THIS WEEK in this issue
JUNE 1 - 8, 2011
VOL. 22 ISSUE 15 ISSUE #1042
cover story
NUVO’s CVAs highlight community organizations and individuals who are striving to bring cultural innovation to our fair hamlet of Indianapolis. We use the awards as an opportunity to recognize a host of inspiring entities, like Primary Colours and Central Indiana Jobs with Justice, who are making the community a better place. Receiving this year’s Lifetime Achievement distinction is Lois Main Templeton, whose contributions in instruction and service have helped shape the city’s contemporary art scene.
7 wine flight with tasting plate $15 Try the wine flight and stay for dinner! Pearl Bistro has added 7 new wines to our wine list. We are inviting you to try them all in a very casual wine flight tasting evening. Elisa Montgomery from Monarch Beverages will be here from 6-8pm pouring and sharing her knowledge on these new wines we are calling “wines of interest”
Wine Tasting June 2 • 6-8pm
Mon – Sat 11am – 2:30pm Tues – Thur 5pm – 9pm Fri and Sat 5pm – 10pm
Circle City Industrial Complex has flourished as an artists’ haven since Martha Nahrwold first set up shop in 1991. Today, Wug Laku serves as gatekeeper in casting a collective to fill the studio spaces at 10th and Brookside Avenue on Indy’s Near Eastside. BY DAN GROSSMAN
(includes salad bar, hot bar, soups, desert and soft drink)
1475 W. 86th st. • 86th and Ditch Road 317-876-7990
from the readers Thanks to Steve Hammer for using his column to remind us that Memorial Day is about something more important than auto racing, grilling hot dogs and drinking beer (“The Ultimate Sacrifice,” Hammer, May 25-June 1). I am disappointed that the managing editor and news editor could not — or chose not — to find a few inches in the approximate 4600 column inches of your May 25 edition to list any of the events the public could attend to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Look at it from a veteran or family members of a veteran point of view: They pick up your
1/2 Appetizers & Drink Specials
Memorial Day awareness
The Pub has served downtown Indianapolis since 2000. We appreciate your support during the construction and invite you to stop in and check out our
newspaper on Memorial Day weekend. They find out where they can go for live music, theater, dance and every conceivable Indy 500 event…but nothing about where to go to honor the veterans of our state and our country. Perhaps next year NUVO can remember that its Memorial Day issue is a chance to, in addition to providing an excellent listing of community events, spare a little space for us liberals and progressives to know where to go to honor those who protected our freedom and paid for it with their lives.
30 E.
Georgia St. (317) 822-9730
Jeff Tavares
Letters to the editor should be sent c/o NUVO Mail. They should be typed and not exceed 300 words. Editors reserve the right to edit for length, etc. Please include a daytime phone number for verification. Send e-mail letters to: or comment on
Experience xperience First Friday at
EDITORIAL POLICY: N UVO N ewsweekly covers news, public issues, arts and entertainment. We publish views from across the political and social spectra. They do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.
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June 3rd 6-10pm Kyle Ragsdale Opening Avion Located in the Murphy Art Center 1043 Virginia Ave, Fountain Square 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // toc
HAMMER The forgotten mayor’s race
Ballard shou ldn’t take anything for granted
eople talk about a lot of things in the parts of downtown Indianapolis I roam daily, from sports to sociology to the relative attractiveness of the city’s female TV weathercasters. But I haven’t heard any discussion about the upcoming election for mayor. In my lifetime, we’ve had mayors who were almost universally popular, such as Richard Lugar and William Hudnut, and we’ve had Steve Goldsmith and Bart Peterson, mayors who were despised widely, but by different constituencies. With such strong sentiments toward mayors of the past, Indy offers a surprising lack of passion regarding the current mayor. The mayors who were beloved earned their accolades by tackling bold and ambitious projects for the city’s development and redevelopment. Lugar and Hudnut dared to dream big and, despite occasional failings, such as Union Station’s renovation, they almost always came through and made the city the wonderful place it is today. If residents of early 1970s Indianapolis were transported to 2011, they’d be amazed at how clean, friendly and relatively crime-free the city is. The rundown storefronts, grimy buildings and porn theaters of that era have been replaced by hotels, mom-and-pop stores and office buildings where thousands, including myself, hold jobs and make living wages. Lugar and Hudnut – men of bold vision – deserve much of the credit for this renaissance, while Goldsmith and Peterson are seen as place-holder leaders who cared more about rewarding their friends and punishing their enemies than they did good government. The lack of routine criticism for Mayor Greg Ballard augurs well for his re-election. To the extent that people think about him, they picture a nice man who’s trying his best and isn’t obviously a hack or an opportunist. His most attractive trait to voters four years ago was that he wasn’t Bart Peterson. The citizens of Indianapolis have responded well to Ballard’s first term; whatever qualms about his inexperience have been satisfied through the mayor’s hard work and good humor. You don’t expect Ballard to do anything rash. Any given morning, I expect to turn on the news and hear that Mitch has sold all the state parks to Exxon for $50 and a case of
beer or that he’s trying to outlaw homosexuality except between consenting Republican lawmakers. Ballard seems to act with more deliberation and caution, sometimes to his detriment. He might have acted more quickly in any number of circumstances but eventually did the right things after thinking about it for a couple of months. While this caution is a welcome relief from the Goldsmith and Peterson years, when people always expected something unpleasant to happen at any point in time, the mayor’s biggest political weakness is his perceived lack of ambition and vision for the city. Lugar and Hudnut saw an aging, crumbling city and worked to reconstruct it almost from scratch. If Ballard wants to join their exalted company, he needs to take a big dream and make it reality like they did. The primary charm of this mayor – his casualness – could be spun by a skilled opponent into a lack of urgency and dedication to addressing the city’s core needs. That’s the biggest danger the mayor faces as he nears the election. There’s no shortage of causes waiting to be championed by a strong leader. The city desperately needs a reboot and upgrade of its public transportation, which despite good intentions continues to be among the worst in cities our size. Poor public transportation prevents workers from being able to commute to the places where the jobs are. It hinders growth for the entire city. While the mayor’s direct role in education is limited by statute, he could become more of an advocate for excellence for IPS, which has foundered under poor leadership. He could take a political liability – namely, the fact that the police and fire departments are pissed off at him – and turn it into an asset. He could say, “The police and fire departments are pissed off at me! That’s because I’m trying to clean house and get rid of corruption!” The public would cheer him as a reformer. Nobody gave Ballard a chance to win four years ago. Even the Republican establishment wrote him off. That gave him a great advantage upon taking office. He owed nobody, except his lovely wife and beautiful family, a single thing. But he should know, more than most people, that it would be a mistake to assume he’s going to win this time. The city can and has turned fast on leaders if they come off as uncaring or unconcerned. That’s why he should pick a big ambition and, like his revered predecessors, convert it into reality. Doing so will assure him a job as mayor for life and a place in the hall of fame of Indianapolis politicians. Failure to do so will leave him on the scrap heap of history, like former mayors Goldsmith and Peterson, forsaken, forgotten and missed by no one. He seems like a smart enough man to avoid their mistakes but he needs to take action now to avoid their fate. We’re patient people in Indianapolis, but we also expect results. Ballard needs to produce some quickly.
The primary charm of this mayor – his casualness – could be used against him.
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // hammer
HOPPE Anti-elitism
Finding art’s real value
he folks at the National Endowment for the Arts have been crunching numbers. It seems every couple of years or so, the NEA feels compelled to release a study that tells us something about our cultural habits. “Time and Money: Using Federal Data to Measure the Value of Performing Arts Activities” is the infelicitous title of a study that brings together data from the U.S. Economic Census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics — a virtual murderers’ row of bean counters. For the most part, the report’s findings are commonsensical to the point where even a government advocate like me has to ask whether this exercise was really necessary. The finding, for example, that fewer than 7 percent of us go to performances by ourselves — we prefer bringing someone with us, even if it’s kicking and screaming — doesn’t seem like much of a headline. If this should ever change and an evening at the Indiana Repertory Theatre or the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra begins to resemble that scene in Fahrenheit 451 where everyone is walking alone around a chilly lake, muttering the words to a book that each one has, in solitude, committed to memory, well, that will be news. For the time being, deciding to go to a play, a concert or a dance performance is a decidedly social calculation, something we do with one another. This, I suppose, is just another of the many ways of differentiating live performance from what we experience when we stare at one of our personal screens. “The performing arts is the most social activity, with so many people bringing a friend along,” declared Sunil Iyengar, director of the NEA’s Office of Research and Analysis. Iyengar added that nearly 35 percent of performing arts attendees experienced events at schools, churches and in the great outdoors, leading me to wonder whether the NEA, all those bean counters or the people responding to surveys were fudging their answers a little — counting Junior’s cracked high notes at the annual Spring Sing, say, or Sis’ turn as an angel in the annual holiday pageant as enthusiasm for the “performing arts.” Memorable as these experiences may be, I’m not sure they cut the mustard as the sorts of events arts professionals stake their livelihoods on. The report says that Americans spent $14.5 billion on performing arts tickets, or about $6
billion less than we spent on tickets to sports events ($20.7 billion). So more people spend more money on sports. What else is new? You have to read between the lines to find anything provocative, or even edifying, in this iteration of the old arts versus sports equation. It’s worth noting, though, that a 2009 NEA study found that sports attendance was slipping precipitously — four times faster than in the arts when measured over a time span going back to 1982. The reason for this might be that the average ticket price for the top four pro sports leagues — the National Basketball Association, the National Football League, Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League — is $74. While this compares to seeing a show on Broadway, say, or catching Cirque du Soleil in Vegas, the cost of seeing a play or the symphony in most cities, while not cheap, is considerably more affordable. This pokes a stadium-sized hole in the old saw that live sports are the peoples’ entertainment, while the arts are elitist fare. The fact is that most of us watch sports — just as we do movies and assorted other forms of arts performance — on TV or some other electronic device. For all its nostalgic trappings of being a form of family fun, passed from one generation to the next, the live pro sports experience is much more akin to going to a ritzy steakhouse. Pro ticket sales are driven by corporate expense accounts and high dollar salaries. Those characters in their face paint and team regalia may look like people without a lot going on in their lives, but they’re lawyers, accountants and insurance brokers in real life, proving that it really is scary to find that the people you went to high school with now run things. It’s the arts that are for everyone. The newfound hunger for community-based projects aimed at enlivening neighborhoods, like Big Car’s Service Center in Lafayette Square, where an abandoned tire dealership is being turned into a hybrid gallery/performance space/urban farm, exemplifies the truly populist nature of contemporary cutting edge arts practice. Here the fact that so many folks experience the arts in venues other than concert halls and traditional theaters becomes illuminating. These people are sharing the singular immediacy of live performance in human-scale settings that underscore the transformative power of what can happen when emotions and imagination take flight. This, the awkward title of the NEA’s most recent report notwithstanding, is where the real value of the arts resides. The rest, with apologies to Will Shakespeare — someone who knew a thing or two about creating experiences on stage — is numbers.
For all its nostalgic trappings of family fun, the live pro sports experience is much more akin to going to a ritzy steakhouse.
news // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
by Wayne Bertsch
HAIKU NEWS by Jim Poyser
alleged Tucson shooter’s deemed incompetent to be photographed Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper will be kidnapped by fellow cellmates Patriot Act is extended to protect us by thwarting our rights if you aren’t doing anything that’s wrong then why would you want to hide? Iran’s biggest lake turning to salt – someone must have turned ‘round to look virus kills pregnant women, earth’s new way to stem population growth school 84 named top magnet in US – now all will be drawn there! sev’ral tornadoes anthropomorphically wreak evil revenge Indy doesn’t crack top 20 best read cities but YOU read haiku! Dallas Mavericks veterans finally get a chance to score rings unfortunately the death of Gil Scott-Heron will be televised
Follow @jimpoyser on Twitter for more Haiku News.
Get dirty while boosting Indy’s environment and economy — that’s what we call multitasking. The folks at Keep Indianapolis Beautiful are kicking off My Tree and Me, a campaign offering $20 coupons to offset the cost of buying trees at least 1 inch caliper each at 17 retailers across town. The effort plays into KIB’s larger NeighborWoods initiative, which aims to plant 100,000 large trees across the city by 2017. They’re already a quarter of the way to that goal. Details on tree coupons can be found at
Local postal carriers will no longer be burdened with the responsibility of delivering overdue notices from Indianapolis Public Libraries. Starting July 1, the library system moves online with its warnings. The shift toward more web-based practices, including overdue alerts and memos of material availability, will save the struggling libraries an estimated $80,000 in mailing costs. Members can sign up for e-notices on the library website — check out the “Using Your Library” section. Those without Internet access can sign up in person at any location for a telephone service that provides automated alerts.
