(work (work influenced influenced by by II Origins Origins and and rupi rupi kaur’s kaur’s poetry) poetry)
The The soul, soul, fortunately, fortunately, has has an an interpreter interpreter – – often often an an unconscious unconscious but but still still a a faithful faithful interpreter interpreter – – in in the the eye. eye. –Charlotte –Charlotte Brontë Brontë
it it is is a a blessing blessing to to be be the the color color of of earth earth do do you you know know how how often often flowers flowers confuse confuse me me for for home home
ii am am water water soft soft enough enough to to offer offer life life tough tough enough enough to to drown drown it it away away
how how do do ii shake shake this this envy envy when when ii see see you you doing doing well well sister sister how how do do ii love love myself myself enough enough to to know know your your accomplishments accomplishments are are not not my my failures failures we we are are not not each each other’s other’s competition competition
how how is is it it so so easy easy for for you you to to be be kind kind to to people people he he asked asked milk milk and and honey honey dripped dripped from from my my lips lips as as ii answered answered cause cause people people have have not not been been kind kind to to me me
like like the the sky sky
my my beloved beloved is is everywhere everywhere
but but next next to to me me