Scorpinosis Nightfire, Publisher
You might think that after writing these publisher’s notes for quite a few years now, I could spit one out without giving it a second thought. You know…re-tread some of my previous notes from years back and BAM, new 2017 publisher’s note. However, 2016 was such a “best of times worst of times” experience, that any comments I have about the future of 2017 are complicated.
I have always felt like our best times are ahead of us, not behind us. The future has always looked brighter to me than the past or even the present. Yet, as we have come to the end of one chapter, I wonder how that ending will shape the outcome of this new chapter. Endings can often become the foundations of new beginnings -- if we let them.
Now, before someone concludes that I have become a pessimist, let me say that there were plenty of bright spots in 2016 and that
it’s those bright spots that encourage me about 2017. For all the uncertainty and double takes, there are points of light that are spread out on the night canopy of my skies that make fighting the good fight not only worthwhile, but incredibly satisfying. For my bright spots, my light houses, my stars, I give thanks.
Even victories that look like they may be short lived now, can hold silver linings that are illuminated by my stars. My reflectiveness and perhaps yours too is not a reversal of optimism, but a statement or a notice to anyone and everyone, that love is never more effective and stars never brighter than in times of reflection.
Happy New Year my friends and...
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Nu Vibez Founder and Publisher
Filipa Thespian, Editor-In-Chief Owner & Founder of Roleplay Guide Magazine
Well, 2016 was definately one that I will never forget. We lost so many people and so many monumental things happened.
One of the happy things was the addition of our new Managing Editor, Zaks (she’s so special she only needs one name lol). We’re so glad she’s with us keeping the staff and staff projects moving steadily forward! Welcome aboard Zaks.
We’ve also had a whole bunch of new hires in both writing and photography, please don’t miss our Credits page, everyone works so hard and they each deserve a HUGE kudos and well done!
I myself have been so much more reflective than in recent years. This is a pivotal year for me personally. My third and final child is going through his Senior year in High School ... you know the one ... the young performer that keeps me away from SL so often. It’s hit me kinda funny if truth be told.
I was at a choral performance of his recently, with all my children, my mother and a few other family members. As I looked up and down our row,
listening to the moving holiday music, I was struck with such joy, love and gratitude. I struggled to contain the tears, lest my daughter saw and began to tease me, and quietly prayed and thanked God for the gifts he’d given me in my family.
This is new for me this year, praying. I highly recommend it though many might fall out of their chairs to hear me say that now. I’d not done so in a very long time, but this year ... I found my way back and in so doing, colors are richer, love is warmer, music is deeper, tastes are ... well, tastier. It may be just me, but I attribute it all to this one huge change.
So no matter how you do it, give thanks for the good in your world. Look down the row at your children, parents, siblings or whoever is there who is close to you. This group, these people who you bring close, who are a part of your life, who you can turn to ... they are what it’s all about and when we forget this, we lose ourselves and our way.
I wish for each and every one of you, all the best that life has to offer, and the greatest love that God can bestow upon you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
by Filipa Thespian
Happy New Year from all of us at Nu Vibez/ Roleplay Guide Magazine! Here are our New Years Resolutions (from left to right):
Sydney Bonde-Garnet - I resolve to cancel my subscription to anyone with issues.
Miele Tarantal-Shinn - I resolve to keep moving forward ;)
Ahn Avion - I want for others to find peace and love in the New Year!
Sita Writer - To find my direction because “Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance.”
Zaks - I resolve to make some memories and hope others do too!
Filipa Thespian - I resolve to procrastinate less and to be even more optimistic! The world is a happy place if you let it be!
Scorpinosis Nightfire - In 2017, if it’s current, trending and news worthy, then we will bring it to you here!
Erinna Rosebud - I swear, this year, I’m gonna lose 50 pounds!
And those who missed the party ...
Anouk Lefavre - To stop procrastinating! I wish everyone a fantastic and successful 2017!
Brittainy Collins - To be healthy, happy and as stress free as possible!
Peyton J. Deluca - To expand my artist’s nature with mastering Blender and Photoshop!
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Filipa Thespian
Showtoons1239 Zaks
Ahn Avion
Cindy Bolero
Erinna Rosebud
Filipa Thespian
Peyton J. Deluca
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Sita Writer
Sydney Bonde-Garnet Wild Bedrosian
If you have a comment, compliment or complaint about anything you read here in Nu Vibez, please make a post on this issue’s page on our website. We will endeavor to get it published and answer your questions in our next issue!
Filipa Thespian
Scorpinosis Nightfire
aloyssia hema
Anais Maelle
Anouk Lefavre
Dema Fairport
Duchess Flux
Emeline Laks
Filipa Thespian
Jēŋŋa Яose Ĺσckнeaяţ
Lainey Thorne
Lou ShAdoW
Miele Tarantal-Shinn
Migan Forder
Mimi Sinclair
Naomie Lou Strand
Susanne Drechsler
Sydney Bonde-Garnet
Travis Olbers
Val Connor
Wicca Merlin
Wild Bedrosian
WrenNoir Cerise
^^ Swallow ^^
[sYs] Design
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The goal of this publication is to provide a unique insight into the world of entertainment, role play and lifestyles be it in virtual communities or real world neighborhoods.
Covering the issues important to people whether they are avatars or human beings, NuVibez circulates to a large population of readers online and in virtual worlds.
NuVibez and Roleplay Guide are published for those whose interests are varied but focused on being entertained and educated on current events, new entertainment venues and artists, gaming and role play, health and psychology, and finding ways to improve their online experiences.
Letters to the editor: address changes and other correspondence to: NuVibezM@gmail.com.
Advertising inquiries and submissions need “Advertising” in the subject line and emailed to: nuvibezm@gmail.com.
Nu Vibez Magazine is a copyright protected publication owned and operated by Avatar PR. Roleplay Guide Magazine is a copyright protected publication owned and operated by iMoogi Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.
Opinions of the columnists are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the owner or staff, nor does NuVibez Magazine or Roleplay Guide assume liability for claims of journalists, photographers or advertisers.
Suzie Anderton is a 9-year resident of Second Life (SL), during which time she has taken up the art of Videography. When given the opportunity to
learn more, I sat down with her to get to know the artist behind the camera.
NVM: Suzie, what was that moment that you said Hey ...Videography is for me?
SUZIE: My friend gifted me a Panaramora studio to take pictures. At the time, Gangnam Style was in the charts and I had the animation in SL so I danced and watched myself and thought, ’Hey, I wanna record this, rather than take still pictures.’ I got hold of a capture program and started filming. The first few attempts were so bad, but it was amusing and I had a hunger to learn more about how to make it better. So, I went online and learned from tutorials and watching other people’s videos from SL. It’s fascinating how people learn and to see their first video and then something recent, seeing what they have achieved now…there’s some amazing growth transitions.
NVM: When it comes to putting together one of your videos, can you tell us a little about the process you go through and over all, how much time it takes to create a masterpiece?
SUZIE: The process would be, first to develop a theme, pick a song and props; then do the filming, editing, add special effects and transitions, perhaps some extra sound effects…basically, build up the scene which I do in layers in the Adobe CS6 Suite. There may well be up to eight layers, all incorporating sound, visual, and rendering of the whole post-production process. When that’s done, upload it to… let’s say...YouTube, or whichever social media site is preferable. Each film takes a
different amount of time from start to finish. The Xmas video I just did, took about a month, but that’s not a solid six hours a day. I do have to fit in RL jobs and other life needs. It can be very time consuming, and the thing is, I get so engrossed in my work that I think five minutes have gone by, but suddenly the clock hands are pointing to a time 4 hours later! Seriously, I lose track of time. When I’m focused, I’M FOCUSED!
NVM: As you master the world of video, are there other mediums you are interested in?
SUZIE: Apart from filming, I do like photography and I’m learning Photoshop and Gimp. I love building stuff and I’ve tried scripting. I mean, I am a fossil in SL, so I have put my hand to a lot of things here.
NVM: Being in SL a little over 9-years, in your experience how do you think SL has changed for the art world? Do you think it has become better or worse?
SUZIE: Much better! Art is amazing in SL. I have friends who have created in SL and brought to RL in RL galleries. There are no boundaries and everyone’s perception is different. I think it’s wonderful! Overall, SL has influenced a lot of people.
NVM: Occasionally, SL and RL are given the opportunity to blend a bit. What was it like for you to do Button Boy, blending an SL avatar into a RL Film Festival? Did you find it more challenging than a pure SL video?