To promote its tasty endeavors, Garden on the Go is offering free fruit to any child that stops by during the month of June. Marion County’s mobile produce truck aims to rid the city of “food deserts,” confronting the dearth of fresh produce options in Indy’s low-income neighborhoods. Garden on the Go makes 12 stops around the city each week throughout the year on its Wednesday-Saturday route. The truck accepts cash, credit cards and SNAP public assistance cards — no excuse not to stock up on fresh, local fruits and veggies. Questions? Call 543-9500; grab a schedule online, available at
We Hoosiers have a lot of things going for us, but healthy air isn’t one of them. The Air Quality and Public Health environmental summit on June 6 will address that less-than-stellar situation. Organized by Improving Kids’ Environment and IUPUI, the event is free and set to run from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at IUPUI’s Campus Center, with Daniel Greenbaum of Boston’s Health Effect Institute and Janet McCabe of the EPA scheduled to speak. Attendees will get updates on regulation and research, proving that our nasty air is choking us both physically and fiscally.
THOUGHT BITE By Andy Jacobs Jr. Major American mission movie Saving Private Ryan. The GOP’s Medicare version: Saving Ryan’s Privatization.
Do you have Bipolar Disorder or mood swings???? Perhaps you can help us! The Indiana University Medical Center Mood Disorders Clinic is searching for people between the ages of 18-60 with bipolar disorder or mood swings to participate in a clinical trial. Qualified participants will receive medical and psychiatric exams at no cost. The study consists of questionnaires and a brain scan (MRI). At that time participants have the option to continue on for further treatments with medication. Risks associated with the study will be disclosed prior to study initiation. For more information, call
(317) 278-3311. Please leave your name and a phone number at which you can easily be reached.
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // news
Vote for your favorite art gallery, outdoor festival, charitable event and more at Hurry – voting ends June 1 at 11:59 p.m.
do or die 2
Only have time to do one thing all week? This is it.
Afghan Mural Exhibit @ Earth House Café
In a collaboration of more than 20 artists from around the world, memorials to Afghan civilian causalities will be displayed at the Earth House Café . The exhibit, entitled Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan , is sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee , a Quaker organization dedicated to nonviolence, and will be exhibited through June 24. The contributing artists include American students as well as Afghan high school students. The exhibit is free. Note: if you want to volunteer to help with this exhibit, contact Erin Polley at epolley@afsc. org or 626-0868. 237 N. East St., 636-4060, www.afsc. org/WindowsAndMirrors.
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress @ Theatre on the Square
This isn’t Judd Apatow’s Bridesmaids, but it is a comedy. Theatre on the Square will feature Betty Rage Productions ’ performance of Five Women Wearing the Same Dress through June 12. This play, written by True Blood and Six Feet Under creator Alan Ball, pits a diverse set of bridesmaids against one other. Not only is this the directorial debut by the multitalented Karen Irwin, it’s the first production by this exciting new theater company. Showtimes are weekend nights at 8 p.m., Sundays at 5 p.m.; tickets are $15 adults, $12 students. 627 Massachusetts Avenue, 685-8687,
An example of the mural work you’ll see starting Friday.
Callie Burk and Lacy Marie Meyer star in Alan Ball’s script.
Ryan Mulligan @ iMOCA
The cast of “Avenue Q,” opening at the Phoenix on Thursday.
Blue Note recording artist Jackie Allen will headline “Divine Divas of Jazz”.
Avenue Q @ The Phoenix Theatre
Do you remember the friendly and loving puppets of your childhood? Well, the irreverent, cantankerous characters from Avenue Q don’t, since song titles from this show include “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” and “The Internet is for Porn.” Avenue Q, the winner of the 2004 Tony for Best Musical, will be running from June 2 to July 10 on the Mainstage at the Phoenix Theatre. This is our area’s first regional, professional production of . Local artists constitute the cast, crew and puppeteers. Tickets start from $15; performance times vary. 749 N. Park Avenue, 635-7529, 8
Get your DeLorean up to 88 MPH and time travel with the Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art. iMOCA’s exhibit, My Son Future Time Traveler by Ryan Mulligan explores what it means to be the protector of a future time traveler, via a 30-foot wall mural, TV drawings and a time machine Mulligan constructed for his 5-month old son, Hobbs. Mulligan’s work is also inspired by his father, who was badly injured by a drunk driver. The exhibit runs through July 16. Free. 1043 Virginia Ave., 4506630,
Work by Ryan Mulligan explores the idea of time travel.
Divine Divas of Jazz @ForThe Cabaret one night only join ISIS of Indiana as
they celebrate the great women of jazz. The evening, headlined by Blue Note recording artist Jackie Allen, will showcase critically acclaimed female performers from Indiana. Joining Allen will be vocalists Shannon Forsell, Heather Ramsey and Carol Ryhne-Harris, bassist Jennifer Kirk, pianist Monika Herzig, drummer Jordan West and saxophonist Chelsea Niccum. Divine Divas of Jazz will begin at 8 p.m.; tickets are $25, $35 and $45. To order call 2751169 or order online at www.TheCabaret. org. 121 Monument Circle, 275-1169, www.
Your Go&Do weekend by Jim Poyser Review of Judge Alex by Marc D. Allan
go&do // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
Frankenstein: A New Musical @ Buck Creek Players
Dante J.L. Murray and Kelly Najacht star in the Buck Creek Players’ production. Review of “X-Men: First Class” (on Friday) by Ed Johnson-Ott
This isn’t your childhood Halloween’s Frankenstein with green face paint and fake bolts. The Buck Creek Players will present this Indianapolis premiere of the adaptation of Mary Shelly’s horror classic as a stage musical. With 15 cast members, this is going to be a big show; what we don’t know is if the Creature will dance or not. Scott Robinson directs. Curtain times are 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with Sunday matinees at 2:30. Runs through June 19, $16 adults, $14 students and senior citizens. 11150 Southeastern Avenue, Acton, 862-2270.
Indiana Fever Tip Off Party
Rachel was a finalist on Season 7 of Last Comic Standing. She was also featured on Russell Simmon’s Presents, Live at the El Ray, TBS’s Just For Laughs series and Comics Unleashed. She has her own half hour special, Comedy Central Presents Rachel Feinstein. She has also appeared on VH1’s, “Jewtastic” and CNN’s “Not Just Another Cable News Show.”
“Shine” @ ARTBOX ARTBOX Stutz II presents Shine, featuring
works in resin and metallic sculpture. The pieces share qualities of a glossy, reflective nature, but the individual artist’s approach either accentuates the reflectivity of the work — or at other times destroys it. Shine features paintings and sculpture from ARTBOX veteran Thomas Ramey along with newly represented artists Jorge Enrique, Ronald Westerhuis, Bilhenry Walker, Bruce Riley and others. Opens this Friday from 5 p.m. to midnight and runs until July 29. 217 West 10th Street, 955-2450, www.
Bruce Riley’s “Magnetic Crisis” is part of Shine.
Kevin Pollak 6/16-6/18
Keith Alberstadt 6/22-6/25
Tracey began her career performing all across Canada for years with Yuk Yuks Comedy Clubs. She ended up in Los Angeles after having her talent recognized (after mailing a videotape from Canada) on CBS’s New Star Search with Host Arsenio Hall. She then received a two hundred thousand dollar two year Development Deal with CBS. She has so far had 25 Television appearances in her career.
Andy Woodhull 6/8-6/11
Pat Dixon 6/15-6/18
Brandon Schaaf @ Big Car Gallery Brandon Schaaf, member of local performance troupe Know No Stranger, transforms Big Car Gallery into an imaginary town in an exhibit/installation called Welcome to the Town of Tuccenen. Not only are imagined characters of the town displayed, you’ll also get to experience its food and music as well. If you’ve ever seen Schaaf perform with KNS, you don’t need us to convince you to see this show. His performance art piece set to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the one of the Eight Wonders of Indy’s FREE performing scene. 1043 Virginia Ave., Suite 215, 450-6630,
247 S. Meridian St.
6281 N. College Ave.
JUNE 16-18
Meet & Greet
Thursday, June 16 7:30 at Peppers Broad Ripple
Get your special VIP ticket for only $30! SUBMITTED PHOTO
Your VIP tickets allows you to meet Kevin Pollak in an intimate setting an hour before showtime at Peppers. In addition, you will recieve VIP seating for the show at 8pm.
Work by Lobyn Hamilton is part of this upcoming exhibit.
“I AM Exhibit” @ The Athenaeum
Feeling the need to embrace your fellow human? We are, and so are going to the opening of I AM Exhibit , an exhibition of art and poetry celebrating the idea that all of life is connected. Organized by Broadway United Methodist Church , the exhibition features local artists and writers such as Michael Jordan, Hope Carter, Mari Evans — and Lobyn Hamilton, whom we featured on our cover in February; Opens Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 9 and runs until June 29. Free. 401 East Michigan Street, 655-2755,
Woodruff Place Flea Market @ Woodruff Place
The annual Woodruff Place Flea Market celebrates its 36th year this weekend, promising two days of treasure hunting, along with food, fun, and some seriously fascinating people-watching. The annual flea market provides a perfect opportunity to enjoy summer weather while admiring one of the city’s oldest, most beautiful neighborhoods. Proceeds from the sale help maintain the historic neighborhood. Event runs Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.1800 east, between 10th and Michigan Streets, 730-2946,
Treasure hunters, get yourself to Woodruff.
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // go&do
A&E FEATURE First Friday destination The Circle City Industrial Complex BY D A N G RO S S MA N E DI T O RS @N U V O . N E T
t’s just before 5:00 p.m., on Friday May 6, and Wug Laku is precariously perched on top of a ladder, affixing a spotlight to the ceiling to light a sculpture below. The sculpture is that of a life-sized “zonkey”—a combination donkey and zebra — by Stacey Holloway. The venue is dubbed the Back Hall Gallery and it’s one of the many common areas of the Circle City Industrial Complex located at 10th Street and Brookside Avenue on Indy’s Near Eastside. But it’s Wug Laku’s own gallery (called Wug Laku’s Studio & Garage) that’s the biggest First Friday draw in this vast 13 ½ acre complex in which a small, hardy group of artists and craftspeople have found a foothold. In the corridors of the central section of the complex, off Brookside Avenue, you’ll find galleries displaying hand-crafted jewelry, painting, sculpture and furniture — as well as the studios where these items are made—not to mention a bakery and a fashion boutique. On this particular First Friday opening, the abstract paintings of Doug Arnholter are on display in Laku’s space. By the time Arnholter arrives at 5:30 p.m., Laku has come down off the ladder and is ready to play host to the First Friday guests who are beginning to wander in. It’s not so unusual these days for Laku — a photographer, painter, furniture maker and Creative Renewal Grant recipient — to manage multiple exhibits at once. But Laku’s role goes beyond coordinating First Fridays. He’s also an informal gatekeeper. “He doesn’t have control over who gets a lease,” says jewelry maker and sculptor Nancy Lee, “But he’s the first person an artist talks to when they think they might want to locate here. He makes sure it’s a cohesive group of people doing a really good job in what they’ve chosen to do.” One of the people she cites as an example is the astoundingly talented sculptor and painter Matthew Davey who has his studio located in the center. (Come July 1 new studio spaces will become available in the center for artists and craftspeople). Lee herself has both a studio and gallery space near the Brookside Avenue entrance, Nancy Lee Designs, where she displays her handcrafted jewelry and sculptural work. “I came here because a tree fell on my studio at home,” she says. “And I was getting ready for a show out here that I was coordinating with Wug Laku and several other people from Smaller Indiana and the show was called ‘Elegant Funk.’ I was working on a piece at the time and I needed another place to go.” “Most of us career artists,” Lee says, regarding those who locate in the complex. “We do this full time to make a living.”
Circle City Industrial Complex artists and shopkeepers (left to right): Samma Parcels, Martha Nahrwold, Mike Lyons, Nancy Lee, Wug Laku, Nick Allman.
