The Grove is a proud sponsor of the Made to Model Reality Television Show.
“The Made to Model Mansion is located at The Grove Country Club Estates and many episodes are shot around the amazing 12-sim community. Our many thanks to The Grove and its residents for welcoming us with open arms!”
-- Filipa Thespian
Photo of a resident’s home, taken by Photographer, Viola Rookswood
“Each contestant in the Made to Model Reality Television Show, will be wearing a Life Hud meter. The episodes and challenges will include residents needing to manage their Life Huds, maintain their happy moods and not have ‘little accidents’ that could lead to seriously embarrassing moments!”
-- Filipa Thespian
Publisher’s Note
Scorpinosis Nightfire, Publisher
Double The Choices
Double The Fun!
It’s finally 2016 and that makes it “A Time of Choice”. We have once again reached a new year with a world of possibilities only limited by our willingness to reach out and take them. Now, that does not mean 2016 is going to be a year of ease and comfort where all our dreams come true, no. However it does mean we are alive right here and right now with an amazing opportunity to pick our paths. So pick well whether you decide to change the road you’re on, stay the course or finally stop everything and wait on what to do next.
Here at Nu Vibez Magazine we have decided to make this New Year blow away all the years that came before it in every way possible. We are determined to take you (our readers) to new levels of being informed, equipped, empowered and entertained. Better interviews, better graphics and mixed reality media coverage that’s second to none in this special Jan/Feb 2016 issue.
That’s right we have jammed, New Year’s, Valentines’ Day and Mardi Gras all in one mega first of the year kick off and It looks amazing as we enter a new age here at Nu Vibez. They even jammed Pip and I into my publisher’s note to give ya more bang for ya buck LOL. So Happy New Year, Awesome Mardi Gras and have a fantastic Valentines’ day from all of us to all of you our Nu Vibez crew.
Scorpinosis Nightfire, Publisher
by Filipa Thespian
Paris Metro Couture is a Proud Sponsor of The Made to Model Reality Television Show providing her amazing designs for the M2M Competitors
Editor’s Note
Filipa Thespian, Editor-In-Chief Owner & Founder of Roleplay Guide Magazine
We have such an amazing year planned for you dear friends and readers!
First of all, this is the year of Made to Model, Second Life’s premier and first reality television show based on the fashion and modeling industries. These amazing girls are already in production with us, preparing for you an amazing, fun-filled, drama packed and OMG worthy television show for your enjoyment. Their’s a new trailer with confessional snippits coming out. Stay tuned to, honestly, you WONT want to miss this!
Next, Nu Vibez & Roleplay Guide Magazine ... oh boy what can I say ... in this issue we bring you the lucious, the sexy, the alluring and the glittery ... yes, Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras hit you hard this issue with some amazing photography and really interesting stories! Don’t miss our coverage of Project Sansar and the next installment of Pip’s Flickr Picks! Seriously folks, you’re gonna wanna get involved in that one, their will be a big
award’s ceremony at the end of the year for the most picked artists. Check it out and get involved! Besides, it’s great exposure for you!
Vanatosis Arentire, our resident Roleplay afficianado is back with some amazing information about the Elder Race we all know as ... the elves! Think you know them well? Check it out and let’s see ;)
2015 was a long and VERY eventful year and not only do we dedicate an entire piece to the legalization of marijuana, but we tie up our first 2016 issue with a recap of the top 11 things that happened in 2015.
Well, that’s the shizz my friends :). Please write in and tell us what you think, what’s going on in your world that we might report on and give us your feedback and takes on any and all of the stories we publish. Who knows, you may find yourself in the next issue!
Happy New Year and love to all! Let’s make this a great year for us all!
All my best, Filipa
by Filipa Thespian
The Loft is a Proud Sponsor of The Made to Model Reality Television Show providing furnishings for the M2M Mansion
Photo “Spoiled” by Filipa Thespian
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Filipa Thespian
Alkith14 Resident Chaussettes
Cheree Shippe
Filipa Thespian Iasfy
Lainey Thorne
Portia Swords
Sadbab Shan
Susanne Drechsler
Tigist Sapphire
If you have a comment, compliment or complaint about anything you read here in Nu Vibez, please make a post on this issue’s page on our website. We will endeavor to get it published and answer your questions in our next issue!
