NUVO: Indy's Alternative Voice - October 25, 2017

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VOL. 29 ISSUE 33 ISSUE #1284



Fit back into your pants

IN THIS ISSUE SOUNDCHECK .......................................... 21 BARFLY ....................................................... 21 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY...................... 23


Becca Beckham





If you go into a dark Indiana bathroom and say “John Cougar Mellencamp” three times your life will go on long after the thrill of living is gone.

There’s a skeleton inside you right now.

On average, one person dies each year from getting hit by a blimp.

Katherine Coplen

Dan Grossman

Cavan McGinsie

Brian Weiss




ENGAGEMENT EDITOR @tremendouskat @nuvoartsdan @CavanRMcGinsie @bweiss14

Ted Cruz is younger than JLo.

All my favorite foods want to kill me.


The brain named itself.

Will McCarty

Haley Ward

Caitlin Bartnik

Kathy Flahavin





The fastest growing nail is on your middle finger.

There’s over 11,000 days left in Trump’s presidency.


Veseria across the pond






Your pet will scavenge you if you die.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales


David Searle

Vicki Knorr

Jessie Davis

Kevin McKinney







The Grim Reaper is undefeated.


Men are struck by lightning 7 times more than women.

Your dad is on Tinder.

FILM EDITOR: Ed Johnson-Ott, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: David Hoppe, CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Wayne Bertsch, Mark Sheldon, Mark A. Lee, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Rita Kohn, Kyle Long, Dan Savage, Renee Sweany, Mark A. Lee, Alan Sculley DISTRIBUTION SUPPORT: Mel Baird, Lawrence Casey, Jr., Bob Covert, Mike Floyd, Zach Miles, Steve Reyes, Harold Smith, Bob Soots, Ron Whitsit, Dick Powell and Terry Whitthorne WANT A PRINT SUBSCRIPTION IN YOUR MAILBOX EVERY WEEK? Mailed subscriptions are available at $129/year or $70/6 months and may be obtained by emailing // The current issue of NUVO is free and available every Wednesday. Past issues are at the NUVO office for $3 if you come in, $4.50 mailed. MAILING ADDRESS: 3951 N. Meridian St., Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46208 TELEPHONE: (317) 254-2400 FAX: (317)254-2405 WEB:

HARRISON ULLMANN (1935-2000) Editor (1993-2000) ANDY JACOBS JR. (1932-2013) Contributing (2003-2013)

COPYRIGHT ©2017 BY NUVO, INC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. ISSN #1086-461X

2 // THIS WEEK // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET



Want to see more Gadfly? Visit for all of them.




Mick Joest

She grew up in an Indiana town Had a good-lookin’ mama who never was around But she grew up tall and she grew up right With them Indiana boys on them Indiana nights

What’s the spookiest fact you know?

ALL PHOTOS are submitted by event organizers and venues or on file unless otherwise noted.

Insect population declined by 75 percent in Germany.

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JOHN KRULL is a veteran Indiana journalist and educator.


s the depressing saga of President Donald Trump’s pointless feud with the widow of a fallen solider and the congresswoman who is close to the soldier’s family has unfolded, I’ve been pondering the seemingly lost art of the apology. I’m not a member of the president’s unquestioning fan club, but I initially was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think Trump intended to insult the memory or sacrifice of Sgt. La David Johnson or make his widow, Myeshia Johnson, feel bad when he picked up the phone to make a condolence call. But that’s apparently what the president did. Maybe he did so because he has an empathy deficit. Maybe he had a bad moment and just framed his sympathies in a clumsy fashion. Maybe the grieving widow was in a state of heightened sensitivity. It doesn’t matter. A kind, wise and worldly man — in old-fashioned terms, a gentleman — would have realized when this blew up that an apology would be the appropriate response. “I’m sorry,” a gentleman would have said. “I meant no disrespect to your husband or to the sacrifice he and your family have made in defense of this country. The last thing I would want to do is add to your burdens during this time of sorrow. I, along with all other Americans, share your grief and honor your husband’s memory. Please accept my apologies for any offense I may have given you.” Yes, that’s how a gentleman would have handled it. Trump went another way. He lashed out first at U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Florida, and then suggested Wilson and Mrs. Johnson were lying. At the very least, the president’s response shows how limited his political skills are. Regardless of how sensitive the situation or sophisticated the challenge, Trump tries to turn everything into a street fight because that’s the only environment in which he feels comfortable. And he’s not savvy enough to realize that,

in a battle for public sympathy between a billionaire real estate developer and a grieving war widow, the widow almost always wins. But there’s something deeper going on here — a lack of basic moral awareness. Donald Trump just does not seem to understand that, even if you feel you might have cause, kicking good people when they’re down and hurting just isn’t right. He’s not alone in this, of course. I’ve known only a few political leaders in my career who could acknowledge that they’d made a mistake or given offense when they shouldn’t — and been willing to say they were sorry. My grandfather told me that any apology that includes the word “but” isn’t an apology. Instead, it’s an attempt to reposition for another line of attack in an ongoing dispute. A real apology acknowledges the feelings of the person who has been hurt or offended and expresses genuine regret for the harm done. Current Purdue University President and former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels comes to mind as someone who knows how to issue a real apology. Near the end of his governorship, Daniels said some intemperate things about people who questioned his infrastructure funding plans. He realized he’d gone too far. And he apologized. Mitch Daniels is not a man who enjoys making mistakes. He’s hard on himself when he does make one. It doubtless was not effortless for him to apologize, to acknowledge publicly he’d misspoken. But that’s as it should be. A real apology indicates the person apologizing feels pain or discomfort over causing another person pain or discomfort. It’s not easy to apologize, even if we generally do feel better after we say we’re sorry. It’s because it’s not easy to apologize that I’ve always respected Mitch Daniels for doing so. He could teach President Trump a thing or two. If Trump had apologized in this situation, he’d feel better. Sgt. Johnson’s widow, family and friends would feel better. In fact, the whole country would feel better. N For more opinion pieces visit

NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // VOICES // 3



VP TOUCHES DOWN BRIEFLY IN BROWN COUNTY Speaking of family: The VP touched down briefly in Indiana last weekend for wedding festivities in Brown County. Mike and Karen Pence’s son Michael married wife, Sarah Whiteside in December at the governor’s residence, but they celebrated with a reception in beautiful Brown County on Saturday, October 21. His trip to Indiana was slightly longer than his last stop, which was to walk out of a Colts game in his own anthem political protest. — KATHERINE COPLEN

WORST TWEET: @realDonaldTrump // Oct. 23 I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!


MIKE PENCE’S OLDER BRO GREG ANNOUNCES BID FOR INDIANA’S SIXTH DISTRICT There’s a new Pence in town. Greg, Mike’s older brother, just announced a bid for Indiana’s sixth district. That slot is currently filled by Luke Messer, who looks to challenge senior Senator Joe Donnelly in next year’s midterms — that is, if he survives the nasty primary he’s fighting with Todd Rokita. (Pence is also currently Messer’s statewide finance chairman.) Here’s some text from his announcement last week. “I joined the Marine Corps at a young age in 1979 in Columbus, my hometown. Once you experience serving your fellow citizens, your life changes – from then on, you’re always looking for a way to improve the lives of your neighbors. “I feel that same calling today to serve my country and the people of the Sixth District. “Here is what I want to focus on during our campaign: create jobs, grow our economy, protect our borders and provide for our fighting men and women – both during and after their service.” What does the VP think? A recent New Yorker article on Pence the Younger featured older bro Greg giving some colorful anecdotes about his former Gov. brother — including that his nickname used to be “Bubbles.” Hopefully this run includes more Pence anecdotes forthcoming from his older bro.

BEST TWEET: @bkravitz // Oct. 22 Colts have officially stopped chopping wood.

Indiana WIC Director Eldon Whetstone said in a statement. The WIC program serves low-income pregnant women and new mothers as well as infants and children up to the age of five who are at a health or nutritional risk. In 2017, WIC served an average of 145,000 Hoosiers monthly, and this app seeks to simplify the user experience. — THE STATEHOUSE FILE



JIM BAIRD ANNOUNCES BID FOR ROKITA’S SEAT Indiana’s fourth district has a new candidate. “There is a tremendous need for a common sense approach to fix the broken system in Washington. We need new leaders in Washington who will stand up for West Central Indiana and actually get things done for the American people,” stated Baird in a news release after his announcement last week. “We have real challenges facing our country and the career politicians in Washington have failed the American people with all talk and no action. President Trump needs reinforcements to pass his America First agenda and drain the swamp. I will stand with the President and fight to end the political class’ grip on power in Washington,” Baird stated. “I look forward to partnering with President Trump and Vice-President Pence to repeal Obamacare, reform our outdated and unfair tax code, and bring jobs back to America,” Baird concluded. Indiana’s fourth district is currently repped by Todd Rokita, who is battling Luke Messer in the primary race for Indiana’s senate seat currently occupied by Dem. Joe Donnelly. — BRIAN WEISS

LIMITED BUDGETS FORCE INDIANA PARKS TO SURVIVE ON USER FEES 28 state parks span Indiana, and with the majority of their operating budget coming from

4 // NEWS // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET


user fees, they are 77 percent self-sufficient. “A lot of these dollars that we do get go back into our budget with minimal support from the general fund,” said Paul Sipples, property manager of Versailles State Park. State parks and reservoirs are funded through the Department of Natural Resources, receiving about $9 million from the general fund, which are from tax dollars. The bulk of the budget comes from the special revenue fund, which is roughly $29 million from over the 2017-2018 fiscal cycle. Indiana is one of only 17 states that rely primarily on user fees to fund state parks, according to National Association of State Park Directors Annual Information Exchange. That puts Indiana in the company of Florida, Alabama and Wisconsin, among others. — MAKENNA MAYS

NEW APP MAKES INDIANA WIC MORE ACCESSIBLE A new app has been launched for the Indiana Women, Infants and Children program that will make it easier for clients to access nutritious food and other health benefits. “We are excited to see that WIC clients within our seven-county pilot downloaded the app more than 1,000 times in the first week and look forward to having more clients use it to simplify their WIC experience,”

