NUVO: Indy's Alternative Voice - November 21, 2012

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Art for Autism Care and Treatment Aronstam Fine Jewelers Benefit Auction Come be a part of Art for Autism Care and Treatment: a benefit auction for ACT Today!

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on Thursday Nov. 29th.





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Featuring the artwork of William Henry Studio, Marc Aronstam, and Philip Stein. Silent auction begins Friday, Nov. 23; concludes during Art for Autism Care and Treatment, Thursday, Nov. 29th. All proceeds of auctioned items go to benefit ACT Today!





THIS WEEK NOVEMBER 21 - 28, 2012

VOL. 23 ISSUE 36 ISSUE #1180

cover story



While the average consumer may very well come across fair trade products now daily — especially in supermarkets, where as the coffee, chocolate, sugar and tea markets continue to explode with new fair trade certifications — there exists in Indianapolis a perfect place to shop exclusively for fair trade products: Global Gifts. BY KATHERINE COPLEN COVER IMAGE & STORY IMAGES BY KRISTEN PUGH


in this issue



Chrisney Public Library, a small library in rural Indiana, may be a glimpse into the future of sustainable design. It’s the first zero-net energy library in the state, meaning it produces at least as much energy as it consumes. BY ROBERT ANNIS

SPECIAL PULLOUT SHOPPING Guide 2012 It’s that time of year where the entire machine of our economy relies upon us being cajoled into injecting revenue into the system m via the holidayy gift-giving season. Ergo, don’t rage against the machine, but oil and grease the monster byy buying local.




EDITORIAL POLICY: N UVO N ewsweekly covers news, public issues, arts and entertainment. We publish views from across the political and social spectra. They do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. MANUSCRIPTS: NUVO welcomes manuscripts. We assume no responsibility for returning manuscripts not accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. DISTRIBUTION: The current issue of NUVO is free. Past issues are at the NUVO office for $3 if you come in, $4.50 mailed. N UVO is available every Wednesday at over 1,000 locations in the metropolitan area. Limit one copy per customer.

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Correction William Selm’s correct title at the Westin was senior doorman (cover, “We deserve better,” Nov. 14-21). The tipping garnishment policy by Towne Park referred to in the article applied to tips added to room bills by the guests.


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100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // toc




HAMMER So long, Ho Hos A taste of vulture capitalism



TUESDAY, NOV 27 • 6:30 TO 8:00 PM






hammer // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER



ast week brought the sad news that Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, Ho Hos and other sugary products, was firing 18,000 workers and shutting down its business, blaming its unionized workforce for being too costly. Formerly known as Interstate Bakeries, Hostess had been struggling through previous bankruptcies despite selling more than $2 billion in products last year. The decision means that not only are thousands without jobs, it means no more Ding Dongs, Hostess Fruit Pies or Wonder Bread. Those brands will probably survive after the bankruptcy court sells off the assets of Hostess to other companies. But the workers who helped produce those products are on the street looking for work. Predictably, the media is blaming the unions for causing the loss of middleclass jobs. A more correct observation is that these jobs were middle-class because they were unionized. They were lost due to corporate mismanagement, greed and a need to cut workers’ pay. An article by a former Hostess worker on the website shows just how much the company was demanding from its workers prior to closure: 27 percent in wage cuts over the next five years, a doubling of insurance costs and the elimination of all pension plans. The worker states he was making $48,000 a year in 2005 and, under the company’s new scheme, would gross just $25,000 in five years. “It will be hard to replace the job I had, but it will be easy to replace the job they were trying to give me,” he wrote. Once again, the union workers were being asked to make massive sacrifices while the company’s executives voted themselves massive pay raises and bonuses. Then when the workers thought they had given up enough, the company asked for more concessions and planned to close the business when the workers balked, though the two sides have agreed to mediation in a last-ditch effort to prevent the closing. The story is all too familiar. This kind of vulture capitalism is exactly why Mitt Romney lost the presidential election so convincingly. America is tired of these tycoons who strip businesses of all their assets and then toss the workers aside like garbage. The bakers, drivers and salesmen who were fired had spent their lives making Hostess one of the nation’s top brand names. Even as the company sold ever-increasing amounts of bread

and sweets, workers were being asked to willingly give up pay and benefits. When they rejected the idea, the bosses decided to close the business. This Bain Capital mentality is prevalent in the business world. Workers are being asked to sacrifice all the gains they have made through collective bargaining so that shareholders and executives can take every bit of profit out of the company. America is sick and tired of this line of thinking. Profits are not as important as people. If the Republican Party insists on being the home of corporate greed, it will continue to get its ass kicked in national elections for decades to come. Even after the beating the Republicans took this year, they are still defiant, looking for a way to rebrand themselves to appear more appealing to the masses. It won’t work. We’d rather struggle with an honest champion of the working man, Barack Obama, in power than let someone like Mitt Romney control our futures. When unions were strong in demanding wage and benefits equal to the value their members contributed to this country, America thrived and built the greatest middle class the world has ever seen. When the companies, emboldened by Ronald Reagan, history’s greatest union-buster, started pushing back and demanding concessions, America started spiraling into the financial mess we live in now. Strong unions mean a strong middle class. A strong middle class means America prospers from the top to the bottom. The top 1 percent of wageearners would still be rich under a fairer economic system while the other 99 percent would have a level playing field and fair wages. I don’t blame the Hostess workers for choosing unemployment over massive pay cuts. It’s not their fault the company will likely die; the workers kept making and distributing Hostess products just as they always have. It was the executives who ran out of assets to loot who killed the company. The rest of us will somehow have to survive without Twinkies, Wonder Bread and Ding Dongs until the brand names are sold to other companies. The former Hostess employees will have to find jobs in a tough economy. But I have a feeling that history is on the side of the workers. The new prosperity that Obama and the Democrats are helping America build will see the rights of workers come first. The days of Bain-style capitalism are numbered. The majority of Americans are demanding it. My heart mourns for the fired Hostess workers. But soon, sooner than conservatives realize, workers will come and take back the country they built with their labor. The billionaires among us have every right to be scared. They should be.

America is tired of these tycoons.


by Wayne Bertsch

Because Ideas MatterRecommended Readings by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Butler University A Wanted Man Lee Child Delacorte 2012 Reviewed by Larry W. Riggs

HAIKU NEWS by Jim Poyser

the Republican Party can now go back to not liking Romney BP guilty of manslaughter; corporations are people, it seems! Petraeus bio called “All In” … boy that author sure wasn’t kidding! how alarming that our military folks turn out to be human! whoever runs the House Science Committee won’t understand science California decides to give a shit if the planet survives McCain too busy bitching ‘bout Benghazi to attend its briefing Michael Feinstein gives a million bucks to Michael Feinstein — and kids win! Lilly gives ten mil’ to land preservation; that’s prozac for nature! perhaps Hostess foods Twinkies, Ding Dongs, can be turned into biofuels


Over the past 30 years, the gap between rich and poor has grown faster in Indiana than in all but five other states. “Prolonged growth in income inequality undermines the basic American belief that hard work should pay off,” Elizabeth McNichol of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which authored the study, says. Little wonder food service workers at Butler and Marian announced last week that they are joining the movement to unionize that has already organized food service workers at IUPUI and the Indianapolis International Airport. (“We Deserve Better,” Nov. 14.)


The 17th entry in Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series kept me interested throughout. I believe that this is largely because most of the action is mental. Reacher, once a military police officer and now a committed vagabond, is hitchhiking across the country to Virginia, to meet a woman whom he knows only as a voice on the telephone. Vagabonds can afford to be both capricious and adventurous! In rural Nebraska, he is picked up by a car in which two men and a woman are riding. The men say they are on the way to Chicago, which suits Reacher. Before long, they encounter a roadblock on the interstate. A bit later, they encounter another roadblock. Clearly, a serious crime has been committed nearby, and the officers manning the roadblocks apparently have a description that Reacher and his companions do not fit. The woman in the car is completely silent, and the men seem vaguely menacing. Reacher’s mental detecting exercises begin when he takes over the driving, and the woman, in the back seat, begins blinking what seem to be signals to him in the rearview mirror. Reacher deciphers her code and learns that she is the car’s owner and a captive. The men must have picked Reacher up in order to deceive the roadblock officers. From there, the book progresses through many twists and turns toward the conclusion, in which, as always, Reacher shows both tactical brilliance and absolute courage. Recommended highly. — Larry W. Riggs is professor of French at Butler University.

Go to for more recommendations by the faculty and staff of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Butler University.

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We see it every day. A new report by someone about how hell-bent we are for planetary destruction. The most recent? A report by the World Bank that we’re headed for 7 degree Fahrenheit spike in temp by century’s end — due to the warming that results from the burning of fossil fuels. So this Thanksgiving, give thanks to Mother Earth, because she is all we have. Then set about a plan to reduce your own carbon footprint. • Your home is your biggest emission. Use holiday gift money to invest in renewable energy and/or upgrade your existing appliances. • Transportation. Stop driving to work alone. Sign up for Commuter Connect so you can find an opportunity to carpool or vanpool to work. Ride a bike or walk or take mass transit whenever you can. • We know it’s turkey day and all, but big agriculture — including animal agriculture — creates lots and lots of greenhouse gases. Reduce or eliminate meat consumption to help reduce CO2. • Buy local, invest local, love local. Know where your food and beverages come from. Know your proprietors. Encourage your favorite proprietors to do what they can to reduce fossil fuel emissions, along with waste like Styrofoam. • Wear a sweater, turn down the thermostat. • Move beyond coal; see pg. 12. Let’s transform this thumbs down into a thumbs up!


Follow @jimpoyser on Twitter for more Haiku News.

THOUGHT BITE By Andy Jacobs Jr. Who thinks General Petraeus (one of our best) should have resigned over his extramarital affair? When I was running for Congress, in three fall elections, people told me about my opponent’s affair. My reply was, “I can’t see where that’s any of my business.” 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // news


HOPPE Memo to Pence: Legalize it (You can thank me later)





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news // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER


K, so Mike Pence is about to be the next governor of Indiana. Speculation has already begun about what he’ll do. With giddy Republican majorities in the state Senate and House, it seems the sky’s the limit for the governor-elect. A lot of folks think he’ll use his office as a stepping-stone for an eventual run for president. So attention is turning to how he will parlay his executive clout into legislative accomplishments. I have a suggestion: Pence should legalize pot. The elections on Nov. 6 were big in a number of ways. America’s first African-American president was handily re-elected by a surge that included majorities of young adults, women, Asians, blacks, and Latinos. Gay marriage was approved in three states and an anti-gay marriage amendment was defeated in a fourth. And in two states, Washington and Colorado, proposals were passed to legalize marijuana. The prospect of legalized pot for recreational purposes looks like it could be a game changer. What’s been called a war on drugs has really been a war on people who like some marijuana in their lives. While it is now permitted for medicinal purposes in 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, socalled medical marijuana has failed to drive a stake through the heart of the country’s cannabis prohibition. To a great extent, this has been because the Justice Department has seen medicinal dispensaries as Trojan horses intended to circumvent the antiquated federal law intended to separate people from pot. The new laws in Colorado and Washington have honesty on their side. They make no bones about their aim to let people smoke pot if they want to, without fear of being busted. They will also turn a relatively minor vice into a potentially significant source of economic development. In Colorado, for example, marijuana will not only be taxed, it will be regulated so that any merchant selling the stuff is required to show they’ve grown it themselves. This combines a brew-pub business model with a buy-local ethic to help assure, ahem, a high level of quality, plus a righteous alternative to the Mexican drug cartels that currently provide most of the grass for sale on today’s black market. Instead of ceding an industry that could be worth millions — by some estimates billions — of dollars to Mexican gangsters and turning otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals,

people in Colorado and Washington voted for freedom — and an enhanced revenue stream. Mike Pence should pay attention. Just as it took a staunch Cold Warrior, Richard Nixon, to open diplomatic relations with communist China, it will probably take a social conservative like Pence to bring sanity to our state’s outmoded and wasteful prohibition against pot. Liberals can’t do this for fear of being branded libertines by right-wing reactionaries like, well, Mike Pence. Mitch Daniels might have done it in the name of pragmatism. But Daniels arrived in office ahead of pot’s historical curve; he had to spend a fair amount of time living down his having been busted for possession when he was in college. In case he’s not aware of it, Pence needs to know that Indiana has developed a rather nifty reputation for the quality of its homegrown product. From our state forests in the south, to the Indiana Dunes up north, the Hoosier state has proven to be a remarkably hospitable environment for the cultivation of primo weed. Time magazine estimates that pot is California’s leading cash crop. The same could be true here. Instead of photo-ops showing cops burning down lush stands of our artisanal cannabis, we should be featuring it at the State Fair. Once Pence takes office, he’s going to find himself presiding over a state with scant means of support. Property taxes are capped. Our cities and towns are struggling to keep cops on the beat. Pence and his Republican chums will need to find money somewhere. Legalizing, regulating and taxing pot will provide the state with enough revenue to fix plenty of, er, potholes. But that’s not all. If Pence is really serious about running for president one day, he’s going to have to add something besides hostility to Planned Parenthood and gay marriage to his resume. Like just about every other Republican in the country, he’ll have to try to at least make it seem like he’s open to new ideas. Making Indiana the Mississippi of the Midwest isn’t going to cut it. Pence can sell pot legalization as an advancement for individual rights, a new cash crop and a lucrative source of revenue. If he moves quickly enough, he can also make ending pot prohibition part of his crusade against big government. We all saw the commercial. Pence said he wanted “to say yes to Indiana and no to Washington, D.C.” Well, what better way to do this than by legalizing marijuana? It’ll be a stick in the eye to the Justice Department and blow a raspberry at the Obama administration. Why leave all the fun to Colorado and Washington state? Pence claimed he would fight for the right of Hoosiers to run our own schools, choose our own health care, and produce our own energy. But where’s the joy? All most Hoosiers have ever really wanted is the right to get high.

