Adventure BOX

Page 1

Chapter story

£4.25 (UK only) Issue 161 March 2012 – ISSN 1366-9001

How to be nasty





How to be nasty Adrian Dolan is so nasty and difficult that his class teacher, Mr Grey, decides to go on a course to learn how to deal with ‘difficult children’. But why is Adrian so nasty to everyone?

page 3

Great tits and their family

Find out about these pretty little birds that often visit gardens.

page 46

Totally mad about football! Play some fun football games! Then join Nibby for some big laughs!

page 51

Games console page 57

Make-up Ariol wishes his ears were shorter and he were a different colour… He will do anything to be more like Thunderhorse!

page 61

AdventureBox is a 2010 and 2011 winner of a Parents’ Choice Silver Award.

Competition page 59

How to be nasty By Claire Denes Illustrated by Benjamin Adam

Read about the author and illustrator at and click on Teachers





Adrian’s bad jokes Adrian Dolan had no friends. He knew why‌ it was because he was not a nice person. Some time back, he had decided to be nasty‌ very nasty. He had decided this two years before, on the 24th of August, just before he started Year 4. Since then, he had done everything he could to be as nasty as possible. 5

On the first day back at school in Year 4, he said to his neighbour, “You are ugly, you smell and you are stupid. You will never get a girlfriend.”

Later on, during lunch, he had pushed Tom Tan’s face into his plate of mashed potatoes. That same afternoon, he had hidden a little child’s schoolbag in the toilets. He didn’t even know who the bag belonged to! 6

Ever since Adrian decided to be nasty, he found that he could say what he wanted and make fun of pretty much anyone. People just thought that was the way he was. Sometimes his nasty remarks made the other children laugh. But more often than not his classmates didn’t like it. “That’s not even funny!” they said. His answer was usually, “I know! I was not trying to be funny!”


Adrian thought being nasty was great, even though sometimes it caused him problems. For example, since he had started cheating at marbles and stealing them, nobody wanted to play with him or be in his team‌ Nobody!


Adrian is good at making nasty jokes. The other children think that’s just the way he is…



Teacher with a problem Adrian’s teacher in Year 6 was Mr Grey. He tried not to shout at Adrian too much. He told Adrian, “If you are always so unpleasant, it’s no wonder nobody wants to play with you.” “I don’t care!” Adrian shouted back. Mr Grey was a kind man but he found Adrian hard to deal with. His Year 6 class had the usual mix of well-behaved and not-so-well-behaved children. On the whole, everyone got on well. But Adrian made the teacher’s life very difficult. 9

When Mr Grey asked Adrian a question, he always ended up wishing he had not bothered. “Adrian, can you read the poem out, please?” “No,” said Adrian sulkily. “Didn’t you learn it?” “Yes.” “Well?” said the teacher. “Well, it’s rubbish!”


Adrian often made fun of Mr Grey or pretended he had not heard him. Unfortunately, Mr Grey could not pretend Adrian was not there. He had to give all the children the same amount of attention‌ But with Adrian, that was very difficult. It was the first year Mr Grey had had a really difficult child in his class and he wished he knew what to do about it. 11

He had talked to Adrian’s father several times. But it did no good. Mr Dolan just didn’t understand how the teacher could have a problem with his son. The first time they met, Mr Dolan said, “My Adrian is a good boy, you know!” “Really?” said the teacher. He was surprised to hear Mr Dolan say this. “He helps me a lot at home. He sorts everything out for me. He’s very kind.” “Really?” 12

“And things seem to be going well for him at school, too…” “Er… well, I’m not sure that…” “Adrian tells me all about what he and his friends, Tom, Sara and Marvin, get up to.” “Tom, Sara and Marvin… his friends?” Mr Grey looked at Mr Dolan. He could not work out what was going on at all.


Things got worse and worse and Mr Grey felt more and more worried. So he decided to enrol on a training course called, ‘Understanding difficult children’.

Mr Grey felt better as soon as he had decided to go on the course. He was sure it would help him to understand Adrian more. 14

He told the class about his course. “Children, next week from Monday, I will be away on a training course. You will have a supply teacher for a week.” Adrian muttered under his breath, “Cool! It will be good to get rid of you!” Mr Grey pretended that he had heard the opposite. He said mischievously, “Thank you, Adrian! You are so kind…”


Mr Grey enrols on a course to help him understand difficult children like Adrian.



