Executive Education Programmes 2014/15

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EXECUTIVE PROGRAMS 高层管理发展课程 Program Year J an 2014 – Mar 2015








2014/2015 课程资料





Message from the Dean

Experience NUS Business School

Excellence in Executive Education


Five Reasons to Choose NUS Business School 为什么选择新加坡国立大学商学院课程


2014/2015 Programs

Contact Us



Message from the Dean


In a constantly evolving business environment, leading companies understand that continuous development of their most important asset, their people, is the key to success. Professional education at the highest levels can help businesses to evolve, transform and stay ahead of the competition. NUS Business School is known for its world-class international faculty, high-impact research, spirit of enterprise and innovative teaching. Consistently ranked among the top business schools in Asia, we focus on helping our executive education participants gain conceptual understanding and practical knowledge of global and Asian businesses. Our faculty has vast experience in researching and consulting with organizations across Asia and the world, and has helped leaders and senior managers enhance skills, develop strategies and create innovative solutions. Our executive education programs are carefully designed to stay ahead of business trends. Through an integration of classroom teaching, case studies, small group discussions and networking sessions, our participants get the most out of their lessons from interacting with faculty as well as with peers from different countries and industries. We also run many customized programs, which are tailored for our clients’ unique business contexts, complex issues and challenges. Our programs have been delivered around the world and we will continue to grow as we develop our global connections. Global corporations turn to NUS Business School to prepare their senior executives to drive change and transform their organizations. I invite you to partner us in forging ahead and breaking new grounds.

Professor Bernard Yeung

Dean and Stephen Riady Distinguished Professor NUS Business School

在不断演变的经济环境中,那些龙头企业意识到 最重要的公司资产,也就是人才的持续发展是 成功的关键。最高层的专业培训可以帮助企业演 变、变革以及在竞争中保持领先地位。 新加坡国立大学商学院以世界级的国际师资、具 有深远影响的学术研究、企业精神和创新的教学 而闻名。作为亚洲的全球化商学院,我们致力于 帮助高层经理们掌握世界和亚洲商业进步趋势中 的概念和实践性知识。学院的师资拥有丰富的学 术研究和全球的管理咨询经验,协助企业领袖和 高层经理提升技巧、制定战略和建立创新性的解 决方案。 我们的高层管理发展课程精心设计,领先商业发 展潮流。通过课堂讲授、案例分析、小组讨论和 交流,学员与讲师以及来自不同国家和行业的同 班学员进行互动,从中获益匪浅。我们还提供众 多的特设课程,根据客户各自的行业背景、复杂 的公司问题和挑战量身定做课程内容。我们不仅 在新加坡,还在亚洲和欧美开设过高层管理发展 过程,并且会在发展全球连接中不断成长。 众多跨国公司和机构来到新加坡国立大学商学 院,帮助其高级经理们成功地领导企业变革。因 此,我诚挚地邀请您与新加坡国立大学商学院鼎 力合作,不断锐意进取,开拓创新。



Experience NUS Business School

体验新加坡 国立大学商学院

Established in 1965, NUS Business School is known for its focus in providing management thought leadership from an Asian perspective, enabling its students and corporate partners to leverage the best mix of global knowledge and deep Asian insights to drive business growth in Asia and around the world. This combination of global knowledge and Asian insights is reflected in all aspects of the School’s research, teaching and industry outreach. As part of the National University of Singapore, a globally ranked top university with 16 faculties and schools across three campuses, NUS Business School shares the University’s global reputation for academic excellence in education, research and service.

成 立 于 1965 年 的 新 加 坡 国 立 大 学 商 学 院 是 一 所致力于培育本区域顶尖商业领袖而闻名的 学院。她提供深居亚洲观点且最精华的环球知 识,使其学员和商业伙伴能在亚洲和世界范围内 促进商业的进步。亚太视野和全球智慧的融合反 映在学院学术研究、教学和行业扩展的各个方 面。作为亚洲环球商学院,新加坡国立大学商学 院是亚洲领先的商学院。 新加坡国立大学是一所拥有 3处校区共 16间学院 的全球领先大学。作为新加坡国立大学的一分 子,商学院与国立大学共同创造着教育、研究与 服务等各方面卓越表现的全球荣耀。



Excellence in Executive Education

高层 管理发展课程

Leading companies realize the importance of investing in executive education to remain at the forefront of business. Since 1981, NUS Business School has offered a comprehensive portfolio of English and Mandarin programs to senior executives from around the world. Our openenrolment executive programs are designed for high-potential leaders and senior managers. We also design, develop and deliver customized programs targeted at the development needs of client organizations. Our world-class international faculty, known for its extensive research, consulting experience and progressive teaching tools, will equip you with a range of new ideas and skills to impact your organization.

- - - - - -

Asia-Centric Case Studies Experiential Learning Group Discussions Leadership Profiling Personal Reflection Professional Networking

Open-Enrolment Programs 公开课程

Company-Specific Programs 特设课程

新加坡独特的地理位置和历史背景,使国大商学 院成为目前指可数的以中文和英文两种语言授 课的商学院之一,也是唯一开设中文高管培训公 开课程的海外名校。新加坡国立大学商学院从 1981年以来推出了一系列具有创新精神的中英 文高层管理培训课程。这些课程已吸引了全球各 行各业两万余名高层管理人员。 我们的培训是高度互动和实践性的。培训的教授 大多曾在世界各地的公司和组织中任职并具有 多年的管理层工作经验或咨询经验。他们除讲课 外,还将通过大量的案例分析,小组讨论,角色 扮演等方式生动地传授最先进的知识和观点,将 本地智慧与全球智慧完美融合。同时,作为新加 坡国立大学的综合组成部分,我们还利用国大其 他学院的丰富资源,设计和提供各类创新的和跨 学科的管理培训。 为配合课堂教学,课程还与新加坡本地的多家公 司或政府组织建立了伙伴关系,方便培训学员进 行对口的参观考察。不仅如此,学员还有机会参 加新加坡国立大学定期举办的各类学术会议和活 动,与教授及商界人士交流,以把握相关管理学 科及经营环境的最前沿动态。



Five Reasons to Choose NUS Business School

为什么选择新加坡 国立大学商学院课程






Best of East & West

Global Recognition

Strategic Global Alliances & Partners

Diverse Senior-Level Participants

Internationally Renowned Faculty

We are known throughout the world as a premier business school, and have earned a reputation for combining the strengths of Western schools of thought and practices with unique Asian perspectives.

Consistently ranked among the top business schools in Asia, we are the first in ASEAN to be accredited by AACSB International. We have also achieved EQUIS accreditation for having met the highest standard of achievement in education and research for business schools worldwide. We are also a non-European member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).

We have strategic alliances and partnerships with globally recognized business schools in America, Europe and Asia. Our programs provide participants with unique global insights derived from both Eastern and Western schools of thought.

Our participants come from many countries and industries, providing a rich diversity for cross-cultural learning as well as business networking. Over 26,000 senior executives and managers have participated in our executive programs since 1981.

Our illustrious 150-strong international faculty, who hold PhDs from top universities around the world, are able to leverage their wide industry expertise and academic excellence in research to engage the discerning executive audience.






国立大学商学院是世界优秀商学 院,并以融合西方思想和亚洲独特 视野而著称。

我们的排名一直列居亚洲前位,也是东 盟首家被AACSB认证的商学院。学院同 时在教学和研究上达到世界级商学院的 最高标准而获得EQUIS认证。

我们与美国、欧洲和亚洲知名商学院 建立战略联盟与合作, 课程具有独特 的东西方视角和理念。

自1981年课程创办以来,超过 26,000 名学员参加过我们的课程, 他们来自全球各行各业,带来了丰 富的跨文化学习气氛和多元化的经验 交流。

学院现约有150名教职人员,他们均 获得世界顶尖大学博士学位,在课堂 授课时能充分融合企业经验与学术研 究成果。






NUS ranked 1st in Asia, 24th in the world QS Top Universities, World University Rankings, 2013/14

NUS ranked 2nd in Asia, 26th among the world’s top 400 universities Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 2013/14

NUS Business School Cited As One of the Best International Business Schools Princeton Review’s Best Business Schools, 2013

NUS Business School ranked 3rd in Far East Asia Eduniversal, 2012

UCLA–NUS Executive MBA ranked 3rd among Asian business schools, 5th in the world Financial Times Global EMBA Rankings, 2013

新加坡国立大学亚洲排名第1, 世界排名第24 QS Top Universities 2013/14年度世界大学排名

新加坡国立大学亚洲排名第2, 世界400所最优大学中排名第26 泰晤士报2013/14年度高等教育 世界大学排

新加坡国立大学商学院被誉 为“亚洲最顶尖的国际商学院” Princeton Review’s 2013年最佳 商学院

新加坡国立大学商学院 亚洲排名第3 Eduniversal 2012年度排名

新加坡国立大学–加州大学洛杉 矶分院的EMBA课程亚洲排名第3, 世界排名第5 金融时报2013年度全球EMBA排名

UCLA–NUS Executive MBA ranked 3rd in the world The Economist EMBA Rankings, 2013

NUS Asia-Pacific Executive MBA ranked 8th among Asian business schools, 17th in the worlD Financial Times Global EMBA Rankings, 2013

NUS Asia Pacific Executive MBA ranked 43rd in the world The Economist EMBA Rankings, 2013