Instead of photo-ops showing cops burning down stands of our artisanal cannabis, we could be featuring it at the State Fair.

news Celebrating Vonnegut’s 90th birthday Vets reclaim Armistice Day through the arts



conflagration of profound, spiritual, creative firepower erupted within the gilded core of the Indiana War Memorial on Sunday afternoon — all because of Kurt Vonnegut. “Enter with reverence. Leave with pride,” a small sign advised visitors as they entered the interior doorway. Nov. 11, 2012, marked Vonnegut’s 90th birthday and Armistice Day, which is a celebration that originally marked the end of World War I hostilities. Today it is commonly expanded into Veterans Day celebrations that recognize the service of U.S. soldiers from all American wars. The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, along with an A-list team of sponsors, offered the event, “Armistice: Veterans Reclaim Armistice Day” to honor their hero by helping others discover the keys that helped Vonnegut release his pain and tell his truths — writing and visual arts. Within the star-spangled, eagle-guarded interior auditorium, when the time to start arrived, master of ceremonies Steve Inskeep of National Public Radio asked people to sit. That voice, so familiar to millions, rendered an immediate effect: They sat. So did Inskeep. On stage the face of Thom Steinbeck popped onto a screen. A novelist as was his father, John, Steinbeck also is a Vietnam vet. He offered regrets that health issues because of exposure to Agent Orange during the war prevented him from attending in person. Steinbeck then shared the pain he felt about what he saw and did in the war, compounded by the experience of returning home to a U.S. culture that seemed indifferent and even hostile to him. He remembered Vonnegut’s work as challenging of the status quo, righting injustice and helping the injured heal. Steinbeck set the stage for the hours to come, hours when the memorial honored its original intention that the world’s people never forget the horrors of war and the people who endure it. Inskeep, in his decades in journalism, has interviewed enough of the world’s power brokers to fill the entire U.S. naval fleet. And on several tours of duty of his own — Press Corps, first class — he helped listeners overcome the distance between citizens in the 10

homeland and today’s active war zones. [Interesting that notion of listener, it comes into play as the larger theme of healing veterans’ trauma through the arts unfolds.] In the respect of bringing the grassroots stories home from war zones, as a Carmel native, Hoosier Inskeep follows in the steps of Ernie Pyle, the Indiana native who defined excellence for war correspondence by listening deeply to the people in the trenches of World War II. WWII. Dresden. Vonnegut. The book that he became a writer to write. Slaughter House Five. Through the war, Vonnegut became a man who found writing to be a tool capable of translating his traumatic war experiences beyond his own head through the written word, the truth. That’s according to his oldest son, Mark, a pediatrician and author raised in Cape Cod, Mass., who told the Armistice audience: “[The writing] is not extra, it’s not easy, you will know when you’re doing it right — it can save your life.”

*** Julia Whitehead, executive director of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and a former U.S. Marine, remarked that she felt surprised about all the guilt associated with the military: guilt for not serving, guilt for living when others die, guilt of not serving well enough, guilt over what one did while serving. She read an excerpt of Kipling’s poem, Tommy. She said it reminded her of the importance of writing down her feelings: For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Chuck him out, the brute!’ But it’s “ Saviour of ‘is country “ when the guns begin to shoot; An’ it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ anything you please; An ‘Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool you bet that Tommy sees! — Rudyard Kipling [Originally published as “The Queen’s Uniform”, in W.E. Henley’s weekly Scots Observer (later to become the National Observer) on March 1, 1890.] An entire auditorium of guilty people sat, many with a taint, an internal weight, a great need for the cathartic outlets yet to be uncovered.

Healing through the humanities Expressing one’s truths may not be pretty, but to reiterate: it can save one’s life. The Greeks knew this, said Len Mozzi of Dramatic Difference Productions, an advisor to the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, as he pointed to the signature masks depicting laughter and tears. “Theater is about laughing and crying, about what it is to be a human being,” Mozzi said. “It helps us live our lives a little better.” He said that Greeks invented theater and, in part, used it to recreate battle


Indiana’s income gap widens faster than in most other states Making the case for mass transit by Abdul

news // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

scenes for audiences of war-torn soldiers seated by regiment, suggesting that this ancient art form may have helped veterans deal with the trauma of service. Achilles, in fact, appeared in spirit for Armistice Day via the voice of Dr. Jonathan Shay, author of Achilles in Vietnam and Odysseus in America. Shay’s medical work focuses on helping veterans deal with the trauma of service-related stress. “Recovery always happens in community … (where) people who’ve been in war know it’s safe to tell their stories,” Shay said. The recipient of the vet’s story must hear, believe and remember, Shay continued. “Then the person who heard [must] retell the veteran’s story to the point where the vet can say somebody listened, somebody cared.” The listener’s academic credentials don’t matter; the primary element necessary is the ability to retell the story with emotion, not just the facts, Shay said. Then he outlined the concept of “moral injury: the most devastating kind of danger people suffer.” It involves: 1) Betrayal of what is right, 2) By a person of authority (or one’s self), 3) in a high-stakes situation — war, for example. “When all three things are present, (so is) moral injury,” Shay said. “It destroys the capacity to trust … [one is] left with the expectancy of harm, exploitation and humiliation.” As all possibility of joyful human life is lost, vets often try to “strike first” in social situations (hurting before being hurt), hide out in their homes — often in the boonies — or create elaborate false identities, “like Odysseus,” Shay said. Certain truths in ethical, social realms are better told though fiction than a more straightforward, factual narrative, he added. To experience and witnesses ugly truth on stage or in a fictional world that feels more true than reality itself can help provide society’s beleaguered much-needed catharsis from their trauma or moral injury, “making clean water from muddy water” whether that be in the mind, body, spirit, or all three, Shay said. In working with veterans, Shay said he “kept hearing the story of Achilles again and again.” Among the similar features, a berserk marauding inspired by an experience of moral injury that opened Homer’s epic poem and an allconsuming anguish over the death of his closest companion, a fellow soldier, Patroclus, at the hands of Hector or Troy. In revenge, Achilles killed Hector and desecrated his corpse until finally agreeing to release it to his family. “The Iliad is about war and what Winter riding tips, part 1 by Katelyn Coyne Things to do on bikes; Cranksgiving Edition The Dust Bowl on PBS by Marc Allan


Writer Dan Wakefield is editor of a new collection of letters by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. David Hoppe calls it “the Vonnegut book readers of the late modern master have been waiting for.”

Soldier-turned-ceramicist Ehren Tool has given away more than 14,000 of his cups, which bear imagery ranging from missiles to dead babies to military insignias.

matters in the heart of a soldier,” Shay said. People dealing with vets and doctors treating vets need to register the combat history of the soldiers they encounter, Shay said, noting that this essential component of understanding the person’s overall health is often left unattended. With fate’s dice rapidly rolling during combat situations, many vets don’t know why they are the ones who survived and, sometimes, they had no expectation of living through their various confrontations with possible death. In the effort to repair moral injury and find health, Shay told Inskeep that the No. 1 step vets can take is getting enough sleep. Families can assist the vet by helping to prioritize regular, deep sleep. Next, install a solid base of safety, sobriety and self care: “It’s a triad often wicked difficult to get into place, but it’s the foundation to recovery,” Shay said. In their sickness, vets often become preoccupied with themselves, narcissistic and self-obsessed — feelings of self worth will oscillate from “dog shit to grandiose,” he added. Doing things for others, he said, appears to be an essential element of recovery from combat stress. Shay noted a saying: “There’s no one so poor as someone with nothing to give.” But it’s not the vet who does all the giving. As Shay noted, families can help facilitate sleep. Mime and puppetry expert Doug Berky offered a lesson on patient support. Berky moved from character to character, animating physically beyond-lifesized puppets: a tiger, a clouded Japanese soldier home from a taxing war, his wife and an old mountain sage, who offered “The Tiger’s Whisker,” a moral about the power of patient, loving, courage when handling men (or women) who went off to war but never came home in spirit. The wife, distraught over the irresponsive stranger glowering in isolation within her home, finds the courage, over a series of patient months, to tame a tiger to the point that she can take a whisker — the same courage, she discovers, that is necessary to help her husband emerge from his traumatized shell. The audience sees the woman apply the gentle wisdom she learned: just setting out a meal and inviting the husband to join. He does not leap from the table; neither had the tiger. But his brow, furrowed so deeply at the beginning of the tale, eased ever so slightly, suggesting that it may take him a while to join the table. But with patient support, he just may get there — just like the tiger did. Berky deserves credit for a nice use of puppet making in the case of the traumatized soldier. At first the soldier seemed rooted and impossible to animate, but with that unexpected brow lift conveyed a weight beginning to lift from his soul.


From left to right, Pamela Bliss, muralist, Donald Farber, Vonnegut’s literary executor, and Julia Whitehead, executive director of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library.

When Kurt Vonnegut was still just a rich, spoiled Indy boy, his prose, as laid out in the student newspapers at Shortridge High School and Cornell University, was “flat,” eldest son Mark said, having read enough of his father’s early attempts to have formulated an educated opinion. “Power only came after the pain” but the old man took a long time to tell his truth, young Vonnegut said. Meanwhile, as a father in need of catharsis, Kurt was

“annoying,” Mark told Inskeep in an indepth interview following a brief speech earlier in the afternoon. Mark was raised “before the money hit” but with edicts, written across the walls even, such as: “Goddamnit, you have to be kind.” and “Go love without the help of anything on earth.” Mark said he was “incredibly proud” of his father, noting “at no point did he make me less than him.” The art helped the father become “unstuck in time versus stuck in time,” the son said. Vonnegut writing tip: If you get stuck, write a poem and share it. Vonnegut witticism: No matter what happens … it’s better this way. Vonnegut craft project: Use rejection letters to line wastebasket. Eventually, Vonnegut had book contracts and more to offset those rejection letters. An agent, Don Farber, helped Vonnegut. They became best friends in New York City. Farber is a veteran, too. He attended Vets Reclaim Armistice Day. He knows about the bloody mysteries of fate’s dice in war. Farber shared his own World War II experience: Fresh into a reassignment away from his unit, the entire group he left behind was killed. He has grappled with that ever since. Soldiers have no incentive to ask for help for mental trauma, according to retired U.S. Marine Hugo Patrocinio. “It goes contrary to your duty not to let your fellow man down. PTSD makes you part of the problem instead of part of the solution.” But one day a doctor told Patrocinio, who did a lot of fighting in Fallujah, Iraq, that it sounded as if he’d been through a lot. “I went for my pills, got caught telling the truth and it led to my retirement,” Patrocinio said. “When I found ArtReach and started writing and drawing, something lifted.” For true healing to occur, one must find safety, a place not to be judged, but that allows the flexibility for change, he said. Patrocinio is now an ArtReach Project America veteran peer trainer and training instructor. Other veteran artists who shared their stories through the day included poet Jason Poudrier and ceramist Ehren Tool, who gives away mugs and installation pieces encrusted with molded images of military symbolism and war to stimulate awareness. Retired U.S. Congressman Andy Jacobs is a veteran. He fought injustice in Congress for three decades. He excoriated people who would start wars without themselves serving. “War wimps,” he called them. Injuries he sustained in the Korean War keep him in bed a lot. He attended Armistice Day. “America: Where she is right, glory; where she is wrong, courage,” he said. He shared two war stories to illustrate one underlying point: “Even in the savagery of war, there can be humanity.” And in a nod to fellow Marine Julia Whitehead, Jacobs concluded his presentation with a thought bite: “The Marine Corps is not what it used to be. In fact, it never was.” ■ A free veterans-only writing workshop begins in January. Contact the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library for details.

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // news


Book smart, earth smart


State’s first zero-net energy library BY RO BE RT A N N IS E D I T O RS @N U V O . N E T A small library in rural Indiana may be a glimpse into the future of sustainable design. The Chrisney Public Library is the first zero-net energy library in the state, meaning it produces at least as much energy as it consumes. A bank of solar panels generates electricity for the 2,400 square-foot facility. A geothermal system heats and cools the building, with help from some ingenious design choices by architect William Brown. During the four years the library has been open, it’s never paid a utility bill, Brown claims, adding the building actually produced 1,861 more kilowatt-hours in its first year of operation than it consumed. Brown will discuss the Chrisney Library and other green energy projects during his 5 p.m. talk Nov. 28, in Butler University's Johnson Board Room in Robertson Hall, 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. When Chrisney residents first proposed the idea of the new facility in 2006, they weren’t thinking about creating a new model of sustainable design; they just wanted a library. At the time, Chrisney residents needed to drive 30 minutes round trip to Dale, Ind., in order to check out a book or DVD. When residents petitioned the Lincoln Heritage library board for help, they were refused, with budgetary reasons being the chief concern. Likewise, the town government couldn’t afford to take on the costs of constructing a library. Chrisney residents refused to be defeated. Around this time, Brown entered the picture. Brown specialized in designing libraries and had considerable experience with sustainable design, chairing the Indiana chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council for five years and serving on the Greening of the White House national task group while a student at Ball State University. Brown says he was motivated by the passion of Chrisney’s citizens. “About 540 people live there, and 125 of them would show up at the meetings (for the project),” Brown said. “There was so much energy there, we knew we had a find a solution to their (money) problem.”

A grant magnet Going with a net-zero energy building accomplished two things that helped get the project off the ground, Brown said. The library board agreed to move forward with the project with the understanding it wouldn’t have to pay for a building or utilities. Perhaps more importantly, the project became a grant magnet, attracting nearly a halfmillion dollars from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. Others helped out as well. The local school district agreed to donate a wooded, one-acre plot behind Chrisney Elementary School, and the town government promised free sewer and water service and site



The Chrisney Public Library uses a bank of solar panels to generate its electricity.

Energy independence is the ultimate luxury. — Architect Bill Brown maintenance. Residents raised $88,000 in donations to cover various shortfalls and purchase books, and more than 100 volunteered to help with the library’s front desk. Seemingly small details made a huge difference in the building’s energy efficiency. The adjacent woods were utilized to help cool the building in the summer, while at the same time allowing enough sunlight in to illuminate the building and charge the nearby solar panels. More reflective building materials were used inside the library to reduce the need for daytime lighting. Sunlight also heats a thermal slab floor during the winter, with help from a geothermal heat pump when needed. “The perception is the equipment is so expensive, but you need to think longterm,” Brown said. “Energy prices aren’t going down; if anything they’ll continue to rise in the future. A public building will be there for years; it makes sense to be as energy efficient as possible.” Brown now serves as Indiana University’s Director of Sustainability, spearheading the university’s efforts to reduce campus energy consumption by 30 percent and its carbon footprint by more than half as it upgrades its buildings and infrastructure. All new buildings must be at least Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified silver, but Brown says he expects up to five

news // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

buildings to receive the higher gold-level within the next year. Brown believes the Chrisney Library could be a blueprint for not only municipal buildings, but Hoosiers’ homes as well. Brown admits a 10-year payback for green upgrades can be a hard sell for most people. “No one asks what the payback is for a $10,000 home theater room or an inground pool, but everyone wants to know how long it will take to pay off solar panels,” Brown said. “Energy independence is the ultimate luxury. … Ask the people in New Jersey affected by Hurricane Sandy how much they would pay to be able to create their own electricity. “If you’re building a new home from scratch, you can include the solar-panel costs into your mortgage,” Brown continued. “Monthly, that can be less than the cost of utilities. … If you’re doing solar in your home, add a few more panels so you can charge an electric vehicle. You’ll save $1,300 a year, meaning you can pay off (the extra panels) in about two years. Over the life of the car, you’ll likely save $37,000 in electricity costs.” As more builders begin incorporating sustainable features into their homes, Brown expects the prices of those green upgrades to drop significantly. Bill Brown Wednesday, Nov. 28; 5 p.m. Butler University Johnson Board Room, Robertson Hall 4600 Sunset Avenue FREE

The first-ever campaign event for the Beyond Coal initiative will launch Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 11:30 a.m. on Monument Circle. According to the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal mission statement: “IPL's Indianapolis coal plant is located less than six miles from Monument Circle, exposing over 800,000 people living and working in central Indiana to thousands of tons of dangerous air pollutants every year. The Clean Air Task Force attributes 76 deaths, 120 heart attacks, and more than 1,300 asthma attacks to the plant's toxic emissions. But rather than investing in clean energy to replace its filthy plant, IPL expects ratepayers like you to fund multi-million dollar upgrades to its aging coal fleet.” Instead, Beyond Coal hopes IPL will invest in safe, clean, renewable energy. Sierra Club is not alone in their criticism of the Harding Street plant. According to a recent report by the NAACP, “75 coal plants in the United States [received] a “failing” grade on their environmental justice scorecard…” Harding Street is among those 75 plants that got an “F.” The NAACP report, entitled ColdBlooded: Putting Profits Before People, analyzes “sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions in conjunction with demographic factors –race, income, and population density – to rank the environmental justice performance of the nation’s 378 coal fired power plants.” The report finds that the “top ten coal-energy-producing states [that includes Indiana] … have an average lung cancer rate of 98.3 per 100,000 (or 19% higher than the U.S. average)…” At the event on Wednesday, thousands of petitions will be delivered to IPL Headquarters (1 Monument Circle), and lots of information will be available to learn more about this effort. Speakers include Kerwin Olson, executive director of Citizens Action Coalition. —N NUVO UVO STAFF STAFF REPORT REPOR RE PORTT

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Our favorite artisans We’ve collected excerpts from some of our favorite stories of Peruvian artisans that Sam, Alison and Simon visited. Log onto for their complete stories. All photos from Peru are provided by the Carpenter-Schumacher family.


