Starter issue9 lores

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You can find me on Page 18.

The Grand View Animal Garden The Ship Of The Desert Camel

Animal Corner Night Noises

The Treasure Hunt Game

Little Playground

My Body

Word Search

The Bursting Tummy

The Curious Rabbit

Test Your Eyesight

The Upside Down Bat

Spot The Differences


Lovely Plants

Little Triceratops’ Tantrum

The Colourful Mushrooms

Welcome to SCIENCE ADVENTURES, an INSPIRING science magazine for young children just starting to investigate science. Packed full of easy-to-read science stories and activities, SCIENCE ADVENTURES is specifically designed to initiate an early learning of science. Pre-schoolers from 3 to 6 years old and young science investigators from 7 years old are naturally inquisitive and eager to discover more about themselves and the world around them. Would you like to bring science alive for your child and enhance their curiosity? Our new SCIENCE ADVENTURES series uses stories, adventure and fun activities to bring basic scientific concepts to your child in a lively way that will feed their natural curiosity and develop a love of reading. In this edition of Science Adventures, keep Berny the Bear safe from harm, help Little Triceratops calm down and face a scary night with the two piglets. Join us for some fun as we search for colourful words, help David find his mother’s shadow and spot some sweet differences. Packed with great things to do, Issue 9 promises to entertain as we learn about ourselves and the world around us! What more could your child want? Science is Fun! Happy reading, Shel Sweeney Editor

Managing Editor: Jevin Lim Senior English Language Consultant: Lee Sow Ling [B.A. Hons, Dip Ed, M-Phil]

Editorial Office: Block 1003 Bukit Merah Central #03-05 Inno•Centre, Singapore 159836 Tel: (65) 6225 5770 • Fax: (65) 6377 0890 Hotline: 9002 0322 (after office hours) Email:

Senior Science Editor: Alfred Chiam

Website: OR

Editor: Shel Sweeney (MA, BA, BTeach)

Hong Kong: GF Education (HK) Limited Mr Alan Lee

Publisher: English Corner Publishing Pte Ltd

Tel: +852 97351683 / +852 90712048 Email:

All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in Singapore

Permit No.: MICA (P) 120/08/2015

Copyright c and Trademark 2012: English Corner Publishing Pte Ltd All rights reserved

Animal Corner

Ni ght N o i s e s W h o o o.. . W h o o o.. .


What is that noise?

SAS Starter no.9


Who o o. . .

o o. . .

Hector, wake up, I'm scared!

What's wrong, Hambo? There's a strange sound outside!

SAS Starter no.9


I don’t hear anything?

Whooo! Whooo!

Hide! Yikes! That’s it!

SAS Starter no.9


A while later, in the woods …

I am scared!

Who... Who... It’s me... Owl.

Who's out there?

I sleep during the day and come out at night to look for food.

Why aren’t you in bed? You scared us!

SAS Starter no.9


How do you see at night?

My eyes see clearer at night than in the day.

Could you please be a little quieter?

Try not to wake us up!

I will try. Good night!


Good night!

Oh! I See Owls are carnivores, which means they eat meat. They are night birds. Owls have special eyes so they can see in the pitch-dark night. SAS Starter no.9


Owl’s  Eyes Which eyes belong to the owl?






F Answer: E

SAS Starter no.9


Little Playground

Word Search Find and circle the words from the word list below.

p i n k l e g r i d red

u r e s e n o r m b blue


SAS Starter no.9

r e d b s i l v e r

p m n o t k d i q o



l d h o d y n x b w

e s g r e e n a w n

j e u a p l o i g n






q l k n c l f w y p green

b l u e z w h i f t n e

d p u g a o k l


The Curious Rabbit


The Upside Down This cave is so warm and cosy!


H u h?

Bat, why are you hanging upside down?

This helps me to fly!


I can spread my wings and fly away quickly!

SAS Starter no.9



Little Triceratops’ Tantrum … z z z z Z

Bang ! Bang !

Oh, no! My house!

Mummy! Boo…hoo…

SAS Starter no.9


What happened?

Boo…hoo… Somebody punched holes… in our house!

Show me!

Oh, dear!

At the house...

Oh, no! Who did this?

Next door, at Triceratops' house…

Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! SAS Starter no.9


I think I know.

No! You can't make me go!


Watch out!


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Son, you have to see the doctor!

No! I don’t want to…

He has a cut on his leg…

Did he bang holes in my house?

SAS Starter no.9

Yes. I'm sorry! He is having a tantrum.


What’s wrong with Little Triceratops?

Oh, that must be painful!

Let’s see if we can help?

They find Little Triceratops stuck‌

Little Triceratops, there's no need for a tantrum.

Help! The doctor will fix your cut.

