NUVO: Indy's Alternative Voice - April 15, 2015

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Vol. 26 Issue 04 issue #1204











Do you know how many nicknames for “marijuana” we tried to come up with to keep from becoming redundant? I think we used everything except “wacky terbacky.” Enjoy our pre-420 extravaganza.

Bill Levin’s Church of Cannabis... P.13 The great weed windfall........P.16 Smoking devices from an expert.................................PG. 18


One legislator has made it her mission to make the General Assembly take a serious look at how it addresses marijuana in our state. Check out what she has to say about her persistent quest. Plus, more RFRA commentary and other stupid GOP moves.

Hoppe: Republicans versus cities.............................................P.07 The pot legislator...................P.08


Our doppio shot of arts interviews kicks off with Adam Savage, who ruminates on the maker movement, Emerson’s “SelfReliance” and the importance of critical thinking ahead of Sunday’s Mythbusters live show. That’s followed by comedian John Mulaney, who’s licking his sitcom cancellation wounds on the road this spring. Mulaney tells Kat about a prank at Crackers involving toy flutes and (figurative) cock-blocking.


Our Earth Day issue outlines what the weather will be like in Indiana soon if we don’t do something — and how a bunch of school-age kids are taking action right now.

On stands Wednesday, April 22. 4 THIS WEEK // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO


Adam Savage...............................P.20 John Mulaney...............................P.22




PLUS: more weed coverage in News, Film and Food.





Here’s what’s hot on currently: •A Pacers playoff push and baby races? This week’s Miller Time Podcast is a can’t miss! • Rush Limbaugh ousted by WIBC; get full details on his departure online.


Weed and food: they go together like chocolate and peanut butter, or bong rips and Taco Bell. Ed Rudisell talks about weed dining like a grownup with a welldeveloped palate, plus our definitive list of our favorite high dining spots. As a bonus, check out our one-jar, no-mess, no-smell recipe for making cannabutter at home.

Ed Rudisell’s sublime dining.....................................P.28 Cannabutter recipe................P.28 Munchies picks.......................P.30


Record Store Day is a music nerd’s Christmas and New Year’s Eve — because there’s gifts and partying. We’ve got you covered with all the events, plus a megalist of stuff on offer Saturday by knowledgeable music dudes and dudettes from Indy. (And don’t miss Jay Brookinz’ 420 playlist, either.)

RSD dream shopping lists...........P.33 420 playlist............................P. 33 RSD events/Soundcheck..............P.39



Contributing Editor David Hoppe has been writing commentary for NUVO since the mid ‘90s. He’s also authored several books, including Personal Indianapolis: Thirteen Years of Observing, Exhorting and Satirizing the Hoosier Capital.





What really should be legal.



Production Manager / Art Director

Peace (make it revenuegenerating to ensure success!)




Senior Designer

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

Freedom for ALL the people … is that stupid?

Buying liquor on Sundays.

Beer/wine/alcohol on Sundays cold or not.






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Media Consultant (317) 808-4612

Media Consultant (317) 808-4607

Media Consultant (317) 808-4613

Pot! Pot should be legal! and midday naps!

Cold beer at a grocery store.

All forms of gambling.

Buying beer whenever I feel like it.





Accounts Manager (317) 808-4616

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Pence follows other states. Alcohol on Sundays!

The world’s oldest profession.

Need more than 8 words for this one.

Buying a car on a Sunday.






Editor & Publisher

General Manager

Business Manager


Most things that don’t hurt others.

Sunday alcohol sales. And weed.

Prostitution, gambling, and marijuana. Regulated and taxed.




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Freedom for the peaceful and preparental competency tests. DISTRIBUTION SUPPORT: SUSIE FORTUNE, DICK POWELL IT MANAGER: T.J. ZMINA


HARRISON ULLMANN (1935-2000) EDITOR (1993-2000) ANDY JACOBS JR. (1932-2013) CONTRIBUTING (2003-2013)

MAILING ADDRESS: 3951 N. Meridian St., Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46208 TELEPHONE: Main Switchboard (317) 254-2400 FAX: (317)254-2405 WEB: DISTRIBUTION: The current issue of NUVO is free and available every Wednesday. Past issues are at the NUVO office for $3 if you come in, $4.50 mailed. Copyright ©2015 by NUVO, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. ISSN #1086-461X

NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // THIS WEEK 5


















6 VOICES // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH • 1PM - 3PM INDY READS BOOKS 911 MASS AVE, Indianapolis, 46202 317-384-1496


hen the Indiana General Assembly performed an emergency “fix” on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act last week, conventional wisdom said it was a setback for social conservatives. The intense, overwhelming criticism and the business pullbacks in Indiana totaling hundreds of millions of dollars are supposed to have chastened leaders of the Indiana religious right such as Eric Miller of Advance America and Micah Clark of the American Family Association of Indiana. And the fact that they started out wanting to establish in law a way for business owners to refuse service to customers – primarily gays and lesbians – for religious reasons only to have the “fix” offer the first legal protections for gays and lesbians in Indiana history had to have taught the Millers and the Clarks that their plans backfired. Maybe. Maybe not. Part of the difficulty in understanding Indiana’s RFRA debacle is that the several sides of bitterly nasty debate didn’t just disagree with each other. They didn’t speak the same language or share the same assumptions. The truth is that the religious right in Indiana won’t emerge from the RFRA battle chastened, abashed or depleted, no matter how costly the fight was and will be to the state as a whole. For Hoosier social conservative leaders, this fight never was about money – in fact, the very premise of their efforts was that certain Christian business people wanted to preserve options not to make money. The fact that Indiana took a massive business hit because of their actions is close to irrelevant to their way of thinking. Because they view homosexuality as sin, they can’t justify profiting from it. “If you rob a bank, you’ll have more money,” an emphatic evangelical Christian told me by way of explaining his support of RFRA’s defense of discrimination. “But that doesn’t make it right.” Others can – and will – disagree with the religious right’s principles (and perhaps the selective ways social conservatives adhere to those principles), but the disagree-

JOHN KRULL EDITORS@NUVO.NET John Krull is director of Franklin College’s Pulliam School of Journalism, host of “No Limits” WFYI 90.1 Indianapolis and publisher of

ment isn’t likely to dissuade the Millers and the Clarks from clinging to them. Nor will RFRA’s ultimate inclusion of language protecting gays and lesbians deter social conservatives from pushing on, for two reasons. The first is that they know that the next stage of Indiana’s culture wars will be fought on terrain more congenial to them. Like most others, Indiana’s legislative process is set up to favor interest groups opposing change. It is much easier to play defense – to stop a measure from becoming law – than it is to play offense and create new policy. The next round of this fight will be about whether Indiana should add sexual orientation to the state’s civil rights statutes. The Millers and the Clarks won’t like that and they’ll man the barricades to stop it. That means they’ll get to play defense the next time around. And they will have enough ammunition to make the fight. In most cases, a lack of success in the political arena means that fundraising dries up, but that’s not likely here. As the weird story of the pizza business owner in northern Indiana who told a local TV station she wouldn’t cater a gay wedding demonstrates, a lot of people are willing to spend money to defend legalizing anti-gay discrimination. A GoFundMe campaign started to support the business owner secured more than $800,000 in days. The reason for that outpouring of support also lies in the religious right’s way of thought. The circularity of the faithful’s arguments is impenetrable. A triumph means that their service to their principles has been vindicated. Setbacks simply show the need for renewed devotion, efforts and sacrifice. In other words, the RFRA “fix” wasn’t a political or public policy failure or defeat. It was a test of faith. This fight won’t go away because Eric Miller, Micah Clark and other leaders of Indiana’s religious right can’t quit. They don’t want fixes. They don’t even want solutions. They want victories. And they’ll keep battling until they get what they want. n









DAVID HOPPE DHOPPE@NUVO.NET David Hoppe has been writing columns for NUVO since the mid-1990s. Find him online at

But if this is a competition, what, exactly, does it take to win? Michigan City Area Schools (MCAS), a comparatively small system with a student population of less than 6,000, has struggled with an array of challenges — some self-inflicted — for years. Yet in March, MCAS was named a “District of Distinction” by a national magazine and cited for dramatic increases in its ISTEP passing rates. Unfortunately, the system’s student population, like the population of Michigan City overall, is falling. School funding in Indiana follows students; when parents move to suburban systems, like Hamilton Southeastern, they take funding with them. And so the Republican legislature will reward MCAS’s improved performance with another If this is a competition, what, challenge to surmount: new exactly, does it take to win? rounds of budget cuts. There’s no secret about the role public school systems play in the lives of their communisystems are growing is because families ties. Strong public systems are magnets with kids who live in Indiana cities and for families and employers. When it towns are faced with a stark choice. They comes to assessing a place’s quality of can choose to stay where they are and try life, the quality of its schools is a leading to navigate their way through a tangle of indicator. Nothing could boost Indiapublic and private options or, if they are napolis or (even more) Michigan City, able, move to the ’burbs. like public school bragging rights. If you’ve lived in an Indiana city for any Most Hoosiers live in urban length of time, you’ve seen this happen. areas; what’s more, cities That cool young couple next door has a and towns generate major kid. Next thing you know they’re saying revenue for the rest of the state. that as much as they love living in town, Instead of hollowing out urban they’re thinking it’s time to move out to school systems, you’d think our where the schools are better. Their kid is Republican legonly going to be a kid once, after all. islature would Indiana Republicans will say this boils down to competition. A competition that try finding new ways to city schools (let’s not mention the thouhelp. n sands of kids who attend these schools) are losing. So cut the funding to city schools. The Republican budget calls for cuts to Indianapolis Public Schools of between $22 and $32 million over the next two years. Hamilton Southeastern, on the other hand, will get at least $23 million more. ndiana’s one-party (Republican) legislature keeps talking to itself, which leaves the rest of us saying, “What?!” Our fearless leaders seem to have decided that Indiana really doesn’t need its cities anymore. They’re doing their best to make urban living as unappealing as possible. That’s the message being sent by the cuts to urban public school systems in the new state budget. While the Republicans are touting spending increases to public education, these increases are selective. They will go to suburban schools systems. These systems are growing and need the money, say Republicans. But as we should know by now, a major reason these

NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // VOICES 7

POT STATISTICS The war on marijuana In June 2013 the ACLU Foundation released a study titled “The War on Marijuana in Black and White.” The study determined:



• Out of the 8 million marijuana-related arrests in the U.S. from 2001-2010, 88 percent were for possession. • 52 percent of all drug arrests are marijuana-related. • 46 percent of all drug arrests are for marijuana possession. • In 2010, there was a marijuana-related arrest somewhere in the U.S. every 27 seconds. • Collectively, all 50 states have spent over $3.6 billion enforcing marijuana possession laws. • Although marijuana use among white people and Black people is the same, a Black person is 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.

What do Hoosiers think? In the 2012 WISH-TV/Ball State University Hoosier Survey conducted by the Bowen Center for Public Affairs, 53 percent of Indiana residents supported the decriminalization of marijuana by making it legal to hold small quantities. In the 2013 WISH-TV/Ball State University Hoosier Survey: • 52 percent of Hoosiers supported regulating marijuana similar to tobacco regulation. • 78 percent of Hoosiers supported taxing marijuana similar to cigarette taxation.

What is the law in Indiana now? Changes have been made to Indiana laws to slightly lessen the penalties related to marijuana. Some of the changes are as recent as last year, but were made “quietly” as mentioned by Sen. Tallian. As of July 1, 2014: • Possession of marijuana, hash oil, hashish, salvia or a synthetic drug is considered a Class B misdemeanor. • The penalty increases to a Class A misdemeanor if there is a prior conviction for a drug offense. The penalty increases to a Level 6 felony of there is a prior drug offense conviction and the person possesses more than 30 grams of marijuana or more than 2 grams of hash oil, hashish, salvia or a synthetic drug. • A first time offender who pleads guilty to misdemeanor possession can have charges dismissed if they successfully complete conditions put in place by the court (substance abuse programs, counseling, etc.). • A Class B misdemeanor carries a penalty of a fixed term of up to 180 days in prison and a possible fine of up to $1,000. • A Class A misdemeanor carries a penalty of a fixed term up to one year in prison and a possible fine of up to $5,000. • A Level 6 felony carries a penalty of six months to two and a half years in prison and a possible fine of up to $10,000. 8 NEWS // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO




ndiana Senator Karen Tallian, D-Portage, is known for many things. As an attorney she has done everything from defending the accused to teaching at the Valparaiso School of Law. She maintains her practice in Portage, has experience in state and federal courts and is licensed to practice law in Indiana and Illinois. As a legislator she has taken on labor issues, healthcare, property tax reform and environmental protection. However, she is probably most noted for her continued campaign to decriminalize marijuana in Indiana. I had the chance to talk with Tallian about why she stands behind this issue with no intention of backing down. NUVO: How many times have you tried to get some sort of marijuana legislation passed and why: SEN. KAREN TALLIAN: Well, I’ve proposed various forms [of legislation] over the last five years. It started recently. I am an attorney and I was sitting in a criminal court waiting to be called and I saw one after another after another… young kids pleading guilty to either a misdemeanor or D felony for possession of marijuana and getting sentenced






Why Indiana Senator Karen Tallian fights for marijuana

know, it’s just a hearing, it’s just a study.” So even the most stalwart people let me do that. We had a couple of hearings over a summer. The next couple of years I tried, I filed a bill for the decriminalization of small amounts so [the] possession of small amounts would only be an infraction. But I could never get a hearing. I think I did that for three years and everybody kept saying, “Oh, next year, next year.” Then this year, a few people said, PHOTO SUBMITTED “Hey, why don’t you just try medical?” So this year I filed Sen. Karen Tallian, (D-Portage), is never afraid to speak her mind on the Senate floor. a bill just for medical. Again, I got HUGE public support. I legal, we just haven’t gotten there yet. think that when we put the announcement up on my Senate website, we got NUVO: How does the recently passed bill 90,000 hits in the first week. And so allowing access to experimental drugs, that’s where I am. I didn’t get a hearing medical devices and treatments (HEA on that either. 1065) affect drugs and medicines with a cannabis base? Will Hoosiers have access (Editor’s note: The announcement was to those products under the statute? shared more than 1,900 times from the NUVO website.)

NUVO: As an attorney, do you see the legal community getting more and more relaxed about marijuana? I mean, there are bigger fish to fry, like murderers, rapists, child abductors, etc. compared to pot violations.

TALLIAN: I sure hope so. In the legal community, I It’s not patience. It’s persistence. think most people (most people that I know and And that’s just what you have to do that’s a lot of people from all over the state) around here. think that we are well — SEN. KAREN TALLIAN, D-PORTAGE past time. Now I will tell you that quietly over the last couple of years we have managed to lower some penalties so we did get the second to community corrections, payment of offense taken out of felony and into misfines, going through alcohol and subdemeanor. That had been an automatic stance abuse programs and I thought this is really… this is really stupid. So the bump up if you had a second offense. So first year I filed a bill that just said, “Let’s we got rid of that. We’ve reduced some penalties. We’ve gotten rid of some talk about marijuana policy in the state paraphernalia issuse. So, quietly I’ve of Indiana. Let’s hold some hearings” gotten a few things done because people and lo and behold! Nobody was more agree with this. But going for the big one surprised than me when that actually of either decriminalization or medical or passed the Senate, because I said, “You

TALLIAN: It doesn’t affect those products because I believe that bill only deals with drugs that under FDA consideration. However, I have to tell you, that when that bill came up on the Senate floor, I did make a point of personal privilege and say, “Look, marijuana would fit here. Marijuana would absolutely fit here and anybody who’s terminally ill should get whatever the heck they want!” So, yes, I made that same pitch. NUVO: And obviously it fell on deaf ears… TALLIAN: I didn’t offer an amendment, in fact I said… I could have, I thought about it, but I didn’t want to jeopardize this other bill, but [speaking to the Senate I said], “I just want to let you know, or point out to you, this is what you’re doing here. It’s nothing more than what I asked for.” NUVO: So as research continues into cannabis and marijuana, it could in theory in the future fall under that bill. TALLIAN: It could. It was not unnoticed. S E E , L EGISL A TOR, O N PA GE 1 0

GET INVOLVED Indiana NORML Monday, April 20, 12 p.m. Indiana NORML will host the Indy Canna March on the sidewalk on the east side of the Indiana Statehouse. Indiana NORML is the Indiana chapter of the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws. The advocacy group works to educate the public in an effort to change public opinion and decriminalize marijuana in the state. There are also two regional chapters (Northeast and Southwest) and two college chapters (IUPUI and Purdue) of NORML. Indiana Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., FREE, Marijuana Policy Project The Marijuana Policy Project is an organization dedicated to decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level leaving states to determine their own marijuana policies. MPP was founded in 1995 and is the largest U.S. organization whose primary goal is to end marijuana prohibition on a national level. MPP also monitors marijuana policy in all 50 states and creates local lobby groups for state initiatives when necessary. MPP celebrates its 20th anniversary April 29 with a Lobby Day on Capitol Hill to talk about legislation and a gala in Washington D.C. Medical Cannabis Resource Center MERCY, or The Medical Cannabis Resource Center, is an Oregon-based organization that maintains a database of information about states that allow medical marijuana use and resources within those states for growers and consumers. MERCY also monitors states considering medical marijuana laws.

THOUGHT BITE ARCHIVE 6/11 Indy Star headline: Found: $48 million for Colts” Not found: anything at all to lower teacherpupil ratios in IPS inner-city schools. (Week of June 15-22, 2005) — ANDY JACOBS JR.

NUVO.NET/NEWS Union workers protest common construction repeal By Andi TenBarge Addressing the gender wage gap in Indiana By Mary Kuhlman Where does Congress stand on LGBTQ rights? By Amber Stearns

VOICES • Graduation is not the goal — By Morton Marcus 10 NEWS // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO






F R O M P A G E 08

NUVO: What are your future plans on the subject – will you continue to submit bills? Others may not be as patient as you are. TALLIAN: It’s not patience. It’s persistence. And that’s just what you have to do around here. Representative Charlie Brown [D-Gary] I think filed his smoking ban bill for eight years before he Tallian got it through. Now I’m going to keep doing this in one form or another. And I don’t know yet, I’ll have to talk to people and see if there’s anything that will get me a better chance of getting a hearing. Frankly, I will tell you that as long as our current governor is in office, I don’t think this is ever going to happen. I think that there was probably a discussion, I’m just guessing, but I



could hear a discussion that says, “Don’t send this to my desk.” No, I don’t think Governor Pence would support anything like this. In fact, he told me that once. NUVO: How do you keep the public conversation going to keep people talking? TALLIAN: That’s not very hard. In fact, it’s sort of the opposite. It doesn’t matter where I go in the state, somebody comes up to me and says, “I support that.” I do a lot of work around here on a lot of different things, but it seems the one thing that people know me for is this topic and they’re always wanting to talk about it and they’re always urging me on. I rarely have anybody say to me, “Oh, you shouldn’t do that.” NUVO: Is that what keeps you going? TALLIAN: Sure. It’s just one of those things we need to do. And nobody else will say it. Although, this year, [Rep.] Sue Errington, [D-Muncie], filed a bill in

the House, and there may have been a couple of other things in the House. NUVO: That sounds like progress. It seems like you were the only one beating the drum for a while. TALLIAN: Well, yeah. That’s right. And then, people start saying, “Oh, she didn’t get killed for doing this.” I mean I had a lot of that when I first brought up this topic. I had people say, “Oh my gosh, don’t do this. We want you back next year.” People were afraid that I was going to get drummed out of town for doing this. It’s been exactly the opposite. NUVO: That always seems to be the big fear that keeps legislators from doing anything – that fear of not getting re-elected. TALLIAN: I think that’s right. And I’ll do it again next year – some version of this will come again next year. Just tell all of your readers who are supporters to don’t give up yet. We just have to be persistent. n

TALLIAN’S MARIJUANA LEGISLATION THROUGH THE YEARS 2015: SB 284 – Medical marijuana. Establishes a medical marijuana program and permits caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for treatment. Creates the department of marijuana enforcement (DOME) to oversee the program, and creates the DOME advisory committee to review the effectiveness of the program and to consider recommendations from DOME. Authorizes DOME to grant research licenses to research facilities with a physical presence in Indiana. Repeals the controlled substance excise tax and the marijuana eradication program. (Assigned to Health and Provider Services Committee. Never received a hearing.)

2014: SB 314 – Legalization of small amounts of Marijuana. Authorizes the licensed cultivation and production of industrial hemp in accordance with rules adopted by the department of agriculture. Makes possession of less than two ounces of marijuana a Class C infraction. Makes possession of more than two ounces of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions involving marijuana in the past five years. Requires a court to suspend a sentence imposed for possession of marijuana if the person does not have a previous conviction involving marijuana in the past five years, and requires a court to defer a sentence if the person pleads guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana. Makes the sale or delivery

of more than two ounces of marijuana a Class A misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Level 6 or Level 5 felony under certain circumstances. Provides a defense if a person who delivers less than 10 pounds of marijuana does so for no consideration. Makes the public use or display of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions for an offense involving marijuana in the past five years. Reduces the penalty for maintaining a common nuisance to a Class A misdemeanor if the only unlawful controlled substances involved were marijuana, hashish, or hash oil. Allows certain persons convicted of dealing in marijuana as a misdemeanor to participate in a forensic diversion program. (Assigned to Corrections and Criminal Law Committee. Never received a hearing.)

