Exhibition period: 25 Oct 2019 - 6 Jun 2021. tropics, a many (con)sequence locates Kent Chan’s film Seni as the exhibition’s locus, inquiring on the tropical imaginary that continues to frame aesthetics and artistic identities. The tropics are studied in relation to state demands and colonial projections of the region, further elucidating its position as site, creation and fantasy. The artist inquires on notions of the rustic and the uncharted in his propositions on where art history and history intersect. These subjective intersections are shown where components of the film and text are extracted and distilled into distinct parts, and in how they are made to converse with other paintings by pioneers of the Nanyang Style, created at the onset of the region’s historic decoloniality.
To download: http://www.nus.edu.sg/cfa/museum/PDFs/NUSM_TropicsAManyConsequence-ExhibitionBrochure.pdf