt heaxi sweobser vedwhyt hesomear easar edensewi t hpeopl eand whysomear espar se.4st r at egi eswer ebui l tupont heobser vat i ont hatt he4poi nt sbel owact sasamagneti nat t r act i ngpeopl et oapubl i c ar ea. 1.Act i vat ededges 2.Foculpoi nt 3.Peopl e 4.Humanscal e Anot herobser vat i onwasmadebet weenr egul at edpar t( Spi nni ngf i el d)oft heci t yandi t ’ sot her s(WoodSt . )Togi vear oughi deaoft he ar ea,Spi nni ngf i el di sanaf f l uentar eawi t hhi ghendr et ai landr est aur ant sont hegr oundf l oorandof f i cesabovewher asWoodSt .i san al l eywayoraser vi cer oad.Fr om t heobser vat i on,t her ewasnoi nt er act i onbet weenhumanandobj ect(bui l di ngf açade)onSpi nni ngf i el di n cont r astt oWoodStwher epeopl eact ual l yi nt er actwi t ht hebui l di ng.Oneoft hemai nr easonf ort hi si st hatWoodSt .Façadegave af f or dancet ot hepasser byt ost opandl i ngerar oundt hebui l di ngbyof f er i ngconcavespacei nt hef açade,wher easonSpi nni ngf i el dbot h si deoft hest r eeti sst r ai ghtshi nyt al lgl assf açade. Af t ert hor oughobser vat i onoft hesi t e,BI G Room oft ast eseemst obeagoodi deai nanswer i ngt hepr obl em onsi t e.BI G Room OfTast e i sapubl i cbui l di ngwher ebombar dmentofpl easur abl esensescomesal i ve.BRTsi t si nbet weenSpi nni ngf i el dandBr i dgeSt r eetar ea.The st r at egi cl ocat i oni nManchest erCi t yCent r emakest hear eaaccessi bl ebyl ocal sandt our i st .Thecor ei deabehi ndt hebui l di ngi st o r econnectl ocaleconomi esandcommuni t i est hr oughl ocalf oodsyst em andf oodhal li sani dealpl acef ori t .Thebui l di ngconsi stofmar ket ont hegr oundf l oor ,r est aur antandqui ckeat er i esont he1stand2ndf l oor ,communi t yki t chenast hecent r est ageoft hebui l di ng,andr oof caf eandcommuni t ygar denont he3r df l oor .BRTnotonl yser vesasapl at f or mf orgast r onomi cexper i ence,i tal soencour agesoci al engagementbet weenal lcl ass,cul t ur eoft hecommuni t y .Thest r at egyofBI G Room oft ast ei ncor por at ebackt he4poi nt sobser vat i ont hat wasconduct edi ndur i ngt hesi t eanal ysi sandmaki ngsur et hespat i alar r angementgi vesaf f or dancet opeopl et osoci al i zeandl i ngerar ound byhavi ngt hr eshol dsbet weenext er i orandi nt er i orandal soal ongt hei nt er nalcor r i dor st oo. TheAt el i ert aughtmet obecomemor ehumaneandput t i ngt heneedsoft hebui l di nguser ’ smor et hanj ustbui l di ngamegascul pt ur e.I t t eachesmet obeaut i f ular chi t ect ur et hatcal l sat t ent i ont owhatl i esbeneat ht hevei lf açade,nott hebeaut yt hatwoul dhaveusf or getwhat l i esbeneat h. 4

Br i dgeSt .El evat i on

I nt er i orVi ewt ot heCommuni t yKi t chen



THRESHOLD Ther ear et hr eshol di nbet ween t he st al l s ser vi ng mai nl yf or gr oups ofpeopl et o soci al i ze whi l st eat i ng t hei rf ood. t he space al so of f ervi ews t ot he communi t y ki t chen and some t hr eshol d ar e par t i al l yopen t o t heext er i or



The cor r i dorof f erci r cul at i on f or peopet obuyf oodatt hest al l son t he per i mi t eroft he bui l di ng.I t al so of f er sspace f orsi t t i ng and soci al i zef ori ndi vi dual ,coupl eor smal lgr oup.


ATRI UM The at r i um of f er s vi sual connect i on ver t i cal l yt hr ough t he bui l di ng.I ti sal soessent i al f orday l i ghtt or eacht hegr oundf l oorand t heact i vecor r i dor sont he1stand 2ndf l oor.