2013: SB 580 - Marijuana. Provides that operating a vehicle with an inactive metabolite of marijuana, hashish, or hash oil in one’s body does not violate the impaired driving laws. Authorizes the licensed cultivation and production of industrial hemp in accordance with rules adopted by the department of agriculture. Makes possession of less than two ounces of marijuana a Class C infraction. Makes possession of more than two ounces of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions involving marijuana in the past five years. Requires a court to suspend a sentence

imposed for possession of marijuana if the person does not have a previous conviction involving marijuana in the past five years, and requires a court to defer a sentence if the person pleads guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana. Makes the sale or delivery of more than two ounces of marijuana a Class A misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class D or Class C felony under certain circumstances. Provides a defense if a person who delivers under ten pounds of marijuana does so for no consideration. Makes the public use or display of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions for an offense involving marijuana in the past five years. Reduces the penalty for maintaining a common nuisance to a Class A misdemeanor if the only unlawful controlled substances involved were marijuana, hashish, or hash oil. Allows certain persons convicted of dealing in marijuana as a misdemeanor to participate in a forensic diversion program. Repeals the controlled substance excise tax. (Assigned to Corrections and Criminal Law Committee. Never received a hearing.)

2012: SB 347 - Marijuana offenses. Provides that operating a vehicle with an inactive metabolite of marijuana, hashish, or hash oil in one’s body does not violate the impaired driving laws. Makes possession of less than three ounces of marijuana a Class C infraction. Makes possession of more than three ounces of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and

makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions involving marijuana in the past five years. Requires a court to suspend a sentence imposed for possession of marijuana if the person does not have a previous conviction involving marijuana in the past five years, and requires a court to defer a sentence if the person pleads guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana. Makes the sale or delivery of more than three ounces of marijuana a Class A misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class D or Class C felony under certain circumstances. Provides a defense if a person who delivers under ten pounds of marijuana does so for no consideration. Makes the public use or display of marijuana a Class B misdemeanor, and makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor if the person has two or more prior convictions for an offense involving marijuana in the past five years. Reduces the penalty for maintaining a common nuisance to a Class A misdemeanor if the only unlawful controlled substances involved were marijuana, hashish, or hash oil. Repeals the controlled substance excise tax. (Assigned to Corrections, Criminal and Civil Matters Committee. Never received a hearing.)

2011: SB 192 - Study of marijuana. Requires the Criminal Law and Sentencing Policy Study Committee to study issues relating to marijuana. (Passed out of the Senate. Sponsored in the House by Reps. Linda Lawson and Thomas Knollman; died in the House Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedures.)


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Charged With A Marijuana Offense? There are approximately

750,000 people arrested for marijuana

offenses in the United States each year.

87% of these arrests were for possession alone. There are approximately

14,000 people are arrested for

marijuana offenses in Indiana each year. Indiana had the

second highest marijuana arrest rate

compared to surrounding states in 2012; 7,132 per 100,000 users.

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Bill Levin’s First Church of Cannabis




he headlines are tremendous: This Guy Just Used The Indiana Religious Freedom Law To Open A Church Of Cannabis — The Libertarian Republic Indiana’s Church of Cannabis Growing Like a Weed — U.S. News and World Report Whoops: Indiana’s anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ act opens the door for the First Church of Cannabis — Raw Story And most of the stories in print and online include the mug of a dude most Indy residents probably recognize: pot activist and sometime-political candidate Bill Levin. Levin’s shock of white hair and joyfully craggy face first went nationally viral with his City-County Council campaign ad in 2011, a commercial that closed with Bill’s signature tagline: “One love.” >>>

THE CHURCH OF CANNABIS’ “DEITY DOZEN” We are Cannataerians striving for a better planet.


THE NEW DEITY DOZEN Practice these in your daily adventures in life, teach others to do the same: 1. Don’t be an asshole. Treat everyone with love as an equal. 2. The day starts with your smile every morning. When you get up, wear it first. 3. Help others when you can. Not for money, but because it’s needed. 4. Treat your body as a temple. Do not poison it with poor quality foods and sodas. 5. Do not take advantage of people. Do not intentionally hurt anything. 6. Never start a fight... only finish them. 7. Grow food, raise animals, get nature into your daily routine. 8. Do not be a “troll” on the internet; respect others without name calling and being vulgarly aggressive. 9. Spend at least 10 minutes a day just contemplating life in a quiet space. 10. When you see a bully, stop them by any means possible. Protect those who can not protect themselves. 11. Laugh often, share humor. Have fun in life, be positive. 12. Cannabis, “the Healing Plant,” is our sacrament. It brings us closer to ourselves and others. It is our fountain of health, our love, curing us from illness and depression. We embrace it with our whole heart and spirit, individually and as a group.

Levin’s now founded the First Church of Cannabis — it’s one of those unintended consequences of Indiana’s version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the law that was eventually “clarified” by the legislature after a massive backlash Opponents said RFRA was primarily intended to allow businesses to discriminate against a single class of Hoosiers who aren’t protected under Indiana’s broader civil rights statutes: LGBTQ citizens. Ironically, the Federal version of RFRA in part stemmed from the use of a controlled substance by two Native Americans. The pair were denied unemployment compensation after being fired from their jobs for testing positive for the psychoactive components in peyote, a drug they used in religious ceremonies. Levin decided to found his church the very day Gov. Mike Pence signed Indiana’s RFRA into law. As the Washington Post reported on March 30, “ Secretary of State Connie Lawson approved the church as a religious corporation with the stated intent ‘to start a church based on love and understanding with compassion for all.’” So what was the impetus? A chat with an attorney? A careful reading of the law? “I had a divine vision,” says Bill. What Bill didn’t envision was the church’s instant notoriety. “You live in Indy. You know how many turn out for cannabis support,” Bill reminds me when I call him to talk about the church and its “cannataerian” worshippers. “We have 200, 300 people when we have a rally. I expected maybe a paragraph or two in NUVO, maybe a news blip and that would be it. We’d rent out a little 1,000-square-foot church and we’d try from there.” “I didn’t expect this. I had to hire a personal assistant to read all my emails. It’s in Dutch, in German; the story’s appeared in Singapore, New Zealand. “I was not prepared to have the fastest growing religion in the world.” Levin’s dance card is pretty full: the man’s been doing roughly one interview per hour since the story broke, including a drive-time appearance on WLS radio in Chicago that ended abruptly when a host who apparently hadn’t done his research asked Bill about “The Deity Dozen,” Levin’s own commandments. Bill started with the first one: “The first pathway is don’t be an asshole. Treat everyone equal. He turned me off the air,” says Bill.

—Amen Bill Levin - Minister of Love and Grand Pooba of the Church 14 COVER STORY // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Bill began looking at buildings as the story went viral, and his plans for a small rental structure to house his fellow cannabis congregants soon grew well beyond his original notions. “I figured $20,000 a year would cover our rent and take care of heat and gas. Right now, I am a firm believer that we need more than 1,000 square feet. We have everybody in the world, literally, wanting to come to our first service,” says Levin. Bill plans to take the church through its first year in a rental space, and then construct a building out of hempcrete, a composite of the tough core of the hemp plant and a lime binder. But Levin’s got to do more than raise money for the new building: “I also need to change Indiana state law to consider hempcrete a valid building material in this state.” And for those who only think that Levin’s using the new statute as a convenient excuse, Bill told the Post the church is planning on hosting outreach programs to battle both heroin and alcohol addiction — Bill says no booze will be allowed on the premises. What about the church structure under Minister of Love and Grand Pooba Bill Levin? Will there be elders and deacons? “We’re not organizing like other churches. We’re not like other guys,” says Bill. “You’re all basing it on whatever magic book you guys were reading when you created your church. We are creating our own doctrine, and we are going to keep it as simple as fucking possible so it translates to every language.” Sure, Bill’s going to confront a lot of pushback if someone actually torches one up as part of a worship service — the notion of “controlled-substance-as-sacrament” is still an incredibly murky area of the law. Professor David Orentlicher from the I.U. McKinney School of Law offered this via email when NUVO asked if Levin has a winnable case, should it come to that: “There is a U.S. Supreme Court case in which the Court recognized an exemption from the Controlled Substances Act for a religious sect under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, 546 U.S. 418, 2006).” O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal (or UDV) is a Brazilian sect of Christianity. When some of its adherents moved to the States and were granted status as a religious group in their adopted home state of New Mexico, they began importing a tea called Hoasca.

A timeline of Indiana marijuana activism By Neal Smith IN NORML

Hoasca is a bit more potent than your auntie’s Earl Grey — the stuff contains enough psychedelic compounds to be qualified as a Schedule 1 drug by the feds. Customs seized UDV’s brew, the case was appealed until it reached the U.S. Supreme Court, and under the 1993 Federal RFRA law, the justices rendered a unanimous decision in favor of the church. “So these kinds of claims are possible,” says Orentlicher. “However, it’s one thing for a well-established practice of a religion that was not created for the purpose of using drugs; it’s quite another thing for a religion to be created for the purpose of using drugs.” On the other hand, Bill has a pretty long history of referring to weed as a kind of sacrament — just take a gander at the dude’s political history, or simply check out his Facebook page. Gavin Rose, a senior staff attorney with the ACLU of Indiana, says that courts are often reluctant to dictate what’s a religion and what isn’t: “Courts generally don’t want to second-guess someone’s religious beliefs.” Under RFRA, it’ll be up to someone besides Levin or the cops to determine if cannabis congregants are sincere — or if the state’s interest in outlawing ganja outweighs the rights of Levin and his peeps to worship at the altar of THC. Levin certainly won’t be alone in his claims that his religious practices run counter to state and local statutes, by the way: practicing Wiccans in Indiana are already claiming that Indiana’s RFRA law will allow them to dance naked in public the next time the moon’s full. “You can imagine the thousand and one unintended consequences of RFRA that are now going to bubble to the surface,” says Rose. “I think Bill Levin’s church is a great response to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and could lead to some interesting court cases,” says William H. Martin, defense attorney and vice chairman of Indiana NORML. “The First Church of Cannabis is not the only church that believes that marijuana can be sacramental and used in a spiritual manner,” Martin continues. “Mr. Pence wanted to implement the RFRA to protect all religions from government intrusion. “It would be my opinion that the RFRA should protect The First Church of Cannabis just as much as it would any other religion.” n

1968 Karma Records opens two stores in Indianapolis. Sells records (including underground recordings), posters, incense, rolling papers, hand pipes and bongs. Continues, pg.16

1967 Alan Deck opens “The Kinetic Dormouse,” Indianapolis’s first head shop, in Talbot Village.

1972 First pro-marijuana rally in Indiana is held in Dunn Meadow at the Indiana University, Bloomington campus. About 150 attend.

1056 Broad Ripple Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana (317) 253-6551 Toxin removers, incense, stickers, hats, shades, posters, E LIQUIDS, HOOKAH STICKS, OIL RIGS, DABS, delicious smoke pipes, trippy lights, candles, vaporizers, grinders, scales, authorized dealer for Roor, PHX, Illadelph, HISI, Jerome Baker Glass, Medicali, TORO, HITMAN, etc. Imported cigarettes, cigars, cloves, bidis, E Cigs, flasks, hookah, tobacco & more...

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GREAT WEED WINDFALL The great weed windfall isn’t coming to the Hoosier state — yet B Y E D WE NC K EWEN K@ N U VO . N ET


eed is having something of a renaissance. After a year of the great Colorado legalization experiment — a state where anyone 21 and older can use pot for recreational as well as medical use — marijuana suddenly seems poised to becoming America’s Next Big Thing, maybe one day as ubiquitous and accepted as craft beer. The Denver Post — a daily, family newspaper — has hired a full-time editor for a section of their publication called “The Cannabist.” The Hoosier state remains resistant. Possession of grams or less is a misdemeanor in Indiana, true, but the penalties max out at $5,000 in fines and one year in prison. Over 30 grams? That’s still a felony that can bring up to three years in prison and cost the user $10,000. Thirty grams isn’t much more than an ounce. Or, say, one quarter of your Quarter Pounder — your Royale with Cheese. And while pot still remains a target as a “dangerous drug” in Indiana and most of the nation, meth lab seizures in the state rose 108 percent from 2007 to 2012. Despite a few small voices in the wilderness, the notion of decriminalization, much

less legalization, hasn’t gotten a lot of traction in the Indiana General Assembly. This even as critics of the nation’s misguided “War on Drugs” grow louder: said “War” hasn’t worked (weed use is actually up in Indiana by 4 percent over the last decade, according to a report from John Gettman from the University of Shenandoah) — and there’s the massive problem of racial disparity. The ACLU has found that a Black American is four times more likely to be busted for pot than a white citizen — even though Blacks and whites use weed at the same rate.

NORML and what you can do Part of the problem is the federal classification of bud: although the feds haven’t started shutting down pot shops in Denver, marijuana is still classified as a Schedule One drug — as dangerous as cocaine, according the government. That’s one part of the reason the feds spend roughly $500 per second on the “War on Drugs.” Still: “The feds reclassifying marijuana would be a huge help, but change can be made without the reclassification, just as it has been made in the many states

1973 Stephen W. Dillon, David Allison and Steve Allen attended a National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) in Washington, D.C. and were inspired to form Indiana NORML.

1974 Dillon, Allison, Ken Gigax, Carl Good, Allen and Letty Wingeter officially affiliate with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Indiana NORML is one of the oldest state chapters in the organization. 16 COVER STORY // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

that allow medical and even recreational ways the state government restricts marijuana,” says William H. Martin, an alcohol or tobacco. Cannabis activist Jay Indiana criminal defense attorney and Brookinz, for example, says, “Should mithe vice chairman of Indiana NORML. nors have access? No. Should you drive Martin expands on this in an email after you smoke? Of course not.” (More conversation: “[Indiana State Senators] about Jay on p.18) Karen Tallian (D-Portage), Greg Taylor And the discussion we’re having here (D-Indianapolis) and Jean Breaux (Dis only about recreational canna: indusIndianapolis) have indicated support in trial hemp and medicinal marijuana are the past. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) from the House has introduced A Black American is four times more two bills in the last two likely to be busted for pot than a sessions. Past that, we know there are those on white citizen — even though Blacks both sides of the aisle who would support reand whites use weed at the same rate. legalization, i.e. tax and regulate, but they’re not still struggling to find their own allies in willing to step forward at this time. … We the state. Even Indiana’s recent “Right to encourage everyone to register to vote, Try” legislation, which would allow cerpay attention to the issue and changing tain terminal patients to take a crack at laws, and to express their opinions to their lawmakers, whether that is at a state treatments that hadn’t been completely vetted, wouldn’t cover pot. or local level. Politicians need to know “As I understand it, the ‘right to try’ bill, that the majority of people want change unfortunately, will not permit the use of and that they (politicians) don’t need to medical marijuana for those terminally fear negative voter repercussions for votill patients who would benefit from it,” ing for changing our marijuana laws.” Indiana pot advocates have no probsays Martin. “The problem is that in order lem with regulating the drug in the same for medical marijuana to be acceptable

1976 Marijuana laws are changed to reduce the penalty for possession of 30 grams or less as a Class A misdemeanor. Penalties still include up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.

1990 Indianapolis NORML is formed and begins working in tandem with Indiana NORML. In April, the first hemp festival, is held at Tall Sycamore Campground, Logansport, Indiana by Geri Twitty.

1989 Dharma Emporium, an esoterica store run by David Zintel of Indianapolis, begins sponsoring marijuana reform activism, staging rallies and sponsoring Jack Herer’s “Hemp Tour” three times.

1991 Local chapter of “Freedom Fighters” formed. Dharma sponsors third “Hemp Tour.” Indiana NORML begins Fully Informed Jury Awareness campaign.

“As I understand it, the ‘right to try’ bill, unfortunately, will not permit the use of medical marijuana for those terminally ill patients who would benefit from it.”

Where else can you get

— WILLIAM H. MARTIN, VICE CHAIRMAN OF INDIANA NORML izing marijuana, so you’d have to bolster the regulatory structure. The ATC (Alcohol and Tobacco Commission) and the Department of Revenue would have to ramp up their hires and their regulatory regime. It’d be relatively minuscule, and you would have savings from court appearances.” Much bigger savings would come from a reduction in the prison population. The Indiana prison population totaled 29,913 on December 31, 2013 according to the National Institute of Corrections, and “Indiana county probation departments under the Indiana judiciary had supervisions pending for 61,193 felony probation cases and 65,967 misdemeanor probation cases as of January 1, 2013.” In 2012, Indiana made 13,224 marijuana arrests (which was actually a decrease from 2011). And the state is spending over $14,823 per inmate, a number that only includes the cost of actual incarceration. (That’s actually not a lot of cash for sheltering and feeding the state’s prison population. The national average is around $32K.) But the costs for busting pot users add up quickly. John Gettman, Ph.D., a researcher from the University of Shenandoah who was brought to the Indiana Legislature by Senator Karen Tallian, estimated that in 2005 alone, “Criminal Justice expenditures for Indiana (police, courts and corrections) … result[ed] in an estimated cost of $149 million,” for weed offenses. n

under this law, it would first have to pass through the initial phase of FDA approval, which it has not. The reclassifying of marijuana could help in this area, and would likely lead the FDA to ultimately approve of medical marijuana.”

Money The numbers are impressive: $52,570,081. That’s the total of marijuana taxes, licenses and fees pulled in by the state of Colorado in their fiscal year running from 2014-15. (Indiana has a larger total population than the Rocky Mountain State.) And Colorado made $8.5 million in weed in January 2015 alone. Be nice for Hoosiers to have that cash, wouldn’t it? According to John Ketzenberger, president of the Indiana fiscal policy institute, that 50-plus million dollar windfall would’ve covered half of the Indiana BMV overcharging screwup. As big as that number seems on its face, though, it’s half of what many supporters had predicted. And as far as the larger state tax revenue situation goes, Ketzenberger reminds us that “taxes in Indiana generate nearly $15 billion a year. If [a] marijuana tax generated $50 million in Indiana, it would be 0.33 percent of the total tax take.” There are hidden expenses here, too: Ketzenberger says that, “There would be administration costs associated with legal-

at 3 am?



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What could $50 million in added pot revenue pay for in the state of Indiana? Here’s just a few expenditures for fiscal year 2014 from the’s searchable database:

Alcohol and Tobacco Commission: $4,723,321 Civil Rights Commission: $727,102 Department of Agriculture: $3,273,024 Division of Mental Health: $2,874,826 Governor’s Office: $119,743 House of Representatives: $4,747,879 Indiana State Prison: $10,491,069 Senate: $2,028,922

1992 Indiana Cannabis Action Network (ICAN) formed by Neal Smith and Mark Brandum. Assembles a number of Central Indiana activists.


1998 Indiana NORML connects with other NORML chapters across the nation through the “Affiliates List,” the first inter-chapter electronic communications email list.

Continues, pg.18

1993 Indiana’s first hemp museum opens in South Bend, Indiana.


1999 Indiana NORML starts rallies in conjunction with Dana Beal’s Million Marijuana March on the first Saturday in May.




explo res the merg ing of a wide spec trum of musi c from arou ndth e glob e and Ame rican genr es like hip-h op, jazz and soul.



NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // COVER STORY 17

Smoke ’em if you got ’em A roundup of one expert’s favorite devices




ay Brookinz — when he’s not producing hip-hop under the moniker J. Brookinz — is the social media director for 20Past4&More. Jay’s the only social media maven for a “smoke shop” of this type in central Indiana — he started as a clerk in the Broad Ripple shop before running all the platforms for the store roughly five years back. Brookinz knows a lot about how to market via Instagram effectively — and knows even more about what’s trending in the world of smoking and vaping devices. A note from the attorneys: “These products are to be used for tobacco and tobacco concentrates ONLY, Mister and Miss Hophead.” Can we continue now? >>>

2000 U.S. Supreme Court rules drug checkpoints are unconstitutional based on “Edmond vs. Indianapolis,” a case against the Indianapolis Police Department.

2002 Indiana NORML stages the state’s first medical marijuana conference at Purdue University.

2001 Indiana Green Party co-founded by INORML Vice Chairman Neal Smith. Indiana NORML takes up the case of Jeanne Horton, a nine-year bedridden multiple sclerosis patient arrested for one gram of marijuana and a pipe. Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi demands she appear in court. Steve Dillon, attorney in the case, had Horton brought to court in an ambulance and on a gurney. 18 COVER STORY // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

2004 INORML has a second Indiana State Fair booth.

2003 INORML applies for a booth at the Indiana State Fair, and is denied. INORML requested and obtained an Indiana Attorney General’s opinion that stated since the fair has had political issue groups, INORML could not be excluded.

2006 Geri Twitty opens “High on the Hill,” billed as a “One Stop Hippie Shop.” Becomes a center of marijuana activism.

Blown GlassGoods Nectar Collector (for concentrates) $1,000

Zach P. Handmade Bubbler (for dry products)

This little number from a company in Albuquerque, New Mexico is designed to deliver a pretty hefty dose of concentrate. The price puts this demure glass pistol out of reach for most smokers, and it’s what Brookinz and company refer to as a “museum piece,” since it’s the kind of product that lives in the display cases for many moons before anyone takes the plunge. “I sold one to a guy who’d just gotten out of the Army,” recalls Brookinz. “He wanted the most expensive collector we had.”

