1 minute read

Community Engagement

Urban agriculture preference by age and religion

This figure shows that people from different age groups that practice different religions have different preferences for urban agriculture. We found that Hindus had more of a preference for agricultural work, while Muslims had more of a preference for farm-grow for family or farmgrow to sell. Older respondents also prefered farmgrow for family or farm-grow to sell.

driveability & walkability

Driveability is a measure of trasit accessibility, calculated as the distrance to the closest stop on each route, analyzing route frequency and type. Walkability is a measure of walking routes to destinations such as grocery stores, schools, parks, restaurants and retail. Research done by the Clean Air Initiative in Asia shows that Bangalore is among the top 4 cities where roads and pavements are not fit for pedestrians. Bangalore ranks second among 15 Asian cities on the Walkability Index, scoring poorly at 46/100.

Driveability Factors

design quality indicators (DQI) survey

Walkability Factors

Observation Of Activities

Observation questions sequence of activities by zone

Distribution Of Measurment Indictors

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