SUZIE: It was totally a different ball game. [I like it, you did your homework on me ;-)]. Button boy was a challenge, I wanted to experiment merging RL and SL, to do this I used a green screen in SL and filmed the button boy avatar from different angles. Then I went to the Film Festival, with a tripod, and canon camera, where I filmed RL opening doors and waiting for a pretend character to walk through it. It was fun and the different camera angles were interesting. Merging it all together was the hard part because not all camera angles had the right perspective, so only a few clips worked, but, it was fun doing it. I originally wanted to film myself in RL and slide SL into it, I just don’t have enough time in the day!
NVM: Think you will ever do another SL / RL Mix?
SUZIE: You never know...I’d like to think so.
NVM: What gets the artistic juices flowing and puts you in the creative mood to work?
SUZIE: Usually music inspires me. I love listening to music and I can visualize how I would film something in SL. As I do, a story board emerges into my imagination and BOOM, the juices are rapidly flowing. Sometimes, juices don’t flow at all, they’re all dried up. When that happens, I don’t try and create anything at that time. Many people come to me asking for promos and sometimes I will take on a project for someone else but some I must turn away as I can get quite busy. It’s sad, I can’t film all the weddings I have been asked to film, but I don’t think people understand how long it takes to make a film. I’d rather do smaller amount of work in great quality than lots of work rushed.
NVM: Most artists have some kind of person or persons that influence their style of art. Do you have anyone you look up to in that aspect?
SUZIE: There are a few machinimists in SL: Drax, Rysan Fall, Sophie Yates, SparrowTree Studios, they are all amazing. Oh, and Tutsy, incredible work. I love their work. I aspire to the quality and creativity of all of them, each having their own style. I also belong to a lot of groups in SL and in talking to the people in them, I learn and I teach. We all help each other and give pieces of advice. Rysan Fall, he’s just the best Mentor, I love his work [he calls me his Padawan ;-) ].
NVM: You have produced quite a few episodes of Top Gear. Do you see yourself doing another Episode based series?
SUZIE: No more plans for any episodes at this time. That was a joint venture with my SL and RL partner. Top Gears came about by fluke, and kinda just took off, with an immense following of builders all wanting to
showcase. It became MAD. We had a queue of builders and I couldn’t keep up with the line of people wanting to be showcased, so we stopped on the 10th episode.
NVM: Final thoughts ..If you could give some tips to aspiring artists , what would it be?
SUZIE: There are so many online tutorials out there, learn step by step, and have fun along the way. It’s about playing and discovering new things. Watch the videos of others, learn from them, and you will find your own techniques and your own style.
NVM: Thank you again Suzie, it was a pleasure to chat with you and to see a bit of what goes into the process of creating art such as yours, in SL.
Port Cos is a city on the Vosk River within the fictional world of Gor, a planet that rotates around our Sun in the same elliptical path yet on the opposite side from Earth which has earned the planet Gor the nickname of counter-earth.
Though Port Cos was founded as a colony by the city of Cos, it is an independent city state and maintains a neutral status. It resists efforts by any of the greater powers who might seek to establish their power and dominance over the river towns.
I recently had an opportunity to talk with Zev Sama’el (zwei.zero), admin; Anais Teach (anaisrider), merchant and one of the sim builders; and Edward Teach (bluesaint), first captain; all of them co-owners and co-creators, about
this newest version of one of Second Life (SL) Gor’s most prominent cities. Having been part of various online versions of Gor over the last 20+ years (PowWow, Filetopia, mIRC, Yahoo, GCN, and probably some others I have forgotten over
previous versions of Port Cos. As our conversation continued, however, my mind was set at ease.
At the time of the interview, the sim had only been open for less than 2 weeks having had a soft opening in late November, early December, postponing the launch party while tightening up the sim build for the best RP experience. They are working on a grand opening event slated for January 13, 14 and 15. Although, per Lady Anais, an artist’s work is never finished. Being partnered to a RL and SL artist myself, I know this to be a very true thing.
less important than the “who”. This wonderful group of people needed a place to RP, and enjoy, and come together. Zev suggested Port Cos, and once it was agreed on, off we were.” “Well... I had dealings with Port Cos and it was actually Zev who came up with the idea, the image of the lighthouse struck me certainly. With access to the Vosk river, that also gives us access to shipping and trade RP as well,” says Edward.
It must be recognized that true “by the book” Gor is an impossibility, even in a virtual world. There are too many impediments to fun to make it practical. For example, travel would be far more restricted than players would be agreeable to. To sail or ride from one city state to the next could take days, weeks, or months in a real sense whereas, in Second Life, any trip time), I confess I was apprehensive about the latest interpretation of Port Cos. Of the three I spoke with, none of them had participated in any of the
The first question I asked was how it was decided to build Port Cos. Zev replied, “I was searching for ports on Google and reading up on them and when I offered it as an option everyone seemed to agree on it.” Lady Anais added, “But in all seriousness, not so joking - the “where” was
is the matter of a second or few from a teleport. That is but one of many examples as to why “by the book” (BTB) Gor is as fictional as the world John Norman created, but the focus of these musings is Port Cos within the realm of Second Life.
Lady Anais had a couple of thoughts on why this new Port Cos is being called “by the book”. “It means that the booksnot just quotes, but the actual context of the books, the spirit of them, is the guiding principal. Anyone can look up quotes, but you take a quote out of context, it means anything.
The books, when taken as a whole, have much less ‘inconsistency’ than people believe them to.”
Edward mentions, “for me personally, it means trying to adhere to the essential rules laid out in the books without letting them become a straightjacket.
For example, Gor in Kar, is not the same as Gor in the imperial City of Ar, which again, is not the same as Gor in Turia or among the Wagon people. Our current RP fiction states that ours is house that moved here from Port Kar, taking
over this City, en masse. So, it allows us some freedoms in interpretation.”. Zev makes a good point saying, “It’s a matter of weighing what works in today’s Gor versus what will be a sacrifice for the RP. Of course, today’s Gor is not tomorrow’s Gor so having a cohesive unit as we do, with open communication, allows us to gel and mold the BTB to fit the needs of the sim.”
“There is one quote - that I want people to think of when they think of Port Cos,” Lady Anais starts, “‘Commonality of Home Stone extends beyond concepts with which you are familiar, such as shared citizenship, for example. It is more like brotherhood, but not so much in the attenuated, cheap, abstract sense in which those of Earth commonly speak glibly, so loosely, of
brotherhood. It is more analogous to brotherhood in the sense of jealously guarded membership in a proud, ancient family, one that has endured through centuries, a family bound together by fidelity, honor, history and tradition,’“ (Prize of Gor, Book 27, Pages 117 – 118). “We want to build that - a Home Stone, a place where the people are loyal and caring about one another.”
If you are interested in trying out Port Cos and find that you would like to stay, there are no applications required for joining. You show up, you RP to show your desire to be there, to be part of the city, and you will be granted citizenship. Same goes for caste positions - no applications, just your creativity and gumption to be part of this growing community.
“People ‘earn’ their titles, they don’t buy them by buying big houses or paying high donations. You come, you RP, you show us who and what you are. We welcome all - even what might be considered non-traditional Gorean relationships - because everyone deserves a Home.”
~ Lady Anais
Visit Port Cos inside Second Life, follow this SLURL:
http://maps.secondlife. com/secondlife/Fantastico/146/139/1559
Second Life (SL) has always been trying its best to make the virtual world as real as possible and giving people in the real world (RL), a place to which they can retreat.
It may seem like only yesterday for some of us, when the flexi-prim came into existence in Second Life, and remember how excited we all were when mesh hit the scene, or even more so when the very first mesh body walked our pixel streets for the very first time?
Project Bento was launched a very short time ago, within a matter of weeks, and already, Bento has boomed thanks to the amazing content creators in SL who create the fabulous products we wear. It’s these creators who make SL’s advancements a reality for those of us who live and play here!
Bento is so new that many are still asking the question, “Bento? What the heck is that?” Well, let me tell you friends, Bento will change your virtual world in new and very exciting ways!
Project Bento is an extension to the existing avatar skeleton, adding many new bones, joints and attachment points. Yes, our avatars actually have skeletons, this is what rigging is all about. There are points on our pixel bodies that bend, and points that don’t.
For years, we’ve had only so many, which is why the number of things we could wear were limited. I remember when SL added the ability to “Add” items to our body, hanging more than one thing to the same attach point. That was a big deal at the time! Before that, we were limited to only what we could wear on the fixed points on our bodies.
So, anyway, back, to Bento. What Bento has done, is to add more ways in which our bodies can bend and move. More bending joints, more attach points which all means, more realism! These new bones
support rigging and animation to provide the opportunity for a much wider range of avatar body types, facial expressions, and animations than is currently possible in Second Life.
