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The Local Church Edition
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Introduction The Midnight Cry Prayer Ministry was birth out of a desperate cry for God’s deliverance. Several years ago, at 12 midnight, Evangelist Johnson ran and hid in a closet fearing for her life. In that dark space, she cried out,
prayer ministry. The objective was to empower members of the Body of Christ to find strength in times when they feel overwhelmed. It is a place of healing and alignment where God’s people discover what He has called them to do.
Since October 2010, this prayer line has grown internationally impacting lives as far as Kenya, Malaysia, and the Caribbean. As a Para Ministry, Midnight Cry is supportive of the Local Church in working with pastors to accelerate the maturity of the Body of Christ.
Within this season of severe challenges, the Lord responded… “Midnight Cry”. Upon getting this revelation Evangelist Johnson with three other associates started a
The Three Dimensions of
“I attended the Haile Selassie Secondary School where one of my responsibilities was to sing during Friday morning devotional sessions. I would sing my heart out, and the students and teachers enjoyed it very much”, she excitedly explained.
aren Johnson was born on July 17th to Gloria Whittingham and Claude Johnson. She is a native of the Island of Jamaica. She grew up in St. Andrews, one of Jamaica’s 14 parishes and lived in a small Township called McKoy Lane. As a young girl, Karen attended Tavares Garden Primary School. She was very active in her community and enjoyed working with little children. “I always wanted to be a teacher”, she said with a reminiscent smile on her face. “teaching was one of my passions. I remember at the age of 10 I started gathering all the children in my community and I would assist them with their homework. If they needed help in a specific subject, I would hold tutoring sessions with them”. Even as a child, Karen’s focus was to make sure the children in her neighborhood were well rounded. She held meetings with parents to ensure that the children were receiving the adequate care and sustenance needed for their growth and development. She goes on to say, “I held summer programs that were sports centered. I also had an outreach ministry through the Sunday School program at my church”. Eventually, these children got older, some pursued professional music careers, and others attended college to study their professions of choice. “I attended the Born- Again Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic. My pastor at that time was Bishop Luther Martin Alison, who also functioned as a prophet. “He Spoke into my life at age 17 and told me, You will travel the world”. “Wow!”, she exhaled. Though Karen was not yet an ordained minister, she had a zeal for the Lord and a passion for service. “I loved 6
Minister working with the elderly,” she said, “I would hold literacy sessions in teaching them how to read and write”. As a flood of excitement rushed to her face, she vividly remembered a moment. “I had an elderly friend I called Ms. Phyllis. She was blind, and every day at 12 noon, we would stand outside her home waiting the delivery of her lunch from the corner store. She is no longer with us now, but I am glad I had the opportunity to assist her”. Karen activities expanded beyond academics and community work. She was also active in sports and participated on 4 X 1 relays as a member of the track and field team. “I also played netball, which unlike its American counterpart - basketball, there is no dribbling of the ball. The ball should not touch the floor”, she explained. “Netball is a female dominated sport, as basketball is a male-dominated sport.” But though I enjoyed playing sports, my real passion was singing”.
Several years earlier, Karen learned that one of her neighbors had an audio system. She made frequent visits to their residence to practice her songs. “I utilized that audio system very well”, she added. “When I could not go to my neighbor, I would call my sister out to our back yard, as my audience. “My church also conducted a children’s choir as a Sunday School Outreach program. As an assistant coordinator, I organized song selections and helped with vocal training. I designed their red and white choir uniforms, and arrange for them to sing on many church events. On one occasion they sang at our Bishop’s appreciation service. They looked so cute”, she smiled.
With a big smile on her face, Karen noted, “My icon is Shirley Caesar. I had the marvelous opportunity of meeting her at a church conference in July of 2015. This was a wonderful experience as it was actually on my birthday”.
MEDICAL CAREER At the age of 18, Karen was accepted to Mico Teachers College, there she attended for a semester. Then she transferred to The National Academy of Nursing where she obtained her degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). After migrating to the United States, Karen continued her studies; she became a Certified Nursing Assistant and was recertified as a Licenced Practical Nurse. Additionally, she obtained a Medical Assistant Degree from Mandl College. Karen worked for several years at Mount Sinai Hospital. She is a firm believer that education is the path to freedom, and continues her pursuit of advanced medical studies. She is currently enrolled in Touro college’s teaching program.
Karen’s love for singing became a passion. She sang at various notable organizations including the Jamaica Gleaner Company and Love 101 Radio Station; she also participated in several Gospel concerts. In 1988, she joined the Jamaica Youth for Christ. This opened vast opportunities for her to travel around the Island singing at various church functions.
In everything, Karen sought’s to infuse her passion for ministry. She was selected by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Cancer Survivors Program to conduct medical missions in schools and communities across the five boroughs; and in Little Rock, Arkansas. She is also a Certified Psycho Therapist and Lay Health Advisor.
In 1990 Karen joined a band called Golden Touch. This relationship was short lived because Karen wanted to focus on singing gospel music.
1994 was a major advancement for Karen’s singing and ministry career. Upon her migration to the U.S.A, she continued to seek opportunities to make an impact in people’s lives.