Another amazing luxury item from the “heady” case (the place where the shop keeps the luxury goods), this is a handpainted work of water-pipe art. Mr. P. (short for Puchowitz) whose mission to turn American pipes into singular pieces of art is gaining as much ground as the push toward reassessing how we think of certain, er, smoke-able materials. (Yeah, the lawyers are ALL OVER this page.) This little bubbler is one of many beautiful examples that represent the bulk of Zach’s work; some of his pipes resemble other objects — including the occasional toilet.

PAX 2 by Ploom (for dry products)


The original PAX was awesome. It was also something of a high-maintenance device: the PAX vaporizer designed for dry leaves and herbs required a lot of careful cleaning and usage could be a little clunky. Brookinz tells us that PAX 2 is a streamlined version of the original that simply works better — it’s more powerful, more streamlined and the mouthpiece is more ergonomic. Jay’s a fan of the whole concept of non-combustible vaporization of dry leaves: “I’ve known people who used these who had cancer and wanted to increase their appetite and get their meds,” in places where medicinal cannabis has been legalized. The Ploom products are vastly cheaper than the “Cadillac” of these types of devices, notably, the German-made Volcano, which can run in the $600-$700 range. Brookinz calls the PAX 2 “the IPhone of Vaporizers.”

2007 High on the Hill co-sponsors and hosts 420 event and the Global Marijuana March. Steve Eisenhauer forms South West Indiana NORML.

Dr. Dabber Ghost Pen (for concentrates)


For the user of concentrates on the go, “The Dr. Dabber Ghost is the original low-heat vaporizer pen for oils and waxes,” so sayeth the corporate propaganda. “Our Titanium Technology heats to the ideal temperature slowly, instead of burning red hot on contact. This eliminates the burned, electric taste synonymous with vaporizer pens, ensuring you can enjoy the flavor of your oils or waxes.” Brookinz recommends this pen for the smoker who wants something portable, fairly surreptitious and easy to clean and maintain.

2011 Indiana Senator Karen Tallian (D-Portage) introduces what becomes a Senate Resolution commanding the Indiana Criminal Sentencing and Policy Commission to formally study relegalization of Marijuana. After an impassioned testimony by Representative Tom Knollman (R-Liberty), Committee votes 8-5 to pass to Senate. Senate Passes.

2010 Bill Levin and Joh Padgett form the first political action committee for relegalization called Relegalize Indiana PAC.


2015 After passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Bill Levin founds the First Church of Cannabis, which is approved under RFRA by Indiana’s Secretary of State.

2012 Tallian introduces S.B. 347 calling for decriminalization, co-sponsored by Brent Steele (R-Columbus). Bill dies in committee due to competition from a viciously fought “Right to work” bill. NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // COVER STORY 19

ARTS EVENTS Butler ArtsFest: Stark Raving April 16, 7 p.m. A program of three recent pieces for solo vocalist and chamber ensemble that promises to “push the boundaries of art and sanity.” One is a world premiere: Butler professor Michael Schelle’s The End of Al Capone, commissioned by Butler ArtsFest and performed by Stephen Stolen. The other two — Eight Songs for a Mad King and Miss Donnithorne’s Maggot — are by Peter Maxwell Davies. Eight Songs is quite the trip: Inspired by George III’s attempt to teach his flock of pet bullfinches to sing using a music box, it’s typically staged with the string and woodwind sections performing inside large cages. Schrott Center for the Arts, $15-25, Butler ArtsFest: Banned Music April 17, 7:30 p.m. Flout the censors and expose your impressionable ears to three once-banned works performed by the Indianapolis Chamber Ensemble: a “Banned Operas” suite featuring 17th-century opera suppressed by Pope Clement XI; Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll, because there’s an unwritten ban in Israel on the virulently antiSemitic composer’s work; and Schreker’s 1916 proto-Modernist Kammersymphonie, classified as “degenerate art” by the Nazis. Schrott Center for the Arts, $12-$30 Cutting-Edge Fashion: Recent Acquisitions April 17-Jan. 3, 2016. The IMA refreshes its fashion wing with newly acquired works by Rudi Gernreich, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Issey Miyake, Franco Moschino and others. Indianapolis Museum of Art, included with admission ($18 adult), Butler ArtsFest: Carmina Burana April 19, 7:30 p.m. The Butler University Chorale gets into the Butler ArtsFest fun with a pairing of Orff’s Carmina Burana with Stravinsky’s Les Noces. Schrott Center for the Arts, $15-30 J.S. Bach: Sacred and Secular April 20, 23, 7:30 p.m. You know her, you love her; now she’s back: soprano Julianne Baird. And there’s one more special guest on board for Indy Baroque Orchestra concert of Bach’s works: violinist Augusta McKay Lodge, winner of the 2014 IBO Baroque Concerto Competition. Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center (April 20), Indiana Landmarks (April 23),

NUVO.NET/STAGE Visit for complete event listings, reviews and more. 20 STAGE // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO










Mythbuster Adam Savage on critical thinking and showmanship


es, Mythbusters co-host Adam Savage does boycott some businesses and institutions for political reasons — he identifies as a “good old bleeding heart liberal” — but even during those days of rage following the passage of RFRA, he wasn’t planning to bail on the local stop of the Mythbusters live show (April 19 at Old National Centre). That topic out of the way, we could dig into a fascinating conversation about the differences between the TV series and the live show, the state of science education, the origins of maker culture and Emerson’s “SelfReliance,” among other topics. This is the final tour for his partner in science, cohost Jamie Hyneman, who is retiring from live performance but not the TV show.

NUVO: What can audiences expect from the Mythbusters live show this time around? ADAM SAVAGE: We weren’t sure that our love of science could make for a great stage show, but after having toured it on two continents, in three countries and over 200 cities, we’re starting to believe that we have achieved just that. We’ve built this kind of two-hour science variety show. One of the main things that we do is bring the audience up on stage and mess with them. We love the audience participation; it’s one of the best parts about doing the show. It keeps the show fresh every single night. If you come see us, you should be ready to come up on stage. NUVO: You have a background in theater — you worked as an actor as a kid and then did behind-the-scenes work. Did any of that experience inform how you shaped the show? Did you feel like you were getting back to your roots? SAVAGE: A hundred percent. Absolutely. I spent a good portion of my teens trying to achieve some success as an actor, a commercial actor. I did and I didn’t, and then I ended up making things for 15 years, in theater and graphic design, and then in the toy industry and special effects. And then Mythbusters came along and it was like the joining of these two halves. But making a TV show is vastly different than making a stage show. And I love the difference! I love both of these


Jamie Hyneman (left) and Adam Savage (middle) encourage an audience member to swing at the strength meter. EVENT


W H E N : A P R I L 1 9 , 7 : 30 P . M . WHERE: MURAT THEATRE AT OLD NATIONAL CENTRE T I C K E T S : $4 2 - 76 ( V I P O P T I O N A V A I L A B L E )

processes of storytelling. I love getting up on stage in front of people. I love really working every day to craft a show that is tight, where the transitions are tight and informative, where the stories have resonance. Once you’ve performed in front of an audience enough, the process starts to slow down and you can start to almost have a conversation with the audience. NUVO: Audience participation gives you a chance to play off the crowd instead of playing off the camera. SAVAGE: Indeed. On the television show, Jamie and I are the audience’s avatars. We’re their stand-ins. We go through steps so we can tell them about it. That’s part of that contract. But when you’re the host on stage, you’re just the ringleader. No one’s going to grant you the power of being their avatar. So you’ve got to bring up the audience so that one of them is up there having fun with you, getting humil-

iated in a playful way or getting pitted against some giant in a feat of strength. NUVO: I have a question for you as someone active in maker culture. How is this latest generations of tinkers and inventors — made up of people who call themselves “makers” — different from previous generation that might’ve, say, read Popular Mechanics? SAVAGE: I think that, culturally, we go through oscillations of feeling that we can and can’t manipulate the world around us. I think that the populace of a totalitarian government feels no sense of agency in the world around them. I think that one of the things that America has actually been based upon — and any democratic nation — is the idea that the populace does have some agency. And when it comes to technology, that agency is really important. I like to think of the maker movement that’s currently happening as having its original clause in the post-war automobile modification movement. PostWorld War II, we had an economy on the recovery and a population of people who’d formerly thought of cars as black boxes. Then all of the sudden, people realized that you could modify the automobile you bought and make it better and stronger and faster.


When I was growing up, electronics were certainly a black box that only a select few people with deep skills could effect. But now we’ve got 10-year-old girls who are expert Arduino programmers making GPS information-gathering collars for their dogs. All of the sudden, technology is no longer a black box; everybody can have some agency. And I think that that always bends towards real critical thinking. I’m no longer interested in terms like skepticism. I think it just comes down to being a really good critical thinker and analyzing and feeling some agency with the world around you. NUVO: And Mythbusters demonstrates, in a sense, the scientific method and critical thinking at work. SAVAGE: Indeed. The narratives that we tell on Mythbusters are honest ones. They’re generated and promulgated by the curiosity that Jamie and I have for the subject material. If you’re telling a true story, it’s going to be inherently more interested than telling a false story. We realized early on that the best episodes were driven by our enthusiasm. That was an amazing and powerful thing to understand.






Science is nothing but a rigorous way of telling a good story. — MYTHBUSTER ADAM SAVAGE

medium. Are there any ways to encourage that agency in TV viewers — or is more a situation where the show is complementary to other media and activities that are more interactive?

NUVO: It’s a truism that people will hold fast to beliefs and ideas even when all the evidence in the world proves them wrong. Have you learned anything while doing the show about how to best challenge those delusions?

and on stage, our goal is to tell a better story that’s actually true.

SAVAGE: I think it’s repeatedly shown that humans are among the tiny group of sentient things on this planet that actually understands a narrative, that understands a story. I think a story, in positive or negative terms, is completely intrinsic to what it means to be sentient. We are addicted to stories — and that’s good! Science is nothing but a rigorous way of telling a good story. We also construct ourselves with stories about what happened to us, and we can become too attached to our stories. That’s when we stop paying attention to the evidence around us and start associating our personality with opinions that we believe. An urban legend spreads because a great story is a fantastic way to propagate bad information. On Mythbusters

SAVAGE: But realize that you will always lose if you attempt to guide someone’s interpretation of the narrative. You don’t have control over how the narrative you’ve built is perceived. But I’m a firm believer that if you tell a true and honest story, it will ultimately do more good than harm in the world and people will gain from that. I think that’s the story that all great art has to teach us. I’m gonna get fancy here. Emerson has a great sentence in the essay “Self-Reliance,” where he says [roughly], “To know that what is true in your secret heart is true for everyone; that’s genius.” And I totally agree.

SAVAGE: I like to think that Mythbusters is a much more interactive show, but a lot of that is because we make it a different way. A lot of shows that are in our wheelhouse are written down by a producer who hands off the scripts to the crew and hosts, and everybody shoots what was written. That’s a fine way to make some kinds of television. But with our show, the experiments take precedence over the filming, and when we come to a result we didn’t expect, we change the script to accommodate that and to tell the story that is actually happening, rather than the story we originally thought was going to happen. And also, here we are on television actually doing science, and then we do an experiment and make a claim based on that. That enrages some people. I get why they’re enraged, but I also think the fact that they’re yelling at us and the television means that they’re engaged.

NUVO: So it’s all about the narrative in the effort to short-circuit someone’s cycle of delusion, if you will.

NUVO: You talked about how agency is so important in the maker movement. TV is, for better or worse, a passive


NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // STAGE 21








A DRAGON ON A SEGWAY Dontrell at the Phoenix.


Dontrell, Who Kissed the Sea w Three weeks before he is to start college, a young African-American man named Dontrell (Eli Curry) has a vivid dream of an ancestor that jumped into the ocean from a slave ship. He wants to honor the dream but he’s not sure what it means. He doesn’t even know if he can swim. When he jumps into a pool to find out, the lifeguard who pulls him out is Norwegian-American Erika (Ann Marie Elliott). They fall in love and she supports his quest. His parents don’t, at least not at first. Nathan Alan Davis developed Dontrell, which received its rolling world premiere at the Phoenix last weekend, while working on his MFA in Playwriting from IU-Bloomington. This week the play received one of two Steinberg/American Theatre Critic Association citations given annually in recognition of plays that premiered professionally outside New York City. Directed by Bryan Fonseca and played by a strong ensemble, the production beautifully highlights the shamanic qualities of Dontrell’s comingof-age journey. Incorporating powerful dancing and drumming and lovely technical surprises, it could be a healing experience for audiences of any lineage. Phoenix Theatre Rapture, Blister, Burn w I’m still trying to decide if Rapture, Blister, Burn by Gina Gianfriddo is depressing or encouraging. Either way, the TOTS production is my favorite kind of live theater: layered, nuanced, thoughtprovoking. I saw it twice last weekend. Internationally successful scholar Catherine (Carrie Ann Schlatter) drunk-dialed her now married college boyfriend, Don (Clay Mabbitt), one night after a long silence. She ended up talking to his wife, Gwen (Kimberly Ruse-Roberts), another college friend. Cathy doesn’t remember everything she said, but she knows she wanted her ex’s help getting a teaching job in their town. When the play opens, the three reunited friends are about to go out to eat. But the babysitter (Megan Medley) for Don and Gwen’s toddler arrives with a black eye. Gwen tells Don to pay her and send her home, rather than have their son think that violence against women is no big deal. Before the babysitter leaves, though, Gwen tells her to ask Cathy about her bestselling books — one on feminist politics and pornography, the other on the rise of degradation as entertainment. The ensemble under Rob Johansen’s direction is excellent. Each actor manages to represent a whole generation while remaining a fully unique human being. And the play has a lot of great lines. When the babysitter declares first-wave feminism boring, she says something like, “People used to think the world was flat too. They were wrong. We’ve moved on.” Theatre on the Square — HOPE BAUGH 22 STAGE // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO





ere’s an unfortunate interview scenario: You, the interviewer (in this case, me) and your interviewee (comedian John Mulaney) both have colds. Mulaney, on the road somewhere near Kansas City, had just stopped at Whole Foods to stock up on vitamins and other healing elixirs. I was dosed up on plenty of Sudafed. Despite our various maladies, we made it through a long conversation about Mulaney’s endeavors, past and present. He wrote for Saturday Night Live for several seasons before leaving to create his nowcanceled sitcom on FOX, Mulaney. And because Mulaney is a Chicago native, he’s got plenty of Midwest standup stories, including one about Crackers’ very own Ruth-Anne Herber-Bunting.

W H E N : F R I D A Y , A P R I L 17, 7:30 P . M . WHERE: EGYPTIAN ROOM AT OLD NATIONAL CENTRE T I C K E T S : T I C K E T S : $2 5 - $4 1.50 ( P L U S F E E S )

NUVO: What’s brought you to Indianapolis in the past?

NUVO: You said on Marc Maron’s podcast that if your TV show was canceled, you’d just do standup and get back on the road. You’re back on the road now. What’s next?

JOHN MULANEY: As a kid, I don’t recall going to Indianapolis much. When I started doing comedy, though, I emceed at Crackers a couple of times, and then would be the feature act there. That was really fun. My most memorable thing was at, I think, the Broad Ripple Crackers. It’s run by a wonderful woman named Ruth-Anne, who likes to prank comics. She made me help her prank Greg Warren by giving every-

one in the audience toy flutes, because he had this joke — it isn’t called Flute Man, but that’s part of it. So I had to coordinate this whole thing where, in the middle of his act, people were going to pull out toy flutes and start playing. Which I knew was cool, but I also knew was going to ruin the middle of his set. It was funny to be an emcee, because you’re so at the mercy of the club. You can show up for the weekend hoping to get the $400 — and get fired. I had to prank whoever they told me to prank.

MULANEY: I’ll be filming a special, which I haven’t been able to do for a couple of years because I’ve been working on other crap. So, I’m really excited to do that. I’ll be on the road through July as of now. I haven’t been able to do this since before Saturday Night Live. NUVO: What’s the worst idea you ever pitched in the SNL writers’ room? MULANEY: The idea that I could never get off the ground was Sherlock Holmes’ Last Day On The Job. Everyone was like, “You’re the greatest detective that ever lived, and by the way, Sherlock, how did you close that famous case of the stolen jewels, or whatever?” “Well, I found this small flower from the Orient, and I knew that the jewel thief must have been a well-traveled man, but that didn’t lead anywhere, so I eventually just railroaded a minority.” It was like Sherlock Holmes is just a dirty cop who railroaded poor people. Even I knew it was just sad. NUVO: Was there a structure for how you chose names and things for the Stefon sketches [which Mulaney co-created with Bill Hader]? MULANEY: There was no formula. The rule was

John Mulaney on Stefon, Crackers and post-sitcom life things we had seen once, but no more than once. Not a fake thing, like a dragon on a Segway. It was always things that I thought I had seen once, like a Hawaiian cleaning woman that looks like Smokey Robinson. It was always within the realm of the familiar. NUVO: As you transitioned from standup to sketch to sitcom, what are some lessons you learned after doing each for a while? MULANEY: Oh my god, what a big question. I guess with all of them, preplanning is stupid. I remember writing standup jokes without having done sets. But as soon as I did my first set, it didn’t matter. Everything I thought would work didn’t work. And everything I was iffy on was funny. People always ask, “Why don’t they write SNL differently?” I think you need to get into the week, be with the host, see what they’re like, remember what it’s like to write a show, and then write a sketch. With a sitcom, it was like standup all over again. I was like, “I need to figure out how I like to do this.” If I had months and months to just write scripts — without putting them on — it would be different. You have to get to the stage and rehearse and work with the other actors and see what it’s like — and how everyone shines. In every case, I find pre-planning noble, but not always that useful in comedy. You know comedy once you’re doing it. That was a very good answer. I’m really proud of it. I’m driving with one hand, and it was a big question, and I gave a great answer. NUVO: Is there anything you miss about your first TV projects? MULANEY: I sometimes miss Best Week Ever. It was good training for Saturday Night Live. I just got used to assignment writing and learning how to enjoy it. And then on Friday night, it was fun [to know] that if you bombed, or whatever was going on, that you’d be on TV at 11. It was a cool feeling, and you’d get a couple hundred dollars. NUVO: Is now a good time to tell you I follow your dog Petunia on Instagram? And she’s so cute? MULANEY: Oh yeah? She’s really, really cute. I’m really homesick right now for my wife. They’re both really cute. Saying goodbye to Petunia when you’re holding a suitcase is fucking tragic. n







they’re interested in. It’s difficult to make a policy that allows for that in a country with 300 million people in it, but I think we’d all be better off if science was a lot more like that, if science teachers were qualified to let kids understand that science is a messy, creative discipline. NUVO: And what are we doing well? What gives you hope when it comes to science education?


Adam Savage rests on a bed of nails while Jamie Hyneman stomps on his chest.

MYTHBUSTERS, FROM PAGE 21 NUVO: And for some people — those who are enraged, especially — it may be the only exposure they have to science. SAVAGE: We never set out to make an educational show, a show that taught people science. But in doing this show, we’ve realized that we are demonstrating to people not only that science is a lot messier than they thought, but that it is a deeply creative endeavor. That’s one of my favorite things that I hear people taking away from Mythbusters: That it can be deeply creatively satisfying to concoct a hypothesis, to construct a methodology and test that hypothesis, and to come to a conclusion based on empirically gained knowledge. That’s not white guys in lab coats confirming their beliefs. That has its origins in people learning that stone tools killed bigger animals than sharpened sticks. NUVO: What aren’t we doing in terms of science education that we should be? SAVAGE: It’s really difficult. I’ve met so many hundreds and thousands of science teachers, and as far as I’m concerned, their job is so hard and so intense. I have so much respect for what they do. And so many science teachers that I’ve met spend a not insignificant portion of their own meager income on materials for the classes that they teach. When budgets get tight, the things that disappear in education are science materials, arts, drama, shop class. I also think that one-size-fitsall approaches don’t work. You’ve got to let people come to their own conclusions and seek the things that

SAVAGE: The Obama administration’s commitment to STEM — which, of course, I like to call STEAM because you have to put art in there. Putting Kal Penn and Steven Chu in the White House — and bringing in Jamie and I. I think that Neil DeGrasse Tyson being a rock star of the Internet is an excellent sign that things are getting better. I love that Bill Nye has a completely new career as a science debunker; we need more of those in the world. I call all of those guys friends. I’m proud of them and we are moving towards better critical thinking culturally. NUVO: A reality show can make a difficult project seem so easy. How do you show just how much effort and time is involved to do an experiment within the one-hour running time of Mythbusters? SAVAGE: We break the fourth wall all the time to tell the audience what’s getting grueling or boring or funny or weird. While we were very unhappy that Kari, Grant and Tory left last year — and we all of a sudden realized that we were responsible for 100 percent of the programming of each episode — we realized something interesting too. The difference between an early episode of Mythbusters and later episodes is that the stories have gotten much more complex. And the reasons they’ve gotten so complex is we’ve gotten better at investigating those kinds of stories. We’ve become more like scientists. But in telling those more elaborate stories, a lot of that process got left by the wayside. And that’s something we’ve been able to put back in this year, in the new episodes that aired this January and will air later this summer. There’s a lot more of the bump and grind of how we do what we do built into the narratives. To me, that tells an even more interesting story. I can design an experiment that does something. But I’d rather design an experiment that not only does what it does, but wears its construction completely on its sleeve, so that anybody looking at a picture of my methodology understands how I built it and all the technologies involved. That for me makes it successful, so that someone can go, ‘Oh, that wasn’t just something that made something else happen; I can see that it was air power that activated this valve that made that jump.’ n NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // STAGE 23







Visit for listings, reviews and more. Film events, opening and continuing, ON PAGE 27




f you google “movies to watch while baked” you get several lists of films prominently featuring people smoking marijuana, like The Pineapple Express, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked, Up in Smoke, etc. While two or three films of that genre are listed here, I’ve focused on movies that will enhance your buzz without necessarily mirroring it. In 2011, I wrote an article titled “Movies to Watch While High” that focused on trippy fare. Truth be told, I was more interested in hallucinogens than marijuana back in my stoner days. Smoking weed made my thoughts muddy, made me paranoid and gave me a headache. Those were all things I could do on my own, so it made little sense to pay for the experience. I’ve been told that current herbal offerings are smoother, so maybe I’ll try again one day. For now, here are my suggestions of films to enjoy while baked (including a few from my 2011 piece), plus five flicks to avoid, lest they harsh your mellow. Good God, this slang sounds prehistoric!