The fastest easiest way to see the difference between Pre-Bento and Post-Bento avatars is to look at the amazing new Bento hands. Vista Animations has a spiffy set available.
There are even new shapes available from creators, that show there’s more to be done to our avatars to create a fully customized look for ourselves here in Second Life. Creators are already quick to dive into this amazing new tool.
Catwa, for example, has made the first ever Mesh Bento Head and soon, others will follow giving us even more variety, but even with just this one head, with the addition of Bento, we can customize the look of the head with our shape sliders, turning this one mesh head into a million different faces!
The new Bento head gives us an individuality that was not available before with a mesh head and forget those unseemly sharp lines that cling to a standard SL avatar head. With the smoothness of mesh colliding with the function of the SL Avatar shape sliders, well, let’s just say “WOW” do we have some options now!
Bento is not all about being human though! With Bento, there are a few really interesting new options … wings, tails and additional arms! Role-players will delight in this, that’s for sure … and the creators? Well, they’re going hog-wild making things to fit these new options for residents to enjoy. The market is beginning to burst with some seriously fun new items! People can be whatever they want in SL now, more than ever before!
Slow, the SL Marketplace is filling with items, just do a search for the word “bento” and see what I mean. Within the last 3 days alone, at least 20 new bento rigged products have been added, and it’s been like this every day since Bento hit the scene.
But don’t just look at SL Marketplace to find Bento products, there’s even more in world and shopping in world is actually more beneficial to our virtual existence overall as it supports having sims, which supports having spaces for us to take our avatars! A great example is Aii and the demon wings that have just come out. Aren’t they just the slickest thing?
I am personally excited to watch this continue to grow, keeping up with the huge community demand for more and more avatar personalization options as more and more people grasp the power of this amazing new tool!
I was one of the people to send a note to Firestorm begging (yes, I begged for Bento) for them to add Bento to the browser already, to ensure the future of this exciting new addition to our Second Lives.
Now that the two most popular viewers, the SL viewer and the Firestorm viewers, both have Bento, and the older versions of their browsers have been phased out, it’s no longer scarey to adopt Bento.
Soon, other browsers wil have to adopt the new tools, and everyone will be able to see us correctly and oh what a flexible world it will be!
Mystic Haven is a fantasy roleplay realm based loosely in a medieval time frame. All species and genders are welcome to come and build their own storyline. An adult sim with much to offer using the Unity rp system which is also compatible with Spellfire items. The RP offers a small town, forest, caves and dungeon for players enjoyment. A fantastic tavern is stocked with food and drinks, come join the fun!
We can all fix our bad RP Habits!
Story by Filipa Thespian
Role-play here in Second Life (SL) is nothing like what you may have experienced in those spiffy “Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game’s” (MMORPG’s) that so many consider, “role-play.” Here in SL, role-play is more like live, interactive group story-writing than gaming! Shooting projectiles or using other weapons, with a meter telling you what’s happening (otherwise known as “Pew-Pew”), is not role-play, though in SL, it can be used to enhance or further role-play with varying degrees of success (and failure).
It all depends on the sort of community you have.
Unlike the aforementioned MMORPG’s, role-play in SL is not pre-scripted, there are no programmed rules that a computer guides you through from start to conclusion.
Here, you pick everything about your destiny and with your creative mind, you guide your destiny and that of those around you. You create your character, from back-sto -
ry to nervous tick’s, from what you wear to the scar on your face, from how you talk to how you walk and from how you interact with other characters … or avoid them and why.
In the end, everything is up to you, it’s a free-flowing honor system nurtured by your mind and the minds of those you role-play with, not by a pre-determined set of one’s and zero’s programmed into lines of computer code by a soda-junkie
locked in a back room who desperately needs a shower and some sunlight.
Second Life is a far more diverse and dynamic environment for interactivity than any MMORPG or action-adventure game on the market. It requires you to think, to work your neurons and grow beyond your own “programming.” It requires you to interact with others and to figure out what to
do or how to behave to inspire that other player to do things that you hope they’ll do for the better of your character, or perhaps to do something that so surprises you that you are inspired in a whole new direction with your character than you’d originally planned.
In reality, for many of us, our characters are an extension of some facet of either ourselves, or what we wish our-
selves to be. It’s perhaps, an exploration into another way of thinking, or even of a darker side, a more sensual side, or a funnier side of ourselves. Through role-play, we can learn how better to interact with others while the anonymity of Second Life protects us from the harsh realities of the world around us. But, with all this in mind, it is not difficult at all for some of our own bad habits from the real world, to follow us into our characters and there are some of these habits, that are extremely detrimental to the role-play for not only ourselves, but for everyone around us and for the RP community.
We’re in luck though, even though these bad habits happen, and we’re all guilty of them at some level or another, at some time or another, we can change it, we can prevent them and we can become better role-players regardless of our pasts.
So many players, especially those who are new to RPing in SL, read the name/group tag information hovering over our avatar’s heads and role-play as if their character already knew this information. Likewise, they’ll do it with information they read in an avatar’s profile. It can be so hard to use two different brains when interacting, but so important to remember that while YOU know this information, the char-
acter you’ve thrust into this make-believe world, whose story you’re building with other people live while the on the pixel-mud squishes between your toes, doesn’t see a name tag on the character before them. Your character doesn’t know this information and you must wait until your character hears this character’s name in active role-play before he/she can “know” it.
If you use this information you learn through profiles, tags or OOC group chats, during an in-character interaction and its information your character did not learn while role-playing, then you are Meta Gaming and this is one of the worst offenses in role-play. It’s so frustrating and destructive to the
RP and to your budding potential friendship with this other role-player.
FIX: Go into your Preferences by typing CTRL P (or COMMAND P on a Mac), go to your general settings and turn off nametags and do not open an avatar’s profile to discover things about them before you learn it in roleplay. Now, you’ll be as blind to this information as your character and wow can it get exciting!
Have you ever been standing in your RP sim, alone, or maybe with one or two other regular players, and the RP has gone a bit stagnant. You’re twiddling your thumbs or joking around IC’ly because the RP has sort of just died off and you’re bored. Then, one of you ask “where is everyone?” OR, “Man it sure is dead around here in SL’s RP communities.” Sometimes, newbies are treated terribly by older more jaded players, which drives away some potentially amazing role-players that would have otherwise created amazing stories with these bored RP’rs who think it won’t get any better.
So, think on this a moment … what all of our RP sims are missing is fresh blood … new players with new ideas and a lot of them to make things really fun! The problem is, so many RP communities, by no fault of their own, tend to get “clicky” and when new players show up who maybe don’t have STUNNING avatars, or they’re just “strangers” and you just don’t feel like, they get ignored and so, they leave, never to return. Worse, when the jaded player mistreats these new people, they create a PR nightmare for the entire community. The newbie leaves, never to return to that sim and perhaps, never to role-play in SL at all. When this happens, the players who do the ignoring or the mis-treating, are creating the very problem they are complaining about or suffering from!
We were all newbies here in SL once, remember how you felt on that side of the fence. Today’s newbie is tomorrow’s friend.
QUICK FIX: Never ignore someone new who comes into a sim, even if you are not an administrator! RP Sims need players to keep players. Players need players to have fun and
create their stories. It’s all co-dependent and this new person who just walked in is likely the fresh blood you’ve been wishing for. Instead of ignoring them, IM them, welcome them, ask if they need help of any kind even if it’s to create an avatar to help them live their RP dreams out with you and your community. The more we nurture these new people, the more role-players we bring back to the SL RP community and the better off we’ll all be!
Thwap Shwing Pew Pew
OK … if we’ve been around for more than five minutes, I’m sure we’ve all seen the battles with bows and arrows or guns, swords or other weapons. The ones that resemble a MMORPG computerized fight where everyone’s running around shooting at each other and finally someone goes down in a
lovely little orb of shame, leaving them in a misshapen pile of pixels on the ground at the feet of the victor while a string of green spam flies uselessly around in the local chat so no one else around these players can get a quality role-play sentence in otherwise.
THIS, my friends, is what we refer to with the term, “Pew Pew”. It’s a metered fighting system that’s built into the weapons. The players are wearing HUDs that help keep track of who hit who harder, worse, more often or missed, and whose health points depleted first leaving them rendered the slain with victor gloating above them.