12 midnight. I ran and hid in a closet fearing for my life. In that dark space and time of my life, I remembered crying out -GOD PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE, I DON’T WANT TO DIE”.
Her singing ministry has taken her to audiences across several states. Many have testified of the life-changing impact they have experienced through her singing ministry. Karen has sung in New York, New Jersey, Las Vegas, Arkansas, Boston, Canada and the list continues. She is now focused on taking her singing ministry to another level in the professional arena.
“I met my husband shortly after college”, she said with a bit of sadness. When asked to expound on the details, a feeling of nostalgia was evoked. She sighed, then replied, “I was still heavily involved in church. One day a
young man came to Jamaica. He was on a mission trip from the USA. We met, and he was intrigued. He soon returned to the U. S.”. “Ironically, we shared a mutual friendship with my mentor Gweneth, a.k.a. Aunt G. Sometime later she became very ill. When he learned about her illness, he called frequently to inquire about her. This gave us an opportunity to talk. Our relationship gradually grew into a friendship. Then, several months later we got married”. Karen and her husband were married for 18 years and had one child. Towards the end of their marriage, it was very bitter for her. She recounted the mental and physical abuse. There were instances where her life was threatened. With a strong exhale, she said, “I felt like I would have lost my mind. I distinctly remembered being threatened with a knife. It was around
God saved her life, but she lost all the luxuries she grew to enjoy; her house, finances, even a part of herself. Through it all, she was very thankful that she had dedicated support which assisted in her transition. After a lengthy battle, her divorce was finalized her mirage finally came to an end. Karen noted, “Family is very important to me. I felt within my heart that I did my best in trying to keep my family together. Therefore, I put a great deal of focus on families. I want to make sure that the families I counsel don’t experience what I’ve been through”. “I remember, it was about two months after the divorce was finalized, I was standing with a friend in the NYC, Port Authority train station. I recalled the instance when I cried out to God. Then I heard Midnight Cry. Upon getting this revelation, I along with three other associates started a prayer line in October of 2010. I call it The Midnight Cry Prayer Line”. “Since then, this prayer line has grown internationally. The lives of many people have been transformed here in the United States, in Kenya, Malaysia, and the Caribbean”. She excitedly added, “I can’t wait to see what God will do next”!
Deliverance IS IT RELEVANT IN THE LOCAL CHURCH? By Apostle Peter R. Scott
evil spirits to address problems manifesting in their life as a result of the presence of said entities and the root causes of their authority to oppress the person. ( In scriptures, the word deliverance is associated with any form of bondage and does not clearly describe the matter of demon possession. However, the practice of deliverance is best described by the term ‘cast out’.
Co-Founder of Kingdom Times Media Network & The Center for Innovations & Creativity
here are many who are adamant that a Christian cannot be possessed by unclean or demonic spirits. As I researched this topic, I came across many articles that condemns the practice of deliverance ministries as erroneous. I have sat in many deliverance services and witnessed dedicated Christians in ministry undergo deliverance. When confronted by a deliverance minister, I see them contorting as animals, manifest evil spirits and vomiting. Wow! I believe this is an important subject that is worth examining. In doing so we will attempt to answer these basic question: • • • •
What is Deliverance? Is it Biblical? Who needs it? What is the evidence that Deliverance is completed?
What is Deliverance?
In Christianity, deliverance ministry refers to the activity of cleansing a person of demons and
“As you go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” Matthew 10:8.
My definition of Deliverance Deliverance is the activity of purging of an individual from demonic possession due to ancestral curses, witchcraft attacks, or open doors. This is done through laying on of hands, prayer, prophetic actions, praise and worship.
Is it Biblical?
In 1 Sam 16:23, we see King Saul tormented by an evil spirit that controlled his behavior to the extent that he tried to kill David. As a worship leader, David’s role was to expel the demonic presence from Saul. Throughout the Gospels we see the expulsion of evil spirits from individuals. Jesus exercised this unique authority and He delegated the same to the disciples. “Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness”. Mat. 10:1 “a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed” Acts 5:16; Ac 19:12.
Who needs it?
There are various symptoms associated with the need for deliverance. However, any compulsive behavior can be an indication of the need for the ministry of deliverance. If an individual loses control over his/ her own actions, then someone or something else has authority. Blow we list three types of behavior from the scriptures and others from today’s society. • Violent or self-destructive behavior Mk 5:1-5; Lk 8:27-29 • Deafness and muteness Mt 9:32; Mk 9:17; Lk 11:14 • Seizures…… Mt 17:14-15; Mk 9:1718; Lk 9:38-39 • Addiction to pornography • Suicidal impulses • Promiscuity etc.
Evidence that Deliverance is Complete
The primary evidence of deliverance is a definitive change in the behavior or condition of the individual. • “Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind”. Mk 5:15; Lk 8:35 • And He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. So, it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled. Lk 11:14; Mt 9:33
The Gift of the
HOLY SPIRIT? By Apostle Laura Baptiste
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” Acts 2:38 ESV.