NUS MBA ranked 1st in Asia, 2nd Internationally Outside the US Forbes Global MBA Rankings (Two-Year MBA Programs), 2013

NUS MBA ranked 8th among Asian business schools, 36th in the world Financial Times Global MBA Rankings, 2013

NUS Business School voted 2nd in Asia, 42nd in the world The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, 2011

新加坡国立大学–加州大学洛杉矶 分院的EMBA课程世界排名第3 经济学人2013年度EMBA排名

新加坡国立大学商学院亚太EMBA硕士 学位课程亚洲排名第8,世界排名第17 金融时报2013年度全球EMBA排名

新加坡国立大学商学院亚太EMBA 硕士学位课程世界排名第43 经济学人2013年度EMBA排名

新加坡国立大学MBA亚洲第1, 美国之外商学院中排名第2位 2013年福布斯全球MBA排名 (两年制MBA课程)

新加坡国立大学MBA亚洲排名第8, 世界排名第36 2013年金融时报全球MBA排名

新加坡国立大学商学院亚洲排名第2, 全球排名第42 2011年全球百大商学院研究排名




2014/2015 Programs

2014/2015 课程资料

Open-Enrolment Programs 公开课程




(Excl. GST)

(Incl. GST)

Advanced Management Program: Asia in Focus

10 days



Stanford–NUS Executive Program in International Management

13 days



General Management Program

10 days



General Management Program (M) 全方位管理课

10 days



Accounting & Finance

Accounting & Finance for Non-Financial Managers

5 days



Family Business

Asian Family Business Program

3 days



Leadership Development Program

5 days



Negotiations & Influence in Asia

5 days



Women in Leadership

5 days



Emerging Leaders Program

5 days



5 days



Marketing Management Program (M) 市场营销管理课程

10 days



Business Strategies for Asia

5 days



Strategic Human Resource Management

5 days



Strategic Management Program

5 days



General Management


Strategic Marketing Management




Level of Leadership : Mid-level





Company-Specific Programs 特设课程


Custom Programs (English)

Please email exec_edu@nus.edu.sg

Custom Programs (Mandarin)

联系方式: bizeem@nus.edu.sg

Level of Leadership


Contact Us 联系我们

Executive Education NUS Business School Mochtar Riady Building, Level 5 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245

Email 电邮 exec_edu@nus.edu.sg

Tel 电话

+65 6516 7872

Fax 传真

+65 6872 0041

Website 网站 executive-education.nus.edu

General Management


ADVANCED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: ASIA IN FOCUS Leading and Managing for the Asian Century The Advanced Management Program: Asia in Focus is an immersive learning experience designed to help senior leaders develop and grow their management skills and knowledge to succeed in an ever-changing business environment. Offering an innovative perspective on global and Asian business, participants will develop expertise in guiding the alignment of strategy, innovation, marketing, finance, organization and processes.


10 days DATES

10 – 21 Mar 2014 16 – 27 Mar 2015 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$14,980 S$16,028.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

For two weeks, participants will have the opportunity to engage with fellow leaders from diverse cultures and companies in dynamic sessions led by world-class faculty. Through a comprehensive curriculum that combines real-world case studies with an experiential approach, participants will acquire deep insights on how global companies Asianize, and how Asian businesses globalize. By the end of the program, participants can expect to sharpen their strategic thinking skills and gain a fresh outlook on how they can build their organization’s competitive advantage in the Asian marketplace. The program will also recharge and refine one’s personal management style for more effective leadership.

Key Benefits

business models, strategies and processes - Rethink to adapt to the Asian environment decision-making and responsiveness - Enhance to competitive global challenges and sharpen perspectives on important - Broaden social, cultural, political and economic factors the importance of a management - Understand framework comprising functional expertise,


shared values, teamwork and ethical leadership Learn to manage change, global teams and cross-cultural diversity Formulate and implement strategies for competitive advantage and value

Core Focus Strategy and competition Key drivers of strategy Your strategy in Asia

Services strategy Designing services for profitability and - efficiency customer loyalty and developing - Managing service culture Operations and supply chain Designing efficient processes Leveraging your supply chain

Finance and accounting new corporate reporting challenges - Meeting Earnings quality and cash flow management Leadership and change management intelligence - Cultural - Managing multinational teams Marketing and branding the Asian consumer in the - Understanding global marketplace - Developing strong brands Innovation management of innovation - Sources - Building the innovation ecosystem Learning Approach

Past Participants Include

- Chairman Estate Surveyor - Chief Chief Officer - Chief Executive Finance Officer - Chief Human Resource Officer - Chief Operating Officer - Deputy General Manager - Director of Development - Executive Director - General Manager - Group Manager, Legal & Secretarial - Head of Human Resources - Head, Internal Audit - Head, Sales & Marketing - Managing Director, Energy & - Commodities Director, Information - Managing Technology Director - Operational Regional Sales - Senior Manager,Manager - Ethics & Security Audit, Vice President, Operations - Senior Vice President, - Vice President, Contracts Marketing Participants by Region

Interactive lectures taught by faculty - with extensive experience in executive


teaching and consulting for businesses and governments Company visits, networking events and talks by prominent business leaders Course content includes research-backed Asian and global case studies that will be delivered in an experiential format

Who Should Attend? Senior executives with over eight years of significant managerial experience, who are part of the company’s succession plan with responsibility for strategic decision-making, including: of the executive committee - Members of business units - Heads functional heads - Senior Senior executives of government agencies or - non-profit organizations


Middle East



The Americas East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Organizations of Past Participants Include

Capital Holdings - ACR Commodities - Agrohub Air Niugini - Alstom Transport Korea - ASR Building & Conservation - AuVitronics Limited - BNP Paribas - Carborundum Universal - Civil Service College - ConocoPhillips - DHL - EMCOR, Inc. - Euresys - Eurokars Group of Companies - – Indonesia Integration Business - Global Consultants Group Sdn Bhd - Hatten Imenco - Jebsen &ASJessen Chemicals - Keppel Batangas Shipyard - Keppel FELS - Kuwait National Petroleum - Company Department, Government - Lands of the Hong Kong SAR Singapore - Loscam Lowe Indonesia - Maldives Ports Limited - Margarine Industries - Marico - Media Trust Limited - Megawide Construction Corporation - Mizuho Corporate Bank, Seoul Branch - Nipponkoa Insurance Co. - PT Sriboga Flour Mill - Reis Robotics Singapore - Sampath Bank PLC -

City Cement - Siam Public Company Limited Airlines - Singapore Press Holdings - Singapore SITA - Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. - Sony Electronics (Singapore) - Southern Cable Sdn Bhd - Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels & Resorts - Synlait Milk - Tata NYK Shipping - TDM Berhad - The Law Society of Singapore - Trusted Source - Vital Water Bottling Co. - Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East - Yum Asia Franchise -

Program Director

Testimonials “’Success will come to those who work hard and work smart.’ This statement is no longer accurate if you embrace the knowledge and teachings from the insightful professors of NUS Business School’s Advanced Management Program. The new canon should thus be: ‘Success will come to those who work hard and work smarter’. You need to differentiate, think different and be ahead of the game. This in essence is the new recipe for success.” Tan Ooi Boon, Singapore Vice President Singapore Press Holdings

Prem Shamdasani PhD, University of Southern California Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Dean, Executive Education; Academic Director, NUS Asia-Pacific Executive MBA

“Truly global standards with Asian perspectives. Highly recommended.”

“The Advanced Management Program or AMP has another meaning: Actionable – to act on what we learn; Mix – to mix with friends from all over the world with similar issues and challenges; Passion – to refresh and reinvigorate the passion for our work when we return to our organizations.” Low Keong Keong, Singapore Senior Vice President Trusted Source

“The NUS Advanced Management Program is a ‘must-attend’ for current and future senior leaders.” Sanjay Gattani, Singapore Chief Financial Officer Tata NYK Shipping

Daniel Wanma, Papua New Guinea Chief Operating Officer Air Niugini

“An excellent program to help understand where the world of business is heading to from an Asian vantage point.”

“The Advanced Management Program is an excellent opportunity for participants to relearn, reflect and energize.” Yeong Wai Teck, Singapore Managing Director ASR Building & Conservation

Kabiru Abdullahi Yusuf, Nigeria Chief Executive Officer Media Trust Limited

“The business world is continuing to evolve and everything is happening faster. The NUS Advanced Management Program prepares leaders to brave the world.” Poh Leong Kok, The Philippines Senior Vice President Keppel Batangas Shipyard

“The best business management course I have ever attended.” Dr Suad Al Radwan, Kuwait Manager, Research & Technology Kuwait National Petroleum Company

STANFORD–NUS EXECUTIVE PROGRAM IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Real-World Strategies for Global Business Held annually in Singapore for over 30 years, the Stanford–NUS Executive Program in International Management presents a unique opportunity for leaders to immerse in the vibrant cultures of two of the world’s most respected institutions: one renowned for its iconoclastic approach to critical thinking and challenging assumptions; the other for its uncompromisingly high standards and academic rigour.


13 days DATES

16 – 30 Aug 2014 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

US$18,000 US$19,260 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

In two weeks of highly intensive sessions, participants will augment their expertise with current insights and knowledge of global and Asian business. Taught by full-time faculty from both NUS Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business, participants will gain a thorough grounding on the recent developments in business management, strategy and leadership from both sides of the Pacific Rim.

