NUVO: Indy's Alternative Voice - February 15, 2017

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VOL. 28 ISSUE 46 ISSUE #1248


What’s your protest sign slogan?


jason r. totten

Megan Bohrer







ISO: Todd Young Primary Challenger

I don’t like this episode of Black Mirror

I am WOMAN, hear me MORE!



Katherine Coplen

Amber Stearns

Emily Taylor

Cavan McGinsie

Brian Weiss





ENGAGEMENT EDITOR @tremendouskat @amberlstearns @emrotayl @CavanRMcGinsie @bweiss14

When injustice becomes law, then rebellion becomes duty.

Women’s rights are human rights!

Angry lesbian

Sorry for the inconvenience; we are trying to change the world.

Someone get Trump a Snickers

Will McCarty

Haley Ward

Fred Learey

Joey Smith

Caitlin Bartnik






Shake the world in gentle ways

It’s so bad the introverts are here

Dumbledore wouldn’t let this happen.



I’m usually not into sign-making but this is ridiculous.

Dumbledore wouldn’t let this happen.

David Searle

Vicki Knorr

Jessie Davis

Kevin McKinney

Kathy Flahavin







Smokey the Bear with fist high and head bent low.

I’m so angry I could vote.



EAT/DRINK/DO......................................................3 GADFLY.....................................................................3 BEER BUZZ........................................................... 16 SOUNDCHECK......................................................21 BARFLY...................................................................21 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY................................. 23


Not usually a sign guy but geez


I don’t REALLY know why I’m here

Trump’s wives: proving immigrants do jobs most Americans won’t.

FILM EDITOR: Ed Johnson-Ott, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: David Hoppe, CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Wayne Bertsch, Mark Sheldon,Mark A. Lee, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Rita Kohn, Kyle Long, Dan Savage, Sam Watermeier, Renee Sweany, Mark A. Lee, Alan Sculley DISTRIBUTION SUPPORT: Arthur Ahlfeld, Mel Baird, Lawrence Casey, Jr., Bob Covert, Mike Floyd, Zach Miles, Steve Reyes, Harold Smith, Bob Soots and Ron Whitsit





2 // THIS WEEK // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

Pints for good

The Ron Paul “Revolution” sign was clever. #Resist

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HARRISON ULLMANN (1935-2000) Editor (1993-2000) ANDY JACOBS JR. (1932-2013) Contributing (2003-2013)

COPYRIGHT ©2017 BY NUVO, INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. ISSN #1086-461X ALL PHOTOS are submitted by event organizers and venues or on file unless otherwise noted.



Ali Solcum spends her days as the communi-

cation director for Planned Parenthood Indiana and Kentucky and as a leader in Women4Change. Organizing protests and civic actions and protecting women’s health institutions is exhausting, so we asked Ali some of her favorite places to recharge and grab a bite and a much-needed drink around Indy.






I love food. That makes it hard

The bourbon punch at The Eagle


to pick just one place! Breakfast?

in the summer on the patio is a

Reading is my passion. Any time I

I have a major crush on the

must-have, and in the winter,

pop into Indy Reads Books or the

sourdough toast at Café Patachou.

Mass Ave Wine is where you

Central Library, I can lose myself

And the bacon at Olly’s.

might find me on a cold night.

for hours in the stories I find. In

Lunch? I always try to schedule

my dream home, I would have

meetings at Tea’s Me Café. Dinner?

walls and walls of books. No

Marco’s is one of the best hidden

television, just books.

gems in the city.



Want to see more Gadfly? Visit for all of them.

NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // VOICES // 3

Share photos with #indywingsweek | NUVO will repost our favorite each day!

JOHN KRULL is a veteran Indiana journalist and educator.



et’s check the scorecard right now in the ing decisions the way grownups should — by world of politics. looking exclusively not at cost or at benefit, The president of the United States now but by considering the relationship between is on the edge of war with the nation’s juthe two factors. dicial branch. His angry tweets about a federal While the new governor has been going judge and now an entire federal appellate about his work the way adults do, the memcourt have prompted widespread criticism bers of the Indiana General Assembly by and from, among others, his own nominee for the large have resisted the temptation to indulge U.S. Supreme Court. in the needlessly bitter and divisive battles The president’s counselor, Kellyanne Conthat have split the state in recent years and way, now seems headed for an ethics investidiverted our attention from larger and more gation because it appears she broke a federal pressing issues. law by hawking products produced by the Instead, Hoosier lawmakers have focused president’s daughter on national television. their time and attention on trying to figure National security advisor Michael Flynn out solutions to long-term challenges, such as resigned Monday evening how to pay for the necessary amid controversy. Flynn repair and maintenance of Indiana’s leaders Indiana’s crumbling roads and allegedly discussed with Russia’s ambassador the bridges. They have continued go about their sanctions imposed on Russia to do so in the face of sputterwork without for attempting to influence ing opposition from tea parthe election before Trump was ty-type activists, who find the much fuss. officially in office. notion that things have costs And Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to be a disturbing revelation. D-Massachusetts, found herself stifled by The governor thus far has refused to Republican leadership and prevented from commit himself to any specific solution to the reading a 30-year-old letter from a civil rights roads-and-bridges challenge. Possibly this is icon on the Senate floor. Majority Leader because Holcomb realizes a couple of things. Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, utters a senThe first is that, as governor, his moment of tence that has become a new rallying cry for maximum influence on this issue will come the feminist and progressive movements — later in the process, when his weight might “nevertheless, she persists.” tip the balance. The second is that, if there is a Meanwhile, back here in the Hoosier state, significant difference of opinion, he will find it far from the circus in the nation’s capital, easier to reconcile the sides if he serves as an Indiana’s leaders go about their work without honest and open broker from the beginning. much fuss. In short, while the federal government Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, a Republican, finds itself consumed by one embarrassing quietly addresses a decades-old injustice and and confidence-sapping sideshow after anpardoned Keith Cooper. And, with a similar other, Hoosier elected officials have eschewed lack of fanfare, Holcomb signed an executive exhibitionism for once and are simply going order declaring a disaster emergency at East about their work. Chicago’s SuperFund site and ended negotiJust like real people do. ations with Agile Networks to maintain and Wow. market the state’s communications network. Who would have thought that Indiana’s The governor also, quietly but persistently, state government would become an has been encouraging both legislators and oasis of relative sanity in an increasingly citizens to start thinking of taxing and spendcrazy world? N For more opinion pieces visit

NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // VOICES // 5


BEST TWEET: @PeteButtigieg // Feb. 9

WORST TWEET: @realDonaldTrump // Feb. 9

America will not discriminate based on religion. So says the Constitu-


tion, upheld by the courts no matter the whim of this or any President.




ERIC HOLCOMB Indiana Gov. CITIZEN One month on the job and Gov. Holcomb is illustrating how to be fair in governance. He pardoned Keith Cooper and declared an emergency disaster for East Chicago’s lead contamination problems. His predecessor refused to do either, despite the dramatic effects those simple actions would have on the minority lives involved. Kudos to Holcomb for common sense justice.

MARION COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT JERK The sheriff’s department is a defen-


Women4Change Indiana creates an activist sisterhood that fights for all

dant in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU alleging the department voluntarily


held undocumented immigrants with-


out charges at the request of federal officials. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the practice unconstitutional.

JOE HOGSETT Indianapolis Mayor CITIZEN During another immigration rally, Mayor Hogsett announced he would work with the city-county council to pass a resolution forbidding the use of city-county resources to enforce federal directives proven to be unconstitutional or discriminatory like unlawful Immigration Code Enforcement holds.