So, in conclusion, deliverance ministry refers to the activity of cleansing a person of demons and evil spirits. We also understand that it is scriptural, and anyone oppressed with compulsive and harmful tendencies is likely in need of this ministry. In our next issue we will give further clarity on the subject.
The Holy Spirit is given to the body of Christ by God, our heavenly creator. He is given to us so that we can have complete alignment with God. We were created to be like God and to function like Him. The Holy Spirit can only dwell within us if we are born again believers as stated in, Acts 2:38 ESV. After being baptized (immersion in water) we must live your life as Jesus Christ did. This life consists of being obedient to God, being free from sin, and free of contamination. When this is done, the Holy Spirit is made manifest in you; He comes alive in us.
A Clean Vessel Is Needed
Jesus told the people, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins”
Warning A delivered person may be “repossessed” “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So, shall it also be with this wicked generation.” Mt 12:43-45; Lk 11:24-26
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Within the Believer
Mark 2:22 ESV.
The Founding Pastor of Glory Temple of Deliverance Ministry Inc. She functions with an Apostolic-Prophetic anointing in empowering the Body of Christ for service
contaminate us.
The Giver of Divine Gifts The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to mankind. He is used by God as giver of divine gifts. Wherever the Holy Spirit is present, His gifts are with Him and can be transferred to believers during the process of divine impartation and the laying on of hands. The bible tells us “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” Romans 11:21. When God gives gifts, He does not take them back. When there is a rich demonstration of the Holy Spirit within a congregation, gifts are often released as God wants the Holy Spirit to give. Those whom are present have a grand opportunity to receive. Individuals can also be empowered involuntarily by being in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not give gifts to anyone in their prayer closet. Therefore, attending church is important “Do not forsake the assembly of gathering together” Hebrew 10:25.
God will not allow the Holy Spirit to enter us if we have an open door in our lives.
God demonstrates wisdom in everything that He does for the benefit of mankind.
What is an open door?
Many in the Body of Christ think their gifts suddenly manifest itself on its own. However, gifts are received during ministrations or the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within the congregation. It then manifests itself within the person.
An open door is a spiritual gateway through which spirits can invade our lives. An example of this is, ancestral curses or most commonly called generational curses. These are practices or activities done by our fore parents that can become hereditary in successive generations. Other forms of open door occur when we do not live our lives by the example of Christ, and are not obedient to the Word of God. Understand that these are example of ways that we can leave ourselves open for our adversary to enter in or
The Holy Spirit dispenses gifts during ministration especially at a high point of worship. Praise stirs the presence of the Holy Spirit and prepares our hearts to receive. The more prepared we are, the greater the level of impartation we will receive.
EVANGELISM Is It Still Relevant Today? By Apostle Peter R. Scott
here was a time when most churches would have an evangelistic campaign or mission outreach on a regular basis. Regrettably, this has declined over the past decade with fewer churches allocating time for such events. Today, many Pastors feel that such programs are not worth the effort, time and money. This is because many pastors have become more introverted in their approach, spending time mostly on caring for the flock rather than increasing the number of their flocks. Evangelism requires much investment of effort, time and money to be effective. And when you find pastors, many of whom are bi-vocation, with limited time or money for routine expenses, their efforts attract little support from parishioners.
However, we must ask ourselves the question:
1. What is the function of evangelism? 2. Is evangelism an essential factor of an effective church ministry? 3. If so, how can the local church conduct effective evangelism programs? Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Mark 16:15 Jesus gives a command to His disciples, 10
“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”
The Function of Evangelism Although the word evangelism is not in scripture, it is drawn from the Greek euangelistes “preacher of the gospel,” literally “bringer of good news,” from euangelizesthai “bring good news,” from eu- “good” (see eu-.) + angellein “announce,” from angelos “messenger” (angel). Evangelism or preaching the Gospel is the medium through which the church disciples the nations. If we are not doing this, we are not fulfilling the Great Commission. The word ‘co(m)-mission’ connotes two people working together to carry out a mission. It is important we understand that the church is the means through which God expresses his love to humanity. We therefore have only one mission, and that is to fulfill the Great Commission. When we truly understand this, everything become easier.
Effective Evangelism
The church must apply sophistication to the way we evangelize. We must go beyond the appearance of panhandlers distributing gospel tracks on the street corner. Gospel Tent Meetings have been quite effective in the sixties and seventies. But in the information age of mobile devices and social media,
the ‘byways and edges’ now lies in the virtual world. If the Church does not become technologically savvy, we will continue to loose the fight for our culture. We must introduce useful and practical content to our soul winning programs. 21st Century societies are healthier, wealthier and far more educated than the 19th century strategies we continue to employ for our evangelism programs. The millennial generation has far more alternatives to church attendance and tend not to have a need for traditional “miracle/revival services.” They spend most of their time in the virtual world of articial intellengience. Hence the church must learn the new rules of the technological age.
The Experience of a
Evangelism Made Simple Has God ever asked you to do something that you thought you weren’t ready for?
hen I was a student, God used me to serve on my campus as a student leader. It was challenging not to know exactly what to do, what to say, how to invite people, or build a movement. These are some challenges we face today, and it can be frustrating. The frustrated feeling is as though you have lost your wallet, keys or your cell phone.
