A NEW LEASE OF LIFE By Grace Koh Kah Shin & Ong Cheng Siang
Infrastructure and public facilities and services systems form the backbone of this studio’s design exploration. The former seeks to integrate power, waste and transport systems into one and transforming them into resources contributed by the neighbourhood itself, which will serve public facilities and services. As such, this system of public contribution and distribution creates an all-accessible pool of resources that is equitable and just. It transforms the way the city produces and consume public infrastructure by creating a sustainable loop, constantly renewing resources and according waste a new lease of life. Furthermore, the involvement of the everyday people in infrastructural production potentially educates the masses and inculcates the culture of sharing in the neighbourhood.
基础设施和公共设施与服务的系统 设计是这工作小组设计方案的核 心。前者将电力,废物和交通系统 整合为一体,将其转化为社区的公 共资源。同时,这新系统也为公共 设施和服务提供基本资源。这方案 注重于集体贡献和分配制度,以创 造一个公平和公正的资源分配。通 过可持续发展的环路,不断更新资 源,废物利用,改变了城市生产和 消费公共基础设施的模式。参与基 础设施的生产也有着教育群众,灌 输邻里 文 化 的 效 应 。
sharing infrastructure
Top The system: a 3 sector linear relationship from waste to cars to energy and fro, illustrating the flow of resources.
Middle The journey: the typical journey the shared car takes and its role in the system.
Bottom The car: how the car works as a carrier and transport vehicle; its energy requirements.
上图 系 统: 废 物 到 汽 车 到 能 源 的 三 部 门 线 性 关 系 , 说明了资源的流动。
中图 旅 程: 共 享 汽 车 的 旅 程 及 其 在 系 统 中 的 作用。
下图 汽 车: 汽 车 如 何 作 为 承 运 和 交 通 工 具 ; 其能源需求。
This core of this system is converting food waste to energy for sharing; and this energy is primarily used to power a localized shared car system that in tur n facilitates waste collection and energy distr ibution. There is hence a reciprocal relationship bet ween transpor t and energy which both rely on each other.
Viability of the system: surplus energy could be derived from food waste collected even after expending it on shared car system.
At the centre of the system are the shared cars because it provides mobility for the system to run: collects waste, distributes recycled energy and also as a internal transport system for residents. in this scheme, this system mater ialises as a loop, a dedicated lane within the neighborhood for shared cars to run.
系 统 的 可 行 性: 在 供 应 公 用 汽 车 燃 料 之 余,仍有剩余的回收能源。
系统的核心概念是将厨余转化为共享能 源;这能源的主要用途是提供公用汽车 燃料,从而这些汽车则能进行废物收集 和能量分配。因此,运输和能源之间处 着相互 支 助 的 互 惠 关系 。
系统的中心是公用汽车。它使系统拥有 流动性,以便顺畅运行。其功能包括 收集废物,分配回收能源,还可以作为 居民的社区交通工具。在这个方案中, 这系统的基础为一条公共汽车的专用环 线。
Derivation of the loop and its influence on networks within the neighbourhood: the loop is designed cut through key waste production sites and energy consumption sites based on the other sharing nodes, while considering proximity to residential parcels to serve the residents
环 线 的 概 念 及 其 对 社 区 网 络 的 影 响: 环 线 设 计 根 据 其 他 共 享 节 点, 以 推 理 废 物 生 产 和 能 源 消 耗 量 较 高 的 场 所, 而 穿 过 这 些 地 带。 同 时, 其 中 一 个 重 要 考 量 是 环线与房屋的距离。
S u r p l u s e n e rg y g e t s p a cka g e d i n to batter ies distr ibuted by s hared c ars to new inter ventions der ived from oppor tunities sparked by the new i n f r a s t r u c t u re, l i ke t h e l o o p. S t re e t level interventions that are now made m o r e a tt r a c t i ve a n d v i a b l e a s t h e y a re p owe re d by s h a re d e n e rg y : i . e. C o m m u n i t y fa r m i n g , o u t d o o r c l a s s rooms.
剩余能量被包装成电池 , 由公用汽车分 配 到 新 的 公 用 场 所。 共 享 能 源 使 这 些 场 所 能 够 运 作, 且 更 具 吸 引 力 和 可 行 性。 这些场所包括社区耕作、户外课室等。
‘Playground’ retrofits new functions into the existing Joo Chiat Complex, and presents itself as the energy hub of the neighbourhood, symbolic of the new system in place. This proposal explores how to soften hard infrastr ucture, creating a refreshed gathering space for the residents while sensibly retaining its rich culture.
Top The digester system directs the main program of Joo Chiat Complex, providing opportunities for programmes to be created around the parts,
Bottom The form and facade of Joo Chiat Complex is carefully manipulated to retain its cultural value amidst the insertion of new programmes.
上图 蒸 煮 器 系统指引着如切坊的主要程序。
下图 如 切 坊 的 形 式 和 立 面 通 过 精 心 的 设 计, 在改造之余,保留其文化价值 。
“游乐场”将新功能注入现有的如切 坊,并将其设为社区的能源中心,象征 着新系统。这个设计方案探讨了如何将 基础设施开放于大众,为居民创造一个 新的聚集场所,同时保留着这栋楼丰富 的文化 色 彩 。
Level 1 Plan: an impor tant par t of the scheme as it activates the entire plot with various community programmes such as the playground and urban farming. 一 级 平 面 图: 该 方 案 的 一 个 重 要 部 分 是 如 何 通 过 各 种 社 区 活 动 运 用 整 块 土 地, 如:游乐场、城市农业等。
Top Left Perspective of Approach
Top Right Perspective of View from HDB
Bottom Longitudinal Section
左上图 建 筑 外 观透视图
右上图 透视图现实从组屋望外的景观
下图 纵剖面
The result is to create a gathering space that is vibrant and playful. While functioning practically as an energy hub, ‘Playground’ becomes a new public space, freshly injected into the neighbourhood. This is made possible through the negotiation between hard and soft infrastructure. This reconciliation created a new typology of space that introduced accessibility into a facility that is conventionally closed off.
Equally important is the consideration of the complex’s cultural value. While moving forward with a new typology, the program that shaped the complex over the years remains and becomes a complementary element that enriches the new public program.
这设计项目最终希望创造一个充满活力 又带俏皮的聚会场所。除了作为社区的 能源中心,“游乐场”也成了社区新的 公共空间。基础设施和公共空间这两种 空间的结合创造了一种新的空间类型, 为常规被封锁于外界的基础设施增加了 可达性。
如切坊存在着的文化价值同样重要。在 设计新的空间类型的同时,我们也考虑 到它原有的节目,因将其保留并丰富与 新 的 公 共空间。