Circle Citizen/Circle Jerk is your weekly roundup of people who’ve really out done themselves. Nominate today! email Amber:

o, what happens when a rabbi and a funeral director get together to talk about the state of the world? You get women championing for change. It’s not the set-up or the punch line of a joke, nor was it meant to be. It’s the truth of how Women4Change Indiana began. Like a lot of women in our community — and around the country — Rabbi Sandy Sasso found herself disheartened by the national results of the general election. “Some people say our hearts were broken,” says Sasso. “But more than that there was a sense of despair and we were hearing that from a lot of women.” Sasso heard the sentiment from so many women, including Jennifer Williams, president of Aaron-Ruben-Nelson Mortuary (ARN). It didn’t take long for the two to decide that they should offer the women they knew — and others they didn’t — the chance to talk about the despair all were feeling. “We called through social media a meeting of women who were interested in the same

6 // NEWS // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

social values as we were,” said Sasso. “It wasn’t against Trump [and] it wasn’t politicized in any way. But it was to stand for the values of inclusivity, against the negative hate rhetoric and intimidation of minorities and of immigrants.” That meeting was met with overwhelming success. Sasso and Williams had hoped a hundred women or so would attend the gathering last fall. Instead the meeting filled ARN’s Zionsville location on Michigan Road to capacity at 500, with a few hundred women turned away at the door. Williams says the facility was not equipped to distribute audio from the room to the rest of the building, but the women standing outside didn’t care. The feedback indicated they just wanted to be a part of the overall energy. “That was the beginning of the first sign of some hope,” remembers Williams. “I felt so isolated and I felt so alone and that night [of the first meeting] I felt like I was a part of a sisterhood.” “And we felt empowered. After the election there was a sense of powerlessness,” adds

Sasso. “And by coming together with all of these women, we really felt empowered. And I remember saying, ‘this is the sound of hope.’ Because here are people that care about these values that we cherish and they want to do something about it.” So, instead of being a flash-in-the-pan moment, Sasso and Williams decided to harness the ideas, passion and personnel of the women in the room and develop a movement — an organized body of women who could systematically change the world — Women4Change Indiana. “One of the things that we did very deliberately was we had everyone write down issues that were most important to them and we took a census of what those issues were,” says Williams. “From those statistics we came up with four key goals that we are working on.” The four key goals — Dignity & Safety, Mentor & Empower, Inclusion & Civility and Restructuring & Activism — capture the essence of what stemmed from that first meeting. Each is the focus of its own task force so that a woman can get involved directly with




her area of interest. “It’s very important to us to develop the If working on behalf of health services for infrastructure so that it is sustainable,” says women through Planned Parenthood is your Williams. “We would like people within their thing or shedding more light and legislation own communities with our support to have on sexual assault is your thing, the Dignity their own meetings.” and Safety Taskforce is where And the concept could easyou can find your tribe. If moily grow well beyond Indiana “ I felt so isolated as Women4Change continues tivating women to become pubic servants by running for to gain attention outside of and I felt so office or achieving other leadthe state. Various ecumenical alone and that ership roles in government, publications have covered then the Mentor & Empower and most night [of the first Women4Change taskforce is where you want recently the BBC (British meeting] I felt to be. Interest in civil rights Broadcasting Corporation) issues and breaking the attended a taskforce meeting like I was a part cycle of systemic racism of to learn more about the of a sisterhood.” movement. all kinds is directed to the Inclusion & Civility taskforce. The goal for Women— JENNIFER WILLIAMS 4Change is to gather together The Restructuring & Activism taskforce is dedicated to voter quarterly to harness and rights and civics education including fighting maintain the momentum that continues to to change gerrymandering in our state. build. And Williams hopes they can secure an A second meeting, in the form of a sumeven larger venue for the next summit tenmit, took place last week at St. Luke’s United tatively slated for April. The individual task Methodist Church. The taskforces, strategies forces will conduct the groundwork while the and organizational logos were revealed as summits will gather for speakers, motivation well as next steps and the overall direction of and fellowship. the new organization. And like the first gathSasso and Williams are motivated and ering, reservations for the Feb. event reached know so many other women are too. Just capacity very quickly. Williams and Sasso say knowing that they are not alone as been the goal is for Women4Change Indiana to life-changing and reaffirming in what could grow to where smaller community chapters happen for the future. can develop, mobilize and organize to affect “This feels like an immediate need and change at the local level across the state, with where you can have an immediate impact,” guidance, mentorship and leadership from says Sasso. “We just can’t go back to where we sister chapters and the larger state organizawere 40 years ago. And there’s a feeling that tion as a whole. some of that is happening.” N NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // NEWS // 7


Six Indy artists resist Trump with their creative forces BY EMILY TAYLOR // ETAYLOR@NUVO.NET

LORI LEAUMONT, THE CURATOR “While we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us.” — Audre Lorde


he United States now looks to Indiana in a way that it never has before. Our controversial former governor Mike Pence stands behind President Trump: as he signs executive orders attempting to halt people of an entire religion from entering the country; as he appoints an attorney general with a long history marginalizing voters based on their race; as he eludes to legislation and orders that will remove any hope for protection based on sexuality and gender; as he works to revoke healthcare for those who need it most. The rest of the nation watches to see what solutions Indiana can provide: because we’ve fought this before — ­ and Indy’s artists are no different. In the following pages you will read about six creators who use their creative force to direct attention. For some, it’s to show solidarity. For others, their art spreads a message of hope. And for some, they create to disturb the status quo. These artists — like Audre Lorde — are not rendered immobile by the fight that’s ahead.

Like so many of us, Lori Leaumont was chatting with friends trying to figure out what to do next under the new Trump reality. “My friends and I have been talking about different actions that we can take,” says Leaumont. “The last few weeks have been kind of scary. I was just personally thinking what my strengths were, and what I have done in the past. How I can use my artwork and organize something or take some kind of action?” So she posted on Facebook, asking who would be interested in an anti-Trump group show. What she saw was an outpouring of support. She is still accepting submissions, but has a healthy list of visual artists, musicians and poets already booked. “I hope the show can really center groups of people who are really marginalized… ,” says Leaumont. “The initial response was huge. … I have gotten a lot of things related to the march in DC. We got a submission from a jazz group, Premium Blend. The video that they submitted was a collaboration with Theon Lee, whose poetry relates to Black Lives Matter [and] the violence of police corruption.” This isn’t the first time that Leaumont has curated a show — she used to put them together regularly at her family’s business Garfield Eatery before it closed. Her own work is primarily functional work in clay sculptures, although lately, she has taken to watercolor and charcoal. Activism has become a vital element of her art. “I think it’s really important [for artists

8 // THE BIG STORY // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

weren’t involving their art in those subjects, now feel like it’s not an option to be quiet anymore.”

MARTINE LOCKE, THE MAKER Two weeks ago, Martine Locke was on her way to the Department of Homeland Security for an interview, fingerprinting and eye scans to prove that she and her wife are indeed married. Locke is an immigrant, originally from Australia. Almost two decades ago she came to the U.S. on a visa. Since then, she met and married her wife, thanks to the removal of DOMA. Locke has a green card, but there is a two year “transitional period” where they have to prove time and time again that they are still married. They do that by keeping careful BY LORI LEAUMONT // note of their marriage. They save every financial document that has both of their names on it. They make extra to speak out],” says Leaumont. “I think for copies of leases that bare both of their signame, personally, it’s a way to process the tures. They have to ask friends and family to way that I am feeling about what’s going on sign sworn affidavits saying that the two of around me. It’s a way to communicate with them are indeed married. They keep a stack other people and to express your ideas. I of photos, birthday cards to one another have been making more artwork in the last few weeks than I have made in the last year. and as many documents as they can possibly collect to validate their love is real. I think it’s necessary. “There are so many hoops that you have “I absolutely think there is a heightto jump through to be here,” says Locke. ened responsibility,” says Leaumont. “... While it was music that brought her to I feel like there were a lot of people who the U.S., Locke has since started making weren’t involved in activism in the past, or




leather bracelets and cuffs as a maker-in-residence at Ruckus. Her designs bear a signature copper plate with stamped phrases like: “nasty woman,” “#resist,” “we go high” and “nasty women make history.” “I can’t believe how many orders” — more than 35, she says — “I have gotten in the last four days for #resist and #revolution,” she says. “It’s mad.” The cuff-making began five years ago when a friend gave her a sheet of copper from her roof. Locke stamped a quote from The Little Prince onto a small piece of the metal and fastened it to a leather cuff for her wrist. Friends started asking for them, and now it’s a full time business. “Words have such a power over me — to encourage me, to kick me in the ass or soothe my soul,” says Locke. Right now the word “resist” resonates more than ever. (To her, it means: “To push back against what’s going on and not just sit down and be silent.”) “That’s all I am making at the moment — politically-charged things,” says Locked. “That’s who I am. Even though I can’t vote in this country, I can’t sit back with this last election. Particularly with how vicious it’s been and damaging it’s been, not only to my family but thousands of other people like me, who are immigrants, in gay and lesbian relationships and you know, I’m a woman. It’s a three-pronged approach.”