Key Benefits

the latest concepts and insights - Acquire on management strategy analytical and behavioural skills, - Improve and ultimately enhance leadership abilities the differences in culture and - Understand management practices in the East and West opportunity to tap into a strong - Invaluable network of experienced leaders from different industries and countries

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Core Focus

Important Dates

Leadership and change Cultural intelligence and global leadership Managing global teams

Opening dinner, registration and program briefing: Saturday, 16 Aug 2014

Strategy and execution Strategy, social responsibility and the business environment Regulatory challenges Strategic negotiations

Classes commence: Sunday, 17 Aug 2014


Organizational design and behaviour architecture and culture - Organizational - Organizational identity and authenticity Strategic marketing and services market strategies - Value-based New product market and brand extension - Market entry and strategy - Service design andchannel operations Brand management a global brand - Building Decommoditizing through branding - Internal brand alignment Operations and supply chain integration a productive team - Constructing - Supply chain management and strategy Finance and valuation flow, valuation and investment decisions - Cash Earnings quality management - International project analysis and valuation in Asia Learning Approach

lectures and class discussions, - Interactive interspersed with group study sessions materials include case studies and - Course the latest research by faculty from the two business schools

visits, networking events and - Company talks by prominent industry speakers and business leaders

Who Should Attend? Senior executives with 10 – 15 years of experience, who have interest in management theory and practices in an international context, including: executives responsible for driving - Senior business internationally and in the Pacific Rim executives of international companies - Senior that have joint ventures with Asian partners, or with Asian responsibilities

Closing: Saturday, 30 Aug 2014

Past Participants Include

Strategy Director, Asia Pacific - Business Consultant - Chief Executive Officer - Chief Chief Officer - Chief Financial Strategy Officer - Chief Supply Officer - Colonel - Deputy Division Head (Internal Audit) - Deputy Editor - Deputy Managing Director - Director, Direct Assets Management - Director-General, Environmental - Protection Division Manager - Division Director, - Executive Project Management Director, Operations - Executive Vice President - Executive Controller - Financial Manager, Marketing Strategy - General Head of Development - Head of Business - Head of Foundation Legal - Manager,Group, Telecommunications - Investment, SE Asia Director, APAC - Managing Manager - Operations Program Director - Regional Head of Compliance & - Financial Crime Expert - Senior Senior Analyst - Senior Systems Systems Engineer - Senior Technology Services Manager - Senior Vice President, Strategy & - Innovation President, Global Information - Vice Technology

Organizations of Past Participants Include Agriculture, Food & Beverage Beef + Lamb New Zealand Blue Waves Group Ventures British American Tobacco Bunge Agribusiness Tetra Pak Jurong

Chemicals Automotive & - AkzoNobel Aerospace Coatings Laboratories (Asia) - Buckman - LG Chemical Education PLC - Pearson Macquarie University Energy & Utilities National Petroleum Company - Kuwait Electricity Authority - Metropolitan Oil India Limited - PT Medco Energi Engineering FELS - Keppel Singmarine - Keppel Vantage International - Management Company Financial Services

- AEGON Rajhi Banking & Investment - AlCorporation (Malaysia) Bhd Amalgamated - BancorporationInvestment Generali - Assicurazioni Aviva Asia - Bank of America Merrill Lynch - Citibank Korea Inc. - CMC Markets Singapore - Dow Jones & Co. (Hong Kong) - Jade International Capital Partners (Asia) - MAS Capital - Metlife Solutions - NLI International Asia - The Norinchukin Bank - Pavilion Capital - Sanlam Emerging Markets - Unified World Investments, LLC -

Government Airport Authority Hong Kong Australia Council for the Arts Australian Trade Commission, Thailand Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Indonesian Navy Headquarters Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Ministry of Defence, Singapore Ministry of Law, Singapore National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards, Thailand National Environment Agency, Singapore New Zealand Defence Force Royal Brunei Armed Forces United States Pacific Fleet

Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals/Life Sciences Nutrition R&D - Abbott Covance - Eppendorf India - Fresenius Kabi - Lonza - Medtronic, Inc. - Priest Hospital, Thailand - PT Combiphar Manufacturing Industrial Group - Broadway Goodyear Orient - HUBER+SUHNER,Company China - Kaifa Magnetics (H.K.) - FoamPartner - Nigerian Security Printing and Minting PLC - Pan-United Concrete - PMT Industries Sdn Bhd - REHAU - Rockwell Automation Asia Pacific - Business Center Media/Entertainment

Inc. - BILCOM, Dentsu Inc. - Lejel Entertainment & Media - Ogilvy Australia - Pico - Saatchi & Saatchi - Singapore Press Holdings - Starcom MediaVest Group Mining & Materials - Arrium Mining Limited - Newcrest PT Jindal Overseas -

Professional/Scientific/Technical Services ABeam Consulting Nomura Research Institute Office of Naval Research Global Water Research Commission

Retail Group - DFS Blue - Global - Robinsons Group of Companies Social Enterprise/Non-Profit - Medco Foundation Technology Materials South East Asia - Applied - ARM - Atos Inc. - Autodesk Bematech S.A. - Cisco Systems - E2open Singapore - Eurasia Capital Partners - Euresys - Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific - IBM - McAfee Software India - Microsoft Austria - Nokia Siemens Networks - Oracle - Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific - Philips Electronics - Polycom Asia Pacific - Samsung Electronics - Philippines Corporation - SAP Asia Trading Electronics & Systems - Champ Corporation - Marubeni PT Altrak 1978 - Sumitomo Corporation Travel/Transportation/Logistics Spence PLC - Aitken Limited - APL Global Forwarding Management - DHL (Asia Pacific) Pacific Asia - Hawker Port - Jurong - Reliance Commercial Dealers

About Stanford Graduate School of Business The Stanford Graduate School of Business began its first executive education program in 1952. Recognized as one of the world’s top schools of management, the faculty works with leading companies around the globe to establish innovative, leading-edge management practices.

About NUS Business School Established in 1965, National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School is known for providing management thought leadership from an Asian perspective, enabling its students and corporate partners to leverage global knowledge and Asian insights.

Participants by Region




Middle East

The Americas


East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Program Directors Stanford Graduate School of Business Glenn R. Carroll PhD, Stanford University Laurence W. Lane Professor of Organizations; Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

Seungjin Whang PhD, University of Rochester Jagdeep and Roshni Singh Professor of Operations, Information and Technology

Testimonials “The reason I attended this course is that I wanted to interact with senior executives in the region and get insights into recent developments in international management, especially from an Asian perspective. For those of you who are considering applying, I definitely say go for it because of the experience you will have here, not only with the faculty from Stanford and NUS but with the participants you will meet. I really feel lucky to be part of this great journey.”

“These two weeks have not been easy. We had lots of readings. However, it was a very enriching experience for me, exchanging many ideas and thoughts with participants from different backgrounds in a very collaborative class. I truly enjoyed it and it helped me to crystallize what I’ve been thinking about throughout my career.” Reiko Ogata, Japan Chief Consultant Dentsu, Inc.

Hiroki Hayashi, Singapore

NUS Business School

Vice President NLI International Asia

Prem Shamdasani PhD, University of Southern California Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Dean, Executive Education; Academic Director, NUS Asia-Pacific Executive MBA

“I found this course to be extremely enriching. All the case studies, simulations, exercises and classes were relevant to what we are currently doing. I would highly recommend the course to anyone at the senior level who wants to upgrade their business knowledge. It has been a great experience. I’ve made a lot of good lasting friendships.” Ooi Suan Kim, Malaysia Principal O S Kim & Associates

“This program is very good. For me, it’s been 12 years since I finished my MBA. It was really nice to come back and learn what is changing in the environment. The course content was excellent and I can go back and implement some of the new ideas that I’ve learnt.” Vancheeswaran Sankaranarayanan, India Chief Executive Officer Eppendorf India

“The program exposed me to new issues and trends in management. The participants were from different countries in the world and there was sharing of experiences and active exchange of ideas and opinions. To those in a position to attend the program, I recommend that you do. It is a must. You will not regret it. I am speaking from experience!”

“Overall, the program was excellent! The quality of materials and teaching, which combines Eastern and Western perspectives, is superb.” Jumeidi Alexander, Singapore Director of Operations – Jack Ups Vantage International Management Company

“Although I had prior business education, the program proved excellent for me. I learnt additional things in various areas such as finance, strategy and supply chain. The interaction with high quality participants from other countries proved extremely useful to me. I would recommend the program to anyone who wants to sharpen their business skills and learn additional insights about the business arena in the Asia Pacific.” Harald Biederbick, Germany Director, Corporate Finance RKW SE

Jorge Sarmiento, The Philippines Past Deputy Commissioner National Telecommunications Commission

“I came to this program to get a better perspective on Asian business practices and cultures as well as to get up-to-date information on business practices globally. The calibre of the teaching, both NUS and Stanford, is above and beyond what I had expected and is very much in line with my current role. However, the biggest benefit from this program is the interaction with the participants. The knowledge of Asian business practices, cultures and perspectives that I gained from interaction with the group was really extraordinary and I am sure those friendships will stay with me for some time. This is definitely a program I will be recommending to my colleagues.” Aine Smalley, United States Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs Medtronic, Inc.



10 days DATES

03 – 14 Mar 2014 02 – 13 Jun 2014 01 – 12 Sep 2014 24 Nov – 05 Dec 2014 02 – 13 Mar 2015 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$10,980 S$11,748.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Strategic financial management Financial analysis, modelling and valuation Financial decision-making and resource allocation


Operations management

operational processes to strategy - Linking Managing - advantage supply chains for competitive Decision analytics

tools for decision-making - Analytical - Resource optimization

Broaden Your Management Skills

Who Should Attend?