Ambrosia Kamala
Filipa Thespian
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Selby Evans
Starr Marx
Vanatosis Arentire
Filipa Thespian
Scorpinosis Nightfire
Filipa Thespian
“Aaliyah” (SubtleFire)
Arturo Vanek
Erinna Rosebud
Jay Alexander
SaraMae Xaris
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The goal of this publication is to provide a unique insight into the world of entertainment, role play and lifestyles be it in virtual communities or real world neighborhoods.
Covering the issues important to people whether they are avatars or human beings, NuVibez circulates to a large population of readers online and in virtual worlds.
NuVibez and Roleplay Guide are published for those whose interests are varied but focused on being entertained and educated on current events, new entertainment venues and artists, gaming and role play, health and psychology, and finding ways to improve their online experiences.
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Nu Vibez Magazine is a copyright protected publication owned and operated by Avatar PR. Roleplay Guide Magazine is a copyright protected publication owned and operated by iMoogi Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.
Opinions of the columnists are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the owner or staff, nor does NuVibez Magazine or Roleplay Guide assume liability for claims of journalists, photographers or advertisers.
Somewhere in the in-world version of this issue is “The Phrase that Pays”
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3. Read Nu Vibez to find The Phrase that Pays
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Journalist: Scorpinosis Nightfire
The legalization of Marijuana is supported by the majority of Amer- icans and that support crosses party lines. One writer reported:
At a recent National Conference of State Legislatures meeting in Seattle, nearly all policymakers who attended a session on legalizing marijuana said they expected their states would soon have to debate legalization, if they haven’t already. A study by the Pew Research Center released in April found that 53 percent of adults supported the legal use of marijuana
However with the expansion of legalized marijuana usage, comes the related challenges of increased usage impacting everyday activities like driving for example.
As more states make medical and recreational marijuana use legal, they increasingly are grappling with what constitutes DUID, or driving under the influence of drugs, and how to detect and prosecute it. And they’re finding it is more difficult than identifying and convicting drunken drivers.
While marijuana is the substance, other than alcohol,
most frequently found in drivers involved in car accidents, the rate at which it actually causes crashes is unclear.
It comes as no surprise that with the pluses of legalizing pot usage comes negatives as well. The human factor in any equation of trying to get some -
thing good from anything we enjoy, is our tendency to over indulge versus intake in moderation.. There is no denying that medicinal Marijuana has been an effective tool in multiple situations where its positive results have been well documented for medical patients. However it seems like the benefits that come from recommended or authorized marijuana usage are always eclipsed by the more frequent reports of problems caused by unregulated over indulgence.
I can see how at this point it may look as if this article is pro pot legalization with
moderation but it’s not for or against legalization of Marijuana. This article is about the pros and cons of legalizing or not legalizing and where we go from there with that comparison contrast.
One of the benefits of legalization is that the number of discriminatory arrests that happen from casual usage would go down noticeably. Here is how one study makes this clear:
A ground-breaking 2013 study by the American Civil Liberties Union found that blacks in the U.S. are nearly four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites despite similar usage rates. The disparity in the city of St. Louis in that study was a whopping 18 to 1.
The study goes on to tll us the following:
This mirrors the problems found in north St. Louis County, where state racial profiling numbers all across the region show that blacks are
stopped by police at a significantly higher percentage than whites, and searched for contraband more, even though, the statistics say, the hit rate for drugs or other contraband is higher among the white drivers who are pulled over.
The result? Too many young black men and women in prison for offenses that wouldn’t lead to prison for middle-class whites. Missouri’s prisons are overcrowded and in the last couple of decades have eaten up a higher percentage of the state’s budget while schools have received less, percentage-wise.
Another factor to consider with legalization of marijuana is the tax revenue it will generate for projects and programs where revenue is desperately needed in states coast to coast. Of course as we pointed out that revenue is not without its problems or potential negative side effects of legalization.
What’s also fascinating about this topic is that it’s not so clearly decided among political party lines:
…while liberals and moderates support legalization more than conservatives, there are bastions of support and opposition among many different classes, particularly libertarians and senior citizens who use marijuana for medical purposes. Even in Florida, a deep-red state in recent elections, 57 percent of voters agreed to legalize medical marijuana... The vote failed because it needed to top the 60 percent bar to become law.
In the end what will be or can be is up to all of us, the public at large. Opening a door by legalizing recreation or more expanded medical pot usage is not to be taken lightly. Very extensive research and feasibility studies are in order to help us make the best decision regarding to legalize or not to legalize. However having issued that public service advise, I have a feeling we are very close to seeing “Puff puff pass pass” being as mainstream and accepted as “would you like fries with that”?
What is Made to Model?