In some communities, this is common, but only in designated areas so that role-players can continue their stories elsewhere, usually within a city wall where their ava-
tar is otherwise safe … and left with boring options to RP against. Pew Pew is so destructive to true storytelling BUT, if used wisely, can be used to guide a story when battle ensues. Remember it leaves your character’s fate to a computer and the Lag Monster, rather than your cunning mind and writing skills, but it does give the players a result to RP against. It’s fun for those who want to be captured or who want to do the capturing, when a player wants something a little lighter for a while. It also, in a many cases, gives players and sim admins so much drama with “HEY! That’s not fair I’m not out, it lagged, we have to do it again!”
Sorry gang, whatever an admin see’s in the green text of the local chat log of a pew pew match … goes! You need to be wearing the “big boy pants” to take a loss! Here’s a little hint though … the best RP’rs I’ve ever known, that I loved most to RP with, were those who I watched lose a battle either in
Pew Pew or Role-play. These players have the most wit, the most cunning minds the greatest potential and are the most enticing to create a storyline with! So, don’t be afraid to lose, it actually means you’re the better Role-player!
QUICK FIX: Use pew-pew only like a coin toss to determine a direction for RP. Listen to the admins and the rules they set forth. A lot of people spent a lot of time to create these rules in order to make things as fair as possible and keep a community as fun as possible for everyone! Rules are NOT your enemy! Also, don’t argue with Sim Admins, you auto-lose! Don’t cry “not fair” and don’t make an admin’s life miserable! They have a difficult job and don’t get to play as much as the rest of us! Take pity on them and, take your losses with grace and dignity and find a way to turn them into a win later, by creating powerful and fun RP stories! Get Creative! Use your minds, not your computer’s zero’s and one’s!
If you think for one moment, that you’re going to enter a role-play environment and make your story happen exactly the way you want it to, regardless of what’s going on around you, then you are foolish and shouldn’t be role-playing at all. Go to World of Warcraft or some other MMORPG, this isn’t for you.
This is an arrogant, close-minded and self-defeating thought process and you may wind out being the person who is hurt the most by this behavior. When you pre-determine the journey and destination of your story and ignore what’s going on around you in order to force your outcome, not only are you making other people miserable, but you are depriving yourself of some of the greatest excitement available in live, interactive story writing like this! You
also leave yourself open to meta-gaming or god-modding and these are bannable offenses!
QUICK FIX: When preparing your character sheet and back story, give yourself guidelines so you remember your character’s personality, how they might react in various situations, why they hate orc’s and what they’re doing in that city. But leave both destination and journey completely open to be guided by the interactions that happen with others in the sim. You may know you’re looking for your mother, she was abducted by orc’s and you hate them for it, losing her was devastating and created in you a mistrust for races other than your own, but do not determine that you WILL find her, or even that you will find any clues at all during your time in this city. Leave it all open and free-flow and you may be surprised at the amazing new story
that unfolds before you thanks to the other amazing minds that are interested in writing a story together with you!
Being a Sim Admin is not for the feint of heart. It’s not fun, it’s not a game, it’s not even role-play … it’s a lot of friggin work! Those of us who do it, often fall into it because we have natural leadership and/or organizational skills. Many see it as a rung on a ladder to climb to be bigger/better/ badder, but really, it’s a great responsibility and if you take it on and do not intend to actually do the work of the job, and do it fairly, then you should not be seeking it in the first place!
Admin’s are some of the hardest working, least appreciated and most abused people in Second Life! Yes, in all of Second Life!
Sim Owners are in this category too but their lot is a bit worse in that, they’re paying for the playground while the children run around screaming at them to remake the playground in their own image of what they want because they want it *stomps foot here*. It’s ridiculous if you ask me!
FIX: RESPECT THOSE WHO PROVIDE THE SIMS AND MANAGE THEM! There are no other options! Without these amazing people who pay for our playgrounds and the equally amazing people who run them, we would have nothing! Say thank you! Be courteous and kind and make donations! Shop the vendors who
put stalls in the sim’s markets, it helps pay for the sim! If the owners can’t pay for it, it goes away and there goes the RP story you’ve been working on so hard!
This isn’t World of Warcraft
Never bring a pre-conceived notion of how others should be playing based on your experiences in other games. This isn’t the same thing at all, I’d go so far as to say, this isn’t a game at all. Here in Second Life, role-
play is … interactive live story writing! It requires you to be able to write and to think, to be creative and to work and play well with others. If all you do is try to force your way of doing things based on something that has no place or reality here, you’re ruining the role-play experience for everyone including yourself.
QUICK FIX: Hang out quietly for a while and watch others role-play to get the hang of it. Wear an OOC tag so people don’t
get confused and IM people to ask questions and learn. Join the sim’s open group to learn there too, to make friends and to obtain guidance on how to create your character, what sort of characters others need for their stories so you have people looking for you to RP with, and even where to shop for the parts to make your avatar look the part so that the aesthetics of the RP experience are amazing for everyone … you included. RP’rs are a jovial bunch by
nature, always looking for new people and are usually very helpful for those who are nice people and who ask for it!
OK, That’s it for this issue, I’ve babbled long enough I think, next time we’ll cover five more bad habits, so look for the next installment of, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
Until then … Happy Role-Play!
“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.”
Sometimes photography is a reflection of life as you want it to be. At other times, it digs deep into the realms of the forbidden, the dangerous, the evocative and, at other times, it takes you down deep where you search for meaning and when you find it, the revelation is ... amazing.
Migan Forder images are just like that, amazing. A “slave” to passion … to imagery – Migan creates in order to fire our expectations, our creativity, our inner passions.
So how did he get here? Initially, a friend introduced Migan to Second Life (SL) where the creative possibilities set his mind on fire and, the rest is history. “A good friend gave me a platform to experiment on, and I admit, at first I was totally lost. As I discovered more about SL, I realized that I could modify and create my surroundings – my environment, and that fascinated me! From that moment on, I was totally tantalized.”
Migan, perhaps should be called “Magellan” that great explorer of historic proportions, for both loved to explore and document what they saw on their journeys. “As I teleported around the grid, I could not help but photograph all the fabulous builds and environments that I saw and experienced. It gave me such pleasure, and my greatest wish is to give people who look at my photos, the gust and impulse of the freedom to just be and imagine.”
As Migan became more involved in creating images in SL, the search was on for builds that looked real and altogether fantastic – because it’s the symbiosis between real life and Second Life that inspires. “My imagination moves capriciously, but in general I separate myself, and then, I try to represent what I imagine in SL, melding the two concepts. Usually it just flows creatively.”
Mesh had been an interesting factor in the evolution of Migan’s images. “Sims and builds seem to blend with real life and back again. Things seem to jump off the screen for me and that triggers my imagination!”
As for inspiration, it is all that can be possible and that which is impossible. Migan loves to explore the threshold of each… and is interested in an esoteric way … interested in the path … in the journey … where ever it leads. “I have a great passion
for fantasy, and role-play. I find that these experiences, communities and, of course, my friends, inspire me. In addition, sci-fi movies, exuberant special effects, books, and anything that takes me from this world to
other realities, are inspirational to my creative spirit.”
Good imagery, in any life is a challenge. Light, mood, pose, environment, temperament –
these are all factors. Most importantly, there is the person with the creative eye, the one that can see the shot even before it is taken. Their mind see’s what ultimately their talent will bring out for the rest of the world to
enjoy with them. But how long does it take from when you are the photographer in the moment, and you think you know when you have ‘nailed it’, to completing the challenge of creating the final image. “It depends on
the image, sometimes my images come out in a few hours, and others take days, it depends on if I find what I’m looking for quickly, or not. And, yes, I use Photoshop.”
Artists create because it is fulfilling. “I take photos in SL because it makes me happy – it is really exciting to think that one of my photos might get someone to travel to a different sim that they never knew about and to explore the wonders to be found. I love to imagine stories and, I hope, that my photos will fire people’s imagination and expectations when seeing them … and that they want to experience all SL has to offer… this is when I know that my mission is accomplished.”
In terms of RL, Migan admits that SL photography and this journey has affected his RL. “SL is an extension, it is a voyage with ups and downs, like in any life. In my RL, it has made me more aware. It has made me want to be much more creative on all levels. And, of course, my photos in SL are also affected by RL.”
It is important to continue to evolve and all of us want that. For photographers, Migan has some sage advice, “to aspiring photographers and even established photographers, my message does not change. Do what makes you feel good, do what you like! Even if you make mistakes, at the end of the day, it is often the sum of your mistakes that creates your signature style, something that is “you” and that is of the upmost importance, to represent your vision and to hope others appreciate it.”
Migan has won the annual “Pips Flickr Pics” been going on all through 2016 and one of of this magazine. When speaking to him for idea of this accolade and honor… and was
Pics” competition that has his photos is on the cover for this interview, he had no amazed.