Nahrwold the pioneer artist
The first artist to locate her studio in the complex was Martha Nahrwold, whose Five Seasons Studio is just down the hall from Wug Laku’s space. Nahrwold, a practitioner of an impressionistic painting technique she calls “objective marbling,” came to the Circle City Industrial Complex back in 1991. She had previously been running a floral arrangement business out of her home and found herself running out of space. At about the same time, the company from which she bought art supplies, Dolphin Papers, moved to the Circle City Industrial Complex from their old Walnut Street location. “I had to track them to this building when they moved,” says Nahrwold. “And at the same time I had been looking for available space but what I found on the north side was more finished office space. I wanted a space where I could spill paint or water.” So she moved in, and found herself benefiting from referrals from her art supply store neighbor. “There were two different printing businesses here,” says Nahrwold. “One was a silkscreen business and the other was a commercial printer… There had been a book bindery in this building between the diesel testing lab moving out and it being open to these others and I got a ten foot long work table that had been left over from there.” The history of the Circle City Industrial Complex, however, stretches back much further back than 1991. Back in the late 1920s, when it was built, it was known as the Schwitzer Building. Since then it has served in a wide variety of manufacturing purposes including as a Cummins Engine testing facility during World War II.
Wug Laku arrives
“We’re definitely the most industrial [arts space] in town,” says Laku. “Because there’s an auto parts store here, there’s a couple of
go&do // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
metal fabricating place here, there’s a billboard shop here…” Laku came to the Circle City Industrial Complex in 2007. “I needed multi-use space because of all the things I do — the painting, the drawing… at the time I wasn’t really doing that much photography but also the woodworking and the lightboxes,” says Laku. “So I was looking for decent-sized studio space at a really affordable price. I thought about the Stutz, thought about the Murphy [City for the Arts], all the usual suspects. A, the price wasn’t right. B, I knew people in both of those buildings and other places in town and I knew that if I moved in there I’d have knocks on the door all the time and I wouldn’t get anything done.” A friend told him about the complex, and Laku felt at home because, like Nahrwold, Laku also used to buy his art supplies from Dolphin Papers. “I came in, walked down the hallway and in fact the old Dolphin paper logo was still in the window where it used to be located,” he recalls. He immediately fell in love with the space that would become his studio. It turned out that this space, which had previously been a biomedical manufacturing facility, was perfect for showing art. So he began showing artists he admired in his space. He got involved with the Indianapolis Art Dealers Association (IDADA) gallery walks. At first the response was lacking, but over time, word of mouth spread and the complex has seen upwards of 300 visitors show up on the First Friday art walks. “So it’s a really strong mix of people,” says Laku of the artists in the complex. “It’s got a little different vibe than every other place in town on First Friday. I don’t know how to explain it or describe it. I just know that it is.” For more: CCIC on Facebook:
NANCY LEE: 317-937-1652 NIKKI BLAINE COUTURE: 317-501-4913 WUG LAKU: 317-270-8258 MARTHA NAHRWOLD: mail to: 317-523-7777 THE PASTRY STATION: 317-632-4880 MATT DAVEY: MIKE LYONS: mailto: 317-340-7276 JARI SHEESE, LISA ATCHISON, SAMMA PARCELS, SALLIE GURTH NICK ALLMAN: 405-812-9977 ROBIN LONG-JORDAN: TED ROSS: GUEST ARTIST: Indianapolis Fashion Collective
WUG LAKU’S STUDIO & GARAGE Giggling Angels: Abstract-Expressionist Paintings by Steven Sickles First Friday opening June 3, 6 – 10 p.m. The Circle City Industrial Complex 1125 Brookside Avenue (two blocks East of 10th and College)
FOOD South of Chicago
A dialogue over pizza, Windy City-style BY AN N E L A K E R A N D K U R T L A K E R E D I T O RS @ N U V O . N E T My brother and I have equal affinity for deep dish pizza, the Chicago Bears and our Italian heritage. When Kurt heard about South of Chicago, a pizza place that opened in a humble Fountain Square storefront earlier this spring, we hot-footed it over. Here is the resulting conversation: KURT: This place is covered in Bears, Bulls, Cubs, Sox and Blackhawks stuff. ANNE: The only Colts paraphernalia is a 2006 Colts vs. Bears Super Bowl poster. They’re showing a smidgen of respect. KURT: You wouldn’t fly the American flag at Olive Garden, would you? This is about Chicago. [The air fills with the sounds of nostalgic buzzers from the Game Show Network on TV and energetic jackhammering on the south leg of The Cultural Trail on the sidewalk outside.]
ANNE: How do we describe the deep dish of our dreams? KURT: Crust that’s firm, flaky and buttery. A crust stub that I look forward to eating. ANNE: My fantasy crust involves quite a bit of cornmeal and is crunchy on the outside but chewy within. The crust needs to be golden and it needs to bear the mark of hand-shaping, with a fairly high wall. [Kurt uses the “flick test” on the crust of our South of Chicago pie: a healthy tapping sound is heard. The crust bears signs of thumbprints — another plus — though the wall is not that high.] KURT: Pizza sauce should also be something I’d want to eat by itself. The chunkier the better. ANNE: This sauce is not that chunky, but very tomato-y, with a sprinkling of parmesan and dried herbs. KURT: The only thing it’s possible to overdo in a deep-dish pizza is cheese. You don’t want what tastes like a big mouthful of hacked-up emphysematic phlegm. [The South of Chicago pizza has no bites of solid cheese, thus respecting the fellow toppings of garlic, olives, vibrant green fresh spinach, and clearly un-canned mushrooms. The first five toppings are free at South of Chicago. Deep dish is available in a cute per-
The 14-inch pizza at South of Chicago feeds three people for $15.99.
sonal size, and as a 14-incher, which feeds three for $15.99; drinks are included. Kurt bites into an Italian Beef sandwich that we also ordered, dry, with about two shots of herbed jus on the side.] KURT: Wow, this is prime. Very thinly sliced beef on a cushiony bun. ANNE: A nice peppery finish to each bite. Bread that’s soft, not tough. [The owners, Bob and Beverly, each come to check on us a few times. They are from Chicago but have lived in Indy sixteen years. They seem passionate about their work and eager to please.] KURT: I hazard to say we’ve found the best deep dish south of Soldier Field.
Hundreds of wines, a vast amount of food and great entertainment, behold the 12th annual Vintage Indiana Wine & Food Festival, Saturday, June 4, at Military Park, from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. There will be, literally, hundreds of Indiana wines from local wineries to be tasted, plus food from several of the state’s top eateries. Entertainment includes Brigid’s Cross, Jennie DeVoe and The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band. The family-fun activities feature an arts and crafts showcase, the interactive KidZone and mouth-watering cooking demos. All of the wine tasting and entertainment are included in the ticket price: adults (21+) are $22 in advance; $25 at the gate. Not drinking? Don’t worry, you get in cheaper, $10, as the designated driver – and you can drink free Pepsi products all day. Youth tickets (6-20) are just $5. Children 5 and under are free. Advanced tickets are on sale at Marsh Supermarkets and online at
If you have an item for the Culinary Picks, send an e-mail at least two weeks in advance to
a&e // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
South of Chicago Pizza & Beef 619 Virginia Ave. Indianapolis IN 46203 317-203-7110
Monday 10 am – 9 pm Tuesday-Thursday 11 am – 2 pm / 4 – 9 pm Friday 11 am – 2 pm / 4 – 11 pm Saturday 4 – 10 pm FOOD: e ATMOSPHERE: r SERVICE: q
Binkley’s Kitchen and Bar, 7 p.m., Brew Club featuring Sierra Nevada from Chico, California includes tasting Southern Hemisphere, Torpedo, Sierra Summer, Sierra Pale and some surprises; 722-8888
Captain Morgan Cove at Victory Field , Sun King Brewing Co. Popcorn Pilsner Tapping, 6:30 p.m. $30, includes $10 to spend on food or drink at the bar; 269-3545. “For the second year in a row, Sun King Brewing Co. traveled to Sunman, Ind. to purchase fresh, local popcorn direct from Riehle’s Select. The multi-colored Rainbow Delight blend imparts a bright, light popcorn flavor to Sun king’s dry, crisp pilsner, making it the perfect compliment to warm summer evenings at the ball park,” according to Neal Taflinger at Sun King. Fox & Hound Castleton, 4-6 p.m. Tasting Lafayette-based People’s Brewing Co. line-up of brews
First Annual Bloomington Craft Beer Fest , at Woolery Mill, 2200 W. Tapp Rd., Bloomington, 3-7 p.m. $35; a limited number of $90 tickets also includes lunch at Upland and tours and tastings at Upland and Bloomington Brewing Company. Sixth Annual Keg Liquors Fest of Ale , St. Anthony’s of Padua, 320 North Sherwood Avenue, Clarksville, Indiana, 3-7 p.m. $25 advance, $30 day of show. “Fest of Ale raises funds for the WHAS Crusade for Children, and includes 40+ Breweries, 4 Craft Beer Distributors, 6 Fine Wine Distributors, over 150 craft and import beers, wine, food, a charity raffle and more,” writes Roger Baylor from New Albany Brewing Company.
Birdy’s, 6-8 p.m., Cavalier Monthly Craft Beer Tasting, $10.
Barley Island Noblesville and Broad Ripple , Bum Rush Barleywine, a strong ale, not a wine, brewed with five different hops and aged for a strong, intense malt flavor with noticeable bitterness; copper color and hop aroma from dry-hopping. “‘Bum Rush’ is a term from the 1920s meaning that a patron was forcibly ejected from a tavern, i.e. they got the bum rush!” explains BI owner Jeff Eaton. If you have an item for Beer Buzz, send an email at least two weeks in advance to
Now No w t h e la rg e st b u f f e t s e l e c t i o n i n t ow n!
Daily Lunch Buffet: 11am-2:30 pm Dinner: Mon-Thurs. 5-10 pm, Fri. 5:00-10 pm Sat. 2:30-10 pm, Sun. 2:30-9:30 pm
10% OFF Carry out or Dine In One Coupon Per Table. Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Only valid on menu order. Expires 6/14/11
$1.00 OFF Daily lunch buffet
One Coupon Per Table. Dine In Only. Not Valid With Any Other Offer Expires 6/14/11
Sunday & Daily Lunch Buffet: 11:30am-2:30 pm Dinner: Mon-Fri. 5-10 pm, Sat. 2:30-10 pm Sun. 2:30-9:30 pm Buy one dinner entree & get the 2nd entree
1/2 OFF
Up to $10.00. Dine In Only. Not Valid With Any Other Offer Expires 6/14/11
Catering for private parties! Call for carryout! | THE SPOT for vegan and vegetable dishes! (non-veggie too!) Come in for our Sunday dinner buffet! | Up to 250 people banquet hall for parties or conferences
MOVIES On local screens this summer BY S A M W A T E R ME IE R E DI T O RS @N U V O . N E T Last week, NUVO’s own Ed Johnson-Ott provided you with a guide to the summer’s biggest films. Now it’s time to focus on the smaller ones. By “small,” we don’t just mean obscure indie art-house fare. We mean all the films playing exclusively on local screens. The first major local film event is a midnight screening of a movie everyone is familiar with — 1968’s Night of the Living Dead. Screening on June 3 and 4, this horror classic is one of many cult films playing at the Keystone Art Cinema this summer. Shot in gritty black and white, Night follows a zombie invasion in rural Pennsylvania and the people hiding from the deadly creatures. Like many Americans in the intolerant 1960s, the zombies seem hardwired to hunt those different than them. After its release, writerdirector George A. Romero largely denied any overt social or political commentary in the film, but it’s there nonetheless, beneath the blood-splattered surface. Like all great cult films, Night of the Living Dead is defiant. It swims against the grain and
holds a funhouse mirror up to reality. A true grindhouse experience, the midnight screening of the film includes trailers for classic and campy horror films as well as a Technicolor cartoon called The Cobweb Hotel. The Keystone Art Cinema will screen midnight movies every Friday and Saturday through July 16. Upcoming cult classics include the so-bad-it’s-good romance drama, The Room; the Japanese war epic, 13 Assassins; the adventure fantasy, The Goonies; and more. Visit for more details. If that doesn’t quench your thirst for quirky cinema, check out the Movie Buff Theatre — a new 14-screen complex located at 3535 W. 86th St. In addition to new releases, it shows first-run, independent, and foreign films (for a ticket price of $5 on weekdays and $7 on weekends). Hobo with a Shotgun is but one of the edgy, unconventional flicks playing there now (the title explains it all). See www.moviebufftheatre. com for current and future releases. If you’re looking for more populist, family-friendly fare, don’t miss the IMA’s Summer Nights film series. It boasts an eclectic range of films — from Poltergeist to The Sandlot. Better yet, they are all screening in the museum’s outdoor amphitheater. Films begin every Friday at 9 p.m. This week’s movie is 1981’s Mommie Dearest, a warts-and-all look at actress and compulsive celebrity mom, Joan Crawford (see review below). Tickets are $10 for the public and $5 for museum members. For picnicking before
Kyra Schon in Night of the Living Dead, playing at the Keystone Art Cinema June 3 and 4.
the films, gates open at 6 p.m. for members and 6:30 for the public. In terms of the indoor film events at the IMA, there are two this season: the Indiana Black Expo Film Festival and the Indianapolis International Film Festival. The former runs July 9 and 10 and features a slew of compelling films that speak to the African American experience, including award-winning documentaries screened at the Heartland Film Festival, directed by established and emerging filmmakers.