... a whole new breed of reality television
Made to Model is a reality television show from the amazing avatar driven world of Second Life. Filmed with high quality and intense focus on the artistic and creative aspects of filming and production, Made to Model brings a new vision of what can be done in virutal worlds, to online television enthusiasts.
The contestants will compete against each other for their chance to win:
$200,000 Lindens
Live in the M2M Mansion at The Grove for 1-month rent free after the show
Have first dibs on renting the M2M mansion at The Grove after that.
Paid Modeling Contracts with the Avante Modeling Agency
An Interview & Photo Session in Nu Vibez Magazine
A Paid Scholarship to the SL Vogue Modeling Academy
A Modeling Contract with SL Vogue
A Promotional Tour with perks & High Profile Exposure
Each contestant will be wearing the super cool Life Hud version 2.0 during the entire competition, adding that bonus reality affect, forcing them to take into consideration, various bodliy, emotional and functional needs to succeed.
There will be modeling, photographic, runway and other amazing challenges prestented to the contestants during the show and on each episode, someone will be sent home until one lucky girl remains and is crowned the first ever, Miss Made to Model!
It will be fun, exciting and packed with television drama, humor, heartbreak and well ... more drama lol.
Episodes will air weekly on and on YouTube. Details will be provided as they air.
Get yourself into the Made to Model group inside Second Life and subscirbe to the website at: that you do NOT miss a single event, party, episode or prize!
You too can stream the internet’s
internet’s best top 100 radio station:
Despite the hearts and flowers, marriage proposals, greeting cards and an over 18.6 billion dollar industry, Valentine’s Day’s origin is more “Game of Thrones” than “Sleepless in Seattle”. Historically, Valentine’s Day was a liturgical celebration for several Christian saints named Valentinus. Legends state that Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for his ministry to persecuted Christians under the Roman Empire. Before he was executed, it was told that he healed the daughter of his jailer and signed “Your Valentine” as his last farewell. Pope Gelasius I recast this pagan festival as a Christian feast day in the year 496, declaring that February 14 to be St. Valentine’s Day.
Since then Valentine’s Day, has grown into a worldwide holiday symbolizing romantic love. The holiday’s customs were developed in Early Modern England and moved across English speaking nations within the 19th century.
• Valentines were first created commercially in 1848 with embossed paper lace and floral decorations. Their popularity was so vast that in 1835 60,000 Valentine cards were sent by mail and were being produced in factories.
• The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that 190 million valentines are sent out each year.
• 53% of women would end their relationship if they didn’t get something for Valentine’s Day.
• Average number of children conceived on Valentine’s day is 11,000.
• More than 9 Million pet owners will buy gifts for their pets.
• Valentine’s Day is the number one holiday for Florists with American consumers spending about $2.1 Billion. Average number of roses for this day is 196 Million,
• Over six million Americans are said to have planned a marriage proposal on that day.
• Valentine’s day is placed 4th in place behind Halloween, Easter and Christmas for candy purchases. However, 75% of candy purchases are of chocolate sales on that day.
• One of the most expensive Valentine’s Day’s is at the 5 star Shangri-La hotel in Qaryat Al Beri, Abu Dhabi costs $400,000 including the Presidential suite, fresh flowers, gourmet chocolates, a caviar facial, private rooftop dinner featuring a 7 course french menu, a magician, private musician, personal shopper gifts from Dior couture and night-time helicopter ride.
sadbab shan
You don’t have to break your budget to show your love however. Fix your partner a romantic candlelight meal, try dance lessons or write them a heartfelt poem or letter. Feeling wanted and needed is priceless.
Don’t leave out family. Seniors in your family or at your local nursing home would love a visit. Take a flower or a card and make someone’s day. It doesn’t take much to bring a smile to someone’s face.
Donate to a charity to commemorate a special loved ones’ memory.
Singles can share in this holiday as well. Go attend a special event. Now many Bars and Clubs have parties dedicated for singles.
Throw your own party! Invite your own single friends, check out some ROM-COMS while sipping on your
favorite pink cocktails and cupcakes. Share your best and funniest dating experiences.
Just by yourself this year? Celebrate YOU! Go out to a movie or treat yourself to a special dinner, maybe a new recipe. Throw on your favorite music, grab that novel you have been dying to read and relax. A new bouquet on your table will brighten up the atmosphere.
Even though Valentine’s Day spotlight is on those in relationships, don’t get caught up in the hype. Telling someone that you care and showing them on a daily basis is a perpetual Valentine’s Day. No amount of store bought gifts or commercialism can replace a warm hug or kiss.