Alison, Simon and Sam inside Global Gifts.

An unexpected connection “On September 17, Simon, Alison and I left for our gr and adventure ...” When Sam Carpenter and Alison Schumacher and their 2-y ear-old son, Simon, visited Fermín Vilcapoma in his Lima workshop, it wasn’t the first time the Peruvian jewelry maker had met someone fr om Indiana. “After hearing that we lived in Indianapolis, he told us he’d visited Indiana University in Bloomington last January at the invitation of a college gr oup,” Sam writes in one of his many missives for M anos Amigas, a fair trade organization based in Lima. “I went into a fair trade shop there and saw some of my pr oducts,” Vilcapoma said of his time in B loomington. That fair trade shop is Global Gifts and Sam Carpenter is its executive director. Carpenter and his family returned in August from a year-long sabbatical spent in Peru, meeting local artisans and working with fair trade exporter Manos Amigas — it means Friendly Hands — to understand the fair tr ade process at a deeper level.

What is fair trade? Shoppers find the label “fair trade” emblazoned across all manner of goods these days. But that wasn’t true in 1988, when Global Gifts was founded. Although the very first fair trade organizations were formed in the United States after World War II, fair trade as a movement has experienced sizable growth and exposure in only the last 10 years. “This sounds really simple, but most people do not know that fairly traded items means fair wages for the workers along with proper working conditions, which means no sweatshops,” says Cullen Webster, a volunteer at the Global Gifts store on Mass Ave. In simple terms, fair trade is a movement that supports higher standards for producers of goods in developing countries. It’s an economic, social and sustainabilityminded system that stabilizes the balance between producers and consumers. It seeks to boost the living and wor king


conditions of the producers while educating the consumer. Transparency between buyer and producer is the goal, and the result is international trade equity. Although the average consumer may come across fair trade products daily — especially in supermarkets where the coffee, chocolate, sugar and tea markets continue to expand with new fair trade certifications — there is a perfect place to shop exclusively for fair trade products locally.

The gift that gives twice “We like to think that when someone purchases something from the store, they’re giving the gift that gives twice,” says Global Gifts volunteer and founding member Mary Liechty. “Not only are they giving a gift to their loved one, but you’re giving the gift of income for the family that made the product.” More than 40 countries are represented inside each store, where items are grouped

cover story // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

into clusters of beautiful, colorful displays. Right now, as Global Gifts prepares for its busiest time of the year, long strings of hanging ornaments dangle in the front window. Stacks of cozy knit scarves and hats line one wall, and handmade jew elry sparkles on another. Sam and Alison lead me around the store, highlighting handicrafts from Peru, including a gorgeous, delicate bracelet made of butterfly wings encased in glass and linked by silver. The finger puppets displayed on the NUVO cover and the nativities that decorate many corners of the store are also products of Peru. The Mass Ave storefront is a comfortable space with a friendly face stationed at the register. Born out of the Indianapolis Mennonite Church 22 years ago, the stores have a close group of volunteers. Although they’re no longer officially affliated with the Mennonite Church, many volunteers still come from the church. Sam Carpenter wasn’t there in the

Emilio Hurtado produces carved and burnt gourds, called mates burilados. “My most popular product at the beginning was musical instruments. Now it’s a mix of everything: jewelry boxes, small containers, instruments,” Hurtado says. As a young man, he learned the craft from his parents, mastered the skill and taught his brothers. His father died when he was 13 or 14 years old. Three months later his mother got married again and left his brothers and sister alone. They were approximately 14, 12, 8, and 6 years old. As eldest, Emilio became the head of the family. He had to give up his studies and look for work. For 12 years, he worked in a mate burilado workshop and received clothing and food for himself and his siblings as payment.

Global Gifts

446 Massachusetts Ave. 1300 E. 86th St. 122 N. Walnut St., Bloomington 10 percent of all Black Friday sales will be donated to training for stone carvers in Haiti; VSA Indiana, an arts organization for people with disabilities; and Stone Belt, a Bloomington service provider for people with developmental disabilities.



Global gifts, from left to right: Chulucanas ceramic birds from Peru, $13; beaded bracelets from Kenya, $8; cat friends ornament from Indonesia, $8; inspirational heart rocks from Kenya, $3.50; contemporary ceramic nativity from Peru, $98; butterfly bracelet from Peru, $170

beginning — he was studying the social sciences field of peace and conflict studies in Northern Ireland and living in the town of Derry. In 1999, Derry became a fair trade town, which means it’s a town that has made a commitment to suppor ting fair trade and using products with the fair trade mark. A city or a region can do so, too. (Bloomington, where one of the Global Gifts stores is located, is fairly close to becoming a fair trade town. Log on to to read about their progress.) After learning about fair trade in Derry, Sam ended his studies by writing a thesis about the movement. That same interest led him to Global Gifts, where he came aboard in 2001 as a manager of Global Gifts’ store in Nora. As the nonprofit expanded, Carpenter soon assumed the role of executive director. But even before becoming executive director, Carpenter had planned to take a long-term trip to explore fair trade issues. His wife, Alison, who left her position at Girls, Inc. of Greater Indianapolis after their son, Simon, was born, was just as game. So, they started to plan.

To Peru While most parents would hesitate to take their 2-year-old on an international trip for even a week, Sam and Alison eagerly anticipated the opportunity to travel with Simon for their year abroad. The Carpenter-Schumacher family left Indiana in September 2011. After packing up their toddler, they moved out of their Rocky Ripple home, which was rented to another family, stored their belongings and carried just six suitcases with them.

“I remember thinking — when we were getting ready to leave and it was a r eally hectic time because we were moving stores and essentially opening a new store for Global Gifts [in Bloomington] — that when I got on the plane, there would be this big sigh of relief and have this nice relaxed experience,” says Sam. “It wasn’t like that. There wasn’t ever a period of not having responsibility, because of Simon.” They didn’t anticipate the impact Simon would have on their trip. “Simon has blond hair — white blond hair,” Alison says. “So he stood out; people would always say, ‘Ay, que lindo!’ (‘Ah, how cute!’ about Simon, and reach over and tousle his hair. Once we started our volunteer work, and we were going through different parts of Lima in a lot of places wher e they don’t typically see tourists, let alone gringos, he really drew a lot of attention. I really think that people took us under their wing because they loved Simon.” “So many times, we would be visiting artisans and there would be kids around and Simon would be playing with the kids while we talked,” says Alison. The blondie jumped into interactions with artisans, their families, strangers in the park, vendors at the local market, everywhere. “I am amazed at the ease at which Simon makes friends. And his smile seems to win folks over with no trouble at all,” Sam wrote on Nov. 2 of last year on his blog. Simon was a tiny, blond, human icebreaker. “That was a really good door-opener,” says Sam. “He would play with the kids and the artisans would smile and like that. It made it easier for us to [begin to work with them].” Getting to the artisans was no easy

task. Lima is a large, sprawling metropolis where one-third of the population of the country resides.

Metropolis “Lima is so big,” Alison says. “Official estimates are around 8 or 9 million, but there’s a lot of people who aren’t counted because they’re living in these shanty towns in the middle of the city where people have taken over a sand dune or a mountain that has zero services. But they’ve just squatted there, and over time the government will build stairs or [start] running electrical lines, and over a long period of time it just becomes part of the city. But those people are just not counted [in official censuses], but when you put those folks in, it’s really like 13 or 14 million people.” The Carpenter-Schumacher family stayed in Miraflores, one of 43 densely populated districts in the city. “We lived in a part of the city where most of the expats lived,” says Alison. “If you worked for the embassy, our neighborhood was where they would assign housing.” The expat community, while not unwelcoming, wasn’t sharing the same kind of experience as the Carpenter-Schumacher family. “We had a big affection for Lima and P eru; we saw parts of Lima and Peru that most people never ever see, and a lot of poverty,” Alison says. “The expat community, housing was provided for them, a car was provided for them, a driver was provided for them. It was very possible for them to live in a bubble . I felt uncomfortable ... sometimes because they would say things like, ‘I can’t wait to get out of this hellhole’ or ‘I can’t wait to get back to civilization.’ I would feel so offended for

Mario Nolasco Since his land was just sand, his weeks in his workshop were spent sinking posts in the ground and building walls with thin wood. He used woven mats for his roof. As Lima is a desert, it rarely rains, so woven reed mats were sufficient as well as typical of his neighbors’ homes as well. But they are not very strong or permanent. “I lived in the workshop too, of course. You have to guard your stuf f. People would say, ‘finish your floor; how can you work with a sand floor?’ ” Nolasco says. “But, if your pottery piece falls off of the table and onto the sand, it doesn’t break. If you have a floor, it does. And if you are painting it and it falls into the sand, even though the sand sticks to the paint as if it were glue, you can just rinse it of f and start again.”

the people of Lima that we were living with and near and appreciating the opportunity to get to know. This is civilization, for 14 million people.” The huge expanse of the city and the complicated mass of public transport — the Carpenter-Schumacher family relied on public transportation almost exclusively during their time in Lima — meant tr aveling to visit the artisans was a huge part of the job. “Routinely, it would take a couple hours getting there, and we’d spend a couple hours with the artisans, and then spend a couple hours getting back,” says Alison. “That was just how it was. You were just sitting on a bus with everybody else sitting on a bus.” Their home base was Manos Amigas, a small operation founded by a brother and sister — Yannina and Roberto Meza — and their foreign-born spouses. A few women are employed part-time at the organization, but the two families take on the bulk of the work. These two families live in an apartment in the same building where the Carpenter-Schumacher family were living – and their office was just across the street. During their time in Peru, Alison and Sam split a work-share position, assisting Yannina and Roberto in the office, managing their exports, visiting the artisans and even building the organization a new website. And there’s a lot to do. Manos Amigas works with more than 70 family workshops and six artisan associations, and donates 20 percent of its profits to social welfare projects including scholarships and a food program for poor youth in Peru.* “Our main project was doing these stories,” Sam says. “If we do a day of artisan visits, visiting two or three workshops in a

Several weeks passed and Yannina [Meza of Manos Amigas] started wondering where Zoila’s order was. It was past due, and she was surprised she hadn’t heard from her. She called and Zoila recounted what had happened. Yannina assured her that she would talk to the client and get more time to complete the order. “But I can’t finish the order. I don’t know how to do the eyes,” Zoila told her. “Oscar did that.”

Zoila Davila and Ruth Palomino Three years ago, [Zoila’s son] Oscar was helping Zoila finish an order when he decided to go hang out on the beach for the afternoon. “I’ll paint the eyes when I get back,” he told Zoila. Hours passed and Oscar didn’t return. Oscar had drowned. He was 27 years old.

Zoila eventually somehow finished the eyes and was surprised when Yannina kept calling her to inform her of new orders every two weeks or so. As this was far more frequent than usual, she thought she knew where they were coming from: “Oscar is sending us these orders.” Ruth’s figures do not have eyes or detail work on their faces. An homage to her late brother?

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // cover story


day, it would take us several days to compile our notes and cull our photos from several hundred, then place them within the stor y. We edited each other’s work. It would take us about a week to create the story.” They also helped create a catalogue for the non-profit. It organizes the goods that Manos Amigas offers from artisans into a much easier format for potential clients (like Global Gifts and Ten Thousand Villages, another fair trade organization) to select from. When speaking to me about their time in Peru, Sam and Alison trade words back and forth about their travels, finishing each other thoughts easily. It is obvious that the sabbatical, although officially set up for Sam’s job, was truly a family experience. They returned rejuvenated and ready to impact Indianapolis positively with the lessons from their travels.

What to know before holiday shopping “I came back feeling so relaxed,” Sam says. “You have this different pace of life in Peru — I didn’t have that sense of rush, rush, rush. I was on this high [when I returned], but I’m kind of back to my old ways. It’s a different culture. There’s not so much go, go, go.” Operating a nonprofit often necessitates a “go, go, go” mentality. Global Gifts depends on more than 100 volunteers to maintain their operation. It’s hard work — but every volunteer I’ve spoken to seems to consider their time at Global Gifts a gift to themselves. “[It’s rewarding] knowing we are helping women send their children to school, knowing we are helping families put food on the table, knowing women have status in communities they would otherwise not have status in simply because they can br ing in money to the household,” says founding member and current board member Liechty. Volunteers and board members like Liechty have spent the last several weeks preparing for the holiday rush; the stores are flush with shoppers ready to find the perfect gift for their mothers, teachers, siblings, friends, loved ones. It’s the perfect place to find something special. “I wish people knew that fair trade is just

as fashionable and affordable as Target or any other big box store nine times out of 10,” volunteer Beth Sturiano says. “It’s so easy these days to get handmade, beautiful and unique gifts that also come with an amazing back story— that’s fair trade in 2012.” Sturiano found volunteering at Global Gifts a way to continue helping people in developing countries after finishing her term in the Peace Corps. “Though I’m living in the U.S., volunteering at Global Gifts makes me feel like I’m making a contribution, even if it’s a small one, to help people out of po verty — even to teach our I ndy customers about the rest of the world. I think that ’s what Global Gifts does for the world and for Indy: It promotes cross-cultural education,” says Sturiano. “I think Global Gifts can teach people to shop with a conscience,” says volunteer Maribeth Ables. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to buy pretty things, but why not help someone sustain a living while doing so?” Sam and Alison know big things are coming for the store and their family. Sam hints at the opening of a four th Global Gifts location in Indiana in 2014. One of Alison’s goals is to maintain her Spanish skills, not just for her own benefit, but to preserve Simon’s burgeoning bilingualism. And they’ll try to discover ways Global Gifts can work even more closely with the artisans they met in Peru and others like them around the world.