Waking Life


Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Groundhog Day Perfect stoner fare. Bill Murray stars, and Bill Murray is the best. He plays a weather forecaster repeating the same day over and over, which is good for you because you can space out for a while, but still easily hop back into the story. The film is funny and deep, so you can laugh and reflect on your place in the cosmos. And it costars Andie MacDowell and Chris Elliott. What more could you ask for?

movie about a minor league hockey coach (Newman) and his efforts to save the team and revive his relationship with his ex (Jennifer Warren). Desperate to draw bigger crowds, the coach brings in three new guys, the Hanson Brothers, who turn out to be enthusiastic childlike goons. I’ve watched this movie many, many times and still appreciate every scene. The acting is outstanding and the story has just enough drama to make the outlandish comedy feel anchored in something real. Paul Newman in Slap Shot.

Slap Shot Paul Newman and Twin Peaks’ Michael Ontkean star in this hilarious, violent, crude, wonderful 24 FILM // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle Important: Get White Castles before you turn this on, lest you suffer the same fate of the lead characters. Buddies Harold and Kumar (John Cho and Kal Penn) get the munchies and head for White Castle, because it’s true that when you crave a WC slider, nothing else will do. Along the way, all sorts of freaky things happen to them. One of the best is when they run into Neil Patrick Harris, who turns out to be a party maniac (yes, this was the movie where we finally stopped thinking of NPH as Doogie Howser). Zombieland Jesse Eisenberg hits the road during the Zombie Apocalypse, hoping to go back to his Ohio home. He meets and teams up with surly badass Woody Harrelson and, soon after, sisters

Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin. Ohio gets postponed as the crew battles zombies (the fast kind) and lands in great places like Bill Murray’s home (where he acknowledges the most shameful thing he’s ever done professionally) and an amusement park! The movie is nasty and gross and funny, and the cast is swell. Fun while not baked, too.

What We Do in the Shadows Not into zombies? Then how about vampires? This quirky treat, still playing at Landmark Keystone Art Cinema, is a mockumentary from New Zealand about a group of vampire buddies sharing a flat in the suburbs of Wellington. It’s silly, clever and consistently amusing. You’ll also meet a group of werewolves determined to be good citizens (“Watch your language – we’re

werewolves, not swearwolves!”). The Real World style format works just fine, and the song selections are effective. Co-writer and director Taika Waititi and Flight of the Conchords’ Jermaine Clement play two of the roomies. Taika Waititi in What We Do in the Shadows.

White House Down Washington DC cop and Secret Service applicant Channing Tatum saves President Jamie Foxx from terrorists in the White House! Get ready for two-plus hours of rollicking, preposterous, often downright cheesy (baked cheese!) action with lots of guns and explosions and property destruction coupled with a mix of quips and tension in service of an over-the-top plot. It’s Die Hard in the White House, it’s a buddy movie, it’s guaranteed to make you roll your eyes. White House Down manages to get just the right balance of stock characters and mayhem. Tatum and Foxx appear to be having a ball.


Waking Life Dreams within dreams. Richard Linklater’s superb 2001 philosophical cartoon is talky in the best way, drifting from conversation to conversation, presenting an array of intriguing ideas passionately expressed, with the mundane and the profound all jumbled up. The visuals are wonderful live-action footage rotoscope-animated to create an enhanced reality. Waking Life is a joy to experience. Let it wash over you. And do see it again when you’re in a more down-toearth state of mind. It’ll lift you back up. Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure Paul Reubens is currently making a new Pee-Wee Herman movie. Hope that works out, but in the meantime you can enjoy his original collaboration with Tim Burton, which gave us the bike dream, the investigation of the bike theft, Large Marge, the dinosaurs, the basement of the Alamo, “Tequila,” James Brolin as Pee-Wee at the drive-in and so much more. Extract Mike Judge offers an off the wall comedy starring Jason Bateman, Whiplash star J.K. Simmons, Kristin Wiig and Mila Kunis that boasts lots of chuckles but only a few big laughs. It’s so weirdly likeable that the scarcity of gutbusters doesn’t matter much. Plus, you’ll be baked and more prone to laugh anyway. The enjoyable Bateman stars as a business owner/sexually frustrated husband who gets caught up in an idiotic plan. The cast also includes Ben Affleck and Gene Simmons. Yellow Submarine The Beatles were barely involved in the making of this 1968 cartoon treat. Their contribution to the movie is a brief throwaway liveaction cameo at the end. The voice






Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski. actors portraying The Beatles are pretty bad, and the puns are real groaners. Doesn’t matter, because the fairy tale is packed with dazzling animated wonders set to Beatles’ songs. Yellow Submarine is a hallucinogenic feast of sights, sounds and silly blather.

Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino breakthrough came with this dazzling non-linear story of crime and it’s aftermath. If you’re seeing it for this first time, prepare to get your socks knocked off. If you’re like most movie buffs, you’ve seen it many times and will enjoy reciting the lines along with the remarkable cast. Memorable characters, shocking bursts of violence, and the time leaps combine to create a giddy sense of anything goes. Plus you get to see John Travolta and Uma Thurman do the Batman dance. The Big Lebowski There’s a music video in this beloved Coen brothers movie (did you know there are annual Big Lebowski conventions – conventions!) that involves Jeff Bridges as the Dude (who abides, in case you haven’t heard), bowling, the cosmos and the song “Just Dropped

In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)” by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. Need I say more? Okay: John Goodman!

Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece is an epic journey into insanity – in this case represented by a US Army special operations officer (Martin Sheen) sent on a secret mission into Cambodia during the Vietnam War to take out a rogue Colonel (Marlon Brando) who has established himself as a god. The mix of images, acting and music on the trip is stunning, often horrifying and unforgettable. Best keep a copy of Yellow Submarine handy in case this freaks you out. Altered States Sci-fi with some seriously whacked-out visuals. William Hurt gets high in a sensory deprivation tank and we get to watch his visions. After a while, elements of the trips start manifesting themselves in the “real” world. The overwrought climax is great, so cool that the band a-aa ripped it off for their classic video, “Take On Me.” Run Lola Run Red-headed tough girl Lola (Franka Potente) has 20 minutes to save her boyfriend. The film presents three runs with different outcomes. Never mind that and don’t worry about the subtitles. This is one of the most kinetic movies ever made. Jump in. Chef Jon Favreau’s story of a fed-up chef that quits his job and opens a food truck with the help of his exwife, best friend, and son is breezy

Jon Favreau and John Leguizamo in Chef.

S E E , B A KE D , O N P A GE 2 6 NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // FILM 25









F R O M P A G E 25 and a pleasure to watch. But it will make you hungry … so hungry. Stock your kitchen, because you will likely have to pause the movie to cook something. Or maybe everything.

Heathers Winona Ryder hangs out with the queens of her high school, but is less than comfortable with their ultra-cruel ways. Then along comes Christian Slater, a new student with mayhem on his mind. In short order, Winona has a new squeeze, and school bullies start turning up dead. The black comedy is uneven and awfully pleased with itself, but it boasts a number of absolutely priceless scenes. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Beautifully photographed and scored Chinese drama punctuated by incredible martial arts sequences. Wait until you see warriors skittering up walls, leaping from roof


Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, Kim Walker and Winona Ryder in 1988’s Heathers.

to roof and duking it out in the treetops. Along with the thrilling series of gravity-be-damned fight scenes, director Ang Lee presents a sumptuous tale of a rebellious young woman, two aging warriors and a love-struck outlaw.

War of the Worlds Not the one with Tom Cruise, the first one, from 1953, starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson. Everything works in this grand sci-fi classic

26 FILM // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

about what happens when aliens land and start wiping out substantial portions of our planet. The leads are spot-on and the film takes time to let us get to know them before the war begins. And what a war! From the first appearance of the alien machines to the riveting scene where Barry and Robinson are caught in a farmhouse surrounded by a nest of alien invaders, this will keep you fully involved no matter your state of mind.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Twin Peaks was a landmark TV series. David Lynch and Mark Frost created the freakiest atmospheric TV mystery of all time. Amazingly, it was a smash hit … at first. The middle of the second season had some problems, but Lynch pulled everything together for a finale that was possibly the most bizarre cliffhanger ever to air on network television. Lynch’s prequel film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me has many of the same characters and plenty of weirdness, but it gets dark in a sour, depressing way. You don’t want to go there. The English Patient Remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine became estranged from her friends and co-workers because she hated The English Patient? She was right. There’s a grand love story in the Sahara,

with flashbacks revealing an epic tale. Sounds good, right? But it isn’t. It just drags on and on for nearly three hours and you feel every single second of it.

Memento It’s a hell of a story — a mystery about a man with a memory disorder who has to leave messages to himself on scraps of paper, in photographs and on his body. He’s looking for the man that raped and murdered his wife, but is the information he collects credible? Intriguing. But wait, there’s more. Filmmaker Christopher Nolan tells the story in reverse, presenting a scene, then the one before it. You should see the movie, but not while you’re baked. You’ll need a clear head to sort out stuff like this. The Lone Ranger You know how the presence of

Johnny Depp in a film used to be really cool, but now seeing him in a movie trailer makes you cringe? This is the movie where that change happened. Depp plays Tonto and his performance is irritating to the nth degree. The Lone Ranger, meanwhile, is presented as a boob. There are a couple of great action scenes, but the movie is nearly two and a half hours long. Don’t subject yourself to this.

Battlefield Earth You may be tempted. The idea of getting stoned and watching John Travolta’s legendary sci-fi bomb might sound like a fun thing to, but you’re mistaken. Certainly, Battlefield Earth has its share of “so bad it’s good” moments, but most of this sludgy mess is simply bad. Dreary, industrial, tiresome bad. Plus, you don’t want to financially reward Travolta for creating this turkey.








Jonah Hill and James Franco fail to bring their A game to this psychodrama



rue Story is based on the memoir of a writer that got fired for being dishonest in a news story. It chronicles his relationship with a man accused of killing his wife and children. The prisoner claims he is innocent, sort of, while acknowledging there are facts he has not revealed. So we watch the adaptation of the book and wonder, where does the truth lie? Real-life buddies Jonah Hill and James Franco star in this curious drama. Felicity Jones costars, but she gets next to nothing to do save for a bit of business late in the movie that feels like it was added for her benefit. Michael Finkel (Hill) wrote an expose for The New York Times on allegations of child slavery in the African chocolate trade, but he got busted, and fired, for creating a composite character in his report. He is told, “You have a future, Mike. It’s just not here.” Finkel retreats to his home in Montana where his wife, Jill (Jones), provides emotional




support as he licks his wounds and tries, without success, to find work elsewhere in his field. His life gets even weirder when a reporter (Ethan Supplee — good to see him) informs him that an Oregon fugitive, Christian Longo (Franco), has been using the name Mike Finkel. Convinced he has a unique story that will sell, Finkel heads off to meet with Longo, and the movie lands in its groove. The whole identity theft thing turns out to be an icebreaker. Longo says he’s an admirer of Finkel’s work and the men cut a deal. Longo will tell all to Finkel as long as Finkel delays publication until after the trial is over. And he must give writing lessons to Longo, an aspiring author. Finkel’s book pitch is picked up and the in-depth interviewing begins. The film is consistently interesting, but remains at a distance.

We watch the conversations, we see Finkel’s interviewing techniques and Longo’s mind games, but their exchanges lack tension. Franco looks sleepy, or maybe stoned. He talks like a character with an agenda, but most of the time he looks like he’s already thrown in the towel. There are moments of fire, but not nearly as many as I expected. Hill, meanwhile, appears to be suffering from some sort of gastric affliction for much of the film. As with Longo, his character has the right words, but Hill’s demeanor lacks the urgency of a man fighting for redemption while dealing with a manipulative criminal. Watching the interview process is engaging. I wasn’t swept away, though, and given the actors and the situation, I thought I would be. British theater director Rupert Goold does a nice job of keeping a film built primarily around two guys talking from feeling stagey. The flashbacks are useful; given the setup it’s important that viewers get visual reminders of what Longo is accused of doing. Marco Beltrami’s score fills the production with music, but in a low-key fashion that sets a melancholy mood. True Story is an odd bird. I expected a taut cat and mouse story, but got something sadder. n SUBMITTED PHOTO

Jonah Hill and James Franco have a chat.

OPENING Child 44 “No one emerges from this fiasco with much dignity,” says Time Out London of this thriller about an exiled police agent (Tom Hardy) who joins forces with a general (Gary Oldman) to find a serial killer in 1953 Russia. R, opens Thursday in wide release Monkey Kingdom A monkey mother raises her monkey baby in the monkey forest of Monkey Asia. G, opens Thursday in wide release Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Blart rhymes with fart. PG, opens Thursday in wide release

The Merchants of Doubt r When documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner fixes his cameras on experts-for-hire, the results are fascinating. These spin doctors, who go from trial to trial shoring up the case of their client with a stream of impressive statements, are infuriating bullshit artists that gum up the justice system.The film, based on the book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, is electric when he stays focused on those creeps. A framing device involving magicians is entertaining, but distracting. Late in the film, Kenner stops studying the experts-for-hire and starts advocating for a cause. It’s an important cause, but shouldn’t be the closer for a documentary. PG-13, opens Friday at Landmark Art

FILM EVENTS Abderrahmane Sissako: Transnational Poetic Cinema April 16-19. All screenings are free in this retrospective of work by West African filmmaker Abderrahmane Sissako, whose Timbuktu was nominated for a 2015 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Sissako will give a talk on April 17 at 3 p.m. and introduce screenings of Timbuktu (April 16, 6:30 p.m.) and Bamako (April 17, 6:30 p.m.). While his films typically make the festival circuit, most haven’t played Indiana theaters, making this a rare chance to catch his work on the big screen (and certainly the first chance to see all of his short films at once; they play April 16 at 9:30 p.m.). IU Cinema (Bloomington), FREE,

Music & Movies: Pump Up the Volume (1990) April 17, 7 p.m. You may recall that, in the 1990 comedy Pump Up the Volume, Christian Slater runs a pirate radio station from his parents’ basement. And so the final screening in Butler ArtsFest’s Music & Movies series, which pairs live music with an outsider-ish film, will be presented in the IMA’s underground parking garage. Music component TBA. Indianapolis Museum of Art, $15 public, $9 member, Friday (1995) April 20, 7:30 p.m. A 20th anniversary screening of the director’s cut of the Ice Cube/Chris Tucker comedy, complemented by a “special featurette featuring interviews and stories from the cast.”

The Sound of Music (1965) April 19 and 22, 2 and 6 p.m. A 50th anniversary screening presented by TCM. Image quality is typically well south of a good DCP or 35mm print for these digital simulcasts, if that sort of thing’s important to you.

Various theaters, $12.50,

Various theaters, $12.50,

Unfriended The next generation in found-footage horror. Unfriended consists of a single, unbroken take of the main character’s computer screen, which depicts the slaughter of some stupid teenagers. Her high-octane machine can, of course, effortlessly handle six-screen video conferencing. “Others will surely improve upon the gimmick,” says Variety. R, opens Thursday in wide release

NUVO.NET/FILM Visit for complete movie listings, reviews and more. • For movie times, visit NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // FILM 27

FOOD RUDISELL’S DINING PICKS While the busy restaurateur doesn’t get a lot of time off to visit other places around the city, he gave us some good picks for where to find the best dining this 4/20. We ask you, for our part, to either gather supplies before you get lifted, or to have a sober friend give you a lift to these places. MILKTOOTH Rudisell reaches for well done comfort food, and no one does it quite as well as Jon Brooks by his estimation (we would agree). “Milktooth. The food’s just awesome. Jon Brooks is killing it over there — obviously he doesn’t need me to tell him that. He’s badass.” And in terms of trying something you’ve never had before, this is the place you’ll likely encounter something new, whether it’s off the hot line or one of pastry chef Zoe Taylor’s sweet or savory creations. Take an Uber and enjoy responsible high dining at its finest. 534 Virginia Ave., 986-5131, FERMENTI ARTISAN Rudisell’s favorite munchie from way back? “Pickles, and everyones doing some kind of pickling these days. It’s crunchy, it’s healthy and it’s moist. Fermenti does some cool stuff.” Head down to City Market and grab a jar of one of their many amazing offerings, from sauerkraut to good old fashioned dills. Not to mention they have a lot of other things to offer, like kombucha on draft to revive your insides after you betray your own best judgment and eat that sack of fast food burritos anyway. 222 E. Market St., 493-1652, SARAGA Another one of the restaurant owner’s favorites? Kimchi, specifically made of daikon. “I’m a sucker for fermented kimchi. You get a little bit of funky, and acidity and a little spice. Carlos ferments kimchi as well at Rook.” If you want to get a big ol’ bucket of the stuff to keep your company on 4/20, the 38th and Lafayette grocery is going to be your best bet. “The difference between natural fermentation and vinegar fermentation is distinct. Sometimes I want something just knock-you-on-your-ass sour. Sometimes I want something a little more subtle.” While you’re there, grab an armful of dragon fruit, persimmon, or anything else they don’t usually carry at Marsh to try while your senses are heightened. 3605 Commercial Dr., 388-9999, MASS AVE WINE SHOPPE We could send you to any old liquor store to grab a bottle, but this place has all the expertise you need to find the right bottle for you. “If you have people who are new to wine, they’ll say, ‘I smell grapes.’ But when your senses are heightened and you’re paying more attention, you start to pick up on the different fruits and notes.” Head down and ask for something fruity with a variety of notes, then see how many you can taste and use your high times as an educational experience. 878 Mass Ave., 972-7966, 28 FOOD // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO









he road to the modern legalization movement has been long and filled with pitfalls and logical fallacies. At least the legalization efforts have cut through the long lasting myths born in the Reefer Madness era of pot PR, and a few states have enacted their own adult-use laws which allow for the legal purchase of marijuana out of licensed and taxed shops. The program has been so successful in Colorado that the state has already reached the legal limit on how much taxes it can collect on the stuff and has started writing checks to its citizens to keep the whole thing legal, as there is a ceiling on the amount of taxes that can be collected, similar to the bonuses residents of Alaska receive from the oil industry. It’s that kind of obvious business sense that got Black Market, Siam Square and Thunderbird owner Ed Rudisell to invest in a few West Coast dispensaries. In fact, of all the folks I’ve met in Indy’s food scene, Rudisell’s passion for the legalization of responsible marijuana use is paralleled by none. He told me all about the West Coast dispensary culture, where the workers spend a lot of time getting to know you and finding the right strain and the right application, as the variety of THC-laced (or laden) products on the market grows. In fact, Rudisell’s experience was that, in states with legalization laws on the books, “the percentage of people smoking flowers is actually pretty low” compared to the entire marijuana market share. The explosion of the

Visit for complete restaurant listings, reviews and more.

Indy restaurateur Ed Rudisell on the evolving cannabis culture and cuisine

edibles market has created a predictable crossover between food people and weed people. As the “face” of the average marijuana user evolves, so has the complexity of the edibles market, with both flavor and diet restrictions in mind. In that way the hospitality industry and the edibles business have a lot in common. “I see a lot of parallels between the two,” says Rudisell. “There’s not necessarily a symbiotic relationship between the two in states that have legalization, but there are similarities, particularly when you’re talking about edibles, which is definitely the direction in which legalization states are headed.” It makes sense in the world of baking and candy-making, which, especially in large quantities, is much more of a fine science than a mercurial art. Edible makers have to keep the THC doses consistent as well as the flavor, and bearing in mind consumers with diet restrictions. “If you’re diabetic, you can’t just eat a brownie,” said Rudisell. Just as restaurants adjust to the needs of their patrons, so do the dispensaries to the needs of their patients. “I have seen people that were involved in the food business moving over towards artisanal edibles. I compare it to when you see artisanal bakers and candy makers.” Rudisell also sees value in marijuana’s sense-heightening ability in terms of discovering new flavors and broadening your palate. Researchers from the Universite de Bordeaux recently discovered that THC binds in just such a way to your olfactory bulb that really does heighten and intensify your sense of smell, which is why food tastes so damn good after the blunt has made a few rounds (hypothetically, in a state where it is legal). “You’re paying a lot

Ed Rudisell with his wife, Sastorn.


more attention,” he says. “I think when we eat, we don’t really pay that much attention to it, generally. When you really focus on your food—and it sounds pretentious but it’s true—you really start to pick up things.” Instead, then, of picking up a sack full of Taco Bell’s grade D beef and “liquid cheese product,” you might consider heading to Saraga to fill a cart with unusual produce, or City Market for something pickled. It’s not just food, either. Your supercharged olfactory bulb might also help you discern more notes in your beverages, too. ‘Another world that opens up is wine. Personally, wine is awesome for me,” says Rudisell. “You’re focused and concentrated and you start noticing things you wouldn’t have before. Wine is intimidating, because you’ll have a sommelier saying, ‘I smell plum, star anise and carbon,’ and if you have people who are new to wine, they’ll say, ‘I smell grapes.’ But when your senses are heightened and you’re paying more attention, you start to pick up on the different fruits and notes.” But just like alcohol, Rudisell and folks like him are clear that they want access available to all adults — so much so that the movement has largely abandoned the term “recreational use” in favor of the new “adult-use.” “‘Recreational use’ has this tone of partying and being crazy. We want it to be limited to responsible use for people over 21.” n








As THC is fat-soluble, if a food has fat in it, it can become a potential vehicle for THC. For too long, the edible has been thought of as a collegiate party novelty that glues you to whatever you happen to be seated upon thirty minutes after ingestion. Those are the old days of the cannabis edible. Now, chefs are using it across a spectrum of dishes and culinary backgrounds, and diners at various cannabis dining clubs in legalized states have been enjoying all kinds of iterations of cannabutter and oil infused foods, getting both wellfed and decently lifted. If you want to enjoy a mellow high at home while still keeping your low profile, we suggest trying this incredibly easy, no-stink, no-mess method for making cannabutter at home.