So, will you be my Valentine? :)
N4RS is a Proud Sponsor of The Made to Model Reality Television Show providing furnishings for the M2M Mansion
Journalist: Filipa Thespian
There was a time, many years ago, when Linden Labs and Second Life made the mainstream RL news on news media sites like CNN, Forbes and Fortune, but it has been a long time since mainstream news have deemed us worthy of their ink.
So long in fact that as our numbers seem to dwindle, as sims seem to be shutting down and creators seem to be disappearing, many have wondered … what will become of our virtual home, Second Life? Is it doomed to the dusty digital shelves to become a historical footnote?
Let’s be honest with ourselves, many of us were asking that question long before the announcement of Project Sansar, especially with the whole TOS debacle … but now, now that we’re growing so very close to the release of the newest virtual world offering by Linden Labs, the question slingshots once again to the forefront of our reality and we find ourselves asking … some of us crying, “what will become of our dear Second Life?”
Well friends, I do have to say this, I may not be able to help you answer the SL question, but I do see that Project Sansar has brought Linden Labs back to the forefront of the mainstream RL news once again and if anyone’s interested in my humble yet educated opinion, I believe that the life breathed back into the business that manages, maintains, owns and pays for our playground … nay, our home … can only mean good things for us all in one way or an -
other! November 4th, 2015, Fortune Magazine at, presented a piece called, “How ‘Second Life’ Developer hopes to Deliver The ‘YouTube for VR ’. That’s right, we’re mainstream once again … holy cow, does this make us respectable? Heaven forbid *wink*.
There was a day when Second Life reported several million active users, today, according to Fortune, its 900,000 and while much smaller than in the glory days, that is nothing to shake a stick at! In the year prior to the Fortune article, Second Life reported content creators redeeming more than $60 million from the $500 million virtual economy of Second Life … again, numbers that just can’t be ignored though Ebbe Altberg
believes that Project Sansar will dwarf those figures in the future.
While it is true friends, that your inventories will not port over to the new realm, (their just not compatible), there will be some considerable advantages to the world of Sansar. As a land owner myself, the first that intrigues me is the much lower cost of land ownership. “We want to make it less expensive and less difficult for creators to get started with Project Sansar, while at the same time enabling them to create higher quality, larger, and more immersive experiences, reach larger audiences, and create much larger business opportunities—whether selling virtual items or monetizing entire experiences,” Altberg says.
“In addition to supporting our community of creators, we’ll give them tools to create and support their own communities and serve their customers and audiences.”
Ebbe Altberg has reported that the same mesh files we have imported into and enjoy in Second Life, can be brought into Project Sansar and we will be able to “tranSLate our social networks and financial accounts to the new platform,” as reported by Fortune.
Project Sansar is optimized for high performance where Linden Labs acknowledges that Second Life just isn’t. The rendering requirements of VR headsets in Second Life are enormous. This is one reason why they started from scratch with Project Sansar. We are all so used to “oh I’m lagged”. That age old phrase. Project Sansar was built to handle these situations with much more grace. “The fact is, we will never ever get the frame-rate in
Second Life to be what it needs to be to have a smooth comfortable experience in the Oculus [Rift],” CEO Ebbe Altberg told Ben Lang of “We now have VR in Sansar and it’s super smooth… we have the framerate and we’ve got some really beautiful scenes up and running.”
It’s important to keep in mind when asking the question, “what is to become of my beloved Second Life,” that it is responsible for A LOT of money and A LOT of people. It is the backbone of Linden Labs and as a business person, I can only surmise, that as long as it remains financially viable, there would be little reason to discontinue it. Is there a future before us without SL? Maybe, but I believe that is likely to happen only when the majority of us have migrated to Project Sansar and with us, the content and the money.
“Second Life is going to have its 12th birthday this year. The way Second Life was built was quite substantially ahead of its time,” Altberg was reported to have said. “It achieved something that, back then, was borderline nuts to even try to accomplish…. to retro-fit SL, to modernize that stack to become as performant as you need it to be would be a massive undertaking, and we decided it would be easier and less disruptive to start anew, and leave SL as it is for those that love it for what it is.”
There has been some news reporting a new sense of style to Sansar, based on the few images released, but Linden Labs was sure to let us know, “we won’t actually create content nor will we dictate a cohesive style for Sansar experiences; instead, users create the experiences and they’ll be extremely diverse in type and style vs. a singular co -
hesive “game” world. These [screenshots] are merely to show the diverse range of experiences our current alpha users are creating and how much detail you can derive from our platform.”
