2017 Sharing Cities Studio NUS Joo Chait: Production

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CO4 JOO CHIAT By Cherie Chan Wan Qing, Kenny Chen Han Teng, Yin Aiwei In establishing a sharing system fo r t h e b a s i c m e c h a n i s m s t h e neighbourhood runs on, the studio is able to subsequently build on a system of economic production and consumption depar ting from c a p i ta l i s t i c e n d e avo rs a n d o n e that furthers the sharing paradigm. Economic production in the new sharing neighbourhood is fuelled by a common pool of resources borne out of shared infrastructure and facilities, and therefore less concerned with profits than the intrinsic value of resultant goods and services. This set of ethos follows through with consumption, as consumers and users become less concerned with the possession of goods and services than consuming such, as seen from the slew of sharing programmes such as co-working and co-living.

正当“共享资源”在为邻里社区建 立基本机制的当儿,工作室可以应 运的建立于经济生产和消费体系的 基础上,以资本主义的角度为出发 点来进一步扩大其共享范例。由于 新共享资源社区的经济收益是源自 于共享基础设施和设备等资源,对 利润的考量较少,因此所产生的商 品或服务的价值相对较高。这种新 思潮将随着消费量的增加而扩散开 来,从一系列共同工作与共同生活 的活动模式可以看出,人们已没那 么在乎 拥 有 这 些 资 源 和 服 务 。


Multi-tiered approach towards achieving sharing economic production and consumption. 透过多层次途径去实现共享经济生产与 消费模式

In this dimension of shar ing, a CO 4 Jo o C h i a t V i s i o n M a p i s p ro p o s e d . C O 4 h e re re fe rs to C o - Pro d u c t i o n , Co-Consumption, Community and Collaboration. It is hoped that the CO 4 system can harness the potentials of the overarching sharing network in the neighbourhood through its multi-tiered approach, integrating aspects of hard and soft infrastructure in its workings. Fo u r c e n t ra l h u b s d u bb e d t h e C O 4

01. A connected ecosystem network forms the fundamental backbone with four CO4 Hubs distributed across the neighbourhood within walking distances. Contribution from households and small businesses ensures par ticipation facilitated by the shared transportation.

H u b s - C O 4 N o r t h H u b, C O 4 S o u t h Hub, CO 4 East Hub, CO 4 West Hub, are strategically located across the neighbourhood through reprogramming of the selected existing buildings within walking distance f ro m h o u s e h o l d s . Pro g r a m s a re characterized according to the needs of the community within the vicinity. A stretch of Joo Chiat Road is pedestrianised to become the central

( 一) CO 4 的 四 个 区 域 中 心 有 效 紧 密 地 结 合 成 一 个 系 统, 彼 此 间 只 隔 着 步 行 的 距 离。 共享交通资源促进了小型企业和居家人 士的积极参与。

02. Distributed hubs with customized services provide immediate facilities and services to the precinct areas, integrating shared infrastructure with facilities.

在上述“共享资源”的领域中,我 们 推 出 了 “ C O 4如 切 ” 的 计 划 。 在 这 里 , C O 4指 的 是 共 同 生 产 、 共 同 消 费 、 社 区 和 协 作 。 我 们 希 望 “ C O 4系 统 ” 可 以利用邻里社区共享网络的总潜力,透 过多层次的途径,将各种硬基础和软基 础设施 整 合 在 它 的 运 作 模 式 中 。 “ C O 4中 心 ” 是 由 四 个 中 心 枢 纽 组 成 : C O 4北 部 枢 纽 、 C O 4南 部 枢 纽 、 C O 4东 部 枢 纽 , 和 C O 4西 部 枢 纽 , 策略性地选择在从家里便能步行到达的

(二 ) 具特定服务的区域中心分布网结合了共 享 资 源 的 基 础 设 施, 能 为 人 们 提 供 快 捷 方便 的 设 备 与 服 务 。

距离范围内,让现有的建筑物重新编程 于该社区附近。同时,方案的特点和所 提供的服务在于根据附近社区的需要来 设计。 如切路的一段将延伸成行人专用区,以 作 为 CO 4 的 中 央 广 场 , 并 将 所 有 的 区 域 中心联成一环。所有受保留的住宅;店 屋 和 酒店建筑, 将会分布在CO 4的广场 范 围 内。 在这里,城市和建筑环境将被规划成三

03. Within the CO 4 Square is a myriad of conserved heritage shophouses, residential bu i l d i n g s a n d h o te l s, p rov i d i n g t h e necessary collaborative and participatory activities to occur.