Funny supply teacher The following Monday, Miss Lodan, the supply teacher, arrived and introduced herself to the head teacher. The head teacher said, “The children in Year 6 are charming, you will see. Little Adrian is a bit… erm… difficult, but on the whole, they are a good class.” Miss Lodan was young. She had never had a ‘difficult’ student before. She was curious and could not wait to meet Adrian. 16

Monday, 4th October

Miss Lodan greeted her new class and then took the register. When she got to Adrian, she said, “Well! Adrian Dolan! That’s funny!” “What’s funny?” he mumbled. “Your name!” said Miss Lodan. “Why is my name funny?” 17

Adrian was beginning to feel annoyed. Why did this teacher find his name so funny? In the past, other children had made fun of his first name but never of his surname. No teacher had ever commented on it!

Some of the other children started giggling. He was not going to put up with that. Who did this bunch of losers think they were? That useless supply teacher was about to find out that she could not make fun of him like this. He would tell her what he thought‌ and straight away! 18

But Adrian didn’t get the chance to open his mouth because the teacher walked over to him and held out her hand. “Pleased to meet you, Mr Dolan, D-O-L-A-N. I’m Miss Lodan, L-O-D-A-N. My name has the same letters as yours, just in a different order. That’s funny, isn’t it? It’s called an anagram.” Adrian shook her hand but he was not sure why.

Monday, 4th October


When Miss Lodan had finished calling the register, she suggested that everyone make an anagram with their name. For some children it was easy: Tom Tan became Mat Not and Sara Lee became Elsa Rae. It was not quite so easy for some other children. But in the end, with the teacher’s help, everyone managed to make an anagram.


At break time, Adrian really wanted to play with the other children. But how could he join in without being nice to them? He was sure about one thing. He didn’t want to go back to being nice. Being nasty had several advantages that he didn’t want to lose. Nobody bothered him, he almost always got what he wanted and grown-ups mostly let him get away with things. 21

So he stayed on his own in his corner as usual. But for once he didn’t bother anyone. He decided to try not to be nasty, just to see if he could still manage it. No tripping anybody up, no insults or making fun of people… Break time seemed very long to him that day.

Miss Lodan went over to talk to him. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Yes.” “Sure?” she said. “You are not playing with the others, then?” “No.” 22

“Why?” asked the teacher. “I don’t want to.” “What about the others? Do they want to play with you?” “No.” “Why not?” asked the teacher again. “Because I’m nasty.” Miss Lodan thought for a moment then said, “Do you like being nasty?” Adrian didn’t reply. Then the bell rang. Miss Lodan would have liked to have heard his answer.


At break time, Adrian tries not to be nasty but he gets bored on his own. Only Miss Lodan, the supply teacher, talks to him.



Monday, 4th October


Follow the guide! When they got back to the classroom, the teacher gave out some sheets of paper. She said, “I would like you to write something about yourselves so that I can get to know you. Write about what you enjoy doing, like sport or music, for example. You can write a poem, a story, a letter or even an advert if you want. It can be serious or not. It’s up to you.” 24

All the children started to think. Some began writing immediately. Adrian could not think of anything to say. For a start, he didn’t want to introduce himself. Everyone knew him and this supply teacher was only going to be there a week so what was the point? Anyway, he only had one thing to say, “I’m nasty!” He could not write a poem or a story about that… but maybe an advert? Why not?


He thought about when he had sat next to Tom in the canteen a few days before. Between two mouthfuls of sausage, Tom had asked him, “How do you manage to be so nasty?” “What do you mean?” snapped Adrian. “Do you remember in Year 4 when you pushed my face into a plate of mashed potato?” “Yes,” said Adrian with a little smile at the corner of his mouth. “What about it?”


“That was really bad.” “Yes.” “I will never be able to be like that.” “You will never be able to be like what?” “Nasty… like you. But I want to. Can you give me some tips? Some advice?” Adrian didn’t reply. But Tom was serious. He tried to give Adrian some of his pudding as payment for helping him.


As Adrian thought about this conversation, it gave him an idea of what to write in his advert. He thought that maybe other children were like Tom. Suddenly, Adrian had a brilliant idea. He would write a guide to being nasty. He would call it, ‘Being nasty is easy!’ He could think of lots of things to say. The words came really easily.