When making the transition to general management roles, managers need to be acutely aware of how their behaviour and decisions impact key stakeholders.

Managers and executives who hold senior positions in functional areas, or who have recently been promoted to general management.

Specially designed for the Asian business context, the General Management Program offers problem-solving toolkits for functional areas such as corporate strategy, marketing, human resources, finance, accounting and operations. Leveraging a powerful suite of tools, this program will help participants sharpen their analytical skills and make more effective business decisions.

Past Participants Include

how company strategy drives important - Understand functional choices to implement problem-solving techniques - Learn across all functional areas a deep understanding of the Asian - Gain business environment how to perform fundamental financial analysis - Learn Tap into the insights of senior participants from - diverse industries and countries

Assistant Head, Offshore & Marine - Department General Manager - Deputy Sales & Marketing - Director, General Manager, Business Development - Head, Resource Development - Head, Business Leadership - Head, Logistics Services - Head, Transport Engineering - Managing Director - Operations Director - President - Principal Engineer - Senior Finance Manager - Senior Manager, Business Development, - ASEAN

Core Focus

Program Director

Key Benefits

Strategic frameworks and thinking Formulation and execution of strategy Building capabilities to enhance and protect competitive advantage


Marketing in Asia Understanding the Asian consumer Strategic marketing management

Strategic human resource management organizational change and learning - Leading - Power, leadership and managing talent

Sum Chee Chuong PhD, University of Minnesota Associate Professor, Decision Sciences; Academic Director, S3 Asia MBA

“This two-week program is a concise and well-scoped program which fulfilled its objectives to provide participants with a general understanding of the key attributes and concepts in general management of an organization. I thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from it!” Charles Lee, Singapore Senior Manager IBM Ireland Product Distribution Singapore Branch

“A good program that provides a comprehensive overview of management practices and tools that are useful for my work scope.” Yeo Boon Ling, Singapore Vice President & Chief Pilot B777 Singapore Airlines

Participants by Region




Middle East

East Asia


South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (M) 全方位管理课程 您的企业面临提升转型的挑战吗? 经济成长放缓,国际竞争激化;企业转型,必需提 升管理思维,拓展国际视野。 动荡不定的经济环境中,如何发展战略人力资本、 有效运用财务资源、开拓国际市场、持续高效运营 是企业优胜劣败的关键。成功的企业或机构除有战 略的优势外,战术的灵活及高效的运营更是不可或 缺,其领导管理必须具备全方位性。

课程上课天数 10天 上课日期 2014年05月26日 – 06月06日 (91届) 2014年10月20日 – 10月31日 (92届) 学费 未含消税

《全方位管理课程》以国际观定位,强调全局思维, 结合当今管理潮流所关注的课题而设计,借鉴新加 坡国际化发展的经验,拓展管理者的国际视野,以 助其更有效地提升组织的竞争力。


S$7,900 S$8,453 新加坡注册公司和个人须支付消费税。


申请手续 报名于开课前一个月截至,鼓励申请 者至少提前两个月报名。截至日期后 收到的报名申请,将根据是否有空余 名额而定。

课程从两个层面探索上述的趋势与挑战。第一个层 面着重于以战略视角了解管理理念、原则和方法; 课程将讨论如何借鉴西方先进的管理,融合东方及 华人企业的精神与文化传统以达到组织的目标。第 二个层面则着重于管理素质的提升,跨行业国际化 视野的开展;课程将强调多元化、跨文化、全方位 的思维模式。



中西理念并纳、理论实践兼顾、全方位视角、 系统性思维 课程内容先进、教学及实践经验丰富、 授课方式新颖活泼


联系方式: bizeem@nus.edu.sg +65 6601 1542 executive-education.nus.edu

- 企业的高层管理决策者 - 企业欲栽培成为国际化经营管理领导的人才 - 所有关心价值创造的企业领导管理者


- 全方位管理与全局思维 - 国际化战略 - -全方位战略的执行 平衡计分卡与战略地图 价值链管理与管理质量 - 领导与管理 - 高效的激励管理 - 管理技能提升 - 标竿绩效管理 - 管理与决策 - 创新管理 - 项目管理 - 国际营销与品牌管理 - 跨文化人力资本 - 财务分析和企业管理 - 领导应掌握的财务会计 - 国际资本运作 - 企业信用与应收帐款管理 - 风险与危机管理 - 系统方法科学分析-六西格玛 - 戴明渊博知识体系 - 国际化发展-新加坡经验 - 现代企业管理新观念与新方法 - 全球化经营当地管理-横河电机 - 《现场实务教学》 课程主任 黄幸亮博士 (H. Brian Hwarng) 美国亚利桑那州州立大学工业 与管理系统工程博士 新加坡国立大学商学院决策 科学系副教授

“优良的大学与师资阵容、国际市 场–新加坡特色、中文授课、密 集精华课程内容是此次课程的主 要优势”

“全面、全方位地对管理学科在提 升全面观与系统思维方面的研究 有优势”

“比较全面,可以适应不同岗位人 员,案例上比较精彩”

“综合性,如从海外学者的角度看 中国问题”

Accounting & Finance



Who Should Attend? Executives who make or contribute to decisions with significant financial implications, including: with profit and loss responsibility - Managers Managers in marketing, operations, human - resources and engineering

A background in finance and accounting is not required.

Past Participants Include Make Sense of Figures Increasingly, managers in every functional area need to understand the basic principles of accounting and finance in order to improve the effectiveness of their operations and strategy.


5 days DATES

24 26 22 26

– – – –

28 Feb 2014 30 May 2014 26 Sep 2014 30 Jan 2015


Incl. GST

S$5,980 S$6,398.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

By empowering non-financial managers with a framework of essential financial terminology, concepts and applications, this program will enable them to analyse and interpret commonly used financial information to make business decisions and work more effectively with the financial managers of their organizations. As the emphasis is on the application and understanding of financial information rather than its preparation, the program will enable participants to communicate finance-related matters more effectively, understand the performance metrics of their organizations, read and use company reports, and grasp other managerial accounting issues.

Key Benefits

fundamental financial terminology - Master and concepts to read balance sheets, income statements - Learn and cash flow statements to evaluate corporate investments - Learn Learn fundamental financial analysis - Discoverto perform the best - management practices in working capital the financial acumen to make effective - Develop business decisions and work with finance managers

Core Focus

corporate investments: IRR, NPV, payback - Appraising Equity valuation: Balance sheet models, P/E ratios - Short-term financing: secured and - unsecured loans, tradeAccruals, credit and interpreting financial statements: - Understanding Accounting for key financial statement items, common misconceptions, creative accounting, ratio analysis

Development Manager - Business Operating Officer - Chief Technology Officer - Chief Client Manager - CountryServices - Director, Manager - Director, Operations Markets & Products - Director, Global HR & Regulations - Entrepreneur - General Manager - Head of Foundation - IT Manager - Marketing Manager - Operations Manager - Principal Engineer - Product Manager - Regional Business Analyst - Regional Export Manager - Sales Director - Senior Procurement Manager - Supply Specialist - Vice President -

Program Directors Ruth Tan PhD, University of Washington Associate Professor, Finance

“This program has met all my expectations in obtaining a clear overall grasp of accounting and finance corporate concepts.” Alexandre Falleguerho, Singapore Production Manager Dragages Singapore

“This course was just what I needed to be able to understand basic financial statements as well as the health of a company. The financial skills such as Present Value and Future Value of a sum will be useful in my career as well as personal life. Highly recommended!” Anusha Aswani, Singapore Philanthropy Executive Tolaram Group

Participants by Region




Middle East

East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Chng Chee Kiong PhD, University of Queensland Associate Professor, Accounting; Vice Dean (Undergraduate Studies)

Family Business


Core Focus

ASIAN FAMILY BUSINESS PROGRAM Leading for Growth and Sustainability Family businesses face unique challenges in managing and growing the business, while nurturing family relationships and maintaining stakeholder relations. Differences in generations, ownership structures and business maturity require different strategies for continuous growth and sustainability in emerging Asia. DURATION

3 days DATES

02 – 04 Jun 2014 01 – 03 Dec 2014 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$4,380 S$4,686.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

The Asian Family Business Program is designed to address the specific needs of Asian family firms, and to help owners and leaders design the most appropriate governance and ownership structures for their business. Incorporating the faculty’s in-depth knowledge of Asian markets, the program provides strategic frameworks that will help participants assess their family firm’s limitations and priorities, reflect on issues pertinent to succession, and develop a practical action plan for sustainable business growth. Through thought-provoking Asian case studies and interactive panel discussions with prominent Asian family leaders, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and best practices to better position their families and businesses for future success.

Key Benefits

the unique advantage and issues - Understand of family control strategies for succession planning and - Develop to preserve wealth across generations an effective Board of Directors - Design Acquire fresh insights and perspectives from faculty, - guest speakers and fellow participants that can be applied to the business

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Advantages and constraints of family - businesses family businesses across generations - Growing Leadership ownership transitions - Designing theandgovernance structures of - family businesses - Growing the business for the future

“The Asian Family Business Program is an absolute necessity for leaders or supermen who are serious about continuity and succession. I am glad to have met many business family friends in the region.” Daniel Chian, Malaysia Owner Fairview Global

Who Should Attend?