Proposed legislation to control how local communities can regulate Airbnbs was put on hold Wednesday by the Interim Study Committee on Commerce and Economic Development. “The primary objective of this is a person’s homestead deserves protection and that person’s property rights deserve protection,” said Sen. Mark Messmer, R-Jasper. It comes after House Bill 1133 failed in the spring. The proposed legislation would have eliminated local bans on short-term rentals and the owners of rental property would have been required to hold liability insurance for third-party claims. The committee drafted a proposal which would have put restrictions on Airbnbs. But some committee members worried the proposal wouldn’t give local communities enough power to make decisions, which helped derail the proposed draft. “To pass a law that restricts every community, that’s why we have home rule so local communities can make the rules,” Sen. Tim Lanane, D-Anderson, said. “There are some communities where locals may have a proper reason that they need to control these matters.” But more than a half dozen Airbnb hosts testified in support of short-term rentals, saying they have positive impacts on the economy and allow for more people to visit the state. Messmer said because not everyone on the committee was present, the committee may reconvene at a later date to discuss the proposal and possibly vote. ­— ADRIANNA PITRELLI

JACK THE RIPPER IN INDIANA? H.H. Holmes’ great grandson investigates his ancestor’s bloody legacy BY BREANNA COOPER // ARTS@NUVO.NET


ctober 10, 1894: Howard Pitezel played in the yard of a rented home in Irvington while a trunk full of his possessions and a wood stove were delivered to the home. The 10-year old boy had no way of knowing that the delivery marked his last day on Earth. His guardian, Herman Webster Mudgett, alias H.H. Holmes, had a sinister plan to dispose of the boy. After killing Benjamin Pitezel, his partner in crime and the boys father, Holmes’ plan was to kill the remaining member of Pitezel family in an attempt to keep the secrets of his crimes hidden. With Howard’s sisters, Alice and Nellie Pitezel, holed up in the Circle House Hotel on Monument Circle, Holmes drugged and suffocated the boy before putting his body in the rented house’s wood stove. Holmes scattered the ashes of Howard Pitezel around the exterior of the property before fleeing with the Pitezel girls to Toronto, where they were murdered on October 25. It would be a year until the teeth, jawbone fragments and the stomach of Howard Pitezel would be discovered in the wood stove. Holmes, perhaps most well known for the construction of the “Murder Castle” in Chicago, was America’s first serial killer. The building, located at 63rd and Wallace, was a labyrinth of soundproof rooms, makeshift gas chambers and a basement used for dissection and stripping the bodies of unsuspecting guests down to a skeletons to sell to medical schools. Like something out of an Edgar Allan Poe novella, Holmes used the Castle to satisfy his bloodlust during the 1893 Chicago World Fair. A few years before the World’s Fair, a madman was terrorizing the streets of Whitechapel, London, too. Between 1888


to 1891, Jack the Ripper murdered and disemboweled at least five women. Despite numerous leads, Scotland Yard never found the killer, making the Whitechapel murders some of the most famous cold cases in modern history. Jeff Mudgett, the great-great grandson of H.H. Holmes, believes that the answer to this over 100-year-old mystery lies in his bloodline. After discovering the family secret at age 40, Mudgett dove into researching his ancestor, which initially bothered members of his family. “My family was dead set against it. Some of them were quite angry,” he said. “It’s taken me years to talk them into realizing that this isn’t something we should be ashamed of. It wasn’t a choice we made, it was the conscious decision of perhaps the most evil American that ever lived. We have an obligation of the unknown victims of Holmes to try and identify them and apologize,” Mudgett continued. “I think that’s my destiny. Also to stand up to the world and be proud of the fact

6 // THE BIG STORY // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

EVENT // The Devil in the Circle City WHEN // Oct. 21 - Nov. 8 WHERE // Bona Thompson Memorial Center TICKETS // FREE, times vary, all-ages

that, despite that gene, that chromosome that he passed down to me, my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, they were all great American citizens. Two were war heroes, one was a mayor in Florida. None of them even committed jay-walking. And I think that’s something to be proud of, and I like to look at it that way. Now my family has come along, and they’re fine with it.” Throughout the course of his research, the former trial lawyer found eerie similarities between Holmes and Jack the Ripper. His findings, as well as new information found during an extensive investigation, are featured in American Ripper, an eight-part documentary series on History Channel. Most notably, Mudgett, who will serve as Grand Marshall for this years Halloween

Parade in Irvington, and former CIA operative Amaryllis Fox debunked a long-held belief that the Jack the Ripper murders were random, opportunistic killings. On the contrary, working with crime historians in England, the pair found The Whitechapel murders were timed specifically to avoid police officers patrolling the areas. Further, several of the victims had organs removed, likely to be sold. Similarly, Holmes frequently dissected his victims, selling their organs and skeletons for money. Furthermore, Mary Jane Kelly, the last known Whitechapel victim, was the only Ripper victim that was murdered indoors. In the seclusion of Kelly’s lodging-house room, the killer had plenty of time to indulge his evil instincts, disfiguring the 25-year old woman beyond recognition. This M.O. is strikingly similar to Holmes’ crimes in the Murder Castle, where the seclusion provided him all the time he needed to dissect his victims. “I thought that’s where Amaryllis was just brilliant,” Mudgett said. “She’s one of the most intelligent human beings I’ve ever met. Her explanation of how the Ripper’s M.O. evolved into Holmes’ M.O. in the Murder Castle was brilliant.” A major piece of the puzzle in connecting Holmes to the Ripper lies solely in location. Any documentation placing Holmes in America between August of 1888 through November of that year would have been enough to stop the investigation in its tracks. However, while there was extensive documentation of Holmes in the United States in July of 1888, the next documentation pinpointing Holmes in Chicago wasn’t until April of 1889. Throughout their investigation, Fox found ship records and passenger manifests that showed an “H. Holmes” travelled by boat in May of

NUVO.NET/THEBIGSTORY 1889 from Liverpool to New York. At the very least, this was circumstantial evidence that Holmes was in England at the time of the Ripper murders. Their proximity wasn’t the only circumstantial evidence connecting The Ripper to Holmes, though. The “Dear Boss” letter, believed to have been written by Jack the Ripper was analyzed by forensic linguists, who believe that the letter was written by a scholarly American who was trying to pass off as British. The handwriting also proved to be similar to H.H. Holmes’. “The University of Buffalo, the Cedar-Fox corporation, agreed to run the ‘Dear Boss’ letter and a correspondence from Holmes to his lawyer, basically stating that he didn’t like London because he couldn’t find his favorite paper, The New York Herald,” Mudgett said. “When they ran it through their computer program, which is used by the FBI and the

CIA, they came back with an amazingly high number match between the two letters,” Mudgett said. “That’s when I knew we were on to something. Then, on the show, when the English linguists determined that ‘Dear Boss’ and ‘Saucy Jack’ had been written by a very literate American trying to sound English, when you mix that with early impressions from Scotland Yard while they were investigating crime scene, they thought they were dealing with an American doctor. If he was alive today, I know I have enough evidence to go to court and obtain an arrest warrant for him to stand trial for Katherine Meadows and Elizabeth Stride. Not the other three, I haven’t tied him to those. Would that be enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt? No, it’s not enough. But that’s when the machine would start.” One of the strongest links between Jack the Ripper and H.H. Holmes was found in Indianapolis. While filming American Ripper in Irvington, which included an

excavation on the grounds where Howard Pitezel was murdered, local historian Alan Hunter came forward with a box of items that belonged to H.H. Holmes that were left behind after the murder of Howard Pitezel. In the box were a set of English-made surgical tools, Holmes’ commencement program from his graduation from the University of Michigan, a photograph of Pat Quinland, an assistant to Holmes in the Murder Castle, and a tintype photograph of Elizabeth Stride: the third victim of Jack the Ripper. “When Alan brought the box to the set, I had never seen it before,” Mudgett said. “The knives that were in there, made in London, were incredible. The original picture of Pat Quinlan, his partner in crime, his documentation stating Holmes’ paying a bill at the University of Michigan, and then the tintype...the whole film crew went shocked silent. We were shocked, and then when we took that tintype to the facial rec-


NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // THE BIG STORY // 7

The Big Story Continued...







ognition specialists, when he came back with his numbers regarding her similarities to his photographs of Elizabeth Stride. Obviously, there are defense counsels around the country who could argue that we haven’t established a chain of custody of why that photograph was in that box,” Mudgett continued. “But, any reasonable person seeing that tintype with those other artifacts obviously connected to Holmes would have to acknowledge that this an amazing event in the Holmes/ Ripper investigation.” As for the surgical tools, Mudgett IMDBB VIA found it odd that Holmes’ used GE A IM London-made tools, as ex// R ports between America and London were rare at that time, and there would have been an abundance of American-made tools for Holmes to use. “He would have had access to American-made medical tools left and right,” Mudgett said. “I think he prefered English-made tools.” One of the next steps Mudgett plans to take to prove that his great-great grandfather got away with one of the most notorious crimes in history is to hopefully excavate 63rd and Wallace, where a federal Post Office now lays. While filming American Ripper, his request to excavate the former location of the Murder Castle was denied. “I’m going to take evidence of how professional, how scientific the exhumation [in Irvington] was done with History’s financial backing to Washington DC,” Mudgett said. “I’m going to explain to the administrators there that they made a mistake in denying us the right to excavate an American historical location where murders took place. A post office was built HALLOWEEN EVENTS

TUESDAY // 10.31

largely over the top of it when the Federal Government knew what they were buying, knew what happened on the property, and built the Post Office over the top without trying to identify the victims, which is a violation of federal law. I’m going to try to convince them to let us do it again, in the same scientific professional fashion that we did with the exhumation.” If Mudgett is able to get his request granted, a successful excavation, to his mind, would include the discovery of weapons or mementos that link Holmes’ to The Ripper. Another step Mudgett is planning to take is an attempt to prove another theory about his ancestor: that he escaped his own execution. Audiences saw the exhumation of Holmes’ Philadelphia grave on the finale of American Ripper. A DNA test found that the body found in the grave was a match to Mudgett’s DNA. “I had never seen any DNA test results when the statement was put across the TV,” Mudgett said. “So I made some inquiries, obtained about a week later some test results from King’s College in London, which at best was a partial match, and correlated more with the statements that UPenn had made to the Associated Press about the DNA having been degraded and worthless, as far as they were concerned, in identifying the cadaver.” If Mudgett’s theory is correct, he will have solved the most notorious cold case in history. If H.H. Holmes really was Jack the Ripper, that would mean that the same man who stalked the streets of Whitechapel in 1888, who terrified the public and defied Scotland Yard, also left his dark mark on Indiana soil in the fall of 1894.