Back in Peru In the end, it all comes back to F ermín Vilcapoma, the Peruvian artisan. “How amazing that Fermín was in Indiana and saw his products displayed and sold at [our] store, and a year later [we are] at his workshop, seeing where the products he sells originate and how they are created,” Sam wrote days after meeting Vilcapoma and discovering their connection. “It felt like finding the missing link of a riddle I had forgotten to solve.” *Details on Manos Amigas provided by SERRV, a nonprofit worldwide trade and development organization.

Rosa Pariona Antonio Rosa Pariona produces small stuffed animals made from different types of wool: alpaca and sheep, for example. The animals are common Peruvian animals like guinea pigs, vicuñas, llamas, rabbits, and chicks. She also makes hats and gloves, throw rugs, and seat cushions from the same wool. “Anything that can be made from wool and skins, I make. I can sew anything!” After her husband began to abuse her, Rosa and her nine children moved to Lima with nothing but the clothes on their back. They lived in an empty house while Rosa began to scrape together a little money, before unsafe behavior in their neighborhood drove them out. They spent a year living on the hillside, with no utilities or shelter while building


cover story // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

Top: Sam and Simon with Rosana Pariona, a ceramicist. Left to Right, Daniel Novoa (an artisan to whom Global Gifts has donated $1,500 to help him r ebuild his workshop after it burned down), Yannina Meza (director of Manos Amigas), Luigi (of Libero Mundo - an Italian fair trade wholesaler) and Sam Carpenter. Middle: Simon makes friends quickly with another boy at an event in Chorillos in southern Lima. This event was part of a Manos Amigas supported effort to provide meals for hungry kids; Ernesto Arango’s nativity ornaments. Bottom: Simon and his best friend, Dieuwe, playing in a Lima park; Alison puts customs stickers on boxes, preparing them for shipment to the US.

their home. But after the house was built, an earthquake destroyed it, and almost buried the family with it. And, to make matters worse, when Rosa and her children went to the clinic to treat their injuries, all of their belongings were stolen. But when Ten Thousand Villages ordered 10,000 stuffed alpacas, Rosa was given enough money to begin building another house for her family. “He took a chance on me, giving me that money without really knowing me. I was really grateful.” Soon, she was able to build a workroom with a small store in front where she could showcase her wares. She remarried and expanded her business, eventually hiring nine workers. Now, Manos Amigas is her primary client. “I appreciate that Manos Amigas

immediately pays me, since then I can go back and immediately pay my workers. They always give me an advance, too, without asking.” Rosa can point to very specific ways that her life has changed and improved since she has worked with Manos Amigas. Going from sleeping on cardboard boxes with nine children, with no support from her ex-husband, to building a home and workshop, running a successful business and ensuring that all her children were educated as well as learning the family trade, even after having had to restart from scratch several times … Rosa is resilient!

From Peru to Indianapolis: The Fair Trade Chain Artisan in the country of origin Global Gifts of fers products from Peru, Mexico, India, N epal and more than 36 other countries.



Name Name 4747 Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46081

Name Name 4747 Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46081

Name Name 4747 East 78th Street Indianapolis, IN 46278

These exporters may be a business committed to fair trade principles (such as Manos Amigas) but also may just as likely be an NGO (non profit) or it may be an artisan lead cooperative. Regardless, these organizations are dedicated to fair trade principles and helping individual artisans reach a broader market for their products while at the same time assuring that they are working within and being paid through fair trade standards.

Name Name 4747 East 78th Street Indianapolis, IN 46278

Name Name 4747 East 78th Street Indianapolis, IN 46278

Name Name 4747 Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46081

(Manos Amigas)

Manos Amigas not only pays fair trade wages – they of fer their artisans payment advances of 50 percent, which allows them to maintain production and pay their staf f promptly.

Wholesaler EITHER SMALL: Some smaller fair trade wholesalers, that have product from one particular region or area within a specific country, may also serve as the facilitator for export to the US and Europe. For example, an organization like Global Mamas which works with women in Ghana, purchase items directly from artisans and then resell them to retailers like Global Gifts. In this instance there are 4 links to the chain. Artisan, wholesaler , retailer, customer.

He organized a group of artisans in Lurín, his far-southern neighborhood in Lima, in 2008 so that they can work collectively to penetrate more markets and increase their capacity to handle bigger orders. He organizes and delivers capacity building trainings on things like designs, market trends, or accounting.

Global Gifts is interested in exploring how we can work more closely with artisan cooperatives and fair trade exporters. This would allow us to build stronger relationships with artisans and bring even more value of the items we sell to the artisans.



He makes tiny retablos inside eggshells and recently, granadilla skins. He was walking along the beach when he found an open granadilla on the ground and it occurred to him that he could develop a product made out of its dried skin.




When he was 8 years old, his father died. His mother supported the family by weaving and dying wool. Ernesto learned his craft as a young child, starting at age 9 when he could no longer attend school because of terrorist violence in his hometown.


Ernesto Arango

OR LARGE: Other larger fair trade wholesalers such as T en Thousand Villages and SERR V are more likely to work with a fair trade exporter . This is because they purchase products from dif ferent regions from many different countries. They do not have the resources to work closely with individual artisans and there for they rely on fair trade exporters.


Top: Workers in Pablo Hurtado’s workshop carve designs on gour ds; Alejandro Hurtado in his stor eroom of gourds Middle: Ernesto Valladares explains the process of making Chulucanas pottery to Alison; Eugenio Medina and Geralmina Salome, carved gourd artisans, in their workshop in Huancayo. Bottom: Alejandro and Victoria Hurtado hold several gourds which show the different stages of carving and burning; Alison, Simon, and Sam in Arequipa, Peru.

(Ten Thousand Villages, SEERV)


(Global Gifts)

Customer Customers can be assured when they’re shopping at fair trade stores like Global Gifts that the artisans who crafted their purchase are being paid fair wages.



100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // cover story



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David Wolf


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Circle of Lights @ Monument Circle Huzzah! Forsooth, it is I, the Pilgrim to whom you dedicate this Season of giving Thanks, arrived with a Horn of Plenty filled with wild turkey and myriad Fowl of the Grasses, cod, bass and other Fruits of the Sea, not to mention a goodly supply of Beer, Maize and Smallpox, along with a Calendar and Compendium of Remarkable Events, which thou mightst put to good use in entertaining kinfolk and passers-by alike,

shouldst they be disinterested in branding themselves with the Devil’s Mark of Wanton Consumerism worn by all who celebrate the Ravenous Orgy known to Sentient Creatures as Black Fridaye and to Digitalized Avatars as Cyber Mondaye. Let us hasten then to the Circle of Lights, in this, our season of frostbyte, pneumonya and the Birth of our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ, the worship of whom is undertaken without prejudice to others who choose to worship other Gods, Demi-Gods, Lesser Gods, Godheads, Holy Ghosts, prophets, seers or Venerated Beasts of the Swamps and Wetlands. Verily, the Circle of Lights is an ecumenical, non-denominational Holiday celebration of the Power of Light, presented by


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the Contractors of Quality Connection and Electrical Workers of IBEW 481, who, trained in the Darkest Arts, can bring Day to Night, lighting your City’s mighty Monument to the War Dead with Thousands of Colored Bulbs without aid of oil or candle wick. Young people of many talents will sing praises to the Monument to the War Dead beginning at six o’clock on November 23, until, at 7:45 p.m., the Electricans deem sufficient Obeisance to have been paid to their powers and the Circle shall be brought to light at the Flipping of a Switch by Santa, the Mayor and a Child whose remarkable Coloring Skills have been recognized as part of a statewide contest.

Complete classical reviews by Tom Aldridge

Well, hullo, there, good gentlewoman! You’ve surprised me while at work on my Sounding Chamber, designed to reliably reverberate with the Music of the Spheres, and thereby transport this Sack of Meat, Sinew and Bones into the Heavens. No, Good Lady, they were wrong to banish me from the village under penalty of sacrilege; generations from now, good men by the names of Roddenberry, Takei and Uhura will speak of Transport to the Stars, of Treks through the Galaxies, of Holographic Imaginariums where all manner of Phantasy might come true. Those devoted to the cause will gather in the Atria and Meeting Houses of a Suburban Hotel to recount tales of InterGalactic Warfare, Autistic Extra-Terrestrials and Troublesome Tribbles, spending a weekend (Nov. 23-25) meeting Real-Life Spacemen (David Wolf), those who play Spacemen on the stage (on Star Trek and Stargate SG-1), those who enable others to play at being Spacemen (makeup artists doomed to give all-comers a Klingon makeover) and those who sing songs about those who play Spacemen (Five Year Mission and Il Troubadore, in a Battle of the Bands). Such gatherings will not serve the cause of Profit and Avarice; but rather proceeds will be donated to organizations supporting cats (Cats Haven) and devoted to the fight against lung cancer (LUNGevity) and youth suicide (Jason Foundation). And, avast, greatest of all, an actual Chunk of the Earth’s Moon, obtained by I know not what method, nefarious or Godly, will be displayed at this gathering, housed in a Pyramid of Lucite and weighing over three ounces, in celebration of a man known as Neil Armstrong whose efforts shall prove instrumental in our Exploration of the Cosmos. Nov. 23-25 @ 7202 E. 21st st. tickets: $40 advance ( $45 door for the weekend


KIB’s Grand Opening by Daniel Axler

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // go&do


GO&DO 24


Vintage Saturday @ Fountains Conference Center Come here, trustworthy merchant, and praytell why this table made of an inconceivably Smooth and Uniform material known as Formica is labeled as Vintage? Or how this Diamond-Encrusted Electric Opener of Cans has come to be bear the legend of “Kitschier than Liberace on poppers”? How has the Space-Age become Vintage? What is this quality known as Kitsch and why is it applied to the chintziest of Wares? Alas, I shall never understand the ways of the Bazaar, so I shall leave it to the Indie Arts & Vintage Marketplace to guide my way, even during the winter months, when such a Market has been moved indoors to the Fountains Conference Center in Carmel. Indeed, more than 100 purveyors of goods made by fine artisans of all sorts — coopers and weavers, glaziers and quil-

ters, jewelry-makers and carpenters, junk merchants of the highest order — will offer their tightly-guarded collections to all-comers for a reasonable price. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. @ 502 E. Carmel Drive, $4,


Vintage wares such as these will be available at Vintage Saturday.



Food Fight Indy @ Big Car Service Center


Halt, Gluttonous Dog! I will not have my generously shared Foodstuffs wasted at this Meal. Thou shalt not make the Carrot into a Missile, the Bread Pudding into a Slick that may be slipped upon, the Cider into a scalding, scarring Weapon. Wait, no actual Food will be used for the Fight? Neither will I tolerate Cleverness go&do // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

or French-style Double Entendres. But if I must, I shall pass along work of a talk concerning the Fight against Hunger, including a Presentation by Kevin Watkins of Elanco, a Lilly subsidiary that, in addition to making Foods and Medicines for Animal Companions, also partners with Heifer International and Gleaners Food Bank in their efforts to help those afflicted with Food Insecurity, both in the Hoosier State and abroad. Likewise scheduled to attend are Travis DiNicola, as moderator, and several organic food advocates. 6 p.m., free (snacks provided),

GO&DO This is adult entertainment Murder and blood with Rocket Doll Revue BY PAUL F. P. POGUE PPOGUE@NUVO.NET Rocket Doll Revue bleeds for your entertainment. “Look at my leg!” yells Bunny Beretta as she descends from the stage after a Las Vegas-themed burlesque show. “I cut my leg getting onstage and went on with the act. Because, you know, I’m hardcore and all that.” A burlesque troupe that that goes beyond the tease, Rocket Doll stages elaborately choreographed routines just as likely to feature a virgin sacrifice and buckets of blood as pasties and glitter fascinators. “It’s not a Rocket Doll show unless there’s murder or blood!” says member Mae ‘Mid’ West, fresh off a skit that saw her beating fellow performer Kelzey Quik Lee to death. If you’ve run into one member of the group, you’ve probably run into several. Frenchy, Desiree, Kelzey, Mae, Bunny, Trini Bikinii, and Patsy Blue Ribbon — they’re the city’s bedazzled Rat Pack, a troupe of friends who often live together and perform together. Those friendships preceded — and led to — the group’s founding: “We were partying for my birthday in 2010 and went to a vaudeville show, and afterwards some of the people in the group asked if we were a burlesque troupe,” says Frenchy LaRouge. “We were like, ‘No, but we should be!’” And indeed, the troupe makes quite the splash during regular performances at the White Rabbit or hosting Burlesque Trivia at the Sinking Ship, bedecked in outfits that pay tribute to times past. Even the name itself is vintage, implying a 1950s atomic-age combination of singing, tap-dancing, variety show and striptease. “We all have different personas — it’s about creating your character, attitude and signature look,” Desiree says. “Figuring out your character is a huge part of this, and it’s something you do on your own.” Right in the middle of all this is announcer/host Marv O. Luste, usually the performance’s sole male member, who plays the role of equal parts vaguely creepy flasher and overwhelmed rube. “I’m in a situation where I’m surrounded by six or seven beautiful, naked women, and my goal is to keep them happy,” he notes. “He does anything we tell him to!” Frenchy beams. “They needed someone sleazy and they thought of me,” Marv ruminates. “I’m the bra. I’m here to support them.” Rocket Doll often performs at the White Rabbit and hosts a regular trivia night at the Sinking Ship, along with occasional gigs on other stages — Radio Radio, Locals


Rocket Doll Revue

Only and the Melody Inn among them, as well as in Muncie and Lafayette. “We were looking for an outlet,” Frenchy says. “We were like, ‘let’s do all of this shit, let’s do it now and do as many shows as we can.’” “The difference between cabaret and burlesque is, we do consider ourselves strippers,” Desiree says. “This is an adult entertainment. We want to tantalize the audience. When it comes right down to it, people are paying us to artfully remove our clothing. Striptease is the heart of burlesque, the core of the thing. We’re not going to be booking the State Fair or the Indy 500.” Rocket Doll treats burlesque as lifeplus, the world spread out in a dazzling, widescreen Technicolor. And behind it all is that Rat Pack feel. The show doesn’t end once they step off the stage. “This is all very personal to us,” Desiree says. “We don’t run it like a business. This is our baby. We like to be really bedazzled when we’re out in public, really fashion-heavy rock and roll girls with the full hair, makeup and outfits. We’re all best friends, we all live together, and we function as a group of like-minded friends. It’s like a brain we all share.”