Family members with senior level - responsibility for leading and managing their family-owned businesses

members of family-owned companies - Board successors or CEOs - Founders, Family members working in the company - Next generation family members - Non-family board members, CEOs or senior - executives Participants are encouraged to attend the program with at least two members of the same family-owned business to enable members to learn together and implement changes more efficiently.

“Definitely worth attending as it brings more insight on running a family business.” Edwin Tan, Malaysia Director Hatten Group Sdn Bhd

Participants by Region

Past Participants Include

Development Manager - Business - Chairman Managing Director - Deputy Director - Executive Chairman - Executive Director - Founder & Chief Executive Officer - General Manager - HR Director - Manager - Managing Director - Marketing Communications Manager - President Director - Professor & Cluster Chair -

Program Director Marleen Dieleman PhD, Leiden University Associate Professor, Strategy & Policy; Associate Director, Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organizations (CGIO)

Singapore Africa South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore



Core Focus

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Master Yourself, Inspire Performance The Leadership Development Program is an immersive program designed to help leaders and senior managers advance their leadership skills and build their capacity to lead successful change in their organizations.


5 days DATES

24 – 28 Mar 2014 16 – 20 Jun 2014 08 – 12 Sep 2014 01 – 05 Dec 2014 23 – 27 Mar 2015 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$7,980 S$8,538.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Over five days, participants will be exposed to a variety of robust leadership frameworks, interactive case discussions and exercises that will enable them to understand the mindset of high performance leaders, and to tap into their own strengths to influence and lead with impact. They will explore different facets of leadership, such as inspiring and motivating teams, building commitment and managing resistance to change. Before the start of the program, participants will be required to complete a comprehensive 360-degree leadership assessment and a behaviour profiling questionnaire. During the program, professional facilitators will work with participants individually and in small groups to interpret the assessments and provide a personalized reflective experience. The facilitators will also assist participants in designing an action plan to become a more effective leader.

Key Benefits

the evolving role of leaders and the impact of - Discover different leadership styles new ways to negotiate and build influence in - Develop the workplace the nature of human decision-making and what - Understand it takes to make effective team decisions to coach, inspire and motivate others to achieve higher - Learn levels of performance and commitment to strategic goals effectively in challenging circumstances arising - Lead from change

makes a leader? - What self, influencing others - Managing Behaving as a leader - Negotiation and - Leading change influence -

Who Should Attend? High-impact leaders and senior managers who need to successfully develop their leadership abilities to manage teams and drive performance while moving into a broader, more strategic role in their organizations.

Past Participants Include

& Managing Director - Chairman Chief Executive - Chief OperatingOfficer - CommunicationsOfficer - Country Director Director, Asia Pacific - Director, Commercial Operations - Finance Director - Head of Airfreight - Head of Finance - Partner - President - Regional Director - Regional Merchandise Manager - Senior Consultant - Senior Regional Brand Manager - Senior Vice President - Technical Director - Vice President, Risk Management -

Program Director Audrey Chia PhD, University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Joint Associate Professor, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health; Co-Director, Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy (ACSEP)

Lead Facilitator Glenn J. Nosworthy PhD, Queen’s University Adjunct Associate Professor, Management & Organization

“The program has provided me with the opportunity to identify and understand my strengths and weaknesses, and how I can build on these to excel and bring the business to new heights.” Steven Tng, Singapore Regional Director, Global Materials Procurement Avery Dennison

“It was an enriching experience with fellow participants from various nationalities. This added to the vibrancy of the program, with good exchanges of knowledge and experiences. The case studies presented by the program lecturers were insightful and relevant. Overall, it was a great program.” Raymond Kok, Singapore Project Director Singapore Airport Terminal Services

Participants by Region




Middle East

The Americas


East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Who Should Attend? Leaders and managers who need to negotiate with, lead or influence others in their work.

NEGOTIATIONS & INFLUENCE IN ASIA Working with People to Get Things Done In today’s cross-cultural marketplace, negotiations and influence play a critical role in managing interdependent relationships, securing successful business deals and ensuring informed decision-making. Understanding the strategy and psychology of effective negotiations is an invaluable asset when shaping deals and building successful relationships. DURATION

5 days DATES

17 – 21 Mar 2014 01 – 05 Sep 2014 16 – 20 Mar 2015 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$5,680 S$6,077.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

The Negotiations & Influence in Asia program is designed to help participants gain a firm appreciation of different negotiation and deal-making strategies and techniques. For five days, participants will be immersed in a variety of lectures, hands-on activities and discussions to help them understand the processes of negotiation and influencing, and the cultural and behavioural dynamics that different parties bring to the table. Essential topics such as strategies to work with difficult people and tackle tough conversations will be covered. At the end of the program, participants will be better equipped to plan and to prepare for successful negotiation with people of different cultures and backgrounds.

exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Executive Officer - Chief Operating Officer - Chief Client Manager - Commercial Director, Asia-Pacific - Contracts Manager - Country Finance Manager - Decision Support Manager - Director, Engine Sales & Leasing - General Manager, Operations - Head of Marketing, South Asia - HR Program Manager - Lawyer - Marketing Brand Manager - Procurement Manager - Regional Account Manager - Senior Manager - Special Counsel - Supplier Quality Manager - Supply Chain Manager - Vice President -

personal barriers that hinder optimal - Overcome decision-making confidence in negotiating to resolve conflict - Develop Learn to recognize and counteract manipulative tactics - used by difficult people the costs and benefits of taking alternative - Understand actions during the negotiation process Learn to build and sustain effective deals and working - relationships

of negotiation - Principles Dealing with difficult conversations and emotions - Negotiating with multiple parties - Effective deal-making - Persuasion and influence - Negotiating across cultures -

Eric Tan, Singapore Regional Manager Tata Communications International

“A very informative and worthwhile program, especially for middle/senior level managers involved in negotiating business outcomes.” Kevin M. Quidore, Singapore Senior Director HAVI Global Solutions (Asia Pacific) LLC

Participants by Region

Program Directors Chia Ho Beng PhD, University of British Columbia Senior Lecturer, Management & Organization

Singapore The Americas East Asia

Key Benefits

Core Focus


Past Participants Include

“A worthy investment as one gets refreshed with proper negotiation techniques and influencing tactics to reinforce necessary skills for the workplace.”

Jay Narayanan PhD, London Business School Assistant Professor, Management & Organization

South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore Middle East Oceania

Core Focus

WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP Break the Leadership Glass Ceiling With substantial strides made in women’s educational and professional attainment, why are so few women – especially in Asia – in senior leadership roles? Studies have shown that organizations with greater gender diversity in management tend to perform better, yet institutional barriers and the pressures to conform to gender norms make it difficult for women to rise to the top. DURATION

5 days DATES

02 – 06 Jun 2014 24 – 28 Nov 2014 FEES Excl. GST

The Women in Leadership program is designed to help high-potential women break from the conventional leadership mould and develop the confidence and leadership acumen to advance their careers. It equips participants with the skills to navigate the complex leadership maze while improving their ability to balance both career and personal aspirations.

Incl. GST

S$5,680 S$6,077.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

Through self-reflection, interactive exercises, case studies, discussions and peer learning, participants will explore various frameworks to help them develop a greater appreciation of their own social and leadership styles. They will also learn how to overcome the issues that hinder the progress of talented women to senior leadership positions. At the end of five days, participants will be able to draw on these insights and take away actionable strategies to increase their social capital, overcome self-limiting habits and unlock their true leadership potential.

Key Benefits

to play to one’s natural strengths and embrace an - Learn authentic, sustainable brand of leadership skills to negotiate and forge stronger alliances in the - Acquire workplace that will in turn make goals easier to accomplish the power of social networks and how these - Understand networks can be leveraged to improve performance and

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

innovation Learn to allocate time, resources and energy to more effectively manage work and family

trends, issues and challenges of women - Career leaders in Asia self and influencing others through - Managing executive intelligence to give and take: Negotiation skills for women - How art of creating win-win partnerships through - The collaborative leadership in at work and at home: Strategies to - Leaning maintain work–life balance

Who Should Attend? Designed for emerging women leaders and managers who aspire to greater roles, this program will also benefit women business owners, entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders.

Program Director Vivien Lim PhD, University of Pittsburgh Associate Professor and Deputy Head, Management & Organization

Core Focus


Unleash Your Leadership Potential The transition from an individual contributor to manager is one of the most difficult, yet critical shifts in any leader’s career. Most new managers are promoted for their exceptional performance as an individual. However, being an effective manager demands a deeper awareness of one’s leadership impact and ability to drive team performance. DURATION

5 days DATES

26 – 30 May 2014 17 – 21 Nov 2014 FEES Excl. GST

The Emerging Leaders Program is designed to help rising leaders refine their personal leadership styles, develop their emotional intelligence, and acquire the skills that will enable them to bring the best out of their teams. A key component of the program is a 360-degree feedback instrument which will provide participants with perspectives on how they are perceived on various interpersonal dimensions.

Incl. GST

S$5,680 S$6,077.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Together, the instrument and training will enable them to tap into their unique leadership styles and identify areas of growth. Participants will also benefit from a small group coaching session which will help them establish a personal development plan that they can implement within a three to five year time frame for sustained career advancement.