The Haunted Angeles, E. Washington, all-ages Ganja White Night, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+ Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Kitchen, 21+

Hocus Pocus Dinner and a Movie, Thunderbird, 21+ Dave Muskett and Friends, Slippery Noodle, 21+ Indy Scream Park, all-ages

8 // THE BIG STORY // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET


ou may know him as the man that terrorized

used in his study back home to finish what he started

Chicago during the 1893 Chicago’s World

in class. Naturally a conman, Holmes was also known

Fair, or as the cunning con-man that charmed

to disfigure the cadavers in an attempt to claim

countless people out of their money — or, worse,

insurance over the unidentifiable corpses.

their lives. Herman Webster Mudgett, alias H.H. Holmes, was America’s first serial killer, and had ties to the state of Indiana.

4 // SOME BELIEVE THAT HE COULD HAVE BEEN JACK THE RIPPER If being America’s first serial killer isn’t a hei-


nous-enough title, some researchers believe that

In his hometown of Gilmantown, New Hampshire, a

modern history. A murderer dubbed Jack the Ripper

young H.H. Holmes would pass by the local doctor’s

terrorized the streets of London from 1888 to 1891, dis-

office every day on his way to school. Rumors,

emboweling an estimated five women in public spac-

spread by his schoolmates, that the doctor kept

es. Although many people were questioned in relation

preserved heads and organs in his cabinet terrified

to the crimes, no one was ever charged. Jeff Mudgett,

Holmes. After school one day, two boys dragged

the great-great grandson of H.H. Holmes, believes

a screaming 11-year old Holmes into the doctor’s

that his ancestor was responsible. After learning about

office and the doctor came rushing to Holmes’

his family history twenty years ago, Mudgett began

rescue. Ironically, historians cite this incident as the

researching all he could about Holmes, and discovered

beginning of Holmes’ fascination with anatomy

what he believes to be links between The Ripper and

and medicine. This fascination led him to conduct

Holmes. From boat liners found listing an “H. Holmes,”

his early medical experiments on salamanders and

sketches created from eye-witness testimony to a

frogs, before evolving to larger animals like cats and

Ripper murder, medical training apparent in the Ripper

rabbits, and eventually, other humans.

murders, and letters written by Jack the Ripper that

Holmes also perpetrated the most famous cold case in

forensic linguists believe prove the Ripper was an


American pretending to be British, Mudgett’s theory

Unsurprisingly, Holmes didn’t have many friends

Channel’s mini-documentary series American Ripper.

is getting a newfound attention thanks to the History

growing up. Spending most of his time “operating” his kills, including rabbit skulls and cat paws, with just


one person. Tom, an older boy from the neighbor-

In the fall of 1888, Holmes began constructing a

hood, was Holmes’ only real companion. Tragically,

three-story building at 63rd and Wallace in Chicago.

Tom fell to his death from an upstairs landing while

The building wasn’t finished for six months, largely

exploring an abandoned house with Holmes.

because Holmes hired more than 500 men to work

on living animals, Holmes shared his souvenirs from

on the building. Most were fired after a few weeks on


the job, likely to keep builders in the dark as to the

In 1882, Holmes enrolled in the University of Michi-

the first floor consisted of shops, and the third office

gan’s Department of Medicine and Surgery. During

space, the second floor was nothing but rooms for

his time at the college, where he graduated from in

rent, which Holmes used to systematically murder

1884, Holmes regularly took his work home with him.

anyone who checked in. With soundproof rooms,

The eager medical student reportedly took cadavers

doors that locked from the outside, and gas pipes

Freaky Tiki hosted by Rita Ora, Tiki Bob’s, 21+ Low Pone Queer Dance Halloween Party with Auntie Christ and Mary Fagdalane, The Hi-Fi, 21+

Musica Fabula Halloween Special Edition, White Rabbit Cabaret, 21+ Nightmare on Edgewood, all-ages Necropolis: City of Perpetual

sinister plot that they were helping to play out. While

Darkness Haunted House, Dark Armies, all-ages Headless Horseman, Conner Prairie, all-ages Hanna Haunted Acres, all-ages

Historic Underground Railroad Ghost Walk, Westfield, 6+ Beats and Freaks, Melody Inn, 21+ Halloween Party, Tappers, 21+

NUVO.NET/THEBIGSTORY that were controlled from Holmes’ office on the third

Benjamin Pitezel, Holmes quickly became a celebrity

floor, unsuspecting guests didn’t stand a chance

from his jail cell. With journalists coming to hear his

against Holmes. After knocking them unconscious in

story, and having access to pens and paper, Holmes’

the gas chambers disguised as hotel rooms, Holmes’

wrote his memoir and final confessions while in jail. In

dumped their bodies through a greased chute, a fea-

his writing, Holmes confessed to murdering 27 peo-

ture of all the rooms, that led to the basement. There,

ple. However, several of the people he named were

his victims were dissected and their corpses thrown

alive and well at the time of his execution. On the day

in a vat of acid. It is believed that many of Holmes’

of his hanging, May 7, 1886, Holmes reportedly told

victims in the “Murder Castle” wound up having their

the executioner: “Take your time, old man.” And, he

skeletons sold to medical schools, making it impos-

did. While death is typically instant during a hanging,

sible to adequately estimate the number of people

due to the neck breaking, Holmes’ neck never

Holmes killed. Beyond that, the hotel was open for

snapped. Instead, witnesses to the execution report-

business during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, which

ed him twitching for 15 minutes. He was pronounced

drew over 750,000 people. Newspaper reports from

dead 20 minutes after the trap had been sprung.

the period that Holmes resided in Chicago estimate that around 800 women went missing.

8 // HIS FINAL WISHES SHOWED PARANOIA Although he wasn’t perturbed by senseless violence


or dissecting bodies, one thing really freaked out

Not only did Holmes kill the 10-year old son of his

would be dug up after his death (maybe disfigured

partner-in-crime on Indiana soil, he also married

and used for insurance fraud?), Holmes had very

two Hoosier natives. Well, not exactly. Holmes never

specific instructions for his interment in Holy Cross

officially divorced his first wife, Clara Lovering, so his

Cemetery in Philadelphia. Holmes’ coffin was laid

other marriages weren’t legally binding. Nonetheless,

in the middle of two plots that he purchased. In the

Holmes met Emelind Cigrand, a 24-year old stenog-

event that a grave-robber was able to find his grave,

rapher from Lafayette and quickly hired her as his

despite not having a headstone, Holmes requested

private secretary. They were engaged by December

that his coffin be buried under 10 feet of concrete.

of 1893, although Holmes had no intention of going

The odd request was granted, and Holmes’ grave

through with the ceremonies. Holmes locked Cigrand

was left undisturbed….until earlier this year, when

in a walk-in vault and sat outside the door, listening

his body was exhumed for DNA testing for Ameri-

to her cry for help until she eventually suffocated. It

can Ripper.

H.H. Holmes: grave-robbers. Fearing that his body

is believed that Holmes sold her skeleton to a local

Holmes’ path. Not only did she survive, she played a


key role in putting Holmes behind bars after a lifetime

Known as the “Holmes’ Curse,” peculiar incidents

of fraud and murder. Yoke, a native of Franklin,

resulted in the deaths or misfortune of those who

testified against Holmes after he became the sole

participated in the last days of H.H. Holmes. The trial

suspect in the murders of three children of Benjamin

judge nearly died from an unexplained illness, the

Pitezel, Holmes’ partner-in-crime and one of his many

superintendent of Moyamensing Prison committed

victims. Despite Holmes’ argument that Yoke couldn’t

suicide, the jury foreman died in an electrocution,

testify against her husband, Yoke discovered the man

a man who testified against Holmes died of blood

who she thought was her husband was still married

poisoning, and a priest that attended Holmes’

to the woman he married in 1880, and needed no

execution and who provided spiritual counsel was

persuading to take the stand. Yoke’s testimony that

found beaten to death in the street.

medical school. Holmes’ third “wife,” Georgianna Yoke, was far luckier than most women that crossed

Holmes rushed to leave Philadelphia on the night that secure a guilty verdict, and Holmes was sentenced to


hang in the gallows of Moyamensing Prison in 1896.

Beyond the heinous murders that he committed in

Benjamin Pitezel was killed helped the prosecution

the 36 years he lived, Holmes was also a notorious


con man. Could he have pulled off the greatest con

After being sentenced to hang for the death of

public, a theory exists that Holmes walked away.

of all time? Despite the execution being open to the

NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // THE BIG STORY // 9

The Big Story Continued...



nce October rolls around, our taste in

through the rest of fall and who knows, maybe


and team allow real people to share their absolutely

podcasts, and books, and movies, songs and

you’ll get so wrapped up in these stories that you’ll

There are tons of real life mysteries in the world,

terrifying stories. A new episode is coming twice a

become a subscriber, just like us.

and as the old saying goes, truth is stranger than

week through Halloween and every single one has

fiction. This award-winning podcast dives into the

been spine-tingling.

beers begins to gravitate towards the weird, the twisted … the otherworldly. And we know we’re not alone. You just finished re-watching Strang-


world of folklore and presents many of the mysteri-

er Things and now Screamin’ Jay Hawkins is on

This podcast snuck on the scene about as quickly

ous stories from our history.

repeat, isn’t he?

as it snuck out. Crafted by film school grads it plays

Host Aaron Mahnke leads us through the stories

TANIS Crafted by the same team behind The Black Tapes,

out like your favorite scary movies, and we have to

behind many of our most well-known folkloric crea-

and playing out in a very similar style, Tanis carries

spooky podcasts to binge-listen to while sipping

admit, we thought it was true-life for, like, the first

tures like vampires, witches and werewolves. But

us through the woods into a world of madness

spiked apple cider around a campfire.

three episodes.

he also sheds light on many stories that aren’t so

and mystery. Host Nic Silver (played by Terry

prevalent in popular culture like wendigos, Spring-

Miles) starts off on a journey fueled by the esoter-

heeled Jack and changelings.

ic writings of real-life occultists Aleister Crowley

So here are seven creepy, weird and all around

It follows a journalist named Lia Haddock as


she looks into the dark past of a town (actually a

We kick off this list with a relative newcomer to the

neuroscience research station) in Tennessee named

podcasting game. The Black Tapes launched in May

Limetown, where suddenly overnight a group of

Mahnke doesn’t seem to buy into the supernatu-

2015, but it has quickly became a benchmark in the

300 people simply disappeared.

ral aspects and is more interested in the history

Set in the woods of the Pacific Northwest in

and facts of these folklores — though he doesn’t

search of a mythical (insert noun) that lives there

world of fictional storytelling podcasts — and yes,

Haddock meets with weird, intriguing and some-

The best part of this podcast is the fact that

and Jack Parsons to answer one central question: What is Tanis?

it is fiction. We say this because much like Pacific

times scary people to try and figure out exactly

outwardly dismiss the otherworldliness either. And

and is shrouded in mystery, this podcast uses

Northwest Stories’ other podcasts, it plays out in a

what happened at Limetown and where those 300

with over 70 episodes to listen to and a new TV

many bits and bites of reality like the strange case

Serial style, with a seemingly real journalist inter-

people, including her estranged uncle disappeared

series that just premiered on Amazon Prime, you

of Elisa Lam, The Markovian Parallax Denigrate

viewing people and doing work in the field.

to and, even more importantly, why they vanished.

have plenty of catching up to do.

and 9/11 conspiracies, to weave itself into some-

The Black Tapes follows host and journalist Alex

It is only six full episodes long, which means it’s

thing that feels like fact. But there are enough

Reagan on assignment speaking with a Dr. Richard

really easy to binge-listen and then you can join the

Strand. Strand studies the paranormal and does his

rest of us in waiting for the forthcoming novel that will

SNAP JUDGEMENT PRESENTS: SPOOKED Snap Judgement is an incredible storytelling pod-

best to debunk it, but, of course, there are a few

stand-in for season two.

cast and in this special spin-off, Glynn Washington

Lovecraftian bits to make sure we recognize the fictionality of the story.

cases he can’t quite explain and those are all found


in his Black Tapes.