Last week Jacob Gardner was wandering the aisles of Home Depot, looking for wood to build a frame for the next piece in his newest series — a drawing of Mike Pence in drag. “I think I am just going to the whole cabinet in drag,” says Gardner. “I feel like maybe they will either touch themselves late at night about it or their reaction will send them to the hospital.” The completed Pence piece, entitled “Mike Pence is Fabulous,” is on display at the Indianapolis Art Center as part of their show About Face. Gardner is also the mind behind the Trump-as-clown mural that now graces the corner of 4th and Roming in Lafayette, on The Spot. He was asked to paint it the day after he posted the image on Instagram. “The reason why I made it was just venting, I suppose, getting something out,” says Gardner. The mural was a one-day project; first printed in grayscale, then painted and mounted with wheat paste. He anticipated that the printout was going to be in color, so Garner didn’t bring any paint with him to Lafayette. So he made do with what was around — ­ a children’s paint set. “You know like you would use in first grade art class,” says Gardner. “So we had these little tiny brushes on this six foot piece.” He also just wrapped up a portrait of Sean Spicer, with the neckline of Edgar the Bug from Men in Black. “Maybe [it’s] to piss some people off,”





10 // THE BIG STORY // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

The Big Story Continued...

he says. “Maybe to get people talking. Maybe to get a dialog going. Obviously it’s not going to be a positive kind, but as far as this whole experience is going I don’t think it’s been a positive experience for most people.” Gardner is down to earth about his perspective on politics. He doesn’t expect his mural to remove Trump from office. “I don’t think painting a giant picture of a clown is going to solve anyone’s problems or change anyone’s mind or anything like that,” he says. … Maybe it will teach a couple of people about property rights and freedom of speech. “I guess as far as what the purpose behind this is, the only thing that it’s going to do for me in the long view of it is just get people talking,” says Gardner. “I think in this whole presidency, if there is anything positive to come from it, is getting people more politically engaged. It’s blatantly in their face. … As much as this shit is being forced down our throats, it’s naturally going to be on the palette of most artists.”


“Are Hoosiers bigots? “KNOPE.” Sound familiar? That’s because you may have seen it on protest posters around Indy. It’s creator, Sarah Anderson, sees posters as an artist’s key to making Indy a place that protects women’s rights. “I feel like posters can be very impactful, because it’s a strong pairing of image and text,” says Anderson. “When you put them together you can move and unite people.” Anderson made the Leslie Knope poster — featuring Amy Poehler in her ultra-positive role as a Hoosier parks and rec director on Parks and Recreation — after Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Her designs are reminiscent of the WPA-era posters and propaganda. So when the Women’s Rights march rolled around, Anderson knew it was time for a new design ­­— one based on Lady Victory. Her most recent poster — which are a mix of handdrawn and digitally rendered designs — shows the top of the Soldiers and Sailors monument bannered by the words “Hoosier women unite.” When she posted the image on the Indianapolis march’s Facebook event page,


NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // THE BIG STORY // 11

The Big Story Continued...

others we have lost but gained experience to do what is right this time around. I think as artists that have weathered this storm before, we can be vocal to teach the rest of the nation on how to be successful.

it quickly gathered thousands of likes. So, she decided to release the file for free and sell a printed poster, — the profits going to Planned Parenthood. So far, she has raised over $700. “[Posters] get across the message in such a strong way — in such a relatable way,” says Anderson. … It’s a good medium to get across my activist tendencies I guess.” That activism can be hard to maintain, especially in a state that passed one of the most restrictive abortion bills in the country and in a country where the elected leader has a long history of misogyny. Anderson draws her motivation from moments of collective solidarity. “For me the Inauguration Day of Trump was a pretty sad day, a pretty awful day for a lot of people,” says Anderson. “Then, to have the women’s march be the next day, that Saturday, just to go from feeling so down to feeling so empowered and united. I don’t think I have ever smiled so much as I did at that march. … I feel like art is the same way. It can unite people and bring people together so we can make real change.”

EMILY: How has the political climate impacted your creative process? TATJANA: I honestly have had a bit of a block, in trying to wrap my head around what our current state is. I have allowed myself to take the time to use my platform as a promoter to allow others to speak their truth, while I find the words to do so myself. EMILY: In a time when it feels like we are at war, do you see art as still vital? Why? TATJANA: Art is vital because it forces


TATJANA REBELLE, THE FACILITATOR Tatjana Rebelle is one of the curators that you can thank for Indy’s burgeoning spoken word scene. Rebelle created Vocab, one of Indy’s first spoken word events that now runs at White Rabbit Cabaret. Her own poetry often delves into race, sexuality and identity. We chatted about her role as an artist in the revolution.

EMILY TAYLOR: How has your art changed since the election? TATJANA REBELLE: The election has changed me completely as a whole. I have found that it has motivated me to speak my truth even more and use my platform to allow people to do the same. EMILY: Why has it changed? TATJANA: It is in this time that I have found more than ever that being open and honest affords us the strength to unite. My experience has shown me that it is when people connect on a human

level, that we find the strength to fight against our oppressors. It is times of civil unrest that art is necessary to make people pay attention. EMILY: What role do you see yourself taking in the resistance? TATJANA: I see myself as a facilitator. I know that I can use my platform as an artist and especially as a promoter, to allow people the space to speak their truth. It is the moments of people being vulnerable and honest, that we find the bonds that unite us. EMILY: What impact can Indy have? What about Indy artists specifically ? TATJANA: I think Indy has a unique and sad opportunity to show the rest of the country how to take a stand. As the home state of Pence, we’ve been fighting this battle for years. The things that are hitting the national stage now, are things that we have been fighting under Pence for years. Some battles we have won, the

12 // THE BIG STORY // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

people to pay attention. You can not deny seeing a painting that confronts police brutality. You cannot deny the validity of a spoken word artist speaking their truth as they are combating a government that denies their family based on sexuality. Art tells the true story of what is going on in the lives of the people. Art is the reflection of who we are in our human existence. It is through art that we hear the struggles of the disenfranchised. Art is history and undeniable.

NATHANIEL RUSSELL, THE DOODLER When Nathaniel Russell wrote the words “resist fear, assist love” in his notebook he had no idea it would be the sketch heard around the world. This message, along with a single, linedrawn fist, have popped up on nearly every continent at this point. And how it began was Nathaniel Russell, running errands the day after the election. “I think, like a lot of people, I was pretty shocked and frozen; I didn’t really know what to do with myself,” says Russell. “One way that I have always felt with frustration or other emotions is to do some drawings in my sketchbook sometimes. Social media is a great way to share those.” Russell drew the image on a 4-inch-by4-inch piece of paper, in about 10 seconds.

He snapped a picture of it, and posted it to Instagram. “I thought about the words a lot when I was walking around, driving around, earlier that day,” says Russell. “The words were intentional. I was really trying to come to terms with a way to proceed that was sustainable. For me, personally, I can’t walk around angry all day. I can’t walk around sad all day. I have a family, I have things to do and people to take care of. I can’t live off that. So I was trying to find a way to move forward. I don’t want to say thinking positive is what I was trying to do, more like thinking productive.” To him that productivity begins with posing one’s mind for positivity. “Today I am going to try to do good,” he says, almost like a mantra. “Today I am going to try not to give into fear.” “‘Resist fear’ is implying, to me, some faults,” continues Russell. “Like, if a watch is water-resistant it’s not waterproof — it resists it. I will give into fear every day but I will try not to. “With ‘assist love’ … it’s a lower-pressure, in a way. I can tell myself, today I am going to try and help. I am going to help someone, even if it’s being nice to someone that I wouldn’t normally be nice to. … That’s what it’s all about, this mindfulness practice. “It was a personal sort of revolt or reminder,” says Russell. “It’s resonated with a lot of people.” “A lot of people” is an understatement. The signs have popped up at the campus protests at Berkeley, in crowds at the women’s marches, in storefront windows, in Brazil, Australia and more. Russell is humble about it all. Russell — whose resume touts art clients’ like Vans and Facebook — comes from a printmaking background, something that he sees as a deeply democratic medium. It’s a historically cheap way to get imagery out in times of unrest. “I am really against profiting from that monetarily,” says Russell. ... “Not that people shouldn’t be paid for their time, I’m not saying that… Because that image resonated with thousands of people, it became really important to me to become a steward of that image.”