Project Sansar may eventually require those of us who create on these platforms, to abide by a different set of performance guidelines – with the help of Linden Labs. “Our users are starting to understand that VR is a different medium and they may need to approach it differently than they have in the past [for performance and experiences],” LL reported. “We’ll do a lot of things to help users understand how to create performant content. There’s a lot of work yet to do, but we have
plans for things like automatic optimization of content, polygon reduction of content that preserves quality at the same time, including showing users that create content some sort of visual indication of how performant their content is going to be across various platforms… I’ve already see stuff in Sansar that I know you’d never see in SL.”
I myself have just celebrated my 10-year rezz-day here in SL and I have seen it all, experienced it all, and when I ponder the many big changes that have transpired in our virtual lives during my own life here, I begin to see a pattern. Remember how the majority of us freaked out when SL’s 2.0 viewer came out? There was a lot of “end of world” hype that went on with that. How about our overly dramatic reaction to the addition of mesh in SL? Oh, how about before mesh when they brought sculpties to our world? Each time these big changes happened, a ground swell of dooms day
naysayers created some miraculous hype and with each upgrade, our lives just got better and the negativity slowly died off. Now, don’t we all feel a little silly?
In the end, all I can say is this, it doesn’t do any of us much good to fret, worry, complain or pitch a fit over the changes that are on the way. Life is change, best to embrace it. Things are going to be what they’re going to be. So, I advise, enjoy SL, enjoy the lives you have here, dabble in Project Sansar when it becomes available first quarter this year and see how you feel. Take it slow, live in both, they’ll both still be here for some time to come and embrace Sansar for what it is … a new opportunity.
Just what is an elf? I guess that depends on who you ask. Ask someone that is more in tune with traditional folklore and it would be one of a class of preternatural beings, especially from mountainous regions, with magical powers, given to capricious and often mischievous interference in human affairs, and usually imagined to be a diminutive being in human form. Basically what we would call a sprite or fairy today.
Others would have visions of Santa’s little helpers, pointed ears and striped sock wearing wee people with a knack for creating toys.
Others still get visions of Tolkien’s other-worldly beautiful race, with Legolas, Elrond and Galadriel coming to the fore.
Who is right in their definition? All of them. But modern thinking has molded them into the common thought of what they are today.
Journalist: Vanatosis Arentire
The allure of Elves is prominent for many people, with most seeing the Dungeons and Dragons or Tolkien type variations as the norm. Most view elves as tall thin humanoids with thin features. Most are seen with light features and hair and males hardly ever with facial hair. They are often seen as extremely graceful and nimble, but lacking a bit in strength. They are often tied closely to nature and magic and many myths have them as nearly immortal; aging a a rate that is hardly perceptible in human terms. This being said, variations come up often. Elves are as mutable as humans, with-
out being human. Elves seem to be just distant enough from humanity to be not human, but close enough so that people can feel comfortable playing them.
The thought of not being human appeals to many gamers.
Dungeons and Dragons has over 80, yes 80, different types of elves in the lore they have set forth.
Tolkien has variations as well, as do most games. Why so many?
Elves are often broken down regionally, much like humans are; another draw to them.
But what do we, in our SL lives see as elves? I think it can be broken down into two major categories. The light elves and the dark elves. Much like other fantasy races, elves have a “good” side and a “bad” side. The vast majority of elven races fall into these two major categories as far as their racial disposition.
Sun, Eladrin, and Eldar all can be thought as “good” elves, among many others.
Drow, Deep, even Blood Elves are often seen as “bad” elves, again with many other racial variants as well. This is not to say that exceptions can’t come from either side.
One of the most famous “Bad” elves that turned good would be the Drow elf Drizz’t Do’Urden from D&D’s Forgotten Realms lore. Sometimes these exceptions make for even more in depth character creation and story telling.
So why would you want to play an elf?
For many, the thought of being an other-worldly beautiful, near immortal, graceful being has an appeal that just fits their idea of play. Others like the adventure that elves bring, with a closeness to nature and the longing of protecting the wilds. Still others want their nimbleness and soft hands for acts of a slightly illegal nature, namely thievery.
But that is just it, the draw is the fact that they are so versatile, fitting in with nearly any setting.
Of course, elves are not only played in Fantasy settings, they cross the boundaries of most major gaming adventures. They can be seen in SciFi, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Horror and many other settings.