YOU’LL NEED: 10 grams of shake, or 5 grams of nice stuff for every stick of butter you use. Butter cut into 1-inch cubes 1 Clean, new canning jar with enough room for butter and equal volume of air Cheesecloth



Next, add your cut up butter to the jar and pop it back into the oven with the lid off until it all melts just to cover the plant materials with liquid and starts to bubble, about 5-10 minutes, and remove with oven mitts. This will also heat up the air inside the jar so that when it’s sealed, it’s less likely to spring a leak when you shake it due to heat expansion. Screw the lid back on and put it in the oven for 2-3 hours at 215-degrees. Every hour or so, pull it out with an oven mitt and give it a gentle shake — go for the Bunsen beaker swirl over the salt-and-pepper shake. At the end of the three hours, take it out and let it cool to the touch, then open the jar, replace the metal cap with a doubled-up piece of cheesecloth, screw the metal lip back on, and pour it into a second jar. Last, ball the plants up in the cheesecloth like a teabag and squeeze the dickens out of it to get every last green drop. Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer, as sunlight and heat degrades the THC. You can repeat the process with olive oil or canola oil for cooking; just know that THC vaporizes over 400 degrees, so don’t think you can get high off of chicken fried in 400+ degree oil. And, as a good rule of thumb, always wait 30 minutes between servings of edibles before deciding you haven’t had a big enough dose. Give it time, grasshopper. — SARAH MURRELL

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MAKE IT: Before you get into the process of making the butter, you have to make it chemically available to the body by way of a process called decarboxylation, which ordinarily happens when you ignite the plant materials. Making edibles, however, means you have to take care of this beforehand so it absorbs in your body (unless you plan to smoke your brownies, which I do not recommend). To do this, grind your plants as fine as you can get them, then put them in your jar, screw the lid on tight, and pop it in a 215 degree oven for about 20 minutes, shaking it halfway through, at which point it’s ready to absorb in the body.





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Saturday, April 18 from 5-10 p.m.

Saturday, April 18 at 7 p.m.

Join the Street Team in “painting the city pink” to support Breast Cancer Awareness and Race for the Cure. It’s more than just a race.

Join the Butler University Black Student Union for their 2nd Annual Fashion Show! This year’s theme is Butler Renaissance: Where the Stereotype Ends and the Runway Begins. Come out and see our models not only strut but BUST and BREAK stereotypes in HIGH FASHION.

The IUPUI African Students Association is hosting its 8th Annual African Night, themed “Voices of the Motherland”. The African Students Association intends to demonstrate its rich African culture through Dance (4 dancing groups), Music (Live performances), Poetry, Theatre and a Fashion show.

Military Park 601 W. New York St.

Atherton Union Reilly Room 4600 Sunset Ave.

IUPUI Campus Center 420 University Blvd.

Saturday, April 18 at 8 a.m.



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: @nuvostreetteam

NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // FOOD 29







ALL THIS WEED MADE YOU HUNGRY, EH? We wouldn’t let you make it through another 4/20 without offering our best tips for where to satisfy your cravings, whether it’s in the middle of the day or late at night. We’ve got everything from wings to the perfect taco. Fat Dan’s When you need a helping of grease with tons of flavor and absolutely zero frills, there is no better place to hit up than Fat Dan’s Deli. They are famous for their smoked meats like brisket and smoked meatloaf, and what we would wager as one of the finest chicken wings in town — smoked long and slow so you can draw the bones out of the wings with your fingers. But they are perhaps most famous for their huge piles of greasy, perfect, totally irregular, IDGAF style of french fries. You can sit down with a pint to wet your whistle, a fat sammy to satisfy your munchies, and some fries to top it all off. 5410 N. College Ave., 600-3333,






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ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE IN SPECIALS! CALL 317-257-5770 30 FOOD // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Biscuits Cafe To paraphrase James Franco’s Saul in Pineapple Express, “If a neighborhood diner met with a badass Mexican restaurant, and those to restaurants fucked, Biscuits Cafe would be the result.” This is a place that caters to all your stoner tastes, whether you want a cheese-smothered burrito, a plate of pancakes, or biscuits with their special spicy gravy on top. And don’t forget that they also serve beer as well as ice-cold Jarritos to quench your dry mouth. 1035 Broad Ripple Ave., 202-0410 Jockamo Pizza This Irvington staple has garnered the praise of the entire city, and then a little more from outside the city. Recently, Food Network superstar Alton Brown gave it the two thumbs way up while he was in town. And since there’s absolutely nothing better in this world than eating pizza when you’re high (except maybe eating pizza while getting a massage), we would highly recommend an Uber or a long, relaxing walk down to this spot. The crust is buttery and the toppings are plenty. Go and enjoy this 4-20 bounty. 5646 E. Washington St., 356-6612,

Bagel or dog, it’s all good at the Bagel Deli. Yats Saying that Yats is good high food is like saying a bandage is good for a gunshot wound. It’s like, well yeah, duh. Many layers of spice and flavor? Check. Things made with butter and toasted flour? Check. Multiple options for simple carb accompaniments to your meal? Check. All the soda you can drink in the dining room? Check. Ready about 3-4 minutes after you order it and incredibly cheap? Double check. 5363 N. College Ave., 253-8817; 885 Massachusetts Ave., 423-0518; 910 W. 10th St., 602-8676; 5650 W. 86th St., 879-9287; 8352 E. 96th St. (Fishers), 585-1792; 1280 US 31 (Greenwood), 865-9971; 12545 Old Meridian St. Ste. 130 (Carmel), 581-1881; 9259 E. US Highway 3 (Avon), 964-0565;

Yats Broadripple location on College Ave. is cash- only.

Bagel Deli One of our all-time favorite spots to eat, whether late at night or in the middle of the day, Bagel Deli


serves so many combinations of bagel and toppings, it will take a thousand 4-20s for you to try them all. Want ham and cheddar and sliced apples on a blueberry bagel? They’ll absolutely do that for you. Or if you’re struck down by indecision (and you probably will be), you can close your eyes and point to any of the diner-submitted and drawn options on the wall beside the board. Bagel Deli also serves one of our favorite Chicago dogs in town, as well as some of the best chili you’ll ever taste in your life. Head down for late night snacks or, even better, late night weekend Broad Ripple people watching. 850 Broad Ripple Ave., 257-8326, Insomnia Cookies They can call this place “Insomnia Cookies” all they want, but if they were being more truthful in advertising, they’d name the place “Potheads, Give Us All Your Money.” It’s 1am and you want a warm, fresh-baked cookie, but ovens are, well, hard at that time of night. Stop your fretting. Insomnia Cookies can deliver a box of warm, gooey cookies if you are one of the blessed that falls in their delivery zone. You can also have them bring a serving of ice cream with which you can make a cookiewich or a sundae. Just to review: warm. delivery. cookies. and ice cream. 809 Broad Ripple Ave., 632-6654,





crowd has been known to frequent the intimate dining room to order some classic, greasy diner food. The food is cheap and quick, but don’t get too full on the thick French fries and cheeseburgers and forget about the giant slices of pie. Friendly cooks and servers make Peppy a regular haunt for the Fountain Square crowd. Breakfast is a must, and don’t forget to pop a dollar into the jukebox. 1004 Virginia Ave., 637-1158

Follow your clogging heart to Maxine’s Old Point Tavern We couldn’t just make this list and not put Old Point on here for their amazing, piled-high nachos. If you haven’t been privy to this earthly delight after a night of revelry, you haven’t really lived, my friend. Not to mention that Old Point serves a darn good cocktail, and since it’s located right in the middle of Mass Ave’s main drag, all you have to do is point your face at the dancing woman statue on the corner and stumble toward it. You’re almost there, buddy. Amazing nachos are just a few feet from the swaying girl made of light. 401 Massachusetts Ave., 634-8943

tongue with avocado crema, and crispy Japanese eggplant with carrot-ginger-habanero dressing. Prices are modest — at $3 each, you should absolutely get more than one flavor, and definitely get an order of the mole sweet potato fries. 927 E. Westfield Blvd., 722-8101,

Chatham Tap Another list-maker because of a signature item, Chatham Tap is serving the absolute best plate of wings in the city, with Fat Dan’s just a nose behind. The skins are always crispy and the sauces are always delicious (though our fearless Managing Editor, once a Buffalo resident, would call them fraudulent), and, perhaps most importantly for our purposes here, you can always get more. Chatham is another spot where you can chase your dry mouth away with a big pint of draft beer, and then maybe lose yourself in the mezmerizing back and forth running of a soccer game. 719 Massachusetts Ave., 917-8425,

La Chinita’s Asian fusion tacos.

La Chinita Poblana La Chinita Poblana isn’t your average taco joint. The small shop serves up East-meets-Southwest style fare, like chicken tacos spiced with tamarind and cumin and topped with sweet chile de arbol salsa, star-of-anise braised beef

Monon Food Company On the opposite end of the spectrum from some of the more luxurious green restaurants in town, Monon Food Company offers organically-grown foods right off of the eponymous trail. The walk-up counter is one part of their relaxed service, but the food is always knockout good, with everything from burgers to tacos. If you’re thirsty or five-o’clock thirsty, you’re covered, as Monon serves beer and wine as well as soft drinks. They’re pet friendly too, so take the dog or the kids or just yourself and enjoy some healthy, organic, easy food. 6420 N. Cornell Ave., 722-0176, Peppy Grill Open 24 hours, you can’t go wrong popping into Peppy any time of day or night. Located in the Fountain Square area, a diverse

Maxine’s Chicken & Waffles Occupying what might have once been an office building, Maxine’s is a hopping place with a festive atmosphere. Health nuts beware: Maxine’s provides a daily dose of salt, sugar and fat in most of their dishes — the perfect prescription for those on the mend from a long night out. . But if that’s not something that dissuades your interest, Maxine’s won’t disappoint. The menu offers a broad selection of traditional southern dishes and, of course, the eponymous chicken and waffles. Maxine’s serves as a refreshing reminder that good food doesn’t have to be a plodding, serious affair. 132 N. East St., 423-3300,

Slow Meat: An Introduction

WED, MAY 6 • 6:30-9:30 PM 6:30 PM


- Tour of Smoking Goose - Sustainable meat producer panel discussion

7:30 PM


- Tasting of 3 dishes by amazing local chefs on the Flat 12 Bierworks patio [414 Dorman Street]

Tom + Chee Did you miss the memo, that there was a grilled cheese restaurant on 86th street that serves — wait for it — grilled cheese on donuts. Sounds crazy, I’m sure, but it will set your stoner palate on fire. They’ll put a savory cheese and a generous smear of fruit preserves and grill that sucker until the sugar turns to caramel and the cheese gets all stringy and now you’ve dropped your NUVO and you’re running to your car... 5650 W. 86th St., 334-1330, Of course, the safest route, if you’re going to celebrate 4/20 with a lot of smoked intoxicants, is to stay in and order from our local delivery company, Total Takeout. Not only can you get food delivered from some of your favorite local places, but you get to stay safe and have to spend money for a cab or Uber. Plus, we’ve met a few of those Total Takeout delivery guys during very tight deadlines, and they’re just the nicest in town.

Indiana Tour de Cure

Saturday, June 20, 2015 • Indianapolis Motor Speedway

NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // FOOD 31




Save the Monarchs exhibit Now through April 30 during Artsgarden hours. Earth Charter Indiana put this together: fourth- and fifth-graders in Indiana created 3D sculptures of monarch butterflies from repurposed materials that will hang in the Artsgarden throughout April. This month-long event will explain the threats to monarchs, as well as the solutions. Artsgarden, 110 W. Washington St., FREE Earth Day Indiana April 25, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Simply put, the Earth Day Indiana festival is one of the nation’s biggest Earth Day events. Pretty cool that it’s in Indiana — and so very close to the Statehouse. (Way to shatter stereotypes, O Green Hoosiers!) Organziers tell us the festival “features exhibits focused on protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and sustainable living. Music, food, drink — and celebration!” The number of exhibitors and vendors is too big to list here, but they’re all interested in sustainability and doing their part to protect the planet. (Find the full list at NUVO will be there, of course.) As for music, here’s the lineup: 11:00 a.m. Flatland Harmony Experiment 11:45 a.m. IndyHoopers


Advice from Renee’s readers, recycling at school and composting at home

Reader Tips Sometimes you, readers, have some pretty great tips to share. Here are a few that I thought might interest the masses. In response to “Closet Recycler,” a question about recycling wire hangers: Folks might want to remember food/clothing pantries which are always looking for hangers to hang their donated clothes. Tuxedo Park Baptist Church at Washington and Grant needs hangers. They are partnered with Carmel Christian Church which has provided a lot of clothing but there isn’t anything to hang them on. — MYRNA In response to “Net Gain,” a question about recycling plastic mesh product bags: I use the net bags to scrub with. Just place a rag or sponge in them. Makes a cheap cleaning item. — JOHN

12:20 p.m. Jonless Martins 1:15 p.m. Mario Joven and Jon Hall 2:15 p.m. The Failers 3:15 p.m. Prowlers & The Prey Don’t worry about hunger pangs, either. The festival includes offerings from Bazbeaux Pizza, Cobbs’ Cajun Cookin’, Da Blue Lagoon, Delhi Palace, Mile Square Coffee, Pogues Run Grocer, Three Carrots and a Sun King beer garden for those 21 and older. White River State Park, 801 W. Washington St., FREE Fourth Annual Earth Day Community Celebration April 26, 1-4 p.m. Unable to get downtown on April 25? North side a better fit? The Indy JCC is hosting a celebration the day after the shindig at WRSP with their own gang of vendors, exhibitors and artists. Music, excellent food trucks and activities aplenty — this is truly a family event. You can volunteer, too — and even plant a tree on the JCC grounds. Check out JCC Indianapolis, 6701 Hoover Road, FREE

And here’s just a plain ol’ water conservationist doing her thing: Thought of you the other night when I parboiled asparagus then fished it out with a slotted spoon so I could use the same water for pasta. Never done that before and wouldn’t have even thought of it (I’m sorry to say) without learning from you. See, you’re changing the world, one person at a time! — STEPHANIE Thank you for sharing these useful ideas! Myrna, it’s a great reminder that there are lots of wonderful grassroots organizations that can put hangers and many other items to use. John, that’s quite crafty of you! Stephanie, I love this example of conservation. Water from cooking can be reused or repurposed in a lot of circumstances. — PIECE OUT, RENEE

School Of Recycling


My daughter is a freshman at Carmel High School and brought home the school publication called the Hilite. On the cover of the February 20, 2015 issue was the phrase “Green vs. gasoline.” I was curious and read the article. In the article, I was surprised and saddened to learn that there is no recycling program there. What an opportunity missed to encourage sustainable living among our Hoosier

32 INDIANA LIVING GREEN // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

youth! We can and should demand better! Are you surprised and saddened or not? — ANONYMOUS


Umm, yes. I’m definitely surprised. Without seeing the article, I’m in a bit of disbelief. So, I reached out to my source of all things green in Carmel, Leslie of Carmel Green Initiative. She says that CHS does recycle paper on a voluntary basis. The cool part is that the recycling initiative is led by the student Environmental Club (your daughter should join!). The bummer part is that it doesn’t quite sound like the program is entirely embraced by the school and she didn’t mention anything about all of the other recyclables that I’m sure they generate. The Indiana Recycling Coalition is currently seeking Indiana high school sophomores to apply for the Student Recycling Leadership Corps. I love the sound of this program as it helps kids learn how to rally their communities around recycling. Maybe these will be the organizers of our future Christmas tree recycling and Rush Hour Recycling programs! FYI, Carmelites, I failed to mention the upcoming electronics, document shredding and used book drive when I answered a previous question about paper shredding and recycling. It’s on April 25 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Creekside Middle School. — PIECE OUT, RENEE

Waste Not ...


Last week The New York Times ran an article about composting food scraps, and how in Seattle they are literally shaming people for violating an ordinance mandating composting food. It made me think about my own failure to compost. First, composting (like other lifestyle decisions) is a family decision that I can’t or shouldn’t unilaterally make. If we decided to compost, it would require efforts both from me and my husband (to do it, use it, keep critters out of it, etc.). We are both very busy with full-time jobs. Next, I decided this year not to have a vegetable garden. Living where we do (on the river) there are too many critters, and we’re not around all day to police it. Last year we lost nearly everything to squirrels and the groundhog. I’ll let the farmers’ markets do that work this year and just stick to my perennials and a few annuals.

And finally, our trash goes to the incinerator, not to a landfill where it produces methane. So we really don’t have that concern. So, should we worry about composting? Why would we compost? Is there a way to contribute to composting without having to actually do it yourself? Please advise! I don’t want to feel like a Neanderthal. Also, the article mentions “leaving the recipe behind” as a way to reduce food waste. (In other words, NOT buying an ingredient, using it once and tossing the rest — but using that ingredient for many dishes creatively). I have cooked like that for a long time, so it was affirming to see it mentioned. — THANKS, KELLY


This is intriguing. I’m all for composting — we have a huge pile in our backyard that is very handy for our garden. And I’m all for less food waste — we really try to consume what we buy (having dogs and chickens helps). But I’m not so sure about a fine. You’re right: It is a household chore that everyone needs to be on board with. Unless there’s a public place to compost (much like there are public bins for recycling), it seems like it could be a challenge for many. So, should you be composting? Well, it would mean less garbage going through the incinerator. Why would you compost? The most obvious reason is if you have a use for nutrient rich soil. The environmental reason is that composting creates less greenhouse gas emissions than incinerating. You can play with the EPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM) calculator at Is there a way to contribute to composting without having to actually do it yourself? You betcha. I know of two compost pick-up services in the Indy area: Earth Mama Compost and Green With Indy My Composter. — PIECE OUT, RENEE SIGN UP for the AskRenee Newsletter at








Kristen Pugh, Alex Wisemiller




ay your local alternative weekly – perhaps this alternative weekly – was loaded with cash. Just totally flush. And say we dolled out all that cash to about 25 record store owners, writers, label heads and otherwise interesting people with this caveat: they had to spend it all on five purchases at Record Store Day, which is this Saturday. What would those people buy? Wonder no longer! This week, NUVO decided to live in that hypothetical. What follows is 25 lists of dream purchases for Record Store Day. This includes mostly exclusiveto-RSD releases, including box sets, picture discs and other super-expensive-but-totallyenviable goodies, plus non-RSD releases that our listers covet, too. Space constrained us from listing all of the bells and whistles that accompany these releases (the exact type of swirly colored vinyl or gold-plated record sleeves or petrified wood boxes these records come in), but a quick Google search will set you straight on the specifics. Record Store Day has become quite the event. Almost every local store hosts live in-store performances and day-long parties. On page 40, we’ve summed up the Central Indiana highlights. We hope these lists help you start brainstorming your purchases for this Saturday. Send your own list of five covetable records to by Thursday at midnight, and we’ll put together a readers’ wish list on Friday. n

Brett Alderman

Writer for NUVO and gear head • Neko Case – The Fox Confessor Brings the Flood LP From the first moment I heard the opening kick drum/ crash cymbal/snare hit on "Star Witness" I knew I would fall in love with whatever came next. It just happened to


NUVO’s Record Store Day megalist

be the voice of one of the best vocalists and songwriters making music. I've been hooked on her music ever since, and the idea of adding this to my vinyl collection gives me goosebumps, like the first time I heard that song.

• The 101'ers – Elgin Avenue Breakdown Revisited LP It's no secret to the people in my life that Joe Strummer and The Clash have had a tremendous impact on my life for the past decade or so. It's nice to dig into Mr. Mellor's early work with The 101'ers. • Miles Davis – The Prestige 10" Collection Vol 2 It's Miles. What more needs to be said? • The Dead Milkmen – Beelzebubba LP One of my childhood friends had the coolest older sister on the planet and she liked The Dead Milkmen. Their music made my parents uncomfortable, so it was several years before I really listened. And "Punk Rock Girl" is on this one. • Jurassic 5 – Quality Control: The Wood Box LP I stole my brother-in-law's CD of Quality Control because it was so good. Maybe stole isn't the right word. I've been borrowing it for over a decade (that's better). I might return it if I could listen to it on vinyl.