NUVO.NET/THEBIGSTORY So he released it to the world. Russell will send anyone the image on one condition — that they promise not to make money off of it. He was very hesitant to make t-shirts himself, but he decided to give 100 percent of the sales to non-profits. With his last batch he was able to raise $5,000; half went to the Julian Center and half went to Planned Parenthood. LUNA Music, a longtime collaborator, volunteered their staff’s time to help pack and sell shirts. “That’s really important for me to, to make it available for whoever wants it, whoever puts meaning on it, whoever it’s important to,” says Russell. “I want it to be democratic.” It’s been downloaded hundreds and hundreds of times that he knows about, and likely more. “The world of art right now, there are a lot of different worlds you can exist in,” he says. “You can be a gallery artist. You can sell paintings, make prints… But there is this weird boundary that I am trying to walk. It seems like whenever there is this huge tragedy or huge world event. … I don’t want to turn these things into an opportunity or self-promoting. … I am trying not to do that. Of course, it is self-promotion, for people to know who I am but I’m not trying to hashtag my name on it. … It’s hard for me to say this without sounding like I am not knocking other people, but I do have a problem with the appropriation of political imagery, traditional political imagery and turning that into a t-shirt that you sell for $40 and keep all the money. That seems exploitative to me.” This is hardly the first time his work has been political. Many of Russell’s posters, book covers and prints have a tongue-in-cheek attitude. And right now,

he feels like there is no option but to speak out about what he sees. His motivation? The hope that his 3-yearold won’t grow up in a very dark world. “It makes me so angry that there are people in charge who do not value kindness, decency, our natural resources,” says Russell. “… That’s what it all comes down to — money and power. I am afraid of this extreme [kind] of American capitalism that I find disgusting and gross,” he says. “It’s the complete opposite of all my values.” Russell mentions that his family will lose their health insurance if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. “I truly don’t think they care if people die,” says Russell. BY NATHANIEL RUSSELL // “Why should they care? Their families are taken care of for life. … I really believe that anyone in this administration — or Republican congress, President Trump, Vice President Pence — all of these people, I don’t think they care about people.” The question of what to do next lingers on Russell’s mind. “I don’t know if it’s storming the gates,” he says. So he controls what he can: resisting fear and assisting love. He says that he will continue to make work that hopefully resonates with others. To him, resistance artwork is not an option. “I don’t see how you can not reference something because it’s happening and it’s real,” he says. “If you are going to look back on this time in 20 years and see no difference in your artwork when this insane event — almost catastrophic world event — is happening, are you going to be that person who kept painting flowers? At the same time, maybe painting flowers is a political statement. … It’s how you live with yourself.” N

The Art of the Meal


NUVO.NET/INDYSTABLE NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // THE BIG STORY // 13




EVENT // Angel Burlesque’s Vagina Show, Remounted WHERE // Theatre on the Square TICKETS // $15



ARTS AND CULTURE ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK? Indy arts organizations speak out about Trump’s potential defunding of the NEA and NEH BY DAN GROSSMAN // ARTS@NUVO.NET 14 // VISUAL // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET



onald Trump’s interest in the arts might not extend much beyond his liking of the Andrew Jackson portrait in the Oval Office or his taste for late-Baroque style furniture — an interest shared with Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Trump seems to have an interest in breaking the furniture, as it were. As reported in The Hill on Jan 19, the Trump administration’s proposed changes for shrinking the federal government include zeroing out both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, and privatizing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. As a result of such reports, and as a result of Trump’s recent executive actions on immigration, cultural and arts organizations in Indianapolis are now being forced to consider what Trump means for their work and their audiences. These proposed changes are not welcome news for Indiana Humanities, which receives NEH funding and uses it to fund fairs and festivals and small town libraries across the state. “Although Indiana Humanities receives support from individuals, corporations, and foundations, we depend on funding from the NEH to carry out our work,” wrote Indiana Humanities President and CEO Keira Amstutz in a Feb. 2 email urging recipients to advocate on behalf of the NEH and the NEA. Norman Burns, president and CEO of Connor Prairie, wrote a similar letter on Feb 7, noting the $900,000 in federal funds that the outdoor history museum has received since 2010. Another local organization that has received federal funding — and that could presumably be cut off at the knees by the removal of the NEA — is the Arts Council of Indianapolis, which initially received NEA funding for its Arts Journalism Fellowship program. The nonprofit arts organization Big Car Collective has also received NEA funding. “Cutting funding for the arts has been a trend, a long time coming, since the Reagan era,” said Big Car curator Shauta Marsh. “I think great art will come out of this time that we’re getting ready to enter into. But I also think... it won’t be easy for artists.” NEA funding has also helped the Harrison Center for the Arts achieve its goals, according to executive director Joanna Beatty Taft. “In 2016, we received $105,000 from the

EVENT // Protect the Arts Show WHERE // Fountain Square Brewery, 21+ TICKETS // FREE

NEA,” said Taft. “We have a $75,000 grant that we use to hire actors and set designers for our Pre-Enactment Theatre which is something we’ll be doing in 2017. And then we have two other grants. One is a public art grant for Quincy Owens to do some public art on 16th Street. ... So all this money funds artists in our community.” Cuts in funding aren’t the only threat to cultural and arts nonprofits — as well as the people that benefit from them — posed by the Trump administration. There are also his immigration orders to consider, and stepped up enforcement against the undocumented. These actions might not only have an impact on art and cultural programing but on the wider economy as well. This threat was highlighted by a Jan. 27 art exhibit in Lafayette Square Mall, hosted by the International Marketplace Coalition (IMC), featuring work by recent immigrants. While checking out watercolor landscapes in traditional Chinese style and traditional Senegalese batiks, patrons sampled food supplied by local Indian and Middle Eastern restaurants. The IMC’s mission is to encourage economic development and growth on Indy’s northwest side, growth that is largely dependant on entrepreneurship by recent immigrants. There are 88 ethnic restaurants and numerous markets that can be found in close proximity to Lafayette Square. This entrepreneurial activity has lifted up the northwest side’s economy and reduced crime, according to Mary Clark, IMC’s executive director. The day of the exhibition just so happened to be the day of Trump’s executive order barring immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S. But Trump’s executive order, now blocked by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, won’t stifle artistic and economic activity on the west side, if IMC executive director Mary Clark has her way. “So we like to say that we’re shrinking the globe and creating the village over here on the west side of Indianapolis,” said Clark at the exhibition kickoff. “This is who we are. And so we’ve found a way to embrace it, our community has embraced it. And we just need everybody to reach out and touch somebody and say, you know what? This is Indianapolis. This is Indiana. This is the USA.” N




MOVIE // I Am Not Your Negro WHERE // Keystone Art TICKETS // $10



MOVIE // The Princess Bride WHERE // Historic Artcraft Theatre, Franklin TICKETS // varies


KAUFMAN-INSPIRED The father-daughter story works because of its excess, not in spite of it.

WHAT // Night School SHOWING // Butler University’s Schrott Center for the Arts on February 20 at 7 p.m

SAM SAYS // w Many of us take school for granted, getting through it without realizing its massive impact.