If there were an end-all, be-all of spooky podcasts,

Similar in style to The X-Files, this podcast is

it would be Welcome to Night Vale. At one point

presented case-by-case (or tape-by-tape) even

it was the most downloaded podcast, even higher

though many of the same characters and sinister

than NPR shows like This American Life.

beings come back into play like a Slenderman-like

People fucking love this show. And though

creature named the Shadow Man (a.k.a. Tall Paul).

it is a little hard to get into, especially with the format of a monotone radio broadcaster telling


the news and strange events of a town named

We first found this podcast after one of its broadcasts

Night Vale, if you stick with it you just may find

was used in Snapped Judgement Presents: Spooked

that you can’t stop listening.

and the tale about a phantom bar in the middle of no-

Filled with oddities, conspiracy theories and

where in Wisconsin, was absolutely the most unique

bits of humor delivered in host Cecil Gershwin

ghost tale we’ve had the chance to hear.

Palmer’s deadpan delivery, Night Vale spreads out

Since then we’ve been diving into Harold’s vast

before you and you can’t help but think “What

collection of creepy, paranormal stories — literally

the hell is going on here?” and also, “Why can’t

12 years worth of stuff — and it is an absolutely

I approach the dog park?” “Who are the hooded

stunning and unnerving collection of stories.

figures?” “Fuck that barber for cutting Carlos’

Unlike many other podcasts, not every episode is available for free, but there are plenty to get you

10 // THE BIG STORY // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET


stunningly, beautiful hair.” And it just gets weirder from there.




wilight in Southside Indianapolis. I’m waiting outdoors in the VIP line for the door to open on Nightmare on Edgewood, which markets itself on its website as “Indy’s most intense haunted house.” I’m here because I’m trying to get a sense of what draws people to attractions like this, I suppose. It’s not my first visit: I had met with the owners a few hours earlier and they had given me a lights-on tour. They encouraged me to come back after dark, so here I am. Let’s just say this isn’t the type of thing I typically do on a given Friday night. Waiting with me are Darlene Fox and Jason Hyde, residents of the Little Flower neighborhood in Indianapolis. “We won our tickets in a raffle,” said Hyde. “It was the Shocktoberfest in Irvington a festival of short films.” Like Fox and Hyde, I’m just a little older than what seems to be the typical haunted house ticket holder. If there’s one demographic that seems overrepresented here, waiting in line, it’s teenage girls. A group of five people from the regular line, where it seems about 100 people are waiting, is let in before us. And then it’s our turn to be led into the first of the three attractions. And the first of these is called “Midnight Double Feature.” A Nightmare staffer beckons us to a broken-down movie theatre facade with the lettering “EDGEWOOD” up on the marquee. But we’re not going through the front door. Instead, we’re going through the back. As soon as I walk through the door, there’s smoke and laser light and a mini-Dracula on a tricycle comes riding out. And then a guy dressed like the clown from the film It. This is all too much for a young girl with long straight blonde hair as wispy as corn silk; she tells me that she wants to go


EVENT // Nightmare on Edgewood WHEN // Through Nov. 4 WHERE // 6004 Camden St. TICKETS // various times, $25 - $40, 13+ recommended

back — she’s truly freaked out. I lead her back past Pennywise and past Dracula on a tricycle to the entrance where I explain the situation to a staffer who’s probably seen this type of thing a hundred times before. “We’ll take care of her,” the woman says. And then I go back past Pennywise and past Dracula on a bike … and then I catch up with Fox and Hyde. Another freaked out teenage girl has attached herself to Jason Hyde’s back like a mussel to a bayside rock, putting her head down between his shoulderblades. “Please, mister, I’m sorry, I don’t know you,” she says, whimpering a little. What follows, then is a sort of whirlwind tour of imagined horror film sets of the past 30 years. We passed through a bloody kid’s bedroom inspired by Annabelle (2014). There’s more sets inspired by the Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street films. Some of the kids going through the

haunted house don’t look like they’re much older than 10, and that’s what accounts for a lot of the screaming I hear. A teenager in whiteface comes out with a fake chainsaw. Did I mention the gurneys with foam mannequins drenched in fake blood? A Jason-type with fake chainsaw pretends to cut people as we pass. There’s another foam cadaver in a chair but this one looks like he came straight out of a Francis Bacon painting. And then Freddy makes an appearance with his razor hand, and he rubs his faux-razor hand on passersby. And then we enter into a room inspired by that classic movie Saw; there’s a big guy in a bloody lab coat attending to his work hanging bodies (foam bodies) from the ceiling. And then we’re outside once again, with two attractions — each in separate buildings — to go; Insanity and Carnival. Insanity. This attraction’s less about the gore, more about disorientation. Insanity offers shock walls, ankle ticklers, walls of black fabric that close in on you as you walk that make me feel that I was back in utero, among other features. At one point in the middle of Insanity Continues on pg. 13

NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // THE BIG STORY // 11

The Big Story Continued...



he top ten scariest movies of all time was

what you see on video and at revival theaters. Those

do. But it’s just so damn unlikely, you’re lulled into

supposed to be the Top Ten Horror Movies of

26-minutes-worth of footage are still missing.

complacency just like the siblings were.

friends, it what clear that there was confusion over



what qualifies as horror. However, it was clear that

Remember when director Wes Craven and writer

After watching Michael Myers get clobbered for the

they understood what scary was. Welcome to the new

Kevin Williamson unleashed Scream on the world?

umpteenth time, I heard myself shout, “Oh for god’s

title, the scariest movies of all time. I’ve incorporated

Their twist was the inclusion of a character that

sake, just die already!” I was in a second-run house

a few quotes from those who contributed to my initial

understood the rules of slasher movies and tries to

on the Southside, the only time I’ve ever yelled

request (which garnered almost 200 responses in five

enlighten his friends (to no avail, natch’). Well-cast

at the screen before. I was just so tired of it. Who

minutes). It’s clear we’re scared of all kinds of shit.

and fast-paced, Scream was clever and scary and

all time. But after I posted a query to my Facebook

lots of gristly fun. And the opening scene with Drew

1 // JAWS


would have guessed that he would become the king of a long list of murderous dullards?

Barrymore is killer.


What? How can you call Jaws the scariest movie of all time? When it was released in June of ‘75, Jaws


Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster, Ted Levine – what

created a sensation from coast to coast. TV reporters

If you haven’t seen James Whales’ version of Mary

great performances. Everything works in this movie

didn’t have to look far to find someone announcing

Shelley’s Frankenstein, go do it right now, and get

and the scary factor is off the charts. The attack on the

that, having seen the movie, they would be steering

Whales’ Bride of Frankenstein while you’re there.

guard stands out, along with every interview scene

clear of the ocean this summer… and maybe for many

Both films are amazing, and scary as can be. And

with Jodie Foster’s character and Anthony Hopkins.

summers to come. Heck, when the inevitable sequel

while you’ve got two films already, I would take a

Of course, there’s the murders. And other murderers’

was released, its tagline was “Just when you thought

look at Gods and Monsters, about Whales’ creation,

murders. Remember the scene in the elevator with the

it was safe to go back in the water...” The original Jaws

and how he tries to handle his affection for a local

is a ripping good action-adventure, a drama leavened

laborer. Now you’ve got three films to watch.


with humor and the scariest movie I’ve ever seen.

collection of FBI agents and Jodie Foster where the full conversation occurred above her head? She was treated by the tall people like how most kids are treated on

6 // ALIEN

Take Your Child To Work Day. But Jodie won out.

2 // THE EXORCIST (THE ORIGINAL VERSION) Oh, what a creepy movie. The Exorcist was scary as

In its baby form it goes down your throat, where it grows in your torso. When it’s ready, it bursts out


hell, and just plain gross, climbing into the darkest

of your chest and skitters away while you scream,

Another group of crazy killers. Even better; it’s a

parts of your mind to exploit your fears of religion

bleed, convulse and die. And that’s just one of things

family. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre set the stan-

and ritual. At stake, the soul of a little girl and

it does. Alien has a great cast, including a standout

dard for blunt, relentless horror. Many have tried, but

possibly the souls of those trying to save her. The

Sigourney Weaver, clad in space workwear and a

Leatherface remains an icon in the realms of horror

special effects were sickening and spot-on. Oh, the

determined attitude. As for its scary status, pretty

baddies. He’s one of several characters that was

things they put young actor Linda Blair through. I

much the whole film is a scary scene.

appreciated what they were doing, and could hardly

based on real-life’s Ed Gein. ALIEN // IMAGE VIA IMDB


Honorary Mentions from NUVO’s readers: After

Here it is, the mack daddy (I don’t know what that

seeing The Blob as a child, Terri was so scared


means, but it sounds good) of all zombie flicks.

that she constructed an anti-Blob fort. Ed Wenck

In 1932, Tod Browning made a morality story about

George Romero’s 1968 movie reflects its time,

reported he and his kid brother stayed way too

a beautiful star of a carnival who runs afoul when

while its bargain basement look made it look even

late one Halloween and saw The Blob and couldn’t

the “freaks” (many played by real people working

scarier. The most terrifying scene in the film takes

sleep for a week. Brad Keen also championed The

in circus sideshows) discover her wicked plan with

place in broad daylight, as a man off in the distance,

Blob, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jaws, Evil Dead II,

another performer. The film is based on a 1923 short

walking funny, heads towards a brother and sister

Nosferatu and, of course, Manos: Hands of Fate!

story by Tod Robbins. 26 minutes worth of cuts were

visiting their parents’ graves. Regardless of whether

Wayne Bertsch named Frailty as his pick. It nearly

made after initial previews, and the film had to be

you’ve seen the film before, that film still continues

made my list as well. Ava Bellomy’s favorite is The

submitted twice to the New York Board of Censors

to give you the creeps in a major way. As you see

before it was released. The 64-minute version is

him getting closer, you know what he’s intending to

wait for the damned movie to be over.

