2017 Sharing Cities Studio Tsinghua 4

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By Boey Ying Yan, Loo Hui Xin

营造更有活动的学习 环境 By breaking the conservative and traditional learning environment to a more vigorous learning environment, a new wall systems connecting the schools to the street, and continues all the way to the hutong residential courtyards that creates a journey of learning that goes beyond the boundary of the schools. Lifelong learning among communities are introduced through the way of sharing and giving in the proposal of school and skill learning centre designs. 通过打破保守的传统的学习环境, 创造一个更有活力的学习环境、一 个连接学校和街道的新的外墙系统 通向胡同居民的庭院,创造了一个 打破学校边界的学习行程。社区中 终身学习的概念通过共享的方式加 以传达,在学校和技能学习中心的 设计 中 得 到 体 现 。

sharing education 共 享 教 育

In our analysis of the area, we realized that all educational program is located behind strongly gated walls in which kids have to sit still and listen in uninspiring concrete boxes. With our proposal we have tried to design an alternate educational typology. We redefine the purpose of a school, as a place not merely to absorb knowledge, but a platform that promotes social interaction, develops personal communication skills and character while the students interact among each other. In addition, since we realized that education is not just for children, a skill learning centre and residential learning space are implemented in the site to incorporate more age groups for the idea of life-long learning.

在对该地区的公布中,我们意识到所有 的教育项目都位于围墙内那些没有启发意 味的混凝土盒子中,小孩子们不得不端坐 其中,我们因此试图设计可替代的教育模 式,重新定义了学校的目的不仅是在学生 互动中吸收知识,更是提升社会技能和发 展个人沟通技能,我们进一步认识到教育 不仅仅是针对儿童,针对本地居民的学习 中心在场地中设立起来以鼓励不同年龄的 人投身于终生学习这中。

(A) (B) (C)

Current Issue Analysis 现状分析

(D) (E) (F) (G) (H)

(I) (J ) (K) (L) (M)

(A) (B)


(I) (D)




(J) (K)


(C) (M) School Library Underunilized spaces and corners


Types of Learning Passive Learning: It is a traditional learning which t h e l e c t u r i n g i n s t r u c to r ve r b a l i z i n g i n fo r m a t i o n to p a s s i ve n o te - t a k i n g students. Students are usually passive “ t a p e re c o rd e r ”. T h e re i s n o t m u c h i n te ra c t i o n s o r i n fo r m a t i o n s h a r i n g in the class and it is usually one

way i n fo r m a t i o n p a s s i n g, f ro m t h e instructor to the students. Active Learning: T h e i n s t r u c to r s t r i ve s to c re a te “ a l e a r n i n g e nv i ro n m e n t i n w h i c h t h e student can lear n to restructure the new infor mation and their pr ior knowledge into new knowledge about

分析 主动学习 指导者努力创造“一个学生能够学习将 新信息和原有知识重构成为新只是并 加以练习使用的学习环境”。学生应在 课前课后查阅信息。指导者解释概念、 原则,同时学生练习将这些技能加以应 用。 被动学习 一种传统的学习方式,发布演讲指导者 向被动记笔记的学生用语言传递信息。

学生通常是被动的“录音机”。课堂中 并没有很多的互动或信息共享,通常是 由指导者向学生的单向的信息传递。 自我学习 它更是一种自我发展,学生为自我学习 课程或一些学校课程表之外的阅读检 索信息。在检索合适的阅读材料的过程 中,学生易于掌握更多在学校课程表之 外的信息,并因此通过阅读完善知识结 构。

Passive learning

Active learning

Self learning

被 动 学习



Boring Journey

Gated School

Used Walls

Underutilized Space

无 聊 的街道


未被 利 用 的 墙 面


the content and to practice using it.” S t u d e n t s a r e ex p e c t e d t o l o o k u p i n fo r m a t i o n b e fo re a n d a fte r c l a s s. The instr uctor explains concept, principles and methods for geological inter pretation, while the students practice applying these skills to geological interpretation.

Current Issue Analysis 现状分析

Self Learning: It is more to a self development where students search infor mation for the active learning class or some readings b eyo n d t h e s c h o o l sy l l a bu s. I n t h e process of searching suitable reading materials, the students tend to know more beyond the school syllabus and thus improve the knowledge via reading.

设 计 策 略



design strategies




Distribution of Education Facilities 教育设施分布


Existing solid wall

book shelves introduced to the wall

Wall System Dedign Development/ 外墙系统设计改进

replaced the wall by the book shelves and seatings

c re a te i n te ra c t i ve o p e n i n g along the wall and introduced book shelves and seatings in certain locations on site


Siteplan of School 学 校 总 平 面

Section X-X 剖面 X-X

Section Y-Y 剖面 Y-Y

First Floor Plan 一层平面图

Second Floor Plan 二层平面图

设 计 方 案

proposal the skill learning centre

First Floor Plan 一层平面图

Second Floor Plan 二层平面图

Section X-X 剖面 X - X

Section Y-Y 剖面 Y -Y

设 计 方 案


First Floor Plan 一层平面图

Second Floor Plan 二层平面图

Section X-X 剖面 X-X

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