The Elf has also been a main staple of many video games, Everything from your classic RPG games to more current titles. Shadowrun, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Dragon Age; they all have their versions of elves. Nintendo’s Link is viewed as elven by many.
They have become ingrained in our gaming culture and it doesn’t look to change any time soon. I am sure, some time down this road we call gaming, the elf will change and evolve, much like it has from it’s early days.
One thing we can be assured, though, is that it will continue to be part of our gaming culture and heritage for a long time to come.
All characters and games mentioned in this article are copyrighted by their respective owners.
Journalist: Filipa Thespian
If you haven’t already discovered it, here’s your officiali invitation ... Nu Vibez and Roleplay Guide Magazines have reader sharing groups on!
These groups have been in operation for some time, especially in the case of Roleplay Guide with nearly 5,000 member photos to peruse.
Each month, we will be searching the photos uploaded to either the Nu Vibez Magazine Group or the Roleplay Guide Magazine Group and share here in Pip’s Flickr Picks!
So dear readers, get yourselves a posting! Any photo posted after the last issue’s cover is up for consideration, but do not duplicate!
Only one photo per photographer will make it and if you keep posting the same photo each month, it’ll just begin to get ignored although you can post many different photos each month if you want.
Also keep in mind, we don’t want to see your sex scenes or your advertisements. Ads and sex or nudity that we do not deem as creative art, are deleted. Likewise, blatant advertisements are deleted.
If you make something in world, learn from two of this month’s winners on how to get some free publicity from Nu Vibez ... make it creative, quality and art ... and you’ll get in!
We have some amazing photographers posting some positively stunning work in the groups and they have even more magnificent works on their own Flickr pages. We invite everyone to go take a peek!
Aahh, the lights, the music, the vibrant colors, the scantily clad sexy people all dancing about with copious amounts of liquor coursing through their wildly pulsing veins … wow this is one hell-of-a-party! But wait, it’s not just a party … it’s MARDI GRAS!
We have all heard of it, we have all seen the photos online, some of us have even attended and most of us think of New Orleans when anyone says Mardi Gras, but do we REALLY know what it is aside from a legitimate excuse to wear purple, green and gold together with as much glittery stuff and overabundance of shiny colorful plastic and feathery accessories as you can find? No, really … do you? Well friends, let me shed some
illumination on your sequins so that you sparkle like the magnificent soul you contain within.
Let’s roll back to the beginning. As with all holidays, things are never quite what they may seem. Mardi Gras is not specific to New Orleans, nor is it an “American” holiday. Holy cow, the American’s did not invent overindulgence and debauchery, fancy that. It can be traced back to medieval
Europe. We find it in Rome and Venice in the 17th and 18th centuries and then, in the French House of the Bourbons. From there, the “Beouf Gras,” or Fatted Calf, followed the French to those pesky colonies across the pond.
OK so why is Mardi Gras generally considered synonymous with New Orleans then? Well, I’ll tell you because yes … I looked it up lol. When the French/ Canadian explorer, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville (*takes a deep breath after saying that name*) landed on the Colonies … he did so, about 60 miles south of … you guessed it … New Orleans. Interestingly, if the historical record can be believed, the night he landed, his men pointed out to him that it was the very eve of this festive holiday and so, he named his landing point, “Pointe du Mardi Gras ”. While he was there, he also established “Fort Louis de la Louisiane” (now called Mobile). That was in 1702. A year later, Fort Louis de la Mobile celebrated America’s very first Mardi Gras.
Well, all good stories about history must have their mysterious secret societies and this one, does not disappoint. In 1704, Mobile established a secret society and called it Masque de la Mobile. It’s similar to the current Mardi Gras Krewes, and today, just as way back when, member’s identities are a closely guarded secret! That society lasted until 1709 and in 1710, “Beouf Gras Society ” was realized and paraded from 1711 until 1861. It took 16 men to push the huge bull’s head on wheels that led the procession. Eventually, Rex would parade with a real bull, draped in white which signaled the coming
Lenten meat fast which occurred on Fat Tuesday.
AAHHHhhh, so Mardi Gras is about Lent hmmm. This night of debauchery and overindulgence is society’s answer to religion’s denial of meat. Makes sense to me!
OK, so this is all going on in Mobile Indiana, we’re close to New Orleans, but not quite there yet. This is the 1700’s and a bit of the early 1800’s. New Orleans wasn’t founded until the late 1830s. Aahhh, but when she found her mark on the map, did she do Mardi Gras up right with street
processions of maskers with carriages and horseback riders to celebrate. The krewe members followed the dazzling gaslight torches, also known as “flambeaux” that lit their way and lent each event an exciting air of romance and festivity.
