2017 Sharing Cities Studio Tsinghua 2

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Sharing work means everyday commuters from the outside, locals living in the Hutong, as well as temporary visitors. To create a space that benefits all these different users, we wanted our spaces to have good connections to the outside, as well as a central location in the BaiTaSi. Our objective is to create new ways of working in the Baitasi hutong, that engages the locals as well as outside users, and to create spaces where the users can share and exchange work and ideas, in order to strengthen the community and identity of the area. Our proposal focuses on two specific spaces in the BaiTaSi hutong: The Fusuijing Socialist Building, and the Hutong block on the south west side of the FuSuiJing. 共享办公涉及到地区外的通勤人 群、居住在胡同中到人群和旅游人 群。为服务这些人群,设计者希望 设计的空间与地区外、与白塔寺都 有很好的关联。为强化地区的特 色,设计者在白塔寺胡同中创造涉 及地区内外人群的全新工作方式, 创造分享工作和灵感的空间。设计 聚焦在两个特定的空间,即福绥境 大楼 及 其 西 南 侧 的 胡 同 街 区 。

We want to provide spaces where users can share and exchange work and ideas, in order to strengthen the community and identity of the area.

sharing WORKSPACE 共 享 办 公 我们希望提供使用者能分享和交流工作 内容和创意的场所,以此强化社区和地 区 特征。 与两个场地的不同属性相关,我们的方 案包含两种截然不同又互为补充的建筑 类 型: 首先,福绥境大楼可用作灵活的便于协 作 与沟通的办公场所。

CREATING WORKING OPPORTUNITIES Working opportunities & Recycling cycle Mixing local & Outside workers 创 造 工作机会 工作机会 & 再生循环 - 混合地区内外的 工 作人群

分 析

Following the diverse character of the t wo sites, our proposal includes t wo different typologies, which contrast and complement each other. First, the Fusuijing Building, which will work as a flexible hub, where working and collaboration with others is easy. The former residential building represents the Soviet inspired

北侧的居住片区和东南侧的高层办公区 蕴含着针对这一地区最多的潜在使用 者,这就是为什么我们希望在概念中将 其连通。 分析聚焦在节点、连接点、周边地区即 用地性质。


CURRENT PROBLEMS -The landuse of the area is not diverse enough -The Fusuijing building is empty and deteriorating -Lack of public space -The line between public private is blurred -The Hutong courtyards and alleys are cluttered and have plenty of informal additions


socialist architecture of the late 1950s, and we want to preserve the building as an icon of the area, by making it a hub for work, meeting and events. The building is connected to a new open public space, that is created by removing car traffic and walls from the surrounding site, and it creates a connection between the central Fusuijing building and the surrounding hutong areas.

方案包含两个截然不同又相辅相成的空 间类型,依此生成了两种新的不同的服 务 于 片区内外的共享办公方式。

概 念


设 计 方 案

Our proposal for the small scale, historic cour tyard typology of the hutongs is focused more on permanent small offices and workshops, through a combination of shared and public cour tyards. The courtyards provide opportunities for the entrepreneurs to bring in visitors from the streets for business, and the vernacular

proposal the fusuijing

CONCEPT - The Fusuijing Building 概 念 - 福绥境大楼

福绥境大楼可用作灵活的便于协作与沟 通的办公场所。原住宅楼代表了19世 纪50年代后期苏式建筑的风格,这也 是为什么我们希望通过将原有建筑保留 成为地区的标志,并将其改造成工作、 集会的中心。通过移除车行交通和基地 周边的围墙营造出一个开放的公共空 间,使建筑与其相连通。这一新的公共

pattern of the Hutong create intimate and private spaces, that contrast the openness of the FuSuiJing.

空间也在福绥境大楼与胡同之间产生 关联,成为一个有活力的、令人愉悦 的 区 域。

FUSUIJING BUILDING 1st FLOOR SPACES Flexible workspaces Fablab Meeting spaces Leisure spaces Cafe Education spaces Public seating areas

FUSUIJING BUILDING UPPER FLOORS Number of seats: 316 Temporary seats: 55 Work: 1200m² - 52% Chill/ Cafe: 187m² - 7% Toilets: 72m² - 3% Technical + Circulation: 921m² - 38% TOTAL AREA: 2380m² /Floor

SPACE DIAGRAM - Fusuijing Building 1st Floor / Upper Floors 空间图式 - 福绥境大楼一层/上层

Ground floor LOBBY

2nd floor HOTEL


6th floor “SWEATSHOP”

1st floor WORK+MEET

3rd floor WORK MEET

5th floor MEET+WORK

7th floor HOTEL

PROPOSAL - The Fusuijing 设 计 方案 - 福绥境大楼

Fusuijing Building - Upper Floor Plan 福 绥 境大楼上层平面

Fusuijing Section 福绥境大楼剖面

Fusuijing - South Side / East Side Elevation 福 绥 境 大 楼 - 南 立面/东立面

设 计 方 案

Lastly, to create an area that benefits all users, we designed our spaces to have good connections to the outside, as well as a central location in the area. Our site connects busy nodes and central parts of the road network with ample public space.

proposal the hutong

PROPOSAL - The Hutong 设 计 方案 - 胡同

PUBLIC COURTYARD 公共庭院 ~ 1 office worker/ 10m² SPACES 空间 Public courtyard & alleys Public seating areas Workshop & atelije spaces Shopfronts Cafe & restaurant

SPACE DIAGRAM - Private / Public Courtyard 空 间 图式 - 私密庭院 / 公共庭院

PRIVATE COURTYARD 私人庭院 ~ 1 office worker/ 5m² SPACES 空间 Common courtyard Recreational activities Shared work spaces & tools Shared kitchen & eating area Shared toilets Persons: Toilets

胡同空间适宜用作共享院落空间的永久 性质的小型办公室。院落可供员工与外 来的访客进行商务会谈,形成新的用于 共享和放松的公共空间。胡同中旧有的 形态形成了私密而有趣的景致,与福绥 境大 楼 的 开 放 性 形 成 反 差 。

Hutong - Section 胡同 - 剖面

最后,为营造使所有使用者受益的环 境,我们将设计的区域与外部环境良好 联系,同时也位于地区的核心区域、我 的场地的丰富的公共空间将繁忙的节点 和 地区道路网络的中心地区联系起来。

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