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Grade Points
Each student receives a letter grade for each module taken, depending on his/her academic performance. Each grade corresponds to a grade point as shown below:
BC+ C D+ D F GRADE POINT 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0
Students are allowed to request a review to a grade within 3 days after the release of the grade. Please refer to: https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/administrativepolicies-procedures/graduate/grading-policyexamination-process
Cumulative Average Point (CAP)
Academic progress is tracked by the CAP, which is the weighted average grade point of all modules taken by a student. Therefore, a student's CAP is the sum of the module grade points multiplied by the number of Modular Credits (MCs) for the corresponding module, divided by the total number of MCs. This is represented as follows:
CAP = SUM (MODULE GRADE POINT X MCs ASSIGNED TO MODULE) / SUM (MCs ASSIGNED TO ALL MODULES An online CAP calculator is available at: https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/capcalc/cap_calculat or.aspx
Continuation and Graduation Requirements
For continuation to the Semester 2, a student must achieve a minimum grade B- for UD5601 and a minimum CAP of 2.50.
For any semester in which the student’s CAP falls below 3.0 (but ≥2.50), that student will be issued an academic warning. For any semester in which the student’s CAP falls below 2.50, that student will be issued an academic Probation.
To be eligible for graduation, a student must complete all essential modules and 44MCs, and achieve:
• A minimum CAP of 3.0, and • Minimum grade B- for both UD5601 and UD5602
The above requirements are subject to the university’s policy change. For more information, please refer to:
• Continuation and Graduation Requirements,
NUS Registrar’s Office: https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/academicinformation-policies/graduate/graduatecontinuation-and-graduation-requirements • Modular System, NUS Registrar’s Office: https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/academicinformation-policies/graduate/modular-system • Continuation and Graduation Requirements,
College of Design and Engineering: https://cde.nus.edu.sg/graduate/graduateprogrammes-by-coursework/graduationrequirements/