12 // THE BIG STORY // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET


Birds. Many others mentioned this one as well.

NUVO.NET/THEBIGSTORY Continue from pg. 11

I’m distracted by my smartphone. I’m entering my password when an employee/monster chides me sternly, “Turn that phone off, and put it in your pocket. If you want a light, go to the Children’s Museum.” It’s indeed scary to see how dependent I am on my devices. A particularly humorous passage in my journey comes as the group I’m with going in circles in the blacked-out maze. After about five minutes of this confusion, the employees-in-monster-drag drop character and lead us toward the maze exit. These monsters would prefer that we not be crushed to death, after all. The next attraction, Carnival, is totally hip with the times. It’s big on clowns and environmental devastation. But like I said, I know what I’m getting into because I’d seen everything before, because I’d met with the Nightmare owners earlier in the day. Paul Cook, 38, close-cropped and clean

shaven, co-owns Nightmare on Edgewood with his brother Kevin, 31, who has a Fu Manchu-type beard and mustache. It was Paul who met me at the Nightmare ticketbooth. Both he and his brother had grown up with Nightmare on Edgewood. “My brother and I were down here when we were little with our dad, who worked Little League down here,” said Paul. “He would come down and volunteer his time. We would work behind the scenes grabbing ankles, reaching through walls. Things like that. As we got older, we got to work inside the haunt. And actually when my brother was in college, they actually brought him back to help design. And now he is really the brains behind the operation. I do most of the building stuff, most of the gory stuff. All that stuff you saw there all came from inside him.” Nightmare on Edgewood began its existence on Oct. 1, 1978, and was operated by the Edgewood Little League as their

fundraiser. After the EAA board shut down the program, the Cook brothers bought the operation in 2009 and resumed operations. Every year the Cook brothers and their team completely rebuild the attractions, starting from the idea to the build: each year they come up with completely new attractions to keep things fresh. Speaking of this, they do have two trailers with Escape the Room-type attractions, if you want to add a little extra to your ticket price. I wondered what attractions they might have next year. Nightmare at the Korean DMZ? Trump Steak Dinner at the White House? Actually, I wouldn’t hold my breath for any of the aforementioned imagined attractions. I have a feeling that people are attracted to haunted houses like Nightmare on Edgewood because they are an escape from the infinitely-more scary reality of our times. Nightmare on Edgewood is neither of the

Cook brothers’ sole source of income, but neither of them are morticians or doctors. Paul Cook is actually a firefighter; every third day he works a shift, while Kevin owns a pool company. The Cooks actually have four firefighters on staff who work to build the sets and have EMT training for the minor injuries that might happen. There are at least three firefighters at Nightmare each night. Which brings me to this caveat for people who view their personal space as sacrosanct: if you don’t want to be touched, I would recommend not going. I was touched or grabbed several times by monsters on the Nightmare payroll. And while they were professional about it, and while I wasn’t bothered by it, I know not everyone feels this way. “Be prepared to be touched, be prepared to be scared,” Paul Cook told me, when I asked him what advice he had for patrons. N


Come see us & save! 3616 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, 46201 1201 E. Prospect Street Indianapolis 46203 NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // THE BIG STORY // 13




EVENT // Dracula, Ballet Theatre of Indiana WHERE // Athenaeum TICKETS // Cabaret table seating $25


Ballet Theatre of Indiana spins 360s around your expectations CATHERINE JUE AND STIRLING MATHESON //



tirling Matheson, who performs Dracula in the eponymous Ballet Theatre of Indiana production running this weekend at the Athenaeum, can spin a mean 360 — as both a ballet dancer and car driver. In 2011, he aced the 360 degree turn in a Ford Focus at the Ford Proving Grounds in Ann Arbor, Michigan, when he was working as an automotive journalist. What was his secret to success? “I attribute it to a dancer’s turn. You leave the head in the same spot for the first quarter of the turn and then whip it around so your head is stationary for 80 to 90 percent of the time that you turn,” he says. “And I did that while in my car, turned around, and it helped me keep my bearings not getting dizzy.” That might sound out of the box in the way of background for a ballet dancer. But consider that for a significant portion of Dracula, the dancers will be engaged in swordplay, albeit with blunt machetes, onstage. So this perfor-

mance, running Oct. 27-29 at the Athenaeum, just might be a little out of the box too. (And you can count on BTI’s upcoming performance of Nutcracker to have more aggressively fought battle scenes than your run of the mill performance — again with real swords.) The ballet is based on Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula: it has been performed elsewhere as a classical ballet, but BTI’s artistic staff set their choreography. There is a raw physicality, evident in the Dracula rehearsals, that you might not see in all ballet performances. And that physicality commences from the get go: “Right after Jonathan Harker [dancer Simon Pawlak] arrives at Dracula’s Castle in the first act, he’s shown to his quarters and then three of Dracula’s brides show up and immediately set to seducing him so they can drain all of his blood,” says Matheson. “That dynamic has been really interesting to choreograph and

14 // STAGE // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

also really difficult because there’s 16 limbs to contend with all intertwined with one another. I have an idea of where they are and where they’re going to and every time I try to figure out how they need to get there, I’m just trying to untangle all of these limbs.” But all that’s just a warmup for what happens in the bedroom of Mina (Catherine Jue). That’s where Dracula enters and, after a pas de deux between them, he drinks her blood. It was Matheson along with his wife Sabrina who founded BTI in 2014. Matheson grew up in Fairfax, Calif., and studied with Nadya Zubkov at Arizona School of Classical Ballet before attending Butler University where he earned a B.A. in Dance in 2009. That’s where he met his wife Sabrina Lane (now Matheson), who was getting a B.F.A. in Dance Performance. Together, they serve as the joint artistic directors of BTI. Cole Companion, like Stirling Matheson, also spent time in California. Companion,



EVENT // Cabaret Poe, Q Artistry WHERE // Circle Center Mall TICKETS // $15-$20

who is Ballet Master and Technical Director of BTI, dances the part of Dr. Abraham Van Helsing in Dracula. He was formerly soloist with Bay Point Ballet in San Francisco as well as soloist for Oakland Ballet . Companion’s been with BTI since the first season, and moved out to Indianapolis before the beginning of the second. Companion — who choreographed Dracula along with Matheson — wanted, he says, to be part of something new. “If you’re somebody who has a vision for an organization and if you want to start it and build it and make it grow, it’s a lot harder to do in San Francisco,” Companion says. “The rent is extremely expensive; there aren’t as many patrons as you would think…You wouldn’t start your own farm on a paved road. You’d start your own farm where the land is fertile and that’s what Indianapolis is... And the amount of wonderful training; we’ve got Butler; we’ve got IU, we’ve got the top training schools right here in Indianapolis.” And they’ve got Holliday Park. This is where Stirling Matheson, putting on his director’s cap, filmed choreographer Sarah Farnsley’s Absolution among the ruins with BTI dancers. A screening and benefit will be held at Prime 47 in Carmel on Nov. 5. BTI rehearse at Performer’s Edge in Carmel (Matheson can practice his 360s in the roundabouts on the way to work). They are a nonprofit currently operating under the umbrella organization Fractured Atlas, so they can accept tax deductable donations while awaiting their 501(c)(3) status. The BTI principals want a sustainable business model for their company — currently funded by ticket sales and donations — which is not particularly heavy on administrative staff. In fact, there isn’t really a line between dancer and administrative staff at BTI. Dancer Audrey Robson, for example, also is the director of public relations. The question on the minds of the BTI founders was: “How do we design a company so people are paid for things we do so you’re not working 35 hours a week for literally nothing?” Companion explains. “Which is what most ballet companies do especially if you’re a trainee or an apprentice or whatnot. We make up for it by not having a $60,000 a year marketer on staff.” N




WHAT // Chris Coake & Lori Rader-Day, Kellogg Writers Series WHERE // Schwitzer Student Center



WHAT // Ann Katz Festival of Books WHERE // Jewish Community Center TICKETS // On sale now

A NEW TAKE ON THE GREATEST Jonathan Eig’s new Ali bio paints a portrait of a complex man BY DAN GROSSMAN // DGROSSMAN@NUVO.NET


onathan Eig’s new book Ali: A Life is the first complete, unauthorized biography to be published on Muhammad Ali. It is an unvarnished portrait of the American icon, from his birth in Louisville, Kentucky. in 1946 to his death in 2016. Eig describes Ali’s great fights in detail, such as his first fight with Sonny Liston. He also thoroughly details Ali’s strained relationship with Malcolm X, his controversial stand on the Vietnam War, and his attempts at an image makeover from the ‘70s onward. A New York Times bestselling author, Eig has previously published biographies on Lou Gehrig and Al Capone. His journalism has been published with The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Chicago magazine among other publications. He will appear at the Ann Katz Festival of Books at the Arthur M. Glick Jewish Community Center on Nov. 1. I talked to Eig by phone on Sunday, Oct. 22.

DAN GROSSMAN: I learned in your book that if Muhammad Ali didn’t get his bike stolen, he might not have become a boxer. Can you elaborate on that a little? JONATHAN EIG: He was a kid who loved attention but he wasn’t very good at school. He would later find out that he was dyslexic. And one day when he was 12, he was riding his bike and it started to rain and he ducked inside and when he came back out the bicycle had been stolen. And he went looking for a policeman and happened to find a police officer who was teaching kids to box. And it was his first exposure to boxing, his first time trying it and he fell in love with it instantly. And it’s one of those crazy instances of something really amazing coming out of a bad break. Kid gets a bike stolen and it changes his life.

DAN: Do you have any idea why Ali had such enormous confidence as a child? After all, he was growing up in the Jim Crow South.