Based on the films that have been fea tured in the past (such as Skateland and (500) Days of Summer), we can assure you that this year’s international film festival (July 14-24) is also well worth checking out. Both festivals are screening films in the IMA’s Toby Theatre. Ticket prices vary. See and www. for more info. Keep an eye on NUVO for further coverage of these events and more to come.
The following are reviews of films currently playing in Indianapolis area theaters. Reviews are written by Ed Johnson-Ott (EJO) unless otherwise noted. INCENDIES (R)
Director Denis Villeneuve adapts Wajdi Mouawad’s play concerning a pair of twins who make a life-altering discovery following the death of their mother. Upon learning that their absentee father is still very much alive and they also have a brother that they never met, the pair travels to the Middle East on a mission to uncover the truth about their mystery-shrouded past. 130 minutes. At Landmark’s Keystone Art Cinema.
The film that exposed the vitriol behind actress Joan Crawford’s Hollywood sheen. Faye Dunaway chews the scenery as Crawford while Diana Scarwid tenderly plays the daughter traumatized by her abuse. This true story largely across as camp, but you’ll have fun getting caught up in the unintentionally hilarious melodrama. 129 minutes. At the IMA Amphitheater on Friday, June 3 at 9 p.m. $10 for the public, $5 for members. — Sam Watermeier
Prequel unveiling the epic beginning of the X-Men saga — and a secret history of the Cold War and our world on the brink of nuclear Armageddon. As the first class discovers, harnesses and comes to terms with their formidable powers, alliances are formed that will shape the eternal war between heroes and villains of the X-Men universe. Starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, January Jones, Rose Byrne, Oliver Platt and Kevin Bacon. 131 minutes. Read Ed’s review Friday at
Will Ferrell takes an impressive dramatic turn as recovering alcoholic Nick Halsey. After being laid off and locked out of his house, Nick is forced to live on his front lawn (where his bitter wife placed all his belongings). A potent mix of humor and heartache, this film is a sobering look at one man’s loss and redemption (which is not unlike America’s in recent years). 96 minutes. At Landmark’s Keystone Art Cinema. — Sam Watermeier
a&e // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis return, except this time around, they are trapped in Bangkok after a bachelor party gone awry. This sequel tries so hard to be dangerous and bad-ass while slavishly aping the original that it isn’t fun. It’s aggressive, reckless, and mean. Mind you, I laughed a number of times, but the laughs were scattered. Most of the time, I just watched and wondered how director Todd Phillips and company managed to so thoroughly fuck up what seemed to be a sure thing. 102 minutes. See for a full review.
June 3, 2011 5:30-8:30 p.m. ATHENAEUM 401 East Michigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana Free and open to the public For more information/RSVP:
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // cover story
CVA event schedule:
The honorees
5:30 p.m. Reception in theater
Good Earth Natural Foods Store • Christine Collier and
6:30 p.m. NUVO Cultural Vision Awards Ceremony 7:45 p.m. Reception in theater 8:30 p.m. Please take advantage of entertainment
the Center for Inquiry schools • ISO Residency Program: Time for Three • Central Indiana Jobs With Justice • Katz & Korin • Primary Colours • Bicycle Garage Indy •
options provided by our sponsors: The Rathskeller
Lois Templeton, Lifetime Achievement
(Blessid Union of Souls) and various First Friday gallery events on Mass Ave. and in Fountain Square. The Cultural Vision Awards Ceremony is free and open to the public.
We chose the Athenaeum for a
Innovation. Inspiration. Celebration.
including its historic importance to the city as a source of —
For over a decade, NUVO has presented its annual Cultural Vision Awards. The CVAs were created to celebrate individuals and organizations that are pathfinders — folks bringing new perspectives and innovative ideas to Indianapolis’ understanding of itself. NUVO defines cultural vision in its most inclusive sense. We look for people and programs whose creativity enlarges our city’s self-image and enhances our quality of life. The CVAs have also been NUVO’s way of rebutting the old cliche that Indianapolis is a town that doesn’t generate new ideas — that we wait to see what works elsewhere before adopting it for ourselves. NUVO has always been dedicated to telling stories about Indianapolis citizens who link ideas to action and find new ways to solve long-standing problems. These are the people who help to distinguish what is authentic and, yes, authentically weird, about this place. The CVAs are another way to bring attention to some of these stories. Every year that the NUVO Editorial team combs through nominations that come to us through readers, community contacts and past honorees, we are reminded of the many compelling ways people in Indianapolis have found to make life better. This process culminates with the annual NUVO Cultural Vision Awards, a night where these stories are shared.
The location
cover story // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
number of reasons,
and destination for — cultural visionaries.
The award This year the CVAs were given a new look thanks to the talents of artist Ben Johnson. Ben earned his BFA at Kent State University of Ohio before furthering his education at Pilchuck Glass School, Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti (Italy), and the Corning Museum of Glass. He has taught glass at the Indianapolis Art Center and Diablo Glass of Boston. He has also assisted at Penland, Haystack, and Ox-Bow schools of crafts. His work has been exhibited in several museums throughout the country. He received a Windgate Fellowship Award and was a finalist for the Raphael Founder’s Prize, NICHE Award, LEAP Award, and WNC Magazine’s competition. Johnson held a resident artist fellowship at the EnergyXchange, a renewable energy center in N.C. Currently, Ben is a faculty instructor at the Indianapolis Art Center and is pursuing an MFA degree at Ball State University Muncie, Ind.
Primary Colours
Central Indiana Jobs with Justice
Hugh Vandivier, Jim Clinger, Jennifer Hughes, Natalie Ingle, Shannan Spence, Carrie Hagans, Chelsea Ernsberger, Jenny Skehan and Brian Myers, Primary Colours
Allison Luthe, Central Indiana’s chapter of Job with Justice
Making artistic connections
If you’ve ever attended an event where paintings are judged as if they’re in a kind of aesthetic gladiatorial combat, or found yourself venturing into truck trailers whose interiors have been turned into three-dimensional installations, you’ve been touched by the artists collective Primary Colours. Founded in the late ‘90s by Jeff Martin and Fred Shields, Primary Colours (PC) has been on a mission to provide opportunities for a diverse group of artists, connecting them with the larger Indianapolis community. It all started with an art party called Allotropy. “Fred and Jeff both identified a void for artists to show work outside of galleries, in nontraditional spaces,” says PC board member Brian Myers. “Allotropy brought younger artists together in a group environment.” “Artists needed a way to showcase their work — and the community needed a chance to come together,” agrees current president Shannan Spence. “We try to meet artists’ needs. We’re trying to provide platforms for artists to come together, meet their peers and interact with the community.” Allotropy’s success spawned more programs, including the gladiatorial Art Vs. Art, Toys (an annual holiday group show), Installation Nation (those truck trailers) and a series of professional development workshops cosponsored by the Arts Council of Indianapolis. “We try to hang our hat on creating nontraditional programming,” says PC vice president Jim Clinger. “We love galleries, [but] we think there are opportunities outside of galleries. As an arts consumer, I want to experience the work in different ways.” Brian Myers agrees, noting, “We’re challenged with trying to come up
with ideas that are creative and relevant, that make people say, ‘Wow, I’ve never seen that before.’” That isn’t always so easy. “One of the challenges is engaging the community,” says Shannan Spence. “There are so many activities and events that aren’t arts-related that people can spend money on. Our job is getting people to recognize that there is value in supporting artists in this city.” She continues, “Primary Colours has always tried to demystify the idea that artwork is something that’s on a pedestal all the time, that it’s people in black turtlenecks drinking fine wine. We want the average person to not be intimidated by the art gallery experience. So we try to provide other opportunities for people to come see artwork.” PC also works to assist artists’ bottom lines. “Artists are focused on technique in art school, as they should be,” says Jim Clinger. “They’re honing their skills. Once they get out of that environment, the real world sets in. They need to know what to do to be a professional artist in this community.” PC is currently planning on hosting artist focus groups to get a better grip on what they can do to address issues that are foremost in the artists’ minds. It’s another way PC builds the city’s creative community. “We’re not alone,” says Brian Myers. “I think people see that artists can get together and promote themselves and make things happen in ways that would not happen otherwise.” Primary Colours Murphy Art Center 1043 Virginia Ave., Box #23 721-2787
What protest looks like
“Organize protests and rallies and engage with people on a regular basis,” says Allison Luthe of her work for Central Indiana’s chapter of Jobs with Justice (JwJ). “It’s part of the job description.” Luthe put in plenty of overtime during this year’s legislative session at the Indiana Statehouse. Central Indiana’s JwJ played an important role in organizing workers and other citizens to stand up against Republican efforts to undermine union organizing and teachers’ collective bargaining rights. The results were historic, as wave upon wave of protesters showed up to fill statehouse halls for days at a time. JwJ is a national nonprofit organization, with an Indianapolis branch that has been in existence since 2000. Each branch is a coalition consisting of labor unions, community groups, faithbased organizations, student groups and individuals. Here in Indy, JwJ first made news by organizing public meetings to discuss a contract dispute between union workers and management at Brylane in Fountain Square. The meetings gave workers a chance to air their grievances in a public forum attended by elected officials, community leaders and university scholars. Through public meetings like these, JwJ has been able to create community pressure in resolving problems. The organization has convened meetings on behalf of janitors, hotel workers, state employees and most recently, Marsh workers. “They all had their own workplace issues,” says Luthe. “We brought community attention to them and let them be heard.” Creating these forums is important
for general public awareness, but Luthe says it also affects workers’ sense of themselves. “I think it has just as big an impact for the workers to know they’re not alone,” she says. Management representatives are always invited to the meetings; unfortunately, they rarely attend. This year’s legislative session impressed JwJ with the need to expand their scope. “It put into perspective how much work we have to do from a political perspective,” says Luthe. “It can’t just be about workplace issues and it can’t be just one group of employees versus one employer.” According to Luthe, there’s potential for immigrant, LGBT, labor and women’s groups to unite. “That’s the next phase I see for Jobs with Justice,” she says. “We’ll stick to our core purpose of workers’ rights and social justice, but broaden to say we can fight this fight together.” Luthe thinks the statehouse protests have helped create a shift in how everyday people view dissent. “It put a face on what protest looks like. Now, instead of heckling us, people say, ‘Keep up the good work.’ People feel more comfortable speaking out because we did it in a very respectful, legal way.” Jobs with Justice, she points out, isn’t a union organization. It’s about people: “It helps educate the community from a worker’s perspective. It’s not the union perspective. It’s not the corporate agenda. It’s the workers — you can’t deny the stories that they tell.” Central Indiana Jobs with Justice 445 N. Pennsylvania St., Ste. 300 917-0723, ext. 33
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // cover story
Bicycle Garage Indy
Good Earth Natural Foods
Connie Szabo Shoemaker and Randall Clark, Bicycle Garage Indy
Bob Bennington and Rudy Nehrling, Good Earth Natural Foods
Cycling advocates
new people want to come.” Clark Randall Clark, the founder and argues that if Indianapolis wants to president of Bicycle Garage Indy attract young professional talent, it (BGI), says he got into cycling has to be able to provide “quality on a dare. Clark was in his 30s, outdoor recreational activities.” pursuing a career at Lilly, when a Clark and Schumaker credit friend suggested they should both Mayor Greg Ballard for recognizing quit smoking and ride bikes to the the potential of cycling as an World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn. economic development tool. “Once I got off the floor from Schumaker says, “I’ve seen more laughing, I realized he was serious,” progress in the last three years than I he says. have in the previous 25.” Clark and three friends, along with Schumaker says she used to go to two of their sons, trained for the trip and then covered a total of 600 miles national cycling conferences, where she was inspired but frustrated — in six days. “It was strenuous,” says nothing was happening in Indy. “That Clark, “but I never had more fun.” has totally changed,” she says. The The experience hooked Clark on city was recently cycling. A year awarded a later, he was national Bronze turning his love “Health is good. Being designation for of riding into a green is good. But this being bicyclebusiness. The seed is really about having friendly, plans for was planted by new bike lanes a visit to Bicycle a state where people continue and Garage, Inc. in want to come.” work has now Bloomington. A –Founder and president Randall Clark begun to codify cross-licensing bike policies so agreement that they carry on was struck and, regardless of mayoral administration. almost 30 years later, BGI is flourishing, “Our biggest challenge,” says with stores on the city’s north and Randall Clark, “is to destroy the myth south sides, and the Indy Bike Hub, a combination shop and bike commuter that you can’t get safely anywhere on your bike.” Riders, he says, can center with showers and bike usually find safe and effective parking facilities, scheduled to open alternate routes to those they might downtown at City Market this summer. take by car. After all, Indianapolis Clark also uses his business as a is an ideal cycling environment. base for the advocacy of bicycle“People always complain about friendly public policies, including the flat old Indiana,” he says. “But isn’t creation of bike lanes on city streets. that a wonderful advantage for us? BGI has had a fulltime advocacy Almost any citizen can ride a bike in director, longtime cycling activist Indiana. So let’s take that supposed Connie Szabo Schumaker, on staff lemon and make some lemonade.” for the past four years. “My mantra has been that this Bicycle Garage Indy is really about the economy,” says 4130 E. 82nd St. Clark. “I think health is good. Being 842-4140 green is good. But this is really about 997 E. County Line Rd., Greenwood having a city and a state where 885-7194 employees want to be, and where