A year ago, I was at a conference that lasted about a week. On the second day of the conference I lost my cell phone, the third day I lost my wallet and on the fourth day I lost my bag that housed my bible. Somehow in this instant I had to give God thanks because I had eight individuals assisting in the search for my belongings. Eventually we found my belongings at the end of the week.
Effective evangelism must first seek to identify the huge gaps that lies in the fabric of our ultra modern era. The information age has brought about such increase of knowledge beyond our capacity to consume. In a sea of knowledge, our society is desperate for practical wisdom and applicable truth. The evangelist must now become a specialist. He or she must examine the area of truth they are most qualified to present. Then create packages such as solutions to common problems, and distribute them with the Gospel message.
we would have lunch or hang out together. Living life together means that we laugh with each other, care for each other on a natural and spiritual level. We must remember that we are the body of Christ, a family.
It is great to have friends that can assist in building our faith, praying with and for you during life’s tough moments. Faith in Christ and a love for people is essential in ministry work. Paul in his letter to the people of Colossae said, “We always thank God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people” Col. 1:3-4. We are called to love God as we Love one another as we love ourselves. Ultimately, this is what the people of Colossae did. If you don’t have a genuine love for people your ministry will shrivel. In the beginning of my first year as a college minister, the ministry almost came to an end because we had no leaders. One day
we met a student that was grounded in the Lord. He always told us to love. This sounded like sound advice. We decided to just love the people first before anything else. In a few months, we had twenty-two students coming to our weekly meetings, half of whom were nonbelievers. I believe God moves miraculously when we obey these two things. 1. Have faith in Christ 2. Have Genuine love for people
We Cannot Underestimate Community
When I was a student I loved being around small groups. I enjoyed the fun icebreakers and the intimate discussions and the occasional worship. However, after these meetings I realized that our focus can be misplaced. Sometimes the meetings do not go according the plans laid out. As a leader, we want to do things the right way. Sometimes we forget that our primary focus is sharing the Gospel according to 1 Thessalonians 2:8. It is important that we have a sense of unity with each other. After the group meetings were, we would have lunch or hang out together. Living life together means that we laugh with each other, care for each other on a natural and spiritual level. We must remember that we are the body of Christ, a family. For the Gospel to be spread to nations we must have unity amongst ourselves. Go out for tea or have lunch with an unbeliever, hold a door for someone. Meet people at the point of their needs. This may sound very simple to do but it would mean a great deal to someone. When we treat people with respect and love, it will magnify our Christian message.
ou are probably already aware that HIV is a serious disease that affects people across the globe. It is an infection that carries with it an aura of intense stigma and fear. Some of this fear is well deserved. HIV is a serious infection that has baffled medical researchers for decades.
HIV Prevention
There is still no real cure for HIV. This means that preventing the infection is the absolute best form of treatment.
The risk of transmission by blood transfusion has decreased dramatically due to much stricter protocols around blood donations and testing. There is generally very little risk of this when under proper medical supervision. Preventing contact with infected fluids is still the best way to protect against HIV. This means wearing gloves and masks when caring for a person’s injuries. It will especially
Testing, usually using a sample of bodily fluid such as blood, is the only way to accurately determine HIV infection. Testing has made many advances in recent years. Home testing kits are now available that can give quick and reasonably accurate results if used correctly. It’s important to note that a definitive test should be conducted by a healthcare professional if any home tests reveal a positive result. There have been some reports that acute symptoms such as fever and weakness can appear within a few weeks of infection. It is so easy to dismiss these symptoms, however, that few people notice them. Even in its very advanced stages, the symptoms of HIV are easily dismissed or confused with other diseases. Generally, a person in the advanced stages will be unusually weak. They may suffer frequent sickness and infections that last longer than normal or do not go away without aggressive treatment.
Recent research increases our understanding of HIV, and there is presently a great deal of information on its prevention and treatment that everyone should know.
HIV is primarily a bloodborne pathogen. This means that it resides almost entirely in the bloodstream and requires contact with blood or similar bodily fluids to spread infection. The primary means of HIV transmission is the contact with the blood of an infected person, sharing needles and sexual contact. This means there is no reason to be unusually fearful of normal contact with an infected person. Touching them, being close to them for prolonged periods and even kissing them will not spread the infection.
Standard HIV Treatment mean avoiding unprotected sex, and preferably any sexual contact with the infected person unless their infection is under control. Those who have a very high risk of exposure may use Pre-exposure prophylaxis medications to help prevent infection.