UPCOMING ROCKET DOLL APPEARANCES Nov. 24, 10 p.m.: Improv-a-Tease Live! @ White Rabbit Cabaret ($12) A sort of all-star show for local burlesquers, including performers from Angel Burlesque, Rocket Doll Revue, Rebel Doll Revue (Lexington) and elsewhere; plus a live jazz band, audience prizes and plenty ‘o’ comedy Nov. 30, 9 p.m.: Beats & Burlesque @ White Rabbit Cabaret ($5) Beats and rhymes provided by Grey Granite, Sirius Black, Pope Adrian Bless, Didda Joe, Tommy Law and Peteyboy; burlesque by Rocket Doll Dec. 6, 9 p.m.: Trivia Nite @ The Sinking Ship ($2 per player) The Revue’s monthly trivia night, featuring prizes and stripteases Dec. 21, 9 p.m.: Hairbanger’s Ball @ The Vogue ($7) An opening slot for the ‘80s cover band 100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // go&do


A&E FEATURE Poetry takes care of itself

Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky to visit Butler BY EMMA FAESI EDITORS@NUVO.NET Called “the last of the ‘civic’ or public poets” by The Poetry Foundation, Robert Pinsky has ventured at times into the media scrum to fight on behalf of poetry, notably serving as U.S. Poet Laureate from 1997 to 2000. But, as he told us during a recent e-mail interview, those efforts were, in an ultimate sense, unnecessary, for poetry will survive despite all, coming in and out of fashion as it pleases, even vanquishing the magazine that proclaims it dead (unlike God, who has yet to successfully smite Time). Pinsky’s poems combine the meticulous, meditative beauty of a Japanese garden with the deliberate wit of an East coast native. In “First Things to Hand” he says that “…the three words American men say after making love” are “where’s the remote?” while likening Buddha to “dog doo,” not so much as a sacrilege, he told us, but to demonstrate that the sacred is “somehow in everything.” Pinsky will appear Wednesday, Nov. 28 at Butler to close out the university’s Visiting Writers’ Series. He’s the author of more than 20 books, including collections of his poetry, translations of work by Dante (The Inferno) and Polish poet Czesław Miłosz, and has contributed to such multi-media works as an interactive fiction game (Mindquake, released in 1984) and robotic opera ( Death and the Powers, premiered in 2010). Here’s more from our interview. NUVO: Although you’ve written prose and translations as well as poetry, you remain best known for your poems. Do you think poetry chose you, or you chose poetry? ROBERT PINSKY: From as early as I can remember, I have thought about the sounds of words and sentences: at night, in my bed, as small child, tapping the rhythms of sentences on the headboard with my fingernails. That habit of the ear has been my compass and my engine, all my life. NUVO: What does your writing process look like? PINSKY: “Writing” is not the most accurate word for how I work. Nearly always I begin a poem with my voice, sometimes compose most of the first draft without touching paper or keyboard. The work of composition can happen while driving a car, or in the shower. Yeats is supposed to have said, “I get a tune in my head.” That sounds right to me: sometimes, the words aren’t there yet but your voice has discovered the essential pattern of


pitches, grammatical energies, cadences. It’s much more like noodling at a piano than like writing a term paper. On the other hand, the process of revising and refining can consume a lot of paper! NUVO: How do you know when a poem is finished? PINSKY: You run your voice over it, as you run your hand over something you are sandpapering. NUVO: You’ve been teaching for a long time, and you’ve taught at Wellesley, UC Berkeley, and Boston University. Have students — in general — changed since the late sixties? PINSKY: The students have stayed the same age while I get older ... which means fashions, trends, schools, fads, etc. seem more ephemeral to me, more central to them ... with neither side of the divide being right or wrong! That matter of perspective prevails over and blurs any changes from generation to generation. I love working with the gifted young poets who come to Boston University’s MFA program to work with Louise Glück, Dan Chiasson and me. Love their quest, love laughing with them. NUVO: What qualities do you see as unique to American poetry? PINSKY: In some cultures, arts like poetry have a long-established, fixed place, sometimes involving snob-value. As the videos at demonstrate, many Americans of many kinds and places and ages love poetry, but as to its social place ... we are still making that up. NUVO: How did you come to the decision to translate Dante? PINSKY: In certain ways, Dante is the least classic of authors: he specializes in mishmosh, a bold, home-made combining of classical and contemporary, cosmic and personal, religious and topical, grave and comical. He is the great Mixer. As with the subject of any poem, as with any poem, I did not decide to translate the Inferno … you just find yourself doing a thing as part of the quest. NUVO: You say, “Translation, always, is a matter of degree.”How did you become comfortable with the idea that no translation will ever be an exact copy? How do you untangle the meaning from the original language, and then repeat it in a different tongue? PINSKY: Writing a poem is always a matter of degree: you never get exactly and completely everything you want. Even the “Ode to a Nightingale” is a great, great translation of an original in the sky, or if you prefer in the mind of God. For me, the way I make translations, it is not significantly different from writing a poem. NUVO: From 1997 to 2000, you were the United States Poet Laureate. What duties are assigned to that title?

a&e feature // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

PINSKY: No duties to speak of. It’s an honorary title, not a job. Fortunately, thanks to having Maggie Dietz as program director, thanks to Cliff Becker at the NEA, thanks to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton White House Millenial Celebration, thanks to Boston University, we were able to create the Favorite Poem Project, those books and videos and the summer institute. The Favorite Poem Project, I think, is significant, in ways beyond any title. Every July, the Favorite Poem Project sponsors a one-week Summer Institute for K-12 teachers: the teachers get the videos and the anthologies. Poets like Louise Glück, Carl Philips, Mark Doty, Heather McHugh give talks and readings, and the teachers meet by grade level to generate teaching ideas, projects, lesson plans based on the idea of poetry as an art: the poem as an audible work of art, not an exam question. NUVO: In your eyes, what needs to be done to keep poetry alive? PINSKY: Poetry takes care of itself. All art does — that is paramount. What else?

Well, the poetry organizations could do more to support teachers and librarians who are already doing a good job. The organizations and foundations waste a lot of time and money on silliness: how to make an Emily Dickinson costume for Halloween, prizes awarded to different categories of poet, poems in text that hops around on your iPhone, poetry soap, poetry aquarium gravel, etc . . . In a survival race, I am quite certain that poetry will long outlast reality TV and Twitter. I’d bet my life savings on it in a second. Do you think the bookmakers in Vegas would take that one? (They are probably too shrewd to touch it.) The onetime magazine Newsweek once proclaimed poetry to be dead ... guess what happened?

ROBERT PINSKY Wednesday, Nov. 28, 7:30 p.m., free, Reilly Room, Atherton Union, Butler University




CHINABERRY BY JAMES STILL, EDITED BY SILAS HOUSE; THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KENTUCKY w Still’s Chinaberry is the story of the summer he turned thirteen and went from his Alabama home to Texas with Ernest, a family friend. That’s a simple plot, yet it grips and holds the reader fast as the boy comes of age during the most unexpected of circumstances. We aren’t told the exact year, but we know it’s the time of Model T Fords and Stutz cars. The book starts with “This was a place where half the world was sky, a place I had never imagined, much less expected to be.” We size up the narrator and place in one sentence. We then learn Jim and Ernest need to work to pay for their time away from home. And therein turns the tale, as full of mystery and wonderment as if they had gone to Kipling’s Mandalay. After a day of cotton picking Ernest gets to work with horses and Jim—well, you just have to read the book yourself. The only spoiler I’ll be accountable for is telling you what I now consider the best last line ever: “I never saw them again. I grew up; I remembered.” Chinaberry is noted Appalachian author Still’s posthumous novel. Folklorist Silas House edited the manuscript found in a battered old briefcase. How much is memoir and how much is fiction is open for debate. It doesn’t matter. Jim, living in the moment at thirteen and looking back at ninety or thereabouts, has been breathing alongside me during two evening’s of reading. Still’s award-winning 1940 debut novel River of Earth depicts the narrow choices for a coal mining family in Kentucky. Brack and Alpha, from that debut, became as ingrained in my psyche fifty years ago as has Jim just now. — RITA KOHN

TRANSIT BY ABDOURAHMAN A. WABERI, TRANS. DAVID AND NICOLE BALL; IU PRESS e Transit, by the Djibouti-born Waberi, which tells of a war-torn, drought-ravaged Djibouti that’s bleeding refugees, is not a light read in terms of subject matter or execution. It’s structured as a series of monologues that don’t connect until a brilliant collision at the end of the novel, some delivered by an adolescent ex-soldier from the country’s civil war, others by members of a family of Djiboutian intellectuals with nomadic ancestry. It was translated from the French for IU Press by David and Nicole Ball, veteran renderers of Waberi’s work. Bashir, the young ex-soldier, nicknames himself “Binladen” for the sheer shock value. He speaks in an energetic dialect that takes some getting used to, and has a dark sense of humor and a strong sense of self-preservation. Both served to keep him alive through war, drug use and hunger. Through his simple, direct observations, we see a country rife with corruption and hopelessness. Despite the horrors he recounts, his chapters are funny. His scathing verbal sketches of politicians and history are uncluttered by formal education, and are perhaps more honest because of his political naiveté. Each member of the family unit speaks eloquently in his or her own way. They don’t share Bashir’s violent past, but they do have a deep understanding of the issues troubling their nation. Through Awaleh, the grandfather, we find a connection to the past and tradition; through Abdo-Julien and Alice, the son and French-born wife, we see diversity and tolerance; and through Harbi, we get stream-of-consciousness images of exile and escape that eventually tie the family to Bashir. — EMMA FAESI

The Past Ahead — written by a native Rwandan and translated by a specialist in Francophone literature — is the product of the kind of intense emotional distillation that’s typically reserved for poetry. The slim volume is weighty in subject — its two main characters, Niko and Isaro, are survivors of the genocide in Rwanda. It is also a novel-within-a-novel. Niko comes to life as a character written by Isaro, a young woman who abruptly leaves college and a comfortable upbringing by her adopted parents in France to return to her native country on a mission to write the unheard stories of those affected by the bloodshed. The first chapter opens by plunging the reader into the near-end of Niko’s story as he goes into hiding among a group of primates. We pick up his twisted history and begin to understand his behavior only through periods of flashback and memory, which are achingly sad and fraught with violence. Niko is completely mute, making it especially poignant that he is given a voice through Isaro. Whether his character is drawn from Isaro’s interviews with the people or strictly from her imagination is left ambiguous, and perhaps that is for the best. The thought that his life might be drawn from memory and not imagination gives his story a sense of gritty realism that grounds the abrupt temporal shifts and musical language in his sections of the novel. Isaro’s story unfolds in a more linear fashion. She is a fascinating, complex character who is wise beyond her years, impulsive, adaptive, and struggling to make sense of her past. Her pain takes shape in the nightmarish world of Niko. Through him, we see specific acts of horror, both real and imagined, and through Isaro, we get a sense of the vastness of her country’s tragic recent history. My only complaint about the book is that Niko’s parts are divided into numbered paragraphs, which led me on a wild goose chase through the pages to see if the numbers build into a greater meaning. If they do, I missed it. f they don’t, I see the numbering as more of a distraction than a useful device. However, that distraction is a tiny price to pay to bask in the succulent, rich prose that makes up the pages.

To paraphrase a former presidential candidate, Schubert’s final string quartet — in G, D.887 (1826), is severely symphonic. It cries out for a full orchestra, as Schubert used in his “Unfinished” and “Great” C-Major Symphonies. If somebody with the necessary skill would tackle the job, we’d at once have Schubert’s “greatest symphony” and among the finest written by anybody. As it is, practically no string quartet group wants to tackle it, explaining why Wednesday’s performance of it by the Berlin based Kuss Quartet was so special. And, despite continual minor slips here and there, violinists Jana Kuss and Oliver Wille, violist William Coleman and cellist Mikayel Hakhnazaryan penetrated this music better than any group I’ve heard on any recent recordings. Our players interpreted the nuances of those frequent major-minor shifts, overlaying bewitching melodies blended with terse drama, plus using an exciting up tempo, especially in the first movement. They showed good balance throughout their program, with the leading line dominating when appropriate. This was also true in their first two offerings, Haydn’s Quartet in F-sharp Minor, Op. 50 No. 4 and Leos Janácek’s Quartet No. 1, (“The Kreutzer Sonata,” 1923), both of which frankly pale against the Schubert. The quartet came from 1826, the same year Beethoven completed the final two of his five “late” quartets, and the year Mendelssohn’s wrote his unexcelled Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream at age 17. Should we hold up 1826 as some kind of “zenith” year for what we call classical music? For more review details visit — TOM ALDRIDGE

WEST SIDE STORY INDIANAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA q Riveting from start to finish, the remastered 50th anniversary MGM film version of Broadway’s West Side Story fairly leaped off the wide screen at the Hilbert Circle Theatre. Literally and figuratively underscored by the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the pathos of the familiar epic so touched the full house audience that we were breathing in unison. Two aspects made the program even more poignant — Nov. 16 was new citizenship affirmation day in Indianapolis; and it marked the return of film to Circle Theatre once again was hosting film and live orchestra, replete with the sale of popcorn and vintage-style movie house candy, procured from the novelty sweets shop next door. David Newman conducted with crisp precision; the players put heart and soul into the score. — RITA KOHN


100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // a&e reviews


A&E REVIEWS • The winning idea launches a research study by the renowned Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Indiana University School of Medicine! • The winner will receive $1,000 cash and an invitation to attend the study kick-off in Indianapolis, Indiana • This contest is sponsored by Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

• To enter, go to


Billy Elliot at Old National Centre.