cover story // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
Indy’s first “health food” store
“As a young man growing up, I don’t remember seeing anyone running down the street for any good reason,” says Bob Bennington of a time before a nationwide wellness craze took hold. Bennington is a longtime member of Good Earth, Indianapolis’ first natural foods store. In those days, businesses like the Good Earth were called “health food stores.” A woman named Julia Johnson started Good Earth in Broad Ripple 40 years ago. At that time, the concept may have been a little ahead of the curve for Indy. Then, in 1973, Bob Landman bought the business and things took off. Landman, who passed away in 2008, brought together a team of people who made Good Earth a Broad Ripple landmark. “People still miss him very, very much,” says Bennington. “He was totally uninhibited. He created an atmosphere where he could be himself, which funneled down to everybody else who was employed here, or people who shopped here. There was no artifice.” Good Earth found itself on the cusp of larger social changes in terms of how people thought about their health. “There was a tremendous growth in the relationship between food and diet and health,” says Bennington. “That started attracting everyone. There was an explosion of people caring about their physical futures.” Natural foods emerged as an industry in the ‘80s and ‘90s. As the field grew, so did Good Earth’s competition. National chain stores were built around the concept. But Good Earth has not only survived — it’s flourished. “People in stores like ours generally utilize the products they sell. They’re familiar with them, they know how to prepare them,
they know what value they have,” says Bennington. “Sometimes that information is so important to people who are changing the way they do things.” Rudy Nehrling, the Landmans’ son-in-law, recently arrived to help manage the store. He sees Good Earth’s impact with fresh eyes: “People enjoy coming here,” he says. “There’s a personal relationship at a lot of different levels and I think to a lot of people, buying local at an independent store has some appeal. But you also realize that while this is a business and we sell products to people, Good Earth has a meaning beyond that. Just being here after so many years — people have memories associated with it. That’s really powerful. It’s important to us, our family and our customers.” Located in an old house on the Central Canal that’s been added onto and reconfigured in various ways over the years, Good Earth has grown along with its Broad Ripple neighborhood and has contributed to Broad Ripple’s identity. “A city that never had a real Bohemian history suddenly had that kind of thing emerge here,” says Bob Bennington of the neighborhood. “It’s continued on and will continue, I think, forever.” As for Good Earth, he says, “If you try to compete too hard, you lose sight of who you are. So we just keep doing what we do and hope we continue to do it better.” Good Earth Natural Foods 6350 Guilford Ave. 253-3709
IPS Center for Inquiry Magnet Schools Students meet success
ISO’s Residency Program: Time for Three Building bridges
Ranaan Meyer, Zach De Pue and Nick Kendall, Time for Three Christine Collier, IPS Center for Inquiry Magnet Schools
“It’s a place for kids to discover their passions and explore those passions,” says Christine Collier, head of Center for Inquiry (CFI) magnet schools in the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) system. In a time when public school teachers have been targeted by many a self-proclaimed school reformer, Collier makes a telling point about the original CFI school: “This was a school designed by IPS teachers. We knew there was a better way to look at how our students are educated. We envisioned a place where everyone was learning together — the parents, the community, the teachers, the students.” A cadre of IPS teachers worked with scholars from Indiana University, Bloomington and IUPUI to design the original school, which opened as a magnet program at School 92 on the eastside with five teachers and 80 students. The concept was such a success that the CFI moved to its own facility, School 2, downtown on New Jersey Street, in 2000. A second CFI school was added at School 84 on the northside. Both schools serve more than 700 kids in grades K-8; a third will open next fall at School 27. Early planning has begun for the creation of a CFI high school. The programming uses what Collier calls “a constructivist” approach. “We’re not blank slates waiting to be filled,” she says. “We build our knowledge. Learning is social, we learn from each other, from our experiences. When you give kids choices and you hear the questions that the students have to ask, the learning goes much deeper. They’re involved and connected because it’s personal.” Reading and writing receive special emphasis in what Collier calls “an authentic curriculum,” one that eschews standard textbooks. “We read real literature. We write in our
writing notebooks daily and study genres of writing,” she says. “We study issues that have an impact, globally and locally.” Those studies are then used to inform various endeavors of studentdriven community service. “The goal is really to have the action come from understandings that the students have,” says Collier. Recycling, volunteering at Wheeler Mission and Second Helpings, tutoring in neighborhoods, and a tire drive to help prevent mosquito-borne disease are among the projects that students have undertaken. Collier continues, “The students are finding out you don’t have to wait until you’re an adult to discover there’s a need in your community and that you can be part of the solution.” Recently, the CFI schools became the first in Indiana authorized by the prestigious International Baccalaureate program for primary and middle years. When the first CFI moved into its downtown location, Collier discovered that parents with kids in the neighborhood were tending to move out of the city. She immediately started working with the school’s parents group to install gardens and a new playground that was open after work and on weekends. The school became a neighborhood asset, as well as an education option — one of many available through IPS. “We understand that parents want choice and know that families do not have to leave the district,” she says. “All students meet success in our school.” IPS Center for Inquiry Magnet Schools 725 N. New Jersey St. (#302) 226-4202 440 E. 57th St. (#384) 226-4284
“It’s cool to see the excitement on a 15-year-old’s face,” says Zach De Pue, concertmaster of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) and member of Time for Three. De Pue joins Nick Kendall and Ranaan Meyer in the cutting-edge trio. For the past two years, Time for Three has been the centerpiece of a new residency program created by the ISO. This residency has enabled the orchestra to reach out to the community in new and creative ways. It has also lent a high-profile identity to the orchestra’s continuing efforts to attract the next generation of audience members. Drawing younger adults to traditional arts venues has been a challenge for most cultural institutions. Through its residency program, the ISO has been able to draw many of these folks into its Happy Hour concerts by featuring Time for Three’s charismatic approach to music-making. “The idea of developing a residency with Time for Three was a very natural process for several reasons,” according to Martin Sher, the ISO’s vice president of artistic planning. “In Zach De Pue, the ISO hired not only a brilliantly gifted violinist and natural leader for the orchestra, but also tapped into a completely new breed of musician, one who is able to express himself in a multitude of musical languages through Time for Three. Time for Three has an amazing ability to connect with all kinds of audiences… It wasn’t difficult to imagine them not only performing here on a regular basis in a variety of settings, but also serving as ambassadors for the ISO in the community.” De Pue says the residency program started as an experiment. “There really was not a prior example to be followed with this. It was something that seemed to fit the ideals of Time for Three.
We’re trying to engage a younger audience with the sound of classical musical instruments.” De Pue and Kendall both play violins; Meyer plays the double bass. While Time for Three is adept at playing a classical repertoire, they are also known for their reinventions of folk and pop tunes, as well as their own original compositions and those of contemporary composers. They can also jam. De Pue says the challenge lies in finding the right balance for this musical menu. “Our college buddies, who are 30 now, would love to hear Katy Perry’s ‘Firework,’” says De Pue. “Many of my colleagues, if they are familiar with that, are going to say, ‘You’ve got to be kidding!’ So we have to figure out how to build a bridge in a cool way.” One way that Time for Three’s residency is building bridges is through working with high school students. The group has established relationships with Broad Ripple and Perry Meridian high schools. It also collaborates with the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra. De Pue emphasizes that the residency has not only been good for the ISO and its audience building, it has also benefited Time for Three. The residency, he says, has been an incubator for the band, providing a place to grow and try things out. “I speak as part of Time for Three, but also as concertmaster for the orchestra when I say I would love to see the residency idea grow into something that doesn’t just revolve around Time for Three. I’d love to see Indianapolis harness and nurture some really cutting-edge artists. I’d love to see this residency turn into something that nurtures those personalities.” ISO Residency Program Time for Three Box office: 639-4300
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // cover story
Katz & Korin
Cultural incubator
Lifetime Achievement: Lois Main Templeton Finding her way
Ronald Katz, Sally Franklin Zweig and Offer Korin, Katz & Korin
collection, which includes work by “Envisioning opportunities for our Larry Endicott, Judith Levy, Greg Hull clients and our community,” says the and Cheryl Paswater. mission statement of law firm Katz & For Zweig, K & K’s involvement Korin (K & K). Since moving eight years ago into the historic Emelie Building on with the arts makes sense. “Artists and lawyers are both in the concept Senate Avenue along the downtown business. We’re hired to think. We’re canal, K & K has backed up the hired to be creative. So the sense community part of this equation by that you surround taking an active yourselves with and singularly things that make creative approach “Artists and lawyers you think, make to arts patronage. are both in the you experience Like most law concept business. new things — that’s firms, the attorneys We’re hired to think.” a vibrant part of at K & K serve —Partner Sally Franklin Zweig what we are as on the boards lawyers.” of many cultural Zweig says that and nonprofit being involved in the arts doesn’t organizations throughout the city. necessarily mean that everyone in The firm has also gotten public the firm likes every piece on the walls. attention through savvy media “I would tell you,” she says, “I do not sponsorships, including Wait, Wait, love every piece that’s hanging. Our Don’t Tell Me on public radio and point was not to pick things we liked. Charlie Rose on public television. There’s something for everybody. But what really sets K & K apart is There’s stuff to talk about.” its willingness to actually help grow Zweig gestures to a sequence of Indianapolis’ cultural scene. When K & K moved into the Emelie paintings by Artur Silva hanging in the firm’s conference room. “We get Building, it not only renovated a a lot of lawyers here from across the small architectural gem, it used country and they always comment. the works of local visual artists to They’re always interested,” she says. decorate its walls. The firm went “Anybody who sits in this conference a step further by donating its room looks around and says, ‘Tell me ground floor space to the then about this.’” fledgling Indianapolis Museum of It’s been gratifying, says Zweig, to Contemporary Art (iMOCA). see the city’s arts scene keep pace Eventually iMOCA outgrew this with K & K’s ongoing investments. space and moved to the Murphy “Giving these little boosts of energy Building in Fountain Square. Since where we can, we can see the real then, the new Kurt Vonnegut impact of it,” she says. “It’s nice to Memorial Library has moved in, have an identification of the firm signing a three-year lease. Again, that way but really, it adds to the the space is donated, making it quality of our kids’ lives and our possible for this new organization to lives in the city that’s our home and have a visible identity and a base where we make our living.” from which to raise funds. “We call ourselves a museum Katz & Korin incubator,” laughs Sally Franklin 334 N. Senate Ave. Zweig, a partner at the firm and 464-1100 one of the curators of the K & K art
cover story // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
Lois Main Templeton
Lois Main Templeton and her husband, Ken, were living in the San Francisco Bay Area when Ken was offered a job in Indianapolis. This was in 1979. San Franciscans tend to be incredulous that anyone living by the Golden Gate would so much as entertain the idea of moving elsewhere, especially a city as famously landlocked as Indianapolis. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before one of Lois’ Bay Area friends demanded to know why she was leaving. “I was too shy to tell him that maybe I would have some use if I went,” says Templeton today, sitting in the studio she shares with fellow artist Phil O’Malley in a former A&P warehouse on Indy’s
southeast side. “I thought there’d be something I didn’t know about. Something to do.” The journey of discovery that Templeton embarked on more than 30 years ago has had a rich impact on Indianapolis’ art scene — particularly, on the lives of the countless individuals whose paths have converged with hers at one time or another. Although Templeton couldn’t have known it in 1979, she was on her way to becoming one of the city’s most distinguished visual artists, with work in the permanent collections of the Indiana State Museum and the Midwest Museum of American Art. Her work has twice been exhibited at the National Museum of Women in