How HIV Infection Works HIV attacks the immune system, primarily focused on the white blood cells. The human immune system can fight off HIV to a point, but the immune system is eventually overwhelmed because it is being targeted directly. Ultimately, it weakens to the point where it cannot fight off other infections. At this point it is usually considered AIDS. You cannot die from HIV infection all by itself. If you were inside a sterile bubble, your body would
live even if you had no immune system at all. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible, and as your immune system weakens you develop secondary infections that you would normally be able to survive. These secondary infections eventually result in death. Infection with HIV is especially harmful because it is often undetectable. It is common for a person to contract HIV and have it for many years without knowing. This lack of awareness often contributes greatly to the unintentional spread of HIV. You should be aware of your partner’s health status before agreeing to sex. If they have a lifestyle that increases their risk of infection, for example having sex with multiple partners or having frequent anal sex, then it’s a good idea for them (and you) to be tested
HIV treatments help patients to control the infection in their bodies by reducing their viral load to levels considered undetectable. This does not mean that a person is cured of HIV, but undetectable levels will make them very unlikely to spread the infection or suffer complications, so they can live a mostly normal life. Undetectable levels are 20 copies/ml or 50 copies/ml depending on the test used. The World Health Organization is currently seeking the 90/90/90 goal. This means that 90 percent of people with HIV will be properly diagnosed, 90 percent of people diagnosed will receive proper treatment and 90 percent of those treated will have undetectable viral loads.
The WHO believes that if these targets are met, then the spread of HIV will be brought under control. The most common treatments are a combination of medicines, called an antiretroviral therapy, or ART. These drugs stop the virus from replicating and help the immune system to continue fighting it. Unfortunately, there is no known antiviral that can completely eradicate the virus because they do not target dormant cells that are carrying the virus. Even if all active copies of the virus are eliminated, the dormant cells release more copies that continue the infection. Breakthrough modern HIV treatments are beginning to expand the horizons of treatment by creating therapies that target both active and dormant cells throughout the body. Former therapies were limited by their ability to target cells only in certain areas of the body, resulting in incomplete treatment. While this treatment has not been thoroughly proven, if successful it could represent an actual cure for HIV.
Alternative HIV Treatments
There are also alternative treatments for HIV that a patient may consider in addition to ART. Anything that strengthens the immune system may help with HIV infection. The stronger the immune system remains, the longer a person can live a healthy life even with HIV infection. This can include maintaining a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep and limiting the effects of stress. It is also important to reduce exposure to other diseases as much as possible. Acupuncture and massage therapy have been examined as effective ways to help a person relax and reduce stress.
studies have shown that certain natural dietary supplements may interfere with certain HIV medications. The studies concluded that garlic supplements and St. John’s Wart impeded the effectiveness of common treatment medications. Since these supplements were often used to boost immune health, the negative interaction was noticeable. Dealing with HIV infection can also be difficult emotionally. Many people view HIV as a terminal illness. It can also cause major disruptions to personal relationships and especially sexual partners. An important and often overlooked alternative treatment for HIV is proper counseling to deal with both the psychological effects of having such a disease and any lifestyle problems or choices that may have increased the risk of infection. The truth is that many people can live out a mostly normal life even if they are infected with HIV so long as they understand the disease and seek proper and consistent treatment. There is no denying that HIV is a serious global epidemic. It is important for everyone to understand the truth of HIV infection and avoid its common stereotypes as a “gay disease” or something that infects primarily unsafe drug users. A real and complete understanding will help to control the spread of HIV and lead to better treatments and ultimately a cure.
Some of the latest HIV
Tribute to Apostle
Your Health & You
Delroy Smith
Signs and Symptoms of the Most Common Types of Cancer
Breast cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, lung cancer and melanoma are some of the most common types of cancers diagnosed in the United States. Each year, over 670,200 Americans are diagnosed with one of these types of cancer. Breast Cancer
Over 230,000 women and 2,300 men in the United States are diagnosed with this type of cancer each year. Most commonly, breast cancer begins in the cells that line the ducts that transport milk to the nipples, but it may also begin in the cells of milk-producing glands, called lobules. Symptoms of this type of cancer may include the following: • A thickening or lump in the breast • Pitting of the skin over the breast • Bloody discharge originating from the nipples • Flaking, peeling or scaling of breast skin • Change in the appearance, shape or size of a breast
Kidney Cancer
The most common type of cancer of the kidneys is renal cell carcinoma, which begins in the cells that line the tubes that move waste molecules out of the bloodstream and into the urine. Symptoms of kidney cancer may include the following signs, most prevalent during the later stages of the disease:
• Pink, cola-colored or red blood in the urine • Intermittent fever • Weight loss • Fatigue • Back pain that does not subside
This common type of cancer affects the tissues that form blood in the body, including the lymphatic system and bone marrow. There are many different types of leukemia, but most change the way the white blood cells grow, function and fight infections. Symptoms of this type of cancer vary depending on the exact type of the disease, but many people with it experience the following signs: • • • • • • • • •
Bone tenderness or pain Chills or fever Excessive sweating Weakness and fatigue Small red spots on the skin Severe and frequent infections Recurrent nosebleeds Swollen lymph nodes Unexplained weight loss
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer causes more deaths in the United States than any other
type of the disease. In its earliest stages, the disease rarely produces symptoms, but the following symptoms may indicate more advanced stages of disease: • Headache • A cough that does not improve • Bone pain • Coughing up blood • Unexplained weight loss • Shortness of breath • Hoarseness and wheezing • Chest pain
postle Delroy Smith is a native of the island of Jamaica. He’s a man on a mission for a higher purpose to fulfill God’s agenda for the end of time He and his wife Beverly are blessed with five children: Maxine, Michael, Priscilla, Abigail and Gabriel. They also have four grandchildren: Omari, Dayna, Ema and Daynalle. Apostle Smith serves as the General Secretary, Foreign Fields Overseer and the assistant Pastor of one of the fasting growing church organization, The First Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ Inc. The headquarters is located at 9401 Church Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11212.