DI SSERTATI ON DEMENTI A-APLACECALLHOME Ol derpeopl el i vi ngi nr esi dent i alandnur si ngcar ehomesspendmostoft hei rt i mewi t hi nt heboundar i esoft hehome,andmaydepend ont heenvi r onmentt ocompensat ef ort hei rphysi calorcogni t i vef r ai l t i es.Ther ehasbeenar obustl i t er at ur eont hemeani ngofhome. Homel i nessi sacompl exconceptwhi chi shi ghl yper sonal .However ,t her ewer ef i vedi st i nct i vechar act er sofahomet hatwer econt i nuousl y bei ngr epeat edi nt hel i t er at ur easbei ngi mpor t antt omanyi ndi vi dual sespeci al l yt heol deragesgr oupr el at i ngt ot hei rhome–f ami l i ar i t y , saf et y ,cont r ol ,i dent i t yandcomf or t .Somer esear chhasbeenpr ovent hatembeddi ngt hesechar act er si nonesel fhasaposi t i vei mpacton t heheal t hofani ndi vi dualt husi ti sf ur t herexpl or edi nt hi spaper .Heal t hcar eenvi r onment sar eal wayscl osel yr el at edwi t hbei ng i nst i t ut i onalt her ef or et her ehasbeenaconsensust hatcar ehomeshoul dbel essl i kehospi t al sandmor el i kehome.Thi spaperdr awst he l i t er at ur eont hemeani ngofhomeanddesi gnofcar ehomef ordement i at oexpl or ewayst ocr eat easet t i ngt hatr ef l ect shomet hus i mpr ovest heoccupant ’ sheal t handwel l bei ng. Bi bl i ogr aphy 1.Al i sonBl unt&RobynDowl i ng,Home( Rout l edge,2006) 2.Al i sonOr r el l ,Kevi nMcKee,Judi t hTor r i ngt on,Sar ahBar nes,Robi nDar t on,AnnNet t en,Al anLewi s,Ther el at i onshi pbet weenbui l di ng desi gnandr esi dent s’ qual i t yofl i f ei next r acar ehousi ngschemes. 3.Fl emi ng,A. ,Banks,P. ,KyddA. ,St ewar t ,S. ,Asyst emat i cr evi ewoft hel i t er at ur econcer ni ngdesi gnconsi der at i onsofhomel i nessi ncar e homes.( i ncl udeAsi a2013) 3. 4.Hauge,S.andHeggen,K,“ Thenur si nghomeasahome:af i el dst udyofr esi dent s’ dai l yl i f ei nt hecommonl i vi ngr ooms”Jour nalof


PROFFESI ONALSTUDI ES WHYMENBUI LD? Pr of essi onalst udi esassi gnmenti sdi vi dedi nt o2sect i ons: Par t1:Let t er st ocl i ent Par t2:Essay . Af i ct i onalcasest udywasgi veni nPar t1:Let t er st ocl i ent ,andvar i ousquest i onswer egi venasagui del i nei nwr i t i ngt hel et t er st ocl i ent . Basi cal l y ,t hel et t er sgui det hecl i enti nt ounder st andi ngt hepr ocedur ef r om t hest ar tt ot hecompl et i onoft hepr oj ect . Thet i t l e“ WhyMenBui l d?”i st hechosent i t l ef ort hePar t2:Essay .Theessayexpl or est hemaki ngofbui l di ngf r om t heear l yhumaner at o t he21stCent ur y .Whydohumanbui l d?I si tbecauseoft heneedsorpur el youtofdesi r e?Theessayquest i onwhatbeaut yoft hebui l di ng meanst odayascompar edt odef i ni t i onf r om t he1stcent ur yAr chi t ect ,Vi t r uvi us.Hast heanswerchangedorst i l lr emai nt hesame?The Essayal soexpl or est hecur r entchal l engesoft oday’ swor l d.Wi t hmanycr i si shappeni ngandbi ggestofal l ,cl i mat echangeandener gysecur i t y ,i ti scer t ai nl ykeepi ngt hear chi t ect sr ushedont hei rf eet .Theessayal sot al ksaboutt hef ut ur ef orar chi t ect ,whatt hepr esentmar ket l ooksl i ke,whowi l lsur vi veourbui l tenvi r onmenti nt hef ut ur eandwhati st hear chi t ect ’ sl i f el i nei nt hef ut ur e. Bi bl i ogr aphy 1.Pol l i o,Vi t r uvi us,TheTenBooksonAr chi t ect ur e(Cambr i dgepr ess1999) 2.NancyB.Sol omon,Ar chi t ect ur e:Cel ebr at i ngt hePast ,Desi gni ngt heFut ur e (Vi sualRef er encesPubl i cat i on,May1,2008) 3.Ar chydai l yWebsi t e: ht t p: / / www. ar chi dai l y . com/ 333413/ t hecount r i eswher edemandf or ar chi t ect sout st r i pssuppl y/ 4.RI BAFut ur eTr endsSur vey: ht t p: / / www. ar chi t ect ur e. com/ Fi l es/ RI BAPr of essi onal Ser vi ces/ Pr act i ce/ Fut ur eTr ends/ Sept ember 2014. pdf . 5.RI BAFut ur ef orAr chi t ect s: ht t p: / / www. bui l di ngf ut ur es. or g. uk/ asset s/ downl oads/ TheFut ur ef or Ar chi t ect sFul l Repor t 2. pdf . Cl i ni calNur si ng,vol17 5.Judi t hTor r i ngt on,Car eHomesf orOl derPeopl e:Abr i ef i ngandDesi gnGui de(E&FNSpon,1996)16


Dubaishapedbyhumanemot i onsanddesi r e.


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