He sent Templeton to a stationers the Arts in Washington, D.C., and she has to get the proper form. When she published two books, The Studio Book: came back, Faris asked if she could Finding Your Way and Who Makes the afford $200 a month. “I couldn’t,” says Sun Rise?, a book for children. Templeton. “But I was not about to have The first artist to rent a studio in the my husband pay for my studio.” legendary Faris Building, Templeton can So Templeton began teaching adults be credited with blazing the trail leading at the Herron night school. “They to the creation of studio complexes like wanted to paint,” she says. “I wanted to the Stutz, Murphy Art Center and Harrison know what they wanted.” Center. These landmarks have come to Contact with students has been an define the city’s contemporary art scene. ongoing inspiration for Templeton’s Outside the studio, Templeton serves work. “I left Herron and went to work as a Master Artist with VSA Indiana, with kids and VSA because Herron was teaching and creating arts experiences instructional and VSA was experimenting with students ranging from children with doing the best you could with and adults with disabilities to convicts people with needs. You had to be in correctional facilities. Her work inventive with people who have other has demonstrated, in ways real and ways of learning. You sing to them, you profound, Kurt Vonnegut’s observation act, you dance, you read, you paint that the arts make human souls grow. — all those different Upon arriving things that belong to in Indianapolis, any whole person. Templeton enrolled “We artists are And doing that with at Herron School of supposed to be them, I would come Art. She was nearly honest. I had in me back to the studio 50 years old at the a big reservoir out singing, and not be time. “I wanted afraid.” independence,” she of which to paint. For Templeton, says, “and I liked the It was a chance to working with nonintensity.” She had lay a trip on people, artists keeps her own taken art classes in without words.” process real. “They’re California; the Herron –Lois Main Templeton not anxious,” she experience provided says. “They’re not a kind of culminating competitive. They are realization. willing to be very imaginative and not Templeton recalls her daughter once worry about making fools of themselves. remarking to her that she was a person When I think of the kids with whom who helped “shipwrecked” people. we’ve been working recently, they “What she didn’t know was that I often come from lives we would see wanted to swim,” says Templeton. “I as deprived and tragic. This does not wanted to go out in the ocean and go in any way, that I’ve been able to see, over my head and see whether I could diminish their ability to be themselves swim. And that, for me, was painting. and be positive and be free — at least I had no known ability whatsoever to in this context. If they have tasted this paint. I just wanted to get my hands on [expressing themselves through the the materials.” arts], then they know something about Templeton graduated magna cum themselves that they may not have laude from Herron in 1981. been told otherwise.” “I was 51 when I graduated, which Templeton compares her own painting has been a great source of strength to jazz improvisation. “I paint the way a to me because I had been through a jazz group plays. When I say I talk with lot of stuff,” says Templeton. “We artists the paintings, this is true of any jazz group are supposed to be honest. Well, when you’re 20, even 30, it’s hard to know what — they will listen to each other and then go off. This is very much the way I work. that means. You don’t know yourself I want to be there when jazz is played. I what’s honest. I had in me a big reservoir want to watch the interaction.” out of which to paint. It was a chance to Templeton says her nature lay a trip on people, without words.” consists of two parts, one of which Before graduating, she began to look is collaborative — a quality she for a studio space. “I needed a studio, so I put on my sneakers and tramped all associates with the Midwest. The other part is much like a potato. around downtown Indianapolis.” “When you dig the soil and pull it Eventually she found the Faris building, back, there they are,” she says of a seven-story warehouse with enormous potato-digging. “They’re not dirty, multi-pane windows on Downtown’s they’re dusty. It’s a treasure hunt. A southern rim. “Bob Faris said that I could potato grows beneath the surface. It’s have a studio,” recounts Templeton. “I not a party thing. It isn’t pretty. It is not said, ‘OK, I will sign a lease.’ He looked sociable, unless it bumps into another at me and he said, ‘I don’t bother with potato. And it likes being in the dark.” leases.’ I said, ‘I’ve been reading, and it says I should have a lease.’ He said, ‘You get a lease and I will sign it.’”
— David Hoppe
Top: ‘Give the Lady What She Wants’; Bottom: ‘When the Rain Comes Down.’
All profiles by David Hoppe • All photos by Mark Lee except Time For Three 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // cover story
Past Honorees 2010
Big Car Earth House Collective Eiteljorg Fellowship for Native American Art Herron High School Indy Pride Bag Ladies King Park Area Development Corporation My Old Kentucky Blog Lifetime Achievement: John Gibson
(Indy Jazz Fest) American Pianists Association (AYS) Ellen Clippinger (Harrison Center for the Arts) Joanna Taft (Radio Radio) David Clough Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana Second Helpings The Heartland Film Festival Traders Point Creamery Young and Laramore Lifetime Achievement: Anna White
Girls, Inc. Indianapolis Care and Control Indianapolis Motor Speedway Kristin Kohn Matthew Jose: Big City Farms Naptown Roller Girls Phil Campbell: Murphy Arts Center Spotlight Indianapolis The Jazz Kitchen: David Allee Lifetime Achievement: Joyce Sommers
Indianapolis Children’s Choir Indianapolis International Film Festival Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center Indy Feral Indy PRIDE Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) Regina Mehallick Ron Spencer, Theatre on the Square Standard Recording Lifetime Achievement: Gerald Bepko
Bill Ryder Buselli Wallarab Jazz Orchestra Indiana Canine Assistant Network (Sally Irvin) Indiana Equality (Jon Keep, President) Indianapolis Theatre Fringe Festival (Pauline Moffat, Executive Director) Joe Vuskovich , Yats Restaurants John Clark Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (Betty Perry) Tonic Ball (Ken Honeywell, Founder) Lifetime Achievement: Sandy Reiberg
100 Black Men of Indianapolis (Rod Haywood) Blaine Hogan Butler Visiting Writers’ Series (Fran Quinn and Susan Neville) Community Faith and Labor Coalition of Indianapolis (Nancy Holle) Hoosier Environmental Council Indiana University Medical School & the Moi University College of Health and Science (Bob Einterz) Indiana Youth Group (Rob Connoley) Key Cinemas (Ron Keedy) Martin Luther King Multi-Service Center (Diane Jackson) Lifetime Achievement: Andy Jacobs Jr.
ACT Out! Asante Children’s Theatre (Deborah Asante) Central Indiana Community Foundation (Brian Payne) Circle Centre Mall Quilt Project (Larry Gindhart and Carol Tharp-Perrin) Indianapolis Art Center Parents for Public Education (Maureen Jayne) POLIS / Spirit and Place (Pam Blevins-Hinkle) Supporting the Arts Responsibly (STAR) Lifetime Achievement: Thomas Binford
(ACLU) American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana (Big Hat Books) Liz Barden (LUNA Music) Todd Robinson Forest Manor Multi-Service Center (Regina Marsh, executive director) IDADA - Indianapolis Downtown Artists and Dealers Association Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission Justice for Janitors Lisa Freiman- Indianapolis Museum of Art, curator of contemporary art Planned Parenthood of Indiana Lifetime Achievement: The Hampton Sisters
Fiesta, Inc. IMCPL: Meet the Artists exhibition Indy Jazz Fest SEND: Southeast Neighborhood Development Corp. TAB Presbyterian Recreation Program Ten Point Coalition WFYI: “Across Indiana” Young Audiences of Indiana Lifetime Achievement: Sam Jones
Armonics Architecture Dayspring Center Indianapolis International Violin Competition Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson Indy Parks Greenways Julian Center Key Learning Community Phoenix Theatre Lifetime Achievement: Father Boniface Hardin
(Chatterbox Jazz Club) David Andrichik (Indiana Film Commission) Jane Rulon, Director Ball State University Indianapolis Center Ed Wank & Dave O’Brien Improving Kids’ ™ Environment (IKE) Organization for a New Eastside (ONE) State Rep. Bill Crawford Storytelling Arts of Indiana United States of Mind Lifetime Achievement: Mari Evans
cover story // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
Branching Out Productions Butler University Department of Theatre and Drama Christamore House Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis CURE: Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association Peace Learning Center Theatre of Inclusion/Susurrus Wayne Zink Lifetime Achievement: Raymond Leppard
sponsored by: The McKinney Family Foundation
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music Ben Sollee:
Cellist, cyclist, idealist
en Sollee is multi-tasking. In one hand, he holds a pen, with which he’s writing thank-you letters to people who gave him a place to stay on past tours. In the other, a phone, used to answer questions about his burgeoning folk music career. “It’s good there’s folks out there helping us musicians,” the Lexington, Ky., native said. “We need to make sure we leave a nice, clean path for them to help others.” If that sounds fairly unconventional by today’s standards, it’s because Sollee, in many respects, is an unorthodox person. For one, he’s typically labeled a folk artist, but his chief instrument is the cello. He was drawn to its low, scratchy sound when his third-grade teacher brought it into the classroom one day. “I was interested in finding a certain sound; I’ve always gravitated toward that,” Sollee said. “I’ve always been able to find the sounds I’m looking for on the cello. I chose the cello, but the nature of the cello kind of led me to it.” He’s known for a percussive style of playing, which Sollee said he developed by working in different musical settings, often as an accompanist. But when he’s playing in the background, he’s not just providing ballast; he’s studying the soloists, looking for new techniques. “My goal is to grab musical styles from across the board,” Sollee said. That helps explain why his two full-length records — 2008’s Learning to Bend and this year’s Inclusions — move beyond the trappings of conventional folk to include elements of bluegrass, jazz, even R&B. As the title of his new album suggests, Sollee takes a (nearly) all-inclusive approach. “With so many people living in major urban areas, they’re exposed to a lot of styles,” Sollee said. “We have a lot of inclusion inherent in us these days. If you really consider folk music for what it is — music of the people — then you get those inclusions. I feel that’s what modern folk music is.” Inclusions offers such a melting pot of sounds that his manager and publicist don’t want to classify it as folk, fearing such a label would prompt many listeners to overlook it. Instead, they’ve offered up the label “orchestral pop.” “I still don’t know exactly what that means,” Sollee said. “I think it’s more a social cue than a real genre.” He’s also known for taking political stances, particularly ones that relate to his native state. Last year Sollee teamed with fellow Kentucky musicians Daniel Martin Moore and My Morning Jacket’s Jim James to work up Dear Companion, an 26
BEN SOLLEE WITH JONATHAN SCALES FOURCHESTRA White Rabbit Cabaret, 1116 Prospect St. Saturday, June 4, 9 p.m., $12 advance (, $15 door, 21+ (Free in-store at LUNA Music, 5202 N. College Ave., at 3 p.m. Saturday.)
album decrying the practice of mountaintop removal mining. “We wanted to raise awareness for people to know that basically part of our American heritage is disappearing for coal mining,” Sollee said. He thinks organizations that are working on the issue have become more united in their opposition. “Nobody’s competing to be the hammer that drives the nail into the industry,” he said. “I also believe there’s more conversation going on. But mainly the thing that’s going to push this over the edge is just cost — people realizing there’s too many external costs in mountaintop removal coal mining and that as resources become more limited, it gets more expensive. We’ll move on to something else; that’s the hard truth of economics. But I sincerely hope we can make changes before we get to that point.” Sollee’s always had a reputation for being outspoken. (He remembers one of his junior high teachers remarking, as much out of frustration as facetiousness, “You just have to march to the beat of your own drum, don’t you?”) But he’s also one of those people who backs his ideology with action. Most notably, Sollee has
Catton: Band of Horses review Brown: The Kemps, Dreamers of the Ghetto review
music // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
embarked on three tours by bicycle. The first was relatively modest – from Kentucky to the Bonnaroo festival in Tennessee. Subsequent trips, however, took him all over the west and northeast. His “Ditch the Van” tour alone covered about 1,800 miles. He’s called each experience “sublime.” “Overall I found it to be a tremendously rich experience,” said Sollee, who estimates that his longest bicycle ride previous to these tours had been a mere eight miles. “I grew a lot as a person. I had a lot of beautiful experiences riding around on my bike, as opposed to being in a van where you’re just racing from one destination to the next.” That’s the point, he adds, not a “green” publicity stunt. “We were just trying to get outside the normal touring structure and be more community-oriented,” said Sollee, who was accompanied on his bicycle expeditions by a backing musician and tour manager. “We really wanted to spend some time in each of these places.” As it turns out, hauling a cello on the back of a bicycle is one of the least tricky parts of non-motorized touring. Justifying how much time is spent on the road (Sollee esti-
Shoger: Art Rosenbaum, Malaikat dan Singa reviews Look: Acoustic Live Challenge review, Wakarusa coverage
Nichols: Roots/rock news Margolis: Alejandro Escovedo feature
mates you can make three to four times the money traveling by van) and meeting the scale of the tour are the biggest obstacles. “On a bicycle tour, you have to route based on your physical limitations,” Sollee said. “As such, you end up riding in areas with a certain amount of density of town and playing shows that are 40-50 miles away from each other. Those shows have to be more intimate just by nature because you can’t put on huge shows (so close together).” He still hopes to dedicate a third of his annual touring to cycling trips. “It’s essential, and cities that invest in that sort of thing — where people feel safe to get on their bicycles or walk — get local scenes,” Sollee said. “And where there’s local scenes, more people tour too, which brings in more money. It’s reciprocal from an economic and physical standpoint.” Such values make the label “idealist” an easy one to ascribe to Sollee. He makes no bones about his optimism. “I feel like, regardless of the way it all works, most things are going to be just fine,” he said. “In the grand scheme of things, just doing good work is terribly important.”