This type of skin cancer begins in the cells that give the skin its color. Although the exact cause is still unknown, researchers believe melanoma may be caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. It is the deadliest type of skin cancer. This type of cancer can develop anywhere on the skin but most commonly appears on the legs, arms, face and back. Initial signs of this disease include the development of a new mole or a change in an existing mole. Cancerous moles may be large, asymmetrically shaped, unevenly colored and surrounded by an irregular, scalloped border.
He travels extensively to the Caribbean, Central and South America, Canada, The United Kingdom, Africa and across the United States of America.
He travels extensively to the Caribbean, Central and South America, Canada, The United Kingdom, Africa and across the United States of America. He ministers the undiluted word of God with prayer and authority. God has used him in special ways to bring deliverance and empowerment to people, Due to his radical commitment and dedication to the word of God, he was promoted to the office of an Apostle. He is a visionary leader and an intercessor at heart. Apostle Smith has a great passion for God’s people, and carries a great burden for souls. Whenever he’s called, he’s always available to fulfill his role for the great commission. MIDNIGHT CRY MAGAZINE
Entrepreneurs Profile P
Jacinta Andrews, CNA Local Pastor, More Than Conquerors Ministries
astor J as she is affectionately called, is the local Pastor for More Than Conquerors International Deliverance Ministry, located at 5202 Church Ave, Brooklyn New York. She is happily married to Christian Andrews for 16 years with two boys age 16yrs and 6month old. “My personal mission is to fulfill the Great Commission; to spread the gospel all over the world and attain my full potential in all that God has called me to too.” “My dream is to see the power of God manifested in the lives of His people like it did in the days of Moses. In these days so many in our community are bound and need deliverance. It is sad to note even many of God’s people are just as bound and are not aware of it.” Pastor Jacinta is determined to see her local church developed, and people experiencing the liberating power of true worship. “My greatest accomplishment is my family, it’s not easy being married in a society where divorce is an achievement.” “For many years, I have admired the ministry of Bishop T. D. Jakes. He preaches God word with power and confidence and is exemplary of a true man of God. Whether he is preaching a sermon or acting in a movie, he is focused and consistent on what God’s word say”. Jacinta is a Certified Nurses Assistant at the Clove Lave Nursing Home. Her background in the medical field gives her a rounded understanding of the functions of Human Physiology. She now incorporates her medical training to her message. In ‘Human Physiology and the Body of Christ’, Pastor Jacinta applies her knowledge of the human body in comparison to the Body of Christ. Her message empowers believers of the importance of their contribution to the overall health of the Local Church. She also warns that our dysfunctions are as debilitating to the Body of Christ as cancer to the human body.
Petrona Smith, HHA Grief Management Consultant Author of forthcoming book: From Sorrow to Grace “How to Overcome the Loss of Your Loved One”
y daughter Tracy-Ann Lewis was my only child. Raising her as a single parent was one of my greatest accomplishments. Tracy was more than just my daughter, she was also my friend. Her maturity was so much more than her age. Many time I marveled at the many concepts of wisdom she used to assist me when facing difficult situations. Tracy-Ann was devoted to her faith in God. She attended the Faith Cathedral Deliverance Center in the island of Jamaica, pastored by Bishop Herro Blair. She served in many ministries and was one of the primary vocalist of the church. As a young woman, she was highly respected for her lifestyle of chastity. During her years at Excelsior Community College she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died shortly after at the age of 21. I was crushed when she passed. It was very difficult for me to cope and I did not know how to move on. For many years after her death I continued to cry each time I remembered those special moments we shared. It is through this pain and grief that I decided to start an organization for families that have lost their loved ones through cancer. I am aware that there are a lot of people grieving. They don’t know how to deal with the pain and have no one to assist them in getting over the hurt. I want to help them overcome their loss. This is done in several daily steps. My encouragement to anyone facing the loss of a loved one is this: Always remember the good times that you shared, this will help to keep you strong. It’s ok to cry. In all your grief, always remember that God is there with you. He will give you the strength to go through your difficult times.
