With sincere thanks to: Dr. Zhang Ye and Dr. Jeffrey Chan Kok Hui who provided valuable insight, expertise and supervision that greatly assisted in the research. Also with utmost gratitude extended to: Dr. Wong Yun Chii, Dr. Lai Chee Kien and Dr. Tse Swee Ling who have made this possible. Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption Han Teng Kenny CHEN M.Arch Year 5 Ye ZHANG (Dr.) Assistant Professor Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore
Tsinghua University Beijing, China
Raemian Gallery Seoul, South Korea
UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress Seoul, South Korea
Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
brought forward new collaborative lifestyles1, entrepreneurialism exchanges2 and social interactions3 in modern cities.
The legion of companies and venture capitalists eyeing to be the ”Airbnb of something” and “Uber of another”4 however provokes an important question:
is today’s commercial-driven sharing economy driving out altruistic behaviour through ostensible sharing?
Powered by information technology advancement, sharing as a novel economic institution has
if so, this provokes an inquiry into how we design for the next stage of true sharing. 1 Botsman, R. & Roo R. 2010. What’s mine is yours: the rise of collaborative consumption. New York: Harper Collins. 2 Spinuzziǡ Ǥ ʹͲͳʹǤ ᦢ coworking as emergent collaborative Ǥᦢ Communication 26 (4):399-441. 3 McLaren, D. & Agyeman, J. 2015. Sharing Cities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 4 Mahmood, Z. 2016. "Should Internet Companies Like Uber And Airbnb Be Regulated?". SSRN Electronic Journal.
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Source: Author
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Present disparity between co-production and collaborative consumption is not sustainable
Commercialised mmercia rcia al NonCommercialised
Form of sharing – commercialised or not, should not be at the forefront in designing for the next stage of sharing practice
Social significance of coproduction in emerging cultural behaviours, particularly the maker culture, should be recognised
Collaborative Consumption
culture of making as a plausible approach in promoting co-production from the present consumption-dominated model
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
next stage of true sharing
benefit from a systems framework predicated on a mindset change – bringing people to co-create a space to enjoy, instead of bringing people together to use a space.
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
provoke the way we design for the
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
The Sharing Paradigm - an evolutionary quality that can be identified everywhere8 - ideals based on fair resource sharing rather than purchasing power Before 1970s: day-to-day reciprocal forms of altruistic exchanges9 Industrial Revolution: - technological advancement saw goals of increasing productivity - individual pursuit for self-interest - a consumer culture of ‘more’ / ‘conspicuous Consumption’ (Thorsten Veblen)10 - collective- and community-based values were shunned in favour of the ‘Me’ mindset11 Internet -> Smartphones & Apps: - contemporary revival in sharing - “re-wired our worlds to share” through new connections between people12 - technology enabled peer-to-peer sharing13 - adoption of social media tools as a part of our ‘real’ life, peer-to-peer collaborative sites multiplied to become hyper-local14 Today: - consumers use these internet platforms to match themselves with service providers for real-world exchanges15 - “platform capitalism” age16 Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
8 Schmidt, M., and Sommerville, J. 2011. "Fairness Expectations And Altruistic Sharing In 15-Month-Old Human Infants". Plos ONE 6 (10): e23223. 9 Ridley, M. 1996. The Origins of Virtue. New York: Viking. 10 Veblen, T. 2015. Theory of The Leisure Class: an economic study of institutions (Classic reprint). S.l.: Forgotten Books. 11 Sirgy, M.J. 2001. Handbook of quality-of-life research: An Ethical Marketing Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 12 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation. 2012. "The Millennial Generation Research Review". Washington, DC: National Chamber Foundation. 13 Young, G. 2011. "Platforms For Shared Value Creation". NSW: Shared Value Initiative. 14 Nasscom. 2015. The Rise of the Sharing Economy. India: Ernst & Young LLP. 15 Slee, T. 16 McLaren, D. & Agyeman, J.
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Sharing in Production and Consumption
Before Industrial Revolution
workings of a ‘power and control system’
--- Eric Brynjolfsson, director at MIT initiative on the digital economy (IDE) and MIT Sloan School
Power system: transformation of things
Industrial Revolution
Control system: where and how these things are arranged Present
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Collaborative Consumption - new consumption paradigm following the economic crisis and environmental concerns20 - economic backlash to hyper-consumption21 - togetherness, helping and learning from each other, and taking within one’s necessity
Co-Production - existing literature and critique is uneven and foggy - what entails / what is meant by “co-production” ? - how can it be realized in practice ? - what is being co-produced ? - very different from traditional models of production as a service - emphasizing consumers as active agents, not passive beneficiaries22 - underlying collective value
Co-Production: collective doing as the primary form of knowledge exchange, personal and social development Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
20 Leismann, K., Schmitt, M., Rohn, H., & Baedeker, C. 2013. "Collaborative Consumption: Towards A Resource-Saving Consumption Culture". Resources 2 (3): 184-203. 21 Posen, H. 2013. "Ridesharing In The Sharing Economy: Should Regulators Impose Uber Regulations On Uber". The Jewish Theological Seminary. 22 McLaren, D. & Agyeman, J.
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Present consumption-prioritized practice models provide limited social exchanges which misses the central premise of social capital in ‘sharing’
Sharing economy companies bill their services with core outcomes of enhanced social cohesion
are such “elusive” friendships or interactions more casual and less durable ? Social Capital
Act of paid transactions governed by ratings and reputation data to establish friendships and social sharing
“where new social connections are established, it still replicates old patterns of privileged access for some, and denial for others” --- Susie Cagle
collective value of all "social networks" (who we know) and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other (norms of reciprocity)
economically and psychologically important to a community as it presents “features of social organisation such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit”
--- Harvard Kennedy School
--- Robert Putnam
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Rising Maker Culture in Singapore
Source: MediaCorp Singapore
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Proposed Moel - Scalability within a Dynamic Process Framework
inter-neighbourhood exchanges may occur in response to the unique local produce or creations by different neighbourhoods opportunities for neighbourhoods of different “specialties� within each sub-system to become inter-connected within the larger framework in future urban neighbourhoods.
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Proposed Moel - closed-loop process
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)
Envisioning Spatial Practice of Co-Production and Collaborative Consumption
Han Teng Kenny CHEN & Ye ZHANG (Dr.)