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by Wayne Bertsch
Noble Coffee & Tea Company, 933 Logan St., Noblesville 7 p.m., $10, all-ages
Back in 2008, when New Yorker writer Burkhard Bilger posed the question “Is there any folk music still out there,” he tried to answer it by hooking up with the largely-unheralded but hard-working folklorist Art Rosenbaum, who has spent the last 50 years recording folk music in the field. Now a resident of Athens, Ga., Rosenbaum grew up in Indianapolis, where he whetted his taste for the folk tradition by combing through records at the Indianapolis Public Library (notably the Anthology of American Folk Music ). Like many eager and young folkie, Rosenbaum soon began seeking out the artists preserved in collections like the Anthology, happening upon, notably, bluesman Scrapper Blackwell, who was working at a local asphalt plant when Rosenbaum re-discovered him in 1958. Rosenbaum ended up recording Blackwell and a number of artists in his circle, including Guitar Pete Franklin and blues mandolinist Yank Rachell. The Art of Field Recording, Vol. 1, a box set collecting tracks from Rosenbaum’s archive, won a 2008 Grammy for Best Historical Album. Rosenbaum’s appearance at Noble Tea & Coffee, presented by the Blue Stone Folk School, will be equal parts lecture and concert — Rosenbaum plans to play and tell stories about some of the field recordings he collected in Indiana and perform some of his own songs on banjo, guitar and harmonica. METAL DEMIRICOUS, COFFINWORM, KATA SARKA, ANHEDONIST Melody Inn, 3826 N. Illinois St. 8 p.m., $5, 21+
A couple of this town’s finest metal bands headline at the Mel: Demiricous, who released a new EP/demo this spring, their first major new work since the 2007 full-length Two Poverty, and Coffinworm, whose split 7” with Unearthly Trance should see release sometime in the near future. With locals Kata Sarka and Seattle’s Anhedonist. ALT-COUNTRY SONIA LEIGH, CARI RAY
Radio Radio, 1119 E. Prospect St. 8 p.m., $8 advance (, $10 door, 21+
Sonia Leigh, a recent signee to Zac Brown’ s Southern Ground label whose stuff is poised between alt- and mainstream country, tours the
Art Rosenbaum clubs in advance of her Southern Ground debut, 1978 December.
Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 Michigan Road 7 p.m., $7 IMA members, $10 public, all-ages
Undoubtedly the finest bass clarinetist in the art-rock world, Arrington de Dionyso finally left behind the boring old English language a couple years back when he launched his new project, Malaikat dan Singa, which features songs written and performed in Indonesian. Not that Indonesian is a native language for Dionyso, who picked it up in the attempt to woo an Indonesian object of af fection (a ploy which was, according to a recent interview, altogether successful). Musically, Malaikat dan Singa seems to borrow from Asian traditions — there’s a raga feel to some tracks, not to mention Dionyso’s capacity for throat singing and the odd gamelan — while maintaining the trance-punk elements associated with his old band Old Time Relijun, namely four-to-the-floor, sometimes danceable beats and an attentiveness to the low end (especially that droning bass clarinet). Dionyso has done right by Indonesia, if the comments to a music video on YouTube are any indication; one listener notes, approvingly, 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // music
SOUNDCHECK The guys behind the Brighton, England-based production outfit Freemasons — Russell Small and James WiltTshire — have made their name with smart, respectful remixes of pop and R&B singles. They take a less-is-more approach, leaving the structure and chorus of a given track intact while giving it that extra somethingsomething — a hook, a little more bass — to get it ready it for the dance floor. Their work for contemporary pop artists such as Kelly Rowland, Beyonce, Solange Knowles and Katherine Ellis has landed on the charts, but Freemasons also remix stuff by other producers (Deadmau5, Calvin Harris, Justice) and well-worn classics (The Eurythmics’ “Here Comes the Rain Again,” notably).
Friday Arrington de Dionyso “Your ungrammatical Indonesian makes it even sound more poetic and deep.” METAL BELLADONNA, THREAT LEVEL, EYES ON FIRE, BETRAYED WITH A KISS Rock House Café, 3940 S. Keystone Ave. 7 p.m., $15, 21+
Once again, the Rock House Café brings in an almost-fossil from the world of hard rock. Joey Belladonna fronted thrash metal band Anthrax during their golden years (notably on 1985’s Spreading the Disease and 1987’s Among the Living), then formed his singly-named solo project after being fired from the group in 1992. The solo project is still a going concern, though Belladonna rejoined Anthrax in 2004 and is slated to sing on the band’s upcoming album, Worship Music. With local metal from Threat Level, Eyes on Fire and Betrayed by a Kiss. JAZZ DIVINE DIVAS OF JAZZ
The Cabaret at the Columbia Club, 121 Monument Circle, Ste. 516 8 p.m., $15-$25, all-ages
See Go & Do, pg. 8.
SINGER-SONGWRITER BRETT DENNEN, DAWES The Vogue, 6259 N. College Ave. 8 p.m., $18 (plus fees), 21+
A fresh-faced redhead with the cheek to call his latest album Loverboy, Dennen has begun to chart his own course after borrowing from some known quantities: Dylan, for carefully-wrought, long-winded lyrics that tackle big topics; Dave Matthews, for his easy-going feel informed by African pop; Nick Drake, for his slight, feminine voice. With folk rockers Dawes. BLUES T-MODEL FORD, GRAVEL ROAD Radio Radio, 1119 E. Prospect St.
8 p.m., $10 advance (, $12 door, 21+
There aren’t many blues artists in their nineties who still tour. T-Model Ford is one of the few. The Mississippi-based guitarist/singer came to fame as one of the artists signed to the Fat Possum label in the ‘90s, along with R.L. Burnside and Paul “Wine” Jones. Ford made his recording debut at age 75 with Pee-Wee Get My Gun. His latest release Taledragger (Alive) features Ford backed up by a full band Gravel Road (a first for Ford, who usually performs solo or with only a drummer), but continues Ford’ s tradition of raw, dirty southern country blues. —Matthew Socey DANCE FREEMASONS
Talbott Street Nightclub, 2145 N. Talbott St. 9 p.m., $12 advance plus fees, (, 21+
music // 06.01.11-06.08.11 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER
START WEARING PURPLE This March, Indianapolis Business Journal chairman Mickey Maurer modestly proposed in one of his columns that the state should enact “legislation requiring immigrants and homosexuals to wear purple hats” so that Maurer’s “fellow Tea Party Republicans” might identify such outsiders on sight. Inspired by the satire, the folks behind what came to be known as the Purple Hat Project ( took Maurer’s suggestion at its word, asking that all those opposed to homophobic legislation working its way through the Statehouse wear purple hats, or at least some purple item of clothing, in solidarity. Friday night, the organization will host three concerts at local nightclubs — Birdy’s, Radio Radio and Talbott Street — with a $2 discount of f the cover at each show for those wear ing purple. In the words of the Purple Hat Project’s press release, it’s all in the attempt to “simply showcase the many different iterations of love,” emphasizing “what unifies our community” in the face of others with more divisive aims. At Birdy’s: Breakdown Kings, Just Plain Paul, The Odyssey Favor At Radio Radio: Beta Male, Jascha, Win with Willard At Talbott Street Nightclub: The Born Again Floozies, Jessie and Amy, Angel Burlesque
SOUL HEART AND SOUL JAM The Vogue, 6259 N. College Ave. 8 p.m., $10 donation, 21+
Devon Ashley earned a reputation as one of this town’s most adaptable drummers, bringing an R&B feel to straight-up rock bands (The Pieces, tour drummer for The Lemonheads) and a rock feel to R&B and funk settings (most recently SouLove Universe). But his body hasn’t been quite as compliant: Ashley has undergone two surgeries “due to complications stemming from undetected
SOUNDCHECK high blood pressure,” according to a press release for the Heart and Soul Jam, a benefit show for Ashley this Friday at The V ogue. The Jam aims to raise funds to of fset Ashley’s medical fees as well as educate about the risks associate with high blood pressure, with free blood pressure screenings available dur ing the events. As for the music, featured performers include Jay Jones, a singer -songwriter who works a day (or rather, night) job as a pianist at Howl at the Moon, hip-hop collective The Philosophy, soul vocalist Bashiri Asad and DJ Topspeed on the decks. SMOOTH JAZZ BONEY JAMES, NORMAN BROWN, RICHARD ELLIOTT
Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, 502 N. New Jersey St. 8:30 p.m., $40-$50 (plus fees), all-ages
With long, kinky locks and a goatee itching to migrate up his chin and become a soul patch, Boney James looks the part of a smooth jazz musician, although his nickname, given him by a keyboardist mocking his skinny build, would be more appropriate for a raunchy bluesman working the chitlin circuit. Regardless, James is a step up from Kenny G, with a more soulful sound than his much-maligned compatriot. PUNK FEZ-FEST ‘11
Melody Inn, 3826 N. Illinois St. 9 p.m., $5, 21+
Friday night is all about hats. Punk band The Dockers, who have made the fez a viable fashion accessory for non-Shriners, have hosted as Fez-Fest for a few years running — and this year, it happens to fall on the same night at the Purple Hat Project’s big Paint the Town Purple initiative. Extra love, then, for those wearing purple fezes. With modern rockers Vinyl Shriner, the sitar-driven Playboy Psychonauts and Chicago’s Verona Red.
The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts, 355 City Center Drive, Carmel 8 p.m., sold out, all-ages
Singer Glen Campbell and songwriter Jimmy Webb, who together worked up some classics of the AM rock songbook (“By the T ime I Get to Phoenix,” “Wichita Lineman,” “Galveston”), stop by the Palladium for a reunion concert.
White Rabbit Cabaret, 1116 Prospect St. 9 p.m., $12 advance (, $15 door, 21+
See feature, pg. 26.
Northside Knights of Columbus, 2100 E. 71st St. 5 p.m., $20 advance (, $25 door, all-ages
An all-day fundraiser for the Mary Kay Foundation presented as part of National Cancer Survivors Day, the Hip-Hop for Hope festival has secured one name-brand headliner (Del the Funky Homosapien) as well as just about half the local hip-hop scene. Del rose fast in the early ‘90s, writing lyrics for his cousin Ice Cube before going out on his own. He hit on fallow ground in the latter part of the decade, then revitalized his career with some key collaborations, one with the Dan Nakamura and Kid Koala (Deltron 3030), another with the Gorillaz on their debut album. With locals Bukue One, C-Rayz Walz, The Pro Forms, Marc Versus, Black Eddie, Plot, Freddie Bunz, Jaecyn Bayne, The Feeblez, Son of Thoughts, Breakdown Kings. A BMX showcase precedes the concert. Del the Funky Homosapien will appear at LUNA Music, 5202 N. College Ave, from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday.
Ultimate Hot Bod Contest
The Vogue, 6259 N. College Ave. 8 p.m., $17 (plus fees), 21+
T-Model Ford
Word on the street had it that last year’ s Street Songs of Love was Alejandro Escovedo’s best album yet. The New York Times: “In another, less fragmented pop era, this would be the album of thoughtful but radio-ready love songs to finally get Mr. Escovedo the big national audience he deserves.” And All Music Guide : “Escovedo can take his place among the greats he’s admired all his life; he’s earned it, and at this juncture, there are few even in his league.” Escovedo and his backing band, The Sensitive Boys, worked up the songs during a two-month residency at the Continental Club in their hometown of Austin, Texas. Here’s Escovedo on that experience, from an interview with L ynne Margolis available in its entirety on “It just gave us an immense amount of confidence. When we were recording, everything was in place. It was so easy to play those songs.”