THEATER BILLY ELLIOT MURAT THEATRE AT OLD NATIONAL CENTRE, NOV. 13-18 t Wholly relevant, but only mildly entertaining, Billy Elliot features an outstanding performance by the eponymous protagonist (Noah Parets), but otherwise doesn’t inspire one to hum any of its tunes upon departure. After the show, instead of reprising a favorite song, I was musing on the melancholy of the final scene, though that in no way should be taken as criticism. There’s an underlying despair to Billy Elliot, because the backdrop to the story — a coal mine strike, scab workers and the demise of the village’s economic base — festers like a boil. Kudos to the show’s artistic team for not creating a hollow celebration as a finale; the curtain call provides plenty of frivolity. Overall the story is a mishmash of themes, relying too heavily on the oft-used dead mom plot point to generate instant sympathy. Class warfare — coal miners vs. cops — is the main theme in the first act, and if you can’t keep track of who is whom, you can always see what they’re wearing. The cops are in costume; the miners are in costume; the dancers are in (mostly) tutus. Only Billy and his young friend Michael experiment with costume, signaling a desire to be different and dance to their own drum beat. The second act gets more into the idea of parental sacrifice. There are no more (at least on-stage) scuffles betwixt miners and cops; the on-stage scuffles are between Billy and his dad and his brother, Tony. And the town goes from being against Billy dancing ballet — for fear he’s a “poof” — to being universally supportive. Billy Elliot challenges no existing assumptions, but does display a gorgeous set, beautiful lighting and strong performances from the cast. It also connects to a number of real issues in our very own community at this time. Here’s what I meant by wholly relevant. NUVO’s cover story last week was about hotel workers trying to unionize. Recently in my neighborhood we’ve been protesting the Army


a&e reviews // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

Corps of Engineers’ flood protection plan. And the Harding Street coal-fired power plant in downtown Indianapolis is planning an upgrade to the tune of 100 million dollars. Coal, union, community activism; subjects explored by Billy Elliot in satisfying measure. — JIM POYSER

STORMY WEATHER: THE LENA HORNE PROJECT MADAME WALKER THEATRE, NOV. 15 q Mary Wilson, of the legendary Supremes, possessed the stage in a succession of gorgeous gowns last night at the Walker, performing lush renditions of Lena Horne’s signature songs as part of The Lena Horne Project. Author/ playwright James Gavin narrated the “living, breathing biography” he lovingly crafted to show the many facets of Horne’s life and career. Still photos projected on a backdrop along with film clips and newsreels brought told Horne’s success story, moving from the Cotton Club to MGM’s studios, from Las Vegas to the Waldorf Astoria Empire Room, and ultimately to Carnegie Hall and the comeback concerts that made her a household name across generations. Her signature “Stormy Weather” encapsulated a central fact of her life: that her reluctant stardom was achieved against a background of rampant racism. Miss Horne could sing for the elite but she could not live next door to them. Gavin’s tribute doesn’t mince on reality, using anecdotes to make the point that while Horne’s life appeared glamorous, she wrestled with the rage of a dream deferred. As a civil rights activist, she recognized she could “hardly could sing, “Let My People go” while wearing a $1,000 dress.” Such was the dichotomy, yet her fierceness of determination to succeed shaped her philosophy of taking personal responsibility: “If you believe in yourself I will believe in you.” With an excellent on-stage trio - piano, bass, drums - the tribute brought home the work we still need to do to build a just society. The show was based on Gavin’s 2009 biography of Horne, Stormy Weather. — RITA KOHN

MOVIES Silver Linings Playbook

N. COLLEGE AVE. BROAD RIPPLE 6281 317-255-4211


e Silver Linings Playbook rings true. The film starts off as a chronicle of Pat Solitano’s (Bradley Cooper) efforts to reenter the world after an eight month stint in a psychiatric hospital for bipolar disorder. The Philadelphia man moves back in with his parents (Robert De Niro, in fine form, and Animal Kingdom’s Jacki Weaver), who are supportive of their son but considerably nervous. He’s on edge, his behavior is erratic, he’s scary. Writer-director David O. Russell’s (The Fighter) screenplay, based on Matthew Quick’s novel, finds humor in behavior and situations while maintaining the erratic energy of Pat’s character and not minimizing his mental illness. Pat is lovable but he makes us nearly as uneasy as he does his parents. After a while, Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence, Hunger Games and Winter’s Bone) enters the story. The widow of a policeman, she has her own set of mental issues. Pat and Tiffany meet and slowly the film morphs into a romantic comedy. The conventions of the genre are touched on, but the quirky storyline maintains a sense of the unexpected. The production works because it feels real. Russell captures the earthy sense of family in much the same way as he did in The Fighter. The movie hums with manic energy. The characters are interesting – Pat with his relentlessness and hyper speeches, Tiffany with her single-mindedness and concerns over how others perceive her, Pat’s father and his obsessive-compulsive fan fixation on the Philadelphia Eagles. Make no mistake. While the film finds humor, lots of humor, in the behaviors of the characters and their interactions with each other, it stays respectful to them as people. I was impressed by the successful transition into romcom turf, the messy, endearing portrait of a family, and the fine performances by the cast. Mostly I was impressed with how Silver Linings Playbook manages to be so entertaining without losing its twitchy energy. — ED JOHNSON-OTT



Life of Pi


NOV 23-24

e Pi worships Gods, drawing from Hinduism, Christianity and Islam for his patchwork spirituality. The Indian lad lives with his family, the owners of a zoo. When they decide to take the zoo animals and move from southern India to Canada, they travel by ship. A disaster ensues and Pi ends up lost at sea in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Directed by Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain) from a screenplay by David Magee (Finding Neverland) based on Yann Martell’s 2001 novel (which sold 7 million copies), Life of Pi manages to feel spine-tinglingly real while establishing and maintaining a sense of the fantastic. Richard Parker is no Disney tiger – there isn’t a hint of anthropomorphizing here – this cat will tear you up and/or eat you. Yet Pi (played for most of the film by 17-yearold Suraj Sharma, with Ayush Tandon as young Pi and Irrfan Khan as adult Pi, who apparently underwent some form of radical face reshaping) engineers a way for the two to coexist on the 27 foot raft. Life of Pi is a ripping good yarn. Adults bringing young children should be aware of a scene at the beginning of the raft segment that involves animal carnage. From beginning to end, the film is one of a kind. The early scenes in India are idyllic, the main story on the lifeboat is harrowing, thrilling and wondrous (particularly a visit to an island that appears to be a living entity), and the closing sequence, where adult Pi discusses his story, is sobering and thought-provoking. Which reality is best – the one you’re presented with or one of your own design?



S. MERIDIAN ST. DOWNTOWN 247317-631-3536


NOV 21, 23-24





War hero Dennis Morgan wins a contest to have Martha Stewart-like housekeeping expert Barbara Stanwyck prepare him a Christmas dinner in her lavishly appointed Connecticut home. Not that Stanwyck actually has a home in Connecticut or knows how to cook. Things just kind of roll from there. Nov. 23 and 24, 2 and 7:30 p.m. @ Artcraft Theatre, 57 N. Main St., Franklin; $5 adults (discounts available) Keanu Reeves haters take note: Although his laconic-ness plays the role of oncamera reporter in this impressively comprehensive survey of the impact of digital technology on the making, distribution and viewing of movies, he never gets in the way, and occasionally his contributions are entirely apt, as when, say, he and David Lynch talk about the difference between acting before a film and digital camera. Some conventional narratives — Dogme 95 kicking off the era of the feature film shot on digital; James Cameron bringing back 3-D — are revisited here, with all the big names along for a quote (including a rare interview with Reeves’s Matrix buds Lana and Andy Wachowski). But while it’s kind of fun, then tiresome, to hear filmmakers answer the big questions — giving Christopher Nolan a chance to crap all over digital, as if everyone has the option of filming in supersized IMAX — I learned the most from discussions of the impact of digital on the nitty gritty of the film industry, like color timing and projection. — Scott Shoger Nov. 26, 5 and 7 p.m. @ Hamilton IMAX 16, 13825 Norell Road, Noblesville

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // go&do


FOOD Tender but firm turkeys Raised on farms, not in crates BY KATY CARTER EDITORS@NUVO.NET It’s estimated that Americans consume around 40 million turkeys in the month of November, and the vast majority of those are purchased at a sale price from a big box supermarket. But the living conditions of those bargain birds have gotten some bad press lately. An Internet search for “secret Butterball video” could have you planning a fully-vegetarian meal in under three minutes. So what’s a dark-meat-loving, animalwelfare-concerned person to do? In Indiana, the solution is easy: buy a local bird, raised humanely on pasture. Last-minute shoppers are out of luck: Most farmers sell to order and require pickup the weekend before the holiday. But turkey tastes just fine later in the holiday season — and there’s always next year. If you ask a farmer why you should purchase a local turkey, they’ll give you three reasons: better flavor, improved quality of life for the animal and support of the local economy.

“The taste and quality are absolutely amazing,” says Darby Simpson of Simpson Family Farm in Martinsville. Because the animals live and eat in natural conditions and eat grasses as well as grains, which are often organically grown or custom blended by the farmer, their meat has more flavor. And because the animals actually get to move around and use their muscles, the meat is tender but firm. Simpson says that the turkey, of all animals, demonstrates the starkest difference between “industriallyraised and a pastured local animal.” If the flavor argument isn’t enough, concern over the life of the animal can be a convincing factor. A quick comparison of the quality-of-life differences between turkeys from huge operations and local farms will reveal night and day disparities. “Our birds are raised on pasture in an environment where they are able to practice their species-specific behaviors — which in the case of turkeys are grazing, dust baths, running, eating bugs, and playing,” explains Mandy Corry of Shacht Farm in Bloomington, who reiterates with a laugh that the turkeys actually do play. She raised 900 birds this fall, about 150 of which will end up on Indianapolis-area tables in coming days. There are also plenty of ways that buying local supports not just a single farmer but a regional economy. “Our hatchery is a small operation near Cincinnati, our birds are processed in Indiana, our grain is organically-grown in central Indiana,”

No w t h e la rg est b u f f e t se l e c t i o n i n t o w n n!!

Simpson says, adding that turkeys are by far his most expensive animal to raise, which is why the cost can cause many firsttime customers to raise an eyebrow. At between $4 and $5 a pound, local birds don’t come cheap, at least when compared to the supermarket variety. The average price of a locally bought turkey is around $75. The key to getting the most bang for your buck is to get as many meals as possible from the animal. “If you spend $75 on a turkey, and even go all out on local vegetables from the farmer’s market, you might spend $125-$150 on a meal that feeds 15 or more people, which makes it less than $10/serving,” says Simpson. Many farms include recipes with their birds: Corry, for instance, offers tips for a Turkey Soup (on the Schacht Farm website, that uses the leftover frame along with any extra meat and vegetables from your dinner. Most farms start taking orders with a deposit in September, and often sell out of reserved turkeys a couple weeks before the holiday. A few small local grocers (Goose the Market, Georgetown Market, and Good Earth, to name a few) also sell turkeys on-order, if not from local then from regional farms. As far as tips for cooking a local bird? Mandy says it doesn’t need much fussing because the flavor is already in the meat. “You really can’t mess it up -- just don’t overcook it.”


Wondering what to drink with Thanksgiving meals? Visit any brewpub or brewery or retail shop selling beer for the specials and seasonals with fruits, including pumpkin beer. Oaken Barrel makes it easy with a 12-pack sampler containing two each of their house beers: Razz, Amber, Porter, Pale, Alabaster and Super Fly.



Daily Lunch Buffet: 11am-2:30 pm Dinner: Mon-Thurs. 5-10 pm, Fri. 5:00-10 pm Sat. 2:30-10 pm, Sun. 2:30-9:30 pm

If you’re traveling for Thankgiving, check out these perfect for the holidays brews:


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a&e // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

Half Moon in Kokomo released its lightly hopped seasonal Winterfell Imperial Wheat with the sweet taste of wheat malt and drinks like a like a light, refreshing wheat beer but at 8.1 percent ABV this beer is big. New Albanian in New Albany has an ‘Old Ale’ – so named because it has been aging over the past several weeks. It’s as an English style of Strong Ale that is “Maltier, darker and more lightly hopped.” And the seasonals: Naughty Claus Winter Warmer, QuakerFoot, Oatmeal Stout and Pickman’s Pale Ale. Crown Brewing beer is an ingredient in fresh sausage made at Welch’s Stop & Shop in St. John, Ind. MacNiven’s had added 16 new draught lines, bringing their daily offerings to 28 draught lines to pour a combination of local, national craft, seasonal and international craft beers and a rotating wine tap.

NOV. 21

The RAM “16 Taps Takeover” at the Tomlinson Taproom, Indianapolis City Market includes cellared seasonals and rare releases such as Barrel-aged Apocalypto Barleywine, Java Disorder and Nitro Vanilla Stout. Triton Brewing Taproom, 5-9 p.m., Mini#Clustertruck includes Scratchtruck and Der Pretzel Wagen


A few birds on Darby Simpon’s farm in Martinsville.

NOV. 23

9th annual Saturnalia at NABC’s Pizzeria & Public House, 3312 Plaza Drive, New Albany, starting at 11 a.m., features NABC’s winter seasonals: Naughty Claus, Solidarity and Bonfire of the Valkyries “and others that strike us as somehow festive in purely subjective ways,” says publican Roger Baylor.

NOV. 29

Flat 12 “12 Beers of Christmas” begins with Glazed Ham Porter tapping at Noon.

DEC. 8:

Brew Bracket 5: AMBERgeddon at Indiana State Fairgrounds 12:30-5 p.m. Tickets $35 at, Assists Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc. Participants include old favorites, previous winners and some new guys: Triton Brewing Co. Flat 12 Bierwerks The RAM Restaurant and Brewery (BBIV: BOURBON BARREL AGED - WINNER)

Half Moon Brewery Bloomington Brewing Co. Barley Island Brewing Co. (BBIII: WHEATS - WINNER) Bier Brewery (BBII: STOUTS - WINNER) Three Wisemen Brewing Co. (NEW TO THE COMPETITION) Rock Bottom (ROCK BOTTOM DOWNTOWN - BBI: IPA - WINNER) Bulldog Brewing Co. Fountain Square Brewery Upland Brewing Co. Iechyd Da Brewing Co. (NEW TO THE COMPETITION) Powerhouse Brewing Co. Oaken Barrel Brewing Co. (NEW TO THE COMPETITION) Twisted Crew Brewing Co. If you have an item for Beer Buzz, send an email to Deadline for Beer Buzz is Thursday noon before the Wednesday of publication.


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Bjorn Borg-Warner” and “Mr. Steak” of Cocaine Wolves deliver spirited renditions of The Kinks favorites at Radio Radio.


Christian Wren from Goliathon



Jen Edds of Crackhead Patty warms up the early crowd at The White Rabbit Cabaret.

Samantha Cross adds some Stevie Wonder air guitar to the mix with Crackhead Patty bandmates Andrew Funke and Sue Lawhead.

Matt Mays & Count Baldie. 2012 Tonic Ball chair Matt Mays (singing), Tad Armstrong (piano), Matt Wilson (bass)


music // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER



Second Helpings volunteer Chuck


Someone give Call of the Wild another album; Pretty Lights at the Egyptian Room; Rick Ross at Bankers Life

Blue Collar Bluegrass, Dean Metcalf (bass) and Radio Radio emcee


More Tonic Ball photos from Bryan Moore, Daniel Axler and Stacy Kagiwada; The Whigs at the Vogue; Krewella at the Vogue


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WED 11/21


THU 11/29


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SAT 11/24


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SUN 11/25


WED 12/05


SAT 12/08

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SUN 12/23



Be A Vendor Applications can be obtained on the website or by calling 317-431-0118.


Verdant Vera is Zach Smith (guitar), Jake Satterfield (guitar), Josh Smith (vocals), Brandon Randall (drums), Jeremiah Maxwell (bass), Nathan Payne (guitar).

