Prof Asit Biswas is named as Water Hero by Impeller mazagine

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~  2 5 wate r he r oes   ~ Upmanu Lall Director, Columbia Water Center, United States Upmanu Lall and his co-work19 ers have developed methods for predicting seasonal and longer-term hydro-climatic processes, such as precipitation variability in drought-prone regions where streams may dry up periodically. His research has also shown how to integrate this information into long-term management of reservoirs, aquifer withdrawals and irrigation systems.

Petra Wadström CEO, Solvatten, Sweden Petra Wadström’s idea 20 for making unsafe water drinkable by using solar energy won the Best Green New Product Innovation Award at the 2011 International Green photo: Solvatten Awards. The awards’ judges called Solvatten “a truly transformative solution with significant environmental impact and social benefits.”

Katie Spotz Adventurer, Safe Water Advocate, United States Katie Spotz spent 70 days rowing single23 handedly across the Atlantic to raise money and awareness of the need for safe drinking water. The 22-year-old’s efforts raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Blue Planet Run Foundation, which has projects in 18 countries.

J. Carl Ganter Journalist, ­Director and Co-founder, Circle of Blue, United States Journalist J. Carl 22 Ganter brings the global water crisis into the light through engaging content. The Circle of Blue network, comprising journalists and scientists reporting on and researching water resource issues, also publishes WaterNews, an invaluable source for water news and data.

Jan Eliasson Chairman, WaterAid Sweden As a career diplomat, Jan Eliasson has often had to 24 deal with conflicts rooted in scarce water resources and has experienced first-hand the desperate need for clean water in developing countries. He continues this work today with WaterAid, an organization that has helped millions of people gain access to safe water through low-cost, sustainable projects.

Photo: Daniel holking, WaterAid Sweden

Asit Biswas President, Third World Center for Water Management, India/Canada A true water hero, Professor Asit Biswas’ research and constant challenging of the status quo has had a real impact on water issues at a global level and on the ground. He was a major force behind the International Water Supply and Sanitation Decade in the 1980s, which is credited with significantly improving the lives of millions in the developing world through affordable technologies and new approaches. Concerned that potential future water leaders were not being heard at major international forums, he initiated a program to select and mentor future water leaders. Biswas won the 2006 Stockholm Water Prize.


photo: David Suzuki Foundation

David Suzuki Co-founder, David Suzuki Foundation, Canada Geneticist and broadcaster David Suzuki has won 21 widespread acclaim for his efforts to protect water ecosystems in Canada. With the foundation that bears his name, he has worked to strengthen laws in British Columbia to keep streams flowing, and partnered with local communities to protect water in important watersheds.

i mpe l l e r 1. 2012


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