Nuvet Labs
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? At a recent visit to her local pet supply store
Peggy came across the litter box aisle. It was then that she remembered she had been meaning to pick up a new box for her beloved Main Coon cat, Buttons. The box Buttons currently used was a couple of years old and looking a little worn. After much deliberation, Peggy finally narrowed it down to a box that was slightly larger than her old one.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Better still, it was enclosed. Peggy thought
Buttons would probably prefer the privacy. Once home, Peggy quickly set up the new box and introduced Buttons to his new bathroom. All seemed well until the next day when Peggy noticed a small puddle of urine near the new litter box. Peggy thought maybe Buttons just needed to get used to it. Unfortunately, a week after the new litter box was put into use, Buttons was still having accidents.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? NuVet knows that the predicament facing Peggy
and Buttons is not uncommon. Cats are thinking, feeling beings who, despite not being able to talk, do try to communicate with us when something is amiss. Clearly, Buttons was not happy with his new litter box. Below are a few more reasons why our feline companions may choose not to use theirs.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Overcrowding Fortunately for Buttons he is the only cat. Experts believe there should be one litter box per cat with one extra box available to be safe. If you have two cats or more and not enough litter boxes, there are probably going to be some accidents because when you gotta go, you gotta go! Health issues It is probably safe to assume that there was something that Buttons just didn’t quite like about his new litter box. However, in many cases where a cat starts to void outside his litter box it could be an indication of an underlying health problem. Your cat could have a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI. UTIs are also more common in male cats that are older than a year.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Health issues ď‚— NuVet wants to remind you that a urinary tract infection is a serious condition and can be fatal. ď‚— Accidents outside of the litter box, as well as frequent voiding that result in little urine output and or bloody urine may be signs that your cat has a UTI. When in doubt, see your veterinarian.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Too hard to get to Even though we love our cat many of us do not love their litter box. Consequently, we may put the litter box where it cannot be seen on a regular basis. That is all fine and dandy for us but your cat my strongly disagree. Chances are if you do not want to walk up three flights of stairs to go potty, your cat won’t either. Also, cats that are older and suffering from age related health issues like arthritis are not going to want to go on a hike in order to use their bathroom. General rule of thumb is to have a litter box on every floor of your home. Fluffy will love you for it.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? New litter You know that saying; if it isn’t broken don’t fix it? Well, the same
can hold true for your cat’s litter. If your cat likes their litter and uses it like they are supposed to, do not start buying another brand. Cats are super picky about this. So even though the Mountain Fresh, triple clumping might sound like magic, stick with what your feline companion likes.
It needs to be cleaned If you are finding cat odors a problem chances are your cat is
too. As a result she may start to void outside her little box. This can be prevented by cleaning out your cat’s litter daily and changing the litter regularly. Certain types of litter have different suggestions for how frequently to change it. Also remember to clean out the box with soap and water before adding fresh litter.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Size When considering a litter box for your cat, it is important to
get a size that will fit your pet. A smaller cat will naturally require a smaller box. A Main Coon like Buttons however is going to need a larger litter box. A box that is too small is going to cause your feline family member to possibly dribble outside the box even if their aim was true. Many times litter boxes come with lids. Sometimes these lids can trap in odors and make the box hard to move around in. This was probably what Buttons did not like about his new box. In this case, all Peggy might need to do is take the lid off to get Buttons to start using his new bathroom.
Nuvet Plus Reviews-Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside His Litter Box? Hopefully, the above tips will help you the next time
you find fluffy missing the cat box. Sometimes finding out the source of your cats annoyance can be hard. But it shouldn’t be hard to keep your cat healthy. One way to do so is by incorporating NuVet Plus into your cat’s diet. NuVet Plus is a nutritious supplement you can give your cat daily to help keep them strong and healthy. Many cat owners have already been impressed by the benefits of NuVet Plus. If you would like to see what they are saying, stop by NuVet Reviews and have a look.
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