JONATHAN: Well, for one thing, you need some time to pass. You can’t really put a life into historical perspective until some time has gone by. And for Ali, it’s been 50 years now since since he emerged and since he made his most important contributions to society. So I think that’s part of the reason. And I think that a lot of people who were covering him, sports writers who were covering him in the ‘70s and ‘80s, were too close to the story to write the big book. DAN: Ali, it seemed, in the book, was less

JONATHAN: Yeah, that’s one of the great questions; what gave him so much confidence. He had a mother who loved him. He had a father who he felt like he needed to prove himself to, and then when he discovered boxing, he discovered that he had a natural talent. He was really, really good at this thing and it just came naturally to him. And he loved the attention. So I think that it lit a fire in him.

he became an important person on the American scene.

DAN: If you had to choose one pivotal fight

DAN: There were a number of revelations in

that immortalized Ali as a boxer, what would it be if it’s even possible to do that? JONATHAN: Well there were so many important fights, but probably the one I would pick is the first Sonny Liston fight. Because that’s when he really established himself. First of all it really proved that he could fight. And then he declared that he was becoming a Muslim and soon after that he announced that he was changing his name [from his birth name Cassius Clay]. And soon after that he declared that he was not going to follow the rules that white society expected him to follow, that he was going to do as he pleased. And I think that was really his emergence, the moment that

this book for me like Ali going to Lebanon to try and free hostages in 1985. I didn’t know about that. And the cold shoulder he gave to Malcolm X after he left Nation of Islam. Were there any revelations in writing this book for you? JONATHAN: Oh, endless revelations. There was so much about Ali I didn’t know, that even aficionados didn’t know. He was a very complicated guy. He was incredibly famous so we heard from him all the time. But we seldom got beneath the surface and understood what was really going on in his mind and in his life.

WHAT // Jonathan Eig, author of Ali, A Life WHEN // Wed, Nov. 1, 7:00 p.m. WHERE // Arthur M. Glick Jewish Community Center TICKETS // $10

DAN: Why do you think no one’s written a complete, unauthorized biography before?

willing to talk about some of the more controversial aspects of his past after 9/11, but do you think he’s somewhat complicit in the sanitized version of him that we see often now? Like his standing in the popular imagination for peace, love and consumer products as you say in the book? JONATHAN: I think he gets some of the responsibility for that because in the ‘70s he tried to make himself more commercially appealing; he stopped picking fights; he endorsed Ronald Reagan and really went out of his way to stop ruffling feathers. So he gets some of the credit or the blame for that. But a lot was beyond his control too because by the time he was in his 50s and 60s he wasn’t speaking very much and we as a society used him to kind of reflect whatever we wanted to see reflected.

DAN: Do you think of Ali and the controversies he was involved in when you see, say, Colin Kaepernick in the news? JONATHAN: Yeah, no question that Ali is the godfather of this movement that we’re seeing now. He was one of the first athletes to say just because I’m an entertainer, just because I’m a performer, doesn’t mean that I’m going to keep my mouth shut and he fought for the right to speak out and now we’re seeing that battle being fought again in the NFL and with other athletes. N NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // BOOKS // 15


NEW RESTAURANT // Burger Study WHERE // New burger spot from the peeps behind St. Elmo’s Steakhouse COST // $$

EVENT // Flanner Farms/Brandywine Creek Farms Fall Festival WHERE // Flanner House WHEN // Oct. 28, 12 - 6 p.m.


We spent a week with HercuLean meal prep to get into our pants again BY CAVAN McGINSIE // CMCGINSIE@NUVO.NET




t’s hard to stay fit in my line of work. Hell, it’s hard to stay fit in most any job that keeps you sitting behind a computer screen. Add to that the fact that food is amazing and it’s no easy feat to turn down a box of Long’s Donuts or a giant, crispy burger from Workingman’s Friend and it’s no surprise that people have trouble choosing to live a healthy lifestyle, even if eating and drinking literally isn’t in their job description. But, the fact remains, we have to make hard choices if we want to live a long and active life. And while it’s not necessarily easy, there are ways that we can make it easier for ourselves. That is where a relative newcomer to the Indianapolis food landscape comes in: HercuLean Meal Prep. HercuLean just opened a retail store on Indianapolis’ Northside, just east of Keystone at the Crossing, and once you step through the doors, the small team there makes sure you feel welcome and they’re excited to help you on your journey towards health. Ben Canary, one of the co-founders, knows just how important and also how difficult that journey can be, because HercuLean began when Ben and his brother Nate decided they needed to change their own lives. “It started over a year ago at my

brother’s house,” Ben says while giving me a quick tour of the new space. “It was just us trying to get in shape. And all of our friends noticed us getting in shape” — Nate lost 45 pounds and Ben lost 60 — “and they asked us to make them meals too.” And so they did. From there, the business grew, the meal options expanded and now it’s their full-time gigs. So, to combat a year full of burgers, pizza and beer (Thanks, Indy Food Weeks), I decided to try it on for size. Ben helped pick out a various array of options for me to take home. He suggested eating four meals a day, suggesting that the more HercuLean you eat, the more change you’ll see. I decided to just do two meals a day, which seems pretty reasonable for most anyone. HercuLean’s meals are very high in protein and offer plenty of veggies and grains. Ben says each meal has a cup of high-fiber veggies. “High fiber affects the way that the carbohydrates in the meal get absorbed into your body, if there is no fiber and it’s a higher glycemic carbohydrate, your body gets a blood sugar spike, your body releases insulin and stores that extra sugar as body fat.” So, over the past five days I’ve eaten

16 // FOOD+DRINK // 10.25.17 - 11.02.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

WHAT // HercuLean Meal Prep WHERE // 3832 E. 82nd St.

turkey meatballs, chicken and lentils, pesto chicken, a cod burger and much more. In those five days the only extra physical activity I’ve taken is doing a mile-and-a-half run through my neighborhood in the evenings. And change? Yeah, it happened. I feel better. My runs are getting easier day after day. I’m sleeping better. My guts hurt less — something that I deal with pretty regularly. And the biggest and most noticeable change for me? My girlfriend just bought me pants a few weeks ago and I was planning on taking them back to the store and getting a size or two up because I couldn’t button them. I’m wearing them right now as I type this. That makes me feel good. Now, I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been entirely easy. While these meals are good, and I can tell just how great they are for me, they’re not the greatest meals I’ve ever had. And if you go into something like this thinking that they will be, then you will be sadly disappointed. But, for a truly healthy meal, they’re pretty fantastic. That said, I definitely wanted to pick up Some Guys Pizza last night. Another issue I’ve had, based mostly

my own decisions, is I don’t always want to go home at lunch and cook a meal in my oven that takes 30 to 40 minutes. So even though Ben points out that they are best in the oven, the meals are microwaveable. (But I don’t use microwaves — nutrients can be depleted, and food always tastes better out of the oven. But, if you do, then these will be more convenient for you). I’ve also found myself adding a couple dashes of sodium-free hot sauce in my meals, just to spice up the flavor a bit. It’s not that they’re not flavorful, but I enjoy a little more heat in my meals. Not all of them needed it, like the turkey chili (my favorite, followed closely by the curry tilapia). But, these little setbacks pale in comparison to the change I’ve felt just eating these for five days and that is something I have to say I’ve never felt before on any of the different diets I’ve done. While I personally can’t switch my entire diet over to HercuLean Meal Prep — I’m a food and drink writer, remember? — I plan on sticking with it for about half my meals a week, because it works. I feel better than I have in a long time. Ben says that when they started making the meals, he couldn’t even run a full mile, now he looks like a bodybuilder. I couldn’t fit in my new pants, and now I can. N

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EVENT // Lalah Hathaway WHERE // The Egyptian Room at Old National Centre TICKETS // On sale Oct. 13




EVENT // Above & Beyond WHERE // The Egyptian Room at Old National Centre TICKETS // On sale now


Yes, their van was peed on


ndy four-piece Veseria hit the UK for their first overseas tour earlier this month. NUVO asked them to keep journal entries during their Spark Joy Indie Invasion tour so our readers could experience a wee bit of that UK magic, too.

OCTOBER 10, LIVERPOOL We arrived at Liverpool today at 2:00 p.m. Checking into the hotel, we met with our local promoter and all-around Swiss army knife of a tour manager Olga Bogdanova. Olga’s positivity is unwavering and unstoppable. Combining her energy with the rest of our support staff — Indianapolis-based photographer and UK driving all-star, Tim McLaughlin and Mama-Bear to us all, Katelyn Chovanec — we had a team assembled that would handle anything that came our way. Studio2, like the name may suggest, was originally a recording studio. Built by Phil Collins in the ‘70s to capture the drum sounds for future Genesis records it was the location where Coldplay recorded their first three albums as well as other giants such as Black Sabbath, Moby and Bjork. The control room now hosts a full bar and the resonance room, a stage and dance floor. It was here that Veseria would play our first show in the United Kingdom. Our local support for this show, Seegulls, is a five-piece rock band from Chester, England. While still very young, the skill with which they perform their live show is more reminiscent of the veterans of the Seattle psych rock revivals

of the ‘90s. In recent years, so much of the excitement we’ve felt in this band has been based around industry contacts we’ve made or show-turnouts but tonight we felt the inescapable thrill of pure, incendiary live rock and roll. They were absolutely incredible. On Day 2, we spent the afternoon in Liverpool. We traveled through its metropolitan city center to find the legendary Cavern Club. Here on Mathew Street is the only place you find the scattered landmarks of rock and roll’s greatest manifestation, The Beatles. While the Beatles may be the only thing we knew about Liverpool coming into this town, it seemed to be only a footnote to the locals. This place proudly recognizes itself as the city the Beatles came from, not the city that came from the Beatles. Entering the club, we ran our fingers against the graffitied stone walls. Just four musicians dreaming big. Like that’s never happened before in this space.

OCTOBER 11, SHEFFIELD Sheffield is a college town first and foremost. On a Wednesday night there was a sea of people stumbling from club to club and back. It was a shitshow in the most endearing sense. Drag queens, women in fox-hunting coats, and drunks pissing and vomiting on our van were all on full display. It was in this field of chaos that we took the stage for the second time at West Street Live. Local promoter, Mat Hume grabbed a microphone and wails, “...this is a night where you can plot a murder or start a

18 // MUSIC // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET

religion but no one really cares about that because this is the time to listen to live music! ladies and gentlemen, please go absolutely offyour-tits crazy foooor veserriiaaa!!!” After the show, WSL turned into a raucous party. We met young people thirsty for music and experience. They were the kindest and most generous fans we’ve ever known. As we closed down the bar, students and young adults filtered into cabs and trolleys to venture home having lived a little larger for a night.

