Digital Design Portfolio from 2017-2018

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Introduction myself

Hello, let me introduce myself, I’m Nur Mauliddina or you can call me Dina, I’m a student from Creative Advertising in Bina Nusantara. I have ended my intrenship period in Dentsu Digital Advertising Agency. I wanted to share my work for four months I’ve made, start from mid September 2017 until end of the year. I will tell you that September until December is the hectic months in advertising agency, so I’ve made a lot of works, but there’s just a vew of my work in this portfolio. 1

Introduction The Place and The Team

In this picture above,

Dentsu Digital is a division from PT Inter Admark,

there’s Creative Team from

part of Dentsu Aegis Network. Dentsu Digital who

Dentsu X who always helped me and support me to keep envolve and to be creative.

has changed its name to Dentsu X Digital, or Dentsu X for short, is working on digital platfrom like: Digital Campaign, Website design, and Mobile Application. Dentsu X have been entittled to be the Indonesia Best Digital Agency of The Year 2017 (Silver) AOYAwards (Campaignasia) version.


Table of content

Introduction Myself


The Place and The Team


Table of contain Full Campaign Work Lotte Chocopie - Cook Together


Kementrian Pariwisata


Website design only Kopiko Website


Toyota - Seven Deadly Details


Digital Contents Daily Bespoke


Invitation Post


GDN and Web Banner



Full Campaign Works The Full Campaign Work is basically all the work from one campaign.


I gave you two examples of work from dierent types, the one from running campaign which are I made them in days, and the other from only a night work for pitch idea. 3

Lotte Chocopie Cook Together Campaign

Client’s demand : Low . Time spent : 2 Month. Diffculty level : Medium This is a running campaign. Every work i’ve display in this spread are mine, helped by Irfan Azhari, my Art Director. The deadline was around two weeks for the microsite, and about 3 or 2 days for the rest.

Microsite All of the info for campaign are in the microsite it is the most efficient way to target audience to access. The microsite itself has three revisions but all are to update the contens.


Teaser Bespoke This Bespoke is for social media post teaser for the incoming campaign

Invitation & Winner announcement The invitation is for drive people to microsite.

Gallery Bespoke This bespoke are for campaign reminder and to thank for all the participant who didn’t win


Kementrian Pariwisata Promotion on LINE Ofiicial Account

Client’s demand : Low. Time spent : 8 Hours. Diffculty level : High This is just an pitch idea for promotion campaign. The pitch was for Japanese audience so the visual follows their culture, Cute Manga. Made by me and my friend for the sticker and everything made by me with help Irfan Azhari, my Art Director.

Stickers LINE OfďŹ cial Account come with a pack of sticker. They are promoting for 7 things that Indonesia can provide which are; Nature, Culture & Trust, City living, Culinary, History, Adventure, and Art.


Stickers These stickers are made by my friend.

Posts The posts to maintain the connection between Kementrian Pariwisata of Indonesia to the target audience.


Website Design There are vew client who demanding for new website for them


I gave you two examples of work from two website, one for real ongoing developing and one for just an idea for pitching use. 11

Kopiko Client’s demand : Very high. Time spent : 1 Year. Diffculty level : High This is an actual developing website for kopiko. It has been developing for a year for the include from the first made and many many revisions. During my period of intern, i’m the only one who’s working on it. for design consistency. Many designers has made the design before me, im just for finishing. I made one landing page without revision and many many of other revisions from the client.

KOPIKO Updates detail page This page is the only page that i made from scratch, and I’m following the current design style for consistency of the website. Page layout that I made already following the grids for website developing so the website developercan apply the design easily. 12

Other pages These are the other pages that you can see the consistency for style of the design.


Toyota Seven Deadly Detail

Client’s demand : Medium. Time spent : 3 Days. Diffculty level : High This webstie are for preview the campaign idea for Toyota D14N, new car from Toyota, The Idea is for promoting the new feature from the car which are; Seven Seats, New Engine, new Airbag, One push Start Engine, Suspension, New Tires design, and New Exterior Design. Dentsu X want to make grand lauching for the car with making papercraft and challenges for target audience for the car during the promotion.

Landing Page The feel of the campaign is futuristic and clean for the millenials young adult for the target audience.


Other pages These are the other pages that you can see the consistency for style of the design.


Daily Digital Contents Daily Digital Contents are the visual need other than pitching use and special work like websites and mobile applications


Digital world are moving fast so the agency need a lot of daily contents to maintain the campaign instensities during the timeline.


Bespokes Trakindp

Client’s demand : Low . Time spent : 2 Days. Diffculty level : Easy These are some of the Bepoke are use for the client, Trakindo. The needs for the bespoke are various, some to maintain target audience relation, some for special occations like christmast greeting.


Invitation Lenovo Legion

Client’s demand : High. Time spent : 3 Days. Diffculty level : Easy The Lenovo Legion made a new Facebook like page and they want to inform the audience to like the new page. The invitations are boosted trough the Social Media that Lenovo has already had.


Web Banner and GDN Pocari Sweat and Yamaha

Client’s demand : High. Time spent : 1-2 Days. Diffculty level : Medium The Banner and GDN have special size to try work with so that’s is the challange from it.

Pocari Sweat Banners These banner are made for web and it use for invitation to the Pocari Sweat new website

Yamaha GDN Yamaha use GDN a lot for their promotions, put at other websites.



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