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Pakistan’s “third sex”
Continued on pg 35
cially since many transgenders outfit themselves, and behave, flamboyantly).
Government in action!
Plus: Rapist files fake tax returns BY CHUCK SHEPHERD Rights of women are severely restricted in Pakistan’s tribal areas and among Muslim fundamentalists, but the rights of the country’s estimated 50,000 “transgenders” blossomed in April when the country’s Supreme Court ordered the government to accept a “third sex” designation on official documents (instead of forcing a choice of “male” or “female”). The court further recommended that transgenders be awarded government job quotas and suggested “tax collector” as one task for which they are particularly suited, since their presence at homes and businesses still tends to embarrass debtors into paying up quickly (espe-
• Imprisoned rapist Troy Fears, 55, had another four years tacked onto his sentence in April by a federal judge in Phoenix after he was convicted of swindling the IRS out of $119,000 by filing 117 fake tax returns from 2005 to 2009. According to prosecutors, IRS routinely dispatched direct-deposit refunds while indifferent to matching the payment recipient with the person whose Social Security number was on the return. (In fact, Fears was caught not by the IRS but by a prison guard who happened upon his paperwork.) • Apparently, the federal government failed to foresee that fighting two wars simultaneously, with historically high wound-survival rates, might produce surges of disability claims. Just in the last year, according to an April USA Today report, claims are up over 50 percent, and those taking longer than two months to resolve have more than doubled. (Tragically, Marine Clay Hunt, who was a national spokesman for disability rights and who suffered from post-traumatic stress,
Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679 or or go to
100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 adult
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killed himself on March 31, ultimately frustrated that the Department of Veterans Affairs had lost his paperwork. “I can track my pizza from Pizza Hut on my BlackBerry,” he once said, “but the VA can’t find my claim for four months.”) • Close Enough for Government Work: (1) A contract security guard at Detroit’s McNamara Building (which houses the FBI and other vital federal offices) was found in March to have casually laid aside, for three weeks, a suspicious package that turned out to be a real bomb. (It was, eventually, safely detonated.) (2) The Census Bureau got it right this time around for Lost Springs, Wyo. In 2000, it had missed 80 percent of the population (counting 1 instead of 5). The new total (4) is correct, since two people subsequently died, and one moved in.
Great Art!
• Occasionally (as News of the Weird has reported), patrons of art galleries mistake ordinary objects as the actual art (for example, solemnly “contemplating” a broom inadvertently left behind by a janitor), and sometimes the opposite mistake occurs. At the Boijmans van Beuningen museum in Rotterdam in May, a wandering patron absent-mindedly traipsed through a re-creation of Wim T. Schippers’ floor-level Peanut Butter Platform (a 40-square-foot installation of creamy spread). (The museum manager had declined to fence in the exhibit, which he said would spoil its beauty.)
Police report
• (1) Homeless Charles Mader, a convicted sex offender in Albuquerque, was arrested in May for failure to report his change of address, as required by law. Mader had moved out of his registered address, which was a Dumpster, into a community shelter. (2) Robert Norton Kennedy, 51, was arrested in Horry County, S.C., in May and charged with assault and battery, despite the humble tattoo on his forehead referencing a Bible verse and reading, “Please forgive me if I say or do anything stupid.”
Cavalcade of Rednecks
• (1) Sharon Newling, 58, was arrested in Salisbury, N.C., in April and charged with shooting at her stepson with a .22-caliber rifle. She denied shooting “at” him, but said she was just shooting toward him “to make him stop working on his truck.” (2) In April in Greensboro, N.C., Stephanie Preston and Bobby Duncan were married in front of family and friends at the local Jiffy Lube. (3) A 25-year-old man in Okaloosa County, Fla., was arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing after he entered the Club 51 Gentlemen’s Club, from which he had been banned after a February incident. The man told police that he knew he had been banned from a strip club but couldn’t remember which one.
• A college senior in Colorado complained long-distance in March to the Better Business Bureau in Minnesota’s Twin Cities because, headquartered in Farmington, Minn., failed to deliver the class paper she ordered (at $23 per page). (The meaning of “academic dishonesty” is evolving, but it is still a sometimes-expellable offense to submit someone else’s work as one’s own.) • Filipino Henson Chua, working in the U.S., was indicted in March for illegally bringing back into the country an Americanmade military spy plane and openly offering it for sale for $13,000 on eBay. Sophisticated equipment such as the RQ-11B “Raven” Unmanned Aerial Vehicle requires high-level government approval to prevent acquisition by U.S. enemies.
Ren Gui Hua - License Registration, City of Indianapolis All employees at same level or above.
A News of the Weird Classic (April 1991)
• A St. Louis Post-Dispatch investigation of voter rolls since 1981 in East St. Louis, Ill., identified 27 specific dead people who voted in various elections, complete through the 1990 primary. Inspiringly, two men who had never cast a single vote while alive apparently decided to begin participating in the democratic process once they had died, and Mr. Willie E. Fox Sr., who has voted six times since his death in 1987, mysteriously switched registration this year (1991) from Republican to Democrat. 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 adult
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Responsibilities: Work closely with the ACLU IN Executive Director and the ACLU National office. The Development Director’s primary responsibilities are planning, supervising and executing Special Events, Annual Major Gifts Campaign, and Fundraising Strategies. Qualifications & Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent combination of education at least five years experience in fundraising focusing on individual major gifts, particularly in advocacy or community-based organizations. CFRE accreditation desirable. • The ability to work with highly confidential material. Experience working with 501 (c) 3-4 organizations. Demonstrate successful track record in fundraising. Strong interpersonal and behavioral skills. • Creative, self-starter, willing to learn, results-oriented, and willing to work beyond 9-5 as needed. Excellent written, verbal and presentation skills. Firm commitment to the mission / vision of the ACLU required. To view the complete job description, visit our website at, click on the “About Us” tab, jobs & internships; follow the instructions under, “How to Apply.” The ACLU IN offers a fully competitive benefits package and salary is based on experience. The ACLU of Indiana is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and encourages men and women of all ages, people of color, persons with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals to apply. 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 06.01.11-06.08.11 classifieds
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ARIES (March 21-April 19): The film The Men Who Stare at Goats tells the story of the U.S. army’s efforts to harness psychic powers for military purposes. It’s not entirely a work of the imagination. In fact, there’s substantial evidence that such a program actually existed. As the movie begins, a caption on the screen informs viewers that “More of this is true than you would believe.” I suspect there’ll be a comparable situation unfolding in your life in the coming weeks, Aries. As you experience a rather unusual departure from your regularly scheduled reality, fact and fiction may be deeply intertwined. Will you be able to tell them apart? TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I dreamed you were a member of an indigenous tribe in what Westerners call New Guinea. You had recently begun to show unusual behavior that suggested you were developing enhanced cognitive abilities. You’d solved one of the tribe’s long-standing problems, were spontaneously spouting improvised poetry, and had been spotted outside late at night having animated conversations with the stars. Some of your friends and relatives were now referring to you by a new name that in your native tongue meant “the one who dances naked with the deities.” How would you interpret my dream, Taurus? I think it suggests you could be on the verge of growing an intriguing new capacity or two. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the far northern reaches of Ilulissat, a town in Greenland, the sun sets for good on November 29 every year and doesn’t rise again until January 13. Or at least that was the case until 2011. This year, to the shock of locals, sunlight broke over the horizon on January 11 — two days ahead of schedule. Though a few alarmists theorized that this disturbance in the age-old rhythm was due to a shift in the earth’s axis or rotation, scientists suggested that the cause was global warming: Melting ice has caused the horizon to sink. I expect something equally monumental to make an appearance in your world soon, Gemini. Can you handle an increased amount of light? CANCER (June 21-July 22): I’m not a big fan of the “No Pain, No Gain” school of thought. Personally, I have drummed up more marvels and wonders through the power of rowdy bliss than I have from hauling thousand-pound burdens across the wasteland. But I do recognize that in my own story as well as in others’, hardship can sometimes provoke inspiration. I think it may be one of those moments for you, Cancerian. Please accept this medicinal prod from the ancient Roman poet Horace: “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents that in times of prosperity would have lain dormant.” LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In his 1934 book Beyond the Mexican Bay, British author Aldous Huxley observed that “the natural rhythm of human life is routine punctuated by orgies.” He was using the word “orgies” in its broadest sense — not to refer to wild sex parties, but rather to cathartic eruptions of passion, uninhibited indulgence in revelry, and spirited rituals of relief and release. That’s the kind of orgy you’re due for, Leo. It’s high time to punctuate your routine. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do,” wrote the essayist Walter Bagehot. Personally, I don’t think that’s the supreme joy possible to a human being; but it definitely has a provocative appeal. May I recommend that you explore it in the coming weeks, Virgo? The astrological omens suggest you’re in an excellent position to succeed at an undertaking you’ve been told is unlikely or even impossible for you to accomplish. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When people unsubscribe from my newsletter, they’re asked to say why they’re leaving. In a recent note, a dissatisfied customer wrote, “Because you are a crackhead who makes no sense. You sound like you write these horoscopes while you’re stoned
on mushrooms.” For the record, I not only refrain from crack and magic mushrooms while crafting your oracles; I don’t partake of any intoxicants at any other time, either — not even beer or pot. I’m secretly a bit proud, however, that the irate ex-reader thinks my drug-free mind is so wild. In the coming week, Libra, I invite you to try an experiment inspired by this scenario: Without losing your mind, see if you can shed some of the habitual restrictions you allow to impinge on the free and creative play of your mind. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The roots of big old trees are your power objects. I advise you to visualize them in your mind’s eye for a few minutes each day, maybe even go look at actual trees whose roots are showing above ground. Doing this will strengthen your resolve and increase your patience and help you find the deeper sources of nurturing you need. Another exercise that’s likely to energize you in just the right way is to picture yourself at age 77. I suggest you create a detailed vision of who you’ll be at that time. See yourself drinking a cup of tea as you gaze out over a verdant valley on a sunny afternoon in June. What are you wearing? What kind of tea is it? What birds do you see? What are your favorite memories of the last 30 years? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you’re a physicist or Wall Street broker, your assignment this week is to read the poetry of Pablo Neruda ( If you’re a kirtanchanting yogini or the author of a New Age self-help newsletter, your task is to read up on the scientific method ( If you’re white, be black, and vice versa. If you’re yellow, be violet, and if red, be green. If you’re a tight-fisted control freak, try being a laid-back connoisseur of the mellowest vibes imaginable — and vice versa. It’s Mix-It-Up Week, Sagittarius — a time to play with flipping and flopping your usual perspectives, roles, and angles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Describing muckraking journalist Peter Freyne, Senator Patrick Leahy said, “He knew the difference between healthy skepticism and hollow cynicism.” Mastering that distinction happens to be your next assignment, Capricorn. Can you distinguish between your tendency to make compulsive negative judgments and your skill at practicing thoughtful and compassionate discernment? My reading of the astrological omens suggests that you will have a successful week if you do. Not only that: The universe will conspire to bring you blessings you didn’t even realize you needed. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “There is time for work,” said fashion designer Coco Chanel, “and time for love. That leaves no other time.” I understand and sympathize with that perspective. But I’m going to beg you to make an exception to it in the coming weeks, Aquarius. In addition to getting a healthy quota of work and love, please do your best to carve out a few hours specifically devoted to engaging in unadulterated, unapologetic, unbridled play — the kind of flat-out, free-form, fulltilt fun and games that has the effect of permanently increasing your levels of liberation. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Although I myself have an intimate ongoing relationship with the Divine Wow, it’s perfectly fine with me if other people don’t. Some of my best friends are atheists and agnostics. But I must admit that I laughed derisively when I heard that the supposed genius named Stephen Hawking declared, with the fanatical certainty of a religious fundamentalist, that heaven does not exist. How unscientific of him! The intellectually honest perspective is, of course, that there’s no way to know for sure about that possibility. I bring this up, Pisces, as an example of what not to do. It’s particularly important right now that you not be blinded by your theories about the way things work. If you put the emphasis on your raw experience rather than your preconceived biases, you will be blessed with as much beauty and truth as you can handle.
Homework: Talk about a time when an unexpected visitation cracked open a hole in your shrunken reality so as to let juicy eternity pour in:
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