Jeb Banner

Founder of Musical Family Tree and SmallBox • Father John Misty – I Love You, Honeybear 7” I am obsessed with Father John Misty so I would love to have this even though I am morally opposed to novelty vinyl. • Paul McCartney – The Family Way: Original Soundtrack Recording 12” Just because I have to have everything every Beatle ever did while they were in the Beatles. After they broke up the rule no longer applies. • Of Montreal – Snare Lustrous Doomings Double LP I love of Montreal even if they sometimes lose the scent. I enjoyed their live set at WARM last year. It's fun to hear studio songs brought to life, especially since most of the band's recordings (historically) have been one guy (Kevin Barnes) getting all Prince-y in the studio.

• Sly and The Family Stone – Live at the Fillmore East Double LPs I'm a sucka for Sly. When he was at his peak he could do no wrong. I don't have any live recordings by the band. This might be my most coveted one on the list. I just hope it was a professional recording. I don't want it if it's some guy with a tape recorder in the audience. That won't fly. • The Zombies – R.I.P. A follow up to Odessey and Oracle?! I had no idea such a thing existed and I'm a pretty big Zombies fan. Scratch that comment about Sly; this is the must-get album from RSD 2015!

Brain Twins

Local illustrators and animators Justin Shimp and Jessica Dunn • LUNA Music 20th Anniversary Live at LUNA Music Lathe-Cut 7'' Box Set We love the ideas/collaborators behind this release and would love to have a copy and see more local live shows made available physically. Their first lathe-cut series features design and layout from Commercial Artisan, artwork by Nat Russell, hand-screening by Dave Windisch, along with handassembling/embossing by the LUNA crew! • Don Muro – As Long As I've Got You 7" Ever since Flannelgraph re-released It's Time, we have been rabid fans. • Animal Collective – Prospect Hummer LP This is one of our favorite collaborations ever recorded and it's now on vinyl for the first time! Vashti Bunyan's delightful voice with Animal Collective doing their best psychedelic folk instrumentation from the Sung Tongs era.


You read all about Jay Brookinz in his capacity as social media manager for 20 Past 4 & More in our cover story, but we didn’t want you to forget he’s a killer producer, beat battler and event planner. In celebration of our 420 issue, we asked Brookinz to create the ultimate 420 playlist for your listening pleasure. We’ve got the tracklist below; scan the QR code to listen. We’d be remiss not to mention Brookinz’ killer producer tag team battle going down this Saturday at The Hi-Fi. For those who haven’t checked out his annual Beat Battle, this is a great introduction to the producer scene in Indy. For those who have – you’re not going to miss this, right? • Dom Heard’Em Say – “Drugs Kill” • Sirius Blvck – “Backwoods” • Mandog – “Faygo” (Diop x Pope Adrian Bless) • Don Chambers – “High Tunes” prod. by MJ Nichols • Diop – “Cloud of Loud” prod. by Mandog • Mardi Hendrix – “Floating” • Peter Haze – “Gold Mitsubishi” • Indiana Chief – “The Hunt” (Running Bodies) • Ajene tha God – “Cristiano Ronaldo” • G. Granite feat. Freddie Bunz – “ERYTHANG” • J. Brookinz – “Naptonian” feat.. Freddie Bunz, John Stamps, Sirius Blvck, KING GoD, Grey Granite, prod. by Mandog • BORED Benny – “Another One” (Benny x Lyon) • A.G. Tha Pharoah – “Rastaman” • Boss L – “Bud Sack 2013” • Mathaius Young – “Take It UP” • Harry Otaku – “18Empty” • Jamar – “Dreamcatcher” — KATHERINE COPLEN J Brookinz Tag Team Battle II feat. Ghost Gun Summer, Saturday, April 18, The Hi-Fi, 1043 Virginia Ave., Ste. 4, 10 p.m., $7, 21+


Jay Brookinz

• Amon Tobin – Dark Jovian LP Sure to be a cosmic experience. For this interesting release, Amon Tobin was inspired by the moons of Jupiter. • Sun Ra – Calling Planet Earth LP Ever since we saw the documentary "Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise" we have been huge fans. This is a recording of Sun Ra and his Arkestra recorded at Tivoli Hall in Copenhagen, Denmark on December 5, 1971. S E E , R E C O R D S T O R E D A Y , O N P A GE 34

NUVO.NET/MUSIC Visit for complete event listings, reviews and more. NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // MUSIC 33








• J Dilla – Fuck The Police 7" Picture Disc Killer picture disc and my favorite track featuring Dilla as MC. But I mostly picked this for the current relevance of the message. We need more contemporary artists making strong, confrontational statements against corrupt systems of power.

Heath Byers

Co-owner of Bloomington's Landlocked Music • Brian Eno – My Squelchy Life LP All hail the Uber-mensch!

Kelly Pardekooper

• Sly and the Family Stone – Live at the Fillmore East LP Pour this party into your ears!

NUVO Account Manager and musician • Giant Sand – Valley of Rain 30th Anniversary Reissue LP Big fan of early Howie Gelb/John Convertino rockin' combo that predates their "alone in the desert" Tucson/Calexico vibe.

• Various Artists – Trojan Records: Rude Boy Rumble LP Vintage Vinyl STL's Papa Ray curated this, guaranteed to be amazing.

• Otis Redding – Pain In My Heart LP Not a RSD release...but that song and voice stops me in my tracks every time. Every single time!

• Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band – You Can't Judge A Book 7" Our friends at Daddy Kool in Florida helped birth this righteous platter.

• Social Distortion – Social Distortion LP My Los Angeles years gave me a bigger appreciation for SD. Loud LA tattoo hot rod rock that sounds good turned up.

• William Tyler – Deseret Canyon LP William is a kind man and a great guitarist. Finally widely available.


Andrew Crowley

Kristen Pugh (left) and Alex Wisemiller (right) have collected vinyl ever since the beginning of their relationship, over five years. They had their engagement pictures taken at their favorite record store, Indy CD & Vinyl.

• Slim Dunlap – The Old Me/Times Like This LPs Two of his albums that have never been released on vinyl. The former Replacements guitarist suffered a stroke in 2012. Dunlap has had some struggles paying his medical bills and if this helped him out, I’d be really glad. Get well soon, Slim.

Kirsten Eamon-Shine

NUVO writer, brewery worker and trivia master

• Gram Parsons/Lemonheads – Brass Buttons 7” The original and the cover. Evan Dando has a real knack for a great cover, as evidenced by this Gram Parson’s cover, “Mrs. Robinson,” and “The Ballad of El Goodo.” Dando sang another Parsons cover on a 1999 Gram Parsons tribute record. • Syd Barrett/R.E.M. – Dark Globe 7” I like the Barrett era of Pink Floyd the best. This is one of Barrett’s best songs, a sad portrait of his crumbling sanity and battle with mental illness. R.E.M. turns in a lovely cover. Michael Stipe has a real knack for interpreting covers: staying true to the original while bringing something new to it. • Polaris – Music From The Adventures of Pete & Pete LP One of my favorite shows as a kid. Some members of the jangle pop band Miracle Legion were also in Polaris. The perfect soundtrack for the summer or autumn. • The Replacements – Alex Chilton 10” A selection of cuts from The ‘Mats classic 1987 LP, Pleased To Meet Me. Alex Chilton is a tribute to one of the greatest singers/songwriters of all time. It’s a track that captures the joy of discovering an artist that becomes so meaningful and important. There’s also a cover of “Route 66” and when The Replacements do a cover, something interesting and occasionally great happens.

34 MUSIC // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Spends her workday championing early childhood education with Early Learning Indiana, and her off hours exploring Indy's parks, arts and eats • Various Artists – "I'm Here" Soundtrack 12" In 2010 Spike Jonze made a short film about robots, life and love, which turned out to be a bit of a precursor to Her. The soundtrack to that 30-minute movie includes Animal Collective, Sleigh Bells, Of Montreal and more — and it sounds great. • Mark Mothersbaugh – The Lego Movie 2 x 12" Minimoogs for minifigs, this is basically a prepurchase for when my kid is old enough to listen to his 8th favorite Yo Gabba Gabba cast member's soundtrack work. Plus, come on, Motherbaugh's a legendary maker of scores. • Various Artists – The Darjeeling Limited 12" Worth it for The Kinks' "Strangers" alone (have you seen this heartachingly beautiful scene?), this is also a great way to dive into Satyajit Ray's excellent compositions. • Stephen Rennicks – Frank Original Soundtrack 12" Pressed in green wax and featuring Michael Fassbender on vocals (what can't that man do?) these songs have bracingly odd lyrics including "prodigal son waits to return to where the dogs play pool" that will be especially appealing for those who have seen this weird, music movie. • Air – Playground Love / High School Lover 7" "Virgin Suicides' " best two tracks, in orange colored vinyl. This one is sure to make my heart ache like the disgruntled high school girl I once was.

Jim Ector

Owner of Karma Records • Ryan Adams – “Come Pick Me Up” 7” • St. Paul & the Broken Bones – Live From the Alabama Theater • Otis Redding – Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings Soul LPs • The Hold Steady – Heaven is Whenever LP • GROUPLOVE – Under the Covers 10”

Kyle Long NUVO's Cultural Manifesto columnist and DJ Exploring the vendors Before picking up some RSD releases I would first head to the Discount Mall on Lafayette Road to visit one of the Mexican music vendor booths. • Buena Vista Social Club – Chan Chan 7" A 45 RPM vinyl release of Compay Segundo's haunting "Chan Chan" backed with an incredible previously unissued BVSC track? Yes, and this may be my favorite RSD release of 2015. The timeless "Chan Chan" sounds like it could've been written hundreds of years ago, but Segundo composed the song in 1987 — he said the melody came to him in a dream. • Orlando Julius – James Brown Rides On 7” Funky Nigerian afrobeat celebrating the godfather of soul's 1970 concert in Lagos. The equally funky "Psychedelic Afro Shop" occupies the flip side. • ESG – The Moody EP 12” Three sisters from the South Bronx recorded this experimental post-punk-Afro-Latin-disco dancefloor bomb in 1981. This EP has been sampled for tracks by Public Enemy, Notorious B.I.G. and countless others. The music still sounds as fresh and revolutionary as ever.

• The Kinks – Kinksize Hits LP Hard to get 1965 Kinks on vinyl and my dad played them constantly when I was growing up. • Bruce Springsteen – Nebraska LP Grew up with Born in the USA era Bruce on the radio, but this is the album that connected me to the whole alt-country, Americana lo-fi sound. A million songwriters are still chasing this sound.

Taylor Peters

Blog Editor at Musical Family Tree. • Merzbow / Xiu Xiu – Merzxiu LP I heard Jamie Stewart doesn't sing on this one, so I'm in it to win it. • Oneohtrix Point Never – Commissions II LP I will swallow my anti-capitalism pride at the fact that half of this thing was commissioned for Red Bull because it's 2015 and Lopatin is my hero. • Valerio Tricoli – Miseri Lares LP This isn't a RSD release — it's just something awesome that I've long kept myself from buying because the import price on a double LP is steep. Thanks for the ca$h, NUVO! • Bedhead - 1992 – 1998 LP Box Set Every time I listen to Bedhead I remember they are my favorite band, but I guess not favorite enough to spend my own money on this whole box set at once. Sorry, Kadane brothers (especially you, Bubba). • Vibes Used Thing Budget One time I bought a really nice copy of Van Der Graaf Generator's Pawn Hearts that I couldn't technically afford at Vibes because it's awesome and Zeps is a great buyer. I want to live that dream again.

Kristen Pugh

Photographer for NUVO, and pictured above with her fiance Alex • The White Stripes – Get Behind Me Satan LP This album has been on my wish list for YEARS! Jack White is finally releasing this masterpiece on vinyl (thank you, Mr. White!) and I'm so excited to get my hands on this perfect album.



• Brand New – Deja Entendu LP This album is a classic, in my opinion. Although I'm no longer an angsty, pissed-off teenager, Brand New will always have a special place in my heart. Jesse Lacey is a lyrical genius."DIE YOUNG AND SAVE YOURSELF!!!" • Air – Playground Love / High School Lover 7" The Virgin Suicides, one of my all-time favorite movies, introduced me to Air. The soundtrack is so moody, dreamy, and absolutely beautiful. I'll have to grab this 7" colored vinyl. • The Black Keys & Junior Kimbrough – Meet Me in the City 7” Because I love Dan and Patrick. "All Night Long" is a damn good song too. • Various Artists – Sun Records Curated by Record Store Day Vol. 2 Last year, we purchased Volume 1 and really enjoyed the compilation. We have to get Volume 2 this year!

Todd Robinson

Owner of LUNA Music • L UNA Music 20th Anniversary Live at LUNA Music Lathe-Cut 7'' Box Set A five 7" lathe-cut, hand-built box set, of LIVE recordings from previous LUNA in-stores! Series one includes EXCLUSIVE performances from Bill Callahan (Too Many Birds), Kyle Field (Scuby), Mark Kozelek (Grace Cathedral Park), Kurt Vile (In My Time) and Ben Watt (Spring). Cut one-at-a-time, in real time, by Mike Dixon, on his 70 year-old lathe and housed in embossed LUNA inner sleeves. Only 75 of these sets will be available on RSD, with no digital counterpart. •A ssateague – Good Morning Blues LP The 2015 reissue/remaster of the San Francisco band, Assateague's stunningly beautiful LP, Good Morning Blues, will be available to purchase — after being out-of-print for nearly two years. •T he LUNA Music RSD 2015 Record Frisbee Grab yourself one of our limited, made just for the day, LUNA frisbees! Part M&Co., part Beat Junction, and all Jim and Jon — this Commercial Artisan flyer is certain to be a spring staple! The first 15 folks in line will get one, FREE. •T he U – Turn Orbit This Orbit Turntable also comes with: a precision machined CLEAR acrylic platter, a pre-installed Audio-Technica AT95E cartridge, Orbit's unipivot tonearm and dust cover — as well as all required cables. With 30 second set-up time out of box and lifetime technical support—we are stoked that LUNA has been chosen as one of the few test retailers for this rad deck! • Trojan Records – Rude Boy Rumble Curated by Papa Ray, of Vintage Vinyl St. Louis

Jon Rogers

Executive Director of Musical Family Tree, musician and founder of local label Holy Infinite Freedom Revival • LUNA Music's lathe cut 7" Box Set This rarity is a true gem, and guaranteed to vanish into thin





air. So I'd definitely be after this first, as far as exclusive RSD stuff goes. Includes exclusive recordings from Bill Callahan, Kyle Field, Mark Kozelek, Kurt Vile, and Ben Watt! • MFT Preservation Series' new Sleeping Bag and Doog cassettes Not to toot MFT's horn too much, but we are a nonprofit, and this is one of the most exciting ways we are spreading Indiana music. New collection of demos by Sleeping Bag, Nothin But Demos, and a reissue of Doog's 2005 pop masterpiece, Some Kind of Sex. Both will officially be released on Record Store Day and available in record stores all over the state. • John Stamps – Piggy Banx / Naked Lunch double album cassette This dude is one of my favorite rappers, no kidding, and he's from right here in Indianapolis. And these two albums want to be in my tape collection SO BAD! • Budget Bin INSANITY! Record Store Day is my favorite time to dig through dollar CDs, 50 cent vinyl, and even the free giveaway stuff that "no one wants." Most shops use RSD as a chance to get rid of their most unmovable inventory, and most shoppers are busy paying attention to other things. But the true crate-diggers know where to find the RSD gold!


Here is FSMF July 1st-4th breakdown. Come be a part of the festival, expanding to these venues leading up to the 4th! JULY 1

Free music on the plaza presented by Shine Indy 6:30-8p followed by live music 8 - 11p at The White Rabbit


Free music on the plaza presented by Shine Indy 6:30-8p followed by live music 8 - 11p at Radio Radio


Free music on the plaza presented by Shine Indy 6:308p followed by live music 8 - 11p at The Hi-Fi and Joyful Noise Recordings


Festival Day. Noon - 9:45p Two Outdoor Stages. Shelby Street. Headliner Announcement Coming Soon!

• Steven Halpern – Spectrum Suite LP Not a RSD release, but I am all about some far out (and/or totally cheesy) new age music right now, and this should be a pretty easy one to find with all the great shops we have in Indy. So if you see it and buy it for me; NUVO has promised to pay you back, buddy!

Dylan Schwab

Co-founded local label Jurassic Pop with Jeff Mather. • Polaris – Songs From The Adventures of Pete & Pete LP If I'm being honest with myself, this album might be have the most influence on my personal musical development. Pete & Pete was my favorite show, so I was indoctrinated to indie rock at a young, impressionable age. • Half Japanese – Volume 3, 1990-1995 I've had the honor of working with Jad Fair through Joyful Noise Recordings. He's an incredible artist and just the nicest dude. The Half Japanese albums in this comp are some of my favorites. • Heldon – Live in Paris 1975, Live in Paris 1976 LP 12” I discovered Heldon recently through their Superior Viaduct reissues. It's the craziest shit. I'm surprised more people aren't in love with them.

(Just 1 mile south of Fountain Square)

• Bedhead – Live In Chicago LP Jeff Mather, the other half of Jurassic Pop, has accused me of only liking "music that I can mope to." There's definitely some truth to that, and in this respect, Bedhead has a lot of utility. I love the reissues that Numero has been doing, and I can't wait to listen to this by myself in a dimly lit room. • A-Ha - Take On Me 7” Maybe if play this enough, I'll be able to hit that one note in karaoke. We'll see.

Musical Guests: Orvis and Friends

friends from The Doo, Hanover Chase and The Flying Toasters

S E E , RE COR D S T O R E D A Y , O N P A GE 3 6 NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // MUSIC 35








• Assateague – Good Morning Blues LP Todd at LUNA re-pressed this for Record Store Day because he had already pushed nearly the entire stock of the original 2010 pressing on his friends in the last couple of years. For fans of the easy/ hearty sounds Elliot Smith, Belle Sebastion and Iron and WIne, this album is like meeting an old friend for the first time.

Nick Selm

Writer and co-founder of Drink or Die Records • Mighty Mighty Bosstones – Question The Answers LP I keep waiting for ska to become cool again. While I’m waiting, I would love have this amazing 1994 album on vinyl. Some of the Bosstones’ best songs are on this record and it really showcases their ability to seamlessly jump from ska to hardcore to reggae to pop punk and back.

• Zombies – R.I.P. LP Zombies are all the rage in pop culture these days, but give me the "What's your name/ Who's your daddy" Zombies any and every day. The never was follow-up to the all time great Odessey & Oracle is now real and pressed on vinyl for the first time for RSD.

• Braid – Kids Get Grids 7” Second wave emo royalty are back to cash in on fourth wave Emo popularity and they still sound great. More brooding and mature than their earlier work but still just as amazing. • Decemberists – Picaresque LP The last great Decemberists record. This was a huge jam for me in college. Some of the saddest songs I’ve ever heard are on this record. I would love to let them bum me out on vinyl! • J Dilla – Fuck The Police 7” Because fuck the police. • The 101’ers – Elgin Avenue Breakdown (Revisited) LP Before he was drafted into The Clash, Joe Strummer goofed around with a crusty rockabilly group called the 101’ers. “Keys To Your Heart” should have been a number one hit.


Pugh and Wisemiller browsing at Indy CD and Vinyl.

Ben Shine

Director of Communications at the Indianapolis Art Center •W es Montgomery & The Montgomery-Johnson Quintet – Live at the Turf Club 10 x 2” Two 10" releases featuring arguably Indy's greatest contribution to music — Wes. The first is a lost 1955 session with Wes and his brothers engineered by a young Quincy Jones and packaged to look like it's original release, historical

Proud to be your record store for over 40 years. BUY/SELL NEW AND USED VINYL & CD’S.

4/18 is Record Store Day. y.

Stop by our three stores on Saturday.

Doors open at 8 am.







Karma West (3802 N. High School Rd.) 291-9243 Karma North (3532 W. 86th St.) 876-9603 Karma East (21 N. Post Rd.) 898-4344 36 MUSIC // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

photos and all. The second is a live recording made at Indy's Turf Club in 1956 by a young Butler student. • Bedhead – Live 1998 At any point between 1995 and 1998, if you told me that I could join and play with any band in the world at that very moment, I would have picked Bedhead. I remember driving to a town in a bordering state to see them play, and hope this recording will fully reboot that sense-memory for me.

• Sun Ra & His Intergalactic Research Arkestra – Planets of Life or Death Another first time release for this year's RSD; Planets of Life or Death is a live recording of a Sunday afternoon concert by Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Research Arkestra from Amiens, France in 1973, directly from the soundboard and right at the height of his Space is the Place phase.