Adrian began to write: You are a nice person,. Everyone knows that. But maybe you feel like being rude sometimes or playing a trick on someone without being found out, or telling lies... Who knows? Are you wondering how to be nasty? Then this guide is for you! It will teach you the basics of being nasty. 29

Adrian was so busy working that he didn’t notice Tom showing his self-portrait to the class or Sara doing a mime. At last the teacher asked Adrian to share his work. He cleared his throat and said, “I’m going to teach you how to be nasty.”


For once, Adrian gets on with the work the teacher sets in class. He writes a guide to being nasty!



Adrian’s secret Adrian stood up and looked at the other children. He could see Tom staring at him. Then he began to read. “First of all, you need a reason to be nasty. Jealousy is a good place to start. Also, if something has happened that makes you want to be horrible, that’s even better! 31

“For example, if something has happened in your life to make you really unhappy, it will be easier to be nasty. You will be jealous of people who are happier than you and you will think it’s not fair. The more unfair you think it is, the worse you will behave.

“Second, you need to pick on people who will tell other people that you are nasty. That’s really important.


“Then, you need to find nasty things to do. But that’s easy. Just forget to do anything grown-ups ask you to do. Never say ‘Thank you’ or ‘sorry’. Avoid smiling and don’t answer questions, or answer them in a rude way. Try saying, ‘What’s it got to do with to you?’

“Finally, don’t forget you can do anything you like. You can be a bad sport or a cheat and a liar. That’s how you can start living life as a nasty person.”


Sara asked, “What kind of thing could happen in your life to make you really unhappy?” “Like, if someone dies or something,” said Adrian. “Like who?” asked the teacher. “Like… like… I don’t know!” shouted Adrian. “Like your mother!” Then he ran out of the classroom.


Adrian tells the class that a good reason for being nasty is if something happens to make you really unhappy.



Marvin’s good idea Everyone in the class went quiet. Nobody dared say a word. “I could go and find him,” said Tom. “No. I think we will leave him in peace for a while,” said Miss Lodan. “Do you really think his mum died?” asked Marvin. “Didn’t he talk to any of you about it?” asked the teacher. Everyone felt embarrassed. 35

Later on, at lunch time, Marvin plucked up the courage to sit beside Adrian. “You know what? My mum died too.” For once, Adrian didn’t know what to say. “I was only a baby so I don’t remember her,” said Marvin. “How come you are not nasty, then?” asked Adrian in surprise. “I am sometimes, but not very often. I don’t like being nasty. I prefer to have friends.” “Are you never jealous?” 36

“Yeah, sometimes. But playing football makes me feel better because I’m the best at it! You should find something you are the best at so that the other kids will be jealous of you.” “Well, I’m the best at being nasty!” “Yeah, but nobody will be jealous of you for that…” “Well, what kind of thing, then?” asked Adrian. “Er…” Marvin thought for a moment. “You could make us all laugh. If you were not so nasty, you would be the funniest person in the class.”


The next few days were very strange for Adrian. He was sorry that he had told everyone about his mum. But at the same time, he was pleased that Marvin had come to talk to him. He didn’t want to play with the others, but he would have liked to have a friend to talk to.

On Friday morning, Miss Lodan saw Adrian sitting on the bench on his own. She went over to talk to him. “They are scared to come and talk to you,” she said. “Why?” he asked. 38

“Why do you think?” “It’s because I have always been so nasty. They are afraid I will tell them to get lost.” “Maybe. But I think that if you went and talked to them now, they would really like that.” It was Miss Lodan’s last day at the school. At the end of the day, Adrian did something really nice. He gave her a kiss.


Adrian has changed. He has made a friend and he kissed Miss Lodan when she left.



Surprise, surprise! Mr Grey came back from his course in a great mood. He was ready to face all of Adrian’s sarcasm* and bad jokes. When he got to the class, he noticed that the children had changed places. He could not see Adrian, who usually sat at the back of the class. He started taking the register. *comments that are rude or insulting.


When he called out Adrian’s name, he heard him answer but he could not see where he was sitting. “Good morning, Mr Grey. I’m here!” The voice was coming from the front row. Mr Grey had several reasons to be surprised. Firstly, Adrian was sitting next to Marvin. That was not normal. Secondly, he had answered politely and with a smile! That was incredible. The boy must be about to play a trick on him… 41

Mr Grey asked the children to tell him what they had done during the week he had been away. They told him everything and showed him their anagrams. Adrian talked about Miss Lodan. He did an imitation of her and made everybody laugh. Marvin told the teacher that they had played a football match and Adrian had saved three penalties.