Key Benefits

the responsibilities of a supervisor or new manager - Understand Gain leadership such as communication, conflict resolution, - teambuilding andskillschange management how to influence with and without power at the - Learn workplace Learn to navigate the political environment in organizations - Becomehowadept - to subordinatesat providing effective feedback and mentoring

feedback for enhancing - 360-degree self-awareness coaching with a personal - Group development plan versus managing - Leading your boss and your subordinates - Influencing Change as a process of influence -

Who Should Attend? Executives who have recently made the move, or who are about to make the move from an individual contributor to a manager of direct reports.

Past Participants Include

Supervisor - Admin Manager - Assistant Process & Data Lead - Business Manager - Construction Coordinator - HR Manager - Liaison Officer - Manager, Product Development - Manager, Sales Enablement - Mine Manager - Operations Manager - Principal Engineer - Quality Assurance Engineer - Senior Tendering Engineer - Software Solutions Manager - Assistant Manager, Communications -

Program Director Jay Narayanan PhD, London Business School Assistant Professor, Management & Organization

“The program refreshed my knowledge and gave me new skills. I liked the group coaching sessions where we could discuss our individual personality profiles from different angles with fellow participants and the instructor. I would recommend this program to my peers to develop their management skills.” Fanny Lo, Hong Kong Liaison Officer Home Affairs Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

“This program is very beneficial in helping to understand yourself and your own style of leadership, as well as how the knowledge can be applied in the workplace.” Ahmad Gazara, Malaysia Manager Danajamin Nasional Berhad

Participants by Region

Singapore Africa East Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore Middle East





Who Should Attend? Senior marketers and business leaders who lead the marketing function, or general managers whom marketing leaders report to.

Program Director Prem Shamdasani PhD, University of Southern California Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Dean, Executive Education; Academic Director, NUS Asia-Pacific Executive MBA

Navigate the Evolving Marketing Landscape The world is changing. Customer demands are changing – rapidly and unforgivingly. In the new economy, where media consumption is becoming increasingly fragmented, and in which consumers are getting bombarded daily by a profusion of information, the role of the senior marketer and the role of marketing have never been more complex. Senior marketers today face the following issues: does my customer value? Is my brand’s story credible - What and relevant? Is it being communicated effectively across the


5 days DATES

Dates TBA. Visit website for latest information. FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$5,680 S$6,077.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.


different channels? How can I think locally in global campaigns? How much should I invest in marketing, and in what media and channels? How can I optimize my marketing ROI? What are the performance measures? Does my marketing operating model support different customer touchpoints? Am I gathering the right data, using the right analytics and correctly tracking and interpreting customer buying behaviour? How can I design and deliver a branded customer experience? How do I align the core values of the organization with the brand promise?

Anticipated Faculty Ho Teck Hua PhD, University of Pennsylvania Vice-President, Research Strategy and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor

Jochen Wirtz PhD, London Business School Professor, Marketing; Academic Director, UCLA–NUS Executive MBA Program

Goh Khim Yong PhD, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Assistant Professor, Information Systems, School of Computing

Framed in an Asian context, the Strategic Marketing Management program is designed to help senior marketers – as well as general managers with marketing responsibilities – navigate the complex seas of marketing and develop innovative, integrated strategies to grow the business.

Core Focus Details TBA. Please visit the website for the latest information.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

*Program, dates, fees and faculty are subject to change.





让学员掌握最新的营销概念和工具, 使公司的效率和有效性最大化。 学员可以从各种以市场为导向的案例 分析中学习到“最佳模式”。 课程设计了各种注重实际性的营销模拟 练习,不仅要求学员融入工作经验, 而且使学员从中获得启发。

谁应该上这个课程? 21世纪全面战术营销理念 在全球经济一体化的环境中,企业面临更加激烈的商业竞 争;而在激烈的商业竞争中,往往市场营销是成败的主导。 新加坡国立大学的市场营销管理课程已经开设到第45届了 ,是国大公开课程的旗舰之一。课程旨在让学员掌握营销理 论基石,了解管理的分析框架,形成正确的营销观念,能够 在今后的商业实际中有系统地策划营销管理的每个环节,取 得成功。

课程上课天数 10天 上课日期 2014年10月20日 – 10月31日 学费 未含消税


S$7,900 S$8,453

本课程主要针对来自营销领域的经理人士,帮助他们补充 系统的市场营销专业知识,传授营销分析的工具和方式, 引领时下和未来营销热点和发展 ,同时分享各式成功经验 和分析失败案例。同时,还希望通过此课程的学习,让学 员可以更有效地将营销与其它职能协调一致,以提高各方 利益相关者的满意度。



申请手续 报名于开课前一个月截至,鼓励申请 者至少提前两个月报名。截至日期后 收到的报名申请,将根据是否有空余 名额而定。

联系方式: bizeem@nus.edu.sg +65 6601 1542 executive-education.nus.edu


- 市场营销环境 - 客户数据库的应用 - 营销研究 - 市场细分和定位 - 产品策略和新产品创新 - 整合营销传播战略 - 定价和价值 - 市场营销渠道 - 走向国际市场 - 全面品牌管理 - 体验营销 - 科技辅助营销


来自于非营销部门的中层职能经理, 他们希望与营销人员更好地协调一致, 以便完成企业目标。 销售经理,他们需要了解企业的整体营 销策略。 市场营销经理,他们需要更新思维模式, 加强市场竞争力。

课程主任 郑平心博士 (Cheng Peng Sim) 新加坡国立大学商学院 行销博士 新加坡国立大学商学院 营销系讲师



Core Focus

BUSINESS STRATEGIES FOR ASIA Insights for Business Success in Asia Leaders and strategists have often struggled to create effective strategies for growing their businesses in Asia. To succeed in this region, it is imperative for strategies to be grounded in an understanding of, and respect for differences in culture, government systems and business environments. DURATION

5 days DATES

13 – 17 Jan 2014 11 – 15 Aug 2014 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$5,680 S$6,077.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

Business Strategies for Asia is an intensive five-day program designed to help senior managers and decision makers acquire a strategic understanding of the major emerging and developed markets in Asia. Through the latest case studies, company visits and interactive discussions with peers from different countries and industries, participants will be able to develop a firm appreciation of how globalization, cultural differences and socio-political systems impact business. The program will explore product and business model innovations used by firms to penetrate emerging markets, as well as offer insights into ways businesses can combat commoditization or leverage acquisitions for growth. Special attention will be paid to the challenges of doing and growing business in countries like China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Korea.

Key Benefits

how companies have successfully - Understand leveraged unconventional products and distribution


ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu


channels to operate in emerging markets Learn how firms can work with governments at multiple levels to turn institutional gaps into business opportunities Gain a deep understanding of the impact of cultural differences and cross-border issues on a firm’s approach to strategy Learn to mix and match global and local best practices for competitive advantage and value creation

the rules with frugal innovation - Breaking trends: The Asia outlook and China - Macro in transition commoditization - Defying M&A: Perspectives from - Global developing and developed Asia globalization of business: - The Transcending East and West - Corporate–government interplay in Asia

Who Should Attend?

- CxOs directors - Regional makers - Decision business development managers - Senior mandated with strategic responsibility for driving their businesses forward in Asia

Past Participants Include

Marketing Manager & ASEAN - APAC Director & Commercial Counsellor - Economic General Manager - Manager - Managing Director, Asia Pacific - Managing Director, ANZ & Singapore - Market Development Manager - Project Manager, AP Region -

“A fantastically dynamic week of sessions on discrete topics, but all logically connected so the key themes get reinforced across many anecdotes. Breadth of discussion was balanced with great depth of detail too.” Tim Sullivan, Australia Managing Director, ANZ & Singapore Reliance Globalcom

“Although my personal business experience was relatively low, the pure breath of advice, knowledge and experiences discussed during these five days has closed the gaps and filled many voids. Thanks!” Dave McLean, Singapore Project Manager, AP Region Petroleum Geo-Services Asia Pacific

Participants by Region

Program Director Ishtiaq Pasha Mahmood PhD, Harvard University Associate Professor, Strategy & Policy

Singapore East Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore Oceania

STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Unlocking HR to Create Value Effective management of human capital is critical to the success of most organizations. Yet with all the emphasis on human resource development, many leaders still struggle with managing performance and retaining talent.


5 days DATES

21 – 25 Apr 2014 21 – 25 Jul 2014 17 – 21 Nov 2014 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$5,980 S$6,398.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

Drawing on recent research on human resources management, this comprehensive program is designed to help general managers and HR professionals address the issues involved with balancing human resource strategy with business strategy, and managing talent to maximize performance. For five days, participants will be introduced to a variety of subjects and interactive discussions that will enable them to acquire a deeper appreciation of the strategic role and impact of human resources. Through real-world case studies, they will learn about the issues and challenges of managing talent globally and locally, as well as best practices for implementing performance management and providing feedback. Essential and timely topics such as the impact of social media, the changing meaning of work, and the impact of Gen Y on the workplace will be examined.