Night School sheds light on students fighting not only for knowledge but for their lives. The film resonates strongly now, as unfit politicians



oni Erdmann is a hot property. The marathon tale of the strained relationship between a woman and her father is a nominee in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Academy Awards. Whether it wins or loses, it will be remembered, in part because the celebrated feature by German writer-director Maren Ade is going to be remade in English by Americans. According to reports, Jack Nicholson will come out of semi-retirement to co-star with Kristen Wiig. If you're wondering why I'm talking about award nominations and Hollywood remakes, it's to capture your interest enough that you'll keep reading even when I tell you that … no, too soon. Best to entice you a little more. Do you like movies with naked people? So do I, and Toni Erdmann has some major league nudity. Both sexes, and they show everything! Wonder if the American remake will have the nerve to do that? OK, time to ease you into the movie details, starting with a fun fact. Remember the great comedian-performance artist Andy Kaufman? One of his characters – the abrasive lounge singer Tony Clifton – inspired the title character of this movie. Ade's father was a prankster who would don a set of ugly false teeth when he needed to talk with his family about something serious. Ade's Toni Erdmann is a combination of the Kaufman

pose a palpable threat to our country’s education system.

character and her father. But wait, wasn't Tony Clifton so obnoxious that Kaufman's insistence on appearing as him (he claimed Clifton was real) cost him fans and several jobs? Yes, and welcome to the potentially off-putting details about the film. Winfried Conradi (Peter Simonischek) likes to play pranks. The film opens with him making a delivery-man think he might be making mail bombs. Funny? No, and that's the core of Toni Erdmann. Winfried is visited at his small-town German home by his daughter, Ines (Sandra Huller), an intense corporate type. Ines attention remains more on her work than her father, prompting Dad to take action. When she returns to Bucharest, her father follows. Donning a fright wig and Austin Powers-ish false teeth, he starts popping up in front of her in professional settings, claiming to be a life coach named Toni Erdmann. He's not funny, he's embarrassing and annoying. She squawks at him, but not fiercely enough to dissuade him and that's why the film works. The man that mortifies his daughter represents that father of the writer-director. She loves her dad, so Ines loves her dad enough that she can't evict him from her life. Toni Erdmann has been dubbed a comedy by many, which is misleading. It's a

WHAT // Toni Erdmann (2016) SHOWING // Opens Friday at Keystone Art (R) ED SAYS // e

drama with moments of comedy. The film is packed with squirm-inducing moments. Some of it is howlingly funny. Some of it is just painful. Do you like binge-watching TV series? Sitting down for three or four hours to watch a show is considered a treat. Bear that in mind when I inform you that Toni Erdmann is two hours and 42 minutes long. Tell yourself, “I'm not watching a subtitled movie for almost three hours, I'm binge-watching a daring new feature.” I was dreading the screening of this movie. I don't like pranks and I prefer my cringe comedy in small doses. But Toni Erdmann won me over. I hated watching Dad skulking about like a maniacal caveman in that idiotic wig and false teeth, but I'm supposed to hate the persona, and Maren Ade presents the ludicrous goings-on in such a matterof-fact fashion that she pulled me in. The lead actors are impeccable, but so are the supporting players. Watch everybody, not just the father and daughter. The bottom line is that Toni Erdmann works because of its excess, not in spite of it. Don't wait for the Hollywood version, see the original. N

Directed by award-winning filmmaker Andrew Cohn, Night School dazzled audiences upon its debut at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it went on to win Best Documentary Feature last year at the Heartland Film Festival. This poignant documentary portrait takes us inside one of The Excel Center program’s central Indiana locations, deep in the heart of the city near 38th Street. Rather than offering GED courses, the program gives students a chance to graduate with a traditional Core 40 diploma. The film follows three students: Greg Henson, a 30-year-old former drug dealer; Shynika Jakes, a 26-year-old mother of four; and Melissa Lewis, a 53-year-old driven to prove that it’s not too late to achieve the goals that drifted away from her decades ago. Cohn gets up close and personal, capturing indelibly intimate moments with these people. We see Greg working on algebra homework in the hospital as his daughter is being treated after an epileptic seizure. And we follow Shynika as she joins fellow fast food employees in a protest for livable wages. Cohn’s camera also closes in on the devastating look of disappointment that spreads across Melissa’s face when she discovers she has to repeat a class. Nothing seems staged or manipulative here. All of these moments emerge organically and feel achingly real, reminding us of the magic in documentary filmmaking. — SAM WATERMEIER

NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // SCREENS // 15


NEW CAFE // Nine Lives Cat Cafe WHAT // Sip on tea & coffee and play with adoptable kitties COST // $


NEW BREWERY // Centerpoint Brewery WHERE // Windsor Park COST // $$


RITA KOHN Rita is NUVO’s Beer Maven New beers and ciders and even a little whiskey is in there for you to taste.


1 // NEW DAY MEADERY in Fountain Square is releasing their Barrel Aged Johnny Chapman. According to co-owner Tia Agnew, “Our rich hard cider was aged in Angel’s Envy, Heaven Hill and Woodford Reserve bourbon barrels. It packs a punch at 12% ABV. We’ll have 8-ounce glass pours for $8 available for in-house and 16.9-ounce bottles for $10 available for carry out.” 2 // NADA is hosting a five-day event of dishes paired with SUN KING beers. According to the team at Nada, “Sun King will be taking over our taps for guests to grab brews on draft, plus Nada’s chefs have developed four exclusive dishes to match with beer tastings or pints.” The event runs February 15-19 and will include exclusive dishes like, Truffle Fonduta Tlayuda and Fried Oyster Tacos and specialty Sun King beers like Lupulin Astronaut and Whip Fight. 3 // A trip to Bloomington on February 21 should include an evening of beer and Irish whiskey. UPLAND’S WOOD SHOP is hosting a welcome party for Irish whiskey makers Tullamore D.E.W. during their tour around the country “to spread the love for the old tradition of drinking Irish whiskey alongside a beer.” Taste funky and sour brews from 6-7:30 p.m. at The Wood Shop and continue the party from 8-9:30 p.m. at The Irish Lion Bar & Restaurant. You must RSVP to amber@ in order to attend. 4 // CENTERPOINT BREWING celebrated its grand opening this past weekend and they are now serving beers Wednesday through Sunday.

The Koelschip gives to ACLU, PPINK, GLAAD, FACE, others all year BY CAVAN McGINSIE // CMCGINSIE@NUVO.NET


think you said it best when you said, I’d rather die knowing that I gave everything, and put everything on the line, than to pander and wonder if I could’ve done more.” That’s the wonderfully bearded Josh Hambright, said right before taking a swig of Miller High Life. The “you” he is referencing is his business partner Jake Koeneman, who is polishing off a Sun King Lupulin Astronaut at the moment. We’re all seated at the bar at The Koelschip, the bar/taproom owned by Hambright, Koeneman and their third partner Chris Bly, who all founded Central State Brewing. Hambright finishes by saying, “That’s basically what it comes down to: we have a voice, I mean, we have a little bit of a microphone. It’s not huge, but we can amplify our voices a little bit. “We’ve got a few thousand followers on social media, and people pay attention to what we say for whatever reason — I don’t know why — but we may as well use it.”

16 // FOOD+DRINK // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

With this understanding in mind, the team set out in 2017 to make a difference in the community they grew up in. “Josh, earlier this year, asked how are we going to look at our advocacy this year and what we’re going to do,” Koeneman says, “and as things evolved through late January we realized that that is going to be a very accelerated and real thing.” This “thing” quickly evolved into a simple, yet effective form of activism. Koeneman explains, “As we looked at it, the ACLU, with civil liberties, is going to be huge for us; and then just seeing Planned Parenthood, just while growing up we’ve had friends, girlfriends, wives benefit from the services they provide. So as we sat down and looked at it we said ‘All right, we’re going to pick our two main beers Table and Garden — our two year-round beers — and tie those to charity.’ “We wondered what was the appropriate amount to give and we realized we could give a dollar per beer and we felt that that was significant.”

During the month of January, which in the food and drink industry is one of the slowest of the year, they were able to raise $206 for the ACLU of Indiana and $103 for Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. The other significant aspect of this is the fact that it will continue throughout the entire year. Koeneman explains the importance of this, “Honestly, one of the things we’ve realized is in our current news cycle, a 24-hour news cycle, and 24-hour outrage, that January and February is great, people are outraged, people are doing things. But, that is what is a driving factor in us saying we’re doing this all year, it’s to say, ‘If and when the outrage fades a little bit and comes back and ebbs and flows, we’re going to keep this consistent because it has to be.’” Consistency is key in advocacy. And so they decided to stick with the same two organizations during the first quarter of the year. In fact, they will be giving to the ACLU throughout the entire calendar year.