“It is always a great honor that people value what you do, it is a caress to the soul and certainly a push to continue, I am very grateful for this. I had no idea! I only know that what I do, I do it with passion and dedication. This honor encourages me and now I want to dream even better worlds. I know that if we can imagine we can create them!”
As winner of the 2016 Pips Flickr Pics, Migan has the option of becoming a member of the Nu Vibez photography staff, this feature article and a L$5,000 prize.
If you wish to participate in the 2017 Pips Flickr Pics, then join the Nu Vibez Magazine or Roleplay Guide Magazine flickr groups and post your best work to them. If they are used in any issue of the magazine, either featured in Pips Flickr Pics or appearing as complimentary art in articles in the magazine, then you are in the competition for the prize that’s awarded at the end of 2017.
2016 will be one of the most talked about years, for many years to come. A script writer could not have written a better soap opera with twists, turns, triumphs, tragedies and everything else in between that happened last past year. So, without any further ado, let’s jump right into the year that was 2016 and look at some the biggest stories.
A state of emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan, when elevated lead levels were discovered in children after corrosive water from the Flint River caused lead to leach from old pipes into the drinking water.
Some samples of the city’s water met the EPA’s definition of “toxic waste.”
Members of Michigan’s National Guard were called in to help volunteers pass out bottled drinking water.
The Cause of the water contamination was due to a change in the city’s supply in order to save money while under the financial management of local officials. The latest is that some of these officials have been charged for their actions and even the Governor could be charged as well.
Exposure to lead can cause behavior problems and learning disabilities in children. The health and death toll of Flint citizens shows what happens when saving money is more important to those in charge than doing right by citizens.
Flint has since returned to Detroit’s system for its water, but officials remain concerned that damage to the pipes caused by the Flint River means that lead could continue to have an effect. They also want to ensure monitoring protocols are properly followed.
In the summer of 2016 Britain shocked the world by exiting the European Union. Since joining that Union in 1972 there was talk of leaving it by brits that didn’t want in 44 years ago and finally got their wish in 2016. As Euro News reported:
To lead this campaign, the pro-brexiteers had two outspoken characters from British politics, Nigel Farage, the leader of the independent party UKIP, and Boris Johnson, the former Mayor of London and free spirit of the Conservative Party. For two months they put forward their pet slogan “We want our country back” and backed this up with what they claimed were rock solid arguments.
“We don’t even have a british passport anymore,” said Nigel Farage. “We have a European Union one!”
“It’s now or never,” added Boris Johnson. “If we fail to make the change now, then we will continue to be like passengers locked in the back of a minicab with a wonky satnav driven by a driver who doesn’t have perfect command of english and going in a direction we frankly don’t want to go.”
The British people formed two camps. While the “leave” campaigners were convinced they would all be stronger and richer without Europe, the “remain” camp threatened economic catastrophe and was generally backed by most international leaders.
As high profile leaders encouraged The United Kingdom to stay apart of the European Union, most thought a British Exit was high unlikely. The campaign remained well regulated until this drama occurred. Just
days away from polling day, Jo Cox, who was leading the campaign to remain in the European Union, was murdered in broad daylight, by an individual who shouted “Britain first” as he shot the labour MP.
The campaign was suspended for several days and during this time the anti-brexit vote increased. It was generally believed that this drama had swung the balance. So as early results began to come in, on 23rd June, it was complete shock.
Nearly 52% of the British population voted to leave and after years of waves of increases in members, Europe was to experience its first departure. This unexpected exodus shocked the world and would only be surpassed by another political upheaval that would take place this time in the US.
In a stunning upset, Donald Trump not only became the Republican nominee for President, but went on to also become the 45th President elect. For the second time in recent history the electoral college determined the outcome of an election contrary to the popular vote and in both cases controversy followed.
Unlike Al Gore’s electoral college loss to incumbent Gorge Bush, Hillary Clinton’s loss was much harder to accept by democrats.
Trump received 290 electoral college votes in total, but Clinton beat him by nearly 3 million popular votes. On December 14, NBC reported that U.S. intelligence had proof that Russian president Vladimir Putin was involved in a campaign to interfere with the election on behalf of Donald Trump though speculation continues as to whether or not this is the case or if it had anything at all to do with Trump’s win.
In what seems like a plethora of celebrity deaths in 2016, the world was rocked as more of our stars fell from the skies in one year, than in recent memory. Here is a partial list of icons we will sorely miss.
• Carrie Fisher
• Debbie Reynolds
• Prince
• George Michael
• David Bowie
• Alan Thicke
• Natalie Cole
• Glen Frey
Maurice White
Garry Shandling
Joanie “Chyna” Laurer
Muhammad Ali
Antonin Scalia
And many others
This story could have been part of our iconic passings however the impact of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dying stands as a story that goes much further than the loss of a notable figure. Scalia was an eloquent conservative who was one of the court’s most ardent combatants against what he saw as a tide of modern liberalism. His death left the court deadlocked on some important cases, including immigration and mandatory union fees .
President Obama nominated a successor, popular centrist judge Merrick Garland , chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. But Senate Republicans stalled on holding hearings on the nomination, and after the Nov. 8 presidential election, talked turned to likely nominees from the nation’s next president, Donald Trump.
Interview & Photography by Wild Bedrosian
The Avi Choice Awards have been around since 2011, giving residents of Second Life (SL) the ability to share the best of SL’s businesses and creators in a positive way, with the rest of the SL community. It’s had great success, growing to become one of the biggest named brands in this virtual world.
But, on December 4th, 2016, participants and audience members enjoyed the last annual awards ceremony of this great voting solution as, The Avi Choice Awards announced it is closing its doors; “The Avi Choice Awards will be presented for a final time on Dec. 4th, 2016. A program celebrating categories from all three areas SLife, Fashion and the Arts will be presented along with amazing performances. All Avi Choice Awards programs are black tie/formal events. This program will be the conclusion of the Avi Choice Awards, as we know them. It’s been a good run and we could not have done it without support and cooperation and input from the amazing virtual community known as Second Life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
We know it’s usually new launches that get the hype and attention of an exclusive interview such as this, but this has been such an important staple in the lives of so many people in Second Life, and founder Nikki Mathieson has had such a pivotal role in so many of our lives (whether we’ve known of her or not), that we felt, as part of our review of 2016, that this giant of review programs should be given a monumental sendoff, so, we sat down with Nikki and asked the questions that we felt our readers would ask, if they’d been given the chance.
NVM: When and what brought you into SL?
NIKKI: I was a huge fan of the television show, Big Brother back in 2006 and through the year as I watched Big Brother, I would talk with other fans on this online chat group I had joined. The group was for fans to talk during the big brother show and in there I met several women. Well, that year was such a good season, and we had so much fun, that when it was over we realized we didn’t want to stop hanging out together. Around that time, one of the girls said “there is this place called Second Life I heard about, it’s a relatively a new game. And it’s like a virtual world and we can all hang out there.”
So, we all joined Second Life together and shortly after joining, we all rented an island together. Everybody had
an apartment on this island. We had so much fun together there. Soon after we joined it, one of the girls said “Hey, Relay for Life is in Second Life. We should build a team.” Well, at that time, there were about 20 of us, all having come from the Big Brother chat group, and together, we joined Relay for Life inside Second Life. There were so many of us that they made us form two teams and so … we began to Relay for Life in Second Life.
As a matter of fact, my Rezz Day is … oh my, wait, it’s today wow, I didn’t even realize it. I’m 10 years old inside Second Life, today.
NVM: What activities and/or hobbies did you encounter before the flourishing of The Avi Choice Award?
NIKKI: Well, like I said, we began to Relay for Life, which is a signature fund raising event for the American Cancer Society, and from that first year of 2007 on, we got more serious about it, raising thousands of dollars. I went on to become the Co-Chair for a friend who became a Chair for Relay for Life as after a certain amount of years they made her a Chair at which time, she has asked me to become her Co-Chair. Her name is MamaP Beerbaum. So, after being Team Captain for some time, doing a lot of Relay – working myself up basically – I Co-Chaired with her. The very next year, I became the Chair because a Chair gets two years at the helm and that’s it, and then they appoint a new Chair. So, after MamaP Beerbaum’s reign ended, I became Chair. Then I also, at the same time, began managing a Second life musician who did live shows in Second Life. His name was Damian Carbenell.
NVM: Where did the idea of the Avi Choice Awards come from?
NIKKI: I had been in Second Life for about 4 years and through my activities with Relay for Life I founded the Home and Garden Expo, the Fashion Expo and the Christmas Expo. Through my work with these creators for Relay, I had begun to really appreciate the work of all the designers and members, as well as their generosity. Whenever I would do a Relay event, they were always so willing to help out, to donate and to volunteer. They never even asked for any compensation. It was quite inspirational.