Andy Skinner

Co-owner of Indy CD and Vinyl with Annie Skinner and Eric Davis and one half of A-Squared • Run The Jewels – Four-Song Picture Disc My favorite album of 2014 was Run The Jewels' RTJ2, and I still listen to it quite often. In hip-hop,



most of the time you get smart lyrics with non-aggressive music or aggressive music that isn't smart; however, with RTJ's Killer Mike and EL-P you get genius buzzsaw lyricism on top of EL-P's genius buzzsaw beats. I'm hooked. This RSD release is a 12" picture disc with four songs, one unreleased. It's a beautiful record and I'm excited to play it! • Johnny Marr – I Feel You 7” Johnny Marr covering Depeche Mode? Yes please. With his version of The Smiths' "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" as the b-side? Sold, a thousand times over. He crushed that tune live when Annie and I helped bring him to The Vogue two years ago, and I'm looking forward to having my own proper recording of it. The Depeche Mode cover is icing on the cake. 7" colored vinyl. • J Dilla – Fuck The Police 7'' The official description says it all: Dilla’s classic, out of print for over a decade, remastered from Dilla’s original mixes and issued on Pay Jay as a die-cut badge-shaped picture disc single. It’s a classic in every way. • GWAR – America Must Be Destroyed Double LP I have completely lost count of how many times I've had a hand in bringing GWAR to Indianapolis, and they are fun every single time. This RSD release is a 45RPM double-LP reissue of their third album (from 1992). That's not all that exciting, except this limited release has POP-UP ARTWORK of their pet dinosaur Gor-Gor. Hilarious. • Every Time I Die – Salem 7” Every Time I Die follow up their 2014 album From Parts Unknown with the Salem EP, a 4-song brown/red/clear swirl vinyl 7” featuring more songs from the sessions. Four tracks; two never-before-released, including their cover of Nirvana’s classic “Tourettes.”

Annie Skinner

Co-owner of Indy CD and Vinyl with Andy Skinner and Eric Davis and one half of A-Squared. • Sun Ra – Calling Planet Earth LP This release is a must-have for me; it carries a lot of history with Indy CD & Vinyl crew. Most of us have gone through a Sun Ra phase at some point. This recording is finally getting its first ever vinyl release on psychedelic color vinyl, which makes it even more special. • Goldfrapp – Felt Mountain LP Felt Mountain is a classic trip-hop album that hasn’t yet been pressed in the U.S. until now for RSD. This was one of the first CDs I bought when I started shopping at a store from my hometown called Salt City CDs (now Indy CD & Vinyl). I have a lot of great growing up memories that I associate with this album and I can’t wait to hear it on vinyl. • Various Artists – Ork Complete Singles 7” Box There’s a lot of hype behind this release and I’ve been getting messages from a lot my regulars to make sure I ordered this since it was announced. I predict this to be a hot RSD15 seller and for good reason. The packaging is creative and very well executed and Chicago label Numero has kept up with their reputation for this release. This box (limited to





2,000) includes the Ork Record’s entire 16-single 1975-1979 output including the first-ever releases by Television, Richard Hell, Alex Chilton (solo), Feelies and many others.

3826 N. Illinois 317-923-4707


The Melody Inn welcomes PETE RG (feat. Dave Krusen from Pearl Jam and Adam Kury from Candlebox/Los Angeles) w/ PRAVADA and NASH WALKER & THE DOCTORS. Doors @ 8 p.m., show @ 9 p.m. $8.

• Built To Spill – Untethered Moon LP I am really happy for the return of BTS. These guys always turn out great releases and I’m excited to see what Doug Martsch and crew have been up to since There Is No Enemy. Indy CD & Vinyl is excited to present them here on Wed, May 27 and I have a surprise: to celebrate we will be putting tickets for the BTS show with a handful of the Untethered Moon LPs and (according to, 500 are on random transparent blue vinyl. Can’t beat that! • Various Artists – Electroconvulsive Therapy Vol. 3 Finally, here’s my random take-a-chance pick based on the Light In The Attic RSD description, “Great collection all around for anyone with a fetish for the early 4AD aesthetic, cold wave leanings, atmospheric synth pop, and minimal synth.” Pressed on 180 gram blue and magenta vinyl – enough said, SOLD.

Nora Spitznogle

Thurs 04/16

BEHOLD THE BRAVE (Chattanooga), PIQUED JACKS (Italy) and STRAIGHT UP CHUMPS. Doors @ 8 p.m., show @ 9 p.m. $5.

Fri 04/17


Sat 04/18

Pre-Punk Rock Night Early Show w/ DEAR ABBY & THE BAD ADVICE. Doors @ 7 p.m., show @ 7:30 p.m. $5. PUNK ROCK NIGHT presents STAR WARS vs STAR TREK w/ THE YAVIN 4 vs FIVE YEAR MISSION and guests GOLDEN TORSO (Detroit) and NICE HOOVES (Detroit). Doors @ 9 p.m., show @ 10 p.m. $6.

4/18 Philadelphia Phil 10pm & Friends Swingin’ River Blues

Sun 04/19

DANI HOUSE, HAR-DI-HAR(Minneapolis), SHIMMERCORE, MOOR HOUND. *EARLY START*. Doors @ 8 p.m., show @ 8:30 p.m. $5.

Writer and Local Personality (per NUVO's 2014 Best of Indy) • LUNA Music 20th Anniversary Live at LUNA Music Lathe-Cut 7'' Box Set I’m a sucker for anything limited-edition and locally-made that includes a complicated old school process to produce. This five series 7” set is all that and more. Each record was hand-cut, one at a time, in real time on a 70-year old lathe. The series celebrates 20 years of LUNA and features cuts from in-store performances including Bill Callahan, Kurt Vile, and Mark Kozelek. Only 75 will be available.

Mon 04/20 /melodyinn

20% off All used gear

Inventory Blowout Sale! Presents

• Chet Atkins – My Brother Sings LP I’ve really come to appreciate the late Chet Adkins and he totally earned the moniker Mister Guitar. This release is pressed from the original master stereo 1958 recordings. The album was cancelled before it was ever released and includes one of my favorite songs, “My Funny Valentine.” • Neko Case – Fox Confessor Brings The Flood LP I’ll cop to having a serious crush on Neko Case, but who doesn’t really? This record is a special pressing of the 2006 out-of-print album. Oh, and the vinyl is red – a nice match to Neko’s fiery hair, just sayin’. • Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band – You Can't Judge A Book 7” Local heroes Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band are famous enough to merit having an official RSD release. And I think that’s pretty swell. • U-Turn Audio Orbit turntable Since I’ve got all of this new vinyl, I’ll need something fancier than my portable record player with built-in speakers. U-Turn is releasing a special RSD15 version of their turntable with all sorts of bells and whistles. I’d take a white one, please.

S E E , RE COR D S T O R E D A Y , O N P A GE 3 8

OTTO’S FUNHOUSE. Open mic COMEDY and MUSIC. 9 p.m.-midnight. NO COVER!


LAST Broad Ripple



APRIL 18TH • 12 - 9PM •

All Ages


Thousands of used lps, cds, and dvds marked down to a dollar.


Sale starts NOW! Beat the RSD rush.

15 years of patronage! 1051 E. 54th St. • Indianapolis, IN 46220 Thanks for your

NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // MUSIC 37








Dave Windisch

Advertising and Public Relations Director at Franklin's Artcraft Theater and co-founder of Mile 44

Justin Vollmar

• Jerry Garcia – Garcia: Compliments LP The 4.5 fingered guitar noodler mostly covers album (not counting one Robert Hunter tune) including tunes from Chuck Berry and The Rolling Stones. The guitar sound is as recognizable now as it was in 1974 — plus, it's pressed on sweet green vinyl!

Manager at Bloomington's TDs CDs and LPs • Willie Nelson – Teatro LP A go-to when I don't know what to listen to in the store. So cool that it's getting a vinyl release! • Dettinger – Intershop LP The coolest part about managing a record store is getting to know styles you wouldn't otherwise have time for or exposure to. Kompakt's pop/ambient aesthetic suits me fine. I'd buy this one in hopes of hearing something I've been missing.

• Happy Mondays – Pills Thrills N Bellyaches LP Madchester time machine of danceable 1990 pop. Though, I won't be dancing, I'll be ravin'.

• Brenton Wood – Oogum Boogum LP The Ooogum Boogum song is one of those oldies that's a real shock to the system. After hearing only budget Best Of discs, I'd love to give this proper album a spin.

• Miles Davis – Prestige 10" series Vol. 2 Early mid-'50s 10" recordings including sessions with Sonny Rollins and the Quintet. Screw Yacht Rock. This is the ultimate smooth!

• Rose McDowall – Don't Fear the Reaper 12” This song is pure and easy. Rose McDowall turns it into a rare goth-pop gem of the '80s — also rare in being a RSD release featuring a female performer!

• Phish – New Year's Eve 1995, Live at Madison Square Garden LPs Pretty much standard in all Top Ten Phish performance lists. This six-LP set opens with a jaw dropping "Punch You in the Eye,” has a RAGING "You Enjoy Myself" taking up an entire side and third set closer "Frankenstein" by Edgar Winter Group is funky enough to bring the doctor's monster to life.


• Various Artists – Guitar Safari LP Just heard Ryco-Jazz for the first time last week so I'm excited to hear more '50s and '60s rock and rollleaning African music.

Love is a record store.

Ed Wenck

• Lydia Loveless and Cory Branan – Prince Covers split 7" single

• Jurassic 5 – Quality Control LP

Rick Wilkerson

• Chet Atkins – My Brother Sings LP Features Chet's brother Jim Atkins. An original of this sold for more than $8,000 in 2013. It's so rare that it's presumed unreleased except for maybe a few promos that got out. Very few Chet fans have even heard it. RSD15 will fix that for the lucky buyers who end up with a copy of the reissue.

• Miles Davis – The Prestige 10” LP Collection Vol. 2 Miles Davis is one of the most influential musicians in human history. I have been on a quest to hear all of his material and all of the material connected to him (artists that were in his band or that he recorded with AND artists out from that connection). That will take be a lifelong journey but that's not a bad trip to take now is it?

• Blitzen Trapper – Harvest LP

• Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto – Selections from Getz/Gilberto 10” The ONLY way to listen to Getz/Gilberto is ON VINYL. Period.

• Midlake – Live in Denton, Tx. 12”

• Various Artists – Sun Records Curated by Record Store Day Vol. 2 Sun Records singles curated by the Record Store Day peeps? Yes! How ‘about another round? Thanks! First, it’d be tough to make a lousy compilation out of any Sun cuts; secondly, “Flying Saucers Rock and Roll;” lastly, any lineup including Cash, Carl Perkins and the Killer is gonna smoke. • Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band – “You Can't Judge A Book” 7” BIG. DAMN. BAND. I can’t remember the last time I bought a non-digital single. • Bruce Springsteen – Nebraska 12” My last copy of Springsteen’s Nebraska was on cassette (yeah, I know how old I am — what of it?) and this is one of those releases that terrified my little soul so much I almost can’t bring myself to buy it again.

Justin Wesley

Writer for NUVO, No Depression and Laundromatinee • 101'ers – Elgin Avenue Breakdown Revisited 12”s 38 MUSIC // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Educator and musician, a.k.a. Mr. Kinetik • Amanaz – Africa LP I have been buying as much African music as I can find for the last few years. I studied African music in college and that started a love for the music that I consider the roots of all American music. Even as African music adopted global trends, the music retains a distinct quality of African traditional rhythms and structure.

NUVO Managing Editor

• Bernard Herrmann – Psycho 7” Was it Hitch or Bernard Hermann who determined that the Psycho sound should’ve been described as “black and white music?” I can’t remember. Anyway, this is a cool way to own one of the most recognizable pennedfor-the-film cinematic themes (along with Jaws and Star Wars, methinks) in history. “Oh, God, Mother! Blood!” Hermann’s career spanned from providing brilliant atmospheres for Citizen Kane to scoring a movie by a then-little-known director: Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver.

Marc Williams

Owner of Irvington Vinyl and TimeChange Records

• Mystery Release 7" The most unknown of all of the lesser known stuff in this year's batch. Rhino's not telling us who's on this, but who doesn't love a mystery and surprise? • Stooges – Have Some Fun: Live at Ungano's LP Recorded live in a club in 1970, the original Stooges in their prime when barely anyone knew they were launching punk rock, years ahead of its time. Sure, it's been out on CD. But wouldn't you really rather have it on vinyl? • The Zombies – R.I.P. LP Another lost classic making a one-time transition to vinyl from CD, R.I.P. gathers tracks meant to be released after the landmark Odyssey and Oracle LP but the band had broken up by then. The Zombies' magical poppsych has aged as well as any ‘60s rock. • Brenton Wood – Oogum Boogum LP Nearly impossible to find an original of this fine late '60s soul record. A nice under-the-radar must-have for the 60's R&B enthusiast.

• KMD Black Bastards Deluxe Pop Up Book Zev Love X (MF DOOM) and his brother Subroc (who died in 1993) attempted to put this out and labels weren't having it. The album eventually was released on small indie labels but this package is worth the trip to the Record Store for sure. I have the album already but this is a must add. It will go well with my MF DOOM Operation Doomsday lunch box. • Various Artists – Rough Guide to Psychedelic India I have never heard of this line of compilations before but I will buy this without hearing a single note of music. The concept of "psychedelic India" is enough for me to want to hear it. Also, this would be some great fodder for my sampler. • Various Artists – When I Reach That Heavenly Shore: Unearthly Black Gospel 1926-1936 Gospel music is the cornerstone of my musical stronghold. I have some 45s I inherited from family members but nothing that dates this far back. Considering the Black experience in that era, I know this music has to be steeped with soul, joy, struggle and release.

• Various Artists – Sun Records Curated by Record Store Day Vol. 2 Who wouldn't want a record of hand-picked cuts from Sun Records' vaults? Sure, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis are awesome, but so are Roy Orbison and Carl Perkins, James Cotton and Howlin' Wolf. It's like someone is giving you a lesson in Sun Records history for the cost of a single LP. Buy this ... you're welcome.

John Zeps and Rachel Weidner Own and manage Vibes Music, respectively.

• The Dwarves 7” It harkens back to the early nineties when I saw them play a five-minute set in Ft. Wayne due to the police shutting them down into their second song. A riot broke out for a minute and I left with a huge smile on my face. Gotta love them Dwarves. (Zeps) • When I Reach That Heavenly Shore – Unearthly Black Gospel, 1926-1936 LP I’m imagining some sort of wild space-gospel highlighting raw, unaffected voices with character and soul - so I’m there. (Weidner) • Gwar – America Must Be Destroyed” LPs (45rpm) Four whole sides of a great band .. that can also be slowed down and played at 33? UM YES PLEASE. (Weidner) • Badbadnotgood & Ghostface Killah – Sour Soul instrumentals LP I love instrumentals so this is very intriguing, plus it’s a BBNG collab with a rapper I adore who is deeply influenced by / into 60s & 70s soul. (Weidner) • Grateful Dead - Wake Up To Find Out 5 LP box set This is definitely my NUMBER ONE pick for RSD 2015. If I could, I’d buy at least 10. You wouldn’t see me for months with this much Jerry to listen to. ~~bye~~ (Weidner)









n 1997 the violent civil war in Sierra Leone forced musician Ruben Koroma and his wife Grace to flee their home for refuge in the neighboring country of Guinea. Feeling distraught with their life in the Kalia Refugee Camp, Ruben and his friends turned to music for solace, forming an impromptu band that would evolve into Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars. The group performed concerts at refugee camps around Guinea bringing joy and life into some of the darkest corners of the human experience. When a pair of American filmmakers crossed paths with the band at Sembakounya Refugee Camp they knew they had encountered something special and decided to document the band's story on film. The 2005 documentary Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars brought the group's music and story international fame and acclaim. They've since released four highly praised LPs and have become one of West Africa's top touring bands. Indianapolis will have a rare chance to experience the group live on Wednesday, April 15 at Butler's Schrott Center for the Arts. I spoke to vocalist, drummer and SLRA founding member Ruben Koroma via phone.

A CULTURAL MANIFESTO WITH KYLE LONG KLONG@NUVO.NET Kyle Long’s music, which features off-the-radar rhythms from around the world, has brought an international flavor to the local dance music scene.

helped to make a human being realize that life has hope. No matter how discouraged or downcast you are, when you listen to music you are uplifted. You realize that life has meaning. A meaning to be happy. It helps you forget the stresses that are trying to beat you down. NUVO: During this time when you were performing concerts in the camps did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine that the band would continue for so long and that you'd be performing your music around the world?

KOROMA: I have to be sincere and say that I never would've imagined that the things we did in the refugee camp would take us this far. I was just doing it because I thought it would help the people around me. And “We created percussion from I thought it would help me too because I was feeling discouraged the chairs we were sitting on, being separated from my home, my family, my band — everythe tables and empty bottles.” thing. All was lost. We played the — RUBEN KOROMA music to reform our lives. The music helped us to overcome the obstacles we were going through. NUVO: When you escaped to Guinea you had to leave everything behind, including your instruments. How were you able to make music and assemble a band in the refugee camp? RUBEN KOROMA: The most powerful instrument that we had during that time was our voices. We created percussion from the chairs we were sitting on, the tables and empty bottles. That's how we started. We only had one acoustic guitar. That's the only instrument we had. We first used only our voices and percussion. NUVO: How did playing music affect you and the refugees living in the camps? KOROMA: It was like a therapy. A special kind of treatment that helped the body overcome the influence of the stress. It

NUVO: Can you tell us about some of the traditional Sierra Leonean rhythms and genres you perform with the band? KOROMA: We have a few major rhythms like gumbe music. Gumbe is a music we play for parties, marriages, funeral ceremonies, and masquerade processions. We have a beat that we call jolly, which is a youthful music and young people exhibit their gymnastic style to this rhythm. They do back flips and other gymnastics to this beat. We use that beat to create many songs. And we play the baskeda beat which is very similar to reggae. n >> Kyle Long hosts a show on WFYI’s HD-2 channel on Wednesdays and Saturdays NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // MUSIC 39


Our Record Store Day coverage continues in Soundcheck with listings of all the events happening in Indy this Saturday. Pictured: Photos of Record Store Days past.


crucial to us (we need coffee to live). The first 200 customers in line will each get a stack of free tickets to the Vogue for 7-10 randomly selected shows. Dogfish Head will be pouring brews (bring on the 90 minute IPAs) and bringing beer brats; tons of giveaways from companies like Klipsch and Audio Engine will run all day. And we haven’t even gotten to the music yet. Inside, DJs MetroGnome, Cool Hand Lex and Lockstar will spin, in addition to Deckademics DJ students. Outside, THEPREXFOREVA, Kid Quill, Coolidge, Cold Speck, Brother O’Brother, Five Year Mission, Jomberfox, Shimmercore and Kvlthammer will play (in that order). And, oh yeah, records. The trio of owners at Indy CD and Vinyl said they’ve ordered at least one of everything. Whoo!


Release Party, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Revenge Dance Night, Sabbatical, 21+




William Elliott Whitemore, Esme Patterson, The Hi-Fi, 21+

Artsfest, Schrott Center for the Arts, all-ages

ATIVAN, Hunterchild, Dead Letter, The Bishop (Bloomington), 18+

Between the Buried and Me, Deluxe at Old National Centre, all-ages Pete RG, Pravada, Melody Inn, 21+ JW Jones, Union 50, 21+ Vital Remains, Vale of Pnath, Centerstage Bar and Grill (Kokomo), 21+ The Agonist, Allegaeon, Emerson Theater, all-ages Kyle Eastwood Band, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Monon Jazz Group, B Squared Bar and Grill, 21+

THURSDAY SOFT ROCK Howie Day 8:15 p.m. I bet you remember tracks like “Collide” “Be There” and “She Says.” Rathskeller, 401 E. Michigan St., $17 advance, $20 at door, all-ages DJ Aphrodite, Mousetrap, 21+ Granger Smith, Earl Dibbles Jr., The Vogue, 21+ Red Wanting Blue, Radio Radio, 21+ Straight Up Chumps, Piqued Jacks, Behold The Brave, Melody Inn, 21+

Every Time I Die, Centerstage Bar and Grill (Kokomo), 21+ Alesana, Emerson Theater, all-ages Lingo, Shoefly Public House, all-ages Taylor Caniff, Deluxe at Old National Centre, all-ages

Sixteen Candles, Vogue, 21+ Max Allen Band, Union 50, 21+ The Main Squeeze, Deluxe at Old National Centre, all-ages The Downtown Fiction, Emerson Theater, all-ages Give and Take, Social Damage, Anna Sage, We Love You, Safe House, The Bishop (Bloomignton), 18+ Bionic Monks, False Hope Fades, As I Am, Haughville, Old Revel Minds, 5th Quarter Lounge, 21+



Billy Cobham, Jazz Kitchen, 21+


Giant Panda, Guerilla Dub Squard, Shrub, Mousetrap, 21+

Neil Diamond 7 p.m. Neil Diamond is 50 years in, and all reviews from this tour indicate he’s sounding great. We’re tipping our metaphorical hats to you, Diamond.

Myah Evans, The Bishop (Bloomington), 21+ Citrus Fest with ALAR WAVE, Jude Brown, J Marinelli, Wet Heave, Whale Bones, Crush Grov (Bloomington), all-ages

Bankers Life Fieldhouse, 125 S. Pennsylvania St., price varies, all-ages

Spirit Division, Yarz Revenge, Battersea, Dunwich Studios, all-ages



Battle Royale Round Two 7:30 p.m. The Battle Royale rolls on into the second round, where the winners from the 48 bands that competed in the first round push harder, play bigger and hope to make it into the finals. Birdy’s Bar and Grill, 2131 E. 71st St., $12, 21+

40 MUSIC // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO

Irvington Vinyl 8 a.m. Live music from Deezen, Last Four Digits and The Dockers will kick off at 2 p.m.; location is dependent on weather (if it’s nice, it’ll be outside; if it’s gnarly, it’ll be in the basement). They’ll offer official RSD goodie bags and give away a limited print of a John Mellencamp painting. Two of their bands have RSD-related releases; Deezen is on a new Kinks tribute tape coming out on RSD and The Dockers will release a special red and black vinyl record that day.

