2017 Sharing Cities Studio Tsinghua 8

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BAITASI PLUS By Ahmed, Ricardo

白塔寺基础设施 +

Baitasi Plus is an infrastructural enhancement initiative for the Baitasi community, aimed at improving the conditions in which the community conducts daily activities. 白塔寺基础设施+(Baitasi Plus)是一项针对白塔寺社区的基 础设施增强计划,旨在改善社区内 日常 活 动 。

sharing INFRASTRUCTURE 共 享 设 施

Currently the community lacks critical hygienic functions such as wash sinks in public washrooms and evenly distributed showering facilities. Baitasi Plus consists of three phases which address these issues and add new functions where appropriate.

Existing Infrastructure Issues 基础设施现状

目前社区内缺乏严格的卫生设施,如公 共卫生间内的洗手池,甚至分散式的 淋浴设施。方案分三个阶段解决这些问 题 , 并在适宜之处添加新的功能。

Different social activities of hutong residents 胡同居民的不同社会活动

Telecommunications 电讯设施

Electricity 电力设施

Water Supply

Barbering / Socializing


理发 / 社 交

Eating / Air-drying laundry 用餐 / 晾衣

Hot water adjacent to roadway 沿街的热水器

Rainwater Drainage System 排水设施

Narrow roads and alleys

Electrical Poles

Crowded courtyards

拥挤的 道 路 和 走 廊



Public Bathrooms 公共卫生间

Commercial Spine 商业轴线

Traditional Methods of Infrastructural Upgrade 传统基础设施升级方法的局限

(1)Wired infrastructure does not cover entire Baitasi area. (2)Area is well connected but population density results in large power consumption and overpowering physical infrastructure. (3)Water is supplied to residents’ courtyards but distribution method could be improved. (4)Rainwater drain used for removal of kitchen Waste and light sewage (5)No source of water for washing hands / Semi-Private partitions (6)The commercial spine is important to Baitasi and the supporting role proper hygiene can play is crucial. (1) 有线通信并未覆盖整个白塔寺地区。 (2) 电力设施覆盖整个区域但较大的人口密度造成的消耗使基础设 施严重过载。 (3) 供水配给到居民到后院,但分配方式需要改进。 (4) 雨水排水设施被用于排污。 (5) 缺乏洗手功能 / 厕位半私密。 (6) 商业轴线对白塔寺十分重要,其中适当对供水设施起到关键对 辅助角色。

(7)Roadways are too narrow to implement large sewage or other infrastructure pipes. (8)An abundance of electrical poles prevent any attempt to utilize sidewalk space. (9)Illegal constructions and tight courtyards hamper any practical means of sewer integration. (7) 过于狭窄的道路不足以铺设大型排水设施或基础设施管道 (8) 过多的电线杆阻碍了人行道空间的利用 (9) 非法建筑和拥挤的后院妨碍了管线的集成

设 计 策 略


Phase 1: Decentralize and Declutter Existing electrical infrastructure will be replaced with a solar energy system which consists of roof (Hutong) mounted photovoltaic panels and solar powered street lamps. This system harvests solar energy through photovoltaic panels which is then converted and stored in batteries to supply lighting and appliances. Additionally, wireless telecommunications system will be implemented to supply unconnected areas using wireless routers.

阶段 一 : 分 散 与 梳 理 现有的电力基础设施被太阳能系统所替 代,系统内包含屋顶太阳能光伏板和太 阳能路灯。这个系统依靠光伏太阳能板 获取太阳能,将其转换成电能储存在电 池里,供给照明和其他电器。另外,无 线通信系统将用无线路由器覆盖没有通 信的 区 域 。

设 计 方 案

PROPOSAL Phase 1: solar energy

设 计 方 案

Phase 2: Remodel Through an analysis of existing functions and contextual conditions, public washrooms will be converted into service hubs. Service hubs retain the initial sanitary service, with new needed amenities such as wash sinks, showers and private stalls. At least one additional service (laundry, battery charging etc), will be added to service hubs, to not


Phase 2: service hubs

Service Hub Feature Matrix (On Site) 服务节点特征矩阵

阶段二:改造 通过对于目前功能及分布状况的分析, 公共卫生间将被改造成为基础设施中 心。中心保留原有的公厕功能,并增加 新的设施,如洗手池、淋浴设施、私密 浴室等。至少一项新的服务设施(洗 衣、充电等)会增加到基础设施中心, 不仅服务于邻近的居民,而且服务整个 白塔寺社区。设施中心潜在的位置、加

only serve the adjacent households, but also the Baitasi community at large. The Hub’s potential footprint, potential second storey and adjacent public spaces, all determine the type of features to be added to the service hub. The hubs are primarily positioned to provide adequate sanitary coverage to Baitasi via new construction, renovation or removal of existing washrooms.

设二层的可能、临近的公共空间都决定 了附加在设施中心的属性。设施中心的 选址 考虑通过新建、修复、改造现有卫生间 的方式为白塔寺地区提供充足的公共卫 生 设施。

Large Hub Ground Floor Plan (Existing)

Large Hub Ground Floor Plan (After)

Large Hub First Floor Plan (After)

大 型 基础设施中心首层平面(现状)

大型基础设施中心首层平 面 ( 改 建 )


Small Hub Floor Plan (Existing)

Small Hub Floor Plan (After)

小 型 基础设施中心首层平面(现状)

小型基础设施中心首层平 面 ( 改 建 )

Bathroom Coverage 80 users per bathroom Septic Tank Capacity 6.2m3 Therefore the dimension 1.2m x 1.7m x 2.5m Gas tank 5 m3 covers the cooking need of 22 people / day

Phase 3: Integration An application (APP) will be created to map all washrooms and their related features, which is facilitated by an existing digital database of public washrooms. The APP will also allow users to remotely book convenient services like showers within the service hubs.

阶 段 三:集成 在现有的公共卫生间电子数据库的基础 上,开发一个包含所有卫生间位置信息 和附加属性的应用程式。这个应用程式 允许使用者远程预订基础设施中心中的 淋 浴 等便利的服务设施。

设 计 方 案


Phase 3: baitasi app echo system

Baitasi APP Demo 白 塔 寺 手 机应用示意

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