Key Benefits

to develop HR practices that are consistent with - Learn the organization’s corporate and business strategy insights into how firms can best compete in the - Gain global war for talent the role of HR in helping to develop - Understand executive intelligence in people how to measure performance and become - Learn adept at providing performance feedback a better understanding of how firms operate - Develop across borders through developing and retaining global leaders

Core Focus

HR issues and challenges - Emerging management - Talent executive intelligence - Developing Performance - International management HR -

Who Should Attend? Individuals from organizations of any size and industry, including:

General managers - Human resource professionals - Other functional with management - experience and anleaders interest in human capital management

Past Participants Include

CEO - Assistant Manager, Learning & - Assistant Development Head - Branch Chief Administrative - Client Manager Officer - Commanding Officer - Deputy Director - Director, HR & Administration - General Manager - Head of Foundation - Head, HR Operations - Human Resources Manager - Managing Director - Senior HR Analyst - Senior Manager, Organization & - Human Capital President, Human Capital - Vice Management

Program Director Lowe Joo Yong MBA, National University of Singapore Lecturer, Management & Organization (HRM Unit)

“An excellent program for HR managerial staff.” Eshantha De Silva, Sri Lanka Group Director, HR & Administration Certis Lanka Security Solutions

“A thought-provoking course that will make you think out of the box. A world-class program with world-class delivery by the lecturers.” Rachel Lim, Singapore Branch Head MINDEF

Participants by Region


Middle East



East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Core Focus


strategically: Industry dynamics - Thinking and priorities scorecard: Design, diagnostics - Balanced and implementation execution - Strategy role of operations - Strategic Corporate governance and strategy - Strategic innovation -

“The course proved to be interesting and covered every aspect of strategic management. I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending the course to other suitable candidates.” Vipul Hettige, Sri Lanka Chief Executive Officer Certis Lanka Security Solutions

Who Should Attend? Transform Strategy into Reality Strategic management is critical to the development and growth of every organization. Senior executives tasked with this responsibility will recognize that successful execution of strategy requires the ability to navigate uncertainty, make timely decisions, and align strategy with the organization’s systems, people and culture. DURATION

5 days DATES

10 – 14 Feb 2014 09 – 13 Jun 2014 13 – 17 Oct 2014 02 – 06 Feb 2015 FEES Excl. GST

Incl. GST

S$6,880 S$7,361.60 GST applies to individuals and Singapore registered companies.

Savings available for NUS alumni, early payments and team enrolments. Visit website for details. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications should be submitted online as early as possible, preferably at least 2 months before program commencement. All applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee who will advise you on the outcome. Places on the program are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the applicant’s profile.

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

The Strategic Management Program is designed to help senior leaders expand their strategic mindset and acquire the skills needed to gain stakeholder buy-in and translate strategy into value-driven decisions. Adopting a practical approach, it introduces relevant concepts, analytical tools, and their application to real-world problems in a variety of industries and contexts. Participants of this program will emerge better equipped to tackle strategic initiatives, transform operating models, and drive change and innovation.

Key Benefits

to apply key analytical tools used in strategy - Learn formulation ways to facilitate communication and - Discover understanding of business strategies at all levels of the organization

how operations contribute to the - Understand competitiveness of the business insights on the best practices in strategy - Gain formulation and implementation to diverse perspectives and experiences - Befromexposed fellow business leaders

Experienced senior-level managers who currently hold or will hold responsibility for strategic planning and decision-making in their organizations, including: presidents - Vice General - Corporatemanagers business planners - Directors ofandfunctional areas in - marketing, operations and finance

Past Participants Include

Executive Officer - Chief Information Officer - Chief Chief Chain Officer - CountrySupply Manager - Director - General Manager, Sales & Marketing - Global Supply Chain Manager - Managing Director - Project Lead, Research & Development - Purchasing Manager - Regional Business Development Manager - Regional Finance & Operations Manager - Regional Operations Manager - Vice President, Strategic Planning -

Program Director Nitin Pangarkar PhD, University of Michigan Associate Professor, Strategy & Policy

“I very much enjoyed the Strategic Management Program, and believe that it will be useful in helping me compile, communicate and execute effective strategy within my team. The program was well-designed and presented, and covered the important aspects of strategy in a practical way.” Peter Horan, Singapore General Manager Heraeus Materials Singapore

Participants by Region




Middle East

The Americas


East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Excl. Singapore

Custom Programs (English)


How You Benefit

CUSTOM PROGRAMS (ENGLISH) Company-Specific Programs For more than 30 years, NUS Business School has designed and delivered high-impact customized executive education programs that offer the best of global knowledge with deep Asian insights.

Who Knows Asia Best? We Do

ENQUIRIES: exec_edu@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 7872 executive-education.nus.edu

From design to delivery, our customized programs are grounded in the world-class expertise of NUS Business School’s faculty. As educators, practitioners and researchers based in Asia, our international faculty harness the best management practices in the West, and offer innovative solutions on how these practices can be adapted and applied in the Asian context with the specific organization and industry in mind. This wealth of international experience has enabled us to deliver tailored programs to companies in cities such as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Mumbai, Jakarta, Manila, Colombo, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney, Wellington, Bangalore, Hong Kong and Seoul.

A Learning Experience Tailored to Your Organization Customized according to your strategic intent and growth agenda, our design process begins with acquiring in-depth knowledge of your organization and culture, business objectives and strategic direction. With this understanding, we develop a curriculum tailored to your learning objectives and participant profile for sustained impact. The customized programs incorporate case studies, experiential exercises, group projects, cross-cultural sharing, lectures, assessment tools, simulations and role plays to add new dimensions to the learning experience. We also integrate action learning projects, 360-degree feedback instruments, as well as peer and one-to-one coaching to demonstrate application of learning to real business and organizational challenges.

You will discover that our customized executive education programs connect what is learnt in the classroom with real-world challenges. The benefits of our programs include:

highly agile learning organization - AExpanded of executives ready to take - on strategicpipeline roles to world-class faculty - Exposure Greater self-awareness and ownership of individual - development and perspectives on doing business in Asia - Insights Improved - business clarity and focus on the direction of the that is aligned to strategic priorities - Learning to business, organization, teams and - Impact individuals

Our Partners NUS Business School’s executive education programs attract senior executives from a wide range of countries, industries and organizations. Our corporate clients include leading global corporations, ministries, statutory boards and government-linked companies, such as: (Asia Pacific) - AES AKAL (Malaysia) - Alcatel-Lucent (Asia Pacific) - AP Moller-Maersk - Asahi Glass Co. Ltd(Denmark) - Asian Development (Japan) Bank (Philippines) - Astra International (Indonesia) - BAX Global (Singapore) - Bayer (Singapore) - Bridgestone (Asia Pacific) - British American Tobacco (Singapore) - Caterpillar (Singapore) - CA Technologies (Singapore) - Cerebos Pacific Limited - Ceylinco (Sri Lanka) - CISCO Security (Singapore) - Citigroup (Indonesia) - DaimlerChrysler (Asia Pacific) - Danone (Asia Pacific) - Dentsu (Asia Pacific) - DHL (Singapore) - Evonik Industries (Singapore) - Fujitsu (Japan) - General Electric (India) - GlaxoSmithKline (Singapore) -

Shanghai Banking - Hongkong Corporation (Hong Kong) (Singapore) - IKEA International Airport - Incheon (South Korea) & Johnson (Singapore) - Johnson Jones Lang LaSalle (Singapore) - Kalbe Nutritionals - Kerry Group (Hong(Indonesia) - Keppel CorporationKong) - KUB Malaysia Berhad(Singapore) (Malaysia) - Kuwait National Petroleum - Corporation (Kuwait) (Asia Pacific) - L’Oréal Manulife (Hong Kong) - McDonald’sFinancial (Singapore) - Ministry of Defence - Ministry of Education(Singapore) (Singapore) - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - (Singapore) of Health (Singapore) - Ministry Mitsui & Co. (Asia Pacific) - Mizuho Bank (Japan) - National Healthcare Group - (Singapore) (Asia Pacific, Oceania & Africa) - Nestlé NKSJ (Japan) - Panasonic (Asia Pacific) - Punjab National Bank (India) - Rockwell Automation (Singapore) - Royal Brunei Airlines (Brunei) - Sampath Bank (Sri Lanka) - Samsung Asia (Asia Pacific) - SIA Engineering Company (Singapore) - Sime Darby Berhad (Malaysia) - Singer (Sri Lanka) - Spring (Singapore) - SK Group (South Korea) - Sri Lanka Telecom (Sri Lanka) - ST Engineering Ltd (Singapore) - Telenor Group (Malaysia) - Toshiba (Asia Pacific) - TVS Motor Company (India) - United Overseas Bank (Singapore) -

The Customization Process

Understanding the organization’s vision, mission, values and learning needs

Program design and content refined for future runs

Debrief and feedback from stakeholders and participants


Initial discussions and program proposal

“Our collaboration with NUS Business School on the SIAEC–NUS Leadership & Management Development Program in 2012 has matured into a richly rewarding development program for our leaders. The program has contributed significantly to strengthening our pipeline of leaders with the right skills and mindset to lead the Company forward… We are now poised to enter the second phase of the collaboration, and we look forward to working with NUS once again in this leadership development journey.” William Tan, Singapore President & CEO SIA Engineering Company

Confirmation of partnership

“Our collaboration with NUS Business School since 2003 has really contributed to the development of capable AGC leaders within the Asian region. The professors and staff understand our company conviction, ‘Our people are our strength’, and are committed to realizing our people’s full potential.” Yasutoshi Hirata, Japan Senior Executive Officer, General Manager of Human Resources & Administration Office Asahi Glass Co.