The rest of the day went by peacefully. Mr Grey was feeling very relaxed because ever since he had taken the register, he had had nothing but pleasant surprises. At break time he noticed that Adrian had changed. He watched him playing football without getting angry. He picked up Sara’s scarf and helped a little boy who had fallen over…

Mr Grey was feeling very happy about this amazing change. Then he overheard an interesting conversation between Tom and Adrian… 43

Tom said, “Did you see, just then when Jonathan gave me the ball, I didn’t even say thank you!” “Yeah… That was okay,” said Adrian. “But you have to do more serious things if you want to be really nasty.” “So can you give me some more tips?” Mr Grey didn’t hear any more but he was very glad that he had done the course. He knew there would always be ‘difficult’ children in the school! THE END




Great tits and their family

Great tits are the largest European tits. They have yellow and green feathers and a black head with white cheeks.

Tits use their tail to balance when they land.

They have four toes with claws. They use these to grip. 46

Š Hugo Willocx/Wildl/Biosphoto

Tits have a short, strong beak for catching small creatures and breaking open seeds.

Tiny feathers at the base of their beak stop dust getting into their nostrils.

Tits have a black stripe that goes from their neck to their tummy.

Male tits are slightly different to females. Do you know how to tell them apart?


The black stripe on males and females is different.

The male has a broader stripe.

Š Dave Watts/Biosphoto

The female has a narrow stripe that is not clearly marked.

In autumn and winter, they eat mostly seeds and fruit. 48

In spring and summer, they hunt small creatures, such as insects, spiders, centipedes‌

Illustrations: M. Winter.

Tits do not eat the same things all year round. Their diet depends on the season.

Š Juiors Bildarchiv/Sunset

Tits are great acrobats. They can hang upside down while feeding.

Did you know? Coal tit

Blue tit

Crested tit

Marsh tit Long-tailed tit

Text: E. Chanut. Illustration: R. Saillard. Colours: P. Castex.

Great tits have cousins:


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We all just love


Concept: A. Alméras. Illustrations: H. Convert.

ut o b a d a m y l l a Tot L!


Fill in the grid so that the letters A, L, O, P, T, Y appear just once in each row, column and box. In the yellow boxes you will read the phrase that completes the players’ chant. 51

Answers: top row – L, Y, O, T, P, A and the missing phrase is ‘to play’.

Write the correct word next to each number in the grid. The answer is in the yellow boxes.

Find one of the most famous footballers of today.

Answers: 1 shirt, 2 shorts, 3 fans, 4, ball, 5 ag, 6 red card, 7 pitch, 8 touchline, 9 whistle, 10 boot. It’s Ronaldinho.


Which ball belongs to each crazy footballer?

Answers: A–2, B–4, C–6, D–1, E–3, F–5.



Finish the half-written letters.


ards. Read backw


Cross out every GOAL.


Use the clues to decode the messages.

Replace each letter with the one that follows it in the alphabet.



Read each word backwards.

Answers: “What a match! I’m so glad I brought my binoculars.” “Final score: 999 to 999! Once again, this year… everybody won!” “Shame the match ended. I wanted to go on playing all night!” “You played really well, Leighton!” “You were even better. What fantastic goals you scored, Daniel!”



Find these objects in the picture.


Created by J. Cohen, E. Reberg, C. Viansson-PontĂŠ. Story: J. Cohen. Illustrations: B. Despres. Colours: R. Chaurand.

Nibby loves THE FUNNIEST FOOTBALL JOKE BOOK EVER by Carl McInerney Find it at

th do They can bo hat tricks.

Because there are too many cheetahs.


There was a young player called Rick, Who was known for the strength of his kick. With the ball on the spot, He took a short trot, And the goalie felt hit with a brick.

W hy could the car no t pla y foo tball? It only had one boot!




ip rch


W ha t lights up a foo tball stadium?

A football mat ch

hich In w e do u leag ta toes d po frie lay? p

W ha t did the footballing bee say? Hive scored!

Why are there no football matches at the zoo?

W hy are ke foo tballers li magicians?

