1 minute read
Academic writing is one of the most essential challenges for postgraduate studies. Here are some resources that are useful for your academic excellence during your study period.
• Architectural research guide, NUS Libraries: https://libguides.nus.edu.sg/Architecture_Met hodology • Urban studies guide, NUS Libraries: https://libguides.nus.edu.sg/yncurban • Geographical Information System guide, NUS
Libraries: https://libguides.nus.edu.sg/yncgis
Students are encouraged to use consultation service at Writing and Communication Hub, to improve writing and communication abilities. For more information, please refer to: https://www.nus.edu.sg/celc/writinghub/index.ht ml
Especially, students are required to use uniform citation styles while writing, based on the specific requirements from instructors. Please refer to the citation guides: https://libguides.nus.edu.sg/citation
Plagiarism Prevention
All students are expected to maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty at all times. The University takes a strict view of cheating in any form, deceptive fabrication, plagiarism and violation of intellectual property and copyright laws. The most common form of academic dishonesty is Plagiarism. Plagiarism is generally defined as “presenting other people’s work or ideas as your own with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement, whether intentionally or not” (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). The University does not condone plagiarism.
To avoid plagiarism, students are expected to cite whenever you 1) directly quote from a source, 2) paraphrase or summarize ideas/argument from a source, 3) reference your own work, and 4) use statistics/data/images/other works created by others.
Please carefully read the following guide: https://libguides.nus.edu.sg/new2nus/acadintegri ty
To detect and prevent plagiarism, postgraduate students can use iThenticate to check their own work. Please refer to: https://cit.nus.edu.sg/plagiarism-prevention/; and https://wiki.nus.edu.sg/display/cit/iThenticate