Entrepreneurs Profile M
Mobolade Olaloye Pastor of Bethel Ministries Founder and CEO of Mobolade Couture
obolade Olaloye is a native of Nigeria, Africa. As a child, she was exposed to the art of fashion designing by her grandmother. By age seven she started designing clothes for her dolls, and later upgraded her skills to designing her own clothes. Her friends and family admired her unique style and she became their designer as well. After the death of her husband, she moved to the USA with her 3 children. As a single parent, she successfully raised her children with the help of God. “My greatest accomplishment is raising my children,” she said. Her youngest son 22 years is on the path to medical school, her middle son 27 is an architect and has a clothing line. Her daughter 28 is currently a medical doctor. Over the years, Mobolade’s passion for fashion has not waned. “It is through my fashion designing skills that I am able to touch the lives of others.” Bola, as she is affectionately called, envisions nations coming to Christ and impacted by her ministry. “I am using fashion to deposit the glory of God into people lives”. She is currently working on her debut line, “First Ladies Collection” which will be out in the fall of 2017. Her message of encouragement is to remind everyone not to give up on their dreams and aspirations. Despite the hardship, keep pressing, stand firm, and be strong.
Simone Henry Wife, Mother, Childcare Provider Publisher of the Forthcoming “Speak Out!” Magazine
imone story started in the Caribbean. She grew up with both her parents who did the best for their children. As a child, she encountered the challenges typical of her age. But as she grew older everything changed. She faced conditions no child should see or experience in their lives. It was not until later years that she learned forgiveness that enabled her to let go the years of bitterness and hurt. “Because of what happened in my past, I had low self-esteem, and found it difficult to love myself. I even thought my mother did not love me. I got married early, but eventually divorced after 15 years.” Looking at Simone you could never tell that she has encountered the difficulties she experienced in her childhood. It could have been easy for her life to have gone down another path. So, we enquired how she was able to overcome the challenges to become who she is today. “My greatest accomplishment is to know Jesus Christ and to know that He loves me.” Through God’s love I learned how to love myself. She continued, “My experience with the Lord has completely transformed my life. I knew I was truly healed when I confronted the person and told him I forgave him for what he did to me”. Today she has a passion to assist other women with similar experience. “My dream is to be God’s spokesperson as an encouragement to women. I want to remind them that they are loved by God, they have a purpose and they are valuable.” When asked what, she would say to other women who have encountered similar experience as herself, she responded, “Embrace the pain, and understand that your mess can be transformed to become your message”.
we shall address those wounds we hide”. The Pastor cleared his throat and continued, “Many of those who are hurting their spouse are using the church to hide. They think because they give offertory and tithes, because they make public prayers, because they stand in front to read the word or because they hold a church leadership position that they are right with God. His is interested in what you do in your marriage and in your family”. “Your first ministry is in your home. Stop trying to blackmail God with your service in church while you are being mean and hurtful towards your spouse”. Many members of the congregation were restless and unsettled.
FAMILY FOCUS The Pastor Who Taught the Married About Prayer
ukari and his wife don’t sit next to each other during church services. Even when going to church services, they go in different cars; and when they travel in the same car, it is usually a very quiet and uncomfortable ride.
one expects to hear a pastor saying prayer is a waste of time. “I’m not here to discourage your prayer. I’m here to encourage you to pray right. Husbands, stop wasting your time in prayer if you are not treating your wives right. The Word says that when you treat your wives badly, it hinders your prayers. Men, you claim to be prayerful”.
Bukari sat at his usual spot in the church service; the fourth line on the far-left row. His wife sat on the center row.
“You come to church driving your expensive cars, giving your offertory and tithes, active in church, some of you are church leaders; but how are you treating your wife?”
The Pastor took to the podium. “Husbands, stop wasting your time praying”, the pastor began. The congregation got alarmed. No
“You may look good to us church members, but it is your wife and children that know who you truly are”, said the Pastor.
Bukari turned to face his wife. She looked at him. Bukari could see her eyes. Her left eye was swollen from the blow he gave her last week when she confronted him about his alcoholism, pornography use and mischievous behavior. People couldn’t tell she had a black eye because of the makeup she had on, so well done. The Pastor continued, “People have perfected the art of cover up. Here in church, so many are hurting but you wouldn’t know. People come here wearing their nice clothes, shiny smiles, they are active in ministry but hurting a lot in their marriages”. “We have become numb and plastic, brushing things under the carpet. But today we shall heal;
The Pastor continued, “Many of those who are being hurt by their spouse hide their pain and want to project an image that all is well to validate that they are blessed and in control. Some of you are active in church and use that to run away from the pain in your marriage”. The congregation was silent. Some straightening their ties, others fidgeting with their Bibles, or adjusting their sitting positions. This Pastor was preaching the truth and it was uncomfortable. The Pastor continued, “The husbands are not the only ones guilty. Wives, don’t you know the word says when your husband found you he found a good thing and you bring favor? Then why are you the source of your husband’s headache and stress? Have you been so toxic that you turn your prayerful husband into a fatherless one? Do you make him regret marrying you because you bring more complications than he had before marrying you?” “How you treat your husband can be a stumbling block in his walk with God or can create an environment that encourages growth. Many of you married your husband primarily because of his relationship with God, why are you now destroying his relationship with God instead of celebrating and nurturing it?” Why are you being a burden to your husband emotionally, socially, sexually and
financially instead of being the one who brings favor?” Bukari’s wife looked at him. Bukari looked at her, she looked away. The Pastor paused to drink his glass of water. He continued, “When I am thirsty, I drink a glass of water. When your spouse gets thirsty, will you allow God to use you to bless your spouse?” You’ve been told in many sermons to focus on you as an individual, that God will make you prosper as an individual. I’m here to tell you that your blessings are tied to people, you are blessed to be a blessing to others. Our God is not an individualistic God. Your blessings are tied to your marriage and your family. It’s not about you, you, you; it’s about Jesus and Jesus is about love. What good is it to prosper and be successful when you have no love? It’s all vanity. God cares about your family, how you treat your spouse and children”.