OCTOBER 12, GLASGOW The drive from England to Glasgow is the most inspiring drive I’ve ever taken. The rolling hills and grazing fields of highland cows make a four-hour drive feel as if it were a quick trek up the road. For the first time, our van was silent in a quiet awe of this new land. No life stories shared on this drive like so many others. We were writing ours together silently. Our show tonight was at a bar called Slouche in the basement of a late 19th century building in the heart of the city. While we were instrumentally stripped down for this set, Glasgow was our rowdiest and wildest night yet. As our set progressed we began pulling out bigger

and more ambitious songs from our catalog and the crowd dove deeper and deeper in. After our show, we secluded ourselves to a booth to drink and eat some much needed comfort food. It took no time for us each to be sucked into various groups of locals in conversation and merriment. It would be nearly morning before we found each other again.

OCTOBER 13, NORTHWICH Every time on this trip we told someone we were playing in Northwich, they responded with absolute confidence, “You mean Norwich.” We did not. For reference, it would be like a British band coming to the states and saying, “We’re playing Friday night in Pittsboro.” “Oh, you mean Pittsburgh” “No. I mean Pittsboro.” In Northwich, we would be sharing a bill with the death folk trio The King’s Pistol at The Salty Dog. As far as we could tell, it was the only business open in town after 9:00 p.m. Naturally, as dusk fell the locals instinctively spilled in and the bartenders began their familiar ritual


of pouring beer after beer. The raw aggression of the King’s Pistol sent a wave of boot-stomping energy through the crowd. It’s always intimidating following an act like that — especially on their home turf. As they ended their set with a wall of sound that more closely resembled the final note of a Metallica concert than what you would expect from a folk trio, my stomach grew uneasy. By the end of our second song, “Let’s Burn Some Bridges,” there was almost no chance of knowing where the band ended and the audience began. We pushed harder and they returned our fury tenfold. By the end of our final song, the air was thick with sweat and smelled of musk and beer. As a rock musician, this is everything you hope for in a show: a band, not of four, but of a hundred. For a moment they were no longer spectators, but active participants. Tomorrow will be our final day in this country. Our spirits are high and our hearts are full.

the time we loaded on stage, we were over an hour behind when we were supposed to have started our set. We finished a rushed line check and the engineer said, “Welp. Whenever you’re ready”. We looked across an empty, silent room; defeated in what our final show would be. It was in this moment that Kyle did what Kyle does best. “What’s the first song?” “Under the Influence.” “K. Hold an E chord until the room packs in. We’ll start when the rest of the show gets here.” The thunder shook the dust from the ceiling. We held that note for only a matter of seconds until the doors swung open and they arrived. Our band was complete and the show could go on. It was the perfect end to the most imperfect tour.

OCTOBER 15, MANCHESTER AIRPORT OCTOBER 14, DONCASTER At local radio station SINE FM today, we exchanged greetings with local DJ Mark Kelly. Mark has the biggest personality and warmest heart of anyone I’ve met. We laughed as we recounted stories from the tour and shared the joys of living in Indianapolis. At the end of the interview, he guided us to a room full of meat pies and local treats. Our bellies and souls were full making our way to our final stop on this tour: Doncaster’s Vintage Rockbar. Upon arriving to the venue, we were met with a perfect storm of logistical issues. By

This tour was so much more for us than any others we have embarked on. Of course it was exciting and fresh but also familiar. We met people from other parts of the world who were bound together by the common thread that only loud, wild rock shows can pull out into the light. The sound of an electric guitar knows no language or cultural barriers in these spaces. The passion of song has no nationality or citizenship. Every night villages were created before our own eyes. And we knew what it was to not own our music but to share in it equally with our sisters and brothers of this world. N




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@theponyindy NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // MUSIC // 19

KYLE LONG is a longtime NUVO columnist and host of WFYI’s A Cultural Manifesto.




f rock and roll had an equivalent of the best supporting actor award, David Crosby would have a mantle full of them. Throughout his career Crosby has been content to share the spotlight, and his talent, with fellow musicians. While Crosby is best known for his groundbreaking work with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame acts The Byrds, and Crosby, Stills & Nash, he’s capable of manifesting profound creativity on his own. Just listen to his 1971 solo debut If I Could Only Remember My Name. At 76, Crosby could easily coast on his past achievements. No one would blame him for that. Instead, he’s plunged head first into one of the most fertile periods of his storied career, including a solo renaissance. Over the last three years he’s issued three superb collections of (mostly) original songs. And it’s his solo revue, David Crosby and Friends, that brings him to the Palladium on Saturday, Nov. 4.

KYLE LONG: You released your debut solo LP If I Could Only Remember My Name in 1971 on Atlantic Records. That album has become a great favorite of mine. There’s a magical quality to that record. Several tracks feature wordless vocalization, which at times can feel very experimental, yet always remains rooted in the fantastic melodies you were creating.

DAVID CROSBY: I’m very proud of that record. I think it’s a very good record. That was a time when Jerry Garcia and I were very close. He was there every night, and we wound up making that record pretty much together all the time, and I loved it. I dearly, deeply loved making that record, because I was just doing what felt good.

Atlantic Records. I’m calling you from Indianapolis, and on that record you recorded the song “Through Your Hands” by the great Indianapolis singer-songwriter John Hiatt. DAVID: Oh boy, what a great song. … I think he’s one of the best songwriters in the country. He has been for a long time. I think he’s absolutely fucking terrific.

KYLE: There’s another composition off If I

KYLE: You’ve released just six solo studio LPs over the course of your 50-plus year career, and the last three albums have arrived within the last three years. Do you have a sense of what’s driving this burst of creative energy? DAVID: I think it’s two things. One is getting out of CSN. CSN had devolved to the point of just turn on the smoke machine and play your hits. We didn’t like each other, we weren’t friends with each other. It wasn’t any fun. So it wasn’t an encouraging space for music. When I left CSN I felt a great deal of freedom, and a great deal of encouragement. I had a big head of steam built up. That all come out in this trifecta of records. It happened in a pretty short amount of time, and there’s another one brewing. The other thing is writing with other people. I’ve been writing with some stunning people, like Michael McDonald. I’m also writing with my son James all the time, and he’s writing spectacular music. I think that’s

Could Only Remember My Name I wanted to ask you about, a protest song titled “What Are Their Names.” That song feels very relevant today. DAVID: It’s telling the truth. That’s its real strength. It’s absolutely true. The thing that is amazing about it is that it’s even more relevant now than it was when I wrote it. It is exactly about what is wrong with this country today, that corporations own our government and that’s wrong. Our congressman and senators are for sale, and they’re all bought. So they represent the people who paid them the money, not us. That’s a complete mess. It’s killing our country and doing us in. It’s killing our democracy. By the way, I sing that song every night. I sing it every night I perform. It doesn’t matter what band, or what organization, or what place, or what concert — I sing that song.

KYLE: I want to skip ahead to your third solo LP Thousand Roads, released in 1993 on

upped my ante, being willing to write with other people who are talented and who also bring a lot to the party.

KYLE: Your latest LP is Sky Trails, and there’s a great protest song on the album titled “Capitol” which comments on the horrible political age we’re all suffering through. Throughout your career you’ve written songs voicing your concerns about the state of the world, and I’m curious how you view the role of protest music both personally, and for society at large. DAVID: We come from troubadours in the Middle Ages in Europe. That’s where folk music came from, and folk music begat rock and roll, which begat singer-songwriter music. Our job, back then, was to carry the news from town to town. Our job was to sometimes be the town crier and say, “It’s 12 o’clock and all’s well,” or, “It’s 12 o’clock and you just elected an imbecile to be president of the country and all is not well. It’s fucked up.” That’s not our main job. Our main job is to make you boogie, or take you on voyages. But part of our job is to be witness to what’s going on around us. So when you get something that’s as egregiously bad as this congress, which has the lowest approval rating congress has ever had in the history of the United States and they richly deserve it, you sometimes have to take notice. You have to write it down and say, “Hey motherfuckers, you’re not doing the job!” That’s basically it. N




20 // MUSIC // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET





A Cultural MANIFESTO explores the merging of sounds from around the globe with the history of music from right here at home.


ARTIST // Jessie Ware ALBUM // Glasshouse LABEL // PMR / Island

ARTIST // Circuit Des Yeux ALBUM // Reaching for Indigo LABEL // Drag City

WEDNESDAY // 10.25

THURSDAY // 10.26

THURSDAY // 10.26

FRIDAY // 10.27

FRIDAY // 10.27

SUNDAY // 10.29

MONDAY // 10.30

Mutemath 7 p.m., Old National Centre, all-ages

Postmodern Jukebox 7 p.m., Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts, all-ages

Flogging Molly 8 p.m., The Vogue, 21+

Trombone Shorty and Orleans Ave. 8 p.m., Old National Centre, all-ages

Buckingham McVie 7:30 p.m., Old National Centre, all-ages

Bob Dylan and Mavis Staples 7:30 p.m., Indiana University Auditorium, all-ages

Insane Clown Posse performing The Great Milenko 6 p.m., Emerson Theater, all-ages

members, but the same

This is one set of You-

what’s also good? Their live

Blue Note Records recently

Mac, but it’s not quite not

Did you know Bob Dylan

Mutemath you love will tour

Tube stars that won’t be

shows, always.

signed this New Orleans

Fleetwood Mac. Chris-

proposed to Mavis Staples

ICP’s ‘97 album The Great

through Indy supporting

disappointing when you

artist; Troy Andrews (a.k.a.

tine and Lindsey are the

back in the ‘70s? Here’s what

Milenko went platinum —

new record Play Dead.

see them live — and you

Trombone Shorty) has

headliners here, but Mick

she told The Guardian: “I

that is, after being pulled

know you want to see Scott

dropped 10 or so records as

Fleetwood and John McVie

often think about what would

from shelves hours after

Bradlee’s vintage covers

a leader and played sideman

appear on the album that

have happened if I’d married

release after criticism by the

collective go retro on Lady

on a huge number of records,

corresponds with this tour,

Bobby, though. If we’d had

Southern Baptist Church and

Gaga tracks.

including some unexpect-

too. No Stevie, though.

some little plum-crushers,

being dropped by Disney.

ed country records with

how our lives would be. The

Island re-released it, it went

LeAnn Rimes on a tribute to

kids would be singing now,

plantinum, and now 20 years

Motley Cue and with Bone

and Bobby and I would be

later, ICP is revisiting it with a


holding each other up.”

full album tour.