NUVO.NET/FOOD+DRINK ness owners was right after RFRA passed two years ago,” Hambright says, and then he describes going to an event in St. Louis. “We spent the entire weekend with people going ‘Ohhh, you’re from Indianapolis. What the fuck is going on there?’ “It really woke us up to the fact that what our state does and what our city does reflects on us as business owners when we go outside the state. If people think we’re just backwoods rednecks that hate gays and hate minorities and that we’re just terrible people, pretty much like Mike Pence, then that reflects on us as business owners and we have to do what we can to change that perception when we go outside the state.” Their hope is that in time we will see more businesses in the city take on this same format of advocacy. And we have already seen plenty of one-off events raising funds for these same groups. Hambright says, “I mean it’s still early, we’re less than 20 days into the THE KOELSCHIP IS THE TAPROOM new administration and there’s more shit FOR CENTRAL STATE BREWING // that’s going to piss people off. There’s going to be more outcry. I hope more people get “Table, or whatever is poured on line one,” outraged and more people get involved.” Koeneman says and then observes, “so as Koeneman thinks people will, but he you can see, we had our anniversary last understands they are in a fortunate spot weekend so we switched the beer on line to be able to do this at this point in time of one, so Table is not on there right now — the year. “We run this place with one perbut that line is going to be focused on the son on at a time, most the time it’s Chris ACLU for the year.” Porter, and he runs the shit While the ACLU will be out of this place. So we “I hope more the year long organization have a little more flexibilon tap one, the other tap, ity than most because we people get tap three, which typically don’t have a staff of 20 to outraged and houses Garden, will be rotattake care of.” ing through a series of orgaAs business owners the more people nizations. Koeneman says, team is excited to have the get involved.” “We’re big fans of animals opportunity to be able to so FACE [a low cost animal give back to their commu— JOSH HAMBRIGHT clinic] will be on there at nities. As Hambright puts some point; I have some it, “The litmus test I always friends that are involved with Kid’s Voice [of give myself is: Am I a good guy, or am I a bad Indiana], so children’s advocacy.” guy? Am I trying to get other people to have There are many people who think that more, and have better lives? Or am I trying businesses should stay out of politics, but to push somebody down and oppress somewhen you look at what led the team at The body? I mean that’s the easiest test. Am I on Koelschip to begin this process, it’s easy to the right side of history? Yes, because I’m see while a business can stay out of politics, trying to make things better. I’m not trying politics has a major impact on businessto say somebody can’t do something, I’m es. “I think one of the things that kind of trying to say everybody can do everything inspired me that we had to do stuff as busiand that’s really all it comes down to.” N


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We’ll bottle up the news, events and free stuff that matter the most to you and ship it straight to your inbox, digital style. NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // FOOD+DRINK // 17




EVENT // Future Islands WHERE // Egyptian Room at ONC TICKETS // On sale now



EVENT // Lady Gaga WHERE // Bankers Life Fieldhouse TICKETS // On sale Feb. 20


Sold-out shows for the brand new album that almost didn’t exist BY JONATHAN SANDERS // MUSIC@NUVO.NET







A Cultural



explores the merging of sounds from around the globe with the history of music from right here at home.

eading into two sold out shows at the Melody Inn when we spoke, Joe Whiteford’s a little worried. Not about the shows – after more than a decade playing as the spirited frontman of Harley Poe, he’s got that part under control, even if he thought he’d permanently hung up his touring shoes. These two shows are a chance to highlight the band’s most popular material for fans who are clearly salivating to hear all of it. It’s the new album that came out Tuesday that’s sparked his nerves. “With Lost and Losing It, I’m a little afraid that people are expecting nasty, raunchy lyrics, or maybe lyrics about vampires or monsters or killing people or shitting on peoples’ faces, things like that,” he says, carefully. “And it’s not.” When Whiteford released Falling Down in 2015, he’d just gone through a painful divorce, and he says the break-up of his family caused him to reconsider the way he’d been dividing his time. “I’ve always liked recording,” he explains. “I’ve always liked watching the songs come to life. I love that part. I’ve always loved performing too, but with a family and wanting to do other things it was just always too much in the way. I was always trying to balance it, and when I’d pretty much lost my family the way it was, I had no desire to perform at all. I felt it had a lot to do with losing my family.” Yet, galvanized to write in the wake of the divorce, he had these songs pouring out and still the album’s release kept pushing back. “The album was supposed to be out in December, and before that it was supposed to be Halloween. So, it was supposed to be out months ago but it’s good that it all worked out so that the album will come out right after the shows. It all really kind of fell into place the way it needed to, I guess.”

18 // MUSIC // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET


The fact that both shows at the Melody Inn Lost and Losing It, was digitally released sold out in roughly three hours combined did on Tuesday via CD Baby, is a Harley Poe catch Whiteford off guard. “Oh yeah!” he says. album but was recorded with a different “That was awesome. I didn’t expect that!” band – only Whiteford and bassist Gregg As for using the Harley Poe name, he Manfredi play together on the album from says he’s stopped worrying about whether the original lineup. And though the album he should try starting over under his actual is a departure from what fans may expect name for solo work. to hear if they’re expecting another “Maria” or “Corpse “[This new album]’s got a Grindin’ Man,” Whiteford says “I’ve always different feel to it but it’s still the songs needed to come out. Poe,” he says. “It sounds liked watching Harley Even if he can’t do more shows like Harley Poe because I wrote like the ones this weekend, he the songs the songs, so there’s no getting has no intention of letting the away from the way I write come to life.” writing well dry up. or my vocals. And there’s no — JOE WHITEFORD reason to call my music some“I really didn’t plan to put out another album but I really thing else at this point. When I did Fallen Down , Tyler Watkins mastered just couldn’t help it,” he says. “I had to it and I asked him, ‘Should I just call it Joe release the things that were … I don’t know, Whiteford?’ and he said ,’No, not at this it was just a lot of issues. I just needed to point. You’ve done it for so long, you created find a way to vent and that’s how I’ve always it. It’s yours, keep going with that name.’ done it. And I don’t plan to stop playing “And Harley Poe was supposed to have music and writing music, I don’t think that been a solo project anyway after the band I could. It’s just the thought of ‘performing,’ I’d been in before,” he laughs. “So, look how I didn’t have this big pull or desire to do it that turned out!” N right now.”

KYLE LONG is a longtime NUVO columnist and host of WFYI’s A Cultural Manifesto.



ith a humble list of ingredients and a rich history, feijoada is an important part of Brazilian culture and is commonly referred to as the country’s national dish. Though feijoada has roots in the Portugal, some historians suggest the modern incarnation of this pork and bean stew was perfected by the captive Africans enslaved during Brazil’s colonial period. I talked feijoada and music with Rosane Zelmanovitz, president of the Indiana chapter of the Partners of the Americas and a native of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. On Sunday, February 26, Partners of the Americas will host their annual feijoada celebration on the central campus of Ivy Tech Community College.

KYLE LONG: Feijoada is much more that just a simple stew in Brazil. It’s an important part of the culture. It’s a food that brings people together, and has inspired poetry and songs. Tell us about this beloved Brazilian dish. ROSANE ZELMANOVITZ: Feijoada is a celebratory thing. Brazilians get together almost every weekend, if not for a traditional gaucho barbecue, then it will be a for a feijoada. It’s a dish that comes from Portugal and was adapted in Brazil for the slaves. They would give them the not-sogood parts of the pork, like the ears, tail or the feet and they would put these ingredients in the black bean stew. But the dish transitioned and now it is for everybody.

Feijoada refers to a huge pot of this stew, but we enjoy it with side dishes like collard greens, oranges, white rice, and farofa, which is prepared from manioc flour. All of this composes feijoada. It’s a very common dish wherever you go in Brazil. Every region you go to will have a different version, but it’s essentially the same dish.

