The Central Scene Issue 7 (contents)

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Issue # 7


Hello cichlid nuts and welcome to yet another issue of the Central Scene. Last year I believed that this venture had finally come to an end, but here we are for another issue full of Central American cichlid goodness. My book that I have been writing for a good many years has finally come to an end, so now I can concentrate more on my magazine. However, I would like to point out that this wouldn’t of happened without all the strong support and generous contributions from fellow friends in the cichlid field, thank you! I’m glad to report that this issue has some great articles by two well known cichlid experts, Juan Miguel Artigas Azas and Willem Heijns. I would like to thank both for their help in contributing articles, sharing their knowledge and making this issue happen. I would also like to thank the beautiful photography contributions featured in the articles, especially Stefan Zelinka. The Central Scene magazine prides itself with beautiful photography of very high standard. I am also pleased to have the opportunity to share other hobbyist aquariums. This issue will be a first as I present a beautiful Central American aquarium from a hobbyist quite new to the Central American cichlid scene. I would like to expand on this subject by offering other readers to share their beautiful biotope inspired setups. Please contact me for details through the Central Scene magazine Facebook page. There is a lot going on at the moment regarding the study of Central American cichlids. I try to keep up with nomenclature, however, this can change in a short amount of time, plus much is based on opinion. Many seem to think that when research papers are released, then name assigning has been solved, but this is simply not always the case. Rules still need to be followed and more than one available names can often be used. So please lets not get too hung up in the world of Central American nomenclature, there is still much work to be done! Until next time…. Saludos, Lee Nuttall

Notes for Contributors If you would like to contribute an article or submit any photography work, then please send all work to the editor of The Central Scene at the following email address: Text can be submitted in email draft or sent in Microsoft word doc. All illustrations, drawings and photography work, should be sent separately in high resolution format (jpeg, tiff) and original size if possible. Photographic contributions without text are also welcome. When sending photographic work, Please do not send with a water mark, as authors and photographers are always credited. Articles and images published in the Central Scene remain the intellectual property of the original author, photographer, illustrator, and any work published may not be reprinted without the contributor’s written permission. 2

Contents 4

Parachromis friedrichsthalii Juan Miguel Artigas Azas introduces the Yellow Jacket Cichlid


Today in the Fishroom, Fish Fave’s Mo Devlin shares fond memories of two favourite photographic subjects


Midas cichlids in all shape and sizes Willem Heijns discusses the Midas cichlid complex


Dreaming of Lachuá Lake Ersin Ulas shares his beautiful biotope inspired display aquarium


Cryptoheros spilurus, Aquarium care & Observations Lee Nuttall discusses aspects of keeping this little Central American cichlid

The views expressed in Central Scene are those of the individual(s) concerned and not necessarily those of the editor. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, the editor and its contributors disclaim all liability for any loss, injury or other problem arising from the use of information contained herein. The Central Scene © copyright of Lee Nuttall 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in any information retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without the express permission of the copyright holders. Published by Nutty Publishing 3


Lee Nuttall

The Central Scene

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March 2015

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