Halloween Havoc with Brother O’ Brother, Veseria, Autumn Androids, Fountain Square Brewing Co., 21+ Moonlight Madness, Mousetrap, 21+ Hippo Campus, Old National Centre, all-ages MeWithoutYou, Pianos Become The Teeth, Strawberry Girls, The Hi-Fi, 21+

MONDAY // 10.30

SUNDAY // 10.29

See Halloween listings on page 8

WEDNESDAY // 10.25

FRIDAY // 10.27

Blues Jam with Jon Strahl, Slippery Noodle, 21+ Why Not Wednesdays, Zonie’s, 21+ False Ragu III, Pioneer, 21+ Pigpen Theatre Co., David Luning, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Savage Wednesdays, Tiki Bob’s, 21+ Under the Influence Showcase, Fountain Square Brewing Co., 21+ Let’s Be Leonard, Melody Inn, 21+

Wolf Skin, INGHOSTS, Rattle Snake Mafia, Hellraiser, Pyrrhonist, Aforethought, Hoosier Dome, all-ages Augustin Hadelich, Hilbert Circle Theatre, all-ages The Charles Walker Band, Birdy’s, 21+ Rod Tuffcurls and The Benchpress, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+ Lee Ritenour, Jazz Kitchen, 21+ Big 80s Band, Britton Tavern, 21+ Sean Imboden Trio, Pioneer, 21+ Ultraviolet Hippopotamus, Bad Dagger, Mousetrap, 21+ Night Train with DJ Action Jackson and DJ Limelight, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Joel Levi Album Release Party, River Thief, The Hi-Fi, 21+ Colt Ford, 8 Seconds Saloon, 21+ Baila Con Los Muetros, The Vogue, 21+ Burlesque BallyBoo, White Rabbit, 21+ Ellusion, The Cellmates, Slippery Noodle, 21+

THURSDAY // 10.26 The Main Squeeze, The Bluebird (Bloomington), 21+ Jets to Brazil Tribute, Brian Jonestown Massacre Tribute, Bizarre Noir, Melody Inn, 21+ Altered Halloween, Masquerade Ball with Govinda, Mousetrap, 21+ Max Allen Band, Union 50, 21+

These Celtic rockers’ latest is Life Is Good. You know

They’ve recently lost a few

Complete Listings Online:

#Laid Fridays with Slater Hogan and Cadillac G, Tiki Bob’s, 21+ Annual Melody Inn Halloween Tribute Night, Queens of the Stone Age, Genesis, Journey, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Melody Inn, 21+


It’s not quite Fleetwood

SATURDAY // 10.28 Blues Revelators, The Warrior Kings, Slippery Noodle, 21+ American Bombshell, Creeping Charlie and The Boneyard Orchestra, Civil Chief, Radio Radio, 21+

Barb Wire Dolls, Svetlanas, 57, Melody Inn, 21+ Pig’s Blood, Nak’ay, No Funeral, Cronus, State Street Pub, 21+ Spellbound DJ Dance Night, Pioneer, 21+ Lit, Tiki Bob’s, 21+


Home Sweet Home, Save the Lost Boys, Sorry Moms, Voices, The Day After, Hoosier Dome, all-ages Transylvania Hell Sounds, Stackhouse, Melody Inn, 21+ 4th Annual Do Good Stuff Concert, The Rathskeller, 21+ 4 String Jam Band, Centerpoint Brewing, 21+ Phil Pierle and Friends, Slippery Noodle Inn, 21+ Tank, Old National Centre, all-ages Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors, Old National Centre, all-ages

Trevor Sensor, Poolboy, The Bishop (Bloomington), 18+ Molly Brule, Coal Yard Coffee, all-ages Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt, Clowes Memorial Hall, all-ages Gene Deer, Slippery Noodle, 21+

TUESDAY // 10.31

WEDNESDAY // 11.1 Lords of Acid, Combichrist, Christian Death, En Esch, Wiccid, The Vogue, 21+ Savage Wednesdays, Tiki Bob’s, 21+ Leadrs, Arc Flash, Melody Inn, 21+ Kacy and Clayton, The Bishop (Bloomington), 18+ Happy Hour at the Symphony: Mashupalooza, Hilbert Circle Theatre, all-ages David Archuleta, The Hi-Fi, 21+

NUVO.NET // 10.25.17 - 11.02.17 // SOUNDCHECK // 21



Fr ee w












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22 // CLASSIFIEDS // 10.25.17 - 11.01.17 // 100% SUSTAINABLE / RECYCLED PAPER // NUVO.NET




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ARIES (March 21-April 19): I share Vincent Van Gogh’s belief that “the best way to know life is to love many things.” But I also think that the next twelve months will be an inspiring time for you to be focused and single-minded in your involvement with love. That’s why I encourage you to take an approach articulated by the Russian mystic Anne Sophie Swetchine: “To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.” Halloween costume suggestion: a lover celebrating a sacred union to the love of your life, to God or Goddess, or to a symbol of your most sublime ideal. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Yes, We Have No Bananas” is a silly novelty song that became a big hit in 1923. Its absurdity led to its wide use for humorous effect. For example, on the kids’ TV series The Muppet Show, puppets made out of fruits and vegetables sang parodies of the tune. That’s why I find it droll that the “No Bananas” songwriters stole part of the melody from the “Hallelujah Chorus,” the climax of classical composer George Handel’s religious oratorio Messiah. I’d love to see you engage in comparable transmutations, Taurus: making serious things amusing and vice versa. It’s a time when you can generate meaningful fun and playful progress through the art of reversal. Halloween costume suggestion: a tourist from Opposite Land or Bizarro World. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the next two weeks, you may have to navigate your way through careless gossip, distorted “facts,” superficial theories, hidden agendas, fake news, and official disinformation. To prevent problems in communication with people who matter, take advantage of the Halloween spirit in this way: Obtain a bicycle helmet and cover it with aluminum foil. Decorate it with an Ace of Clubs, a red rose, images of wrathful but benevolent superheroes, and a sign that says “No Bullshit Allowed.” By wearing this crown, you should remain protected. If that’s too weird for you, do the next best thing: Vow to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and ask to receive the whole truth and nothing but the truth. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Watch out for a fake pizza-delivery driver who’s actually trying to issue you a legal summons. Be careful you don’t glimpse a blood red sky at dusk, in case it’s a prophetic sign that your cell phone will fall into a toilet sometime soon. Beware of the possibility that a large bird carrying a turtle to its nest accidentally drops its prey into a rain puddle near you, splashing mud on your fancy clothes. JUST KIDDING! All the scenarios I just described are stupid lies. The truth is, this should be one of the most worry-free times ever. You’re welcome, of course, to dream up a host of scary fantasies if you find that entertaining, but I guarantee that they’ll be illusory. Halloween costume suggestion: an indomitable warrior. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What is the material object you want most but don’t have? This is an object that would serve your soul’s highest purposes, although not necessarily your ego’s. Here’s another question: What evocative symbol might help keep you inspired to fulfill your dreams over the course of the next five years? I suggest that you choose one or both of those things to be the inspiration for your Halloween costume.

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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Did you get a chance to go to circus school when you were a kid? How about magic school? Or maybe detective school or time-travel school or superhero school? Probably none of the above, right? Much of your education revolved around what you HAD to learn rather than what would be fun to learn. I’m not saying it was bad you were compelled to study subjects you felt ambivalent about. In the long run, it did you good. But now here’s some sweet news, Virgo: The next ten months will be a favorable time to get trainings and teachings in what you YEARN to learn. Halloween costume suggestion: a student.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Now is an excellent phase in your cycle to scour bathrooms, scrub floors, shampoo carpets, and wash windows. But the imminent future will be an even more favorable period to purify your motivations, tonify your emotions, purge your less-than-noble agendas, calm down your monkey mind and monkey heart, disinfect the moldy parts of your past, and factcheck the stories you tell about yourself. So which set of tasks should you focus on? It may be possible to make great strides on the second set as you carry out the first set. But if there’s not enough time and energy to do both, favor the second set. Halloween costume suggestion: a superhero who has wondrous cleaning powers; King Janitor or Queen Maid. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “You never sing the same song twice,” said chanteuse Billie Holiday. “If you sing it with all the same phrasing and melody, you’re failing your art.” That’s an extreme statement, but I understand what she was driving at. Repeating yourself too much can be debilitating. That includes trying to draw inspiration from the same old sources that have worked in the past. I suggest you avoid this behavior in the coming days. Raise Holiday’s approach to a universal principle. Fresh sources of inspiration are available! Halloween costume suggestion: a persona or character unlike any you’ve ever imagined yourself to be. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): How can you enjoy the lavish thrills of rebirth later unless you die a little inside now? It’s the trickiest phase of your cycle, when your energies are best used to resolve and graduate from the unfinished business of the last ten months. I suggest that you put the past to rest as best as you can. Don your funniest sad face and pay your last respects to the old ways and old days you’ll soon be leaving behind. Keep in mind that beauty will ultimately emerge from decay. Halloween costume suggestion: the mythical phoenix, which burns itself down, then resurrects itself from its own ashes. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): There are no such things as magic healings and miraculous redemptions and impossible breakthroughs. Right? Hard evidence provided by science precludes the existence of exotic help coming from spiritual realms. Right? Well, no. Not right. There is in fact another real world that overlaps the material world, and it operates according to different laws that are mostly imperceptible to our senses. But events in the other real world can have tangible effects in the material world. This is especially true for you right now. Take advantage! Seek practical answers and solutions in your dreams, meditations, visions, and numinous encounters. Halloween costume suggestion: white-magic sorcerer or good witch. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Many years from now, in your last hours on earth, you will have visions that show you how all the events in your life were crucial to your life story. You will understand the lesson that was provided by each twist and turn of your destiny. Every piece of the gigantic puzzle will slip into place, revealing the truth of what your mission has been. And during that future climax, you may remember right now as a time when you got a long glimpse of the totality. Halloween costume suggestion: the happiest person on Earth; the sovereign of all you survey; the wise fool who understands yourself completely. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You might be able to pass for normal, but it will be better for your relationship with yourself if you don’t. You could try to tamp down your unusual urges and smooth your rough edges, but it will be smarter to regard those urges and edges as fertile raw material for your future happiness. Catch my drift? In the coming weeks, your main loyalty should be to your idiosyncratic intelligence. Halloween costume suggestion: the beautiful, interesting monster who lives in you.

HOMEWORK: Name your greatest unnecessary taboo and how you would violate it if it didn’t hurt anyone.

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