(三) 由 于 多 数 受 保 留 的 建 筑 遗 产 ,包 括 店 屋; 住宅和酒店都处在 CO4 广场范围内, 为 促进人们的参与及合作提供有利条件。

CO 4 Square, as a form of closing the loop bet ween the distributed regional hubs. Within this CO4 Square are the conser ved heritage shophouses, residential buildings and hotels. Here, the urban and architectural environment is manipulated and refined through dividing the area i n t o t h r e e d i ffe r e n t p l o t s t o a d a p t for the different emerging new lifestyles defined by sharing,

namely in the dimensions of sharing p ro d u c t i o n t h ro u g h u r b a n fa r m i n g, sharing consumption through new residential living, and finally how communit y collaboration in a r e p a i r i n g v i l l a g e t h r o u g h p hy s i c a l and vir tual mar ketplace for wor k could potentially provide the linkage to create a holistic approach in addressing the four proposed COs.

Within the dimension of sharing economic production and consumption, it is further narrowed down into co-production, coconsumption and collaboration.

The possible sharing activities within the respective narrowed classifications are proposed, including the targetted communities.

从共享经济生产与消费的基础延伸下去 的 ,将 会 是合作开发,共同生产与消费。

共 享 资 源 活 动 将 在 其 它 锁 定 的 社 区, 发 展开来。

个不同的板块来适应不同的新兴共享资 源生活 方 式 , 即 通 过: (一) 城 市 农 业 分 享生 产 模 式 , (二)新的住宅生活分享消费模式,以 及最后 , (三)通过实体和虚拟工作场所,修复 村与社区的合作将为四个拟议中的CO 创造一 个 潜 在 性 的 整体 联 线 方 式 。

Spatially, the respective three classifications of co-production, co-consumption and collaboration are inter-related and backed by the CO4 East Hub. 在地沿空间上,有了 CO4 东部区域中心 的 后 备 支 援, 共 同 开 发; 生 产 与 消 费 这 三方面将能紧密相连。

Re p a i r i n g V i l l a g e s e e k s to p rov i d e a p hys i c a l a n d v i r t u a l m a r ke t p l a c e for work within the Joo Chiat neighbourhood.


Spatial Programming 空间编程

The rich architectural heritage, finegrained urban fabric and concentration of residents of various cultural backgrounds provided the basis for sharing practice within the dimension of sharing economic production and consumption.

合苑旨在为如切社区附近提供实体和虚 拟的交 易 场 所 。 丰富的建筑遗产、细致的城市格局以及 各种不同文化背景的居民聚集,为共 享资源提供了经济生产与消费的实践基 础。

Place-making and Community Participation 地方营造和社区参与

Knowledge and facilities shar ing is e n c o u ra g e d t h ro u g h d i ffe re n t w o r k processes related to repair and upcycling in a promotion towards a circular economy redesigned to accommodate new lifest yles a n d e n h a n c e exc h a n g e w i t h i n t h e neighbourhood.

Top Second Storey Plan 1:200 上图 二 楼 平 面图 1:200

It is hoped that the mentality of a throw-away culture can be improved through inspirations on the diverse oppor tunities available with repairing and upcycling, and how in combination the system can provide a concer ted imagination of a collaborative lifestyle.

修复与再造的不同工作流程鼓励了人们 共享知识和设施,从而促进循环经济适 应新生活的方式,并加强邻里间的交流 与合作 。

此设计方案希望通过修复和再造循环使 用的各种机遇所带来的启发来改善人 们对用后丢弃的心态以及巧妙地展现它 如何在整体系统上综合协作式生活的机 会。

Bottom Site Plan / First Storey Plan 1:200 下图 底 层 平 面 图 1:200

Top Design Impression 上图 设 计 示 意图

Bottom Section A-A 下图 剖 面 图 A-A

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