KYLE: This feijoada celebration happening on February 26 is essentially a fundraiser for the Partners of the Americas. It’s my understanding that Partners of the Americas was founded over 50 years ago by President John F. Kennedy. Tell us about this organization and some of the things you’re doing here in the local community. ROSANE: Partners of the Americas was started in 1963. States here in the U.S. were matched up with states in different countries. In our case, Indiana is partnered with my home state in Brazil, which is Rio Grande do Sul. I didn’t know about this when I

NUVO.NET/MUSIC moved here eleven years ago. But when I did find out I thought, “This is perfect for me.” At our feijoada we focus on honoring our host families. We have a youth program called Youth Ambassadors. Every year we have Brazilian high school students visiting here for two months, and this is a moment where we celebrate the Brazilians visiting here, and say our thanks to the host families and schools. We also celebrate all the other programs we have. We have so many things going on. We have a Legislative Fellows program which is a very interesting government to government program for young professionals. In the past we’ve had programs for farmers and nurses. We are now starting a program for judges. At this event we have in one room over 250 people celebrating Brazilian culture through food and music and friendship. It’s a good time for people to realize how important these programs are and to connect. That’s what we want; we want to engage people. N

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* other conditions as well

To schedule your appointment, please call 800-510-4003 NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // MUSIC // 19




ere are two things you should know about NUVO: 1. We fiercely love the arts. 2. And we will always fiercely support them, cover them, prioritize them and protect them. And we have lots of help in that mission here in good ol’ Indy. That’s why we’re so excited about this Sunday’s Protect The Arts concert, which aims to highlight the essential role the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities play in public life, currently under threat of defunding by the Trump Administration. WHAT // Protect the Arts WHEN // Sunday, Feb. 19, noon, WHERE // Fountain Square Brewery, 21+

The Feb. 19 show runs from noon to 8 p.m. and features a ton of musicians and visual artists. A bevy of local musicians will perform at this show at Fountain Square Brewery, including: Brandon Wadley Trio, Brittny Kasprzyk, Tommy Band, Chris Burch, Jem Holden, Danni Al Mar, The McDonalds, Jeff Byrd, Chris Wilson, Baby Ocho, Whoa!Tiger, Cyrus Youngman and the Kingfishers,


Minute Details, Sk and Cole Woodruff, Katie Pederson, Maren Huelsman, Gregory DeBoor, Steve Boller and a special surprise headliner that we can’t quite tell you about yet. (Hold your horses, people.) Visual artists will also be showcased — something that FSB always prioritizes. Expect work from Amanda Keller, Chelsey Penrod, Courtney Brooks, Matt Panfil, Erin Case, Alexa Adamson, Micheal Potempa, Corey Hodges, Mallory Hodgkin and Stephanie Renner. If you cannot attend Sunday’s event, we here at the NUVO music desk encourage you to sign the petition available via the organizers to continue to support and prioritize federal arts funding for our beloved community arts institutions. N

HEALTH CLUB & SPA FOR GAY & BISEXUAL MEN 4120 N. Keystone Ave. • (317) 547-9210 Open 24/7 • 18+ •



ARTIST // Strand of Oaks ALBUM // Hard Love LABEL // Dead Oceans

ARTIST // Ryan Adams TRACK // Prisoner LABEL // PaxAm


THURSDAY // 2.16

FRIDAY // 2.17

SATURDAY // 2.18

SATURDAY // 2.18

SATURDAY // 2.18

TUESDAY // 2.21

Walk The Talk: Miracles 7:15 p.m., Vogue, $15, 21+

Radio Now Valentine’s Day Bash with Krewella 9 p.m. Revel, prices, vary 21+

Musical Tribute to Cynthia Layne 5 p.m., Jazz Kitchen, 21+

Punk Rock Night 9:30 p.m., Melody Inn, $6, 21+

Rock for Kids 7 p.m., Radio Radio, $10, 21+

Black Violin 8 p.m., Clowes Memorial Hall, prices vary, all-ages

Mike Doughty 8 p.m., The Bishop, $16 advance, $18 doors, 21+

Okay, so this isn’t technically just a concert, but this

Longtime Layne collabo-

Thanks to the Melody Inn

This annual event benefits

This Fort Lauderdale

The Soul Coughing front-

Ted Talk-inspired lecture se-

The ugly departure of

rators Rob Dixon, Reggie

for reliably showcasing surf

children’s cancer research

violin-playing duo makes

man stops in Bloomington

ries is all about MIRACLES.

Kris “Rain Man” Trindl in

Bishop and Kenny Phelps

music, like this week’s Punk

organization St. Baldrick’s

mashups we can really

on his ninth solo album

Expect: Live music, a light

2014 left Krewella with a

will honor the legendary

Rock Night headlines The

Foundation. On the bill:

endorse: hip-hop and clas-

tour. Wheatus will open.

show, confetti, some gifts,

big void. But the sisters

local singer at this tribute

Pukes (Milwaukee), who

The Even Pull, Cost of

sical genres make “classical

and six speakers lecturing

have recovered, and single

show. Layne passed away

will play with Holy Sheets,

Attrition, Dime Store

boom,” they say. They’re

about, hopefully, magnets,

“Team” has been getting

in 2015.

Vibrolas and Chives.

Hustlers and more bands to

also fire live, so clear your

giraffes, oceans, fog, lava …

regular play on Top 100

be announced. Organizers

Saturday plans.

oops, sorry, we got distract-

stations around the coun-

say this event has raised

ed by our favorite ICP song.

try. They’ll headline this

more than $22,000 for St.

post-Valentine’s Day dance

Baldrick’s since beginning

party at Revel.

in 2011.

WEDNESDAY // 2.15 Hunter Hayes, Thompson Square, Tyler Farr, David Nail, Old National Centre, all-ages Blues Jam, Slippery Noodle, 21+ Rob Dixon Trio, ArtsGarden, 21+ Metaphonic Workshop, State Street Pub, 21+ Free Jazz Jam, Chatterbox, 21+ The Funk Quarter, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Blues Jam, Main Event, 21+ Off The Rails Open Mic, Bent Rail, 21+ Verbal Sludge, Within The Ruins, Emerson Theater, all-ages The Steel Wheels, Pine Room Tavern, 21+

THURSDAY // 2.16 The Number 12 Looks Like You, Emerson Theater, all-ages Nick Brownell, Tin Roof, 21+ Toro!, Pinky and The Bastards, Melody Inn, 21+ Altered Thurzdaze, Mousetrap, 21+ Latin Dance Party, Jazz Kitchen, 21+

Zataara, Derz, Wilecoyote, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+ Naptown Stomp, Grove Haus, all-ages Sarah Grain and The Billions of Stars, Single Player, Square Cat Vinyl, all-ages Record Spin, State Street Pub, 21+ The Good, The Bad and The Blues, Slippery Noodle, 21+ Obtuse DJ Nights with Duchess, Dilettante, Pioneer, 21+ Pillow Talk, Decibel Lounge, 21+ K.Flay, Paper Route, Daye Jack, The Hi-Fi, 21+

FRIDAY // 2.17 A Darling Recordings Showcase, Fountain Square Brewing Co., all-ages Sinking Ship 6-Year Anniversary, Sinking Ship, 21+ J. Brookinz Battle League ft. Clint Breeze and The Groove, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Hillbilly Happy Hour with Punkin Boys, Melody Inn, 21+ Luke Bryan, Brett Eldridge, Assembly Hall (Bloomington), all-ages

Complete Listings Online:

Chachuba, Strange Mechanics, Mousetrap, 21+ Chemical Envy, Steed, Hate Song, Melody Inn, 21+ Here Come the Mummies, The Vogue, 21+ Hugh Jeffner, Revel, 21+


Hunks The Show, 8 Seconds Saloon, 21+ Wyld Fridays, Blu, 21+ The Bishops, Britton Tavern, 21+ Black Voodoo, The Rathskeller, 21+ The Tucker Brothers, The hase Blackburn Trio, Pioneer, 21+

Ben Folds and A Piano, Buskirk-Chumley Theater (Bloomington), all-ages 1964 The Tribute: Celebrating The Beatles, The Palladium, all-ages Frankie Ballard, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+