In 2011, I decided to fund another event called the Christmas Expo and then the Breedables Fair and I wanted to find
a way to applaud and appreciate all those designers who again came forward for yet another event. I felt they needed recognition not just for their skills and talents but as they also paid good sized entry fees to take part in these events, they should have something of value to them, in return. All of those fees, by the way, were always donated to Relay. Anyway, I wanted to do something for them, something to let them know that, not only did I deeply appreciate them, but so did Relay for Life! I had no idea at the time just how big it was going to get and I am going to miss it.
NVM: I wish I was able to be there, but I guess I was too late.
NIKKI: Yeah! The tickets usually sold out in about a day and a half. They don’t last.”
NVM: Who are the official founder(s) of Avi Choice Awards?
NIKKI: I am.
NVM: Only you?
NIKKI: You know, I’ve always done these events with a skeleton crew. To this day, I’ve only had two others girls with myself and then one security guy, but in 2011, I had Webby Merlin, Shayla Juran and Joonie Jatho. They were the three girls working with me and I told Shayla, “you know what; I’ve got a good idea. We’re gonna do this…” and Shayla sounded like she thought I was crazy but still said “Ok let’s do it.” So Shayla, Webby and I did the first year. They were part of my crew. They had been working with me for the Fashion Expo and the Home Expo and then they were working with me on the Christmas Expo and then I added the Avi Choice Awards to it too. So, they were quite a crew.
NVM: Fashion Expo would be great to do it again.
NIKKI: Well, the Fashion Expo is now called the Fashion for Life event and is still to this day, a big part of Relay for Life as well as the Home Expo and the Christmas Expo.
NVM: When was the very first Avi Choice Awards? And how did SL respond?
NIKKI: The first one was in December 2011 during the Christmas Expo and Breedables Fair and I was amazed. That first year, we asked Elrik Merlin and Saffia Widdershins of Designing Worlds too to host it. MamaP Beerbaum and Dwen Dooley presented awards and the audience was packed. I was so surprised. It went really well. The voting went well, the nominations went well, yeah, it went great.
NVM: How has The Avi Choice Awards grown from then to today?
NIKKI: Well, in many ways, through the course of time, the word has spread and we’ve taken many, MANY voters in. As I said before, our first show was in December of 2011. In 2012 we had our second show which was also at the Christmas Expo and I made the mistake of putting the entire show and the entire auditorium on one sim.
The show was supposed to be at 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon. I logged in at 10 o’clock in the morning and, because again it was at the Christmas
Expo and I had a lot of work to do and I couldn’t get in. I ultimately realized that it was because people had parked their avatars in the Avi Choice Awards auditorium because they didn’t want to miss the show. I couldn’t get my crew in, I couldn’t get my cast in for the show, I just couldn’t believe it. I had to, as estate manager, restart the sim to get in, to get my singers in and my crew in for the show.
So, I knew then that I had not done a good enough job in managing the event and I knew I had been kind of thinking
of the Avi Choice Awards as almost a second thought as the Christmas Expo was my priority. I knew at that point, that I was not being fair to the event itself. So, I began after that, to try and figure out a way to make it better for such a dedicated audience.
As a result, in 2013, I decided to order two sims and split that auditorium up, put the seating on one and the stage on the other sim in a way that you couldn’t tell by looking at the auditorium. It looked like the same sim, but it wasn’t. By putting the stage on its own sim, I could accommodate more people in the audience on the adjacent sim.
That was the year I actually rented four sims. I tried to do an exact replica of the auditorium on two sims beside the
two sims that was the original so they could cam over and watch the show. Well, that was just a nightmare. I ended up with like 400 people or something. In fact, it was the first year we live streamed and we had 2,000 people watching live stream. two thousand people! It was crazy!
In 2014 when I had finished my term as Relay Chair, I decided to put 100% of my focus on Avi Choice and make it a separate event. It still benefitted Relay for Life, but it was not going to be hosted right in the middle of the Christmas Expo anymore. I split it up into three shows per year, each representing a different genre of Second Life. One is home, one is fashion and one is the arts. That was the year that we began splitting them up.
NVM: How have you seen the Avi Choice Awards affect the businesses & people who win each year?
NIKKI: I have had people IM me and tell me that, if not for the Avi Choice award nomination and the recognition it got in the process of being nominated, they would have closed their doors and gone out of business.
People have told me that it helped their business, helped them grow and gain the attention they needed. I’ve also had singers and performers contact me to task me to be on the show and then after they’d appeared on the show, they’d developed a fan following.
NVM: What is fun and rewarding about running this kind of event in SL?
NIKKI: It’s a lot of hard work! So, when you get through it, and the show’s over, the rewards are felt very deeply because you are mentally and emotionally drained at that point. From the opportunity to give the residents in this virtual community a voice, all the way through the organizing and putting it together and watching two women and myself work our fingers to the bone to put it together and then to sit and watch your labors come to fruition while listening to the performers and the singers, the hosts and the presenters work together in the way we do...well, there are very few words to describe just how rewarding it is.
NVM: What are some challenges you found when running the Avi Choice Awards?
NIKKI: We all struggle with the instability of Second Life. The final Avi Choice Awards show we had on Decmeber 4th is a prime example. We use the sim access list system as our ticketing procedure, manually adding all the names of people who bought tickets, to the access list. As seems to be the way of things in SL, just when we needed it to work the most, the day of the event, Second Life would kick them all out as I’d add
them and I just couldn’t get it to leave them in the list. I could not get people to stay on the sim. After that, the sound was an issue at the beginning of the show. We couldn’t get the stream information to stay in the “About Land.”
Technical issues are, unfortunately, just a part of life here in Second Life. But, thankfully, we’re all used to it and the wonderful people of Second Life all know that when we say we’re having technical issues, well, they know exactly what’s going on.
The other challenges have been with the voting procedures. We’ve always used Poll Daddy, which is a very good system but like everything, it can be circumvented, and as there always are in the world, there were people who would try to do just that. So, we’d have to be even more diligent and try to watch for that. And like I say, we have a skeleton crew, so these issues just added more work to what we had to do to pull it all off.
Then there’s the people who “just know you’ve set it up and it’s fixed,” even though in reality, the staff members never once voted in the entire life of the event. We couldn’t have picked even if we wanted to. We love just so many of the creators and talents that we could never have made up our minds in the first place.
NVM: What recommendations do you have to people thinking of starting a business here in SL?
NIKKI: Well, first of all, just do it -- don’t be afraid to do it! Second Life hasn’t gotten so small that there’s no more opportunities. It’s not going away! I believe it’s going to get bigger again. So, my first recommendation is … just do it and be patient. It takes time to do anything in SL. It can be a struggle, but don’t give up, stick with it because we all need to keep going. I’m going to do something more. And we need to. If we want this virtual world, the best virtual world ever, to stick around, we all need to keep coming up with great ideas and to keep thinking outside the box.
The most important thing I think to remember though, and the reason I really wanted to do Avi Choice in the first place, is that in the process of starting and running a business, remember to go slow enough to take the time to enjoy everything you can about it. Take the time to look at the person next to you and tell them what a good job they do. Take the time to go to the dress designer and say, “you made a beautiful dress and I love it and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it.”
We all have the ability to slow down in SL and appreciate each other. And if there’s nothing else that comes out of Avi Choice except that, then I’ve done exactly what I wanted to do which is to help us all appreciate each other!
NVM: Do you have a personal favorite Avi Choice Awards year? Why this year?
NIKKI: Wow, every year is my favorite, you know? Every year I do a show and say, “this was the best one yet!” Then the next year we do a new one and I say it again … and I really mean it too.
Damian Carbenell, the musician I managed, is my son, and I brought his music into Second Life. I knew that SL needed to hear him, he’s so talented. One year I was able to have him on the show and that was special for me.
In the year 2012, the year I logged in to find the sim full, that show day was also the day of the Sandy Hook School Shooting … that very day. So, when I logged in, it was with a very heavy heart. I’d been crying all day due to the schools’ shooting where many kids died.
When I came in and the sim was full, my performers began to message me as well and they all said to me, “I can’t do it, I just can’t do it today.” And so, I had to cancel the show. It was the only time I ever had to cancel the show – well, I postponed it to the next day and we had the show then. So, that show stands out as a very special one to me.
NVM: We heard this is the last time Avi Choice Awards will take place. Was there a reason behind this decision? How do you think Avatars in SL are taking the news?