Verdant Vera flourishes

BY RA CH E L H AN LE Y M U S I C@N U V O . N E T On the heels of an EP release and stellar performances at both Oranje and Broad Ripple Music Festival, Verdant Vera sat down to let me pick their brains. From youthful debaucheries to Latin roots, they gave me a peep into their continuous five-year evolution. Of Plainfield, Ind. origins, this six-piece outfit consists of two brothers (Zach and Josh Smith), a cousin to them (Jeremiah Maxwell), and some friends from way back (Jake Satterfield, Brandon Randal, and Nathan Payen). Having taken root in Josh and Zach Smith’s basement the better part of five years ago, they claimed that in their town,”There wasn’t really much else to do, besides go to church or start a family, and a band seemed like a better decision.” However, the culture of their childhood stomping grounds wasn’t exactly blooming with creativity. So, their basement served as a “fantasyland style creation world, where there’s been some debauchery, but there’s also been a lot of spiritual growth,” says Josh, with devious grin. Fortunately, they sharpened their musicianship via those basement jams, to a point to where they created an official title and started playing shows as Verdant Vera. This was nearly a year and a half ago. Brandon Russell is credited with the christening of their name. “Verdant can mean green, lush, virginal,” says Russell. “The idea that I had, after a little time alone, was ‘blossoming truth.’ Vera is a woman’s name, which has the Latin root for truth. The V’s


Out of the basement

stuck out to me.” I found myself mentally gushing a bit at meaning behind the name. Latin roots? A hint of Eastern philosophy? Yes, well chosen, boys. As Verdant Vera sauntered onto the local music scene, they have found themselves playing high profile slots at Oranje, Broad Ripple Music Festival and Battle of Birdy’s. Playing songs off their EP, covering a tremendous rendition of “Ten Years Gone” by Led Zeppelin –– a group Zach swears is the reason he picked up the guitar, and jamming late night –– has demonstrated Vera’s versatility. Growing as both writers and performers, they embrace pushing their comfort zone . “Up to this point, most of our material has been predominately written by Zach and we’ve grown comfortable with that,” says Payne. “Now with more of the songs coming from different avenues, naturally we’re getting pushed in a different direction.” With their buzz rising, the evolution of their music appears to be naturally following. After we’d all imbibed in a few too many cups of coffee, I started feeling jittery and excited to observe the men of Verdant Vera progress in the upcoming months. “I feel like we’re all on the cusp of tapping into a different realm,” says Randall. “We’re just getting started. We’re in this for the long haul.”

Vintage Saturday


November 24

Scan the above QR code for access to a collection of performances and recordings by Verdant Vera.

Parking is free & plentiful! $4 admission. Rain or Shine.


An Artisanal Flea Market


The Fountains Conference Center 502 E. Carmel Drive, Carmel, Indiana

NOV 21

Fall into giving for Prevail.

NOV 23

If I Had A Nickel Living Proof


Be A Shopper

A monthly Saturday marketplace showcasing local vintage & antique dealers side-by-side with contemporary craft & food vendors.

Live and silent auction 6-11. Barometer Soup playing.

Dane Clark NOV 30 Barometer Soup DEC 1 My Yellow Rickshaw NOV 29

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MUSIC Black Friday Blessings Record store breakdown It’s that time of the year again. A time where gather with family to give thanks and then wake up super early the next day to trample and pepper spray each other to get more things (at crazy low prices!). But let’s all agree to disregard the super low prices on microwaves and Xboxes and indulge in a little record shopping, shall we? Here’s a guide to a few of the Black Friday record store releases and happenings in Indy this Friday, Nov. 23.


10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Featuring Black Friday Record Store Day special releases.


8 a.m. to close

(varies, check online)

Featuring Black Friday Record Store Day special releases. Sale on hundreds of CDs with prices starting at $5.99.


8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Featuring Black Friday Record Store Day special releases. Additionally, LUNA will be selling 100 limited-edition seven spot-color T-shirts designed by John Gilsenan at iwant designs in London; a LUNA music coffee cup from Commercial Artisan (from brothers Jim and Jon Sholly); and the official LUNA music L-O-V-E coffee blend from Baldwin’s Beans. Local roaster, small batches from Jason Baldwin. “It brings to mind the Stumpdown vibe in Seattle, and it’s great to get in on the ground floor with [Baldwin’s Beans],” said Todd Robinson, owner of LUNA, of the new LUNA blend.


11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Check out a buy one / get one free sale on used CDs LPs and DVDs of equal value or less. And, take 2 dollars off non-sale priced CDs and vinyl. There will sales on select guitars and amps.

Our picks for Black Friday Record Store Day FAT BOYS –– Fat Boys Pizza Box LP. The Fat Boys first album released on a 12” pizza picture disc and packaged in a pizza box. Also includes a poster, an oversized booklet and a download card featuring material not on the vinyl. Actual pizza not included. RESERVOIR DOGS SOUNDTRACK. 20th Anniversary Limited Edition 12” vinyl available in blonde, brown, blue, orange, white and pink. Individually numbered and gold foil stamped. VELVET UNDERGROUND –– Velvet Underground & Nico – Scepter Studios Acetate. A rare 12” vinyl acetate recording of alternate versions of songs recorded in April 1966 at Scepter Studios that would later be issued on The Velvet Underground & Nico. Available for the first time ever on 180 gram vinyl, individually numbered and gold foil stamped. GRATEFUL DEAD –– Live at Winterland (5/30/1971). Never before released recordings mastered from original 2 track reels and pressed on LP, featuring linear notes from Grateful Dead scholar Blair Jackson. If only we were all Grateful Dead scholars.


music // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

ROCKABYE BABY –– Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of the Flaming Lips. Twelve of the Flaming Lips fan favorites are transformed in instrumental lullabies on LP. Pressed on pink vinyl, because your baby deserves the very best. MY MORNING JACKET –– It Makes No Difference (Live Ft. Brittany Howard). 10” vinyl recording of “It Makes No Difference” –– tribute to The Band/Levon Helm –– featuring Brittany Howard of Alabama Shakes. LEONARD COHEN / JEFF BUCKLEY –– Hallelujah. A numbered split 7” vinyl featuring both artist’s renditions of “Hallelujah.” Released in support of a new Alan Light book about “Hallelujah.” CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND HIS MAGIC BAND –– Abba Zaba/ Yellow Brick Road. Rare single on 7” vinyl taken from recently unearthed mono masters. BOB DYLAN –– Duquesne Whistle. 7” vinyl single from his latest album Tempest and an unreleased B-side “Meet Me in the Morning” from the Blood on the Tracks sessions. ASOBI SEKSU/BORIS –– Split 7. A split 7” vinyl that features both band covering each other’s songs. But wait, there’s more! The 7’’ comes with a download card that features four more songs from each band. – SEAN ARMIE



Kyle Long’s music, which features off-the-radar rhythms from around the world, has brought an international flavor to the local dance music scene.

Black Friday vinyl picks

SUPER BITON DE SEGOU –– SELF TITLED - LIMITED DELUXE EDITION (KINDRED SPIRITS) Hauntiing, soulful grooves from Mali on this limited edition, vinyl reissue of Super Biton’s classic 1977 LP featuring traditional and electric instrumentation.

I’ve always tried to avoid the consumer mayhem that is Black Friday, but in 2010 the folks who brought us Record Store Day created a tempting reason to venture into the madness: Black Friday Record Store Day. Eschewing the performance and party elements of the original Record Store Day, the Black Friday version focuses more on merchandise –– particularly exclusive, limited edition vinyl releases. There’s been a plethora of incredible vinyl releases over the course 2012, so in honor of Black Friday Record Store Day, I decided to spotlight a few of my favorites. The following selection represents A Cultural Manifesto’s guide to the most interesting and elaborate vinyl issues over the last year. Some of these titles are available locally at shops like LUNA and Indy CD & Vinyl, while the rest can be tracked down at online vinyl merchants like London’s Phonica or Chicago’s Dusty Groove.

GRUPO SES BEATS –– BEATS & PIECES FROM 60S & 70S TURKISH PSYCHEDELIA (DEFO) Ultra-limited vinyl only release featuring hip-hop influenced edits and remixes of vintage Turkish funk and rock.

CAN –– LOST TAPES - 5LP SET (SPOON RECORDS) A massive collection of outtakes from Germany’s beloved groundbreaking psych-rock band. Essential listening for Can followers and fans of experimental music in general. FELA –– VINYL BOX SET #2 COMPILED BY GINGER BAKER - 6LP SET (KNITTING FACTORY) An excellent follow up to last year’s box set compiled by the Root’s drummer ?uestlove. Round two features six classic Fela afrobeat albums handpicked by Cream drummer and Fela collaborator Ginger Baker. MALA –– MALA IN CUBA - 4LP SET (BROWNSWOOD) A beautifully packaged vinyl edition of dubstep pioneer Mala’s experimental foray into AfroCuban music. JENDE RI PALENGE –– 5LP SET & DVD (SOUL JAZZ) The Soul Jazz label is highly regarded for their elaborate packaging and research, but they’ve outdone themselves on this massive set of traditional sounds from the coastal Colombian area of San Basilio De Palenque, the first freed slave community in the Americas. The impressive box set contains five discs of the percussive, African –– influenced sounds and a DVD documentary on the project. ONDATRÓPICA –– SELF TITLED - 3LP SET & 7” (SOUNDWAY) Produced by the U.K.’s Will Quantic and Colombia’s Mario Galeano, Ondatrópica is without a doubt my favorite album of the year. Fortunately the packaging on this vinyl release matches the superb quality of the music.

THAI FUNK - VOLUME TWO –– 2LP DELUXE EDITION (LIGHT IN THE ATTIC) Gorgeously packaged in a Thai print handstitched cloth outer sleeve, Thai Funk features a groovy collection of vintage soul, rock and pop from Thailand. MYRIAN MAKENWA –– LA EXTRAORDINARIA MYRIAN MAKENWA (KINDRED SPIRITS) Vinyl only reissue of this super-rare Colombian afro-psychedlic classic by the mysterious Myrian Makenwa band. BATIDA - SELF TITLED –– 180 GRAM PRESSING (SOUNDWAY) The brainchild of Portuguese DJ Mpula, Batida features vintage African guitar textures colliding with contemporary Angolan kuduro beats, creating a completely fresh and original sound. OMAR SOULEYMAN –– LEH JANI - 2LP SET (SHAM PALACE) A vinyl –– only reissue of Syrian musician Omar Souleyman’s legendary 1998 cassette –– only release Leh Jani. The raucous title track is featured here for the first time in its entirety: 30 minutes of crazed Electro-Syrian grooves. FRANCIS BEBEY –– AFRICAN ELECTRONIC MUSIC 197582 - 2LP SET (BORN BAD) Long overdue retrospective set from legendary Cameroonian musician and music theorist Francis Bebey. Very nice 500 gram vinyl pressing. ALFONSO LOVO –– LA GIGANTONA (THE NUMERO GROUP) A lost album of psychedelic Latin jazz and Afro-Caribbean grooves from Nicaraguan composer/guitarist Alfonso Lovo. The LP’s eccentric production techniques have drawn comparisons with Lee Perry. Another great project from The Numero Group. INDONESIAN POP NOSTALGIA (SHAM PALACE) Limited edition, vinyl –– only release of Indonesian pop and folk music from the 1970s and ‘80s. Western –– style fuzz guitars and spacey synths adorn a variety of pan-Asian sounds in this one of a kind collection. LISTEN UP Kyle Long creates a custom podcast for each column. Hear this week’s at

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // music



NEIGHBORHOOD PUB & GRILL Your West Side Destination for the Best Blues Artists in Indy!

Friday Night Blues


w Chaotic Neutral blasts into the start of a new album with basement-bred hardcore that sets your television on fire. The hardcore outfit spewed three demos onto their page for every punk’s personal circle-pitting pleasure. The speed, blistering vocals, and driving vibe of Chaotic Neutral burns raw, with acidic leads and down-tempo grooves that turn all the kids with nose rings into slam-dancing fools. It’s thrash punk with the bite of intelligent lyrics, power-violence with dense riffs. These songs come through headphones, computer speakers, car stereos, etc., with the same level of intensity that you would hear in a live set, sweaty and unstable in a dark South Broad Ripple basement. With Micah Jenkins doing vocals, Ian Phillips and Jon Coleman on guitars, James Lyter on drums, and Chubbz a.k.a. “The Doctor” playing bass, the group is as powerful and ready to rage as ever. Let the contempt seep out of your record player and into your heart, then get stoked for these songs to be part of a full LP released in 2013. - JORDAN MARTICH

11.23 Dave Muskett / Muskett @ Brothers Blues Show 10pm


11.30 with Below Zero Blues Band 12.07 Carson Diersing 12.14 Doug & Tre Dillman

Wednesday 7038 Shore Terrace 298-4771



THANKSGIVING EVE EVENTS Mandatory Moustache Bash at The Melody Inn Flying Toasters Pre-Thanksgiving Show at Joe’s Grille 2 5th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Show at the Mousetrap Pre-Turkey Day Workout at Jazz Kitchen The Welcome Matt at Monon Food Company Bass Wars – EDM and Dubstep at Indy’s Jukebox Chained Fate, Away They Go at Birdy’s Black Wednesday at Cadillac Ranch Quarter Night with DJ Alex B at Peppers Broad Ripple Spanksgiving at the Hideaway Night Before Thanksgiving Bash at The Rathskeller DJ Dan at Blu Lounge Thanksgiving Eve at Tiki Bob’s Thanksgiving Eve Drag Rouletter at Talbott St. Sexy Night Live at Blu Martini Retro Rewind at the Vogue Burlesque Bingo Bango Show, Gobble Gobble Edition at White Rabbit Free Jazz with Jesse Wittman Trio at Chatterbox TurkeyEve at Landsharks Recoil’s Thanksgiving Eve Throwdown at Vision’s The Goose is Loose at Bartini’s Killing Karma at Britton Tavern Bunny Brothers at Moon Dog Tavern Bologna Milkshake at Rock House Cafe Sean Baker at the Connoisseur Room Thanksgiving Eve Party at Longacre Bar and Grill Open Karaoke at Monkey’s Tale Blues Jam with Gene Deer at Slippery Noodle Echomaker, Mike Graves, Sweet Poison Victim at Sabbatical Thanksgiving Eve at 45 Degrees Blackout Wednesday OMG! with Scott Matelic at the Casba Thanksgiving Eve at Social


music // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // NUVO // 100% RECYCLED PAPER

Thursday Latin Dance Party, Thanksgiving Edition at Jazz Kitchen Thanksgiving Night Karaoke at Monkey’s Tale Champange Disco at the Casba

Friday Shop for Black Friday Record Store Day specials –– see page pg.30 for details. VARIETY LIVE MUSIC, COMEDY AND MORE Indy Hostel, 4903 Winthrop Ave. 7 p.m., $5,all-ages, BYOB

The Indy Hostel will combine comedy and tunes with headliner Stephen Vincent Giles, winner of the 2012 Stars on Stage award. He’ll be accompanied by the Patchwork String Band, Troy Pochop and Rick Garrett. Acoustic music and lighthearted, folksy humor –– the perfect way to wind down from the scrappy, consumer darkness of Black Friday. B-DAY ACTION JACKSON B-DAY PARTY White Rabbit Cabaret,1116 Prospect St. 10 p.m., $5, 21+

It’s a bootylicious birthday party. Perfect Kiss, Th’Empires, Party Lines, Sleepy T and Scott Matelic will perform. See Barfly for Wayne’s birthday gift.


Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band at The Vogue Juicy Fridays with Indiana Jones at Blu Lounge Vibrate at Subterra Friday Night Vibe at Sensu


Bankers Life, 125 S. Pennsylvania St. 7:30 p.m., prices vary, all-ages

The biggest, boldest, most American-Idoled show of the weekend is happening at Bankers Life, where Carrie Underwood will blow



Carrie Underwood in to rain down heavenly country ballads. She’s touring her album Blown Away, which is already certified platinum after a May 2012 release date. DANCE K,THX!

Mediterra, 815 E. Westfield Blvd. 9 p.m., $5, 21+

It’s K, THX time again –– six years running of giving thanks for holy jams the weekend after Thanksgiving. Again featuring 2x4 DJ style (two DJs, four turntables, all at the same time) including sets by: John Larner v. Brandon Patrik (spinning house); Action Jackson v. Stewbox (spinning across genres); Dave Owen v. Johnny Utah (spinning drum & bass); and Taylor Norris v. Justin Haus (spinning techno). We’ll see you there – k, thx. (P.S. $1 from every cover charge goes to Movember.) LOCAL LABELS BLACK SATURDAY HOOSIER RECORD LABEL POP UP The Bishop, 123 S. Walnut St. 7 p.m., free, 18+

place to get all your Christmas shopping done in one place. Check out selections from local labels Dead Oceans, Eradicator Records, Flannelgraph Records, Jagjaguwar, Joyful Noise Recordings, Let’s Pretend Records, Secretly Canadian and XRA Records. It’s a holiday popup shop featuring reps from all eight labels and plenty of music (holiday and otherwise) ready to be sampled throughout the evening.


Crown Point at Indy’s Jukebox Ghosttown Album Release at Hoosier Dome Punk Rock Night with The Lickers, Bush League, Stealing Volume and Last 1 Standing at the Melody Inn The Men of Hunks the Show at Blu Martini Najee at Old National Centre Five Year Mission EP Release at Marriott Indianapolis East

EVEN MORE See complete calendar listings on and our brand new mobile site.

The coolest event this weekend is also the


by Wayne Bertsch


Happy Birthday Action Jackson!

100% RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO // 11.21.12-11.28.12 // music



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Fine points of gambling laws

Plus, an illegal illegally disguised as car seat In October, state alcohol agents, assisted by local police in full riot gear, pointing their weapons, raided a bar in Largo, Fla., to shut down the latest gathering of the venerable Nutz Poker League, even though its players do not wager. (They meet at bars and restaurants, where management gives winners token gifts in exchange for the increased business.) A prosecutor told the Tampa Bay Times that Florida law defines illegal “gambling” as any game that permits players to win something -- even if they don’t have to “ante up.” The raid (during which players were ordered to keep their hands where the officers could see them) came after a monthslong undercover investigation.

Recurring Themes

• Among the most creative illegal behaviors are those of clever smugglers -- or immigrants trying to enter a country illegally. In September, two Moroccans tried to smuggle a Guinean man into Spain at the Melilla border in north Morocco by disguising him as a Renault car seat. One Moroccan drove, with the passenger perched on a seat in which the foam had been removed to make room for the Guinean. A police spokesman called the attempt “novel.” • India’s notorious bureaucracy records deaths particularly ineptly, to the advantage of men seeking an alternative to divorce. They find it easier merely to swear out a death certificate on one wife so they can marry another, but that means the first wife will face years, and maybe decades, of campaigning to convince officials that she is not dead. BBC News chronicled the plight of Ms. Asharfi Devi, now 64, in September as she was finally declared “alive” after being deserted by her husband at age 23 and ruled dead at age 40. After Devi finally earned a hearing and brought relatives and evidence to the village council, deliberations took eight more months. Notwithstanding the ruling, the husband stuck to his story. • Puzzingly, adults continue to accidentally ingest improbable objects, often seemingly unaware of what they did. Lee Gardner, 40, of Barnsley, England, swallowed a plastic fork 10 years ago, but said he “forgot” about it until violent stomach pains forced him to the hospital in August. And British student Georgie Smith, 19, became the latest person to accidentally swallow a regular-sized toothbrush (though the first doctor she consulted told her he couldn’t spot any “toothbrush” on an X-ray). (With kids, the phenomenon is more understandable. Sinus-suffering Isaak Lasson, 6, of Salt Lake City was finally diagnosed in August to have accidentally stuck a Lego piece up his nose three years ago, and Hector Flores Jr., 7, of New York City, was found in October to have swallowed the whistle mechanism of a plastic duck, causing him to tweet when he laughed.)


Young Healthy Women

Adults 18 years and older with history of recurrent genital herpes are needed for study not approved by the Food and Drug Association. There will be 12 scheduled visits over approximately 4½ months. Research is done at Indiana University Infectious Diseases Research at IUPUI. Call 278-2945 and ask for Vicki or Nikki or e-mail Risks are

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RESEARCH STUDY NOW ENROLLING! IU Psychotic Disorders Clinic is currently seeking volunteers to participate in a research study of SCHIZOPHRENIA. If you qualify, all study medication and procedures are provided at no cost to you. Study lasts about 60 weeks and subjects will receive compensation for each visit for participation. Call (317) 274-0474 for more information. Refer to NIGHTLYTE study.


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• Again this year, a serial drowning made the news (where one jumps in to rescue another, and a third is needed to rescue the first two, and a fourth, and none survives.) In Ulster, Northern Ireland, in September, rugby player Nevin Spence, along with his brother and father, died in a slurry tank on the family’s farm, and their sister, who also attempted a rescue, was hospitalized. Officials said they could not determine the order in which the men entered the pit until the sister was well enough to talk. • Darren Hieber, 33, became the most recent person to choose drastic means to reconcile with an ex. Twice Hieber, of Onawa, Iowa, arranged to have himself shot in order to win his ex-wife’s sympathy. The first hit man shot Hieber in the leg, but the wife still ignored him, and a second job was arranged in March, with two different shooters, but that failed, also. Adding to his frustration, Hieber was sentenced to 10 years in prison in August because it is illegal in Iowa to have yourself shot.


• Former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho, who made the “wide stance” famous when he explained his alleged, notorious restroom encounter with another man in June 2007, has been sued by the Federal Election Commission because he used $217,000 in campaign donations to fund his legal defense to the resulting indecent exposure charges. Craig pointed out that visiting the restroom (irrespective of any alleged activities there) occurred during the ordinary



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course of Senate travel and thus that he was entitled to spend campaign funds. • Jonathan Lee Riches, perhaps America’s most prolific quixotic litigator (chronicled in News of the Weird for his lawsuits against, among others, George W. Bush, Charlie Sheen, Kanye West, Steve Jobs and -- for luggage theft -- Tiger Woods), was likely the person named “Naomi Riches” who filed a $3 billion October lawsuit in Pennsylvania against the acquitted child-murder suspect Casey Anthony, whom Naomi said had conspired with TV personality Nancy Grace to poison Naomi’s water supply. Anthony had also allegedly threatened to stab Naomi in the left eye as a symbol of the Illuminati conspiracy. (Judge David Baker quickly dismissed the lawsuit.) • Two FBI agents, providing a backstory to “underwear bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s Christmas-time 2009 attempt to bring down an airliner in Detroit, said they believe the man accustomed himself to the tricked-out scivvies beforehand by wearing them full-time for the three weeks leading up to his flight (except for bathing). The agents, speaking to Detroit’s WXYZ-TV in September, suggested that the excessive wearing might have ruined the detonation mechanism. • Oops, My Bad: Hattiesburg, Miss., dentist Michael West has for years been a well-compensated, prosecution-friendly “expert” witness who claimed he could match bite marks on victims’ bodies to bite patterns of whichever defendant the prosecutor wanted convicted. In “dozens” of cases, according to an Associated Press report, he helped persuade judges and

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jurors that his analysis was just as solid as fingerprint identification. (Other forensic experts regularly ridiculed West’s “science.”) In August, the Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Miss., uncovered a 2011 deposition in which West finally admitted that his bite-mark analysis should not have been used in court cases. It is not yet known how many defendants’ trials were tainted by West’s testimony.

People Different From Us

• Update: Briton Stephen Gough’s rap sheet includes 18 convictions for failure to wear clothes in public. He has spent the last six years almost continuously in prison because, usually, each time he is released, he immediately shucks his clothes as he walks out the gate (and

whenever arrested, he strips during court appearances). He was released in October from his most recent incarceration, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and authorities were puzzled how to proceed since Gough (aka “the naked rambler”) appears maniacally committed to the clothes-free lifestyle. A BBC News profile suggests that Scotland may simply send him back to England and hope he stays.


Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679 or or go to


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your own purposes in the coming weeks, Aries. If you’re not an artist, simply substitute the appropriate phrase for “making art.” It could be “creating interesting relationships,” “exploring exotic lands,” “changing corrupt political institutions,” “fixing environmental problems,” or even “making money.” The main point is: Focus on doing what drives your quest for meaning, and forget about what people think of it.

Additionally, one can not be a member of these four organizations but instead, take the test AND/OR have passed the National Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork exam (

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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A Jungian writer whose name I have unfortunately misplaced made the following observations: “I n a man’s psyche, the unconscious is experienced as chaotic, filled with violent and irrational processes of generation and destruction. But to a woman’s psyche the unconscious is a fascinating matrix of sacred images and rituals which in their wildly contradictory meanings express the secret unity of all life.” After analyzing the astrological omens, I suspect that you Taurus men now have an unprecedented opportunity to experience your unconscious as women do. As for you Taurus women: You have the chance to get a vivid, visceral understanding of how true this description of the female unconscious is.


LEGAL SERVICES LICENSE SUSPENDED? Call me, an experienced Traffic Law Attorney,I can help you with: Hardship Licenses-No Insurance SuspensionsHabitual Traffic Violators-Relief from Lifetime SuspensionsDUI-Driving While Suspended & All Moving Traffic Violations! Christopher W. Grider, Attorney at Law FREE CONSULTATIONS 317-686-7219

estimate, there are at least 15 different solutions you could pursue. But just seven of those solutions would meet the requirements of being intelligent, responsible, and fun. Of those seven, only four would be intelligent, responsible, fun, and enduring. Of those four, only two would be intelligent, responsible, fun, enduring, and the best for all concerned. I suggest you opt for one of those two. CANCER (June 21-July 22): I’m not necessarily asserting that you need to edit yourself, Cancerian. Only you can decide that. But I will state unequivocally that if there is in fact any editing needed, now would be a good time to do it. You will have extra insight about what aspects of your life might benefit from being condensed, corrected, and fine-tuned. It’s also true that the rectifications you do in the coming weeks will be relatively smooth and painless. So look into the possibilities, please. Should you calm your blame reflex? Downsize a huffy attitude? Shed some emotional baggage? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): How many times have you been in love, Leo? Just once or twice? Or have you dived into the depths of amorous togetherness again and again over the years? Whatever the case may be, I bet you have strong ideas about the nature of passionate romance and profound intimacy. That’s natural and normal. But I’m going to ask you to temporarily forget everything you think you know about all that stuff. I invite you to become innocent again, cleansed of all your mature, jaded, hopeful, and resentful thoughts about the game of love. In my astrological opinion, there’s no better way for you to prepare for what will come next. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A medical research journal reported on a British woman who accidentally swallowed a felttip pen. It lay there in her stomach for 25 years. When surgeons finally removed it, they were surprised to find it still worked. I am not suggesting that anything remotely as exotic or bizarre will be happening to you, Virgo. I do suspect, though, that you will soon have an experience with certain metaphorical resemblances to that event. For example, you may retrieve and find use for an element of your past that has been gone or missing for a long time.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Sapiosexual” is a relatively new word that refers to a person who is erotically attracted to intelligence. gives an example of how it might be used: “I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind. I want someone for whom philosophical discussion is foreplay. I want a sapiosexual.” In the coming weeks, Libra, I suspect you will be closer to fitting this definition than you’ve ever been before. The yearning that’s rising up in you is filled with the need to be stimulated by brilliance, to be influenced by wisdom, to be catalyzed by curiosity. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In 2007 the band White Stripes did a tour of Canada. One of their final gigs was outdoors in St. John’s, Newfoundland. They came on stage, played one note -- a C-sharp -- and declared the performance over. It was the briefest rock show in history. Judging from the current astrological omens, Scorpio, I’m thinking it would be a good time for you to do some almost equally pithy things. You have the potential to be extremely concise and intense and focused in all you do. I urge you to fulfill that potential. Pack every speech, gesture, and action with a concentrated wealth of meaning. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your redesigned thrust vectoring matrix is finall y operational. Love those new nozzles! Moreover, you’ve managed to purge all the bugs from your cellular tracking pulse, and your highresolution flux capacitor is retooled and as sexy as a digitally-remastered simulation of your first kiss. You’re almost ready for take-off, Sagittarius! The most important task left to do is to realign your future shock absorbers. No more than a week from now, I expect you to be flying high and looking very, very good. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The plot twists will be intriguing. The actors may be unpredictable, even erratic. Blossoming and decay will be happening simultaneously, and the line between wisdom and craziness could get blurry. There’s not nearly enough room in this little horoscope to describe the epic sweep of the forces working behind the scenes. Are you willing to confront uncanny truths that other people might regard as too unruly? Are you brave enough to penetrate to the depths that others are too timid to look at, let alone deal with? I hope you are, Capricorn, because that will give you the power to ultimately emerge from the drama with your integrity shining and your intelligence boosted. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Psychologists have done studies that suggest we subconsciously adopt the qualities of fictional characters we read about or see in movies. That’s not a problem if those characters are smart, ethical, highly motivated people whose ideals are similar to ours. But if the heroes of the stories we absorb are jerks who treat others badly and make messes wherever they go, our imitative urges may lead us astray. Right now is a crucial time for you to be extra careful about the role models you allow to seep into your imagination. You’re especially susceptible to taking on their attributes. I say, be proactive: Expose yourself intensely to only the very best fictional characters who embody the heights you aspire to reach. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “The fates guide him who will; him who won’t, they drag.” So said the ancient Greek philosopher Seneca, and now I’m passing it on to you. It’s an excellent time for you to think about the issue. Ask yourself: Have you been cooperating with fate so that it has maximum power to shepherd you? Have you been working closely with fate, giving it good reasons to consistently provide you with useful hints and timely nudges? Or have you been you avoiding fate, even resisting it out of laziness or ignorance, compelling it to yank you along? Spend the next few weeks making sure your relationship with fate is strong and righteous.

Homework: What good old thing could you give up in order to attract a great new thing into your life? Testify at

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