Sen d me best your jokes

Send your jokes, poems, pictures and any other mail to AdventureBox, 1st Floor, 2 King Street,Peterborough, PE1 1LT or by email:

Take part in our football competition with Andersen Press. What to do


Design a football kit and draw a picture of a footballer wearing your kit. Email your picture by 15th April 2012 to: or send to: AdventureBox, 1st Floor, 2 King Street, Peterborough PE1 1LT, UK

4 copies of THE FUNNIEST FOOTBALL BOOK EVER + 1st prize will also get FOOTBALL FEVER a collection of 3 football stories illustrated by Michael Foreman

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Make-up My ears are so annoying!


I can flatten them to the sides…

But I can’t make them shorter unless I roll them up with my fingers.


… or to the back…

There! That’s okay. Now they are just like Thunderhorse’s ears.

But if I let go… BRLUP! They get way too long again.

And when I’m bigger it will be worse. They will be huge like Dad’s.

Oh, NO!

Why can’t I be a horse? I want to be a horse!

I could make horse’s ears with the elastic bands Mum uses to hold her mane in a pony tail. Easy peasy!


There we go, that will hold them down. But I can’t go to school with elastic bands on my ears. They will make fun of me.

It’s all Dad’s fault. He was blue too when he was little. I have seen the photos. So I will be grey like him when I’m older. It’s just not fair!


Anyway, there’s another problem. Thunderhorse is brown and I’m If only blue. I was light brown like Mum.

Maybe I could put on one of Mum’s creams or powders to make me look brown? Foundation… How about this one?

Hey! It covers the blue. Cool! I will spread it all over.

Well, it’s not really brown but I will just pretend it is.

Oops! My glasses!

Now I need some dark glasses. Not my fake Thunderhorse ones. I will pinch a pair of Mum’s.


I can’t let Mrs Capra see me or she will make me wash it off.

Thunderhorse heads for his secret den to put on his suit.


Wow! These glasses are grrreat!

He puts it on over his other clothes ‘cos that’s quicker.

The final test is to get to the full-length mirror in Mum and Dad’s room.

Oh no! Mrs Capra!


The carrots will be ready in five minutes so finish off your homework now.

Ariol, where are you?

Ariol? Are you hiding, you bad boy?

No… I’m not here…


Don’t make me look for you. It tires me out.

It’s Emperor Morodan! He will shoot poisonous gas at me.

I will count to three, Ariol! One…Two… Beeep Beeep! Ah… the carrots are cooked!


Come out of your hiding place! I’m not in the mood!

How come Thunderhorse is never scared? I’m scaaaared!

I have to go and turn the gas off. Come to the table, now. Phew!

I must take off Mum’s make-up as fast as I can!

Maybe Thunderhorse was a scaredy-cat like me when he was little. Maybe he became brave when he grew up?

Mrs Capra? Uh-oh! It will not come off!

Come and eat your carrots, Ariol. Can you come here? I have a problem.


Later… Please don’t tell Mum,

will you! I thought it would wash off. No, you silly billy! You need make-up remover to get foundation off.

Why on earth did you put foundation all over yourself? To look like Thunderhorse.

Thunderhorse again!

I’m fed up with Thunderhorse, do you hear? I’m going to have to warm up the carrots again because of him! And it’s getting late!

Colours: R. Chaurand.

Were you a scaredy-cat when you were little, Mrs Capra?



In your next issue Pirate parents fall out


Fred the Red and Lady Violet are always fighting. That’s normal for pirates… only Fred and Violet are husband and wife. They decide to get divorced to protect their children. But their daughter Anita is not at all happy about that…

Deep sea games

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Last month’s answers: 1–A, 2–B, 3–B, 4–A, 5–B, 6–C. Answer this issue’s Mini quiz at from 1st March.

161 AdventureBox

N. 161


A he has plenty of friends

A he is jealous of other people

B he has one good friend

B he is shy

C he has no friends

C he can’t help it

3. Adrian believes other people:

4. Adrian finds out that he can:

A are always angry at him

A always be nasty

B are happier than him

B stop talking to everyone

C don’t understand him

C make people laugh

5. Most birds have:

6. Ariol tries to make his ears shorter with:

A two toes on each foot

A foundation

B three toes on each foot

B make-up remover

C four toes on each foot

C elastic bands

Answer this Mini quiz from 1st March at

AdventureBox was great… now I’m ready for

How to be nasty

2. Adrian behaves badly because:

1. Adrian is nasty so:

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