NIKKI: I’ve been getting a lot of IM’s from avatars asking me not to close it. The tell me how every year they look forward to the Avi Choice awards as the must see, must attend, elegant, special celebration that it is. But it has grown so much and I just feel like its run its course and that the process that we’ve used to get to where are, must be critiqued. It must be started over and made better … it’s outgrown itself. So, it’s closing down because I believe its run its course.
To answer the question, that I believe you’re soon to ask though, I realize that SL wants and needs it and looks forward to it so, it is likely, that something will be in the future for Avi Choice. I don’t yet know exactly how, but it will not be anything near what it’s been.
I recognize that the community of Second Life wants to continue with such an event. I get that, so I am trying to think of ways to acknowledge and applaud the skills and the talent and the generosity in our virtual community but it will not be a people’s choice award like it’s been. There will be something in the future though.
NVM: Have you talked about a show that can be watched on the web, like on YouTube or something? Just avoid having to deal with the thousands of people all there live and the tech issues that come from that?
NIKKI: Yes, that’s more on the lines of what I’ve been considering. A pre-recorded show that is not attended by a live audience, but I don’t know, a live audience looks forward to attending the show, to buying the beautiful gown and attending the show, to see and be seen.
And honestly, that’s one of my favorite parts of the live show. While everyone’s sitting in the audience watching the show, myself as producer/director and the cast of the show are in an IM group and we are queuing everybody, I mean we are just hopping in that group telling everybody “take the stage, do this, do that, set up the set, de-rezz the set, close the cur-
tains.” I mean we are really hopping in that group. So, when the show is over, those of us in the group are just so excited and we’re drained, because that’s hard to pull off. I miss that, that’s probably one of my favorite parts.
NVM: Whats next for you now that the Avi Choice Awards are joining the annals of history?
NIKKI: Well, we just talked about a little bit of that. The Avi Choice Awards, with residents of Second Life doing all the nominating and voting, is done. But, Avi Choice isn’t. It will be doing something in the future and the residents will have a voice somehow. Again, I don’t know what Avi Choice is going to do, but I know that it will do something to continue celebrating what is so amazing in our virtual world. That’s not going to stop, however, I have a full-time business outside of Second Life as well and that is growing too. So, I’m going to take a little break from Avi Choice, let it rest a little, and get out there and explore SL for a change. I’m going to go visit those people I’ve celebrated for all these years now. Then, after a while, we’ll be back.
NVM: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?
NIKKI: Ever since I began in Second Life, I have been busy with projects and work. First with Relay for Life, then managing Damien followed by Avi Choice, so my personal friends list has always stayed relatively small. I’ve had a lot of acquaintances. You probably know exactly what I’m talking about, when you work in Second Life all the time, you don’t play, you don’t get to develop long-lasting relationships with people because you don’t play…you work. And so, I look forward to getting to develop more long-term friendships.
Through the years, I have had the pleasure of developing friendships with Jill MacKenzie who worked with me on Avi Choice and Dextresis Dejavu, Trader Whiplash and Nuala Maracas. I think that I would like to acknowledge them at this point and just let SL know, those are the voices behind Avi Choice. The voices that don’t get enough applause and they will be friends for the rest of my life. I just love them all.
Other than that, I look forward to playing in Second Life. I’m not leaving it, I love SL and I’ll be sticking around!
NVM: Thank you so much for taking time out of your new-found play-time to share your story with us Nikki. We and our readers are grateful and so excited to get to know you and all that you have accomplished. You have a lot to be proud of, that is for certain!
NIKKI: Thank you too, I am grateful to have had this chance to share the story and tell our virtual community about the wonderful people who helped me make all these amazing things happen.
by Filipa Thespian
February 10, 2017
Dear Diary,
What a day! My sweetheart has planned an amazing Valentine’s Day get away and I could not be more excited! It took some pestering but I finally got the beans spilled and it looks like we going on a romantic winter getaway to the Biltmore Estate; George W. Vanderbilt’s iconic French Renaissance château featuring 250 rooms, lavish gardens & tours, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville NC. I am already hard at work planning on what to pack and making plans to make the most of our time there.
I did some research and it is so rich in history I am sure it will be not only be romantic but also educational. The family home of George and Edith Vanderbilt is magnificent, total elegance then and now. According to the estate’s website, “Get a close look at original art by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and John Singer Sargent. Marvel at magnificent 16th century tapestries, a Library with 10,000 volumes, a Banquet Hall with a 70-foot ceiling, 65 fireplaces, an indoor pool, and a bowling alley.
Almost all of the priceless objects that you see throughout the house are from George and Edith Vanderbilt’s original collection.” My valentine knows how much I love art and antiques; this seems like a perfect place to visit.
Photos by Sydney Bonde-Garnet
We will be staying at the four-star Inn on Biltmore Estate where I can indulge in some time at the spa that is part of the Inn, the Signature Estate Experience sounds perfect. Nearly two hours of body exfoliation, wraps and massage to relax after a day of walking the estate. Speaking of which I have to figure out what to wear! Red or pink of course since it is Valentine’s Day.
Walking the estate I want to evoke the same elegance the George and Edith Vanderbilt would have appreciated. It might be snowing as the mountains of NC will still be in winter mode so a hat for sure. I can tuck my hair under my cherry red Drift Pimpin hat which may not sound super elegant but trust me it is, paired with my Pixicat Stockholm coat and sweater in Red I have the basis for a comfortable and warm ensemble. I love houndstooth, it is such a classic, which mean packing Belles Parisiennes -Tenue Orelana houndstooth trousers are just the ticket. I need to keep my feet warm so Gos Vicky booties will be comfortable for walking and keep my toes toasty.
I better keep the rest of me warm as well, adding COCO long black gloves, a Gizza black (faux) fur stole keeps the elegance theme going. (Audrey Hepburn would be proud!) An outfit is not complete without the jeweled icing on the cake; I think my ¬¬¬¬Pure Poison heart romance earrings with Maxi Gossamer’s Annoushka - Black Diamonds neck-
lace will add just the right touch. I can add some new things to my closet as well with a shopping excursion to Antler Hill Outfitters in the Antler Hill Village shops.
My suitcase is going to be filled to the brim and I have not yet thought about what to wear for our Valentine Dinner! So many wonderful restaurants to choose from casual to more sophisticated palettes, it appears we will be dining at the Bistro located in at the Antler Hill Village and Winery. Did I mention they have an award-winning winery? I cannot wait to sample what they have to offer.
The menu looks mouthwatering. I will have a hard time deciding between the Winter Risotto of estate-raised butternut squash, kale pesto, sage brown butter, local goat cheese paired with the Biltmore Limited Release Pinot Grigio 2015 or maybe Filet Mignon with French lentils, mustard greens, roasted onion au jus that will pair nicely with the Biltmore Antler Hill Pinot Noir 2012.
All this talk of food and I have yet to decide what to wear! It will be chilly so I need to make warm and semi-formal work at the same time…the answer is a Gizza Urban Princess Sweater in Pink, so soft and cozy paired with a tres blah sequin pencil skirt in blush it will be a perfect combination for staying warm and celebrating. Pearls will always be appropriate especially my pink Maxi Gossamer knotted shimmer pearls necklace and earrings. Empire Bergamot pumps and a pretty updo styled by Tableau Vivant called Upshaw will definitely turn my Valentine’s head.
February 24, 2017
Oh Diary!
I just got a text that my sweetie has a business meeting in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, tickets to a ball during the festivities and guess who gets to go along! That is right….moi! The excitement of the Cresent City during Mardi gras is like nothing else. I will be sipping café au lait and nibbling on beignets at Café Du Monde, eating a muffuletta from Central Grocery, which are both located in the French Quarter while I sample pralines from Southern Candy Makers.
I will do some shopping not only for clothes but also at local grocery Langensteins to stock up on Camilla Red Beans, Cajun Country Rice and Zapp’s potato chips. I am sure we will be hitting up some bars, maybe the Maple Leaf bar for some live music because you might be run out of town if you do not check out the local music scene!
I almost forgot about the Mardi Gras ball, this will call for an extra special outfit, but I think I have all the things to make a great one. I will start with a full ball gown skirt by Terzi SEHNAZ in purple, topped with a green beaded top by Just Because called Emma.
I wonder if anyone would notice I wore flats for comfort since the skirt is so big? I do not think so and that way I can be comfortable as well. Arwen’s Flat Slippers in purple will be lovely if anyone should catch a glimpse of my feet. Gold opera gloves from my Mariposa Yana gown will add the gold of my Mardi Gras colors and I need to go over the top for all the extras, since I love hats, my souvenir Mardi Gras top hat from Phunk is getting packed.