“Yes, we pray. But what kind of prayers does your spouse pray because of you? When your spouse prays, is it largely to cry to God because of the hurt you bring? Is it to plead with God to change you from the monster you’ve become? Is it to plead for grace to deal with how difficult you are? Or is it to give thanks for you?”
“Are you really prayerful? Do you really value prayer? Why is it that many of you find it easy to come to us Pastors for us to pray with you as an individual, you find it easy to
pray in public in a Church service or Bible study, but you find it so hard to pray with your spouse? Isn’t this telling of what is going on in your marriage? Don’t you know that the more you pray with your spouse, the stronger your marriage becomes? But how can you find it easy to pray with a spouse you hurt or who has hurt you?” The Pastor paused and looked at the congregation. Eyes were staring at him. “I challenge you. I challenge you to pray with your spouse and to treat your spouse well. Husbands, you are the head of the home. I challenge you to stand up and go to where your wife is and pray with her as a start of a more prayerful chapter in your marriage. Don’t do it because I asked you to but because you want to. You choose”. One by one, the husbands stood up. Bukari stood up too. Bukari walked to where his wife was. The face of Bukari’s wife overwhelmed with love, she looked on as her husband walking to her. She almost stood up, but he gestured for her to stay seated. Bukari reached where she sat. Their eyes met. Bukari knelt. He stared at her then kissed her swollen left eye. “I am sorry”, he said. “Can I pray with you?” He asked. She got up from her seat and knelt too. There, on the floor as the Church service was still ongoing, husbands prayed with their wives. Bukari prayed kneeling with his wife. They prayed for forgiveness, for thanksgiving, for love for renewal, for peace for direction and for their marriage. Marriages were healed that Sunday.
Eukalay Richards
In June 2016, my daughter Amora and Sis Nordia introduced me to the Midnight Cry Prayer Line which was such a blessing for me. Because of this ministry my life has made a big turn for the better. When I first came on the line I was dying spiritually. I was not able to pray, my prayer life was weak and I was going through a lot. But thank God for the visionary Prophetess, Evangelist Karen Johnson who took the time to listen and prayed with me. She also gave me a prophetic word from God. There are so much she had spoken in my life. She prophesied about a car and what to do, I followed through and I received it. She also spoke about my family and things that was going on in my marriage, which were true. Evangelist Johnson has a powerful prophetic anointing. I can say that she is called and picked by God. I truly thank God for placing her in my life. I would also like to add that she is a no-nonsense woman of God. I truly love and appreciate her.
Vince and Karla
The Midnight Cry prayer line has been a source of inspiration to our lives. God has placed us among some wonderful, spiritual and uplifting people, who have helped to shape us. They have given us so 22
many words of encouragement. They have taught us, prayed us up; and daily, they have nurtured us with the words of God. Words aren’t enough to describe how blessed and excited we feel about having met all the members of the Midnight Cry Prayer Line. God has been working in our lives. There’s always a message. We can always rest assured that the Midnight Cry will provide us with a daily replenishment of the Word. Sometimes it’s biblical; sometimes it’s prophetic. Whatever the case may be, we are and will always be humbled by the Spirit of God and what he has been doing for us along with those associated with the Midnight Cry prayer line. We pray that God will keep pulling others to be blessed and delivered, as we are.
as a vessel to help heal the land. He has now strategically aligned me with this powerful woman of God, Prophetess/Evangelist Karen Johnson as a mentor and covering, to fully give birth to that what He has anointed and appointed me to accomplish. For the short time that I have been a part of the Midnight Cry Prayer Ministry, it has been a blessing to my family. It is a line that produces healing, deliverance and elevation.
Evangelist Karen Johnson has been an inspiration on the prayer line night after night. She has impacted so many lives and taught them how to put their trust in God.
Roxanne Anderson
It is truly an honor and privilege to still be in the land of the living in operation with the Holy Spirit to empower and transform lives. I say this because since age twentyone, the Devil has plagued my life with hospitalizations, car accidents, and even a deceitful marriage all to eradicate me from this world. However, time and time again the almighty God has proven himself to be faithful. He demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Daniel’s God surely will deliver. I have learned to embrace my process as the Lord was simply preparing me
She has been called a prophetess of God, and have dedicated her life to lead his people as Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. As much as she is dedicated to her ministries, she is also dedicated to furthering her education and being the best person she can be. I would like to say thanks to everyone on the prayer line: Elders, ministers, evangelists and especially to all the visitors. I appreciate the Catch On Fire Deliverance Ministry, it has been a blessing to so many who were lost. God has used Prophetess Johnson to be a blessing to every one of us.