SATURDAY RSD Indy CD and Vinyl 8 a.m. Most importantly, the dudes and dudettes at Indy CD and Vinyl are offering free coffee for when you roll in bright and early at 8 a.m. Okay, maybe that’s not the most important thing happening there all day, but it’s

Vibes Music 9 a.m. Vibes, due to close at the end of May, is keeping it simple this RSD. GloryHole will once again put on an all-day showcase that’s our pick for the best RSD lineup in town. Music kicks off at noon with Adam Kuhn and Kaylie Pickett, followed by Chemical Envy, Absonites, Vess von Ruhtenberg, S.M. Wolf, Pnature Walk, No Coast, Phases, Thee Tsunamis and Apache Dropout, wrapping up at 7:15 p.m. No Coast will release a new seven-song EP at the show. 1051 E. 54th St.

9 Johnson Ave.


Josh Thompson, 8 Seconds Saloon, 21+ Avett Brothers, Elliot Hall of Music (Lafayette), all-ages

5202 N. College Ave.

806 Broad Ripple Ave. RSD

The Stampede String Band Album

exclusive-to-LUNA goodies in owner Todd Robinson’s entry on our megalist a page or so back, but we’ll recap it quickly here: the biggie is the sweet 20th Anniversary Live at LUNA lathe cut 7” box set featuring live recordings from Bill Callahan, Kyle Field, Mark Kozelek, Kurt Vile and Ben Watt; these guys have art from Nat Russell, screen-printing from Dave Windisch (former NUVO Art Director), plus they’re all lathe-cut by People In The Position To Know’s Mike Dixon on a vintage lathe. Robinson is also reissuing Good Morning Blues by San Francisco’s Assateague; they’ll have non-record goodies too, like a special LUNA frisbee (free for the first 15 people in line) and those gorgeous U-Turn Orbit turntables. Bee Coffee, Citizen Hash and Upland will be vending and Laundromatinee will be shooting video.

RSD Karma Records 8 a.m. There’s no live music at Karma this year, but they’ll run different contests all day to give away gift certificates, autographed items, and tickets to Wilco’s May show at the Murat at Old National Centre. Various locations RSD LUNA Music 8 a.m. Hear ye, hear ye broke people! LUNA rolls out a big ol’ sidewalk sale of discount vinyl and CDs, plus they’ve got a bunch of grab bags with samplers and treats. In the back, they’ve got music from Nat Russell, Busman’s Holiday, Frankie and The Witch Fingers, Mike Adams At His Honest Weight, Vacation Club and Oreo Jones and Ghost Gun Summer. Jones, DMA and LUNA lady Abby Goldsmith will host and DJ. You can read about the

RSD Vinyl Rescue Project 10 p.m. About 90 – 95 percent of the official RSD releases will be available at this Southside shop, which will also offer giveaways, discounts on all the regular new and used vinyl, PLUS free vinyl every day this week in the leadup to RSD. 520 N. SR 135, Suite M

MUNCIE RSD Village Green Records 10 a.m. For those who want to take a Record Store Day road trip adventure, Village Green’s plans are well worth your time. They’ve booked Shiny Penny and the Critical Shoes, Freak, Lee Harvy and The Oswalds, Architecture Aviva, Forgotten Tribe, Ampersand Blues Band, Bonesetters and Archives for live music. Inside, note the 10

percent off new stuff (not RSD exclusives, unfortunately) and 20 percent off everything used. Organizers note that set times are approximate, so plan on being flexible. 519 N. Martin St.

BLOOMINGTON RSD Landlocked Music 11:30 a.m. How we remember the line that stretches around Landlocked by mid-morning every Record Store Day. Bloomington. It’s worth getting in line for this one. This time, they’ll have Bloomie marching band Jefferson St. Parade Band playing outside for those who wait, plus coffee from Uel Zing Coffee. Inside, Mike Adams, Stephen Westrich, Ann Jonker and Magician Johnson will DJ in between sets from Thee Open Sex, Birimbi and The Cowboys. Upland will pour its Vinyl Tap Rye Pale Ale in exchange for a donation to Girls Rock; bring t-shirts for their cool outdoor screen printing station hooked up by In Case of Emergency Press. Plus, tons of records, of course. 202 N. Walnut St. RSD TDs CDs and LPs noon Bloomington’s underground record store TDs (yes, actually underground) is marking down $1 LPs to 50 cents and $3 LPs to $2, so come on in, bargain hunters. They’ll also have all kinds of official RSD-related goodies. There’s absolutely no room in this jewel box of a record store for live music, so head over if you need a (relatively) quiet reprieve from the bands. 322 E. Kirkwood Ave. RSD Tracks 8 a.m. Tracks says it’s absolutely loaded with merchandise, plus it’s got donuts and coffee to power you through 13 hours of shopping. This is the big early destination spot in Bloomington, so plan on hauling down 37 bright and early if you’re coming down from Indy. 415 E. Kirkwood Ave 420 420 Tent Party 7 p.m. This is the biggest event of almost a week of 420 events at the Mousetrap. It kicks off with Altered Thurzdaze, featuring DJ

SOUNDCHECK Aphrodite. Friday features Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad. Saturday has a bunch of bands on the bill: Austin’s Psymbionic, The Twin Cats, Eumatik, Indigo Child and Nashawti, Megan Maudlin, Mikail Robertson, Magnetic, and more, all for $10. There’s more than one stage at this huge party, which kicks off at 7 p.m. Oh, but it’s not over. Sunday features Flatland Harmony Experiment’s bluegrass jam, and on Monday (the official 4/20, of course) Hyryder takes over everything for a huge party. You should basically just live at the Mousetrap this weekend. Mousetrap, 5565 N. Keystone Ave., prices vary, 21+ LOCAL LABELS Sufjan Stevens 7:30 p.m. Asthmatic Kitty’s Sufjan Stevens returns to Indy with a super strong, locally released album about the death of his mother. Carrie & Lowell is a stunner of an album, a closely held return to the Sufjan of “Casmir Pulaski Day” and “John Wayne Gacy.” It’s a rough but beautiful listen. We’re intrigued how Stevens will integrate his new material in with tracks from Age of Adz, his electric volcano of an album that came out a few years ago. Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, 502 N. New Jersey St., prices vary, all-ages Jomberfox Album Release Show, Radio Radio, 21+

Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea, Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts, all-ages J Brookinz Tag Team Battle II, The Hi-Fi, 21+ David Fanning, Hoosier Park Racing and Casino, 21+ One: Metallica Tribute Band, Vogue, 21+

SUNDAY Jazz on the Circle, Christ Church Cathedral, all-ages Everett Greene, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Apache Dropout, Hector’s Pets, KP& ME, Crush Grove (Bloomington), all-ages SALES, The Hi-Fi, 21+

Jennifer Knapp, Broadway United Methodist Church, all-ages

Har-Di-Har, Shimmercore, Melody Inn, 21+

IU Soul Revue Spring Concert, Buskirk-Chumley Theatre (Bloomington), all-ages

Turnupnation, Cash Out, Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+

Casino, Michael Drews, Strange Brew, Jamie Easter, Listen Hear, all-ages Gasoline Chaser, Northern Kind, Birdy’s Bar and Grill, 21+ Gene Deer, Rathskeller, 21+ Sha Na Na, Indiana Grand Casino, all-ages Philadelphia Phil and Friends, Liberty Street, 21+ Funky Monks, Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+

MONDAY ROCK Jon Spencer Blues Explosion 9 p.m. So good to see this trio every time they’re in Indy; shout out to Jon Spencer, guitar god and scrappy garage punk inspiration. Radio Radio, 1119 E. Prospect St., $15, 21+

8th Annual African Night, IUPUI Campus Center, all-ages

Children of October, Vagora Risen Dead, 5th Quarter Lounge, 21+

Caskey, King Arthur, Kobra Kai, Big Daddy Phat $tacks, Rhetoryk, Adam The Influence, Emerson Theater, all-ages

Tommy Trash, Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+ Dog ashion Disco, Emerson Theater, all-ages

Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, Schrott Center for the Arts, all-ages

Matt Pivec Quartet, Jazz Kitchen, 21+

Diabolic Deathfest, 5th Quarter Lounge, 21+

J.S. Bach: Sacred and Secular, Vocal and Instrumental, Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center

Harpeth, Indy Folk Series, all-ages Indy Guitar Summit, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Little Introvert, Hoosier Dome, all-ages Matt Mason, 8 Seconds Saloon, 21+



NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // MUSIC 41




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e’re back with our resident sex doctor, Dr. Debby Herbenick of Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute. To see even more, go to!

Third Party Booty My boyfriend and I decided to try out sex outside our relationship. We both decided to get one partner outside of the relationship, and we both have found someone with whom we enjoy regular sex. But I still can’t shake the idea that he’s going to leave me for his other partner, despite the fact that he says he is still very much in love with me. Does this mean I’m not cut out for the poly thing? I like sex with my partner, but the relationship lines are very clear. I don’t know what to do at this point. — Anonymous, from Tumblr SARAH: This is a tough one to bat, friendo. However, my advice for you would be the same as it would for any couple: ultimately, all we can do is trust that our partners will keep their promises and hold up their end of the bargain. Have you guys had an honest conversation about all avenues and possibilities with these relationships? In new relationship territory, I think the best thing to do is come up with some goals you can agree on (like always being honest and always putting your relationship first), and then focus on your own enjoyment of both of your partners. This kind of sticky wicket is dependent on everyone in your sex life understanding their boundaries and yours, and the trick to making sure your relationship comes out stronger is to always make it you and your boyfriend’s number one priority. I think if you redirect your anxiety toward building a more concrete idea of what you want these relationships to look like, you’ll feel a lot more secure in both. DR. D: Oh man, I’m so sorry. Monogamy is hard and so is polyamory because humans are complex, emotional, passionate, curious and — yes — jealous beings. The most important thing is that you share your feelings with your boyfriend. Let him know you’re feeling jealous. Ask him to support you by talking through your feelings together. Did you establish rules ahead of time that include something along the lines of, if one of you needs

42 VOICES // 04.15.15 - 04.22.15 // 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO





DR. DEBBY HERBENICK & SARAH MURRELL to hit “pause” on the openness, that you do so? If not, this might be a good time to ask if you feel like you need a break. You might also review your overall “rules” and boundaries to see which ones are working for you and which may need a little tweaking. As you may know, some people are cool with their partners having sex with others but they place limits on how often each person sees the outside partner or how often they talk or on spending the night. Check out More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory if you’d like to explore some perspectives and talk a bit about it with your boyfriend and/or outside partner(s). It may help you decide whether you’re cut out for it or not and there is no shame in whatever you decide. Some people aren’t cut out for monogamy and others aren’t cut out for polyamory. And then there are those who are cut out for polyamory with certain people but who insist on monogamy with others. Like I said, humans are complex, emotional, passionate, curious, and jealous. But we’re also pretty lovely to one another most of the time, so open up the conversation and see how it goes.

Smokin’ pole My boyfriend is a smoker and has noticed his erections getting weaker lately. Do the two have something to do with each other? — Anonymous, from Tumblr SARAH: The undeniable fact about smoking is that it damages your vascular system, this we certainly know. Whether or not that directly affects your man’s boner is not up to me to decide, but one could certainly see how bad heart and circulatory problems could contribute. And regardless of whether it makes your banger more like mash, it’s never a bad idea to consider cutting back or quitting altogether. My advice in the short term is to get a stretchy cock ring and see how that works for you, and in the long-term, to get him to go to a doctor just to make sure there isn’t a larger issue going on. Like I’ve said in the past, erections are like a health barometer. If the flag’s not going all the way up the pole, it’s time to put aside your ego and to see your healthcare provider.







“Monogamy is hard and so is polyamory because humans are complex, emotional, passionate, curious and — yes — jealous beings.”

— DR. D

DR. D: There’s certainly plenty of research tying cigarette smoking to erectile difficulties. More so, cigarette smoking is also linked to cardiovascular disease (heart and circulatory problems) and erectile problems can be an early warning sign of such health issues. The best thing he could do is to let his healthcare provider know he’s starting to have weaker erections and to ask for an overall health assessment. I don’t know your boyfriend’s age, and you can certainly expect some weakening of erections with older age (yes, even in one’s 40s or 50s), but that’s not true for all men. And again, his heart health is the most important part to focus on for now.

Paging Dr. Jekyll I have a wide variety of sexual tastes, from the fairly PG to heavy bondage. I’m all over the place. How do I have conversations about this with new partners that won’t be intimidating? — Anonymous, from Tumblr SARAH: You should walk into the date wearing a tealength gingham skirt on bottom and a leather corset bustier on top while dancing to Rick James’ “Superfreak” and pointing at yourself with your thumbs. A certain percentage will tear up the carpets sprinting for the door, but the handful that are left over will be the psychotic, 10-minutecrying-voicemail-leavers of your manic pixie dreams. DR. D: Why not just say you’re open-minded and interested? Many people are. If they ask for examples, give some. I’d just encourage you to be frank about it — if these tastes are deal breakers and you need a partner to be into them, you kind of need to say that. If there are things you’re okay keeping to your private masturbation or to sex with others, but don’t need a relationship partner to be into, then say that too.

Sexing Mary Jane What would be a fun way to celebrate 4-20 that’s more interesting than smoking a bunch of weed and having sex? — Anonymous, from Tumblr SARAH: Uh, smoking a bunch of weed and having sex and then eating some slow food takeout? What does this even mean? Do you want me to dress this up for you in some kind of new way? Fine. Go get some hash oil or shatter and smoke like an adult. Slick your hair back, drink some Canadian whiskey, get a pen vape, smoke it in bed after sex and call yourself Don Vaper. I don’t know man, it seems like you’ve got all the pieces in place for a fun time. Of all the celebrations to overthink, this is certainly not the one.

DR. D: Like beauty, fun is in the eye of the beholder. That’s really up to you.

Reel sexy What’s a good, semi-erotic movie I can watch with my boyfriend that’s actually interesting and not cheesy? — Anonymous, from Tumblr SARAH: I really shouldn’t be allowed to comment on this question. Not only are my movie tastes absolutely weird as the day is long, but I’m going to make you read subtitles to get your bonk on, and that’s not very nice. One of my favorite sexy-ish movies is Y Tu Mama Tambien, the Alfonso Cuarón movie about two late-teens boys who take a roadtrip with an older woman and, well, you know the rest. But the whole movie is beautiful and there’s a much larger theme about the striation of poverty across Mexico, if you’re into erotic cultural and economic commentary. I’d also recommend The Libertine, which, to me, is the last really good Johnny Depp movie he made. It’s absolutely decadent in the SUBMITTED PHOTO way only a movie set in the upper crust of 17th century London can be (read: lots of fucking in elaborate period attire) and it poses the question of the value of shock for shock’s sake. And Depp is lookin’ fine as hell. DR. D: For starters, try Googling or IMDB-ing the following and see what you think: Emmanuelle, Dangerous Liaisons, The Story of O, Henry & June, The Dreamers, Last Tango in Paris, and 9 ½ Weeks, just to name a few. People have different tastes, though, so you kind of have to watch movies together and see what you like and talk about it, you know? Enjoy.

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its peak between 1849 and 1855. Three hundred thousand adventurers flocked to America’s West Coast in search of gold. In the early days, gold nuggets were lying around on the ground in plain sight, or relatively easy to find in gravel beds at the bottom of streams. But later prospectors had to work harder, developing methods to extract the gold from rocks that contained it. One way to detect the presence of the precious metal was through the use of nitric acid, which corroded any substance that wasn’t gold. The term “acid test” refers to that process. I bring this to your attention, Aries, because it’s a good time for you to use the metaphorical version of an acid test as you ascertain whether what you have discovered is truly golden. Aries














TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The time between now and







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your birthday will provide you with excellent opportunities to resolve lingering problems, bring drawn-out melodramas to a conclusion, and clean up old messes — even the supposedly interesting ones. You want to know what else this upcoming period will be good for? I’ll tell ALLI you: 1. Surrendering control-freak fantasies. 2. Relieving your backlog of tension. 3. Expelling delusional fears that you cling to out of habit. 4. Laughing long and hard at the New Age & Curiosities • Classes & Readings cosmic jokes that have tweaked your attitude. Virgo

Celestial Dawning Pisces










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GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the mid-19th century, the

entrance exam for the British Royal Navy was quite odd. Some candidates were required to write down the Virgo

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Lord’s Prayer, recite the multiplication table for the number 7602 North Michigan Road • 679-5225 three, get naked and jump over a chair, and drink a glass of sherry. I’m guessing that your own initiation or rite of passage may, at least initially, seem as puzzling or nonsensical as that one. You might be hard-pressed to understand how it is pertinent to the next chapter of your life story. And yet I suspect that you will ultimately come to the conclusion — although it may take some time — that this transition was an excellent lead-in and preparation for what’s to come. Pisces











CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1909, Sergei Diaghilev



founded the Ballets Russes, a Parisian ballet company that ultimately revolutionized the art form. The collaborative efforts he catalyzed were unprecedented. He drew on the talents of visual artists Picasso and Matisse, composers Stravinsky and Debussy, designer Coco Chanel, and playwright Jean Cocteau, teaming them up with top choreographers and dancers. His main goal was not primarily to entertain, but rather to excite and inspire and inflame. That’s the spirit I think you’ll thrive on in the coming weeks, Cancerian. It’s not a time for nice diversions and comfy satisfactions. Go in quest of Ballets Russes-like bouts of arousal, awakening, and delight. Cancer













LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Don’t ever tame your demons


— always keep them on a leash.” That’s a line from a song by Irish rock musician Hozier. Does it have any meaning for you? Can your personal demons somehow prove useful to you if you keep them wild but under your control? If so, how exactly might they be useful? Could they provide you with primal energy you wouldn’t otherwise possess? Might their presence be a reminder of the fact that everyone you meet has their own demons and therefore deserves your compassion? I suspect that these are topics worthy of your consideration right now. Your relationship to your demons is ripe for transformation — possibly even a significant upgrade. Leo












VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will you be the difficult wizard, Virgo? Please say yes. Use your magic to summon elemental forces that will shatter the popular obstacles. Offer the tart medicine that tempers and tests as it heals. Bring us bracing revelations that provoke a fresher, sweeter order. I know it’s a lot to ask, but right now there’s no one more suited to the tasks. Only you can manage the stern grace that will keep us honest. Only you have the tough humility necessary to solve the riddles that no one else can even make sense of. Virgo






LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): My message this week might be controversial to the Buddhists among you. But I’ve got to report the cosmic trends as I see them, right? It’s my sacred duty not to censor or sanitize the raw data. So here’s the truth as I understand it: More desire is the answer to your pressing questions. Passionate intensity is the remedy for all wishy-washy wishes and anesthetized emotions. The stronger your longing, the smarter you’ll be. So if your libido is not already surging and throbbing under its own power, I suggest you get it teased and tantalized until it does. Libra


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Karelu is a word from the Tulu language that’s spoken in South India. It refers to the marks made on human skin by clothing that’s too tight. As you know, the effect is temporary. Once the close-fitting garment is removed, the imprint will eventually disappear as the skin restores its normal shape and texture. I see the coming days as being a time when you will experience a metaphorical version of karelu, Scorpio. You will shed some form of constriction, and it may take a while for you to regain your full flexibility and smoothness. Scorpio




SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Georgia is not just

an American state. It’s also a country that’s at the border of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Many people who live there speak the Georgian language. They have a word, shemomedjamo, that refers to what happens when you love the taste of the food you’re eating so much that you continue to pile it in your mouth well past the time when you’re full. I’d like to use it as a metaphor for what I hope you won’t do in the coming days: get too much of a good thing. On the other hand, it’s perfectly fine to get just the right, healthy amount of a good thing. Sagittarius






CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): When you’re a driver in

a car race, an essential rule in making a successful pit stop is to get back on the track as quickly as possible. Once the refueling is finished and your new tires are in place, you don’t want to be cleaning out your cup holder or checking the side-view mirror to see how you look. Do I really need to tell you this? Aren’t you usually the zodiac’s smartest competitor? I understand that you’re trying to become more skilled at the arts of relaxation, but can’t you postpone that until after this particular race is over? Remember that there’s a difference between the bad kind of stress and the good kind. I think you actually need some of the latter. Capricorn








AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Until the early 20th century, mayonnaise was considered a luxury food, a hand-made delicacy reserved for the rich. An entrepreneur named Richard Hellman changed that. He developed an efficient system to produce and distribute the condiment at a lower cost. He put together effective advertising campaigns. The increasing availability of refrigeration helped, too, making mayonnaise a more practical food. I foresee the possibility of a comparable evolution in your own sphere, Aquarius: the transformation of a specialty item into a mainstay, or the evolution of a rare pleasure into a regular occurrence. Aquarius










PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Piscean author Dr. Seuss wrote and illustrated over 40 books for children. Midway through his career, his publisher dared him to make a new book that used no more than 50 different words. Accepting the challenge, Seuss produced Green Eggs and Ham, which went on to become the fourth best-selling English-language children’s book in history. I invite you to learn from Seuss’s efforts, Pisces. How? Take advantage of the limitations that life has given you. Be grateful for the way those limitations compel you to be efficient and precise. Use your constraints as inspiration to create a valuable addition to your life story. Pisces












Homework: When was the last time you loved yourself with consummate artfulness and grace? Testify at

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