OK a few more mentionables then …
• 1856 saw the Mistick Krewe of Comus formed by six young mobile natives invoking John Milton’s hero Comus to represent their organization. Comus brought magic and mystery to New Orleans with floats and masked balls.
• 1870 brought us the Twelfth Night Revelers, first recorded account of Mardi Gras “throws.”
Krewe of Orpheus:
• 1872 was the year a group of businessmen invented a King of Carnival, Rex, to preside over the first daytime parade. This, my friends, is where the purple, green and gold come from, to honor the visiting Russian Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff, the businessmen introduced Romanoff’s family colors as the Carnival’s official colors … yes, you guessed it … say it with me now … purple, green and gold! The Duke and this event, are also where the anthem, “If Ever I Cease to Love ” became the event’s theme song because of the Duke’s love of it!
• 1875 is when Governor Warmoth signed the “Mardi Gras Act,” making Fat Tuesday a legal holiday in Louisiana, which, it still is.
• 1886 ushers in the Proteus parade, “Visions of Other Worlds,” with chromolithographs produced in full color in the newspapers Carnival Edition.
So, there you have some of the juicy tid-bits dear readers. Mardi Gras begins on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Three King’s Day) and culminates on the day before Ash Wednesday. It actually means “Fat Tuesday” in French and reflects the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season.
I suppose it could also be said that it is humanity’s reaction to being told they can’t have something. Reminds me of children who, when told they cannot have or do something, they take and do it in spades, until they’re sick as dogs. In any event, Mardi Gras has a very long history of hangovers to its name and all for … Lent. Who woulda’ thunk?
by Filipa Thespian
Illustration by Sylvester,
Journalist: Scorpinosis Nightfire
Ever since Michael J. Fox flew from 1989 to 2015 as Marty McFly in the iconic Back to The Future II, few years have been as highly anticipated as 2015. Now of course Back to The Future was just fiction right and there’s no way any of those far out predictions could have actually come true is there? Well as the old saying goes life often imitates art and 2015 has actually produced several of the unlikely predictions made by the second film in the trilogy over 25 years ago.
Unfortunately we don’t have the flying cars or the rejuvenating face masks, however we do have the following:
• The Lexus Hover Board: And by hover board we don’t mean a board the floats on wheels like it’s hovering. We mean the real anti-gravity hover boards like in the film.
• The Self Drying Jacket: When Marty gets all wet in 2015 only his self-drying jacket saves the day. Now in the real 2015 Faylon Wearable Tech has created a self-drying jacket like the one predicted in the 1989 classic.
• A major league baseball team in Miami; Back In 1989 there was no major league baseball team in Miami. I remember people thinking it was not only funny that the cubs won the series, but more hilarious was the thought that Miami would have a major league team for them to play. Well 26 years later Miami has two major leagues team, The Marlins and the Tampa bay Devil Rays
• Self-Lacing Nikes: Yes that’s correct, Nike has self-lacing shoes like Marty wore in the movie when he visited 2015
There are even more things that Back to The Future predicted about 2015 that have come to pass but aside from the movie connection. The year was filled with historic events and happenings and we have listed some below:
11. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner:
Few men embodied that ideal perfect specimen status as did Gold Medal Winner and motivational speaker Bruce Jenner. From being the poster boy for Wheaties cereal to appearing on all the hot TV and Radio shows during his prime, Bruce became an Iconic American hero for an entire generation. However according to Bruce we were not seeing the real Jenner. The world had pedestalized only who Bruce was on the surface but not who Bruce claimed to really be on the inside.
After watching Bruce on “Keeping Up With The Kardasian”s, he began to go through gradual branding and subtle differences in his physical appearance. Yet it would not be till 2015 and the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine that Caitlyn Jenner was officially introduced to the world. Jenner’s total sex change makeover sent the paparazzi and the rest of pop culture into a tail spin.
Praise and persecution poured in from all over as Bruce was now reborn Caitlyn. For the LGBT community and many in the mainstream, Jenner was a brave soul to face all the bias and prejudice out there. His coming out and being the woman he had on the inside would inspire others afraid to come out some said. Still everyone did not embrace Jenner’s transformation as a God send. Many felt Bruce was suffering a major psychotic break from the stress and strain of a media addicted family and wife that pushed him over the edge. No matter what anyone things Caitlyn Jenner was major news in 2015 with ripple effects that will be felt for years to come.
10. Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens is released after over 30 years of waiting.
The smashed box office records speak for themselves. The latest installment directed by JJ Abrams and minus George Lucas made over 1 Billion Dollars in 12 days. Critics and moviegoers worldwide are singing the praises of the first of a new Disney/ Lucas Films deal that promises chapter 8 and 9 of the Star Wars tale and other related projects.
9. The changing climate creates a historic but far from perfect deal to cut carbon emissions in a step forward validating global warming.
70 Degree days of Christmas in New York and melting polar ice caps made it impossible to ignore all the other evidence that our planet is getting hotter and
that we are responsible. Hopefully this won’t stop here with just acknowledging and this deal.
8. News and Reality TV entertainment blur coverage lines as campaign civility is cast aside.
The days of campaigning with class and dignity were executed by a thirsty public hungry for mean comic relief sound bites and a narcissist billionaire tailor made for that demographic. Donald Trump tapped into conservative angst as well as disdain for political correctness and never looked back as his poll numbers defied logic, worried republicans and set the stage fir one of the most explosive presidential races in all of human history.
7. President Obama legalizes same sex marriages in the US setting a historic precedence for gay and transgender couples everywhere.
The significance of this freedom being awarded to couples once denied it, can’t be underestimated. Only the near future will reveal the true scope of positive change people seem to be embracing.
6. A Home Grown Terrorist attack in California and in Paris leave the world feeling less safe.
As innocent civilians became casualties in San Bernadino and
Paris, efforts to catch radicalized copycat terrorist have been turned up to new levels. One Presidential candidate even suggested a historic ban on all Muslims from entering the country until we figure something out. Who would have thought this type of fear would lead to vilifying the faith of fellow Americans.
5. The invincible UFC undefeated Champ Ronda Rousey is KO’d by underdog Hollie Holmes.
The world watched in shock and disbelief as sure thing Ronda Rousey was taken apart methodically and quickly by Hollie Holmes. Few things in 2015 will compare to the stunned looks on the faces of people worldwide as the 16 -0 champion schooled by Holmes
4. The Syrian refugee Crisis
As millions have fled to other countries to avoid war in their own, tensions are now high in regards to immigrants flooding the US at a time when terrorist could exploit all the traffic as ways to enter the country to launch attacks. With the rest of the world feeling like they have more than done their part, more countries look to the US to take in refugees in historic numbers.
3. Pope Francis makes a historic visit to the US
Pope Francis landed on U.S. soil launching a six-day visit that highlighted helping the poor and his willingness to tackle the nation’s most significant political, social and economic controversies.
In an unprecedented welcome for a foreign dignitary, President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and their daughters, along with Vice President Joe Biden and his family, traveled to Joint Base Andrews outside Washington to greet the pontiff, who arrived from Cuba.
The flags of the United States and the Vatican flapped from the cockpit windows of the pope’s chartered Italian jet as it rolled to a stop near a line of priests in black and red robes and a group of children from local Catholic schools.
2. The Retirement of the Confederate Flag:
The battle flag, which has flown for decades over Southern capitals, appears on its way out in many places in the wake of the June 17 shooting at a Charleston, South Carolina, church that killed nine. Accused killer Dylann Roof posed for pictures in which he held the flag.
Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ great-great-grandson says the Confederate battle flag should be retired to museums.
“This flag has become a symbol that divides our country,” Bertram Hayes-Davis told The Clarion-Ledger.
While history can’t be erased, “symbols that are currently used to create fear or mistrust have no good purpose
in this day and time,” he said. “It is time for the Confederate battle flag to be part of historical collections and not a public symbol to any one person, group or organization.”
1. The increasing number of African Americans brutalized and killed by white police officers.
More cases surfaced of white officers killing African Americans with little or no prosecution. This growing trend fueled the fire of national unrest and continues to lead to hostilities toward government and law enforcement officials. From South Carolina to Chicago Ill, we see the chasm growing further apart as more reports of police brutality and abuse of African Americans continues by those sworn to protect and serve.
One recent case in point was a white officer in Oklahoma forcing low income black women into sex by threatening to arrest them. In addition to the threat of arrest officer Daniel Holtzclaw let his victims know that no one would believe poor black women over a white police officer so they might as well forget ever reporting him with any success.
As we said 2015 was a year we will not forget and hopefully in many ways not repeat.
Happy 2016.
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