Hair needs to be out of the way for all the dancing that will be happening, so I will have it styled by Nylon Outfitters in a messy bun put at the nape of my neck. Speaking of my neck all eyes will be on my jewelry from Lazuri, the set is called LuceMia and I adore the variety of colors I have to choose from.
I think my lips and eyes should sparkle as much as the rest of me with the help of Zibska Adelie Lips, Valle brows and orbit because we all know it is ALL about the brows these days.
Wow Diary, I have so much packing to do! I better get to it, I wonder what’s the largest suitcase I can buy?
Aero Pines Park is celebrating its 10th Annual Winter Festival, featuring the oldest holiday skating pond in SL. The park rangers have hosted not only the legacy skating venue for many years, but many other unique holiday events and activities such as concerts, the Nutcracker Ballet, snowmobile races, sleigh rides, etc.
Our Winter Festival started out as a land group holiday party back in 2006. To our surprise, many avatars discovered our little holiday skating pond, surrounded by Christmas decorations, and activities like sleighs, toboggans, and dog sleds. Some came to hang out, some asked if they could have a party there. But it came to be, late in the year, people would call and ask if there was going to be another winter holiday build. We couldn’t get out of it after that. Our friends and fans demanded it!
As the landmass grew, so did the Winter Festival. Imagine a winter wonderland spanning 16 regions! There were miles of sleigh and snowmobile trails, an 8 region cross country ski tour, hot air balloon ride over the snowy white mountains and valleys, plus many other winter sports and activities. And there was always the skating pond. Hundreds of people a day came to skate to holiday music in December.
Eventually, community estates like Aero Pines found it harder to sustain. One after another, regions of the park went offline. There was still much to do and explore on the sims, and the park still hosted unique popular annual events and activities. We were so close to our 10th anniversary, but the overhead and time involved was get-
ting to be too much. Meanwhile there were plans to redevelop the park in Unity3D, but there was no multiplayer online platform that was working out yet.
Just as we were considering closing the park in late 2015, the incredibly talented iMoogiRadio.com team came to the rescue to col-
laborate and help preserve the park. Not only has iMoogi breathed new life into the sims, its been getting the serious landscaping makeover its needed in a long time (Envision dragon breath clearing the old forest, while the park rangers are busy with new landscaping!). iMoogi has also brought in a beautiful shopping plaza, trendy nightclubs, the Gods
of Valor Store headquarters, fabulous homes and homesites, and more! There still remains the beautiful trails and fun activities in the park, as well as the annual events. If it wasn’t for iMoogi, there would not have been a 10th Annual Winter Festival at Aero Pines Park!
Watch a really cool (Pun intended!) video featuring scenes shot in Aero Pines Park https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=x8p2UamXJ5E
As we celebrate the iMoogi/Aero Pines Park partnership and the annual Winter Festival, the “10th Anniversary Surprise” for our residents, guests, and fans is “Aero Pines Park v2”, which came online just in time for Christmas in the SineSpace platform. Not only is the original 16 region park revived and scaled up, its built with the Unity3D engine that most online games, apps, and some game console titles are developed with. This new Unity-based, user-generated content virtual world and game development platform is
the next wave of virtual worlds. There is no VR-hype either! Just good ol’ desktop, Web, and mobile access and playability. Though the platform can integrate VR very easily when the demand arises. To visit Aero Pines Park v2, start here: https://sine.space/signup/ refer/MjEwNjM3NA and be sure to hit the Download button to download the client viewer. Aero Pines Park v2 is too heavy to play on WebGL for now. Its got more content than the average region in SineSpace so there’s a bit of a wait the first time you download it or after an update. See a Vlogmas feature preview of the first launch here: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QmfPTArWW8&t=7m12s
Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide are looking for writers, photographers, ad sales agents and support staff to help us to continue to bring the news and insights you want to read, to you each and every month. If this sounds like you, drop a note at nuvibezm@gmail.com. Tell us your skills, what you want to do and what inspires you! We look forward to hearing from you!
Brought to
by: Filipa Thespian
If you haven’t already discovered it, here’s your officiali invitation ... Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazines have reader sharing groups on Flickr.com!
These groups have been in operation for some time, especially in the case of Roleplay Guide with nearly 5,000 member photos to peruse.
Each month, we will be searching the photos uploaded to either the Nu Vibez Magazine Group or the Roleplay Guide Magazine Group and share here in Pip’s Flickr Picks OR we may use them in an article to help tell the story. If we can do that, you get extra points!
So dear readers, get yourselves a posting! Any photo posted after the last issue’s cover is up for consideration for the current issue, but please do not duplicate photos from past issues or between groups, it’s just a waste of your own time and that of the flickr group viewers.
A few tips for getting my attention ... make sure your photo tells a story, do not make it an ad with logos etc, watch your quality and image depth, don’t put up a photo that’s a splice of two or includes the same avatar in same outfit repeated over and over in diff poses.
We have some amazing photographers posting some positively stunning work in the groups and they have even more magnificent works on their own Flickr pages. We invite everyone to go take a peek!
NU VIBEZ MAGAZINE FLICKR GROUP: https://www.flickr.com/groups/nuvibezmag/
ROLEPLAY GUIDE FLICKR GROUP: https://www.flickr.com/groups/roleplayguide/
by Filipa Thespian, Happy Holidays!
https://www.flickr.com/photos/70651101@ N05/30279315211/in/pool-roleplayguide/
Photo Title Direct
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: Angel or Demon?
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: X-Mas Disaster
Direct URL to Flickr: Stand My Ground https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/31420108940/in/pool-roleplayguide/
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: [sYs] Cage Bag https://www.flickr.com/photos/sys-design/30399339956/in/pool-nuvibezmag/
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: Winter
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: VERTIGO https://www.flickr.com/photos/78858207@N08/30349663116/in/pool-nuvibezmag/
Direct URL to Flickr:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/133991041@ N07/30841212634/in/pool-nuvibezmag/
Photo Title Direct URL to Flickr: My Secret Garden https://www.flickr.com/photos/valconnor/30434920484/in/pool-nuvibezmag/
Photo by
Photo Title
Between Silk & Roses
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New Life Christian Fellowship, Sunday Worship
We Are A Non Denominational Christian Church. We Have Live Singing & A Encouraging Word’s, Every Sunday At 5:30pm SLT.
Indeed We Do Want To Extend Our Hand & Welcome You To Join Us In Our House Of Worship.
All are welcome, No Matter Of Your Past, Present Or Future. You Are Welcomed, Into The Doors Of New Life!
Please join our group or contact our Pastor by notecard.
In-World Group: New Life Christian Fellowship
Pastor: Jay ( drjclarkson1 )
Join us in world, click here.
City of Romanum Announces New build & New builder
As I announced a couple of weeks ago, I have decided, primarily in light of having more prim allowance to play with and in part since it has been 6 years since our last major rebuild, to proceed with a major fresh rebuild of Romanum, mostly the main city.
In 2010 I attempted to create a city that resembled the real ancient city of Rome and it’s most famous forum, the Roman Forum, also known as the Forum Romanum. It did. But now with 30,000 prim allowance to play with, the 2017 version of Forum Romanum will be virtually identical to the real ancient Rome.
In making this announcement a couple of weeks ago I sought a builder or builders to help me build this renewed city. Several people came forward to offer their services and I am grateful for their interest.
As in 2010, I have decided to look at one builder to help instill a cohesive look and feel across the Forum.
It turns out only one builder was able to offer to do the whole city in the aggressive time frame I sought, and I extensively interviewed this builder on her background, experience, including her knowledge of ancient Roman buildings and Rome in general, her knowledge of SL building techniques, including prim efficiency technology. She presented a detailed professional looking proposal and I have seen her work first hand.
The person I speak of has been a merchant in Romanum for some time now. I have chosen
the Gods of Valor builder, Filipa Thespian, to rebuild Romanum in 2017. She will rebuild some existing buildings and build for the first time some buildings Romanum does not currently have.
I had several great builders offer to build a few of the buildings I required, but not the whole city. I really appreciate their offers. These builders include Edward Ballinger, Silavnus Varro Auronus and S?IL?R ??RR?-ÇRÙÇIFIXÙS, and Tiberivs Hadrianvs.
So, please join me in congratulating Filipa and wishing her much success in this ambitious project.
Thanks, once again, to all those who have expressed excitement about this project and those who have provided donations for the project. http://maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/Romanum/109/171/28
Emperor Stephanus Galtier
If you have news you wish shared with our readers in the next issue of Nu Vibez Magazine, please visit our website here: http://www.nuvibez.com/ submit-news and submit it.
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