Jason Wells Band, Howard Brothers Band, 5th Quarter Lounge, 21+ Silent Planet, Hail The Sun, Dayseeker, Ghost Key, Hoosier Dome, all-ages

SATURDAY // 2.18 For the Fire, Glass Hands, A Burden To Bear, Thin Lines, Rhino’s (Bloomington), all-ages Ales From The Crypt After Party with Ghost Gun Summer and Service, Bottling House at Indiana City Brewing, all-ages Coin, Keepers, The Wldlfe, Old National Centre, all-ages Joe Lovano Quartet, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Cycles and The Jauntee, Mousetrap, 21+ Angela Perley and The Howlin’ Moons, The Rathskeller, 21+ Just The Tip, 5th Quarter Lounge, 21+ Thee Open Sex, Tropical Trash, Total Disgust, State Street Pub, 21+ Lanco, 8 Seconds Saloon, 21+ Dizgo, Aqueous, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+

Opposites Attract, Moxxie, The Stampeded String Band, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Antenna Man Album Release, Jomberfox, Cyrus Youngman and The Kingfishers, Pioneer, 21+ Baila: Con Mi Valentin, Vogue, 21+ Lit, Slater Hogan and DJ Rayve, Tiki Bob’s, 21+ Burlesque Ballyhoo with Hasenpfeffer, Rocket Doll Revue, 21+ Homegrown, Tin Roof, 21+

SUNDAY // 2.19 Robb Banks, Emerson Theater, all-ages Curtis Salgado, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Paul Holdman, Rebeka Meldrum, Slippery Noodle, 21+ Vanessa Silberman, Metric Units, Never Come Downs, Melody Inn, 21+ Skillet, Sick Puppies, Devour the Day, Old National Centre, all-ages

NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // SOUNDCHECK // 21















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ARIES (March 21-April 19): By my estimates, 72 percent of you Aries are in unusually good moods. The world seems friendlier, more cooperative. Fifty-six percent of you feel more in love with life than you have in a long time. You may even imagine that the birds and trees and stars are flirting with you. I’m also guessing that 14 percent of you are weaving in and out of being absurdly, deliriously happy, sometimes without any apparent explanation. As a result of your generosity of spirit, you may be the recipient of seemingly impossible rewards like free money or toasted ice cream or unconditional tenderness. And I bet that at least ten percent of you are experiencing all of the above. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I am launching a campaign to undo obsolete stereotypes about you Bulls. There are still backwards astrologers out there who perpetrate the lie that many of you are stingy, stolid, stubborn slowpokes. As an antidote, I plan to heighten everyone’s awareness of your sensual, soulful sweetness, and your tastefully pragmatic sensitivity, and your diligent, dynamic productivity. That should be easy in the coming weeks, since you’ll be at the height of your ability to express those superpowers. Luckily, people will also have an enhanced capacity to appreciate you for who you really are. It will be a favorable time to clarify and strengthen your reputation. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Will Giovanni surreptitiously replace Allesandra’s birth control pills with placebos? Will Camille take a hidden crowbar to her rendezvous with the blackmailer? Will Josie steal Jose’s diary and sell it on eBay? Given the current astrological omens, you may have an unconscious attraction to soap opera-type events like those. The glamour of melodrama is tempting you. But I’m hoping and predicting that you will express the cosmic currents in less toxic ways. Maybe you’ll hear a searing but healing confession after midnight in the pouring rain, for instance. Perhaps you’ll break an outworn taboo with ingenious grace, or forge a fertile link with a reformed rascal, or recover a lost memory in a dusty basement. CANCER (June 21-July 22): All naturallyoccurring matter on earth is composed of 92 basic elements arranged in various combinations. Since some of these appear in trace amounts, they took a long time for humans to discover. In the 18th and 19th centuries, chemists were exuberant when they tracked down seven of the 92 in a single location: an underground mine on the Swedish island of Ytterby. That small place was a mother lode. I’m predicting a metaphorically similar experience for you, Cancerian: new access to a concentrated source that will yield much illumination. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The next four weeks will be an excellent time to upgrade your understanding of the important characters in your life. In fact, I suspect you will generate good fortune and meaningful synchronicities whenever you seek greater insight into anyone who affects you. Get to know people better, Leo! If there are intriguing acquaintances who pique your curiosity, find out more about them. Study the oddballs you’re allergic to with the intention to discern their hidden workings. In general, practice being objective as you improve your skill at reading human nature. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In 1787, English captain Arthur Phillip led an eight-month naval expedition to the southeastern part of the continent now known as Australia. Upon arrival, he claimed the land for England, despite the fact that 250,000 Aboriginal people were living there, just as their ancestors had for 2,000 generations. Two hundred years later, an Aboriginal activist named Burnum Burnum planted the Aboriginal flag on the White Cliffs of Dover, claiming England for his people. I encourage you to make a comparably artful or symbolic act like Burnum’s sometime soon, Virgo — ­ a ritual or gesture to assert your sovereignty or evoke a well-deserved reversal or express your unconquerable spirit.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The ancient Roman rhetorician Quintilian authored a twelvevolume textbook on the art of oratory. As ample as it was, it could have been longer. “Erasure is as important as writing,” he said. According to my reading of the astrological omens, that counsel should be a rewarding and even exciting theme for you in the coming weeks. For the long-term health of your labor of love or your masterpiece, you should focus for a while on what to edit out of it. How could you improve it by making it shorter and more concise? SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Do you know about the long-running kids’ show Sesame Street? Are you familiar with Big Bird, the talking eight-feet-tall yellow canary who’s one of the main characters? I hope so, because your horoscope is built around them. In the Sesame Street episode called Don’t Eat the Pictures, Big Bird solves a riddle that frees a 4,000-year-old Egyptian prince from an ancient curse. I think this vignette can serve as a model for your own liberation. How? You can finally outwit and outmaneuver a very old problem with the help of some playful, even childlike energy. Don’t assume that you’ve got to be relentlessly serious and dour in order to shed the ancient burden. In fact, just the opposite is true. Trust blithe and rowdy spirits. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your lessons in communication are reaching a climax. Here are five tips to help you do well on your “final exam.” 1. Focus more on listening for what you need to know rather than on expressing what you already know. 2. Keep white lies and convenient deceptions to a bare minimum. 3. Tell the truth as strong and free as you dare, but always — if possible — with shrewd kindness. 4. You are more likely to help your cause if you spread bright, shiny gossip instead of the grubby kind. 5. Experiment with being unpredictable; try to infuse your transmissions with unexpected information and turns of phrase. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The meaning of the Latin phrase crambe repetita is “cabbage reheated, twice-cooked.” I urge you to avoid partaking of such a dish in the coming weeks, both literally and figuratively. If you’re truly hungry for cooked cabbage, eat it fresh. Likewise, if you have a ravenous appetite for stories, revelations, entertainment, and information — which I suspect you will — don’t accept the warmed-over, recycled variety. Insist on the brisk, crisp stuff that excites your curiosity and appeals to your sense of wonder. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Here’s your mantra for the next three weeks: “I know what I want, and I know how to glide it into my life.” Say this out loud 11 times right after you wake up each morning, and 11 more times before lunch, and 11 more times at bedtime. “I know what I want, and I know how to glide it into my life.” Whenever you do this little chant, summon an upflow of smiling confidence — a serene certainty that no matter how long the magic might take, it will ultimately work. “I know what I want, and I know how to glide it into my life.” Don’t let any little voice in your head undermine your link to this simple truth. Lift your heart to the highest source of vitality you can imagine. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “We cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever,” writes Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami. “We must stand up and move on to the next action.” That’s your slightly scolding but ultimately inspirational advice, Pisces. According to my astrological analysis, you have done heroic work to identify and investigate your suffering. You have summoned a tremendous amount of intelligence in order to understand it and further the healing. But right now it’s time to turn your focus to other matters. Like what? How about rebirth?

HOMEWORK: Imagine you have time-traveled to one of your favorite places in the year 2020. What do you see? I’m at

NUVO.NET // 02.15.17 - 02.22.17 // CLASSIFIEDS // 23

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Greg, get yer eatin' britches ready.

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@bawsayson I now know what I want to do my entire birthday week

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