Program delivery

Operational planning and development of program materials

“The Nestlé on the Move initiative entails that we roll out our change and innovation strategy from the senior management level through middle management to frontline operations. We believe that NUS Business School has the necessary know-how, experience and resources to equip our managers with the competences needed to execute strategy and enable the successful transformation of Nestlé.” Sullivan O’Carroll, South Africa Chairman & Managing Director Nestlé South Africa (Then Region Head for Nestlé Malaysia/Singapore when testimonial was given)

“In today’s increasingly complex business environment, the challenge to grow has never been greater. We simply cannot stop learning. The NUS Executive Education program allows participants to hone their skills and keep abreast of the latest burning issues in the business world. It drives entrepreneurialism within each and every participant.” Clare Mari Torralba, Germany Corporate Development Evonik Industries AG

“It has been our pleasure working with you and your team from NUS on our EBS program. The excellent product and friendly service you have provided us over the last two years have been top class in our view and are greatly appreciated. The rich and happy memory of EBS, in the minds of the participants, will live all the longer thanks to your sincere efforts.” David Sweeney, Singapore General Manager HR, APBU Mitsui & Co. (Asia Pacific)

“The NUS faculty and team have been very forthcoming and responsive to our needs in tailoring a program specifically to address our requirements. [The concepts taught in the program have] created a change in the thought process and in the manner in which strategies and execution tactics are formulated. There is also now a more systematic way of starting, following through and evaluating projects. Thank you for assisting Kalbe in this general management development journey. We look forward to our continued partnership with NUS.” Ibu Irawati Setiady, Indonesia President Director PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

Custom Programs (Mandarin) 特设课程



- 新加坡住房规划与社区管理 - 新加坡的住房政策 - 新加坡交通规划与管理 工业发展引导 - 新加坡社会管理, 新加坡的社区管理和旧城改造 - 新加坡新城规划建设 - 可持续城市规划-中新生态城建设经验介绍 -


高级房地产管理课程 了解住房和商业房地产开发的新理念


联系方式: bizeem@nus.edu.sg +65 6516 8340 executive-education.nus.edu

特设课程的制定过程是对我们对客户单位的文化、商业模式 和战略方向的深入了解。在此基础上,我们开发出符合客户 独特培训需求的教学大纲,并利用案例分析、实践练习、小 组项目、跨文化沟通、讲座、测评工具和企业参观等多种教 学方式,为来参加培训的学员展开多维度的学习体验以达到 优质的培训效果。同时,我们的课程内容在精心设计下既贴 近当下的市场状况又把握未来的需求和趋势。 我们曾经为企业提供的特设课程包括:

- 高级总裁课程 - 高级民营企业家研讨课程 - 高级银行管理课程 - 中央银行与金融监管课程 - 高级公司治理课程 - 企业战略管理课程 - 人力资源管理课程 - 企业融资与并购课程 - 市场营销与客户关系管理课程 - 现代物流和供应链管理课程 - 质量管理课程 - 信息科技管理课程

- 房地产市场经济分析 - 城市土地价格的形成机制,地价与房价的关系 - 亚太住房市场的社会经济分析 - 房地产行业的服务质量管理 - 从房地产开发的角度看建筑与城市设计 - 房地产项目品牌的建立 - 体验经济与服务营销管理 掌握新加坡和国际城市开发与投融资的新趋势, 剖析地产投融资新模式,构筑新的投融资机制

- 新加坡房地产市场及其制度 - 房地产资本市场中的投资、结构融资及证券化 - 新加坡商业地产环境与城市发展中的资本运作 - 新加坡商业房地产市场分析与管理 - 房地产物业管理和新加坡居住社区管理经验 探讨中国房地产在可持续经济发展中的未来发展

- 后金融危机时代—中国的对策和契机 - 中国房地产投资分析 - 中国城市化过程中的住房问题,住房政策的设计 - 中国的房地产市场风险到底有多大? —城市经济学基本原理及其在中国的应用





- 近代城市规划理论 - 市场经济下的城市规划 - 城市竞争力和城市营销 - 规划,物权法与开发的关系 - 城市化:与经济发展的关系及制度问题 感受新加坡城市管理新模式,分析新加坡城市设计、环境保 护和生态城的新机制

- 新加坡城市规划体制与城市开发管理 - 新加坡工业和商业用地的规划 - 新加坡绿化规划, 环境保护, 花园城市管理

分享新加坡国立大学管理经验: 招生策略 学生事务管理 本科生课程设置 人才引进和师资队伍建设 教师评价体系 新加坡国立大学校园参观和其它院校参观 大学教学教育管理和质量保障 教师与学生的健康管理 大学财务与资金管理 校园公共危机处置 高等教育的国际发展动态和国际合作 高校与企业关系及学生职业发展


- 大学品牌建立及策略 - 新加坡的人才培养 高校管理的战略思考和规划:

- 新加坡高等教育体系及运行状况 - 新加坡大学企业化管理的战略与实施 - 教育机构质量管理和流程再造 - 有效激励与绩效管理 - 领导管理与管理的关键要素 公司治理与企业国际化课程 培训课题建议 主题一:公司治理和风险管理

- 公司治理的历史和在美国、欧洲和亚 洲的影响 - 法律环境,法律,规章和行为准则 - 不同组织机构中的公司治理情况 - 公司治理的外部机制 - 董事会法规以及最佳董事会行为 - 董事会的组成,委员会和行为 - 董事的角色、职责义务和法律责任 - 监事会责任与公司治理 - 企业制约:股东权利与义务 - 内部控制和风险管理 - 审计监督,财务报告的透明和披露 - 财务信息质量和财务欺诈 - 重大投资,融资和上市 - 战略地图与平衡计分卡 - CEO的选拔、培训和免除 - 高层经理的薪酬、期权和业绩管理 - 董事薪酬以及如何处理董事会的 不良表现 - 经营的道德管理和企业社会责任 - 危机事件的处理和危机管理 - 企业风险和业绩管理 主题二:企业国际化

- 世界经济格局中的中国现状与展望 - 企业国际化战略 - 国际财务管理 - 国际商务-市场进入策略 - 经销商的开拓与管理 - 国际技术合作模式 - 西方企业走入中国的考量 - 跨国运营:DNA移植 - 跨国投资的法律环境 - 知识产权保护与商业保密 - 如何与跨国公司招商和谈判 - 国际人才战略

高级商业银行管理课程 培训课题建议

- 新加坡金融市场的管理和发展趋势 - 金融市场运作 - 金融发展与创新 - 商业银行财务报表分析 银行业绩管理和风险控制 - (包括净息差管理) - 财务风险防范 - 商业银行全面预算管理的重要性 和预算的编制 –远期、期货、 - 金融衍生品 期权、互换/掉期 –资产证券化 - 金融创新 住房抵押贷款证券化 - 中小型贷款的信用风险评估; - 巴塞尔协议关于贷款准备金和 -

信贷风险的计算 不良贷款的成因、征兆与授信 业务监控措施 巴塞尔新协议 信用衍生工具的介绍, 如何应用 它来转移单一信贷风险, 及其 风险评估 资产证(债)券化[包括债权担保债券 (CDO)]的介绍,如何应用它来转移信 贷组合风险,及其风险评估 私人银行业务风险管理 商业银行的绩效惯例 担保与抵押的法律及实践 坏账处理及民事债权的司法程序 破产和清盘的法律实践 债务重组的过程及重组方案 新加坡法律对债务重组的限制 债务人资产保全的手段 侦察债务人资产的手法 贷款定价分析 利率风险与利润管理 流动性分析与管理 利率、价格与投资回报分析 主管应掌握的数据 银行的治理结构 外汇与货币市场运作 利率与汇率风险管理 财资市场运作与管理 财资风险管理与交易工具 商业银行在国际金融市场的资金交易


- 北京京城机电控股有限责任公司 - 中国兵器工业集团 - 山东鲁商集团 - 上海日立电器有限公司 - 顺丰速运(集团)有限公司 - 富力地产 - 中国石油化工股份有限公司 - 天津港(集团)有限公司 - 广西柳工集团有限公司 - 新华联集团 - 康佳集团 - 美的集团 - 天祥集团 - 中国医药对外贸易有限公司 - 百特(中国)投资有限公司 - 西安杨森制药有限公司 - 中国银行 - 中国建设银行 - 中国农业银行 - 广东发展银行 - 上海浦东发展银行 - 广州市中级人民法院 - 台湾行政院 - 广州市地方税务局 - 广东省佛山顺德市委组织部 - 梅州政府 - 南海政府 - 浙江大学 - 人民大学 - 上海交通大学 - 重庆大学 - 中山大学

学员感言 “绿意盎然的校园环境、完善一流的教学设备、专 业尽职的师资队伍、量身订造的课程设、亲切温 馨的后勤服,来自中国建设银行总分行的各地学 员亲身感受到了新加坡国立大学商学院中文短期 培训项目给予我们带来的这份难以忘怀的学习体 验。每期6天的培训课程,由经验丰富的大学知 名教授、外部专家学者以及当地银行、企业界精 英组成的强大阵容执教,围绕现代经济、金融以 及先进银行管理经验等设计创新的教学内容为主 轴,并从中国的国情、新加坡的经验以及国际视 野的不同角度加以分析,使建行学员开阔了眼、 启发了思路、收获良多,不虚此行。” 中国建设银行新加坡分行高级副总裁严庆芳主管

“教授的实战背景,使讲解有很大的说服力和实用 性;具有比较高的国际视角;授课老师讲解新加 坡的发展与国际经济的发展,思路清晰,对中国 企业的发展有许多实际的经验理论联系实际。” 京城控股企业国际化与国有企业公司治理

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