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lee nuttall
I have been keeping North & Central American cichlids for almost 30 years. This genera of cichlid holds a huge fascination for me. I love their shapes, behaviour and unique spawning and brood care. Once you understand their behaviour and requirements, they are the most rewarding fish to keep in home aquaria. The problem is not many hobbyist have the understanding and patients to see them at their best. Due to their aggressive nature, I believe this is the reason why they are poorly represented in literature and magazines, especially in UK publications. This was one of the main reasons why I decided to publish my own magazine. Hopefully, giving the correct information and up to date nomenclature, with the help of the magazines contributors, we can help hobbyist new and old to understand these fish better. I am also a big fan of photography, where I have had a handful of photos published, even a cover photo on a well known UK fish hobbyist magazine. Lee.