There he is!

Okay, I'll go. Can you help me out? Come! Now let’s go to the doctor.

He sure has a bad temper! Yes!

Okay. Oh! I See Triceratops had a large, bony frill and three strong horns. All of these grew on Triceratops' head. SAS Starter no.9


Little Triceratops Wants To Go Little Triceratops has lost his way. Can you help him find his way home?

SAS Starter no.9


Camels live in the desert. They don't mind the dryness and heat.

Camels have thick, soft fur which helps to block out sunlight and heat. Camels don't sweat much, even when it's hot. A camel's lips are shaped so it can eat thorny desert plants. A camel stores fat in its hump. This helps the camel to survive when there's no food.

SAS Starter no.9


Camels have furry ears, three eyelids and two rows of eyelashes. Their nostril closes in between breaths. These things help keep sand out of the camel's eyes, ears and nose.

The dromedary camel has one hump. It has long legs and short fur.

The Bactrian camel has two humps. It has short legs and longer fur.

SAS Starter no.9

A camel's foot has two cushioned hooves to stop the camel from sinking in the sand.


The Treasure Hunt Game

SAS Starter no.9


There are 6 items hidden in the bedroom. Can you find them?

SAS Starter no.9


My Body

The Bursting Tummy Come on Abby, I'll race you to the door!

Hi, Annie.

SAS Starter no.9

Hi, Daisy! It’s been a long time!


Why is Aunt Daisy’s tummy so big?

Hi, Frank!

Say hello to Aunt Daisy!

Hi, Aunt Daisy!

Frank, why are you pulling me?

SAS Starter no.9



Be careful! Aunt Daisy’s tummy might burst!

Ha, ha! Frank says Aunt Daisy’s tummy is going to burst!

Shh! Be quiet!

Ha, ha… Frank, Aunt Daisy’s tummy won't burst. She has a baby in there.

SAS Starter no.9

Aunt Daisy, is that true?


That’s true! You were a baby in your mum's tummy once too.

I see! May I touch your tummy?

Of course!

Really? Abby too?

Oh! I feel movement… That's the baby exercising!

SAS Starter no.9


Aunt Daisy, can your baby hear me?

Yes, if you talk to my baby.


… a h , a h , Ha Baby, come out… I want to play with you!

a… H a, h a, h

Oh! I See A pregnant mother’s tummy grows bigger and bigger until, after 9 months, the baby is born.

SAS Starter no.9


Mummy’s Shadow David has lost his mummy. She has long hair, a pregnant tummy and was pushing a trolley. Do you know which shadow belongs to his mummy? Mark your answer in the





Answer: D SAS Starter no.9


Spot the

Test Your Eyesight

SAS Starter no.9



There are 7 differences in the picture. Can you spot them?

SAS Starter no.9


Lovely Plants

T he C olourful

M ushrooms

Berny, can you please pick some mushrooms for me from the farm. Okay! I will go now!

Berny meets Celeb, the little ant, on his way.

Celeb, where are you running to? Berny, hurry! I found a beehive! You know what that means!

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Okay! Climb into my basket.

Berny climbs a big tree.

Yes! Thanks, Berny!

Slurp‌ Honey is so delicious!

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Mmm‌ Yes, it is! Why do you have that basket?


Oops! I forgot I have to pick mushrooms for Mum.

Celeb, you are a good friend!

Look at all these beautiful mushrooms!


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Don’t worry! I know where you can find some nice, big mushrooms!

Phew! I can go home now.


Bye, Berny! See you soon!

Mum! I have picked the mushrooms!

At dinner time...

Mum, where is my mushroom soup?

SAS Starter no.9

Thank you. Just leave them on the table.

Sorry, Berny, there's no soup today! The mushrooms you picked were all poisonous!


Oh, no! These are all poisonous mushrooms!

Aw! This is Celeb's fault!

Boo‌hoo! They looked so beautiful!

I told you to go to the farm. Why did you pick these mushrooms?

Berny, the prettier the mushroom is, the more poisonous it is!

After dinner‌

We shall go to the farm together!

Mum, I will pick the right mushrooms tomorrow.

Oh! I See There are lots of different kinds of mushrooms and some of these are poisonous. Many poisonous mushrooms are colourful. SAS Starter no.9


Which Mushrooms Shall We Pick? Beautiful mushrooms are usually poisonous. Circle the 5 mushrooms you can take home.

SAS Starter no.9


Colourful Wings Tailed Jay

The patterns on butterfly wings help the butterfly to hide itself from harm. It uses these colourful patterns to protect itself and scare off danger.

Common Buckeye Red-spotted Purple

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ISBN: 978-981-4690-38-6 Please use same no as above

Printed in Singapore

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