1 minute read
Guest critics, Lecturers, & Consultants:
Cho Im Sik, National University of Singapore
Kenya Endo, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
Hwang Yun Hye, National University of Singapore
Sharan Sudhindra, 100 Resilient Cities
Tan Puay Yok, National University of Singapore
Mel Yip, Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl
A special thanks to the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS): Aditi Surie, Charrlotte Adelina, Amogh Arakali, and Neha Sami
And to our knowledgable English-Kanada translators David & Sumitra Bodapati who made it possible for us to engage the residents of Hebbal.
Finally, a very special acknowledgement to the residents of Hebbal, we were truly inspired by your community.